5 children's questions. Why do old books smell like this?

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Sometimes children ask such questions that they don’t know whether to laugh or blush. And it is important for a child to get an answer. Children don't want us to ignore them, lie to them, or make fun of their naivety.

Often between 2 and 4 years old, the child begins to ask a lot of questions. This is quite normal, as it enters the Why Period. On the one hand, he is beginning to express himself verbally and therefore will try to make the most of this mode of communication, and on the other hand, he is in the midst of discoveries and needs answers to the questions he raises. This is also the point at which his left brain begins to develop.

Does your child sometimes ask a question several times, but in different ways? Are there any sensitive issues that need to be addressed? Are you sometimes so tired that these questions annoy you? Therefore, if you also qualify. We offer you several ways to respond unconditionally and effectively to your child.

website publishes correct answers to insidious children's questions.

Be honest, but don't go into details.

“When people love each other, they kiss and hug. Dad gives mom his cell. She connects with her mother, and a child appears in her stomach. He is small, like a fish, and swims inside his mother. And then it grows, ceases to fit inside and is born. Older children can be told about sperm and eggs.

Let's not forget that the spirit of a child is a very absorbing sponge that will feed on his parents, their example, what they have to give him and all his environment in general terms. It is very important to always tell the truth to the child. On the one hand, it may be necessary to ask the same question a little later and be all the more attentive to the answer. On the other hand, it is the relationship of trust that is established between the child and the adult. The child must be aware of the validity of their parents' answers in order to continue to build peacefully.

Depending on the age of the child and the complexity of his/her question, it is often appropriate to adapt the words and explain them so that the child fully understands their meaning and can understand the answer. Some questions may be puzzled either because the answer to the question is not easy to express: for example, Why does he live in this neighbor's house? Or because the answer eludes us. In the second case, it is important to tell the child that we do not know the answer, but that we can find the answer in the book, for example.

Try to talk about it without embarrassment, because the child's interest in the genitals is an absolutely natural thing.

“These differences are necessary for the birth of children. Boys have a penis and two testicles. In girls - the vagina and uterus - a special pouch for the unborn child. The boy and girl grow up, meet and want to have children. They are connected like puzzles or as parts of a designer. After that, a baby appears in the stomach.

Answer the question "boomerang"

Sometimes a child may ask the same question several times. He does this very often to get confirmation of the answer he already has in mind. Then you can ask him: What do you think? And look what he's going to say. The goal is to congratulate him if his answer is clear and correct, or to give him more details if his answer seems ambiguous. This "boomerang question" is also a great way to see if the child understood the explanations given earlier.

At certain times of the day, such as waking up or going to bed, or depending on the concentration of the parent in the task he is undertaking, the "why" of the children may seem annoying. Despite everything, it is important to remain calm and not rush to respond to the child. Finding out how things work is vital to him, stopping him in that momentum can be a brake on his thirst for discovery.

Almost all children ask this question when they develop attachment to the opposite sex. Say "no" softly.

“Everyone in the family has a role to play. Your sister can't be a dad, dad can't be a grandmother. And you can't be your mother's husband. When you grow up and become an adult, your mother will already be old. You can still love her and take care of her, but you will marry a beautiful young girl. You will love each other and you will have children of your own.”

What is behind the "why"?

In most cases, the child asks questions to get answers that will enable him to understand the various functions of the things he discovers. Clear and precise answers are enough to move on. However, when the child seems pushy, he repeatedly asked the question in different ways, the answers do not seem to suit him, and even if he is annoyed by the answers he hears, this is certainly hiding something else behind these problems.

He tries to get the attention of his parents. There are two ways to meet his needs. Sometimes it is impossible to stop the started activity, depending on the nature of the activity, then it is quite possible to include the child in the activity and explain to him what it is. This way the child is involved and enjoys instant quality with one of their parents.

The child subconsciously feels guilty for the quarrels of the parents. It is important that the baby understands that it is not his fault.

“People fight because they don't always agree with each other's opinions. And children quarrel, and adults sometimes too. But we will definitely make up, because we love each other. And each of us loves you."

Do not shush at a child if in a crowded place he pays attention to a person who stands out - this is precisely what forms intolerance.

