Extracurricular reading lesson on the story "The Blind Musician" the topic of the lesson is moral problems in the story "The Blind Musician" - Lesson. Moral problems in the story

Lesson topic . Moral problems in VG Korolenko's story "The Blind Musician".

Lesson type : improvement of knowledge, skills, targeted application of assimilation.

Type of lesson: Lesson - a study with elements of analysis of 2 episodes.

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint students with the story of V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician".


task: increase the level of perception and depth of penetration

In a literary text;

Show the spiritual renewal of a person offended

Fate, the path to the realization of one's destiny.

Development task:

Raising an attentive and thoughtful reader;

Ability to work with artwork

Analyze what you read, select the main thing;

Teaching competent analysis of individual episodes;

Ability to speak.


task: to help students hear the moral sound

Tales, her worldly wisdom;

Education of tolerance, mercy.

Equipment: presentation,

Drawings of students for various episodes, musical accompaniment,

During the classes.

Stage 1. Entry into the topic of the lesson and

creation of conditions for conscious perception of new material.

I. Organizational moment Psychological mood of students.

(The teacher conducts an exercise with students to create a positive emotional mood. Light music sounds)

Teacher. Hello! Smile to each other guys! Sit down girls, now boys. Guys, pick up the sun of Goodness and good mood. See how it smiles at you. Smile at him too! Place this little piece of good cheer in your right palm. Cover your left. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your body, your soul. Amazing energy emanates from him, kindness. Mentally place the goodness and good mood of this sun in your heart. Do you feel that you have new strength, energy?! I want you to remember what you feel now, and that you have the same feeling until the end of the lesson. Wish you success!

2. We are starting a literature lesson with you. And this means that we are again waiting for a fascinating journey into the world of the word. We will again admire, be surprised ... Help me guys! Continue! What else? (Learn new things, rejoice, be upset, dream, be surprised, analyze, think, delve into the essence ...). Enough, guys, well done! Thank you! We will need a textbook, a pen, a pencil. I wish you all fruitful and interesting work, and make many new discoveries! Commentary: Children check the availability of necessary supplies at the workplace. Formation and development of UUD students:

- personal - acceptance and development of the social role of the student, the development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning; a sense of beauty and aesthetic feelings based on acquaintance with world and domestic artistic culture;

- cognitive - to compare and classify according to specified criteria;

- communicative - to control the actions of a partner;

- regulatory - to evaluate the correctness of the performance of an action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment.

Stage 2. Organization and self-organization

students in the course of further assimilation of the material. Organization of feedback

Teacher: In order to continue working on a story, it is necessary to determine what such concepts as theme, idea, genre, plot, composition of the work mean.

Comment: Previously, the children were given a task in groups. Having summarized all the collected information, the representatives of each group prepared a presentation and selected slides by topic.

Group 1 (2 ob-sya) - (work with a literary dictionary) theoretical material is projected on the screen.

Group 2 (5 ob-sya) - defines and names the theme, idea, genre, composition of the story by V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician".

Topic: about overcoming difficulties, about the trials that befell the hero from the very

Birth, about the importance of human destiny.

Idea: to show the difficult path to the realization of one's destiny.

“My task was not specifically the psychology of the blind, but

Psychology of universal longing for fullness


Genre: story.

Plot: Includes 2 narratives:

1 - about how a blind boy was drawn to the light, to life;

2 - a story about how a man depressed by personal misfortune overcame

Himself passive suffering, found a place in life and managed to educate in himself

Understanding and sympathy for all the disadvantaged.


Exposition: 1, 2 Ch. - a premonition of trouble - and a sentence: "The child was born blind."

This is a tragedy. How will his life turn out?

Development of action: The fate of the boy depends on others, on the participation of loved ones:

/ mother, uncle Maxim, Evelina /.

Climax: Resign and suffer or defy fate?

/meeting with the ringer, conversation with uncle/.

Resolution: The path of searching, finding happiness: wife, son, talent, recognition.

Epilogue: Instead of blind, selfish suffering, he found in his soul a feeling of life "... he began to feel both human grief and human joy."

Commentary: Formation and development of UUD students:

- personal - the formation of the ability to self-learning, self-development;

- development of independence and personal responsibility for the results of their activities, goodwill; development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers, mutual assistance;

- cognitive - the ability to work in the information environment, navigate in age-appropriate dictionaries and reference books;

- active use of speech and ICT tools when presenting the results of work; draw your own conclusions;

Stage 3. Workshop

Teacher's word:

1. Formulation of the topic of the lesson

For every young person at a certain time, the question arises about his future fate, about his attitude towards people and the world. The world around is huge, there are many different roads in it, and the future of a person depends on the right choice of his life path.

Life requires from everyone not only the ability to survive, but also civic responsibility. And, only realizing this problem (choosing a path), taking responsibility for the chosen path, a person can move on. But what about the one who does not know this huge world - the blind? This will be discussed in class today.

Commentary: A portrait of the writer is projected on the screen.

Lesson topic - moral problems in VG Korolenko's story "The Blind Musician".

Communication of lesson objectives

The purpose of our lesson- try to understand what moral commandments the author left to his descendants in his story?

3. Statement of the learning problem

The main question that the author posed in the story is this: “What, in fact, was man created for?” (“Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight.” But the hero of the story answers with bitter irony: “... only happiness is not always created for him.”)

Formation and development of UUD students:

- personal:

Educational and cognitive interest in educational material and methods for solving a new particular problem;

- cognitive:

Independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal; structuring knowledge; the ability and ability of students to perform simple logical actions (analysis, comparison, generalization);

- regulatory:

accept, save and set a learning task; plan your action in accordance with the task.

2. Discussion.

Teacher: Questions about what happiness is, where are its boundaries, what is its meaning, is a person, as a person, capable of resisting circumstances, changing these circumstances? - the author dedicated one of his most remarkable works, "The Blind Musician", first published in 1886. So, I invite you to a conversation and to reflection on what you have read.

The birth of a blind child is a tragedy. What will happen to him? How will his life turn out?

Consider the stages of personality formation, during which the main character is formed:

Stage 1: Ways of knowing the world.

/ 1st contact with the natural world occurs in a boy at about

3 years. How subtly and surprisingly accurately the author conveys the feelings that

Experienced by a blind child. Korolenko notices the subtle

Experiences, impressions of a child's soul.

To show the world of perception of a boy, the author finds in the language all the necessary words to describe spring: (work with text - ch. 1, subtitle 6: “Ringing drops, gently murmuring water, bird cherry, rustling foliage,

The trills of the nightingale's song, the roar, the noise, the creak of the carts, the rustle of the wheel,

The human dialect of the fair, the knock of branches on glass, the cries of cranes. / 1 chapter, subtitle 6/.

How does knowledge of the world take place?He listens painfully, stretches out his hands in alarm, looks for his mother, presses himself against her.)

Conclusion : the world is perceived by the boy through sounds, smells, sensations. Sound forms became the main forms of his thought.

What feelings does this world evoke?/ Curiosity, fear /.

Teacher A: But he was lucky. At first, two people took a special part in the fate of the child:

his mother and uncle Maxim. Two different beginnings - the tenderness and poetry of the mother and the courage of the old warrior - helped Peter to know the world.

Conclusion: The role of the uncle is invaluable. He could not remain indifferent to the fate of his nephew. And not only because their fates are similar: both are disabled: he has no legs, the other has no vision.

It is he who does not allow his sister to make a "hothouse plant" out of a child. And we are convinced that he is right.

What would have become of the boy without the participation of his uncle? /I would go into myself/.

There are loving people around him. Name them, what is the role of these people. Uncle has already been mentioned. (Fate gave Peter in the form of Evelyn Guardian Angel).

Teacher: He knew the warmth of the family, the kind friendly participation of others

What talent was revealed in the boy? (He was given a talent: love of music / Joachim) /.

Comment. Formation and development of UUD students:

- personal:

Orientation in the moral content and meaning of actions;

development of ethical feelings - shame, guilt, conscience as regulators of moral behavior;

understand the feelings of others and empathize with them.

Educational 6

Mastering ways to solve problems of a search nature (find specific information in the text, explicitly given facts; determine the main idea of ​​the text; understand information presented in an implicit form);

Understanding the basis of the semantic reading of a literary text, the ability to extract essential information from the text;

Conduct a comparison according to specified criteria;

Build reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object;

Establish analogies;

- regulatory:

Perform learning activities in a mental form;

Take into account the guidelines for action identified by the teacher in the new educational material in cooperation with the teacher;

- communicative: readiness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;

Express your opinion and argue your point of view;

Formulate your own opinion and position.

2nd stage Work in groups

Everything seemed to be fine. But uncle decided to expand the boundaries of space. Meet people from different walks of life:

Group 1 talks about the meeting with the Stavruchenko family, reading descriptions from the text

The 2nd group talks about the meeting with the blind beggars-bandurists, reading the descriptions from the text

Petrus learned about the existence of another world, a world outside the estate. He felt like a stranger, defective. Peter completely plunged into darkness, into personal misfortune. This world is unknown to him, and will this world want to accept a blind man?

The 3rd group answers the question: - Why did the suffering in his soul intensify even after meeting with the ringer? What did he feel? / He felt that the fate of the blind is anger and resentment. A mental crisis has set in. Why?

