Theater week in elementary school. All-Russian Week "Theatre and Children"

On November 25, theatrical performances took place, which were held as part of the All-Russian Week "Theatre and Children". This competition has been held in our school for more than 10 years, and some of its participants have become real artists and perform on the theater stage of our capital. By tradition, we stage scenes from the works of this year's anniversaries, whose names were announced back in the first quarter of grades 5-9:
Grade 5 - K.I. Chukovsky (135th birthday),
6th grade - Alan Milne (135th birthday),
Grades 7-9 - Evgeny Schwartz (120th birthday).

As a result, 8 out of 16 classes made it to the competition! We present you these bold, active and artistic:

Grade 6B, class teacher Ruleva Yu.A., Alan Milne (translated by S.Ya. Marshak) “The Ballad of the Royal Sandwich”;

Grade 7A, class teacher Korobetskaya S.V., Evgeny Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time";

Grade 7B, class teacher Efremova N.Yu., Evgeny Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time";

Grade 7K, class teacher Prisyazhnaya V.N., Evgeny Schwartz “Two maples”;

Grade 8A, class teacher Fomina G.G., Evgeny Schwartz "Little Red Riding Hood";

Grade 8, class teacher Marakhovskaya N.S., Evgeny Schwartz " The Snow Queen»;

9Ak class, class teacher Chernenkaya A.A., Evgeny Schwartz "Cinderella";

9B class, class teacher Ivanova M.A., Evgeny Schwartz "Cinderella".

As a result, the jury (Vartanova I.V., Kirst A.V., Izmerova N.M.) chose the winners:

1 place- 9B class,

2nd place- 8A class,

3rd place- 6B class.

A diploma in the nomination "Debut" is awarded to Fomin Timofey, a student of grade 3B, who took part in the play "Cinderella" of grade 9B.

Nomination "Best female role» receives Ishkova Katya 8A class,

"Best male role" - Prisch Dima 9B class (among 8-9 classes) and Nevredinov Nikita 7B class (among 5-7 classes).

"Best supporting role" - Pogodaeva Nastya 6B class (among 5-7 classes) and Radchenko Margarita 8B class (among 8-9 classes).

In the nomination "Best creative duet" - Mingaleva Polina and Semchenkova Polina 9Ak class are awarded.

Each class was awarded in a specific nomination, which emphasizes the peculiarity of their production:

Grade 7A - nomination "Interest in a fairy tale",

Grade 7B - nomination "Creative solution",

7K class - nomination "Creative approach",

8B class - nomination "Direction",

9Ak class - "The best acting team."

We thank all the participants of theatrical performances, class teachers and, of course, parents and everyone who helped the children. Please don't take away your costumes and sets, as traditionally the best performances will be shown at Children's Book Week in March.

For more than 40 years, our school has been hosting the Theater and Children week, which has already become a hallmark of school traditions. Here is this one academic year was no exception: for six days, teachers and students became either spectators or artists.

The first day. Opening.
Specially for this day, the assembly hall of the school became more comfortable, more modern, a new curtain and a video projector appeared, so the week began with a film showing the history of this school tradition. Thanks to the photo collection collected at the school, the students were able to see their mothers and fathers, who were also once school artists, on the projector screen.
Well, and then the participants of the circle "World of Theater" showed a humorous performance "The Kingdom of the Diary". The audience was very worried, who will the king choose as his wife - the beautiful One or the clever Five? The head of the circle Terentyeva Svetlana Semyonovna, a teacher of Russian and Komi language and literature, helped the fifth-graders and the audience to understand the intricacies of love.
Second day."My mother is my joy"

