New Year fortune-telling and predictions are comic. Fortune cookies text wishes and predictions for all occasions

(I skipped it somewhere - I don’t remember. Nice. Not intricate. I’m afraid there won’t be time tomorrow. And so I want to congratulate everyone !!)

Comic predictions - wishes for the New Year. Merry holiday at home. Such a Christmas tree made of sweets and tinsel will even fit on the festive table!

Do you want the NEW YEAR of "SNAKE" to be successful for you? Do you want happiness to always surround you in the COMING YEAR of "SNAKE"? Then every family, on the eve of the new year, on the festive table should have a very tasty and unusually decorated New Year's salad "SNAKE"! And then the New Year spirit of the snake will be grateful to you))) And throughout the year, it will bring you happiness and success!

Preparing the Snake salad:

1. Grate boiled potatoes, eggs and processed cheese on a coarse grater.

2. Finely chop pink salmon, pass the garlic through a garlic press.

3. Add mayonnaise and mix well.

And now the creativity begins!

1. Shape the lettuce into a snake and garnish with thinly sliced ​​cucumber scales.

2. Create a unique pattern using olives and carrot pieces.

AT new year's eve we write wishes on pieces of paper and put them in a beautiful bag, let everyone draw out a comic prediction for the next year!

You will be lucky in everything!

Bucks, a jeep, and also a cottage!

But beware of illness

Do more sports!

I know for sure this year

You will be lucky with love!

To be lucky in the rest -

You do not climb on the breach!

And have a good year for you!

bring a lot of happiness!

Just take care of your nerves

And don't go to the left!

Here's a prediction for you:

You keep your nose up!

If they offend

Don't forget to give back!

Trust me! you this year

Brings a lot of new

But don't walk at night

Visit the bath more often!

It is very important for you to remember

Avoid overload!

So that all your finances

Don't give up on medication.

I see that happiness will come to you,

Success is waiting for you everywhere!

But don't drink without a decree

More than two bottles at once!

You, my friend, be more cheerful

Do not spare strength in work!

Sleep more, read newspapers,

Drink beer, and chew meatballs!

There's a big shock waiting for you:

Vodka, beer, songs, dance.

Waiting for fun, a lot of jokes

And ... not a nearby road.

In general, you will not be lost!

In happiness, you will live in peace.

There will be love and affection

Yes, not life, but just a fairy tale!

I'll tell you, beauty

lucky, of course!

in a month or two

meet a friend of the heart.

If you are not lazy, you can achieve a lot!

Your health will be fine

A very cute gift is waiting for you!

Stay out of debt

Eat less pies!

You shine with your beauty,

In general, have fun boldly!

Do you dream about

To make more money.

Start it up soon

Thicker wallet!

You, friend, this year

Avoid any hassle!

And a friend will come to you

ask for forgiveness.

Get out of the cellars

generous treats!

P comfort awaits you

And a plane ticket

Sea, palm trees and romance

If it's not a scam!

You will meet a new day well -

You will provide the family with rice!


Happy New Year!

May the Earth be filled with happiness!

To serve us replacing the Dragon

The Queen Serpent crawls.

So the year will be wise, calm,

Without devastation and painful troubles.

So waiting for us in this New Year

Definitely a lucky ticket!

So our wishes will come true

I tell you from the bottom of my heart:

All health, success and happiness

In the upcoming New Year!

Probably many would like to look into the future. This desire is especially keenly felt at a magical time. new year holidays. After all, even adults want to believe in a miracle and hope that everything will be fine. On and on, during and, during a meeting with friends and business partners, you can become a magician for a while and predict a good future for people. And even though these are just texts of New Year's predictions, and not real forecasts, they are very kind and good. They will give a wonderful mood and enhance the expectation of a fairy tale. It remains only to print them, roll them up and invite the guests of the New Year's Eve to draw out their happy future. Maybe it will come true, who knows?

