Khor and Kalinich. The story "Khor and Kalinich Lesson of extracurricular reading polecat and Kalinich

Slim boy. Oxotnik. What story was not in the stories of the boys. What did the boys do at night in the meadow. Hair is tousled. Descriptions of the heroes of the story. The face is small. events in the story. What struck the author in children. Bezhin meadow. The boy was only seven years old. Ilyusha. White hair. Author.

"Bazarov and Kirsanov" - Peasantry. Bazarov. Education. Upbringing. P.P. Kirsanov. The life story of Pavel Petrovich. Fathers and Sons. Disputes of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons". Attitude towards others. main lines of dispute. Ideological differences between Bazarov and Kirsanov Senior. Bazarov's relationship with N.P. and P.P. Kirsanov. ideological conflict. Test based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev. Collection of material on the heroes. Text task. Nihilism. A quarrel between P.P. Kirsanov and E. Bazarov.

"Gerasim and the heroes of the story" - Lady. moral superiority. Gavrila. Gerasim. The moral superiority of Gerasim over other heroes of the story. Creativity of the writer. Creation of the story "Mumu". Turgenev's childhood. Kapiton. The opinion of a descendant. Russian prose writer. Tatiana. Physical handicap.

"The book" Bezhin meadow "" - Countless golden stars. Meadow. Strength. Hunting equipment Turgenev. The story of Trishka. A boy of ten. Story. Stories told by boys. Face. Artistic media. Field. Turgenev hunting with Dianka. Summer evening. Artist E. Bem. I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow". All horror stories in the story are chosen so that they harmonize and. “Turgenev draws with love and tenderness in the story “Bezhin Meadow”.

"Themes of Turgenev's Poems in Prose" - Poems in prose. Poems. To the lesson of literature. themes of the poems. Laconism and freedom. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Poems in prose". Bougival. Thoughts and feelings. Pauline Viardot. Illustration for the poem "Threshold". Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Illustration for the poem "The Old Man". Creativity of I.S. Turgenev. A cycle united by a common tonality.

"Gerasim" - Gerasim and Tatyana. Gerasim near the lady's house. Victory or defeat of Gerasim. Gerasim is carrying water. Why Gerasim obeyed the mistress. Hero characterization plan. He began to run, search, click. A duel in the soul of Gerasim. Mumu in the lady's living room. Teach the elements of the characteristics of the protagonist. Character traits. Exhibition of drawings. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Gerasim and the servant.

"Center of Russia" - Palekh. The central region is poor in natural resources. Contribute to the development of industries: ... Rostov. Moscow is the capital of Russia. Moscow is a major river port with access to five seas. Neighborhood position. central Russia. Draw a conclusion: Business card of the Central District: Brown coal (Moscow region), peat.

"Nature of Mordovia" - More than 156 thousand hectares are occupied by birch forests. Cattail is a typical representative of aquatic vegetation. The reserve was established on March 5, 1936. Photo album of the fauna of Mordovia. Finch. General information about Mordovia: Flora and fauna. Beaver. Chamzinsky district. The administration of the reserve is located in the village of Pushta. most big fish of our reservoirs is the catfish.

"City of the Eagle" - In 1863, a Railway. Monument to Turgenev. Railway station. Distance from Moscow - 382 km. Orel - the residence of False Dmitry II. Akhtyrskaya (Nikitskaya) Church. Orel city. In the wild, from 7-10 males, the female chooses her chosen one. The church was closed in 1938 and reopened in 1942. A bit of history.

"Central Economic Region" - Image of Ireland. Acquaintance with the regional centers. "-" No access to the sea Poor in minerals ... The image of Iceland. We create an image of the economic region. Argentina. "+" and "-" F.G.P. this economic region. Another weakness of the Argentines is fried meat. 3 step. 5 step. It is a cultural center.

"Protection of the cultural heritage of the Tver region" - Distribution of species listed in the Red Book of the Tver region. Russian Federation federal law on specially protected natural areas. Natural heritage of the Tver region. Federal Laws of December 30, 2001 N 196-FZ, of December 29, 2004 N 199-FZ). Adopted by the State Duma on February 15, 1995 (as amended by

"Education of the Tula region" - 6. Measures of social support for employees of state and municipal educational institutions. Governor's Council of the Tula region. Financial support for the activities of the priority national project"Education".

Total in the topic 33 presentations

Lesson in 7th grade

I. S. Turgenev "Khor and Kalinich"

1. To acquaint students with the biography of the writer and the main milestones of creativity.

2. Talk about interesting facts from the writer's life.

3. Give general characteristics works "Khor and Kalinich"

During the classes

Organizing time.Checking homework. Conversation on an article read at home about Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.- Look at the portrait of Ivan Sergeevich and try to describe his character, manners, try to imagine what he was like in his youth and what his way of life was.

Did you know such facts from the writer's life?