After the lessons, the audience went to where it smells so fragrant of buns, shangs, cookies - to the assembly hall of the school. The boys and girls were worried: would classmates and friends like their mother's treat? The concert was a success, because the guys approached the matter creatively: they staged a fashion show of knitted items by Shestakova Marina Pavlovna, showed sketches, sang songs, recited poems. high school students - modern people, created colorful musical films about their mothers. Tenth-grader Terentyeva Anna sang a touching song, which she dedicated to her mother Svetlana Semyonovna, because. It was on this day that she celebrated her birthday.
Day three. video battle
Such a competitive day was held at the school for the first time, so there were only two "fighters" - 9th and 10th grades. The tenth-graders decided to give a new voice to the classic of Soviet cinema, the film "Viy". The heroes were transferred from a 19th-century farmhouse church to a disco at the Cholom Leisure Center of the 21st century. As a result, the guys got a very funny parody of themselves.
The next on the screen was a film from the series “Profession: a reporter on hastily”, filmed in the 9th grade film studio with the active participation of the class teacher Volkova Maya Mikhailovna. The trial series will be remembered by the audience for a long time, because they looked at themselves from the outside: how they rush to the dining room, how they stealthily write off homework, how they do not part with the phone for a minute ...
In general, the first pancake did not come out lumpy, and we hope that these films will not be the last in creative life guys.
Day four. Competition "Dare, boys!"

A year ago, the school received a grant in the republican competition "Ethnoinitiative-2009" and continues to work on the "Living Antiquity" project. The competition for boys in grades 1-6 pursued the goal of the project - familiarization of modern youth with the origins of folk culture.
Six fellows prepared short stories about yourself in the Komi language. Let's be honest, the task was difficult for some participants. Mikhail Palekhov and Maxim Khozyainov became the undisputed winners of the first competition. Our rural boys love the forest, hunting, fishing, and it was not difficult for them to guess the traces of animals and birds living in the forests of the republic. But the next test was completely unexpected for all participants. Try s
throw a loop of the lasso on the horns of a deer! But in our school there are such craftsmen! Grade 9 student German Anufriev showed a master class and taught some of the intricacies of this business. The most successful in this competition were the first-grader Ilya Shilonosov and the second-grader Popov Vitaly.
Leading the holiday librarian Manzadey O.A. and counselor Filippova E.M. the boys were tested for strength, endurance, and accuracy. The staff of the Novikbozh House of Culture really decorated the holiday. The girls prepared a small program, the theme of which echoed the theme of the holiday - the rich culture of the Komi people.
The jury of the competition after a long debate announced the winners. They were first-grader Shilonosov Ilya and fifth-grader Palekhov Mihai
l. By the way, Misha also received the Audience Choice Award.
School work n
hell with the project continues, so "Go for it, boys!".
Day five."Wedding with dowry".
“Won’t they swipe us, comrades, at ...“ A wedding with a dowry? - the teachers of the Komi language and literature asked themselves. No sooner said than done! days

rap petitions, preparation of scenery, search for props left behindand finally, the day of the premiere. Viewers are somewhat worried thatthey will not understand the artists, because they will only speak the Komi language. But already in the first minutes, the language barrier disappeared - the actors were so able to reincarnate, they played their roles so vividly. Lobova Anastasia Valentinovna and Batmanova Vera Nikolaevna became sisters Galya and Olga, Smetanina Elena Fedorovna - a strict mother of marriageable daughters, Dyachkova Ekaterina Valerianovna - a neighbor who is eager for other people's secrets. The role of the foreman was played by Kanev Nikolai, a student of the 9th grade, and the brave village guys Rochev Fedor, Lobov Maxim, Khozyainov Vsevolod. The role of the protagonist was brilliantly played by Terentyeva Svetlana Semyonovna. Facial expressions, gestures, intonation, costume, artistic talent - all this helped to convey the character of Nikolai Kurochkin.

After the final bow, the audience remained in their places for some time, as if enchanted by the game of teachers and schoolchildren. Looking forward to the sequel...

Day six."Being healthy is great."
The last day of the theater week brought together schoolchildren of all classes on the stage to talk about health. Performances were different: funny, musical, theatrical, satirical. students primary school talked about the benefits of vitamins, the fifth grade taught Dunno how to eat right, the sixth

vehemently showed what harm tobacco smoke does to the body, the seventh - sang ditties about the benefits of playing sports, eighthassistants and ninth graders explained how to resistaznu and refuse the offer to try narcotic substances. Tenth-grader Terentyeva Anna sang a song that she composed herself and thus summed up all the performances: being healthy is great!
The week "Theatre and Children" has ended. Summed up. During the holidays, students of grades 2.3, 5.6, 9.10 are invited to New Year's performance to the House of Technology in Usinsk. Thanks to the activity of the children themselves and their class teachers Kaneva Galina Serafimovna, Filippova Olga Nikolaevna, Smetanina Elena Fedorovna, Smetanina Nadezhda Nikolaevna, Volkova Maya Mikhailovna, Lobova Anastasia Valentinovna, the performances of these very cool teams were the brightest, most interesting. December 16, 2010

Scenario extracurricular activities for junior schoolchildren, dedicated to the opening of the Theater Week.