Comment: After the performance of each group, representatives of other groups and their own put a flag of the corresponding color on the table of the group that spoke (green - they liked the message and performance, blue - the message and performance was not complete, red - not everything was successful).

Stage 4. Checking the results. Correction. Physical education minute.

1. Physical Minute. “It’s time for us to rest” (to relieve general fatigue).

It's time for us to take a break

Stretch and breathe. (Deep breath in and out.)

Turned their heads

And all the tiredness is gone!

One, two, three, four, five,

The neck needs to be stretched. (Rotation of the head in one direction and the other.)

They got up straight. Bent over.

One is forward, and two is back.

Stretched. Straightened up.

We repeat everything. (Tilts forward and backward.)

And then we sit down.

This is important, we know.

We stretch our knees

We exercise our legs. (Squats.)


Problems of the story

V.G. Korolenko

"Blind Musician"

8th grade student

GBOU OOSH with. Art. Maksimkino


Grigorieva L.G.,

teacher of Russian language

and literature

With. Cats, 2015

Introduction ………………………………………………………… page 3

Chapter 1

Chapter 2. V.G.Korolenko - writer-humanist page 6

Chapter 3

3.1. The meaning of human life ……………………………… page 7

3.2. True blindness and spiritual insight ……………….. page 9

3.3. The choice of the heroes of the story………………………………………... p. 12

Conclusion ……………………………………………………… page 13

List of sources of information used ………….. page 15


"Man is made for happiness, like a bird for flight"

The work of V. Korolenko during his lifetime became a symbol of the conscience and honor of the era. Thanks to his observation and ability to understand people, the writer drew plots for his works from real life events.

Many of his works raise the question of why a person exists, what role he plays in society. In The Blind Musician, the theme of self-determination, the choice of a life path, is very clearly traced. V.G. Korolenko gives the reader the opportunity to understand what is meant by human blindness: its physical or spiritual manifestation.

The relevance of research lies in the fact that the author's reflections and experiences on the problem raised in the story are important for understanding one's place in life today.

His hero is deprived of the ability to see. But an understanding comes to him that the choice of a life path, a life goal belongs to the person himself, that a person must find a way to realize himself in order to survive in society. Each person must fight for his happiness, overcome the physical and moral barriers that prevent a person from finding his destiny in life.

Objective: identify the problems of the story "The Blind Musician"


To study the concept of the problematics of a work of art;

Analyze the story of V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician" in order to determine the type of problem in the work;

To trace the stages of personality formation, during which the main character is formed, his “vision” of the surrounding world is formed;

An object: story by V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician"

Subject of study: the problems of the story

Chapter 1

The problematics of a work of art is a manifestation of the author's position towards the depicted reality. These are the thoughts and feelings of the author on the topic that he raises in his work. The writer often calls the reader to a frank conversation with his work, invites him to discuss the proposed issues. The author of this or that work presents for discussion a number of problems, a system of values, ideas about the world, society, the principles and meaning of life, etc.

Problematics is the central part of artistic content. It is the main idea of ​​the work, that for which it was created, it is the author's view of the world. Reading the text of a work of art, a person is imbued with sympathy, feelings for the characters, reflects on the events taking place in the story or novel, although, perhaps, he cannot always agree with the author, having his own vision of resolving situations.

In the problematics, a unique author's view of the world, of the surrounding reality, is manifested, because this category is characterized by the subjectivity of artistic content. Therefore, when analyzing a literary text, we consider the individual originality of the work, compare it with the works of the author himself or, more often, compare it with the works of other authors.

In literary criticism, there are several types of problematics of a work of art. Esin A.B. in the book "Principles and methods of analysis of a literary work" identifies the following types of problems of a work of art:

    Mythological problems are the problems of science fiction literature, which gives an explanation for the emergence of various phenomena.

    National-historical problems are associated with works that deal with issues related to the fate of the people, with turning points in its history, with the definition of the national character.

    Sociocultural issues are distinguished by works that are characterized by a description of everyday life, everyday opinion, habitual, properties and qualities of people who have developed in different strata of society. In works with this problem, it is not the individual personality that is important, but the environment in which the qualities of a person are formed.

    Novel problems are divided into two more varieties: adventurous and ideological and moral.

In works with the first variety " writers focused on the dynamics of external changes in the fate and position of the individual. The ideological interest of writers focused on what vicissitudes befall a person, how favorable and unfavorable accidents rapidly change his position, and how a person himself "keeps" in this stream of events that carry him. (2)

In works with ideological and moral problems, the focus is on a person who is in search. The hero in such works tries to find an answer to the questions that life puts before him: what is good and evil, what is the meaning of life, where is truth and justice, etc.

Chapter 2. V.G.Korolenko - humanist writer

Korolenko wrote in a difficult time, when they tried to suppress all living things, despondency reigned in society, notes of sorrow and longing were heard in art. In Korolenko's stories, other motives sounded: the motives of struggle, masculinity, will, honor.

“He was obsessed with a humanistic, romantically beautiful dream of a free man, like a bird, of human equality and happiness,” says V.G. Korolenko literary historian F.I. Kuleshov. (four)

“You can’t write about a person without a humane attitude towards him, and an inevitable element in the work of every writer is a natural love for people - for the very people who, in one form or another, constitute the subject and ultimate goal of his beautiful image,” supports J. Aikhenwald . (one)

In the works of V.G. Korolenko man is always brought to the fore. Thanks to the power of the writer's word, the author makes us empathize with the main character, go through life's difficulties together with him, imbued with his thoughts and feelings. The author makes you think about the fate of man, about his destiny in this life. “Life in general, in its smallest and largest manifestations, seems to me to be a manifestation of a common great law, the main, main features of which are goodness and happiness. What if there is no happiness? Well, well, the exception does not disprove the rule. There is no one’s own happiness - there is someone else’s, but nevertheless the law of life is the desire for happiness and its ever greater realization, ”the writer himself considered. (fourteen)

The heroes gradually come to an understanding of their place in life: “not the slightest idea about the purpose of a person” - “a collision ... of illusions with sober reality” - “a person was created only for happiness, like a bird for flight” (...)

“... happiness is only in life, and all life is an aspiration, an achievement, a new aspiration,” says V. Korolenko, talking about the short story “Lights”. (14) In this work, more like, as he himself defines it, a prose poem, the writer expounded a philosophical thought about the meaning and purpose of human existence. Often a person on a difficult life path gives up, experiencing continuous breakdowns and failures.

"But anyway ... after all, there are lights ahead! ”, Which make you get up and go, beckoning with their proximity, promise, light. And we continue to live and hope for the best, strive to achieve the goal, hope for a better life, otherwise, why is it needed.

The formation of personality in the works of VG Korolenko takes place in the clash of heroes with reality, with life reality, with life philosophy. The characters reflect on the contradictory reality, their attitude towards it. Sometimes these reflections lead to strong internal contradictions that seem unresolvable. The heroes are trying to find a way out of this situation, trying to test their theories with practice.

The ideological and moral position of a person is formed in active interaction with different points of view on the world, with other “truths”.

Every person wants happiness and every person deserves it. The main thing is the internal content, not external qualities and features. These postulates unite many of the writer's works.

Chapter 3. "Blind Musician" - the struggle for happiness and light

3.1. The meaning of human life

Is a person, as a person, capable of resisting circumstances, of changing these circumstances? - the author dedicated one of his most remarkable works, "The Blind Musician", first published in 1886.

The story "The Blind Musician" is a work about determining one's purpose in the world, about the happiness of every person. The writer devotes his study to the question of what happiness is, where are its boundaries and what is its meaning.

By the very title, Korolenko determined one of the important themes of his work. His hero is a blind man, that is, a man deprived of nature, deprived of the ability to see. But at the same time, he is a musician, which means that by nature he is endowed with a subtle and sharp ear, musical talent. Thus, he is both "humiliated" and "exalted" by nature. Peter's life flows among people who love him, but he is not left with the painful thought that isolation from people, anger and selfishness are the inevitable qualities of a blind man. Acquaintance with new people and the big world bring the young man the understanding that the choice of the path belongs to the person himself. Anger and despair are replaced by a feeling of compassion for people, a desire to help them. The blind find strength in music. Through music, he can influence people, tell them the main thing about life, what he himself understood so hard. Such is the choice of a blind musician.

“My main artistic task was not specifically the psychology of the blind, but the psychology of the universal longing for the unattainable and the longing for the fullness of existence,” says V.G. Korolenko, despite the fact that he defines the genre of the work as a study. Etude, as you know, is translated from French as "teaching, study." The hero of the work, Peter Popelsky, will also have to know himself, his abilities and abilities.

Life puts the heroes of Korolenko in the most difficult conditions, sometimes it makes them lose self-control, lose faith in people, convince them that there is nothing good and sincere in others, either in people or in life, but the call of the soul makes them go forward, compare, draw conclusions, make sure in my experience in reverse.

V. Korolenko believes that the highest logic of human manifestations lies in the command of the heart, and not in the laws of the mind. So Uncle Maxim is trying to explain to his nephew what the “raspberry” and “red” bells are. Peter does not see, but Maxim tries to give an idea of ​​the special ringing of the bell, replacing visual images with auditory, musical ones. He wants the boy to imagine the cheerful festive ringing of the bell, to feel the atmosphere of the awakening spring life.