Often, after spending quality time with a child, the child is satisfied with the presence of his parent and the more easily oriented towards the activity of his choice, he will realize himself and in complete autonomy. If you understand that your child is asking why constantly and all day, it may be that a little discomfort has occurred at home or outside. Try to find a reason and show great empathy for him by accepting them all and learning about the blog 🙂.

Some Whys are very destabilizing. Especially when we are talking about the differences that the child sees between men. Therefore, it is important to explain the differences between people, and it is not always appropriate to point this out. Other Whys may seem complicated, such as "Why did he die?". Because it is important to consider the sensitivity of the child, and not to frighten him with words or explanations that may shock him.

"All people are different. There are tall, short, fat and thin. And it happens that a person is sick and therefore looks different. Either way, he might be offended. Therefore, one should not point the finger at someone who is different from others. It is better to ask me about it when we are alone, so as not to offend anyone.

Brothers and sisters are always vying for the love of their parents. Do not use your child as an example of a brother or sister and say that you love her more because she "learns better."

At such times, the book can be used to answer the child's questions and illustrate his remarks. We love Catherine Dolto's collection, which allows you to discuss some "taboo items" with your child and which is a true support for the explanations that can be brought.

Yana Alexieva, child psychologist and executive director of the Parents Association. The price difference is up to 3-4 leva. According to child psychologist and executive director of the Association of Parents Yana Aleksieva, this separation of rich and poor children is not very good, but there are much more important issues related to textbooks and their role in education than this.

“Yes, you are different, and our love can manifest itself in different ways. But we love you both equally as much as you love Mom and Dad equally. You are both very dear to me."

Explain to the child that treatment is necessary. You should not call him a coward and shame him: “Why are you like a little one?”

“The doctor does not want to harm you, his job is to fight germs and sores. It will hurt a little, but without it you will not become healthy. When I was sick, they also gave me injections. I was scared, but I managed. And you can. Look, your bunny is also sick, he needs to see a doctor. He is very scared, let's tell him why you shouldn't be afraid of the doctor."

How did you feel about the idea of ​​cheaper black and white textbooks? One of them is rather psychological, and the message comes from this separation. And another thing is whether there is any sense in what is being done. From an educational point of view, it is not important for me to have a textbook - black or white. What matters is what the content is and how it adapts and becomes contemporary for our children.

This is something we've been talking about for many years now, and the current debate shifts the focus of an important thing. Plus, we're talking about a pretty critical age where you're trying to prove yourself to your peers in order to find your place. We adults need to think about how to support children in a way that does not interfere with them. The fact is that even now there is a problem for children who cannot buy textbooks and buy them in some other way or copy them. But, on the other hand, we know very well that textbooks after the eighth grade are not currently being bought, especially because children do not see the meaning of them, most likely their parents, and also some teachers.

Do not lie to your child about his invulnerability and your immortality. He is able to accept the truth.

“People, animals and even flowers die someday. This is the law of nature. So it is necessary that everyone who is born has enough space on the planet. And we will die someday. But it will not be soon. We will not be when we grow old, like a grandmother, and you become big, like us. You will have your own children. Then they will grow big, you will grow old, and you will not be. But you will live a wonderful life full of adventure and discovery.”

This is a signal to ask at all about the meaning and purpose of the textbook at this stage. This is logical, and every generation goes through this stage. Also, 13 are already teenagers and then peers become an extremely important part of life. If in more early age they don't look at each other that much, then at 13 it's normal. And if there are no parents and teachers to have a meaningful dialogue on these topics, and not just for textbooks, there is a risk of entering into more serious situations of conflict between them and releasing children as outsiders.

Explain that your job is a law to be reckoned with. Focus on the joy of the upcoming meeting.

“I don’t want to part with you, but it’s necessary, and there’s nothing to be done about it. Work is very important. But in the evening we will definitely meet and we will be very, very happy. Let's swap our things, shall we? Take my keychain and I'll take your toy. And we will feel each other from afar.

This is just the question: what can such a division of children to colorful textbooks lead to? Naturally, if a child is placed in a situation that is apparently legitimized even through his textbooks, that his parents don't have much financial ability, others may somehow exploit it. And the child will feel bad? Is it possible to create a problem with self-esteem, how will this affect his psyche?

The textbook itself will not be as destructive as any other factor. Because if we really assume that these textbooks are made cheaper, a child living in a family with difficulties - which in Bulgaria can say that this is a fairly serious percentage - until the eighth grade lives in similar conditions and with security knows what it's like to have no stuff. Reaffirmation with another object may not affect that much, it will not be an unlocking situation that this child will finally feel, but it will be different.

