Children's fairy tale or adventure story. Children's fairy tales online

Children's literature is focused on the interests of young readers, so it is specific and adequate to child psychology. At a tender age, children are just beginning to discover the world and are drawn to everything unknown. Television, the Internet and other technical innovations will never replace reading books.

Only by reading, the child develops fantasy. He can easily imagine himself in any country, even a fictional one, doing noble and courageous deeds. Fairy tales, stories, and especially adventure literature provide an excellent opportunity to learn interesting data.

Features of children's adventure books

Children's adventure books are intended primarily not for teaching, but for entertainment. The characters in such works are strictly divided into good and bad, the plot develops rapidly, and the ending always ends with a happy ending, which makes these works beloved by children.

All the guys would like to become a participant in incredible adventures and visit the future or the past. Illustrated works are especially liked by the young reading auditor ii. From them, the guys will learn what a balloon is, how any aircraft or, for example, a starship is arranged.

The characters in children's books are as young as their readers. They fall voluntarily or accidentally into a cycle of events that threaten great trouble if the characters do not overcome their fears and doubts. Of course, they do not fight alone with all the trials, but with true friends.

No matter how hard the opponents try to put a spoke in the wheel, but honesty, the desire to achieve their goals directs the heroes on the right path. Restoring justice and success is the best reward at the end of the journey! If a child is fascinated by literature, he will read it in the future.

What books in the genre of children's adventures can be read on our website?

Much to the delight of our young readers and their parents, we can announce that in our electronic library Huge selection of adventure games. Especially popular are such books that you can read online for free:

  • Ekaterina Nevolina;
  • Sergei Golitsyn;
  • Valentine Zub;
  • African Shebalov;
  • Robin Lafever and more.

The tale of a boy who did not want to become an adult has long become a classic of the adventure genre. . It has been used in feature films and animated films. She is known and loved by children all over the world. Why? Because in it any dreams become reality.

It all starts with the fact that Peter Pan flew into the bedroom of the girl Wendy and her brothers. He took his new friends to a magical island, where they will meet mermaids, fairies, brave Indians and the insidious pirate Hook. A journey full of adventure has begun! Read the Peter Pan book online for free.

The action takes place in London in the 16th century. In one of beautiful days two boys were born exactly like each other. Only one of them, Edward, was the crown prince of Henry VIII, and the other boy named Tom was the son of a crook.

One day, Tom and Edward met and saw that they were almost indistinguishable. They decided to switch places and try to live a different life. . At first it gave them pleasure, but then they realized how hard and difficult life can be. A highly recommended book to read!

Fairy tales are poetic stories of extraordinary events and adventures involving fictional characters. In modern Russian, the concept of the word "fairy tale" has acquired its meaning since the 17th century. Until that moment, the word "fable" was supposedly used in this meaning.

One of the main features of a fairy tale is that it is always based on a fictional story, with a happy ending, where good triumphs over evil. The stories contain a certain hint, which enables the child to learn to recognize good and evil, to comprehend life on illustrative examples.

Children's fairy tales read online

Reading fairy tales is one of the main and important stages on the way of your child to life. A variety of stories make it clear that the world around us is quite contradictory and unpredictable. Listening to stories about the adventures of the main characters, children learn to appreciate love, honesty, friendship and kindness.

Reading fairy tales is useful not only for children. Having matured, we forget that in the end, good always triumphs over evil, that all adversity is unimportant, and the beautiful princess is waiting for her prince on a white horse. To give a little good mood and plunge into the fairy-tale world is quite simple!

Adventure tale

(not mine, but I really liked it)

Once upon a time there lived Ivan Tsarevich.

He had a nut on his stomach. He really wanted to find the key to this nut.

He came from distant lands to a distant kingdom. Found the Master Mechanic there.

Master, give me a key for this nut!

Are you sure you need it?

The Master Mechanic gave him the key. Ivan Tsarevich unscrewed the nut. And his butt fell off.

Morality. Do not look for your well. at adventure.