Peter is trying to "see" it. According to Korolenko, the essence of human abilities lies in the fact that a person deprived of sight will strive for satisfaction instinctively, unconsciously, because it is inherent in man by nature. In the soul of the hero, notes of protest against such unnaturalness, against the violation of the laws of nature, should be born.

Painfully, painfully, Peter tries to collect separate musical, sound ideas about the world into one whole. His imagination created "its own world, sad, mournful and twilight, but not devoid of a peculiar, vague poetry." So Korolenko explores, like a scientist, individual sensations, impressions of his hero into complex concepts and ideas.

The author claims: if a boy is blind, this does not mean that he cannot do anything, he must learn something in order to stand firmly on his feet, on the road of life. The hero of Korolenko goes through the same trials that the writer knew from his own inner experience, which he himself went through in life. This is the desire for light, overcoming obstacles on the way to light.

3.2. True blindness and spiritual insight

Due to a tragic set of circumstances, the hero of the story "The Blind Musician" is deprived of the opportunity to satisfy one of the most important human needs - the need to see.

The author describes the life of a blind boy step by step. Around him is a huge world with many roads with different obstacles. What will happen to him next? How will his life turn out? How to choose your life path? Much will depend on the people who will surround him, on their ability to support and lend a hand in difficult moments.

Korolenko focuses on the psychological process of the hero's spiritual upheaval. O He tries to trace this process from the first, instinctive movements of the human soul to conscious social actions. Not only the main characters, but also the people around him constantly find themselves at an internal crossroads.

The birth of a blind child is always a tragedy. This is how the news of Petrus's blindness is perceived tragically by his mother and his uncle. The heroes are faced with a choice. How to be? What idea of ​​life to give the child?

Maxim, deprived of legs, is disabled, as no one understands the difficulties of the future life of his nephew. He, a courageous old warrior, cannot remain indifferent to the fate of his nephew, he will not allow his sister to make a “hothouse plant” out of a child. Two different beginnings - the tenderness and poetry of the mother and the courage of the old warrior - help Peter to know the world.

The first contact with the outside world occurs in a boy at about three years of age. The author subtly and surprisingly accurately conveys the feelings experienced by a blind child. Korolenko notices subtle experiences, impressions of a child's soul. The boy painfully listens to the world of sounds. To show the world of perception of the boy, the author finds in the language all the necessary words to describe spring: “ringing drops, gently murmuring water, bird cherry trees rustling leaves, trills of a nightingale song, roar, noise, creaking of carts, rustling of a wheel, human dialect of a fair, knock of branches about the glass, the cries of cranes. The boy listens painfully to unfamiliar sounds, frightenedly stretches out his hands, looking for his mother, cuddles up to her. This first acquaintance with the natural world ended with him being delirious for several days. A difficult path lies before the hero in the knowledge of the world around him and the world of his own sensations.

The boy begins to perceive the world through sounds, smells, sensations. Sound forms became the main forms of his thought. This world makes him curious and afraid. But he was lucky. Next to him are his loving mother and uncle, who try to help the boy comprehend the sounds and sensations. Petrus fell in love with listening to the play of the groom Joachim on the pipe. He learns to play the pipe from him.Maxim asks the groom to play folk music for the boy.

Peter continues to study the world in sounds and sensations. He presents some concepts completely unfamiliar to him in sounds. But at the same time, these same sounds rain down on him from all sides, giving him no rest. Sometimes he can't even stand the pressure of emotions. That's what happened when my mother buys a piano. Each new sound evoked new emotions in Peter's soul. The sounds of the new instrument turned out to be rough for the boy in comparison with Joachim's pipe and caused him new frustrations.

He was gifted with a talent: a love of music. The melodies he plays captivate all listeners: a blind boy can feel sounds, they help him see the world around him without sight. Fate gives him an acquaintance with Evelina.

Everything seems to be fine. But Maxim decided to expand the boundaries of space. He introduces Peter to people of different social statuses. Invites the Stavruchenko family to visit. Uncle wants Peter I felt that a bright and interesting life was flowing nearby.

But soon he felt like a stranger, flawed. Peter is completely immersed in darkness, in personal misfortune. This world is unknown to him, and will this world want to accept a blind man? The suffering in his soul is aggravated after meeting with the bell ringer. He felt that the fate of the blind is anger and resentment. A mental crisis is coming. “I wanted you to feel someone else's grief and stop rushing about with your own,” he says to the young man with anger. “You only know how to blaspheme with your well-fed envy of someone else's hunger!...” - Maxim Yatsenko throws to his nephew. The uncle reveals to the young man the full depth of human suffering: he inspires that personal misfortunes are insignificant in comparison with the suffering of others.

The hero receives his moral lesson, the uncle's words are decisive and bring clarity to the thoughts and actions of the hero. Peter makes a choice: he leaves to wander with the blind on the advice of his uncle. After a long wandering, anger is replaced by compassion for people and a desire to help them. The suffering, which he learned from his own experience, healed his soul: “as if the nightmare had disappeared forever from the estate”, where Peter returned. Folk music, which he mastered to perfection, helped him find peace of mind. And soon he mastered the heights of classical music. He gains strength in music, which can influence people, tell them the most important thing about life, which is so difficult for him to understand himself. Peter became confident, strong.

Acquaintance with new people and the big world brought the young man not only suffering, but also the understanding that the choice of the path belongs to the person himself.

3.3. The choice of heroes of the story

In Korolenko's story, not only Peter is faced with the problem of choice. No less difficult choice must be made by Evelina, the friend of the blind man. Since childhood, they were together, society and the caring attention of the girl helped and supported Peter. Their friendship gave a lot to Evelina, like Peter, she had almost no idea about life outside the estate. The meeting with the Stavruchenko brothers was also for her a meeting with an unfamiliar and big world that was ready to accept her. Young people are trying to captivate her with dreams and expectations, they do not believe that at seventeen you can already plan your life. Dreams intoxicate her, but in that life there is no place for Peter. She understands the suffering and doubts of Peter - and performs a “quiet feat of love”: she is the first to speak about her feelings to Peter. The decision to start a family also comes from Evelina. This is her choice. For the sake of the blind Peter, she immediately and forever closes before her the path so temptingly outlined by the students. And the writer convinces us that it was not a sacrifice, but a manifestation of sincere and very selfless love.

The work ends with a concert by Piotr Popielski. Among the spectators in the hall is his uncle. Maxim, like no one else, hears and feels the music of his nephew. He hears the sounds of nature, the sounds of folk music and the melody of poor blind bandura players. The uncle understands that the nephew has found his way in life, he has found his happiness in music, his family, Evelyn and his son. Realizing this and his merit, Maxim is convinced that he did not live his life in vain. He understands that it was precisely in helping the formation of a blind nephew that the main meaning of his life was, this is his happiness.

So, the story "The Blind Musician" is about the difficult comprehension of the world, about its small victories over illness, about the fact that a person must fight for the right to be a person, despite the circumstances, must overcome obstacles on the way in order to find himself.


"The Blind Musician" is permeated with deep emotional experiences of the writer. Vladimir Galaktionovich, as the basis of all Russian classical literature, considers in his work the eternal questions of being, the main values ​​in human life and the meaning of his existence.

And at the same time, he longs to know why he was given such a life, why he goes through so many trials. After all, if a person does not know why he was given life, why he has such a fate, his gift can become vain, useless for the spiritual development of a person.

Many humbly, calmly bear the burden, others complain, grieve, reasonably put up, creating "folk wisdom" that it is stupid to go against fate. But there are those who are not deprived of limitations. They can't put up with her. Ailments, failures, difficulties give rise to their protest and gives rise to their creativity. This is the main idea of ​​the etude "The Blind Musician".

You need to conquer the dark sides of your life, so "you have to lean on the oars" and go towards the light, the sun, happiness!

Blind Piotr Popelsky in the end not only realized himself necessary for life, but overcame his blindness. The “enlightenment” of Peter Popielsky could not have happened without the social experience he acquired, without his “going among the people”, when he, having plunged into a previously unknown world of poverty, grief and tears, managed to feel the suffering of the destitute as his own, thanks to which he was able overcome selfish focus on one's own unhappiness.

Thus, the problematic of the story "The Blind Musician" by Korolenko is a statement of the need to fight for happiness. This is an understanding of the fullness of life as a service to others, "a reminder to the happy about the unfortunate." This is an affirmation of the relentless striving for self-improvement, for the desire to know oneself. Nothing just happens. Achieving any goal requires highmotivation, but only too strong a desire to achieve something is usually the main obstacle.

But ... "the road will be mastered by the walking one"

List of sources used

1. Eichenwald Yu. I. Korolenko

2. http://linguistics_dictionary.academic.ru



14. (Korolenko about happiness)

History of creation. The story reflects the memories of Korolenko about her mother (it is no coincidence that the heroine's name is Evelina), staying in Volyn, Zhytomyr, Rivne, visiting the Pochaev Lavra and the Sarov Monastery (Tambov). Although the work first appeared in the Russkiye Vedomosti newspaper in 1886, the writer repeatedly returned to it, introducing new episodes and images. Even in 1917, he reworked some pages of the story and wrote about it to one of his friends: "My main artistic task was not only to reproduce the psychology of a blind man, but also to reflect the universal dream behind the ideal, longing for the fullness of human existence."