Ivan Turgenev with a hole in his head

Turgenev could rightfully be called "the biggest head of Russian literature." In any case, as anatomists have established, his brain - 2000 grams - exceeds in weight the brain of other famous people. Perhaps that is why, as Botkin put it, “the creator simply did not have enough material for such a large head”: the bone on the writer’s crown was so thin that, according to Turgenev, one could feel the brain through it. Because of this feature, when struck on the head with a hand, Turgenev lost consciousness or fell into a semi-conscious state. When later he was accused of softness, he said: “Yes, and what kind of willpower can be expected from me, when until now even my skull could not grow together. It would not hurt me to bequeath it to the museum of the academy ... What is there to expect when there is a failure at the very top of the head!

The frivolous youth of Turgenev

In his youth, Turgenev was a very frivolous person, to say the least. He could, for example, invite a bunch of guests to dinner, and then “accidentally” forget about it. The next day, the guests, of course, expressed their extreme dissatisfaction with the negligent host. Turgenev began to wring his hands and desperately apologize, citing various reasons. Then he immediately invited him to dinner, promising at the same time to atone for guilt with an unheard-of feast. The guests relented, but when on the appointed day and hour they again gathered to Turgenev, the host ... again was not at home! Further, everything was repeated: warm apologies and new invitations to dinner ... For these and other "pranks" Belinsky called Turgenev nothing more than a "boy."

Ivan Sergeevich liked to be smart. He liked to flaunt in a blue tailcoat with gold buttons depicting lion heads, in light checkered trousers, in a white waistcoat and a colored tie. Alexander Herzen after the first meeting with Turgenev called him Khlestakov.

In Germany, where he came to supplement his education, Turgenev completely broke off the brakes: participating in almost all student feasts and dubious adventures, he began to squander his parents' money left and right, while forgetting to write letters to his mother. The mother sent money and food to the prodigal son, and the son squandered everything and did not even thank. Finally, the money transfers stopped. This made him settle down for a while. Once Turgenev received from Russia an unpaid package of unusual gravity. For sending it, he gave the last pennies, opened it ... and gasped: mother stuffed the parcel with bricks!

Big oddities of Turgenev

"Turgenev is female soul in the rough guise of a cyclops, ”so described Ivan Sergeevich French writer Dode. Pisemsky called him "a gentle giant, with the eyes of a dying gazelle." Despite his great height and wrestling physique, Turgenev was a surprisingly gentle, non-confrontational person.

Turgenev had a thin, almost female voice. This discrepancy between the high tenor and his heroic chest was immediately evident. Being completely deprived musical ear He nevertheless loved to sing. And although he could not hit a single right note, the audience was delighted with this comic spectacle. “Yes, what should I do? After all, I myself know that I don’t have a voice, but just a pig!” - lamented Turgenev.

Like any outstanding person, Ivan Sergeevich had his own oddities. Take, for example, his way of laughing. According to Fet, he laughed in the most infectious way: “He fell to the floor and, standing on all fours, continued to laugh and shake his whole body.” When the spleen attacked him, he put a tall cap on his head and ... put himself in a corner. And he stood there until the longing passed.

It should also be noted his extreme cleanliness and almost manic love of order. Twice a day he changed his linen and wiped himself with a sponge and cologne, sat down to write, tidied up the room and the papers on the table, and even got up at night, remembering that the scissors were lying in the wrong place where they should be. It would spoil his mood if the window shades were carelessly drawn. He could not write if at least one thing on the desk was not in its place.

In the mornings, Turgenev spent a long time taking care of his toilet and combing his hair with particular care. “Look,” he said to Polonsky, “I start with this comb to the right ... fifty times, then to the left ... fifty times; then another, more frequent comb - a hundred times. And then with a brush. You are surprised, aren't you? But, you see, having a good haircut and being immaculately smoothed has always been my passion since childhood.

This is our Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

But, despite this lifestyle and his quirks, he is the most talented person. He wrote a huge number of poems in prose, novels and short stories, which are now being studied at school. Whose fault is Shchi, Egoist, I got up at night..., I walked among the high mountains..., Without a nest, Twins. Novels and stories:, (Hunter's Notes, Burmister (Hunter's Notes), Yermolai and the Miller's Woman (Hunter's Notes), Living Relics (Hunter's Notes), Mumu, Khor and Kalinich (Hunter's Notes).

AT this list we see stories next to which there is a litter in brackets "A hunter's note". What do you think it is?

