Registration of an internal passport of the Russian Federation according to a foreign passport. Obtaining an internal passport of the Russian Federation using a foreign passport of the Russian Federation

The standard procedure for issuing an identity card for trips abroad assumes that the applicant has the main - general civil - document. But what if the situation requires a reverse action: how to get internal passport Russian Federation on the passport of the Russian Federation? In fact, this practice is quite common, and therefore can be separated into a separate procedure with a number of features.

The opportunity to become owners of a Russian identity card was mainly received by those persons who international passport received at the diplomatic mission Russian Federation abroad, the Russian Foreign Ministry or at the consulate. Most often, the document bears the appropriate name - "consular" or "diplomatic".

This right of a citizen who permanently resides or previously lived outside of Russia, and now arrived here to receive a Russian-style certificate, is officially spelled out in clause 29.1 of the Administrative Regulations of the FMS of Russia under number 391.

Important: as a separate reason for carrying out this procedure, the specified regulation does not fix the basis in question. Rather, he classifies it as a special case, which involves obtaining a Russian internal passport "for the first time."

List of grounds

Obtaining a Russian passport using a Russian foreign passport is possible only for those persons who previously did not have the first document, but due to various circumstances arrived on Russian territory and intend to issue it. The situation could go like this:

  • the applicant entered the citizenship of the Russian Federation abroad, where he was issued foreign document RF to enter the country and obtain a general civil certificate;
  • the applicant is not a person of foreign affiliation, but lived abroad for a long time, during which he was issued a passport of the Russian Federation as a result of entry into Russian citizenship;
  • the applicant lived in Russia until November 28, 1991, and then went abroad with a USSR passport without receiving a Russian identity card, but was only documented by a Russian foreign passport at the Russian embassy;
  • obtaining an internal passport of the Russian Federation using a foreign passport of the Russian Federation is also possible when the applicant was a citizen of Russia, but went abroad with his parents before reaching his 14th birthday, and therefore, apart from a foreign passport, he had no other document.

Conclusion: for the implementation of this procedure, two circumstances are decisive - the presence of a Russian foreign passport and the fact that the applicant has never had a general civil document.

Obtaining an internal Russian passport using a foreign passport is not possible if the applicant has a Russian passport even with an expired one or was lost.

Where and what to contact

The procedure we are studying can only be carried out on Russian territory. The Migration Service has been appointed as the authorized body on this issue. It is necessary to submit an application to its branch, which is located in the region of registration of the applicant. If the applicant does not have one, the law does not exclude the possibility of filing an application at the place of actual residence.

In addition, you can apply for a Russian passport at any Multifunctional Public Service Center. The place of registration and registration do not matter. The only exceptions are Moscow and the Moscow region.


So, how to get a Russian passport using a Russian passport. To do this, you need to prepare the following package of papers:

  • Foreign identity card available. If you provide it, it is not possible, for example, due to loss, then you can apply for it on the basis of any other papers that can confirm the necessary information. These include:
  1. any national documents;
  2. birth certificate;
  3. certificate of marriage or its dissolution;
  4. military ID;
  5. trade union certificate;
  6. work book;
  7. a certificate confirming the release from places of detention;
  8. pension certificate;
  9. driver license.

In such a situation, the GUVM will simply make a request to the Russian Foreign Ministry to confirm the fact of extradition in due time this person foreign document. At the same time, the fact of the loss of the latter should not affect the timing of the issuance of a general civil certificate. As an option for establishing the identity, testimonies can be used.

  • Registration of a Russian passport using a Russian foreign passport will require a certificate that was issued to the applicant at birth. In its absence, you should contact the registry office to restore the form. If the applicant was born abroad, it is sufficient to provide other documents, such as a marriage certificate.
  • Statement.
  • 2 photos.

If certain marks need to be put in the new general civil document, then the package should be supplemented with children's birth certificates and a document on registration or divorce.

All papers drawn up in foreign language, are subject to translation certified by a notary public.