20 positive New Year predictions

  1. The year will be dazzling for you. From bright events and colors sometimes you want to close your eyes. Enjoy what this year brings. Look around carefully so as not to miss the opportunity to find your happiness.
  1. The year will be good for you. All reasons to worry will remain in the past. Family and loved ones will delight, work colleagues will help in the new project. There will be enough money for both recreation and investment in your future.
  2. The year will be very profitable for you. Not only new cash flows will rush to you, but offers for profitable investment will also come. Pleasant purchases will be a new car or a cozy apartment.
  3. The year will be filled with passion for you. You have been waiting for a long time for butterflies to flutter inside, and pleasant warmth spread through the body from touch loved one. A new surge of feelings can completely absorb you. Passion will open in work, where you want to achieve the goals outlined earlier.
  4. The year will be very fruitful for you. All projects and cases that were planned in the past will easily begin to be implemented. Maybe you didn't believe it yourself. Great success will be achieved on the personal front. Get a notebook to record all the good things that the coming year has in store for you.
  5. The year will be filled with surprises for you. All of them will be pleasant, so you should not be afraid of them. On the contrary, get ready for the fact that a complete reset in life may be required in order to enjoy the upcoming happiness.
  6. The year will be romantic for you. Open your heart to love and stop being afraid to be happy man. In return, you will receive a stream of tenderness that you have been dreaming about. Agree on romantic dates, arrange events and surprises for loved ones. Having found new meaning in life, everything else will return to normal immediately.
  7. The year will be sweet for you. Life in chocolate is fraught with what you can get excess weight. Therefore, basking in your happiness, do not forget to look around in order to correct your behavior in time. It is better to remove unnecessarily sugary people from the environment so that they do not spoil the harmonious picture.
  8. The year will be harmonious for you. Surprisingly, the moment will finally come when there will be balance in all areas. You will be satisfied with everything that will happen at work, on the personal front and at home. People around you will notice how your eyes will glow in a new way.
  9. This year will be amazing for you. You have already lost the habit of the fact that fate gives pleasant surprises. These are the ones she has in store for the coming year. Even those whom you seemed to know like the back of your hand will surprise you. Even from very adventurous offers this year it is better not to refuse.
  10. The year will be amazing for you. Success that will fall on you cash flow and the abundance of new acquaintances will lead to a state of shock. Come to your senses and enjoy what the new year has in store for you.
  11. The year will be filled with fellowship for you. Even if earlier you did not like new acquaintances and frequent meetings, this year it will become the basis of your life. It is through communication that you will find new friends, partners or customers, and also find a new scope for your head.
  12. This year will be amazing for you. Get ready that the results you get, success in business and vibrant relationships with loved ones can become the subject of envy. In order not to experience sad shocks from enemies, think over your protection in advance.
  13. The year will be different for you. You will discover hidden reserves in yourself, which will allow you to decide on the most insane actions. It's time to make the planned parachute jump or go rafting on the river, tell your loved one about how you want to meet old age together. Sometimes it will seem that everything around has changed. In fact, you yourself have changed and were able to open the doors to your happiness.
  14. The year will be active for you. You like being in shape. Unlike others, your activity always has a clear rational basis. Take action to succeed: at work, at home, in business, in sports. Your activity will infect others, which will make the year rich in results.
  15. The year will be unforgettable for you. You will not tell your grandchildren about him, but you will remember with pleasure in old age, sitting by the fireplace. Vivid relationships, unusual meetings, new discoveries and travels will leave an indelible mark on life history.
  16. The year will be great for you. A revolution in life will allow access to new resources. This will open up opportunities for the implementation of the plans and the fulfillment of the dream. What previously seemed inaccessible, suddenly appears in the hands.
  17. The year will be filled with love for you. Being the center of attention may be unusual, but others will often want to talk about their feelings. Do not be afraid of this attention. Love has never harmed anyone. She is able to overcome any obstacles, so there is no point in hiding her feelings either.
  18. The year will be calm for you. So you want not to rush anywhere, enjoy communication with loved ones, meetings with friends. These opportunities will be in the coming year. Save up your strength, because the sea of ​​life always pleases with a storm after a calm.
  19. The year will be filled with kindness for you. Kind heart will allow you to cope with even the most sophisticated intrigues. Share these feelings with others, get kindness in return. Some actions will strike you with their selflessness and change the structure of your values. As a result, you will be able to understand what is most important for you in this life.