- “Notes of a hunter” is a cycle of stories by I. S. Turgenev, initially consisting of 22 essays. Passionately in love with nature, Turgenev made extensive use of descriptions of nature in his work, which constitute the best pages in the history of the Russian literary landscape. Turgenev treated nature as an elemental force living an independent life. Turgenev's landscapes are strikingly concrete and at the same time fanned with the experiences of the narrator and actors, they are dynamic and closely related to the action. In order to deceive the suspicious censorship, Turgenev used an ambiguous expression, a subtly used allusion, sometimes even a compositional rearrangement of events. A remarkable example of such a "deceptive" manner is the short story "Yermolai and the Miller's Woman", in which the story of the unfortunate Arina is deliberately "hidden" in the middle of a seemingly ordinary essay on a hunting theme. The "Aesopian manner" of writing helped The Hunter's Notes to pass through censorship. The greater was her fury after the publication of the Notes. The author of The Hunter's Notes found a new typological principle, created characters that later formed, as it were, the inner psychological core of the heroes of his famous ideological novels. These are the types of a rationalist, a skeptic thinker close to nature. Turgenev's artistic innovation manifested itself with the greatest force in the images of peasants. Never before have they been displayed in such abundance on the pages of realistic works. Turgenev brings his "men" closer to the readers, he makes them the main characters of the entire cycle. Peasants and yard servants in the "Notes of a Hunter" are tortured for unheated wine, they are exiled to distant villages, evicted from fertile lands, doomed to all the horrors of the twenty-five-year-old Nikolaev soldiery. But, although Turgenev talks a lot about the various forms of oppression of the peasants, this is not the main subject of his attention as an artist. Unlike Gogol, who depicted in " Dead souls"The pernicious influence of serfdom on the peasants (the stupidity of Petrushka, the slavish obedience of Selifan), Turgenev with all his might asserts in the "Notes of a Hunter" the theme of the spiritual greatness of the Russian peasantry. He showed the peasants as gifted, sometimes deeply talented Russian people. He sympathetically set off the mind, curiosity, diligence, Khory's practical acumen, and along with this - the romantic purity and dreaminess of Kalinich, the artistic artistry of Yakov, the indefatigable love of truth of Kasyan. With special sympathy, Turgenev portrayed peasant girls - the selfless love of Matryona, the gullibility and poetry of Akulina, the fortitude of Lukerya buried alive. In the story “Bezhin Meadow”, Turgenev, one of the first Russian writers, realistically painted peasant children. his country exist not only " dead Souls"landowner-serf Russia, but also the "living souls" of the simple Russian people. In the "Notes of a Hunter" three themes dominate: the life of the peasants, the life of the landowners and the spiritual world of the educated class. Main pathos of this cycle - the image of the people's forces crushed by serfdom, boundless talent, moral and spiritual beauty of the people. Belinsky wrote that the author here “came to the people from a side from which no one had approached him before,” that is, from the moral and ethical side. This, first of all, was Turgenev’s mighty protest against serfdom. For Turgenev, nature is the main element, it subjugates a person and forms his inner world. The Russian forest, in which “stately aspens babble”, “a mighty oak stands like a fighter, next to a beautiful linden”, and the boundless steppe are the main elements that determine in the “Notes of a Hunter” national traits Russian person.

Listen to the history of the creation of this work.

The story "Khor and Kalinich" in the cycle "Notes of a Hunter" reveals the inner strength of a Russian person, the prospects for his further growth and development, reveals their talent, talent, their high spiritual ...

18.12.2017 12:24

Lesson extracurricular reading. Characteristics of the heroes of the story "Khor and Kalinich"

"public lesson"

Topic. I.S. Turgenev. Hunter's Notes. "Khor and Kalinich".

Goals: check the understanding of the self-read story; to determine the attitude of the writer to a simple Russian peasant, to give a comparative description of the main characters; determine the place of the "Notes of a Hunter" in the work of I.S. Turgenev and Russian literature; develop analytical reading skills.

Equipment: interactive board; presentation; texts, writing on the blackboard.

During the classes

(1 slide)

(slide 2,3)

Main part

    teacher's word

Indeed, despite the fact that Turgenev was a landowner, he was critical of serfdom. Suffice it to recall the story "Mumu", where the example of the janitor Gerasim shows all the lack of rights of serfdom. Today we will get acquainted with another work that is included in the cycle of stories "Notes of a Hunter" and is called "Khor and Kalinich".

(slide number 4)

The history of the cycle "Notes of a hunter".

    Why do you think the cycle of stories was named by Turgenev "Notes of a Hunter"? (Turgenev was an avid hunter, hunters always have a lot of interesting stories in store)

(slide number 5)

So, the essay “Khor and Kalinich” (1747) appeared first, which made a huge impression on readers.

Goal setting: What do you think, what result should we get at the end of our meeting? What to achieve? (determine the author's characteristics of the characters, understand the meaning of the work)


    Slide 7-8

    Comparative characteristics Khorya and Kalinich. Work with text.

(slide number 9)

Now let's turn to the main characters of the story.

Give a detailed comparative description of Khory and Kalinich. Support your opinion with text.

BUT) 1 group HORI

Student presentation: Chorus is one of the main characters of the story. He is a positive, practical, administrative head, rationalist. Having settled in the swamp, Khor managed to get rich. He settled down, "saved some money", got along with the master and other authorities, spawned a large family, submissive and unanimous Khor spoke little, chuckled to himself, he saw through his master. Khor stood closer to people, to society, he was occupied with administrative and state issues. His knowledge was quite, in its own way, extensive, but he could not read. Hor could not live without work, he was constantly doing something: he repaired the cart, then he propped up the fence, then he reviewed the harness. He lived in the estate, which towered in the middle of the forest, in a cleared and developed clearing.

