The difference between the traditional system and Elkonin. Why is she being criticized? Advantages and disadvantages of the theory


  1. The main characteristics of the system by D.B.Elkonin-V.V.Davydov……4
  2. The main provisions of the educational and methodological set (authors V.V. Repkin and others) "Russian language" in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard……………...6


List of references…………………………………….....12


The current stage of pedagogical practice is the transition from information and explanatory technology of education to activity-developing, which forms a wide range of personal qualities of the child. Not only acquired knowledge becomes important, but also the methods of assimilation and processing of educational information, the development of cognitive forces and the creative potential of students.

To dateThere are two types of learning models - traditional and developing. Traditional programs:"Perspective" "Primary School of the 21st Century", "Perspective Primary School", "School of Russia", "School 2100", "Harmony", "Classical Primary School". Training in two programs - the author L.V. Zankov and the authors D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov- is considered to be developing.

Parents of children who will go to the first grade are often puzzled by the question - which learning model to choose and how to choose the right one. Will startDo their first-graders study according to the traditional model or according to the developing one?

The term "developmental education" was introduced by the psychologist V.V. Davydov. Developing education differs from traditional education of the explanatory-reporting type in the nature of teaching. One of the developing training programs is the system of psychologists Daniil Borisovich Elkonin and Vasily Vasilyevich Davydov. Many people call her genius becauseit is consistent and consistent. This system is also called "non-marking assessment", the methods and techniques incorporated in this system lead to the most powerful development of the student, since the student does not work for the result, but for his personal growth and the achievement of high results in education, and, which is very important, evaluates himself.

  1. The main characteristics of the system D. B. Elkonin-V. V. Davydov.

The system that has become popular in Moscow schools is the theory learning activities and methods of primary education D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov. The Elkonin-Davydov system has been developed since 1958 on the basis of the experimental school No. 91 of the Russian Academy of Education. A feature of this psychological and pedagogical concept is a variety of group discussion forms of work, during which children discover the main content of educational subjects. Knowledge is not given to children in the form of ready-made rules, axioms, schemes. Unlike the traditional, empirical system, the courses studied are based on the system scientific concepts. marks for children in primary school do not put, the teacher, together with the students, evaluates the learning outcomes at a qualitative level, which creates an atmosphere of psychological comfort. Homework is minimized, assimilation and consolidation educational material happens in the classroom.

Children do not overwork, their memory is not overloaded with numerous, but unimportant information. As a result of learning according to the Elkonin-Davydov system, children are able to reasonably defend their point of view, take into account the position of another, do not accept information on faith, but require proof and explanation. They form a conscious approach to the study of various disciplines. Training is carried out within the framework of the usual school programs but on a different quality level. At present, programs in mathematics, the Russian language, literature, natural sciences, fine arts and music for elementary schools and Russian language and literature programs for secondary schools.

In the system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydova training is built in accordance with three principles:

1. The subject of assimilation are general methods of action - methods for solving a class of problems. They begin the development of the subject. In the following, the general method of action is concretized in relation to particular cases. The program is arranged in such a way that in each subsequent section the already mastered method of action is concretized and developed.
2. Development general way can in no way be his message - information about him. It should be built as a learning activity, starting with a subject-practical action. The real objective action is further folded into a model-concept. In the model, the general mode of action is fixed in a "pure form".
3. Student work is built as a search and trial of means for solving a problem. Therefore, the student's judgment, which differs from the generally accepted one, is considered not as a mistake, but as a test of thought.

Following these principles allows you to achieve the main goal of education - the formation of a system of scientific concepts, as well as educational independence and initiative. Its achievement is possible because knowledge (models) act not as information about objects, but as a means of finding, deriving or constructing them. The student learns to identify the possibilities and limitations of his actions and seek resources for their implementation.

  1. The main provisions of the educational and methodological set (authors V.V. Repkin and others) "Russian language" in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

The Russian language teaching kit for elementary school is compiled in accordance with the Russian language teaching program developed by the authors (developing education system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov), which implements both cognitive and sociocultural lines.