Don't be afraid to admit that you're not perfect. It is important that the child understands that not all actions of parents should be copied.

“Yes, I smoke and sometimes I sit late at the computer, but I don’t want you to repeat my mistakes. This is my bad habit, which I will get rid of. Because I want to get better."

Take your child's fears seriously and work with them to figure out how to turn the scary into the good.

Of course, this whole topic could be phrased differently, and we shouldn't be talking about black and white textbooks at all, just think why all the textbooks don't look the same and they're not available. All in all, the tutorials are great. For example, from first to seventh grade, many of the textbooks are free, but there are no textbooks with them. You have to think about what to do with textbooks. And we in the association have been saying for many years that the textbook should not be given so much attention in the learning process, because it should be just a reference and a basis that the child and the teacher can walk on.

"Tell me about the monster. You know, these monsters are very afraid of magic spells. Let's come up with this together. Or look, it's not just an old TV remote control. See that secret button? When you press it, the monsters disappear. Let's put this remote next to your bed."

Rules for answering children's questions

  • The child does not need to know more than he asked. Answer simply.
  • Do not lie. If you don't know the answer, just admit it to the kid. And look for the answer together. Such an approach will only strengthen your authority, but lying, on the contrary, will destroy it. When a child learns the truth from someone, you will have to explain to him why you lied.
  • Do not speak down, in a didactic tone. Avoid ridicule, take your child seriously. You want the baby to continue to come to you with his questions.
  • Look deeper. Sometimes a question is an unconscious attempt to ask for help or a hidden fear, try to understand what the little person really expects from you.

Usually the question "why?" most often we hear from the lips of children who, due to their age, do not know many things. But if you think about it with your brains, it turns out that we, as adults, ourselves do not know the answers to children's questions at first glance: why is the sky blue or why does the grass have green color? At least once in a lifetime, every person thought about questions, the answers to which are waiting for you in the continuation of the article, but due to their strangeness, he did not dare to ask.

But this is not the main focus of all training, as it is now. What is the role of the textbook in the life of students? For some reason, we are trying to make it an extremely important role, not only for students, but for teachers and for ministries, for everyone. But the reality is that the textbook really should be aside, something extra from the learning. The learning process can happen wonderfully without a textbook.

You said content is more important. What should be in the textbook to benefit from it? What matters is how the content teaches kids the skills and teaches them the functional literacy we've been talking about for a decade now and every year we're surprised they don't have it. The approach to working with children is extremely important. Also digital media literacy, which continues to shift from focus. This does not mean working with the Internet, but it means that children have many other skills that they do not receive in school.

Why do old books have such a smell?

In short, several hundred volatile organic substances give the smell. In 2009, a study was conducted on this topic, the results of which were published in the journal Analytical Chemistry. According to him flying organic matter get into the air from books, and more specifically from the decaying components of which it consists - paper, ink and glue.
The author of the study, Matija Strlič, described the scent as "a combination of herbaceous undertones with a slight acidic and vanilla scent, and an accentuated musty smell."

That's why the textbook is like an icing on the whole issue we've been talking about for so many years - about school and education and what school does in general and that it shouldn't be a parallel world where kids spend almost all of their day big part of my life, but to feel the meaning and practicality of going to school, to have motivation.

And ambition for electronic textbooks, How are you feeling? This is definitely the future, but it needs to be given time. As an organization of parents and other non-governmental organizations in the sector, we are discussing the steps that are being taken in this direction in order to be thoughtful, consistent and dedicated to time.

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How are seedless grapes grown?

Most fruits today do not come from seeds, but from cut branches. A small part of the vine or twig is cut, processed and placed in the ground, after which roots and leaves begin to grow from it.
Some seedless grapes do contain seeds, but they are very small. In general, most types of grapes contain seeds, just not all of them form a hard shell that is familiar to us.

Why can't we see baby pigeons?

Perhaps because we do not often look into their nests. do not leave their nests until they are fully grown. In addition, when the pigeon has grown enough to leave the nest, it is almost impossible to distinguish it from an adult pigeon.

Why does it smell so good when it rains?