Odnoburtseva Oksana Nikolaevna, music teacher.
Place of work: MOU secondary school No. 8 of the city of Atkarsk, Saratov region.

Goals and objectives:
- introducing children to theatrical view art,
- development of theatrical abilities of students,
- the development of children's intelligence and resourcefulness,
- creating a festive, positive mood.
Purpose of material: the script is intended for primary school students, it will be useful to organizers and teachers additional education, head teacher extracurricular activities in the preparation and holding of the Theater Week or Art Week.

Holiday progress:

The curtain opens.

The song "Theater Week" sounds.
1. If the curtain opens for you,
This means that miracles begin.
So, the audience meets with a fairy tale,
We invite everyone to visit.
2. And the rooks fly with cheerful cries,
Finally the holidays are here
And the spring of the sun is signaling to everyone with glare,
And the last snow melts.
And the week began theatrical,
A crystal chandelier lit up in the hall,
We are all in a good mood
Loud laughter is heard everywhere.
Our dear young viewers!
We'll show you what we haven't seen before
To make it funny, amazing,
For us to be successful.
3. We are sure, friends, everyone needs the theater,
Because here we will definitely make friends,
In a round dance we will spin merrily
Or let's mourn together.
4. But all experiences will end,
And we all know about it in advance
Looking forward to fairytale heroes repentance
And, of course, we will forgive them.

We welcome you to our theater hall!
And congratulations on a happy occasion!
We are glad to see you, we recognized you all by sight,
You are our loyal audience.
And if you are friends with the theater,
He has power over the heart
Then, you know, a miracle will certainly happen,
Attention! Theater week has begun!
The great magician and magician of the Theater has his own day in the calendar, it is called the International Theater Day.
This holiday is celebrated all over the world on March 27. And we celebrate it today, because the spring school holidays begin.

It turns out that we have a double holiday?
Certainly! That is why, all the guys, today expect a lot of different pleasant surprises.
That's great - surprises! I just love them!
"Surprise" - performed by the dance ensemble.

The birthplace of the theater is considered to be Ancient Greece. It was there that the word “theatre” appeared, which means a place for a spectacle or the spectacle itself.
"Stage", "actor" - the words are also of Greek origin.
The symbol of the theater - masks - also appeared there.
And the patronesses of the theater were two muses:
Melpomene is the muse of tragedy and Thalia is the muse of comedy.

Therefore, the performances are different - sad and funny, simple and wise, but they are never evil, stupid and boring.
And the performances are fabulous.
We offer you guys, without fear,
Go on a holiday to a fairy tale.
We will overcome theatrical distances.
The heroes of fairy tales called us to their place.
"Fairytale Carnival" - performed by the vocal song ensemble.

In our theater, they will start dancing,
Even a slow caterpillar.
And such a transformation

Makes everyone admire.
"Caterpillar" - performed by a dance group.

There are many different puppets in the theater
Their eyes are full of surprise.
Believe me, dolls are also children,
But only the children of fairyland.
"Fluffies" - performs the theater of puppets and masks.

Guys, do you know what professions people work in the theater?
For the performance to take place
In the theater everyone tried
Do you know, friends?
Theater family?
Puts a fairy tale ....... (director)
And plays in it ...... .. (actor)
Songs are taught to sing……. .(choirmaster)
Dances puts ………. .(choreographer)
Draw snow and rain
On the scenery……. .(artist)
Who, tell me, from the newspapers
Make a bike
And from cotton wool tomato?
Guessed? …… .(props)
Now a king, and then a jester,
Beggar or king
Lady, witch or fly
Robinson or an old woman,
Become will help, for example,
Theatrical …(dresser)
Guys, look what original outfits the costumers came up with for the next participants in our holiday program. On the stage - "Cacti".