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Among the many fairy tales, it is especially fascinating to read the fairy tale "The Great Adventures of the Little Mouse (Eskimo Tale)", it feels the love and wisdom of our people. The plot is simple and old as the world, but each new generation finds in it something relevant and useful for itself. Each time, reading this or that epic, one feels the incredible love with which the images are described. environment. Main character always wins not by deceit and cunning, but by kindness, gentleness and love - this top quality children's characters. Dozens, hundreds of years separate us from the time of creation of the work, but the problems and customs of people remain the same, practically unchanged. The entire surrounding space, depicted with vivid visual images, is permeated with kindness, friendship, fidelity and indescribable delight. There is a balancing act between good and bad, tempting and necessary, and how wonderful that every time the choice is right and responsible. The fairy tale "The Great Adventures of the Little Mouse (Eskimo Tale)" is worth reading for everyone online, here is deep wisdom, philosophy, and simplicity of the plot with a good ending.

One day, a little mouse decided to wander. Grandmother packed it for the road, and on a quiet sunny day, the mouse set off. Soon she came across a huge lake. The mouse looked around, but there was no one nearby.
“It's a pity,” she sighed, “but I'm ready to measure my strength with anyone.
Crossing the lake, she shook off the water and said:
“Perhaps even a dolphin would be more tired after such a swim!”
And the huge lake was just a footprint of my grandmother's foot, which the rain filled with water.
The mouse turned onto another path and soon saw high mountain. There was not a soul around, and the mouse was very upset:
- It's a pity that there are no deer nearby, I would show them how to jump.
She took a run and jumped over the mountain in one jump.
- Not bad! she said to herself.
And the mountain was just a bunch of dry grass.
The mouse ran on and suddenly saw two bears fighting not for life, but for death.
"Stop," she shouted, "stop right now, you'll kill each other!"
But the bears did not hear her, and then she rushed between them and separated them.
“I am very brave and strong,” the mouse told them, “run and don’t get in my way again!”
And they left. It was a field bug and a fly.
“Perhaps that’s enough for today,” the mouse said to itself and ran home.
- What only I did not see - grandmother! she shouted right from the doorway and immediately told about all her adventures.
“Oh, you silly…” Grandma sighed.


The rating for adventure books is presented in descending order of the votes of fans of the genre who have read the work. Based on their impressions, they share their opinion - positive or negative. The latter also sometimes sounds like a convincing argument "for", because everyone has different tastes.

On the page, it is easy to pick up books about fairy-tale adventures, eliminating the possibility of an unsuccessful purchase. We are waiting for your feedback - they will surely help book "gourmets" to make a choice.

    Leah Geraskina

    If you have not been to the Land of Unlearned Lessons, then you are well done, it means that you have never received five twos at once in one day. But one boy, ignorant and lazy, Vitya Perestukin, found himself in this magical land, in which even lemonade is sold not for money, but for correct answers ... ... More

    Read about the incredible adventures and difficult trials that befell Vitya Perestukin both in the Grammar Palace and in the city where the little men Plus and Minus were sellers.

    And when you read it, quickly flip through the pages of the book, and the cat Kuzya will run to the Land of Unlearned Lessons after his master Vitya ... ... More

    Alexandra Egorushkina

    As soon as the holidays have finally begun, Lisa, aka Lillibet, Princess of Rodinglen, discovers that her brother Ingo and the wizard Owl have decided to go on a mysterious journey. But sailing on a magical ship does not unfold at all as adults expected, not able to keep their secrets. And who could have imagined what simple curiosity would turn out for Liza and her faithful knight Levushka? And then their classmate Yulechka Yuzhina intervened in the adventure, imagining herself a witch ...... Further

    The book was also published under the title The Real Princess and the Flying Ship. ... Further

    Irina Elba

    I never thought that one day I would be in fairy world. And not just anywhere, but to the real School of Fairy Tales! It's a pity they forgot to warn you that you will have to study not as a witch, but as a real Baba Yaga! ... Further

    Only the diet good fellows modern Yozhek is not satisfied. Flights in a mortar disappear due to lack of rights, and the Hut on chicken legs scared away all the suitors. Yes, and constant skirmishes with harmful heroes!