Working with textbooks, students learn the basic concepts of the science of language, which will make it possible to realize the most general patterns mother tongue- as a social phenomenon and as a special system - and on this basis, master the techniques of language analysis, i.e. learn to study it. The content of textbooks is focused on the formation in the process of mastering knowledgelearning activitieschild - a system of educational and cognitive motives, the ability to accept and maintain learning goals, to model, plan, control and evaluate learning activities and their results, to determine the boundaries of their own knowledge. In the process of such training, stable cognitive interests are formed in younger students, their creative abilities develop, including the ability to think, interest in learning, skills of cooperation with adults and peers in various communication situations, the desire and ability to learn, i.e., conditions are created for the formation and development of the personality of the child.

Cognitive line in the content of textbooks is organically linked withsociocultural. Mastering knowledge in the field of the Russian language meets the tasks speech development and formation of communicative competences of students. Based on deep knowledge of the language, younger students learn to use language means consciously, evaluate their compliance with language norms, and also from the point of view of relevance in various situations of speech communication, which contributes to the development of a sense of language as a condition of speech, and therefore common culture person.

Thus, teaching the art of coherent speech in its main forms appears in textbooks as an independent task, although organically connected with the cognitive task. A prerequisite for its successful solution is also the fact that teaching the Russian language according to the system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov is organized as a collectively distributed activity, subordinated to the tasks of forming schoolchildren's universal skills and abilities of educational cooperation (planning educational cooperation with a teacher and peers; the ability to accurately and fully express one's thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, convincingly defend one's point of view, negotiate, distribute work, get a common result, evaluate your contribution to joint work, etc.). This approach meets the requirements of the standard regarding the solution of a number of practical problems necessary to achieve the goals.

All textbooks for grades 1-4 (including the Primer) in the analyzed teaching materials havedialogical character- each learning task arises for him as a result of a discussion between cross-cutting characters and is formulated in the form of a question. It is assumed that the plots of problematic situations that precede the setting of a learning task can be used by the teacher as a kind of scenario in the lessons of the corresponding type. The collectively distributed nature of educational activities, the uselearning dialogueas the main form of the lesson, set by the style of presenting the material in this teaching material, puts the student in front of the need to participate in the discussion of the problem that has arisen and ways to solve it, i.e. generates meaningful communication motives on the lesson. The general class discussion unfolding on this basis puts students in a situation of a specificcommunicative task, the successful solution of which requires taking into account and adequate assessment of the entire set of communication conditions, the choice of appropriate language tools, and the ability to use them correctly. At the same time, an ever deeper awareness of linguistic meanings and means of their expression in the process of studying the course contributes to the intensive development of the "sense of language", which becomes one of the most important factors speech development.

The task of primary education in the Russian (native) language is to develop in children the ability to read and write, various speech (communicative) skills. In this regard, this educational system is designed to provide identification, analysis, meaningful generalization and subsequent specification of the objective grounds for reading, writing, communicative and speech actions.

As the subject of assimilation in the program, the phonemic principle of writing is put, which introduces children to the theory of their native language. In the program of the Russian language, a system of concepts has been identified that reveals the content of the phonemic principle of writing and the ways of performing the spelling action based on these concepts. The essence of the leading principle of Russian writing is revealed in this course in connection with the students' awareness of the relations that are essential for the language between the sound shell of a word and its lexical meaning, as well as between the sound shell of the word and its letter notation.

The structure of the paragraph - the main component of the textbook in the analyzed teaching materials - consistently reflects the structurelearning activitiesand reproduces its main links: the moment of setting the problem, the stages of finding a general way to solve it, the development of this method and its concretization on a wide practical material, control and evaluation. Therefore, in each paragraph of textbooks for grades 1-4, the following are clearly highlighted:

  1. motivational material that precedes the main part of the paragraph, which presentsproblem situationin the form of a plot with the participation of cross-cutting characters;
  2. a system of main tasks that reflect the conceptual logic of the paragraph, the implementation of which will lead students tosolution of the educational task;
  3. a block of exercises and tasks containing developmental and specifyingmethod found material;
  4. multi-level control tasks intended for independent control and evaluation by the child own possession of the method opened in this paragraph, new knowledge.

Control tasks are intentionally included in the textbook, i.e. as a mandatory part of the kit, so that each child has the opportunity to self-examine individually. The teacher's manual offers the second option. control tasks for each section. With the help of control tasks of the textbook, it is possible to check not only the assimilation of the new material studied by the child, but also the level of formation of the components of educational activity in him (universal learning activities).