Here is how Turgenev gives us a description of Horya: On the threshold of the hut, an old man met me - bald, short, broad-shouldered and dense - Khor himself. I looked at this Horya with curiosity. The make-up of his face was reminiscent of Socrates: the same high, knobby forehead, the same small eyes, the same snub-nosed nose.

Comparison is a high characteristic of the mental abilities of a serf.

Student's report on Socrates.

Socrates (Sokrates) (470/469 BC, Athens, - 399, ibid), ancient Greek philosopher. Son of a sculptor; preached in the streets and squares, setting as his goal the struggle against the sophists and the education of the youth. He was executed (he took hemlock poison), as the official accusation stated, for the introduction of new deities and for corrupting the youth in a new spirit. Socrates did not leave behind any writings; The most important sources of information about his life and teachings are the works of his students - Xenophon and Plato, in most of whose dialogues Socrates acts as the main character.

Socrates was one of the founders of philosophical dialectics, understood as finding the truth with the help of conversations, that is, posing certain questions and methodically finding answers to them.

There is no addiction in Khory's behavior, and he is not redeemed from the serfs for some practical reasons.

Historian's message.

“Khor got into free people ... who lives without a beard, that Horyu is the greatest.

It's about about the dramatic situation of the peasant, who decided to free himself from serfdom through a ransom. The “free” mule fell into dependence on the “beardless” bureaucratic brethren, who ruined it with extortion and extortion. Officials, by decree of Nicholas I, did not have the right to wear a beard, for which they received the nickname beardless among the people.

Expressive reading from the words "Khor was silent, frowning thick eyebrows ..." to the words "His knowledge was extensive, but he could not read."

What meaning does the phrase acquire in the context of the story: “Peter the Great was predominantly a Russian person, Russian precisely in his transformations. What is good - he likes it, what is reasonable - give it to him, but where it comes from - he does not care?

This comparison, as well as the comparison of Horya's appearance with Socrates' appearance, gives special significance to the image of Horya.

So behind the plot, the relationship of the characters, questions arise that are extremely exciting for the author - about man and society, about the national character and history, man and the state, and they are manifested both in the features of the depiction of characters, and in detailed descriptions settings, scenes, biographies of characters.

Which beginning prevails in the image of Khor - rational or ideal? Find the answer to the question in the text.

"Khor was a positive, practical man, an administrative head, a rationalist." At the heart of the character of the hero is a rational principle.

The most important means of characterizing a hero is a parallel with another character, Kalinich. They are clearly contrasted as rationalist and idealist. However, in relations with Kalinych, the hero manifests himself from a different side.

B) Kalinich

2 group

Student presentation: Kalinich is also the main character of the story, but he does not at all resemble his friend Khory. Kalinich belonged to the number of idealists, romantics, enthusiastic and dreamy people. He walked around in bast shoes and managed somehow. He once had a wife, whom he was afraid of, but had no children: Kalinich, unlike Khor, was in awe of his master, explained with fervor, "although he did not sing like a nightingale, like a lively factory man." Kalinich was endowed with such advantages that Khor himself recognized: “he spoke blood, fear, rabies, driving out worms; bees were given to him, his hand was light. Kalinich stood closer to nature, he was more touched by the description of mountains, waterfalls than by administrative and state issues. He lived in a low hut and could not maintain a household. He could read, sang well, and played the balalaika. Only the music was liked by both Khory and Kalinich, it united them. Khor was very fond of the song “Share, you are mine, share!” and Kalinich knew this well. As soon as he begins to play, Khor begins to pull up in a plaintive voice. Here, for the first time, the theme of the musical talent of the Russian people makes itself known.

Here is how Turgenev describes Kalinych: It was Kalinich. His good-natured swarthy face, in some places marked with rowans, I liked at first sight. Kalinich (as I found out later) went hunting with the master every day, carried his bag, sometimes a gun, noticed where the bird perched, got water, gathered strawberries, set up huts, ran after the droshky; without him, Mr. Polutykin could not take a step. Kalinich was a man of the most cheerful, meekest disposition, sang incessantly in an undertone, looked carelessly in all directions, spoke a little through his nose, smiling, screwed up his light blue eyes, and often took his thin, wedge-shaped beard with his hand. He walked slowly, but with large steps, slightly propped up by a long and thin stick.

In what form of dependence on their master were Khor and Kalinich. After all, both of them were serfs. Khor - paid the owner a dues, and Kalinich worked out the corvée. Let's remember how these forms of duties differ.

What was the benefit for Horya? But, as they say, gods high , before king -priests long away.