    And I want fairy tales! And preferably happy. What does it mean for Yozhki princes are not supposed? You have to break stereotypes. After all, Baba Yaga should have her own "happily ever after"! ... Further

    Astrid Lindgren

    Nasty, capricious, ill-mannered, always demanding tasty food... This series can be continued indefinitely. Maybe because every moment he is ready play pranks, and not always innocent? bad influence streets (in this case– roofs) is always attractive to home children? It seems that this is not so at all.... Further

    After all, Carlson for the Kid is not an inveterate hooligan and started in risky games, but rather a lonely child who needs affection, participation and family warmth. The kid, despite his small age, feels it very well. He takes pity on Carlson and forgives him a lot. This great book teaches the child to love and be tolerant of those who are difficult to love. ... Further

    Astrid Lindgren

    Who is the most charming, the most beautiful, the most intelligent and moderately well-fed man in the prime of life? Of course, Carlson, a plump funny little man with a motor on his back! He is known and loved by children all over the world. For a restless disposition, indefatigable imagination and a desire to play pranks. But Most of all, perhaps, Carlson loves the Kid, because together they are never bored, because the main thing for Carlson is: “It must be fun and funny, otherwise I don’t play.”... Further

    Nikolai Nosov

    "Dunno on the Moon" is the third and final book from a cycle of fairy tales by the wonderful Russian writer Nikolai Nosov about life and incredible adventures short babies.... Further

    Intellectual Znayka, inspired by his previous successes in the design of aeronautic vehicles, decides to build a real spaceship and go to explore the moon.

    However, Dunno and his comrade named Donut climb into a rocket ready for launch at night and accidentally press the "Start" button. Now the two of them will have an accidental flight to the moon, as well as meeting very strange inhabitants of the Earth's satellite, living according to unusual and very insidious laws for short men. ... Further

  • Once upon a time there was a little man - so small that he could easily hide under a maple leaf. This baby's name was Leshik. But the most remarkable thing about him is not his height and not even his ability to conjure, but his ability to make friends. It is friendship that allows you to create real miracles. Knowing that The good girl Stase is in terrible danger, Lyoshik and his friends immediately rushed to help. But will they cope with the insidious witch Zhirola? ..... Further

  • Inna Shargorodskaya

    Mikhail Anatolyevich Ovechkin, a modest St. Petersburg librarian, believed that he would definitely disappear, and would not even take a step beyond the threshold of his quiet house if he had not had to flee from there in fear of the impudent brownie. Fate, as if only waiting for this moment, to bring down on him everything from which he successfully hid for thirty-five years. And it suddenly turns out that it is this shy and shy person, and not the brave men and heroes surrounding him. A completely fabulous chapter was wormed into the book of his boring life - here you have both demons and Parallel Worlds, and sorcerers, and princesses ... Yes, that's enough, is Mikhail Anatolyevich Ovechkin himself really just a modest librarian?... Further

    Janusz Korczak

    Janusz Korczak (1878–1942) was an outstanding Polish doctor, teacher and writer. Korczak was an extraordinary person, who devoted his whole life to other people's children, whom he treated with great love and care. He opened the Orphanage in Warsaw, where they lived, studied and brought up children who have lost their parents. Having lived a life worthy of respect, Janusz Korczak died like a hero. When the Nazis occupied Warsaw during the Second World War, the population of the city was persecuted. This fate did not pass and the Orphanage. One day, all of his pupils were arrested. Korczak was offered freedom. But how could he leave his children?! Together with them, Janusz Korczak entered the gates of the camp and died in the fire of the crematorium.... Further

    One of the most famous works writer - the story-tale "King Matt the First". This is the story of young Matt, who, having lost his parents early, was forced to take the throne of the king. Feeling responsible to his people, Matt, a kind and sympathetic boy, wanted with all his heart to make the life of people in his kingdom better. Above all, he thought of the children. But how many difficulties and disappointments awaited him on this difficult but noble path! ... Further

    Vitaly Gubarev

    A fairy tale about the adventures of a little schoolgirl Olya in a magical kingdom dominated by cruelty, faced with which the girl learns to appreciate kindness, loyalty, friendship in a new way. ... Further