Speech by the ensemble of modern pop dance.
The animal world is mysterious, like a theater,
And everyone has their own role
A brave hero, a secret enemy,
Live fighting or loving.
Look at the animals and the features of people
You will recognize in their habits and habits,
The hypocrite draws plastic from them,
And the images steal away from them.
"Fox Alice and Cat Basilio" - performs the theater of dance and plasticity.

World magic theater
This is peace for the soul.
You just need to enter
Feelings will be happy.
After all, the theater is our home,
House of love and kindness
All calm, warm
In this house of art.
"Hallowe Dolly" - performed by the soloist of the pop song theater.

Let's remember another important theatrical profession.
He walks around the stage, jumps,
He laughs, he cries
At least someone will portray
Mastery will amaze everyone,
And formed a long time ago
Type of profession……. .(actor)
We are sure that among the audience there will be many guys with artistic abilities.
(calls to the stage those who want to try themselves as an actor - 5 people)
- Show that you are very hot.
- And now - you got to the Far North.
- Show the boxer's warm-up before the fight.
- You didn't sleep at all.
- Your leg was crushed.
- You accidentally broke a vase and cut your hand.
- You smelled a pleasant floral scent.
- You are fans in the stadium, your team wins.
- And now he's losing.
(participants receive prizes)
Well done! Real actors can sometimes show a whole performance without words.
(the soundtrack of Karabas Barabas's song “Look how cool I am” sounds, he himself comes out)

Karabas Barabas(on song intro music)
Ha ha ha! Oh, dead, who here dared to be called real actors?
(puppets of the theater of Karabas Barabas appear on the stage)
What, you didn't want to see me?
I will show you theater week!
My theater was not invited here!
And they didn't ask for anything!
I am the director of all theaters,
I would wipe your nose to all of you!
I have a troupe...
But you are being stupid!
Yes, admit Karabas,
Far away your bass is heard,
And play the role quietly-quietly
Can you do it now?

Karabas Barabas
Any role is up to me!
What to do? I won't say anything.
But I, because I'm a superstar,
I'll take a big fee from you.
(a trick box rolls onto the stage)
Let's discuss! Matter of a minute.
Focus - pocus! Just a joke!
And if you are a real artist,
Please go to the box!
(Karabas laughs, confidently climbs into the black box. Music sounds, lighting effects. The hosts perform a trick, then open the box, Karabas Barabas disappeared)
Maybe leave it like that
Guys, is it forever?
After all, he is a famous tormentor of animals,
He has no place among people.
Karabas Barabas
Dear children! Yes, I was joking!
I have always loved actors and theater!
Please, return my view again!
Well, guys, forgive him? (children: "I'm sorry")
And we will return it!
Sounds music, lighting effects. The hosts again perform the trick, open the box, a frightened Karabas Barabas appears from it, yells and runs away.
We are convinced that everyone needs
To live with kindness and very amicably.
Otherwise, sooner or later
Hooligans will get everything.
"Atamansha" - soloists of the dance and plastic theater perform.

The best nanny in the world
Adults and children know.
For excellent manners
Much appreciated by Lady Mary.
"Mary" - performed by a dance group.

On this day, you can hold a competition " theater stage". This event helps students to develop activity, independence, and the ability to quickly navigate. To participate in the competition, 5 people are determined in advance, they prepare a presentation of themselves (other students can help), they also bring with them any waste material to make a costume, and they will learn about other competitions at the event itself.

Evening "Theatre stage"

The course of the evening

(The presenters come out to the sound of the song “Oh, this evening ...”.)

Presenter 1: Hello, dear spectators, fans and those who just looked into our cozy hall.

Lead 2: Today, on the international day of the theater, we announce the start of the Theater Stage competition.

Presenter 1: Lead this evening - ...

Lead 2: And ... (hosts introduce each other)

(Before the start of the competition, the hosts can talk a little about what theater is in general, when it arose, etc.)

Presenter 1: We will traditionally start by introducing our participants - these are the five most daring, creative students of our school. They prepared a business card about themselves - this will be our first contest. We are the first to invite you to this stage...

(The participants are introduced.)

Lead 2: We met our participants, you also know us, but we still forgot someone.

Presenter 1: Of course, we forgot, we have not yet introduced our arbiters of fate - a fair and respected jury.

(Jury presentation.)

Lead 2: Well, now everyone is presented, and we move on to our second competition. It's called Questions.