The image of Kalinich opens in the "Notes of a Hunter" a number of "free people" from the people: they cannot constantly live in the same place, doing the same thing. This type, with its poetry, softness of soul, sensitive attitude to nature, is no less important for Turgenev than a reasonable and practical hero: they both represent different, but complementary sides of the nature of a Russian person. This is a harmonious unity, this is a happy combination in the Russian character of the social and the natural.

    Relationships between the main characters. Peasant friendship.

A) the word of the teacher.

We understand that the work is built on opposition. Before us are two different peasants, in character, appearance, attitude towards their master. What was the basis of their mutual respect? Where we can see the relationship between Khory and Kalinych.

B) Reading a passage

(from the words “Both friends did not at all resemble each other ... to the words He saw a lot, knew a lot.)

Turgenev specifically shows these heroes, expressing in them best qualities Russian man. They seem to complement each other, making up one whole. Let's find in the text confirmation of the author's love for his characters.

    “I enjoyed listening to them and watching them”

    “While talking with Khor, for the first time I heard the simple, intelligent speech of a Russian peasant”

    “I was sorry to part with the old man”

    “I was occupied with my new acquaintances”

    “A Russian person is so confident in his strength and strength that he is not averse to breaking himself: he is little concerned with his past and boldly looks forward”

Group 3 Polutykin

In the work we get acquainted with one small landowner Polutykin.

    Not for nothing about Polutykino it is said in passing: this man is so insignificant, so empty in comparison with the full-blooded characters of the peasants. "Great man" sounds ironic. At the end of the story, the phrase sounds: “Shoot yourself black grouse and change the headman more often.” Through the mouth of a peasant serf, Turgenev gives a negative assessment of the cultural and economic possibilities of the Russian nobleman. The peasant treats the landowner with disdain, considering him an empty man, completely unsuited to useful, practical activity.

The teacher's word In the "Notes of a Hunter" in the image of Khory, a certain type of Russian was reflected national character, indicating the viability of a rational, solid, business start.

Polutykin's prototype served as landowner N.A. Golofeev, who recognized himself and was very offended by the writer.

 Why is he offended?

How does the narrator appear in "Chorus and Kalinich"?

The narrator evokes sympathy among the characters, because he treats people with respect. He searches for the essence of what he saw and heard, comes to generalizations and conclusions, in a word, “explores” the life that interests him.

    Game "Who is it?"

All of you guys are well acquainted with the text of the story, it remains to find out how well you understood the images of the main characters.

(Slides #10, 11)


(slide number 12)

V. The final part of the lesson.

    Lesson summary

Behind the unattractive appearance of the peasants, their simple, and often meager forms of being, the writer was able to consider many truly human, inherently beautiful qualities. And it is no coincidence that already from the first essay “Khor and Kalinych”, Belinsky concluded that Turgenev approached the people “from such a side that no one had approached him before.” This was an innovation that had important consequences for all Russian literature.

Filling out diagnostic cards

(Slide number 13)

Slide 14

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    “... the man is small in stature, round-shouldered, gloomy, looks frowningly, lives in trashy aspen huts, goes to corvee, does not engage in trade, eats poorly, wears bast shoes ...” What kind of man are we talking about?

A) Kaluga

B) Orlovsky

B) Penza

D) Tula

    “... a village (we are talking about the eastern part of the ... province) is usually located among plowed fields, near a ravine, somehow turned into a dirty pond. Except for a few willows, always ready for service, and two or three skinny birches, you won’t see a tree for a mile around; the hut is molded to the hut, the roofs are thrown over with rotten straw ... ". What province village is the author referring to?

A) about Kaluga

B) about Orlovskaya

B) about Tulskaya

D) about Penza

    “... the village, on the contrary, is mostly surrounded by forest; the huts stand freer and straighter, covered with boards; the gates are tightly locked, the wattle fence in the backyard is not swept away and does not fall out, it does not invite any passing pig to visit ... ”The author mentions the village of what province?

A) about Kaluga

B) about Oryol

B) about Tula

D) about Penza

    “As a hunter, while visiting the Zhizdrinsky district, I met in the field and met one Kaluga small landowner, ... a passionate hunter and, therefore, an excellent person.” Landlord's last name:

A) chorus

B) Kalinich

B) Polutykin

    Name and patronymic of Mr. Polutykin.

A) Porfiry Ivanovich

B) Pankraty Sysoevich

B) Nikolai Kuzmich

D) Ivan Sergeevich

    Name of Mr. Polutykin's dog.

A) deli

B) Agronomist

B) an astronomer

D) Metronome

    Whose homestead is this? "In the middle of the forest, on a cleared and developed clearing, a solitary manor towered... It consisted of several pine log cabins connected by fences; in front of the main hut stretched a canopy, propped up with thin columns.

A) Chora

B) Kalinych

B) Polutykin

    Whose hut is this? " Not a single Suzdal painting covered clean log walls; in the corner, in front of a heavy image in a silver setting, a lamp was glowing; the lime table had recently been scraped and washed; frisky Prussians did not wander between the logs and along the jambs of windows, pensive cockroaches did not hide».