This scent is called Petrichor. With this name, they decided to designate the smell in the air, which remains after the rain has passed. It was invented by two Australian scientists in 1964.
The term Petrichor was formed from the fusion of the Greek words petra ("stone") and ichor ("ichor" - a liquid flowing in the veins of the Greek mythological gods).
It is worth noting that in the creation of this fragrance, one of the main roles is played by organic compound geosmin (geosmin - from gr. "smell of the earth"). This organic matter is nothing but a waste product of various microorganisms, including cyanobacteria and actinomycetes.

Why do we cry when we cut onions?

Onions contain volatile oils that give the plant its characteristic aroma. These oils contain organic substances - amino acid sulfoxides.
When cutting an onion, the structure of its tissues is disturbed, the cells are torn, which in turn leads to the release of sulfonic acids, which turn into thiopropional dehyde-B-oxide - it is he who causes tears. In addition, these acids condense into the form of thiosulfite, which gives the onion its characteristic smell.
It is worth noting that the formation of thiopropionaldehyde-8-oxide as a result of cutting onions reaches a peak 30 seconds after the first cut.
Tears are defensive reaction our body, which begins to produce a weak solution of sulfuric acid. Our brain "informs" the lacrimal glands that it is time to secrete a large amount of fluid, which should wash away the irritating substance. More damaged onion tissues - more gas is produced and more fluid is produced by the body, i.e. more tears. The reaction of the onion is a kind of defense mechanism against pests.

How much gold is lost Golden ring when we wear it?

According to a 2008 study published in the Gold Bulletin, on average, a gold ring loses about 0.12mg of gold each week.
Chemist Georg Steinhauser, who is the author of the study, writes: "Most of all gold is lost while relaxing on the beach, where the ring is exposed to the abrasive influence of sand."

Why does garbage smell stronger in hot weather than in cold weather?

Most of the garbage consists of organic material - peels from fruits and vegetables, leftover food, etc. This material begins to decompose, releasing an unpleasant odor that signals that it can no longer be eaten.
If the environment is fairly warm, the organic material decomposes faster. In addition, we are less sensitive in cold weather, so when the weather is warmer, the stink of garbage becomes stronger.

Why don't penguins fly?

On the path of evolution, the bird, apparently, had to choose which skill would be more useful to it: be able to fly well or swim well. This idea was put forward by scientists whose study was published in 2013 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
According to the study, penguins can't fly because their bodies are more adapted to diving than flying.
"To learn to fly, they need to grow large wings, or increase the size of the body to better dive, but if both conditions are met, then flight will become impossible," - explains Robert Ricklefs (Robert Ricklefs), co-author of the study and ornithologist from the University of Missouri at St. -Louis.

Why is it difficult to sneeze with your eyes open?

It is worth noting first that if you choose to deliberately leave your eyes open when you want to sneeze, they will not come out of their sockets. And even if this happened, then closed eyelids could not help you avoid this.
In fact, when we sneeze, we close our eyes simply because the reflex is triggered. When your brain sends the signal to sneeze, part of it tells you to close your eyes.

Why do people walk forward and not sideways?

If crabs walk like that, then why don't people do it? Even if we need to go left or right, we still turn around and move forward.
One reason could be the fact that walking sideways uses as much energy as running forward.

A study published in the journal Biology Letters in 2013 showed that walking sideways requires more energy because a person during this process has to stop after each step in order to take the next step.

Why do some people have freckles and others don't?

Freckles contain the pigment melanin. Most freckles are due to the same gene that leads to red hair, MC1R.
The cells in the skin that produce melanin are called melanocytes. MC1R makes a protein that lives on these cells and tells your body what melanin to create.
In darker people, melanocytes are more likely to produce one type of melanin, eumelanin. People who produce more pheomelanin have paler skin and more freckles. By the way, such people do not sunbathe much; in the sun, their skin almost does not change color, since pheomelanin - unlike eumelanin - does not protect a person from ultraviolet rays.

Why does even the smallest speck of dust in the eye create a very unpleasant sensation?

Your cornea, the anterior most convex transparent element of the eyeball, has many nerve endings.
If you get dust in your eye and then you start rubbing it, you just rub the dust on the surface of the cornea, which worsens the situation, making the pain worse. You can also inadvertently press hard on a speck of dust, and it will enter the cornea. Instead of rubbing your eye, try blinking, which will help in most cases.