Presenter 1: We invite all participants to the stage and give them cards with questions. While they read the questions and think about how to answer them, I will explain to you that the questions were taken from literary works known to you.

(Participants take turns reading the question aloud and answering it.)

Sample questions:

1. Which of the Russian writers and to which work gave the epigraph "There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked." (N.V. Gogol "The Government Inspector".)

2. From what silk were the dresses of the merchant's daughters in the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" sewn? (Atlas.)

3. Which of the Russian writers wrote three novels whose titles begin with the letter "O"? (I.A. Goncharov "Cliff", "Oblomov", "Ordinary History".)

4. What English economist did Eugene Onegin read? (Adam Smith.)

5. What event happened between Uncle Fyodor and his parents, and was the reason for leaving for Prostokvashino? (Argument.)

Host 2: Great, the jury made notes about who answered the question correctly and we move on to the third competition, which is called "Chewing Man".

Presenter 1: It can be important for an actor to play a pantomime non-objective etude. Now our participants are invited to eat the item in such a way that it becomes immediately clear to everyone what you are eating. Each participant receives a card with the items that he needs to eat.

Lead 2: Each participant has three items. As soon as the music starts, you start "eating" the first item, as soon as we say that the item is changing, you move on to the second dish, and then, when we give the command, you will move on to "eating" the third dish.

(Music sounds, participants show pantomime, the following items can be used for the task: seeds, wormy apple, bony fish, ripe watermelon, melting ice cream, undercooked barbecue, spaghetti, semolina, castor oil, ripe pear, banana, rice porrige chopsticks, plum, hot baked potato, candy.)

Presenter 1: Great, you ate so appetizingly that I also wanted to have a bite.

Host 2: The jury puts the marks, and we listen to the results for three competitions.

Presenter 1: The first results are clear and we continue competitive tasks. For the next competition, which is called "The theater begins with a hanger," the participants brought junk material with them.

Lead 2: Now the participants will be given cards with the names of the characters, the costume that they have to make. Their friends can help prepare the costume backstage.

(To the music, the participants retire backstage and prepare the costume of the following fairy-tale characters there: the Snow Queen; Koschey the Immortal; Baba Yaga; Vodyanoy; Goblin. The costume can be demonstrated by both the participant himself and his assistant.)

Presenter 1: While our participants are behind the scenes, we will play a game with the audience.

(The hall, together with the leader, pronounces the words and repeats his movements:

They came - they came

(I'm going to the place.)

hedgehogs - hedgehogs

(We open our palms, squeezing and unclenching our fingers.)

Forged - forged

(Bang fist on fist.)

Scissors - scissors

(Hands show scissors.)

Run in place Run in place

(We run in place.)

Bunnies - bunnies

(Show ears.)

Come on, together! Come on, together!

(All the girls shout loudly "Girls!", All the boys shout "Boys!")

The game is usually played 2-3 times.

As soon as the participants are ready, the hosts call a fairy-tale character to the music and the participants demonstrate costumes. You can offer to demonstrate the costumes, and the jury in the hall should recognize the character.)

Lead 2: While our participants are taking off their costumes, we will listen to the results of past competitions, which the jury will announce to us.

Presenter 1: We have prepared another competition for our actors - "Mannequins". To participate in it, we invite all the actors to the stage.

Host 2: They are invited to imagine the following situation: glass was broken in a clothing store and all the mannequins were ruined. The administration of this store turned to the theater for help, asking the actors to stand in the window until new mannequins were brought. Our participants need to freeze in various positions.

Presenter 1: Great, as long as you can handle this task. But that's not the difficulty. While our actors are standing in the windows, they bring new mannequins and they begin to change places, change clothes. The task of the contestants is to hold out in the chosen position, no matter what the circumstances.

Host 2: If the actors are ready, then we invite loaders to our store.

(Music sounds, a group of stronger guys appears on the stage, dressed as loaders and having a certain imagination. They drag the frozen figures of actors around the stage, put on their outerwear, it is possible to compose whole compositions from “dummies”.)

Presenter 1: Excellent, our actors successfully coped with the role of mannequins.

Lead 2: Our next contest is "Speech speakers". Professional actors must be able to speak quickly and clearly, so our participants need to say the tongue twister that is written on their card.