Terms of receipt

Registration of an internal passport of the Russian Federation according to a foreign passport should not take more than 30 days. This rule applies to all persons, regardless of whether they have registration in the region of circulation. Moreover, according to the Administrative Regulations, the registration of citizens on the basis of a foreign document is not allowed. This provision is spelled out in the second paragraph of clause 18 and in paragraph 5 of clause 28 of the said Regulations.

This means that the bearer of a foreign certificate cannot be registered, and therefore cannot count on the issuance national document within 10 days. To confirm his identity, the applicant may ask to issue him a temporary certificate, for which you need to bring another photo.

Difficulties in obtaining a passport

Obtaining an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation using a foreign passport does not exclude the occurrence of some difficulties. There are a number of reasons for this. For example, an insufficient regulatory framework for resolving this issue or a contradiction to each other of some existing acts.

It is also necessary to take into account the poor training of officers of the migration service in solving problems of this order, which entails their unwillingness to engage in this procedure at all. For his part, the applicant is also not always sufficiently aware of his rights.

It should be remembered here that the presence of a Russian-style foreign document in the applicant's possession is already the basis for carrying out this procedure. It is quite enough to establish the identity and confirm citizenship.

If the employees of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs assure you that there is a need to conduct checks that may slow down the process of issuing a passport to you, keep in mind that you are faced with the incompetence of officers.

Grounds for refusal

The Migration Service can refuse to issue the necessary document for internal use only in the absence of:

  • international passport (with the exception of cases of its loss or abduction);
  • statements;
  • photo;
  • duty paid receipts.

A violation of the law will be considered a refusal due to the absence of a military ID, marriage and birth certificates, and registration in the package of documents. In the event of such situations, you must contact the higher management of the department to which you are applying. If the situation does not change, then it is necessary to file a complaint with the regional department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

A fairly common situation when people wonder whether it is possible to obtain an internal passport using a Russian foreign passport. The fact that a person already has a passport issued by diplomatic representation or the consulate of the Russian Federation, gives the full right to declare the provision of this document to him. But, for this, there is one important fact that you definitely need to know about: the applicant until this moment should never have had an internal passport of the Russian Federation and, if a person already had an internal one, it was lost or expired. Also, the applicant may face many problems that are associated with an imperfect legislative framework and the incompetence of specialists.

List of grounds

So, what are the grounds for obtaining a passport.

I. The applicant became a Russian citizen abroad, where he received a Russian foreign document in order to enter the country and receive a general citizenship certificate.

II. For a long time the applicant lived outside the country and, after becoming a Russian citizen, received a Russian passport, but at the same time he is not a person of foreign affiliation.

III. A person who lived in Russia, after which he went abroad until the entry into force of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" (1991) having a USSR passport, without having received a Russian identity card until that time, but at the same time be the owner of a foreign Russian passports.

IV. The child, together with his parents, left the country before his 14th birthday, but at the same time he was a citizen of Russia, therefore, in addition to a passport, he has no other document.

Required documents

To obtain a passport, you need to contact the migration service, and write an application there. Then provide all the necessary documents.

I. Passport of the Russian Federation.

II. A birth certificate is required for registration. If it is missing, then when contacting the registry office at the place of registration, they can restore the form. And if a person was born abroad, it is necessary to provide documents confirming this.

III. Statement.

IV. A couple of photos 3.5 by 4.5 cm.

V. Check that confirms payment state duty.

IN migration service may refuse the applicant if he lacks at least one of the above items.

Registration of an internal passport according to the international passport of the Russian Federation should not exceed 30 days.

Everyone knows that in order to obtain a passport for traveling abroad, you need an all-Russian internal passport. But few people know that it is quite possible to get it with a foreign passport.

How to get an internal passport for a Russian citizen? This option is possible in cases where this citizen of the Russian Federation has not yet received it before.

For example:

1. A foreign citizen who has taken the citizenship of the Russian Federation, but is still abroad. He receives a foreign passport of the Federation by contacting the consulate or diplomatic representation of the Federation.

2. A person who has been living outside of Russia for a long time, but does not have any foreign citizenship.

3. Persons who left the Russian Federation for permanent residence in January 1992 but still have a passport of a citizen of the USSR.