Textbooks for grades 1-4 of the considered teaching materials have a special section “For the curious”, expanding the linguistic horizons of the child. The block of exercises also contains optional exercises, with the help of which students can get answers to many questions that arise in the course of studying the main material of the textbook. These exercises are specially marked. Children are expected to refer to these activities on their own or use them to prepare classroom projects.

The textbooks also labeled exercises specifically designed forindependentwork, exercises for organizing work in the classroom in group form - what creates conditions for the formation of students' skills to have a dialog , justify one's point of view. Exercises that are recommended to be performed in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher are marked with a separate marking - as a rule, they contain some kind of clarification, a new angle of the method or concept being studied.

The foregoing allows us to conclude that the described educational and methodological package can be used to teach Russian language to younger schoolchildren in the transition period, as it generally meets the new standards of primary education.


The basis of the concept of D.B. Elkonin-V.V. Davydov is the theory of educational activity and its subject, then one of the main common goals is the need for self-change. In order for schoolchildren to form a full-fledged learning activity, they must systematically solve learning problems, the main ability of which is that when they are solved, the student is encouraged to search, he seeks and finds a common way of approaching many particular problems. assimilation theoretical knowledge requires students to analyze the essential relationships of the objects and phenomena being studied. The search for these relationships involves the implementation of analysis, planning and reflection by schoolchildren of a meaningful nature. Therefore, during the assimilation of theoretical knowledge, conditions arise for the development of precisely these mental actions as important components of theoretical thinking. The younger student in the role of a subject performs his own learning activities initially with others and with the help of a teacher. At the same time, he must be aware of his limited abilities, strive and be able to overcome his limitations, which means that the child must consider the basis of his own actions and knowledge, that is, reflect.

As noted by V.V. Davydov, the acquisition of the need for educational activities of appropriate motives helps to strengthen the desire to learn, mastery learning activities develops the ability to learn. Performing educational activities initially jointly, conducting dialogues, discussions about choosing the best path of search, during which zones of near development arise, schoolchildren support each other in accepting and solving the problem. In other words, at the first stages, learning activity is carried out by a collective subject. Gradually, everyone begins to fulfill it, becoming its individual subject.

List of used literature.

  1. Davydov V.V. Psychological theory of educational activity and methods of primary education based on meaningful generalization. Tomsk: Peleng, 1992.
  2. Kalmina N.I. I'm going to the lesson, Omsk: OOIPKRO publishing house, 2002
  3. Selevko G.K. Modern pedagogical technologies. M.: public education, 1998

Daniil Borisovich Elkonin was a famous Soviet psychologist. It is he who is the author of the original trend in child psychology. Daniil Borisovich was born in 1904 and died in 1984.

Elkonin studied problems related to children's play, worked as a teacher for some time primary school, taught at the Pedagogical Institute and at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, wrote Russian language textbooks for children of the Far North and defended a dissertation on the development of speech of younger schoolchildren. Of course, this is not all his merits.

His main contribution to pedagogy was the development of a new system of developmental education.

It is interesting that Elkonin was going to be repressed for not quite standard views. The meeting at which his "behavior" was to be considered was scheduled for March 5, 1953. But on that day Stalin died, and the meeting was first postponed, and then completely canceled.

Vasily Vasilyevich Davydov is also a famous Soviet psychologist and teacher. Born in 1930, died in 1998.

He was an academic and vice president Russian Academy education, doctor of psychological sciences, professor and student of D.B. Elkonin, with whom he not only worked, but also was friends to the very last days. Many of Davydov's works were also devoted to developmental education, and even one of the experimental Moscow schools No. 91 applied his theoretical developments in practice.

Vasily Vasilyevich repeatedly spoke very sharply about the traditional system of teaching schoolchildren. This, as well as the publication in 1981 of the book "Philosophical and Psychological Problems of the Development of Education" led to the fact that Davydov was expelled from the party, removed from the post of director of the Institute of Educational Psychology and banned from working at school No. 91. However, already in 1986 he was awarded the prize Ushinsky for achievements in pedagogy, reinstated in the party and position.

The education system of Elkonin Davydov began to take shape in the 50s of the last century, in the 80-90s it began to be applied en masse in schools, and in 1996 it was approved as one of the official education programs in primary grades.

This system is currently used in Russian schools. What is its uniqueness?

Grading without grades

Elkonin children do not receive grades. They go to school not for A's, but for knowledge. They don't even have diaries. Personally, I have a completely normal question, how to understand whether a child has learned at least something or not at all? How to evaluate knowledge? How to evaluate progress? It turns out that you can do without the usual five-point system for all of us.