The story takes place in the west of modern Ukraine and covers the period roughly from the late 1860s to the early 1880s. At that time, some Ukrainian lands belonged to Poland. The author writes about the place of events: "North-Western Territory" (this is relative to the borders of the then tsarist Russia). Peter Popelsky's father was a wealthy Pole, a rural landowner, and his mother, Anna Mikhailovna (nee Yatsenko), and uncle, Maxim (mother's brother), belonged to the Little Russian family (that is, they came from present-day Central Ukraine).

Genre of the work. In terms of genre, this is a story, because it contains a small circle of characters depicted in a family circle and against the backdrop of beautiful nature. It is interesting that Korolenko himself in the subtitle defined the genre of the work as "etude", which in French means "study", "research". In his story, the writer explores the formation of a person with disabilities - a blind man. In the center of the work is the image of Peter Popielsky, who from birth could not see. His difficult path to discovering the world is the plot of the work. This is a story about the spiritual development of a person who seeks to find and understand the meaning of his existence among people.

Depicting the process of becoming Peter Popelsky, Korolenko uses a rich artistic palette. As a psychologist, he studies step by step the gradual comprehension of the world by a blind boy through sounds, as well as his awareness of such important concepts as beauty, joy, kindness, love for nature, art. Acquaintance with folk art servant Joachim, who played beautiful melodies on the flute, opens up a new understanding of the world for Petenka. He also feels the very craving for music, live, saturated with real human feelings. False values, embodied in those pieces of music that his mother performs on the witch's piano, Peter does not perceive. He withdraws from such "music" and also from his mother. Only when the mother understood what Peter's soul was striving for, she began to play in a different way, truly beautifully, sincerely. Both Joachim and Peter understood this. So the mother was able to return the love of her son, who from childhood felt the difference between real and fake, sincere and insincere, beautiful and ugly in life.

Petro grew up in the bosom of nature and with love for music, which contributed to his spiritual development. Share sent him another precious gift - an acquaintance with Evelina, the daughter of a neighboring professor (tenant of the estate) Yaskulsky. She became a good friend to Petenka, and later, when the children grew up, love arose between them. However, not only the joy of communication awaited them, but also serious trials, provoked by Peter's blindness and his difficult ones. Surrounded by the love of his relatives and estranged from the outside world, Petrik did not understand and did not know how to live in this world, where to find his way. BUT Evelina having a good heart, suffers along with it.

Of great importance in the formation of the character of Peter Popielsky was not only art, but also Christian values. Through God, the hero discovers in himself what he did not know before. In a difficult period of searching for himself, Peter, along with his family, ends up in a monastery, where he meets two poor blind ringers - Egor and Roman. Their images embody two positions, two different attitudes towards a physical defect and towards people. Egory was evil, withdrawn, cruel and envious, while Roman, on the contrary, was kind and sensitive. Blindness did not make Roman's heart "blind", he was open to people. The writer claims that in life's trials people reveal their inner essence in different ways. And what was his hero, Petro?

Petrus Popielsky With the help of Uncle Maxim and traveling with the poor blind to the Pochaev Lavra, he entered real life. He went the way that the people go, and together with the people he discovered not only great suffering, but also the wisdom and beauty of human relationships. This helped Peter to look at himself and his blindness differently. He realized that physical vice can be overcome by the power of the spirit. The writer claims that a person can always achieve realization in life if he focuses not on his grief, not on painful experiences, but finds another purpose of existence. Piotr Popelsky found such a different goal - this is art (music), which leads him to the knowledge of the world and himself. Family life with Evelina and the birth of a son - not blind, but sighted - became for Peter a reward for his difficult and painful quest.

The best described in the story c. Korolenko is a description of nature and music. For them, the writer chooses the brightest colors and shades of the artistic word. And they give the impression of beautiful paintings, looking at which you can perceive in different ways.

In 1960, director Tatyana Lukashevich made a feature film based on the novel by V. Korolenko. The film well recreated the song element of the writer's works and the beauty of nature, which became the backdrop for the complex spiritual quest of Piotr Popielski.

Analysis of the work of Korolenko the blind musician


Blind musician" analysis of the work of V. Korolenko is given in this article. The theme, idea, genre, problems, main characters, plot and composition of the work "The Blind Musician" are disclosed in this article. "Blind musician" Korolenko analysis Author - Vladimir Korolenko Year of writing - 1886 Interpretation of the title: "Blind" (a cripple, an inferior person who needs care) "Musician" (a creative, talented person who has found his calling) Subject: Spiritual test of personality, which must find itself, the meaning of its existence among people. The role of art in the formation of personality Idea: Through hard work, with the support of relatives and friends, a person can overcome any obstacles, overcome even such a terrible disadvantage as blindness. Genre: Story The main characters "The Blind Musician" Piotr Popielsky is a blind musician; mother Anna Mikhailovna (née Yatsenko); uncle Maxim (mother's brother); groom Joachim; Evelina - Peter's beloved; brothers Stavruchenko; Egoriy, Roman - ringers; Blind Issues "Blind musician" education; formation of a positive life position; search for the meaning of life; sympathy for human grief; attitude towards people with disabilities; reconcile or defy fate Composition - 7 sections and an epilogue Plot "The Blind Musician" two stories about how a born boy was drawn to the light, to life; about how a person depressed by personal misfortune overcame passive suffering in himself, found a place in life and managed to cultivate understanding and compassion for all the destitute. Elements of the plot "The Blind Musician" Exposition: premonition of trouble - and sentence: "The child was born blind." This is a tragedy. How will his life turn out? Development of action: the influence of others on the fate of the boy: (mother, uncle Maxim, Joachim, Evelina, blind singers). Climax: Resign and suffer or defy fate? (Meeting with the ringer, pilgrimage with the blind). Ending: the path of searching, long-awaited happiness: wife, son, talent, recognition. Epilogue: instead of blind, selfish suffering, he found in his soul a feeling of life. "... He began to feel both human grief and human joy." Symbols in the work "The Blind Musician" Light is not only the light of the sun, inaccessible to the blind, but also the real world, with its life and pain, joy and suffering. Darkness is not only eternal night in the eyes of the protagonist, but also a quiet corner of the estate, fenced off from the world, this is the soul of Petrus, closed in its suffering. The path of a blind musician is to overcome the darkness in oneself, which is important for a person. What does The Blind Musician teach? To be merciful to others, humane, tolerant of human suffering and how to live a worthy and fulfilling life. Source: http://ktoikak.com/slepoy-muzyikant-analiz/ Encyclopedia of useful knowledge © ktoikak.com

BLIND MUSICIAN Etude (1886) Popelsky Peter (Petya, Stroke, Petrik) - the main character. The subtitle - "study" - the author obviously wanted to express the experimental nature of his work, associated not only with purely literary, but also with natural science and medical problems. “The main psychological motive of the study is an instinctive, organic attraction to the light,” the author wrote in the preface to the sixth edition of his story. He discussed in more detail in one of his letters: “I have often been told, and still are told, that a person can yearn only for what he has experienced. The blind-born did not know the light and cannot yearn for it. I deduce this feeling from the pressure of an inner need that accidentally finds no application. The terminal apparatus is damaged - but the entire internal apparatus, which reacted to light in countless ancestors, remained and requires its share of light. was born into a wealthy family of a landowner in the Southwestern Territory. The mother, having established his blindness, tried to surround the baby with excessive care, began to pamper him, but her brother Maxim, who lost his leg in the war, demanded that “stupid care should not be shown to his nephew, eliminating the need for effort from him.” And in the future, Uncle Maxim remained a strict and kind friend of P., not allowing him to feel his inferiority, in the end instilling in him confidence in the possibility of spiritual insight, which happens in the final scene of the story: P., who has already experienced the happiness of family life, father a sighted son, becoming a pianist, fascinates a huge hall with his playing. The story, rare in terms of strength of optimism, giving a convincing example of an unbroken fate, poetic and truthful in details, more than once caused purely professional disputes, reducing its content to the problem of credibility or unconvincing description of the case history. These include the speech of the blind professor of psychology A. M. Shcherbina (1916). Korolenko responded to criticism as follows: “Shcherbina is a positivist to the marrow of his bones. He or fate did for him what my Maxim wanted to do. Broke the problem into a mass of details, successive stages, solved them one by one... and this closed the tantalizing secret of the unattainable luminous world from him. And he calmed down... in consciousness. And he assures that he is satisfied and happy without the fullness of existence. Satisfied - yes. Happy - probably not.