30 short predictions that you can write on pieces of paper

  1. Happiness is already at the door.
  2. Be attentive to your health.
  3. Listen to the advice of your intuition.
  4. People who are now nearby will help all year.
  5. The necessary meeting will take place very soon.
  6. Love smiles and waits in the wings.
  7. Luck in money matters.
  8. Good luck in any endeavor.
  9. Happiness is somewhere nearby, turn around.
  10. A year of tears, but only from joy.
  11. You are going to travel to a new country.
  12. This year will change your life dramatically.
  13. Perhaps replenishment in the family this year.
  14. Career growth will be rapid and successful.
  15. Peace and tranquility in the family all year round.
  16. A romantic date will help you find mutual feelings.
  17. Any business is doomed to success.
  18. Traveling for the soul will give you the necessary rest and new impressions.
  19. Open your heart of love this year.
  20. The family will give real support.
  21. Many new acquaintances are expected this year.
  22. It's time to relax and take up hobbies.
  23. This year you will find a lot of happiness.
  24. Fortune will answer yes to any question.
  25. Take risks and you will definitely win.
  26. This year will bring a promotion at work.
  27. The wish will come true in the middle of the year.
  28. This year will bring only happiness and success.
  29. This year love will come to you, do not miss it.
  30. A very good year for starting your own business.

20 Realistic New Year's Predictions

  1. The year will not be easy. You have to fight for your own happiness. Nothing will come into your hands without hard work, but patience and perseverance will lead to positive results.
  2. Serious illnesses are possible this year. Don't be lazy to dress warmly. As a result, health will improve.
  3. This year will bring a lot of fun. Do not forget about the main thing in the carnival of fun.
  4. The year promises miracles and delights from those around you. Get ready to become the center of the company and make new friends.
  5. You have a lot of work to do, but also an increase in income, as a result of hard work. Try new areas, success awaits you.
  6. Better be careful on the roads. Failure to follow the rules can lead to serious problems.
  7. There are many important issues to be solved this year. Each decision will affect later life. Be careful.
  8. The year is favorable for self-realization. All your plans will come true easily, as if by magic. Believe in a fairy tale and accept the gifts of fate.
  9. A year of serious trials. Not all acquaintances are equally useful. Review your social circle to avoid trouble.
  10. This year will have to work hard to stay afloat. In a difficult situation, the closest will help. Feel free to ask for help and you will definitely get it.
  11. Great love awaits you. Make the right choice and it will stay with you for a long time.
  12. The year is good for major acquisitions. The new car will not break down, and the house will give you warmth and comfort.
  13. This year, pay attention to the situation in the family. There is a high probability of quarrels for far-fetched reasons.
  14. A difficult year in terms of love. Misunderstandings, quarrels and even parting are possible. Pay more attention to the second half. Discuss every exciting moment and you can avoid undesirable consequences.
  15. This year, luck will follow you in everything. Likely big wins and serious finds.
  16. Year of loss of calm. It will seem that everything is not going the way you would like. It is worth relaxing, taking a vacation and gathering your thoughts in order to overcome a difficult period.
  17. Year of change. Change everything, in any new endeavors you will be successful. More determination, fate rarely gives such chances.
  18. The year will clearly show who is a friend and who is not. AT difficult situations the attitude of acquaintances will be manifested especially clearly.
  19. year for you. Don't be afraid to say "no" and do what you feel is right. Otherwise, fortune will not help.
  20. This year your family will grow. Several weddings of relatives are possible. A caught bouquet this year is a particularly effective sign of a close marriage.

