Is it possible to eat beets on a diet? Raw beets for weight loss and diets.

Beetroot is diet vegetable, which, moreover, contains many vitamins and minerals. Nutritionists recommend eating root crops when losing weight as a main dish. The nutritional properties of beetroot, low in carbohydrates and fats, contribute to the burning of extra pounds. Beets are used for weight loss, cleansing the intestines and liver from harmful decay products, which will positively affect the condition of the skin and hair.

It's no secret that a competent fight against excess weight should include not only physical activity, but also a properly selected diet. It has been scientifically proven that not all seemingly useful vegetables and fruits are absorbed by the body, and not all of them have an impact on the process of losing weight. Beets also belong to the category of vegetables that have potent properties for weight loss.

Root benefits

In her program, Elena Malysheva rightly calls the red vegetable a natural “brush” for the body. Due to the high content of pectins, beetroot cleanses the stomach, intestines, liver of toxins, eliminates slagging, lowers cholesterol and promotes weight loss.

The composition of the product includes:

  • fiber;
  • pectins;
  • trace elements of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, cobalt and sulfur;
  • vitamins of group B, C, PP;
  • acids - malic, lactic, tartaric.

In addition, beets contain antioxidants and betaine, which slow down the aging process and burn excess fat. It is these components that manufacturers add to their dietary supplements. Nutrition experts claim to improve appearance and to preserve youth, it is necessary to use meat and cereals in combination with the root crop.

Fiber will relieve hunger for a long time, which will allow the body to process accumulated fats. The diet menu may include dishes from boiled, fresh and baked beets. A raw vegetable contains only 51 calories per 100 g of product.

Turmeric, which can be added to beetroot dishes, will help maintain the result achieved during weight loss.

Rules of use

The most popular way to eat a vegetable for weight loss is a mono-diet. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, you need to adhere to it for two days, in which only red root vegetables are allowed. The total amount of vegetable consumed in 2 days corresponds to 2 kg. Beets can be cooked in a double boiler, oven, in a pan. Only completely healthy people can switch to such a diet.

While eating beets, it is recommended to drink plenty of water - more than 2 liters per day. Freshly squeezed vegetable juices are preferred as drinks, herbal teas, purified or mineral water. In general, the use of a root crop comes down to the following rules:

  • before choosing a diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor;
  • in addition to beets, meat, cereals should be present in the diet;
  • maintaining water balance is half the success of a diet.

If you follow the beet diet for a week, you can lose more than 3 kg.

Beet Diet Options

The most effective way to lose weight is to eat fresh root vegetables or drink juice from it. However, in the presence of certain diseases, a raw food diet may be contraindicated. In this case, losing weight can boil or bake a vegetable.

Beetroot refers to products that do not lose their beneficial properties during heat treatment. Ways to use the root vegetable:

  1. If you decide to boil the product, then do it over low heat. Total time cooking beets - 40-60 minutes. Pour the prepared vegetable cold water and leave to cool completely.
  2. Fans of baked beets will like this cooking method. In a preheated oven, place a baking sheet with a root crop wrapped in foil. It is not recommended to chop the vegetable, because in this way it will lose all its beneficial properties.
  3. However, beets fried in oil in a pan do not belong to a dietary dish and are not desirable during a period of limited nutrition.

To comply with the beet diet, nutritionists recommend replacing one full meal with a cooked root vegetable. For lunch or in the evening, you can prepare a delicious salad of carrots and beets dressed with olive oil.

Diet for a week

To achieve a result with the help of a beet diet, you must follow it for at least a week. sample menu for a diet for 7 days:

Breakfast 2 toasts, tea or coffee without sugar.
Dinner Beet salad, 100 g of boiled rice.
Dinner Vegetable soup, medium-sized apple.
Breakfast Berry jelly, bran.
Dinner 150 g. chicken breast, Beetroot Salad.
Dinner A couple of pieces of baked potatoes, kiwi.
Breakfast Unsweetened tea, a slice of grain bread.
Dinner Carrot and beetroot salad, fish steak.
Dinner Vegetable soup, freshly squeezed cabbage juice.
Breakfast Boiled egg, unsweetened coffee.
Dinner Salad of beets and prunes with low-fat sour cream, 150 g of chicken breast.
Dinner Portion of buckwheat, smoothie.
Breakfast A portion of oatmeal, 100 g of fat-free cottage cheese.
Dinner Vegetable soup, fish (baked in the oven).
Dinner A glass of kefir, cauliflower stew.
Breakfast A portion of boiled rice, a glass of natural yogurt.
Dinner Lean beetroot with garlic, vegetable mix.
Dinner 50 g fat-free cheese, beets.
Breakfast Omelet, a serving of cottage cheese.
Dinner Buckwheat porridge, beet and carrot salad.
Dinner Cucumber, 100 g chicken breast.