Already already in a puddle.

The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's scarves.

Frol walked along the highway to play checkers with Sasha.

The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.

Courier courier overtakes in a quarry.

Presenter 1: We realized that our participants are remarkably able to pronounce tongue twisters, and we will now find out what the jury members think about the talents.

(The jury summarizes the results of past competitions and announces the total score for all competitions.)

Host 2: We will applaud those participants who are in the lead, and support those who still have few points, do not be discouraged, there are still many competitions ahead.

Presenter 1: Very often, actors have to voice various radio plays or films, so our next competition is "Voice acting". Participants will have to voice the phenomena that are indicated on their cards.

(Participants receive cards in which two tasks are written:

Mooring motor boat;

Downspout during rain;

Starting car engine;

Boiling kettle;

Howl of a siren;

Storm on the sea;

braking car;

The tramp of a horse;

The noise of an airplane taking off;

The cry of seagulls.)

Lead 2: All the actors did a great job with voice acting and we continue our competitions.

Presenter 1: Competition "Situation". It is important for an actor to be able to read poetry. But it is quite difficult to read with a certain intonation. Participants must read Agnia Barto's well-known poem "Our Tanya cries loudly" in the proposed situations indicated on the cards.

(You can use the following situations - for each participant there are two situations: it is minus forty outside, and you are standing barefoot; you are chewing a hot potato; you are a speaker who listens to humanity; you are a police officer drawing up a protocol; you are a three-year-old child reading a poem in front of guests; you are a priest giving a sermon in a church; at rush hour you get on a minibus; you are a participant in a concert: working without a microphone in great hall; you pick on little child; you have a heavy load on your back.)

Host 2: We are moving on to the next competition. The hardest part of being an actor is playing an animal. Indeed, for this it is necessary to be very observant, especially since you cannot use words, but you need to accurately recreate sounds and movements. After all, animals can communicate with each other.

Presenter 1: Here and now, two animals will meet here and in front of our eyes they will talk to each other through the fence. All this will be portrayed by our participants in the Animal Talk contest.

(For the competition, it is necessary to put up a screen so that the actors do not see each other. Each participant has the names of two animals written on the card. The hosts take turns calling the bunk beds that will communicate, they can be as follows: a rooster and a chicken; a small dog and a big angry dog ; lion and goat; ram and goose; pig and goat.)

Lead 2: We have a wonderful zoo, but what our jury thinks about it, we will find out now.

(The jury announces the results of all competitions.)

Presenter 1: The next contest is very serious, it's called "Hotline". Now there will be a recording of a phone call of a person who asks for help in this or that situation, and the task of the participants is to orient themselves and give good advice caller.

The following situations can be used for the competition:

"I am ten years old. We have a kitten at home. I got a D in math, and mom promises to throw my kitten out on the street for this. What should I do, because I can’t quickly fix this deuce?

“I am seventeen years old, I am in the eleventh grade, but have not yet decided what to do next - where to study or work. They say that you need to choose what you like, but what should I do if I only like sausage?

“I am already twelve years old, but my grandmother continues to accompany me to school, my classmates laugh at me! What should I do?"

“I really like one boy from a parallel class, but he does not pay any attention to me. What should I do?"

“A friend betrayed me. We have been friends for eight years, and when it was necessary to choose with whom to sit at a desk, he chose a girl. What should I do?"

Presenter 2: Unfortunately, our competition is coming to an end and we ask the jury to sum up the results and designate the winners.

(Summing up, awarding the winners - 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.)

The plan for the thematic week "Theater for preschoolers"

Compiled by the teacher of the first qualification category of the preschool department of the GBOU secondary school No. 937 named after the hero of Russia A. Perov Makueva O.A.

Purpose: Development of children's abilities by means of theatrical art
Create conditions for the development of creative activity of children participating in theatrical activities.
To improve the artistic skills of children in terms of experiencing and embodying the image, as well as their performing skills.
Teaching children the elements of artistic and figurative means of expression(intonation, facial expressions, pantomime).
Activate the vocabulary of children, improve the sound culture of speech, intonation system, dialogic speech.
To form the experience of social behavior skills, create conditions for the development of children's creative activity.
Introduce children to various types theater (puppet, musical, children's, animal theater, etc.).
To develop in children an interest in theatrical play activities.