New Year is a holiday for everyone, filled with magic, joy, good mood and jokes. That is why comic fortune-telling for the New Year is very popular. Thanks to them, you can diversify the holiday and leave an unforgettable impression after it.

Divination by notes with predictions

Certainly the most in a simple way to cheer up guests is fortune-telling using fortune-telling notes. They need to prepare a huge amount, make sure that they do not repeat, and put, for example, in a New Year's cap. During the evening, each of the guests should take out a note and voice their prediction for the next year. Variants of notes-predictions can be as follows:
    Remember, in order to become successful, you need to look externally and internally as if you are already successful. You don't need to please everyone, because you are not a dollar. Remember that the more happiness you give to others, the more it comes back to you. Be afraid of your excessive desires. The winner is the one who got up one more time than he fell down. So do not be afraid of falling and strive to rise. Do not waste your energy on trifles and all sorts of nonsense. Strive to desire in life what you need and be as it will be. Know how to single out the primary and secondary in life, and everything will fall into place. Every crisis heralds new opportunities and new growth don't be afraid of him. Divide people into friends and teachers and become either a friend or a teacher yourself. Love your home and pay attention to it. Relax, life is not just hard work. Rejoice in old friends, without them the past becomes faceless. Positive is the engine of success. Smile and luck will follow you relentlessly. Don't look back at the past, live in the future. Life without authorities is easier, do not strive to become one. Live and breathe fully in the place and time where you are now.

Fortune-telling for small items

Similarly, you can prepare a lot of unpretentious gizmos that you can put in a large colorful box. For example, some of them may mean the following:
    Children's car - the purchase of a vehicle in the new year. A box of matches is a quick trip. Toy fish - a trip to the sea. Part of the building designer is the solution of the housing issue. The seal is a new acquaintance. Ring - fast wedding. A button is a huge amount of pleasant household chores. Coin - the receipt of unexpected profits. A pen with a red cap - a meeting with a vampire. Toy rocket - a trip to Mars.

Comic divination by salad

Very often, the New Year celebration turns into a stormy fun. And there is some truth in the fact that there is some probability after the New Year's Eve to fall asleep with your face in a salad. But such a curious case can be turned into a comic fortune-telling. If you fell asleep in one of the following salads, then this can be associated with such predictions:
    "Olivier salad". In the coming year, one should hardly expect any changes. "Mimosa". You can expect the beginning of a romantic relationship in the near future. "Herring under a Fur Coat". You will have to please your soulmate all year long and maybe even for this you will have to give her a mink coat. "WITH crab sticks". In the coming year, you will have a great vacation in one of the exotic places on the planet. Caesar with chicken. Soon you will be offered a promotion with a simultaneous increase in salary. "Caesar salad with shrimps". The whole year will be associated with long business trips. "Pickled mushrooms or cucumbers." A not very successful year awaits, in which bad luck and failure will become a new phenomenon.

Comic fortune-telling for the New Year is often held directly at the table. So, you can use champagne and a piece of chocolate for this. Put chocolate in a glass and monitor its condition:
    If he sank to the bottom, then today you will have fun and dance until you drop. If it surfaced, then the night will turn into a fairy tale for you and unforgettable adventures await you. If he stuck to the right wall, then you will have a wonderful romantic evening with your soulmate. If it sticks to the left wall, then naturally you will be pulled to the left.
Traditional treats on the New Year's table are nuts, in which notes with short predictions are put instead of stuffing. What to write there depends entirely on your imagination in relation to the contingent of guests that you plan to collect for festive table. Thoughtful comic fortune-telling for the New Year will be a real highlight of a fun holiday. Show your imagination and come up with your own original entertainment, which, subsequently, will be transmitted from holiday to holiday. In a large company, you can expect a lot of impromptu when conducting comic fortune-telling, so the predictions will be very interesting, and who knows if they will soon turn into reality, because the New Year is filled with an atmosphere of real magic.