In the lessons, an evaluation scale or evaluation ruler is used. It looks like a stick with a cross.

Such a scale is displayed next to each task, for example, next to the equation to be solved or next to the Russian language exercise. The higher the cross is placed on the scale, the higher the level of knowledge. And who puts crosses? Think teacher? Didn't guess. Students evaluate their knowledge on their own! So the student did the exercise, thought and gave himself a mark. In order for the assessment to be correct, children rely on certain criteria, such as:

  • the correctness of the task;
  • accuracy of execution;
  • the beauty;
  • accuracy, etc. .

Moreover, they are not told: “Guys, here are the criteria by which you will evaluate yourself!” Children need to invent these criteria, that is, first think, then formulate, then choose, explain why, and then evaluate themselves. This is what happens in 1st grade. And in the 2nd and 3rd grades, they already independently select criteria for evaluating the work.

The teacher, thanks to this approach, can understand at what level the student's self-esteem is: normal, overestimated or, conversely, underestimated. Then the teacher also puts his mark, also a cross on the scale, and the student has the opportunity to compare the marks and understand whether he did it right or not.

Well, the teachers understand these crosses, the students also understand what's what. And what about poor parents who know for sure that a five is cool, a three is fine, and a two is a reason for a serious conversation with their son or daughter? How can they control the process? To do this, the teacher gives recommendations to parents and presents them with a portfolio of the child, where his creative work. This portfolio replaces the diary.

And now let's imagine such a situation, a child is studying according to Elkonin Davydov, puts crosses. So 4 years pass and suddenly something happens that forces the parents to transfer him to another school. And in new school children are not taught according to this developmental system. And the child has to study according to a simple classical program. What will happen? It'll be hard. It's hard for kids to adjust. Since not only the assessment system is fundamentally different, but the entire learning process as a whole. And this is one of the disadvantages of this program.

Well, since we are talking about the cons, let's immediately consider others.


  1. Very high and complex level of subjects taught. For example, in the first grade, children are already studying the principles of the structure of the language and sorting out questions about the origin of numbers ... Of course, knowing such deep foundations will help to better learn the rules, but is it necessary for children at this age? The question is moot.
  2. The complete discrepancy between the program of Elkonin Davydov and the classical systems of education. So if you have already sent your child to such a developing class, then try to make sure that he studies according to this system until graduation. Or at least seventh grade. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for the child to readjust.
  3. The kids work a lot in groups of 5-7 people. They conduct various studies, discuss with the teacher what conclusions they have come to, and then draw a general conclusion. No, it's not bad. But this approach to learning is used in almost all programs today.

It would be unfair to talk about the minuses, but not to mention the pluses. So, let's talk about the good.


Many of the pros come from the cons:

Elkonin Davydov's program is often called "genius". Those methods and techniques that are used in it lead to the most powerful development of the child.

True, only under one condition, which is relevant for any program schooling. The teacher must understand exactly what and why he is doing. In general, again everything rests on the teacher. And since it is not possible to consider all the teachers working on this developmental system, I propose to take a closer look at the teaching methods and techniques that they use (or should use) in their work.

Teaching methods and techniques

They are quite interesting:

All this sounds very good, don't you agree? But the picture would be incomplete without feedback from both parents and teachers.

What do teachers think?

Teachers think differently. Some praise the program, saying that it contains a special development mechanism, which is very useful in high school. Also, many people think that such a system is necessary for especially developed children.

They praise the Russian language, literary reading, the world. But opinions about Alexandrova's mathematics are not very favorable, they say that everything is too complicated. As another disadvantage, they consider the lack of continuity with the middle link of the educational process.

What do parents think?

The opinions of parents who experienced all the delights of the program on their own ... on their own experience were also divided.

Some praise her, call her the best available. They say that she really develops logical thinking children. The main thing is that the children have the strength to cope with it and that the teacher is a competent specialist.

Others are dissatisfied with the program, especially the Russian language. There are problems with terminology, which is almost impossible for parents who studied according to the old USSR standards to understand. And this makes it difficult for parents to participate in the process of preparing lessons. There are also negative reviews about the world around us, which is impossible to understand without the Internet. It's too difficult.

Parents also point out that it takes too much time to prepare lessons for this program.