Working with parents:
Visual propaganda about the week of the theater in the preschool educational institution.
Conversations with parents on the theme of the week.
Organization and holding of joint events:
-participation in the enrichment of the gaming environment in groups;
-participation in the design of the photo exhibition "We are in the theater";
Visual information "The value of theatrical activity in the life of a preschooler"

Morning Day one "We came to the theater"

1. Acquaintance with the concept of theater: (slide show, paintings, photographs). Types of theaters (musical, puppet, drama, theater of animals, etc.).
Purpose: to give children an idea about the theater; expand knowledge of theater as an art form; introduce the types of theaters; develop an emotionally positive attitude towards the theater.
2. Acquaintance with theatrical professions (artist, make-up artist, hairdresser, musician, decorator, dresser, artist).
Purpose: to form children's ideas about theatrical professions; to intensify interest in theatrical art; expand vocabulary.
3. Display of illustrations, photographs of Moscow theaters. Purpose: to introduce children to the device theater building, pay attention to the eccentricity of the architecture and the beautiful facade. different types theaters.

Joint educational activities
1. Conversation with children on the topic: "Visiting a fairy tale."
Tasks: to expand children's knowledge that fairy tales can not only be read, but also watched; who is working on showing the fairy tale in the theatre; to intensify interest in theatrical art.
2. Hood. creativity "My favorite hero" Purpose: To teach in the drawing to convey the image of your favorite character; use the material at the request of the children in the work; develop creative abilities.

1. Plot - role-playing game"We came to the theatre."
Purpose: to introduce the rules of conduct in the theater; arouse interest and desire to play (act as a "cashier", "ticketman", "spectator"); cultivate friendships.
2. Conversations about the rules of conduct in the theater, give the concept of the proverb "Audience culture".
Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the rules of conduct in public places; form personal attitude to non-compliance and violation of the rules.
3. Video display puppet show"Visiting grandmother". Purpose: to introduce children to one of the types of theater - puppet show.

Working with parents: Making an information stand (folder-sliding folder) "Theatre and Children". Conversations with parents on the theme of the week.

Morning Day two "Our hands are not for boredom"

1. Acquaintance of children with the finger theater, mitten theater, shadow theater. Purpose: to give children ideas about the features of this type of theater.
2. Finger gymnastics "Bird", "Owl" and others. Target: speech development, development of intelligence, spatial thinking, creativity children.
3. Work with one of the types of theaters:
- dialogues: wolf - fox, wolf - bear, mouse - wolf.
Purpose: To develop the ability to build dialogues between characters in imaginary circumstances. To develop coherent speech of children, to expand the figurative structure of speech. Follow the expressiveness of the image.
4. The game "Come up with a funny and sad dialogue between the Mouse and the Bunny." Purpose: To develop communicative qualities; diversify intonation expressiveness; convert Special attention to the diction of children.
S.O.D. one. Artistic creativity:
Application collective "Teremok is standing in the field." Purpose: to improve the ability of children to cut circles from squares of different sizes, to develop fine motor skills fingers, develop creativity; compose a composition; add different elements.

1. Children's games with sounding instruments. Purpose: to give children an idea about the musical design of performances.
2. Evening of riddles based on the works "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Fly-Tsokotuha", "Fedorino's grief", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Turnip". Target:
3. The game "Try it yourself." Finger Theater "Kurochka Ryaba" (at the choice of the teacher). Purpose: to develop the ability of children to use finger theater in free activity; distribute characters; transfer characteristics fairy tale heroes.
4. C / r game "Trip to the puppet theater." Purpose: To introduce children to the structure of the theater building, to pay attention to the originality of architecture and the beautiful facade. Enrich children's vocabulary.

Working with parents: Invite parents to get acquainted with the posters of Moscow theaters, in the repertoire of which there are children's performances.

Day three "Puppet artists"

1. Acquaintance with the types of theaters for children (table, bibabo puppet theater, puppet puppets). Purpose: to introduce children to different types of theaters; deepen interest in theatrical games; enrich vocabulary.
2. Examining bi-ba-bo dolls with children. A conversation about how to use dolls correctly, which
is a tool for driving bi-ba-bo dolls.
3. Reading the Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut", a conversation on the content.
4. Showing the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" using bi-ba-bo toys by the teacher. After the show, invite the children to try to beat the heroes of the fairy tale on their own with the help of bi-ba-bo toys. Purpose: to introduce children to theatrical art.