And Olivier salad on the table, its celebration should be approached with imagination and careful preparation.

Fun party

Keeping in mind the folk wisdom “As you meet the New Year, so you will spend it,” many begin to prepare for the holiday in advance. Women are mainly concerned about their wardrobe, trying to figure out if a new dress is needed, as well as the content of dishes on the New Year's table. Men are busy counting the number of drinks per person and actively stocking alcohol. And although champagne will still do its "fun" thing, you should not rely on it alone. So that the holiday does not turn into an ordinary feast, it must be diversified and revived: come up with a costume show, New Year's predictions, comic contests, and so on. This will not let guests get bored, will allow you to take memorable photos, help you relax and laugh heartily.

In the new year, everyone is waiting for changes for the better, sincerely hoping that a miracle can happen in the future. So why not let your near and dear people hear pleasant prophecies? The idea of ​​​​preparing New Year's predictions, comic and interesting, will help diversify the holiday in any company, cheer you up and keep you awake until morning.

Fortune telling on champagne

You can think of guessing on anything. For example, champagne. This alcoholic drink has become one of the symbols of the New Year, so it is present on almost every table. How does the process take place? When the champagne is poured, guests are invited to raise their glasses (even though this will not be the first toast). At this point, you can start New Year's predictions. You need to pay attention to how bubbles rise in the glass. If they strive in one stream up the center of the glass - in the coming year, execution main goal inevitably! When there are a lot of bubbles, life will be full of a wide variety of events: new acquaintances, travel, changes. If the bubbles do not rise up, but remain on the walls of the glass, it can be predicted that life will give stability and peace, family happiness. It may happen that two intertwining snakes of bubbles rise up - wait new love or a surge of passion in an existing relationship.

By the way, there can be several rising chains. This may mean that the holder of this glass will have numerous novels, fun and flirting. Such New Year's predictions will make a simple glass of champagne. The main thing is not to be shy to connect fantasy.

fortune cookies

It is hard to imagine a New Year's table without sweets and fruits, especially if there are children in the house. In addition to the traditional vase with sweets, put up for public access, sweets and tangerines are often decorated with a Christmas tree, they are given to winners in home comic contests. One way to stir up the crowd and have some fun is New Year's fortune cookies. This is an old Russian holiday fun. The dough contains pre-prepared notes with probable events that may happen to guests and family members next year. In the process of celebration, everyone chooses a cookie for themselves, breaks it and finds an interpretation of their future. If the messages are written in a comic form, it's quite fun. In addition, no one knows for sure whether this is fiction or the truth. Everything is possible on New Year's Eve.

Modern bakers, by the way, have recently been keeping up with traditions and baking cookies in an industrial way, laying ready-made New Year's predictions on pieces of paper into it. It will not be difficult to buy such pastries on the eve of holidays. This is not at all troublesome, besides, it will help to save the time that is so necessary for preparing the holiday.

fortune pie

The real "highlight of the program" will be the festive "Pie of Predictions". Here it is no longer possible to “jump off” and buy it in a store (although especially lazy ones can order pastries to order), as they get New Year's fortune cookies - you will have to work hard, but your efforts will definitely justify themselves with fun, laughter and jokes from guests. A composite cake is baked, which is easily broken into separate parts. Each mini bun has its own filling. It can be cabbage, potatoes, peppers, cheese, peas, lemon, caramel, rice, seeds, raisins, in general, the more guests, the more toppings. At a solemn moment, the dish is brought into the room, and everyone is offered to break off their piece. In accordance with the content that has come across, the presenter decrypts it. To make it more fun, you can prepare New Year's predictions in verse. For example, if cabbage is caught, you can say: “The wallet will not be empty if cabbage is selected.” Or for a cheese bun: “You will enjoy the whole year like bathing cheese in butter.” With a lemon: "There will be a million in the house if you get a lemon." And much more that fantasy tells.