As you can see, there is no consensus. How many people - so many opinions, as they say. And we still have to choose. Well, if there is such a choice.

My next year younger son goes to school in 1st grade. Will study by . Our school offers training in this program and also in "". To be honest, we are going not so much to the program as to the teacher. But if the choice was wider, then I probably would have chosen for myself. I wrote about her.

And now I suggest you watch a video about how a regular lesson goes in an elementary school according to the Elkonin Davydov system.

You can also learn more about the programs "" and "".

Friends, what program do your kids study or are they just going to study? Tell me? I look forward to your comments.

I wish you every success!

See you on the blog pages!

Always yours Evgenia Klimkovich

We ourselves choose the system by which the child learns to read. Today "Letidor" tells who to trust: the proven method of Elkonin-Davydov or the fashionable Zaitsev, in order to see a positive result in a few months.

Elkonin-Davydov system

What is the point

The method of Elkonin and Davydov is one of the official systems for teaching schoolchildren from the 1st to the 4th grade. In addition to elementary school teachers, it has long been used by teachers preschool education to prepare children for 1st grade. In particular, learning to read using the ABC book of V. V. Repkin, E. V. Vostorgova and T. V. Nekrasov (the official ABC book of the methodology) is very popular.

The authors of the primer write that the advantage of the book is not just to make the child recognize letters, sounds and distinguish syllables, but “to create an atmosphere literary reading from the very first literacy lesson. The primer contains pages of collaborative reading, which the teacher or parent reads aloud, showing children an example of a culture of reading.

Reading according to this method begins with an acquaintance with the concepts of "object", "action" and "sign". With the help of pictures and diagrams, children learn to distinguish between these concepts, they form an idea of ​​what a statement and a sentence are. And only then do sounds, ways of dividing a word into syllables, letters pass.

A distinctive feature of the primer is that it contains a lot of schemes that cannot be understood without methodological manual to the textbook. Vowels, for example, are indicated by circles, consonants by squares. Solid deaf consonants - a square with a diagonal and so on. With each lesson, the schemes become more complicated, and, having become ill, the child is unlikely to be able to independently catch up with the group without the help of an adult (who, in turn, will have a magic manual). But these designations help to systematize knowledge, gradually put sounds into words - and by the end of the 1st half of the year the child reads simple texts: in 4-5 sentences.

Experienced teachers note that children who learn from Repkin's primer learn phonetic analysis of words much faster. Interest in learning by this method is supported by game tasks, which the teacher submits on behalf of the heroes of the book: Masha, Alyosha, grandfather Mustache and others.

Only stubborn parents who are ready to delve into and prepare for classes will be able to independently cope with the training according to Elkonin-Davydov. On mom's forums, the primer has long been nicknamed the "cipher machine."

Who suits

The methodology is focused on teaching children in elementary school, but is suitable for preschool education from the age of 6. It is important to understand that the work of teaching reading comes only with the primer. Outdoor games are not provided, so it can be difficult for restless, active kids.

Opinion of an expert teacher and psychologist Svetlana Pyatnitskaya:

“The advantage of teaching reading according to the Elkonin-Davydov system is that the content of the program is built on the principle “from general to particular” (in contrast to the traditional system). Children learn to plan, control and evaluate the result of their activities on their own. Training is built in the form of group and pair work. In a couple, one of the children may succeed, which allows the other to reach out for him. Accordingly, the result will not keep you waiting.”

Zaitsev's technique

What is the point

Nikolai Zaitsev is a Russian language teacher with many years of experience. He developed his technique back in the 80s of the last century, but it has become widespread right now.

To teach reading according to this system, cardboard cubes with letters are used, which, depending on the characteristics of sounds (vowel, consonant, hard / soft, voiced / deaf), differ in color, weight, size and filler. Wooden filler denotes deaf consonant sounds, iron filler - voiced consonants. All this will help the child to feel the sound, to make abstract concepts tangible.

Warehouses of letters are written on the cubes (“ma”, “ra”, “v”, “p” - not to be confused with syllables, a warehouse is any letter, a combination of letters, a syllable is a fusion of a vowel and a consonant sound or only a vowel sound).

Special tables are attached to the cubes, which also help to remember warehouses. At the beginning of the lesson, the children sing or rhythmically pronounce each warehouse, do this together with the teacher, who, during repetition, points to each warehouse with a pointer. Repetition plus visual fixation, according to N. Zaitsev, helps children memorize warehouses faster. As a result, read simple words preschoolers start a couple of weeks after the first lessons.