I never thought about the meaning of life. To find the answer to this question, I turned to the work of VG Korolenko "The Blind Musician". For each person at a certain time, the question arises about his future fate, about his attitude towards people and the world. The world around is huge, there are many different roads in it, and the future of a person, his happiness depends on the right choice of his life path. But what about the one who does not know this huge world - the blind? The hero of Korolenko - the blind-born Peter - has to go through many obstacles on the way to happiness. Since childhood, he knew only one world, calm and reliable. He knew the warmth of the family and the kind friendly participation of Evelina. The inability to see the light, the beauty of the surrounding nature upset him, but he imagined this world thanks to the sensitive perception of its sounds. However, the first meeting with the real world, Petrus' first shock is the meeting with the Stavruchenko family. He learns about the existence of another world, a world outside the estate. At first, the blind man listened to these conversations and disputes "with an expression of enthusiastic amazement, but soon he could not help but notice that this living wave was rolling past him, that she did not care about him." He feels like a stranger. This meeting sharply exacerbated his suffering, planted doubts in his soul. Petrusa's attitude to life changes greatly after meeting blind bell ringers during a visit to the monastery. One of them - Roman - was kind, but he went blind when he was seven years old, the other - Egoriy - was evil, hated children, he hated this world, this fate, which so cruelly deprived him. Peter felt his similarity with Yegoriy, now he believed that all blindly born evil, he envied the blind beggars who, in caring for food and warmth, forget about their grief. But meeting a real blind beggar shocks him. And hard as steel, Uncle Maxim invites Peter to give up all the advantages of a rich life and truly experience all the hardships, the fate of the unfortunate. "You only know how to blaspheme with your full envy of someone else's hunger!" - throws Maxim to his nephew. And Peter eventually joins the wandering blind musicians. After vagrancy with the blind and a pilgrimage to the miraculous icon, the anger passes: Peter really recovered, but not from a physical illness, but from an illness of the soul. Anger is replaced by a feeling of compassion for people, a desire to help them. The blind find strength in music. Through music, he can influence people, tell them the most important thing about life, which he himself understood so hard. An equally important role in the life of Peter was played by his friend Evelina. She was a bright spot, the very hope that helped Peter overcome his grief and find happiness. From childhood they were together, society and caring attention of the girl helped and supported the blind man. Their friendship gave a lot to Evelina; like Peter, she had almost no idea about life outside the estate. The meeting with the Stavruchenko brothers was also for her a meeting with an unfamiliar and big world that was ready to accept her. Young people try to captivate with dreams and expectations, dreams intoxicate her, but in that life there is no place for Peter. She understands the suffering and doubts of Peter and performs a "quiet feat of love": she is the first to speak about her feelings to Peter. For his sake, she immediately and forever closes the path before her, so temptingly outlined by the students. And the writer was able to convince us that it was not a sacrifice, but a manifestation of sincere and very selfless love. I believe that Petrusya found his happiness, he overcame the obstacles and difficulties that he encountered on his way. He overcame that malice, that selfishness with which, as he believed, all the blind-born live. The blind musician has come a long way to happiness. But this is life, this is happiness. It is necessary to live, despite everything, overcoming difficulties, to go to the intended goal. After all, life consists in constant striving, achievement and new striving. You need to conquer the dark sides of your life, so "you have to lean on the oars" and go towards the light, the sun, happiness!

Practical work No. 1

Analysis of a fragment of the text from the story of V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician"

(work on the text of a work of art at a Russian language lesson in grade 9 )

Blind musician (study, chapter 1, part 2)

A blind child was born into a wealthy Popelsky family.

At first no one noticed it. The boy looked with that dull and indefinite look with which all newborn children look up to a certain age. Days passed after days, the life of a new person was already considered weeks. His eyes cleared, a cloudy veil came off them, the pupil was determined. But the child did not turn his head for the bright beam that penetrated the room along with the cheerful chirping of birds and the rustle of green beeches that swayed at the very windows in the dense village garden. The mother, who had time to recover, was the first to notice with concern the strange expression of the child's face, which remained motionless and somehow not childishly serious.

The young woman looked at the people like a frightened dove and asked:

Tell me why is he like this?

Which? - indifferently asked strangers. - He is no different from other children of this age.

Look how strange he is looking for something with his hands...

The child cannot yet coordinate hand movements with visual impressions, the doctor replied.

Why is he looking in the same direction?... Is he... is he blind? - suddenly burst out of the mother's chest a terrible guess, and no one could calm her down.

The doctor took the child in his arms, quickly turned to the light and looked into his eyes. He was a little embarrassed and, having said a few insignificant phrases, left, promising to return in two days. The mother wept and thrashed like a wounded bird, clutching the child to her breast, while the boy's eyes remained fixed and stern.

The doctor actually returned two days later, taking with him an ophthalmoscope. He lit a candle, brought it closer and further away from the child's eye, looked into it, and finally said with an embarrassed look:

Unfortunately, madam, you are not mistaken... The boy is really blind, and hopelessly...

Mother listened to this news with calm sadness.

I knew for a long time,” she said quietly.

1886 V.G. Korolenko

1. Epigraphs to the text are proposed on the board. Which one best reflects the conceptual meaning of the text?

It is easier to execute your heart, If mothers turn gray early -

It is easier with the mind to be in discord. Not only age is to blame.

With maternal grief S. Vikulov


Only maternal grief is possible ... You are my only help and joy ...

L. Tatyanicheva S. Yesenin

What could be higher, purer, more reverent, stronger than maternal love?! She will never betray or deceive. But what to do, what to do if grief, misfortune suddenly happened to your only child, in which the whole meaning of your life, your whole little universe is concentrated?! The heart is torn to pieces from the realization of the irreparable grief. You will have to live with this misfortune, get used to it, look at the sun and the blooming world, knowing that your child will never see this beauty. The main thing is not to break down yourself, support your child, breathe strength and confidently lead along the path of life. It seems to me that it is in the lines of L. Tatyanicheva's poem that the cosmic, immeasurable depth of mother's grief, the irresistible force of mental suffering and great maternal love are expressed.

2. Determine the topic of the text, justify your choice. The theme of the text is the birth of a blind child. Keywords that define the topic:eyes - sight - pupil - visual impressions - blind - ophthalmologist - eyes - blind. The word “blind”, which is terrible for a mother, at first she pronounces herself, guessing the trouble with the power of maternal love, then, like a sentence, it sounds from the lips of an ophthalmologist.

3. Name the micro-themes of this text. Micro-themes reflect the semantic integrity, the thematic unity of the text fragment.

    A strange expression of a child's face, alarming the mother.

    Appeal of a young woman about her terrible guess to different people.

    The first examination of the boy by a doctor.

    The boundless pain of a mother's heart.

    Doctor's diagnosis.

    The calm sadness of a mother.

4. The concept (main idea) of the work. The immensity of maternal grief and the courage of the mother, her willingness and ability to endure absolutely everything for the love of her son. The author expresses her intense feelings, maternal anxiety with the words - “with anxiety”, “terrible guess”, piercing comparisons “like a frightened turtle dove”, “cried and fought like a shot bird”, and her determination, maternal courage - with the last sentences of this text: “Mother listened to this news with calm sadness. “I knew for a long time,” she said quietly. The epithet “calm sadness” is very expressive here, psychologically accurately conveying the feelings of the mother, who understands how difficult her son’s life path will be and how much he will especially need her love and support. The metonymy “days passed after days”, the metaphor “the pupil was determined, the muddy veil came down” and after it - “a bright beam that penetrated the room”, to which the child did not react, emphasize the horror and inevitability of the verdict of fate. The grief of the mother, her immense love and, apparently, the already thought-out decision to be close to her son, to do everything possible for him, sounds in the last sentence and is emphasized by the adverb “quietly”.

5. Try to give your name to an excerpt from VG Korolenko's story "The Blind Musician". Let's title the text according to the main idea: "Mother's grief."

6. Determine the style of the text, the type of speech, justify your choice. The text belongs to the artistic style. Specific style features , used in text: informativeness, a combination of logic with figurativestu, open appraisal, emotionality, the use of means of artistic expression. The above comparisons, epithets not only play the role of verbal painting, but also give an emotional assessment of what is happening.Type of speech narration. The story of the sad event is given in time sequence: a message that a blind child was born in the Popelskys' house, and how it was discovered. The first sentence is an introduction, stating a fact without any emotion. It can also be considered a tie. The climax is the mother's guess: "... is he blind?" The denouement is the verdict of an ophthalmologist. The main question of the story is what happened? An expressive syntactic means of communication is a question-answer, interrogative and declarative sentences. Dialogue plays an important role: the indifferent remarks of strangers and the mother's anxious questions, which, on the contrary, sound passionately, excitedly.

7. Sphere of communication- mass communication (the power of the artistic word affects the feelings, emotions, consciousness of listeners or readers). Scope of use- fiction. Speech function- emotional impact mode of presentation- consistent, emotional, figurative, evaluative. Genre- a fragment from the story, which the author gave a subtitle - an etude, apparently emphasizing the originality of the work, which combined the position of the writer and the point of view of the researcher. “The main psychological motive of the study is an instinctive, organic attraction to the light,” the author wrote in the preface to the sixth edition of his story.