4. Persons who are full-fledged citizens of the Russian Federation who have gone abroad on a legal basis in childhood with parents who went on a business trip, and received a Russian foreign passport already there.

The foreign passport of the Russian Federation is primarily intended to confirm the identity of its holder outside of Russia and when crossing its borders. However, the legal scope of its application is not clearly defined. There are no direct prohibitions in the legislation on the use of such a document in specific life situations. In this article, we will figure out how to get an internal passport of the Russian Federation using a foreign passport of the Russian Federation.

First of all, a Russian passport, both internal and foreign, is intended to confirm the citizenship of our country. It also contains information about the owner and acts as an identity card where necessary.

How foreign passports are used is established by Decree of the President of Russia dated December 24, 2012 No. 1709 and federal law“On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation” dated 15.08.1996 No. 114-FZ.

This law states that a foreign document, along with an internal certificate, can be used to establish citizenship. Other areas where it can also be used are currency exchange and age determination, but it is citizenship that we are interested in.

Based on the letter of the law, we conclude that any holder of a Russian foreign passport is a citizen of our country. Accordingly, it is possible to obtain an internal passport of the Russian Federation using a foreign passport of the Russian Federation. But not all citizens of Russia, but only certain categories of them, can use a foreign document for these purposes. There are some limitations, which we will cover in the next section of our article.

Who is allowed to use a foreign document to obtain a domestic

A fairly narrow group of Russians has the right to use this. Obtaining an internal Russian passport using a foreign passport is available only to those citizens of our country who have never before been provided with general civil certificates of the Russian Federation. This category includes:

  1. Those who, being a citizen of a foreign state, entered into Russian citizenship in the diplomatic institutions of Russia (embassies or consulates) located abroad. There, this fact is documented exclusively by a foreign passport.
  2. Those who received Russian citizenship in a manner similar to the first paragraph, but were not foreign citizen, that is, was a stateless person.
  3. Those who lived on Russian territory before February 6, 1992, but left this territory and left for permanent residence abroad, having papers issued in the USSR in their hands. From that date, the law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” came into force, but Soviet forms were still used for some time. Such people must have a foreign passport issued by a diplomatic mission and not previously receive an internal passport of the Russian Federation.
  4. Citizens of Russia who left its territory with their parents or guardians before reaching the age of obtaining an internal certificate. Such persons received a foreign passport without receiving a general civil one.

All listed citizens have the right to issue an internal passport of the Russian Federation according to a foreign passport. True, on this path they expect some difficulties, which we will discuss below.

Which institutions to contact

Russian legislation determines that obtaining an internal document is possible only on the territory of our country. These issues are dealt with by the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (GUVM MIA); here in its territorial division and should be contacted to solve this problem.

The unit that will carry out the issuance of a Russian passport on the basis of a Russian foreign passport is determined by your temporary registration. If there is no such registration, you should contact the division of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that serves the territory where you actually live. You can also apply through multifunctional public service centers.

What papers are needed

Before you get a Russian passport using a Russian foreign passport, you will have to prepare the following list of documents:

  • Application in the prescribed form.
  • Foreign passport as a document confirming citizenship. If this certificate is lost, then the presence of citizenship will have to be proved, while the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must request the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. IN difficult cases you will have to prove the fact of citizenship with other documents, and sometimes (very rarely) with testimonies or examinations.
  • Birth certificate. The regulation on the passport does not require it, but there is also an internal regulation of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where this document is included. Better to have it with you.
  • Two photographs 3.5 by 4.5 centimeters.
  • Receipt of payment of state duty. In 2017, its size is 300 rubles.
  • Birth certificates of children and marriage or divorce. Not required to receive the document, but required to enter information into it. So take them with you.

If any papers are drawn up in a foreign language, a translation certified by a notary should be attached to them.

Terms of registration

Due to the fact that it is impossible to issue a permanent registration in a foreign document, obtaining a Russian passport using a Russian foreign passport may take more than the 10 days allotted for this by law.

Since you are not permanently registered, in any case it is considered that you applied for a document not at the place of residence.