If you find it difficult to stick to such a restriction due to the constant feeling of hunger, arrange light snacks. For lunch and afternoon snack, sour-milk products, unsweetened fruits, greens are quite suitable. Vegetable mix can be supplemented with cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes.

Compliance with such a diet for weight loss will allow you to get rid of 3-5 kg. overweight in a week.

Fasting day menu

A mono-diet using beets is suitable for ridding the body of toxins and toxins, improving bowel function. If you are in the mood for a cleansing effect, then it is recommended to eat a raw vegetable during the day, as this contributes to a more intense cleansing process.

Subject to this regime, it is allowed to combine the root crop with kefir, unsweetened yogurt, eggs, carrots. Thanks to additional ingredients, you will not feel the debilitating feeling of hunger, which is so typical during unloading. To date, among the variety of mono-diets, nutritionists prefer several popular options.

Day on kefir smoothie

During the fasting day, you need to consume one and a half liters of kefir and one and a half kilograms of red root crops. A beetroot mix with kefir for weight loss can be part of your diet for lunch or dinner, but try not to eat the dish at night. In any case, you will lose 1-2 kg per day of a mono-diet. excess weight. Nutritionists also recommend cooking beetroot kefir.

For this you will need:

  • 1 boiled root vegetable;
  • 250 ml. kefir.

Mix all ingredients in a blender and pour into a glass. If you prefer sugary drinks, you can sweeten the mixture with a tablespoon of sugar.

It is best to take kefir with beets for weight loss for breakfast.

Beet-carrot one-day diet

For a fasting day, you will need 400 g. raw vegetables. Finely chop the ingredients and mix them in a salad bowl. Season with lemon juice. The dish must be eaten throughout the day, dividing it into 5 receptions.

Beets with apples for a day

For a mono-diet, you will need 400 g of raw vegetables and 300 g of unsweetened apples. Grind the ingredients with a grater and mix in a salad bowl. The prepared mixture should be consumed per day, dividing it into 5 servings.

Do not forget that the use of a mono-diet requires strict adherence to the drinking regimen. The volume of liquid drunk should be 2-2.5 liters. Nutritionists recommend drinking root vegetables with berry fruit drinks, rosehip broth, and herbal teas. Arrange the body fasting day should be once a month.

Recipe piggy bank

Healthy weight loss is possible only with proper and rational nutrition. For example, boiled beets are rightfully considered the best in achieving a beautiful figure. Nutritionists talk about the benefits of raw beets, however, they do not prohibit eating them in baked form. Recipes for weight loss on beets are quite diverse and easy to prepare.

beetroot salad

To prepare a vitamin dish you will need:

  • large root crop;
  • 0.5 st. l. 6% vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper.

First of all, you need to boil the vegetable until tender, cool it. After cooling completely, peel the beets and cut them into thin sticks. Next, prepare the marinade. Pour the prepared vegetable with vinegar and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Then drain the liquid and put the ingredient in a salad bowl. Add salt, pepper, season with oil. Vitamin salad of boiled beets for weight loss is ready. So unpretentious folk recipe will be yours magic wand on the way to getting rid of extra pounds.

Kvass on beets

A healthy beetroot drink will not only relieve you of excess weight, but also effectively cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. To prepare it you will need:

  • 3-4 large root crops;
  • 3 l. purified water;
  • container for brewing a drink.

First, peel the beetroot and cut into small cubes. Transfer the prepared raw materials to a container, fill it with water. Close the container with future kvass tightly and put it in a warm place. After 3-4 days, the drink will be completely ready for use.

beetroot juice

Beetroot drink is rightfully considered one of the most effective in the matter of losing weight, and it is easy to prepare it at home. In addition to the main ingredient, you can add pumpkin pulp, apples, cucumbers and cabbage to the recipe. To make vitamin juice, run the ingredients through a juicer. Nutritionists recommend drinking a drink once a day 15 minutes before a meal, be sure to dilute it with water. The allowable daily portion is 50 g.

Carrot, beet and apple drink

Vitamin cocktail not only promotes weight loss, but also restores vitality. For a standard drink recipe, you need to take vegetables and fruits in equal proportions, whipping them to a smooth consistency in a blender. To add flavor, add lemon juice and sugar to the finished cocktail. You need to drink vitamin juice during the day, 100 ml.

If you follow a diet, you can cook beets in the oven or double boiler. Do not worry about the usefulness of a vegetable after heat treatment, because it does not lose its declared properties.