8. Determine the language features of the text fragment . The connection between sentences is chain. It is carried out by lexical means: contextual synonyms (“newborn children” - “other children of this age”, “cried and fought”, “dull and indefinite look”, “fixed and stern look”, “mother is a young woman”). Grammar means of communication are also used: pronouns (“he”, “such”, “what”, “no one”), cognate words (“children” - “childish” - “childishly”, alternation of perfect and imperfective verbs, deliberately the colloquial form of the verb in the phrase "the boy's eyes looked" (looked at objects, but did not see them) is emphasized. In the doctor's behavior, tension, anxiety and hope are conveyed by the gradation of perfective verbs: « took the child in his arms”, “quickly turned to the light and looked”, “slightly embarrassed”. Intentionally, past tense verbs are used in the present in order to convey the tension of the narrative and cause the reader to be involved in what is happening. The abundance of verbal vocabulary speaks of the dynamics of the text, the peak of emotions, confusion of feelings. In the first sentence, V.G. Korolenko uses the reverse word order (inversion) as a syntactic means of communication: the subject with the definition is placed at the end of the sentence, and in the second sentence, the logical stress on the word “this” once again emphasizes a terrible event: a blind child was born. The construction of the third, complex sentence emphasizes the look of a newborn child: it is “dull and indefinite”. The non-union third and fourth sentences list facts that seem to be common for a newborn: “Days passed after days, the life of a new person was already considered weeks. His eyes cleared up, a cloudy veil came off them, the pupil was determined. The sentence following them begins with an opposing union “but”, the contrast makes you immediately alert: “But the child did not turn his head for a bright beam that penetrated the room along with the cheerful chirping of birds and the rustle of green beeches ...”. To increase the semantic load on words, the author uses parceling. The author conveys the tension of the situation with the help of interrogative sentences. He uses an ellipsis, which “interrupts the speech he has begun for a short time to express cruel passion” (A.A. Barsov). Also used colloquial structure: incomplete sentencea sentence that is the answer to the question posed.The finale of the text - “Mother listened to this news with calm sadness” - is logically connected with its beginning: “Mother, who had time to recover, was the first to notice with concern the strange expression of a child’s face, which remained motionless and somehow not childishly serious.” The ring composition emphasizes the hopelessness of the situation and the bottomlessness of maternal grief - the newborn is blind. Use of terms "ophthalmologist" (specialist in eye diseases), “ophthalmoscope” (a medical instrument, a special mirror used to examine the bottom of the eyeball), the words “coordinate” (coordinate, establish an appropriate relationship between actions), the introduction of the doctor’s image into the narrative makes the diagnosis irrefutable and terrible, shows the hopelessness and inevitability of what happened. At the end of the text - a barely perceptible premonition of change, a fraction of a certain optimism. It seems that there is no hope, but there is great maternal love, which will give strength to a boy, cruelly offended by nature, not only to live, but later to overcome the egoistic focus on his misfortune, to spiritually see the light, to understand that for him there is not only an opportunity, but also a necessity. striving for light, for the fullness of human happiness.

9. What mood does this text create? How should it be read? What kind of music do you associate the content of the text with? The text is characterized by intonational and semantic completeness (the presence of basic structural elements: beginning, main part, ending). You need to read it carefully, expressively, meaningfully, observing pauses, logical stresses, raising and lowering the voice, tempo of speech, intonation. In my mind, reading the text is accompanied by the minor sound of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. This text is able to shake the soul, after reading it you want to be silent, delve into yourself, concentrate. Known truth - someone else's grief does not happen. It is impossible to measure the depth of the suffering of a mother's heart. Therefore, the most capacious, vivid, embossed artistic image in an excerpt from the story is the image of a mother with her universal pain: with a glance." Glad to protect, save, but how? Everything is useless, we must learn to live with this grief, constantly overcoming and defeating it. "What?" - you ask. Faith in God, faith in life, faith in the strength and talent of your own child. Only a real mother can endure everything, endure, become a support and protection. And the quiet, affirmative answer of the mother at the end of the episode is proof of this.

10. What spelling and punctuation rules can be illustrated with examples from the text? Examples from the text can illustrate the writing, design, punctuation of dialogic speech, punctuation in non-union and allied complex sentences, simple sentences complicated by participial, adverbial, comparative phrases and homogeneous members of the sentence; correct spelling of adverbs, particles "not" with different parts of speech, spelling of perfect and imperfect verbs, one letter and two letters "n" in participles and verbal adjectives, writing unstressed vowels and unpronounceable consonants in the roots of words, spelling of prefixes.

11. Creative tasks.

Justify your answer based on the experience of the reader.

2) Write an essay on one of the proposed topics: “When it really happens

Is a person happy?”, “All the best in the world comes from mothers.”

3) Solve communicative-situational exercises (optional).

Exercise 1. You are a doctor who has been called to examine a man blind from birth.

child. Your words, actions, deeds. Which is better: a white lie

or the bitter truth?

Task 2. You are an outsider to whom the mother is addressing.

Make up a dialogue, find words to calm, console her.

Task 3. You are a film director who shoots a fragment from the text

stories by V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician" Tell me how are you

introduced the heroes, which of the modern actors would be invited to perform

roles, as if they built a montage of the main scenes, which would become a key

staging idea.

4) Make a "bouquet of words" (monologue) and dedicate it to the mother of the patient

boy or "vision film" according to the reference words: "gray sky" -

“cry of a newborn” - “joy and sorrow live side by side” - “terrible guess”

"hope" - "doctor's verdict" - "silent sorrow of the mother."

12. Training exercises.

1) Select from the text the material for the vocabulary dictation.

2) Write down the words that are interesting from the point of view of:

a) word formation

b) vocabulary,

c) orthoepy.

3) Find sentences with separate definitions and circumstances,

do punctuation.

4) Give a syntactic description of 5 or 6 sentences, compose

    Explain punctuation in the dialogue.

    Write out from the text 3 phrases with different types of subordinating connection, indicate the types of connection.

    How do you understand the meaning of the last sentence of the text? Answer using an extended metaphor.

Performed by Vorozheeva Zoya Alexandrovna.

For every young person at a certain time, the question arises about his future fate, about his attitude towards people and the world. The world around is huge, there are many different roads in it, and the future of a person depends on the right choice of his life path. But what about the one who does not know this vast world - the blind?

Korolenko puts his hero, the blind-born Peter, in very difficult conditions, endowing him with intelligence, the talent of a musician and a heightened susceptibility to all manifestations of life, which he will never be able to see. Since childhood, he knew only one world, calm and reliable, where he always felt himself to be the center. He knew the warmth of the family and the kind friendly participation of Evelina. The inability to see the color, the appearance of objects, the beauty of the surrounding nature upset him, but he imagined this familiar world of the estate thanks to the sensitive perception of its sounds.

Everything changed after meeting with the Stavruchenko family: he learned about the existence of another world, a world outside the estate. To these disputes, to the stormy expression of the opinions and expectations of the youth, he at first reacted with enthusiastic amazement, but soon felt that this living wave was rolling past him. He is a stranger. The rules of life in the big world are unknown to him, and it is also unknown whether this world will want to accept the blind. This meeting sharply aggravated his suffering, sowed doubts in his soul.

After visiting the monastery and getting to know the blind bell-ringers, he does not leave the painful thought that isolation from people, anger and selfishness are the inevitable qualities of a blind person. Peter feels the commonality of his fate with the fate of the embittered ringer Yegor, who hates children. But another attitude to the world, to people, is also possible. There is a legend about the blind bandura player Yurka, who participated in the campaigns of ataman Ignat Karogo. Peter learned this legend from Stavruchenko: acquaintance with new people and the big world brought the young man not only suffering, but also the understanding that the choice of the path belongs to the person himself. Most of all, Uncle Maxim helped Peter, his lessons. After vagrancy with the blind and a pilgrimage to the miraculous icon, the anger passes: Peter really recovered, but not from a physical illness, but from an illness of the soul.

Anger is replaced by a feeling of compassion for people, a desire to help them. The blind find strength in music. Through music, he can influence people, tell them the most important thing about life, which he himself understood so hard. Such is the choice of a blind musician. In Korolenko's story, not only Peter is faced with the problem of choice. No less difficult choice must be made by Evelina, the friend of the blind man. Since childhood, they were together, society and the caring attention of the girl helped and supported Peter.

Their friendship gave a lot to Evelina, like Peter, she had almost no idea about life outside the estate. The meeting with the Stavruchenko brothers was also for her a meeting with an unfamiliar and big world that was ready to accept her.

Young people are trying to captivate her with dreams and expectations, they do not believe that at seventeen you can already plan your life. Dreams intoxicate her, but in that life there is no place for Peter.

She understands the suffering and doubts of Peter - and performs a "quiet feat of love": she is the first to speak about her feelings to Peter. The decision to start a family also comes from Evelina. This is her choice.

For the sake of the blind Peter, she immediately and forever closes before her the path so temptingly outlined by the students. And the writer was able to convince us that it was not a sacrifice, but a manifestation of sincere and very selfless love. The name of Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko already during his lifetime became a symbol of the "conscience of the era."

Here is what I. A. Bunin wrote about him: “You rejoice that he lives and is well among us like some kind of titan who cannot be touched by all those negative phenomena that our current literature is so rich in.”

Probably, the life of the writer, his personality, makes the strongest impression. In my view, this is a strong and whole person, distinguished by the firmness of his life positions and at the same time by true intelligence and kindness, the ability to understand people. He knows how to sympathize and sympathize, and this sympathy is always active. Exiles and hardships did not break the writer's fearlessness before life, did not shake his faith in man. Respect for a person, the struggle for him is the main thing in the life and work of a humanist writer.

As a person, Korolenko always felt responsible to himself and to society. This manifested itself in concrete actions. Such, for example, as the defense of the Udmurt peasants at the Multan process or the refusal of the title of honorary academician: this is how he protested against the decision to cancel the elections to the Academy of Sciences of Maxim Gorky. Artistic works of Korolenko are largely autobiographical.