Possible problems

Unfortunately, the legislative framework on this issue is not sufficiently developed, and the level of competence of staff in the field is often quite low. Therefore, before you get an internal Russian passport using a foreign passport, you may well have to convince them that you have the right to do so.

One of the issues that often causes problems is the lack of permanent registration on the territory of Russia for a person who has only a passport. But you can either register temporarily, or not register at all and get a passport at the place of application. You have such a right.

Grounds for refusal

The only real reason for refusal may be the fact that you previously received an internal passport. In this case, you should replace the internal passport.

Naturally, you may be denied acceptance of an application for obtaining an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation using a foreign passport if you have not submitted all the necessary documents.

How to get Russian citizenship? Passport of the Russian Federation: Video

Many citizens who are faced with a situation where they need to quickly get new passport a, cannot replace it in short time, since when applying to the MFC, they are announced the standard terms for replacing a passport. A simple question arises: "Is it possible to change a passport in one day or faster?" Indeed, often a person discovers that he forgot to replace his passport at the age of 20 or 45, or the passport was washed in the back pocket of his jeans, which in turn was not a pre-planned action ... And the passport is urgently required and you need to wait neither 2 weeks nor a month of time No.
  • With our help, it is possible to exchange a passport in 2-3 hours, and in 1 day, and in longer periods.

Renew passport without documents

Question: How can I restore my passport in a foreign city without having a single document in my hands, the FMS refuses to do it for me, they say we cannot help you without documents. What to do? I can't even buy tickets to go home.

All documents are lost, is it possible to restore a passport without documents?

The situation when it was possible to lose all the documents is extremely rare, but if it does, it gives a person a lot of problems, ranging from the restoration of a passport in the absence of any documents and ending with the restoration of other documents after receiving a passport.

But if the issue of restoring documents in the presence of a passport is simple, then restoring a passport without required documents is a complex issue and for many "closed".

Is it possible to laminate a page in a passport with a photo, the page is a little pasted?

Is it possible to laminate a page in a passport with a photo, the page is a little pasted? What do they do in such situations to replace the passport? I applied for a temporary registration, but I was refused on the grounds that the passport needs to be replaced, since it is not valid.

Passport and registration of a child aged 15

Until now, he has lived abroad. Can a child get a passport without a residence permit?

The child is 15 years old, he has the citizenship of the Russian Federation, but until now he lived abroad and could not get a passport at the age of 14. I have a Moscow registration in my own apartment, but due to the fact that my son lived abroad, I have not yet registered him. How do we get started with applying for a passport? Can he get a passport without a residence permit? Will he be able to register in my apartment without a passport?

The law allows you to restore a passport not only at the place of permanent registration, but also at the place of temporary registration of a citizen or at the place of actual residence.

Often, citizens of the Russian Federation are faced with the problem of restoring a Russian passport in another city. When does it happen? The citizen went to another city, different from the place of permanent residence, whether on a business trip, on a visit or on vacation. But the passport was either stolen or lost. Or maybe a citizen has been living in another city for a long time, but cannot or does not want to issue a temporary registration, and the passport has been lost. What to do? In order to go to the city of registration or to the city of issue of the passport, a passport is required to purchase a ticket. Previously, a passport was required to buy a ticket for a train or plane, but now it is also required for a bus ride.

The cost of restoring a Russian passport depends on two things:

1. Will you restore it in the general order- V this case everything will come down to paying the usual state duty, which is 1,500 rubles in case of loss of a passport or 300 rubles in case of fixing the theft of a passport. No additional fees need to be made. And in this case, it is rather not about the issue of the cost of restoring a passport, but about the amount of the state duty.

2. Will you use our expedited passport recovery services?- If it is not possible to wait for the standard term for obtaining a new passport in case of loss, but it is necessary to urgently restore a Russian passport, then the question of how much it costs to restore a Russian passport will depend on the timing of restoration. If it is necessary to restore a passport in 1 day, then the amount will be much higher than when restoring a passport in a week or a month.