    Chris Colfer

    Twins Alex and Conner Bailey receive a gift from their grandmother for their twelfth birthday - old book fairy tales, which for many years was kept in their family. Soon something strange happens: a seemingly ordinary book suddenly turns into a portal, and a brother and sister ... fall into a fabulous country where all the characters of their favorite fairy tales from childhood live. But how to return home to your world? After all, visiting is good, but home is better. And what is this Wish Spell that can only be cast by collecting special items from all over the fairyland? Alex and Conner embark on a perilous journey and soon realize that returning home won't be as easy as they thought...... Further

    Nikolai Nosov

    "Dunno in Sunny city"- the second book famous trilogy about the adventures of short men, created by the outstanding Russian writer Nikolai Nosov. ... Further

    Little Dunno is now unrecognizable - he is completely reborn and tries to do as many good deeds as possible. Only Button knows the reason for such amazing metamorphoses - Dunno believes that good deeds will help him meet the wizard and receive from him a wonderful wish-fulfilling wand.

    Dunno's dream comes true, but given to him Magic wand is a very dangerous toy that can lead to exciting adventures and incredible transformations. ... Further

    Astrid Lindgren

    It is strange when inexplicable phenomena occur around you; when various things mysteriously disappear from under the very nose, such as: rich buns and little boys locked up. How it happens is mind-boggling. Or the door is suddenly locked outside while everyone is in the room. And out of nowhere strange inscriptions appear on the wall. And suddenly there are some heartbreaking sounds that make you want to cry. No, dear reader, this is not a horror book, nor is it Detective story. It's just our old playful buddy Carlson is back!... Further

    Yuri Tomin

    A fairy tale story about the most ordinary fourth-grader, with whom extraordinary things began to happen - all his desires began to come true. But for some reason that didn't make him happy. ... Further

    For average school age. ... Further

    Alexey Oleinikov

    She woke up when the end of the world began. One, in the middle of the forest, in the roots of a white oak. Who is she? Where? How did you get here? Why doesn't he remember anything? Even her name - Jane - the girl came up with herself ... Now Jane and her cat-like beast are walking through empty towns and villages, abandoned by residents. And monsters roam around, which cannot exist in nature. On the radio they talk about catastrophes, terrorist attacks, uprisings, refugee camps. Local skirmishes threaten to turn into world war. It seems that the flame is about to cover the entire planet. And Jane, whose real name is Jenny Dalphin, is the only one who can stop it. True, for this she needs to remember herself ... and she does not want to do this at all.... Further

    Anthony Pogorelsky

  • Irina Tokmakova

    In extraordinarily interesting fairy tale the famous children's writer Irina Tokmakova tells about the adventures of a six-year-old girl Varya in a fairy-tale land. The book makes children think about what fear is and how to deal with it, teaches them to look optimistically into the future and overcome difficulties.... Further

    Astrid Lindgren

    But the little fat man Carlson can. He lives on the roof of a multi-storey building and flies to his friend Kid to feast on and fool around. Calls the housekeeper Freken Bok a "housekeeper" and carries sweet buns along with the Kid.... Further

    They are not bored together, just as you will not be bored when reading this wonderful and good fairy tale. ... Further

    Sofia Prokofieva

    The book of a remarkable modern writer, author of the famous "The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase", includes action-packed fairy tales: "The Treasure Under the Old Oak", "The Secret of the Forgotten Attic" and "The Adventures of the Plush Tiger", addressed to children of primary school age. ... Further

    Chris Riddell

    Meet Ada Goth. She is the only daughter of Lord Goth, the famous English poet. They live in Grenul-Thunder-Hall with numerous servants and a few ghosts. Ada has no friends at all… ... more

    One night she is a ghost ... a mouse named Ishmael. Here begins the mysterious, exciting and strange adventures that will forever change the lives of the inhabitants of Grenul Thunder Hall. ... Further

    Katya Matyushkina

    In vain, the mischievous muscle Zyza builds insidious plans and confuses traces! The brave cat da Vinci, together with his friends - the mice Peak, Bubusha and Chucha, the owl Uguha and the chicken-reporter Kudaha - will reveal the most intricate and mysterious crimes!!!... Further

    Fun detective adventures continue!

    Publisher's design saved in A4 pdf format. ... Further