A) Chora

B) Kalinych

B) Polutykin

    How many children did Hora have?

A) 6

B) 7

AT 8

D) 9

    What quitrent was initially assigned to Horyu?

A) 36 poods of grain

B) 50 rubles

C) 36 rubles

D) 50 pounds of grain

    Who are we talking about? “... he was a man of the most cheerful, most meek disposition, constantly sang in an undertone, looked carelessly in all directions, spoke a little through his nose, smiling, screwed up his light blue eyes and often took his thin, wedge-shaped beard with his hand. He did not walk quickly, but with large steps, slightly propped up by a long and thin stick.

a) Hora

B) about Kalinich

C) about Polutykin

    The name of the unmarried son of Khor.

A) Andrew

B) Zakhar

B) Ivan

D) Fedor

    Whose wife are we talking about? “His wife, old and quarrelsome, did not leave the stove all day and incessantly grumbled and scolded; her sons did not pay attention to her, but she kept her daughters-in-law in the fear of God.

A) Chora

B) Kalinych

B) Polutykin

    Which of the characters in the story "... sang quite pleasantly and played the balalaika"?

A) chorus

B) Kalinich

B) Polutykin

    Favorite song of Khorya performed by Kalinych.

A) "Oh, frost, frost ..."

B) "Oh, viburnum blooms"

C) “You are my share, share!”

D) "Dubinushka"

    In what year was the work "Khor and Kalinich" written?

A) 1848

B) 1845

B) 1847

D) 1846

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"Diagnostic card"

Diagnostic card

Last name, first name

Group score

Teacher evaluation


Diagnostic card

Last name, first name

Group score

Teacher evaluation


Diagnostic card

Last name, first name

Group score

Teacher evaluation


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SELF-ANALYSIS of a literature lesson in grade 6B

Lesson type: combined

Topic: Characteristics of the heroes of the story "Khor and Kalinich" by I.S. Turgenev.

Teaching methods: analytical conversation, expressive reading, problem question, cinquain, search.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity: individual, group.

The main content of the lesson

The lesson of literature was held in the 6B class on 12/04/2017.
Section "From Russian literature of the 19th century".
aim this lesson is: creating conditions for the formation of text analysis skills as a holistic artwork on the example of I.S. Turgenev's story "Khor and Kalinich".

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were defined:

To analyze and analyze the story of I.S. Turgenev “Khor and Kalinich” as an integral work of art in the unity of form and content; penetrate into the creative laboratory of the writer, having considered the composition, the position of the author and the characters of the characters, the formation of cognitive UUD;


- to educate a spiritually developed personality, ready for self-knowledge and self-improvement, capable of creative activity, to form a humanistic worldview, citizenship, love and respect for literature; formation of personal UUD

By type of lesson, this is a combined lesson using AMO technology.
In accordance with the theme of the lesson, the purpose and objectives were chosen forms of organization academic work: individual, frontal, group.

Preparation for the lesson: individual messages, reading the story of I.S. Turgenev "Khor and Kalinych"
Grade 6B, there are 14 people in the class, there are friendly interpersonal relations in the class, children of different levels of development, most of the class are visual children. Students are able to work in groups, are able to listen to each other and interact frontally.

They have the skills of self-evaluation of themselves and mutual evaluation of each other. There is a competitive spirit in the class. Most children are actively involved in learning activities. 2/3 of the students in the class are dominated by a low and medium rate of reading technique, which makes it difficult to perceive works.

The lesson on this topic is the fifth lesson of extracurricular reading.

I tried to build a lesson so that it was productive, interesting and initially sought to establish cooperation between me and the children.

At the organizational stage of the lesson, she created an emotional mood for the upcoming work (cut sentences for dividing into groups). When determining the topic of the lesson, I used the search and research method, using cognitive UUD. When formulating the goal of the lesson by students, regulatory UUD.

On the initial stage studying the topic, vocabulary work was carried out, contributing to the development of abstract and logical thinking(tire, corvée, Socrates).

Group work was carried out at the lesson, as an important aspect of the development of communicative UUD.

When working with the work, she provided for the following techniques: understanding the text, comparing and characterizing the characters.

At the final stage of the lesson, the children answered the questions of the quiz, which contributed to the development of personal and communicative UUD.

When consolidating the topic, writing syncwine in groups used to develop the ability to find the most important elements in the educational material, draw conclusions and express all this in brief conclusions. The ability to write this short literary work develops the speech of children, enriches vocabulary.

The tasks were completed in class. Most of the children coped with all tasks, identified difficulties in work, evaluated their activities and the activities of their classmates in the lesson, which is an important component of regulatory UUD.

The goal of the lesson has been achieved.