Notes with predictions

The form in which you can dress New Year's predictions on pieces of paper can come up with the most diverse. It can be a garland with comic prophecies, on which postcards with blanks hang. Participants of the celebration can take turns cutting postcards and reading out abstracts about their future. Another option is to place notes in a balloon in advance and inflate it. At the right moment, the person who has taken on the role of a fortune teller brings a whole bunch of colorful balloons into the room and invites everyone to burst a balloon and read out what they have written. Children will be especially happy with such fun. If the company has a rhymer, you can agree with him in advance and prepare New Year's predictions in verse. Something like this: “It will surround you with comfort, and incomes will increase”, or “The New Year will enter your house and bring health”, or “This phantom is an example of luck! There will be an addition to the family!”

New Year's predictions for the signs of the zodiac

Nothing prevents a fun company from organizing a costumed exit of a magician who will make comic New Year's predictions for 2016. How could this look like? The costume is chosen in advance, and predictions are also prepared ahead of time. Prophecies by signs can be taken as a basis Chinese horoscope. The next 2016 is the year of the Fire Monkey, respectively, for each sign you need to come up with a comic prediction about how the animal will get along with this sign. For example, the Fire Monkey can not be recommended to arrange a feast with a drink with the Dragon in the new year, because: "Double fire drawbar - no matter what happens."

If it is difficult to come up with theses for the signs of the Chinese horoscope, you can take any New Year's predictions for 2015 as a basis. For example, just see the future for Gemini or Leo. The main thing is to take into account that there can be several people with the same signs in the company, so several blanks should be made for each constellation.

Exchange of desires

We offer original idea how to make New Year's predictions without spending a lot of time preparing. At the height of the holiday, all participants in the feast are invited to write on a piece of paper what they would like to receive next year. You just need to warn that you should write your wish only as a noun, for example: a car, a computer, an electric massager or beautiful underwear. Then the notes are placed in a magic bag, and after an hour, the participants are invited to pull out any note. It can turn out very funny: women will get the desires of men, and men - the desire of children. And the one who pulls out his own note gets some kind of prize.

Prediction toys

Another idea how to add cheerful note in celebration of the New Year. Nothing complicated, but still this version of the predictions requires preparation. The host buys in advance small toy copies of the possible desires of the participants in the feast. These can be children's cars, houses, beds, a toy heart, a small wallet and much more (the number of gifts is purchased according to the number of guests, and preferably more, in case of an unexpected arrival of an unplanned member of the company). Then you need to write New Year's comic predictions in verses that are suitable for each toy. And during the holiday, invite everyone present to draw out of the bag what awaits him in the New Year.

Such rhyming blanks can come in handy for any celebration of the New Year. So, New Year's predictions for 2015 are absolutely suitable for a celebration in 16 and so on.

TV commercial predictions

On New Year's Eve, you can perfectly cheer up using comic predictions on television advertising. For this you only need funny company and included TV guide. We assign a priority and wait for a break for advertising. New Year's predictions for the first participant can begin when the first frames of advertising appear. What is depicted on them is what awaits the person for whom fortune-telling is carried out. Here you need to connect the imagination and stock up on witticisms.

As you can see, if there is a desire to have fun, then with the help of simple methods, you can perfectly raise the degree of good mood in any company.

Once on Epiphany evening, the girls were guessing ... Well, the girls were guessing with all seriousness, but we will indulge in funny comic fortune-telling games that will make you laugh for the New Year or any holiday.

Guessing with the help of a book

For this we take any art book, for example, from the classics or children's fairy tales, ask a question and name the page and line.