We will not indicate any numbers on this page, since they tend to change, but we will provide a link to the general price:.

You need to apply for a passport for a child who has reached the age of 14.

Is it possible to issue a passport without waiting for the registration of a civil one? Because The child PERMANENTLY lives abroad (in Canada, has a residence permit there), I come here to visit my relatives. Therefore, here, in Russia, he does not have registration, and this fact greatly increases the time for obtaining both an internal and a foreign passport.

The passport is damaged, how can it be exchanged in a short time?

Ruined passport- no problem. The passport can be exchanged either at the place of registration or at the place of its actual location. The only difference is that the passport at the place of registration will be exchanged in two weeks, and at the place of application - up to two months.

I would like to know if I can get a general passport of the Russian Federation if I permanently reside in Latvia and have citizenship of the Russian Federation and the only document I have is a foreign passport of the Russian Federation. What documents do I need for this. Relatives live in Moscow, where I was born.

I don’t have a military ID and a registered one, how to exchange a passport?

You can exchange your passport upon reaching the age of 20, for damage or other reasons, without a military ID or registration certificate! Often, citizens are faced with the problem of refusal to accept documents to replace a passport without providing a military ID or registration certificate. We note right away that a military ID and registration certificate are not binding documents to get a new passport!

Need to get a new passport, but no marriage certificate.

Need to get a new passport old passport washed in washing machine. But there is no marriage certificate. On the page in the passport, the stamp is barely visible and not readable. Can they refuse to accept documents for a new passport without a marriage certificate?

Urgent replacement of the Russian passport!

What is a replacement passport?- Replacing a passport means surrendering the passport to be replaced and obtaining a new passport. The replacement of a passport is carried out on the grounds provided for by law in the presence of certain documents.

Exchange passport at 45, exchange at 45

The situation is as follows: The daughter lives abroad, she is 45 years old and needs to exchange her passport. She will fly to Moscow for a week. The daughter was discharged from the apartment, as she now lives abroad. I applied to the MFC, they said that you can exchange your passport only 2 months in advance, since there is no registration in Moscow. Is it possible to exchange a passport at the age of 45 in a shorter time? Waiting 2 months is not possible, thanks.

I received a passport in Simferopol, I can not apply for a visa. You need to replace your passport.

Typical situation: They received citizenship on the basis of Crimea's accession to the Russian Federation, and the absurd EU rules do not allow obtaining a visa, due to the fact that they allegedly do not recognize the received passport in Crimea - valid documents citizen of the Russian Federation. What to do in this case? It's very simple! Need to be replaced Russian passport to a new, but received account in another subject of the Russian Federation.

or get married and immediately you can change your passport and register? please tell me where is this done

Question: good afternoon! I have such a situation: I live in Moscow but the registration is in the Arkhangelsk region .... they were going to get married with a change of surname and subsequent registration in the Moscow Region. So I don’t know how to do it more correctly: first register and then get married so that you can already change your passport at the place of registration? or get married and immediately you can change your passport and register? please tell me where is this done

We were denied an urgent passport exchange.

The legislation does not provide for the urgent exchange of passports. There are maximum exchange periods.

It is necessary to urgently exchange a passport not at the place of registration. Accidentally hit the zipper on the bag and tore out the pages in the passport. A passport is needed to obtain a VISA, tickets have already been purchased. If we fail to exchange a passport for a maximum of a week, then we will lose our rest. We turned to the MFC, but we were told that the exchange period would be 2 months. Where to complain? Is it really not possible to exchange a passport urgently?

Renew passport without registration

Restoring a passport without registration will take 2 months.

I am in Moscow, I came to visit friends for the summer. She is from Irkutsk. I lost my passport, I did not register, there is no need. I have bought tickets for the beginning of autumn back on the plane. Without a passport, I won't be able to fly home. How can I restore my passport if it is lost and there is no registration?

turn 20 years old

You can change your passport after the vacation or it is better to cancel the vacation

What to do, the young man will turn 20 on June 16, and on the 17th he was going to go on vacation to the near abroad? Can I change my passport after the vacation or is it better to cancel the vacation?