Teacher ______________________________________________

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social status

Character traits

Relationships with other characters


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"technological map of the lesson Khor and Kalinich"

Technological map of the lesson of literature in grade 6B

Lesson topic: Characteristics of the heroes of the story "Khor and Kalinich" by I.S. Turgenev

The purpose of the lesson:

    creation of conditions for the formation of skills in text analysis as a holistic work of art on the example of I.S. Turgenev’s story “Khor and Kalinich”. determine the attitude of the writer to a simple Russian peasant, give a comparative description of the main characters, reveal the author’s active civil position in the poem.


    to analyze to analyze the story of I.S. Turgenev "Khor and Kalinich" as an integral work of art in the unity of form and content; penetrate into the creative laboratory of the writer, having considered the composition, the position of the author and the characters of the characters, the formation of cognitive UUD;

    develop the ability to listen, peer into the word of a work of art, improve the ability to analyze literary work as an artistic whole in its historical and literary conditionality using the conceptual language of literary criticism; develop the ability of expressive reading, search work skills, associative thinking, work with text; formation of regulatory, communicative UUD;

    to educate a spiritually developed personality, ready for self-knowledge and self-improvement, capable of creative activity, to form a humanistic worldview, citizenship, love and respect for literature; formation of personal UUD.

Planned results:

    cognitive UUD: search and selection of the necessary information, conscious and arbitrary construction speech utterance in oral form, free orientation and perception of the text of a work of art, semantic reading;

    personal UUD: self-determination, moral and ethical orientation, the ability to self-evaluate one's actions, deeds;

    regulatory UUD: goal-setting, planning, self-regulation, selection and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned;

    communicative UUD: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, observing the rules of speech behavior, the ability to express and justify one's point of view.

Teacher activity

Student activities

Formed UUD

I . Organizational moment (motivation to learning activities)

Purpose of the stage: inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level

Good afternoon guys! Upon entering the class, each of you received a small part of the sentence describing one of the heroes of the work. Now I ask you to put together sentences, finding each other, you will be able to identify your group.

We have been meeting with the work of the great Russian writer of the 19th century I.S. Turgenev for more than a year. Let's remember which of his works we are already familiar with? (on the slides there are illustrations for the stories "Mumu" and "Bezhin Meadow" - children name these works).

They are divided into groups.

Name the work and the hero.

Attention, respect for peers (L); planning educational cooperation with the teacher, peers (TO); mobilization of forces and energy (R).

II . Knowledge update

Purpose of the stage: repetition of the studied material necessary for the "discovery of new knowledge", and the identification of difficulties in the individual activity of each student.

Early work I.S Turgenev - these are poems, poems, several stories and plays. In the late 40s of the 19th century, Turgenev was already a fairly well-known writer. But the real success came with the publication of the stories "Notes of a Hunter".

The great Russian critic V. G. Belinsky explained the increased reader attention to the work, saying: “It is not surprising that the little play “Khor and Kalinich” was such a success: in it the author approached the people from such a side, from which no one had approached him before him came in." All the stories in the "Hunter's Notes" cycle tell about serfs who, in terms of their moral qualities, are portrayed as superior to their heartless masters.

    Why do you think the cycle of stories was named by Turgenev "Notes of a Hunter"?

In the center of the story "Khor and Kalinich" are two peasant characters. Turgenev created the image of Khory under the impression of meeting a real peasant, “from nature” and even sent him his essay, which he was very flattered by. I.S. Turgenev gives an accurate description of the way of life and spiritual image of the peasants of various provinces of Russia. By the beginning of the XIX century. There were two forms of serfdom: corvée and dues.

Let's remember what these words mean.

Quiz on the knowledge of the content of the story.


Search and selection of the necessary information (P).

Motivation to activity (L). Analysis of objects in order to highlight features (P), presentation and argumentation of an opinion (K).

Mastering the skills of self-organization, goal-setting, reflection (P); independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal (P)

. "Discovery of new knowledge"

The purpose of the stage: ensuring perception, comprehension and primary fixation educational material students.

The story "Khor and Kalinich" begins with a lengthy author's discussion of how the peasant of the Oryol province differs from the peasant of the Kaluga province. It seems that already at the very beginning of the story, the writer wants to penetrate the secret of the Russian folk character.

Turgenev specifically compares two psychological types: the judicious, practical Khory and the dreamy, poetic Kalinich. These are, as it were, two sides of the same coin, two components of a single Russian character.

Khor and Kalinich are two sides of a single national Russian character, in which a sober attitude to life coexists - and daydreaming, efficiency, enterprise and disregard for material well-being. Kalinich is closer to nature, Khor is closer to people, to society. The whole story is built on the antithesis - the image of two opposite, but complementary Russian characters.

What is the meaning of the narrator in comparing Khory with Socrates?

Why does Khor not want to free himself from serfdom?

How is the landowner Polutykin depicted in the story? What is the meaning of the author's assessment - "an excellent person"?

Comparative characteristics of Horya, Kalinych and Polutykin. Work with text.

The groups complete the tables.

Presentation of the work of groups.

Performing logical operations: analysis, synthesis (P). Possession of all types of speech activity; extraction of information; processing, systematization of information and its presentation different ways; initiative cooperation in the search and collection of information in groups (C). Monitoring and evaluation of the achieved results of one's own and other people's activities and the necessary correction in the process of activity (P). Motivation to activity (L).

Establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, representation of chains of objects and phenomena (Log). Hypotheses and their justification; planning educational cooperation with the teacher, peers (K). Moral and aesthetic orientation (L). Awareness and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral form; search for the necessary information (P).

Search and selection of the necessary information, conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral form; semantic reading; extracting the necessary information from the text (P).

Analysis, generalization, definition of the concept; building logically sound reasoning; presentation of information in different forms (P). Understanding the position of the other, expressed explicitly and implicitly (dialogue with the author of the text); processing, systematization of information (K). Awareness of the integrity of the world and the diversity of views on it, the development of their own worldview positions (L)

V .Result of the lesson (reflection of activity)

Purpose of the stage : awareness of the student of their educational activities, self-assessment of the results of their activities and the whole class.


At the end of the lesson, students are invited to write a syncwine based on the material studied. Cinquain is a five-line stanza.

1st line - one keyword that determines the content of the syncwine;

2nd line - two adjectives characterizing this concept;

3rd line - three verbs denoting an action within a given topic;

4th line - a short sentence revealing the essence of the topic or attitude to it;

5th line is a synonym keyword(noun).

What is the innovation of I.S. Turgenev? How does I.S. Turgenev show the common people? What place do these stories occupy in the literature of the 19th century?

Behind the unattractive appearance of the peasants, their simple, and often meager forms of being, the writer was able to consider many truly human, inherently beautiful qualities. And it is no coincidence that already from the first essay “Khor and Kalinych”, Belinsky concluded that Turgenev approached the people “from such a side that no one had approached him before.” This was an innovation that had important consequences for all Russian literature.

They determine the degree of compliance with the set goal and the results of the activity, mark the most difficult and most liked episodes of the lesson, and express value judgments. Mark successful responses interesting questions classmates, group members.

Filling out diagnostic cards

Sufficient completeness of the expression of thought in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication (K). Evaluation of the degree and methods of achieving the goal in educational and life situations(R). Awareness of one's emotions, adequate expression and understanding of the emotional state of other people (L).

V . Homework

Write a miniature essay. After such active work with the text, we need to sum up. It will result in a small written work for us: write what you learned on the topic of the lesson, ask a question to which you did not receive an answer.

Write down homework

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"public lesson"

“... it is not surprising that the little play “Khor and Kalinich” was such a success: in it, the author approached the people from such a side, from which no one had approached him before.”

V.G. Belinsky


story characters

"Khor and Kalinich"

quitrent- one of the obligations of dependent peasants, which consists in paying the landowner in food or money.

Corvee- gratuitous forced labor of a serf who works with his own inventory in the lordly (landlord) economy.


... a high, knobby forehead, the same small eyes, the same snub nose.

... filled with laughter, and his small eyes disappeared completely.

... the old man is bald, short, broad-shouldered and dense

(He) was occupied with administrative and state issues

... spawned a large family, submissive and unanimous


His good-natured swarthy face, in some places marked with rowans

(He) was more moved by descriptions of nature, mountains, waterfalls, extraordinary buildings, big cities

... did not like to argue and believed everything blindly ...

… sang rather pleasantly and played the balalaika.

... there was once a wife whom he was afraid of, but there were no children at all.

Reflection "Sinquain".

1st line - essay "Khor and Kalinich";

2nd line - two adjectives characterizing this concept;

3rd line - three verbs denoting an action within a given topic;

4th line - a short sentence revealing the essence of the topic or attitude to it;

The 5th line is a synonym for the keyword (noun).

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Slides captions:

I.S. Turgenev. "MU MU"

I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow"

“... it is not surprising that the little play “Khor and Kalinich” was such a success: in it, the author approached the people from such a side, from which no one had approached him before.” V.G. Belinsky

Vasily Grigorievich Perov. "Hunters in Retreat"

Work with text

Kalinich sang rather pleasantly and played the balalaika. The ferret listened, listened to him, bent his head to one side and began to pull himself up in a plaintive voice.

Obrok is one of the obligations of dependent peasants, which consists in paying the landowner in food or money.

Corvee - gratuitous forced labor of a serf who works with his own inventory in the lordly (landlord) economy.

... a high, knobby forehead, the same small eyes, the same snub nose. (He) was occupied with administrative and state issues ... burst into laughter, and his small eyes disappeared completely. ... an old man - bald, short, broad-shouldered and dense ... spawned a large family, submissive and unanimous WHO IS THIS? HORE

WHO IS IT? KALINYCH His good-natured swarthy face, in some places marked with mountain ash (He) was more touched by descriptions of nature, mountains, waterfalls, unusual buildings, big cities ... did not like to reason and believed everything blindly ... ... sang rather pleasantly and played the balalaika. ... there was once a wife whom he was afraid of, but there were no children at all.

Which character in the story did I like? Why?

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