Questions for divination by the book

Questions can be: 1. What does Mr. X think of me 2. What awaits me at my new job 3. Where will I meet my betrothed 4. How will I spend next year 5. What should I pay attention to 6. How can I get the attention of Mrs. N 7. What will lead me to success 8. My biggest flaw 9. Who likes me 10. What will the New Year give me

What can happen:

Question: What to do at home together Answer: "the heat put her to sleep. Of course, weaving a wreath would be very" (Alice's Adventure in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll) Question: Where will I meet my betrothed? Answer: "Would you like to join our expedition?" (Children of Captain Grant - Jules Verne)

Divination by songs

Prepare a play-list (selected songs) in advance. Take interesting Russian songs, mix both folk and popular ones, you can add children's songs. It is good that there are at least 100 songs. You can start comic fortune-telling by songs.

  1. Open your player, where you can see the entire list of songs (playlist) - for example, Winamp.
  2. Ask a question (like the paragraph above for book divination),
  3. Close your eyes and roll your mouse wheel back and forth
  4. Now poke randomly.
  5. The song will sound - the answer to your question.

bag predictions

A very easy to implement and pleasant element of the holiday is to arrange fortune-telling from a bag, it can be just a beautiful bag or a specially sewn bag. There you put pre-rolled pieces of paper with short wishes for guests and offer to pull them out.

Short New Year wishes in verse

  1. All the happiness of the world awaits you! Plus, your own apartment!
  2. You have great style! The car is waiting for you!
  3. Luck will smile on you! There will be a new cottage for you!
  4. Let adversity leave you. Your income will increase!
  5. New luck awaits you! There will be an addition to the family!
  6. You will not be bored in vain, because there will be new friends!
  7. Inspirational impressions! Travel awesome!
  8. Let not worry. Is waiting for you new job!
  9. Happiness and success awaits you. You learn best!
  10. Good luck by the tail! Career growth awaits you!

Chinese predictions for cookies

If you are a big needlewoman, you can bake fortune cookies.

There is a simpler option - bake a cake that you know how and print a circle on a dish with prediction pictures by sectors (keys, car, baby, money, love, etc.). Put this piece of paper on a dish (you can also cover it with thin transparent cellophane), and put the cake on top.

And so a person takes a piece of cake for himself and at that moment he sees what a prediction was under his sector.

Even easier - print a circle with numbers in sectors, and attach the transcript on a separate piece of paper.

Wishes for a Chinese cookie or a magic bag

  • To be successful, you need to look externally and internally as if you already have it.
  • The most ridiculous desire is to be liked by everyone. Remember - you are not a dollar
  • A person deserves as much happiness as he himself is able to give to others.
  • Best the enemy of the good
  • What we pray for is what we receive. Be afraid of your desires
  • How is a winner different from a loser? The winner was able to rise one more time than he fell
  • In life, everyone has the main and the secondary, do not waste your energy on trifles
  • Just do what you gotta do and come what may
  • Do not be afraid of the crisis - it brings new opportunities
  • Every person in your life will either become a friend or be your teacher.
  • Make time for your home
  • Between worries, between chores, sometimes you will lie on the couch
  • Don't be surprised when it comes back to you old friend
  • Look at everything positively. When God closes a door, he opens a window
  • Do not look back at the authorities, act as you personally think is right
  • Do what you can, use what you have, being where you are now

How fun to guess the company

If it refers to comic fortune-telling with humor, it becomes good fun For the company. Just don't make bad wishes, let them be all kind, cheerful or philosophical. When a person pulls out a wish, he must definitely read it aloud. It is imperative to involve every person, do not bypass anyone.

You can arrange a fortune-telling for everyone so that he guesses for himself and no one is to blame :) But there is funnier option, it is also suitable if a person is embarrassed to participate. Then third parties will have to be involved. It will look like this: Moderator: Sasha, what does Yulia want to know? Sasha: where will she meet her betrothed in the new year! And now let Yulia herself name a line in a book or poke at random into a song. The answer will amuse everyone and Yulia will be interested to know about herself, while she did not have to open her innermost thoughts, Sasha did it for her.

Learn more about interesting ways to tell fortunes in the next video