It is important that learning takes place in a constant game. The author of the methodology suggests different types games with cubes that are suitable for both group and single lessons. The technique does not require long sessions. 10-15 minutes a day is enough (if you practice at home).

Who suits

The technique is suitable even for small children from 1.5-2 years old. First, the kids use the cubes as a building material, and then they gradually begin to ask adults - what is it written there? In children's and developmental centers, group learning to read using this technique begins at the age of 3.

The size of letters and signs in Zaitsev's tables and on Zaitsev's cubes is large enough - suitable for children with poor eyesight.

Principles of developmental education according to D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov:

- the basis of developmental learning is its content, from which the methods of organizing learning are arbitrary;

- the developing nature of educational activity as a leading one is due to the fact that its content is theoretical knowledge and methods of their application in solving educational problems;

- the subject is a kind of projection of science, i.e. in a compressed and abbreviated form, the student reproduces the process of obtaining knowledge;

- theoretical thinking is formed in students in the course of their inclusion in educational activities, in the process of solving educational problems.

A learning task is understood as such a task that is determined by the teacher or compiled by the student himself to be performed in the learning process in order to form generalized methods of action. Its solution consists in finding a general method of action, a principle for solving a whole class of similar problems. The educational task is solved by performing the following actions: setting by the teacher or independent formulation of the educational task by the students; transformation of the conditions of the problem in order to determine the cause-and-effect relationships between the objects under study; modeling of selected relations in subject, graphic and letter forms; transformation of the relationship model to study their properties in a “pure form”; construction of a system of particular problems solved in a general way; control over the implementation of previous actions; assessment of mastering the general method as a result of solving a given learning task.

In the theory of V.V. Davydov main direction pedagogical activity was the development intellectual abilities student. In accordance with this theory, the structure of learning activity includes the following components: learning and cognitive motives, learning task, learning operations, modeling, control and evaluation. At the same time, the activity of the student is not just the assimilation of educational material, but inclusion in real transformative activity.

Features of the content of developmental education according to D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov were the following.

- a special construction of the subject, modeling the content and methods of the scientific field, organizing the student's knowledge of the genetically initial, theoretically essential properties and relations of objects, the conditions for their origin and transformation;

– increase theoretical level education, transferring to students not only empirical knowledge and practical skills, but scientific concepts, artistic images, moral values;

- the basis of the system of theoretical knowledge is made up of meaningful generalizations (the most general concepts sciences expressing deep causal patterns, fundamental categories; concepts in which are highlighted internal communications; theoretical images obtained by mental operations with abstract objects).

In the didactic structure of educational subjects, deduction based on meaningful generalizations predominates. The peculiarities of the methodology are the organization of purposeful educational activity - a special form of student activity aimed at changing himself as a subject of learning; problem presentation; use of learning tasks; organization of collective-distributive activity, dialogue, polylogue; evaluation of student performance. A special place is given to the meaningful reflection of students, the search and consideration of essential grounds and their own mental actions.

In the theory of developmental learning L.V. Zankov's main principles are:

- purposeful development of the personality on the basis of the organization of a complex developmental system;

- consistency and integrity of the content;

– the leading role of theoretical knowledge;

– training at a high level of difficulty;

- advancement in the study of the material at a rapid pace;

- the child's awareness of the learning process; activation in the process of learning not only the rational, but also the emotional sphere of the student's personality;

- problematization of content;

– variability of the learning process, individual approach;

- work on the development of all children.

The principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge in L.V. Zankov differs from a similar principle in the concept of D.B. Elkonik and V.V. Davydov. The central place in the organization of developmental education according to L.V. Zankov is interested in the work of students to distinguish between different features of the objects and phenomena being studied. The distinction is made within the framework of the principles of consistency and integrity, the dominant approach is inductive. A special place is given to the process of comparison, the development of analyzing observation, the ability to highlight different sides and properties of phenomena, their clear speech expression. The main motivation for learning activity is cognitive interest.

Analyzing the concepts of developmental education by D. B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydov, L.V. Zankova, it can be concluded that the source of activity is not the student himself, but specially organized training. The inclusion of a student in educational activity organized according to a theoretical type makes it a subject of learning, but the student is not given the right to choose the methods and forms of educational activity.