They absorbed the wealth of life experiences and meetings of the writer, reflected his concern for the fate of the people. Reading Korolenko, you are amazed at the sincerity and power of the author's word. You empathize with the characters, imbued with their thoughts and concerns. The heroes of his works are ordinary Russian people.

Many of them try to answer the question: “For what, in essence, was man created?” This question becomes the main one for the author both in The Blind Musician and in The Paradox. In this question, for Korolenko, the philosophical solution to the problem is connected with the "persistent question of the gray peasant life."

Entering into polemics with the religious-ascetic ideas of L. N. Tolstoy, Korolenko sharpens his position to the limit. “Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight,” proclaims a being warped by fate in Paradox. If such a belief is carried in a person who is deprived of life, intelligent, cynical, despising all sorts of illusions, it means that indeed “after all, the general law of life is the desire for happiness and its ever wider implementation.”

I so want to agree with this postulate of Korolenko. And you find all new confirmations in other works of the writer. No matter how hostile life is, “still ahead - lights! ..” - this is the main idea of ​​the poem in the prose “Lights”. At the same time, the writer's optimism is by no means thoughtless, abstracted from the complexities of life. The story "The Blind Musician" is indicative in this respect. The way of self-knowledge of the blind-born Piotr Popelsky is difficult.

Overcoming suffering, he renounces the egoistic right of a destitute person to a hothouse life. The path of the hero lies through the knowledge of both songs and the sorrows of the people, through immersion in their lives. And happiness, the author of the story claims, is a feeling of the fullness of life and a feeling of being needed in the life of the people. The blind musician will "remind the happy of the unfortunate" - this is the choice of the hero of the story. Korolenko's works teach not to be afraid of life, to accept it as it is, and not to bow one's head in front of difficulties. We must believe that "still ahead - the lights! ..

". A person must go and reach this light: even if the last hope collapses. Then it is a whole person, a strong character. The writer wanted to see such people, because he believed that such people are the power and strength of Russia, its hope and support, and, of course, its light. After all, Korolenko himself was just like that.

Lesson topic . Moral problems in VG Korolenko's story "The Blind Musician".
Lesson type: improvement of knowledge, skills, targeted application of assimilation.
Type of lesson: Lesson - a study with elements of analysis of 2 episodes.

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint students with the story of V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician".


task: increase the level of perception and depth of penetration

into a literary text;

show the spiritual renewal of a person offended

fate, the path to the realization of one's destiny.
Development task:

education of an attentive and thoughtful reader;

ability to work with art

analyze what you read, select the main thing;

training in competent analysis of individual episodes;

ability to speak.

task: to help students hear the moral sound

stories, her worldly wisdom;

education of tolerance, mercy.
Equipment: presentation,

drawings of students for various episodes, musical accompaniment,

During the classes.

Stage 1. Entry into the topic of the lesson and

creation of conditions for conscious perception of new material.

I. Organizational moment Psychological mood of students.

(The teacher conducts an exercise with students to create a positive emotional mood. Light music sounds)

Teacher. Hello! Smile to each other guys! Sit down girls, now boys. Guys, pick up the sun of Goodness and good mood. See how it smiles at you. Smile at him too! Place this little piece of good cheer in your right palm. Cover your left. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your body, your soul. Amazing energy emanates from him, kindness. Mentally place the goodness and good mood of this sun in your heart. Do you feel that you have new strength, energy?! I want you to remember what you feel now, and that you have the same feeling until the end of the lesson. Wish you success!

2. We are starting a literature lesson with you. And this means that we are again waiting for a fascinating journey into the world of the word. We will again admire, be surprised ... Help me guys! Continue! What else? (Learn new things, rejoice, be upset, dream, be surprised, analyze, think, delve into the essence ...). Enough, guys, well done! Thank you! We will need a textbook, a pen, a pencil. I wish you all fruitful and interesting work, and make many new discoveries! Commentary: Children check the availability of necessary supplies at the workplace. Formation and development of UUD students:

- personal - acceptance and development of the social role of the student, the development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning; a sense of beauty and aesthetic feelings based on acquaintance with world and domestic artistic culture;

- cognitive - to compare and classify according to specified criteria;

- communicative - to control the actions of a partner;

- regulatory - to evaluate the correctness of the performance of an action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment.
Stage 2. Organization and self-organization

students in the course of further assimilation of the material. Organization of feedback

Teacher: In order to continue working on a story, it is necessary to determine what such concepts as theme, idea, genre, plot, composition of the work mean.

Comment: Previously, the children were given a task in groups. Having summarized all the collected information, the representatives of each group prepared a presentation and selected slides by topic.

Group 1 (2 ob-sya) - (work with a literary dictionary) theoretical material is projected on the screen.

Group 2 (5 ob-sya) - defines and names the theme, idea, genre, composition of the story by V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician".

Topic: about overcoming difficulties, about the trials that befell the hero from the very

birth, about the importance of human destiny.

Idea: to show the difficult path to the realization of one's destiny.

“My task was not specifically the psychology of the blind, but

psychology of universal longing for fullness


Genre: story.

Plot: Includes 2 narratives:

1 - about how a blind boy was drawn to the light, to life;

2 - a story about how a man depressed by personal misfortune overcame

passive suffering, found a place in life and managed to educate

understanding and sympathy for all the disadvantaged.


Exposition: 1, 2 Ch. - a premonition of trouble - and a sentence: "The child was born blind."

This is a tragedy. How will his life turn out?

Development of action: The fate of the boy depends on others, on the participation of loved ones:

/ mother, uncle Maxim, Evelina /.

Climax: Resign and suffer or defy fate?

/meeting with the ringer, conversation with uncle/.

Resolution: The path of searching, finding happiness: wife, son, talent, recognition.

Epilogue: Instead of blind, selfish suffering, he found in his soul a feeling of life "... he began to feel both human grief and human joy."

Commentary: Formation and development of UUD students:

- personal - the formation of the ability to self-learning, self-development;
- development of independence and personal responsibility for the results of their activities, goodwill; development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers, mutual assistance;
- cognitive - the ability to work in the information environment, navigate in age-appropriate dictionaries and reference books;
- active use of speech and ICT tools when presenting the results of work; draw your own conclusions;

Stage 3. Workshop

Teacher's word:

1. Formulation of the topic of the lesson

For every young person at a certain time, the question arises about his future fate, about his attitude towards people and the world. The world around is huge, there are many different roads in it, and the future of a person depends on the right choice of his life path.

Life requires from everyone not only the ability to survive, but also civic responsibility. And, only realizing this problem (choosing a path), taking responsibility for the chosen path, a person can move on. But what about the one who does not know this huge world - the blind? This will be discussed in class today.

Commentary: A portrait of the writer is projected on the screen.

Lesson topic- moral problems in VG Korolenko's story "The Blind Musician".

Communication of lesson objectives

The purpose of our lesson- try to understand what moral commandments the author left to his descendants in his story?

3. Statement of the learning problem

The main question that the author posed in the story is this: “What, in fact, was man created for?” (“Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight.” But the hero of the story answers with bitter irony: “... only happiness is not always created for him.”)
Formation and development of UUD students:

- personal:

educational and cognitive interest in educational material and methods for solving a new particular problem;

- cognitive:

independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal; structuring knowledge; the ability and ability of students to perform simple logical actions (analysis, comparison, generalization);

- regulatory:

accept, save and set a learning task; plan your action in accordance with the task.

2. Discussion.

Teacher: Questions about what happiness is, where are its boundaries, what is its meaning, is a person, as a person, capable of resisting circumstances, changing these circumstances? - the author dedicated one of his most remarkable works, "The Blind Musician", first published in 1886. So, I invite you to a conversation and to reflection on what you have read.

The birth of a blind child is a tragedy. What will happen to him? How will his life turn out?

Consider the stages of personality formation, during which the main character is formed:

Stage 1: Ways of knowing the world.
/ 1st contact with the natural world occurs in a boy at about

3 years. How subtly and surprisingly accurately the author conveys the feelings that

experienced by a blind child. Korolenko notices the subtle

experiences, impressions of the child's soul.

To show the world of perception of a boy, the author finds in the language all the necessary words to describe spring: (work with text - ch. 1, subtitle 6: “Ringing drops, gently murmuring water, bird cherry, rustling foliage,

the trills of the nightingale's song, the rumble, the noise, the creak of the carts, the rustle of the wheel,

the human dialect of the fair, the knock of branches on glass, the cries of cranes. / 1 chapter, subtitle 6/.

- How is the knowledge of the world around? He listens painfully, stretches out his hands in alarm, looks for his mother, presses himself against her.)

Conclusion: the world is perceived by the boy through sounds, smells, sensations. Sound forms became the main forms of his thought.

What feelings does this world evoke?/ Curiosity, fear /.

Teacher A: But he was lucky. At first, two people took a special part in the fate of the child:

his mother and uncle Maxim. Two different beginnings - the tenderness and poetry of the mother and the courage of the old warrior - helped Peter to know the world.

Conclusion: The role of the uncle is invaluable. He could not remain indifferent to the fate of his nephew. And not only because their fates are similar: both are disabled: he has no legs, the other has no vision.

It is he who does not allow his sister to make a "hothouse plant" out of a child. And we are convinced that he is right.

What would have become of the boy without the participation of his uncle? /I would go into myself/.