S.O.D. Communication
 - "Toy dolls and artist dolls" (a conversation with children according to the teacher's plan)
Purpose: To encourage children to compose simple stories with the heroes of familiar works. Cultivate a sense of humor, help increase children's self-esteem. To develop coherent speech of children.

1. Theatrical puppet show. Purpose: To develop in children an interest in stage creativity.
2. Psycho-gymnastics. "Different faces".
Goal: Encourage children to experiment with their appearance (facial expressions, gestures). To develop the ability of children to switch from one image to another.
3. Independent activity children in theater corner. Sketches with table puppets based on well-known Russians folk tales. Goal: Improve puppetry techniques, consolidate knowledge about the rules of manipulation theatrical puppets different systems

Working with parents:
advice for parents: "Whatever the fairy tale does not become boring ...". Recommendations for parents to choose fiction for kids.

Day four "We are artists"
1. Exercise "Tell A. Barto's poems using gestures and facial expressions." Purpose: To teach to convey the images of characters with the help of expressive plastic movements. Develop creativity, imagination and fantasy.
2. Psycho-gymnastics. Purpose: To learn to use intonations, pronouncing phrases sad, joyful, angry, surprised. Learn to build dialogues by choosing a partner on your own.
- “A sad and cheerful puppy” (according to the fairy tale by N. Suteev “Who said meow?”);
3. Games "What we did, we will not say."
Purpose: To develop resourcefulness, imagination, fantasy. Cultivate goodwill. Prepare children for actions with imaginary objects.

S.O.D. Storytelling work.
Purpose: To develop the ability of children to independently make attributes for a fairy tale. To cultivate accuracy in working with fabric, cardboard. Develop memory, attention, creativity and imagination.
Drawing a poster for the upcoming bubble show. Involve children in art activities.

Second half of the day 1. Work on the album "All about the theater".
Purpose: To teach children to generalize the experience gained, to share impressions of new knowledge. Develop aesthetic taste in the design of the album (joint work of children and parents).
2. С / р game “We are artists” (staging a fairy tale well known to children). Purpose: To introduce children to the script (staging) of a fairy tale. To teach children to express their opinion about the fairy tale in a new way. Complete the story with the necessary episodes. Cultivate the ability to listen to the opinions of others, develop endurance and patience.
3. Viewing a video of the puppet show "Petrushki-foreigner". Purpose: To evoke positive emotions in children.

Working with parents: Introduce parents to theater poster- the repertoire of Moscow theaters for preschool children.

Morning Day Five "Theater and Music"
1. Acquaintance with musical theaters. Purpose: To give an idea of ​​a variety of genres musical theater such as “opera”, “ballet”, “musical fairy tale”.
2. Acquaintance with the musical arrangement of performances. Examining and playing musical and noise instruments in order to teach children the sound design of scenes from fairy tales.
3. Rhythmoplasty. musical composition: A trip to the zoo. Purpose: To develop the motor abilities of children; dexterity, flexibility, mobility. Teach evenly, move around the site without bumping into each other.
4. Musical folk and round dance games according to the age of the children. Purpose: Encourage children to actively participate in games.
S.O.D. Music
 Watching excerpts from the musical films “Mother” (based on the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”), the ballet “The Nutcracker”, the musical “The Little Mermaid”, the opera “The Snow Maiden”, etc.
Looking at photos opera house, illustrations for the opera "The Snow Maiden" (for the ballet "The Nutcracker") Purpose: to familiarize children with the world of musical art.

Afternoon 1. Rhythmoplasty. Sketches for movement: “The Fox is walking”, “Dance of the animals”.
Purpose: To develop in children the ability to use gestures.
2. Sounding a fairy tale chosen by children using noise instruments. Encourage children to creatively interpret famous stories using noise tools.
3. Music show - performance with soap bubbles. Purpose: to create a joyful and cheerful mood; encourage children to become active participants in the performance; learn to convey the impressions received vividly and emotionally.

Working with parents: To offer parents together with children through visual activity to convey their impressions received during the week of the theater.