Recently, the developing paradigm of education "School 2100" has been developed. It is based on the recognition of the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, and the free development of the individual. It is based on personal and culturally oriented principles:

- adaptability (mobile learning system for children with different abilities and levels of training);

- development (appropriate conditions for development are created under which the student develops himself as much as possible);

- psychological comfort (removal of factors that create stress in the educational process, creation of a comfortable atmosphere that stimulates the creative activity of students);

- the indicative function of knowledge (knowledge is considered as an indicative basis for further cognitive and productive activity);

- educational activities (development of skills to set goals, mastering the techniques of subject-practical, educational, cognitive activity, monitoring and evaluation);

- reliance on previous development (it is argued that, first of all, it is necessary to rely on natural abilities that have already been formed);

– creativity (development not only creativity in artistic activity but also the ability to independently solve problems, find a way out of extraordinary situations, the ability to make an independent choice, make decisions).

The named paradigm is in opposition to the knowledge paradigm, since it is focused on the personality of the student as an equal subject of the learning process. According to the authors of the concept, school-2100 should not form a person, but cultivate abilities in him, support everything that is connected with his personal development.

This is a didactic system aimed at the formation of educational activity and its subject in the process of mastering theoretical knowledge through analysis, planning and reflection. This didactic system was developed in the 60s of the 20th century.

Hypotheses D.B. Elkonina V.V. Davydov:

1. Children with preschool age many general theoretical concepts are available: they accept and master them before they learn to act with their particular empirical manifestations.

2. The child's opportunities for learning (and, consequently, for development) are enormous, but are not used by the school.

3. Opportunities to intensify mental development lie primarily in the content of educational material, therefore the basis of developmental learning is its content, from which methods of organizing learning are derived.

4. Increasing the theoretical level of educational material in elementary school stimulates the growth of the child's mental abilities.

V.V. Davydov raised the question of the possibility of theoretical development of a new system of education with a direction opposite to the traditional one: from the general to the particular, from the abstract to the specific, from the systemic to the singular. The child's thinking developing in the process of such learning was named by V.V. Davydov is theoretical, and such training itself is developing. At the same time, V.V. Davydov relies on D.B. Elkonin regarding the fact that teaching is its leading role in mental development performs, first of all, through the content of acquired knowledge, the derivative of which are the methods (or ways) of organizing learning.

Theoretical thinking is understood as a verbally expressed understanding by a person of the origin of this or that thing, this or that phenomenon, concept, the ability to trace the conditions of this origin, to find out why these concepts, phenomena or things have acquired this or that form, to reproduce in their activity the process of origin of this thing .

One of distinctive feature is that training is aimed at creating zones of proximal development that contribute to the formation of mental neoplasms. Another feature of this developmental learning is a variety of group discussion forms of work, during which children discover the main content of educational subjects. Knowledge is not given to children in the form of ready-made rules, axioms, schemes. Thus, training is focused on the knowledge of the relationship between facts, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.

Target settings:

1. Form theoretical consciousness and thinking.

2. To transfer to children not so much knowledge, skills and abilities as ways of mental actions.

3. Reproduce the logic of scientific knowledge in educational activities.

the main task- mastering by students of generalized methods of action. This allows students to learn how to solve big circle private tasks in a shorter period of study time

Lesson in the system of developing education Elkonin - Davydov:

A feature of the lesson is collective mental activity, dialogue, discussion, business conversation children. Assimilation and consolidation of educational material occurs in the classroom. Children do not overwork, their memory is not overloaded with numerous, but unimportant information. Only a problematic presentation of knowledge is acceptable, when the teacher goes to schoolchildren not with ready-made knowledge, but with a question. Freedom of choice and variability of homework assignments that are creative in nature.

As a result of learning according to the Elkonin-Davydov system, children are able to reasonably defend their point of view, take into account the position of another, do not accept information on faith, but require proof and explanation. They form a conscious approach to the study of various disciplines.

Course of study:

1. Acquaintance with the proposed scientific situation of the problem;

2. Orientation in it;

3. Material conversion sample;

4. Fixing the identified relationships in the form of a subject or sign model;

5. Determination of the properties of the selected relation, thanks to which the conditions and methods for solving the original problem are derived, general approaches to the solution are formulated;

6. Accumulation of the selected general formula, derivation of specific content.