There are loving people around him. Name them, what is the role of these people. Uncle has already been mentioned. (Fate gave Peter in the form of Evelyn Guardian Angel).

Teacher: He knew the warmth of the family, the kind friendly participation of others

What talent was revealed in the boy? (He was given a talent: love of music / Joachim) /.
Comment. Formation and development of UUD students:

- personal:

orientation in the moral content and meaning of actions;

development of ethical feelings - shame, guilt, conscience as regulators of moral behavior;

understand the feelings of others and empathize with them.

Educational 6

mastering ways to solve problems of a search nature (find specific information in the text, facts given explicitly; determine the main idea of ​​the text; understand information presented in an implicit form);

understanding the basis of the semantic reading of a literary text, the ability to extract essential information from the text;

compare according to specified criteria;

build reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object;

establish analogies;

- regulatory:

perform learning activities in a mental form;

take into account the guidelines for action identified by the teacher in the new educational material in cooperation with the teacher;

- communicative: readiness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;

express your opinion and argue your point of view;

to formulate their own opinion and position.
2nd stage Work in groups

Everything seemed to be fine. But uncle decided to expand the boundaries of space. Meet people from different walks of life:

Group 1 talks about the meeting with the Stavruchenko family, reading descriptions from the text

The 2nd group talks about the meeting with the blind beggars-bandurists, reading the descriptions from the text

Petrus learned about the existence of another world, a world outside the estate. He felt like a stranger, defective. Peter completely plunged into darkness, into personal misfortune. This world is unknown to him, and will this world want to accept a blind man?

The 3rd group answers the question: - Why did the suffering in his soul intensify even after meeting with the ringer? What did he feel? / He felt that the fate of the blind is anger and resentment. A mental crisis has set in. Why?

Lesson of extracurricular reading on the story

Lesson topic. Moral issues in the story

VG Korolenko "The Blind Musician".

Lesson type : Improving knowledge, skills and abilities, targeted

application of assimilation.

Type of lesson: Lesson - a study with elements of analysis of 2 episodes.


a task: increasing the level of perception and depth of penetration

into a literary text;

show the spiritual renewal of a person offended

fate, the path to the realization of one's destiny.

Development task:

education of an attentive and thoughtful reader;

ability to work with art

analyze what you read, select the main thing;

training in competent analysis of individual episodes;

ability to speak.


a task: help students hear the moral sound

stories, her worldly wisdom;

education of tolerance, mercy.

Equipment: portrait of V.G.Korolenko,

drawings of students for various episodes,

movie clip,

musical accompaniment,


book exhibition.

    Theme, idea, genre, plot, composition of the work. /Name/.

Topic : about overcoming difficulties, about the trials that befell the hero from the very

birth, about the importance of human destiny.

Idea : show the difficult path to realizing your destiny.

“My task was not specifically the psychology of the blind, but

psychology of universal longing for fullness


Genre: story.

Plot: includes 2 stories:

1 - about how a blind boy was drawn to the light, to life;

2 - a story about how a man depressed by personal misfortune overcame

passive suffering, found a place in life and managed to educate

understanding and sympathy for all the disadvantaged.

Composition :

Exposure: 1, 2 ch. - a premonition of trouble - and a sentence:"The child was born blind."

This is a tragedy. How will his life turn out?

Development of action : The fate of the boy depends on others, on the participation of loved ones:

/ mother, uncle Maxim, Evelina /.

Climax: Resign and suffer or defy fate?

/meeting with the ringer, conversation with uncle/.

denouement : The path of searching, finding happiness: wife, son, talent, recognition.

Epilogue: Instead of blind, selfish suffering, he found in his soul a sense of life

"... he began to feel both human grief and human joy."

1. Introductory speech of the teacher .

For every young person at a certain time, the question arises about his future fate, about his attitude towards people and the world. The world around is huge, there are many different roads in it, and the future of a person depends on the right choice of his life path.

Life requires from everyone not only the ability to survive, but also civic responsibility. And, only realizing this problem (choosing a path), taking responsibility for the chosen path, a person can move on.

This will be discussed in class today.

But what about the one who does not know this huge world - the blind?


The topic of our extracurricular reading - Moral problems in the story

VG Korolenko "The Blind Musician".

The purpose of our lesson - try to understand what moral commandments the author left to his descendants in his story?

For today's lesson, assignments and questions were given for each group.

So, I invite you to a conversation and to reflection on what you have read.

Main question , which the author put in the story is:

« What exactly was man created for?

"Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight." But the hero of the story answers with bitter irony:

"... only happiness is not always created for him."

The question is what is happiness? Where are its limits? What is its meaning?

Is a person, as a person, capable of resisting circumstances, of changing these circumstances? - the author dedicated one of his most remarkable works, "The Blind Musician", first published in 1886.

The birth of a blind child is a tragedy.

What will happen to him?

2. Work in groups.

Consider the steps

the formation of a personality, during which the main character is formed:

Stage 1:

1. Ways of knowing the world.

/ 1st contact with the natural world occurs in a boy at about

3 years. How subtly and surprisingly accurately the author conveys the feelings that

experienced by a blind child. Korolenko notices the subtle

experiences, impressions of the child's soul. Boy painfully

listening to the world of sounds. To show the boy's world of perception,

ringing drops,

gently murmuring water,

bird cherry, rustling foliage,

trills of a nightingale song,

roar, noise, the creak of carts, the rustle of a wheel,

fair talk,

the sound of branches on glass

cries of cranes. / 1 chapter, subtitle 6/.

- How does knowledge of the world take place?

Painfully listens, anxiously stretches out his hands,

searches for his mother, clings to her.

Conclusion: the world is perceived by the boy through sounds, smells, sensations.

So: Sound forms became the main forms of his thought.

What feelings does this world evoke? / Curiosity, fear /.


But he was lucky.

At first, two people took a special part in the fate of the child:

his mother and uncle Maxim. Two different beginnings

mother's tenderness and poetry

and the courage of an old warrior helped Peter to know the world.

Conclusion. The role of the uncle is invaluable. He could not remain indifferent to the fate of his nephew. And not only because their fates are similar:

both disabled: he has no legs,

the other has vision.

It is he who does not allow his sister to make a "hothouse plant" out of a child. And we are convinced that he is right.

What would have become of the boy without the participation of his uncle?

/I would go into myself/.

There are loving people around him. He knew the warmth of the family, the kind friendly participation of those around him.

He was given a talent: love of music / Joachim /.

Fate gave Peter in the form of Evelyn Guardian Angel.

2 - stage.

Everything seemed to be fine.

But uncle decided to expand the boundaries of space. Meet people from different walks of life:

- meeting with the Stavruchenko family, blind beggars-bandura players ....

He learned about the existence of another world, a world outside the estate. He felt like a stranger, defective. Peter completely plunged into darkness, into personal misfortune.

This world is unknown to him, and will this world want to accept a blind man?

- The suffering in his soul aggravated andafter meeting with the caller.

What did he feel?

/ He felt that the fate of the blind is anger and resentment. A mental crisis has set in. Watching an episode.


"I wanted you to feel someone else's grief and stop running around

with his", - with anger he says to the young man.

“You only know how to blaspheme with your well-fed envy of

someone else's hunger!..." - throws Maksim Yatsenko to his nephew.

Why is your uncle talking to him like that?

/ Uncle reveals to the young man the whole depth of human suffering:

suggests that personal misfortunes are insignificant in comparison with the suffering of the people /.


This episode is of particular importance.T.K.. the hero receives his moral lesson, the words of the uncle are decisive and bring clarity to the thoughts and actions of the hero:

Conclusion: Peter makes a choice: he leaves to wander with the blind on the advice of his uncle.

After a long wandering, anger is replaced by compassion for people and a desire to help them. In the end, the suffering, which he learned from his own experience, cured him, his soul was healed: "as if the nightmare had disappeared forever from the estate", where Peter returned.

We see that folk music, which he mastered to perfection, helped him find peace of mind.

And soon he mastered the heights of classical music.

He gains strength in music, which can influence people, tell them the most important thing about life, which is so difficult for him to understand himself.

The story ends with a concert where we see Peter confident and strong.

He achieved this only with the help of his environment and his own perseverance.

Remarkable in the work is another image - the image of Evelina.

She made an equally difficult choice. But this is her choice. And the writer convinces us that it was not a sacrifice, but a manifestation of sincere and very selfless love. The author sings the love of a girl who is ready to sacrifice her well-being for the happiness of her beloved. Evelina's personal feat acquires a highly civic meaning.

So, the story of the complex comprehension of the world,

about his small victories over illness, about the fact that a person

must fight for the right to be human despite


Conclusion: So, what helped Peter to return to a full life?

- love of loved ones

- human fate,

- mercy of others,

- own will.

Essay miniature. What does the story teach us?


Extracurricular reading in 8th grade

on literature:

moral issues

in the story of V.G. Korolenko

"Blind Musician"

During the classes.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

2. Work in groups.

- Theme, idea, title of the work, genre, plot, composition of the story.

- Stages of personality formation, during which the most

common common features.

- The skill of the writer.

- The attitude of others to the main character.

-Analysis of episodes.

3. Listening to music.

4. Composition - miniature.

1. What does the story teach us? or

2. Am I capable of compassion, sensitivity to my neighbor?

5. Summing up.


The problem of moral and civil choice.