Despite all the positive properties, the beetroot diet has a number of contraindications that can be harmful to health. Among them:

  • urolithiasis and kidney disease;
  • arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • significant obesity.

In some cases, excessive consumption of the red root vegetable causes nausea and vomiting. To avoid such side effects, add rose hips, lemon or water to beetroot dishes.

Before choosing such a dietary regime, consult your doctor or nutritionist.

The beetroot diet for weight loss belongs to the category of mono-diets, where beets are the main food for 3-7 days.

Since ancient times, beets have been known for their miraculous properties. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used it as a laxative, analgesic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Also, beets are necessary for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, the beet diet allows not only to find the desired shape, but also significantly improve your health.

A huge advantage of beetroot is its high content - a substance that promotes fat burning. It happens in the following way: the substance causes the oxidation of fat cells, they lose contact with blood vessels and die. In addition, betaine is able to lower the level of such an amino acid in the body as, due to which the development of cardiovascular diseases is possible. That is why beets are also valuable as a means of normal hematopoiesis.

In addition, beets contain polyphenols. curcumin , which prevents newly formed fat cells from becoming vascularized, and also has a positive effect on muscle recovery and has an analgesic effect.

A huge plus of this vegetable is that it contains a significant amount of fiber, which reduces appetite and, after that, promotes weight loss. In addition, beet fiber is valuable for its ability to normalize metabolic processes in the body.

And this is only a small part of the useful substances that simple beets are rich in! Among other things, it is she who is the source of sodium, iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, copper, calcium, quartz, AT , AT 9 , RR , pectins .

What is the use of beets in a diet?

Often, dieters are interested in: is it possible to eat beets on a diet? We answer: definitely! Moreover, beets can be eaten on absolutely any diet, fresh, boiled, and baked - any. This truly valuable vegetable has only 43 kcal, and how much use, just look!

  • Strengthens the immune system. In particular, vitamin C , iodine, iron and phosphorus support the human immune system during the diet: a period when it is so necessary. After all, it is known that the adipose tissue of the human body contains cells that are, as it were, a “rainy day reserve” for the immune system. And, losing weight, we, one way or another, lose not only excess weight but also health. To everyone's pleasure, the spectrum of vitamins contained in beets is so extensive that losing weight with it does almost no damage.
  • Participates in the most important process of hematopoiesis. Namely, vitamin B9 promotes the production of red blood cells. In addition, beets are shown to women during menstruation in order to cope with poor health and signs anemia .
  • Perfectly cleanses the body. Beets, with regular use, can accelerate the overall lymph flow. This, in turn, ensures a quick withdrawal of salt deposits.

How to lose weight on beets?

The beetroot diet also has a second name - the beetroot diet for weight loss. But regardless of the name, it can be calculated for 3 days or 7 days.

A beet diet for 3 days allows you to usefully get rid of 5-6 kg of excess weight. Do not think that for the sake of such excellent results you will have to starve. On the contrary, the beet diet menu is varied. You need to eat 3 times a day, without snacks, for a total of 700 kcal.

For lunch and dinner, you need to eat 200-300 g of boiled or fresh beets, as well as 100 g of white fish or poultry meat and a small vegetable salad without dressings.

A diet designed for 7 days allows you to lose up to 10 kg, and is as easy to carry as the previous version due to the not meager and varied menu.

Beetroot can be eaten raw, baked or boiled, at least 0.5 kg per day, alone or as part of vegetable salads. If desired, you can sit on beets and carrots - their compositions are similar, and carrots can also be boiled or eaten fresh. The main rule is no oil, salt and spices.

In addition, the presence in the menu of low-fat dairy and sour-milk products is mandatory: cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir and fermented baked milk, milk.

Also, in the diet must be animal fats: meat and fish. They should be prepared by dietary methods: without oil and salt, steamed, baked or boiled.

Cereals can also be present in the diet. It is great to use them at any meal, 100 g each, without adding honey, sugar, butter to the dish, and cereals should be boiled in water, not in milk.

As you can already see, the beetroot diet has a complete, balanced menu, so you should resort to it without any fear for your health. In addition, if, after a week, the result did not suit you somewhat, the diet can be extended for another couple of days, and the diet itself can be used no more than 1 time in 2 months.

Beets for cleansing the body

Fresh cake has the ability to draw harmful metals, free radicals and carcinogens from the stomach. Also, cake prevents the processes of decay in the intestines, reduces the level carcinogens and in the blood.

Not only that, when taking beetroot cake, there is a high-quality cleansing of the intestines, it is also super-effective for weight loss. The secret is that it reduces appetite. It is enough to consume 2-3 tablespoons of beet pulp without washing down 2-3 times a day before meals, and you will notice that the size of the portions eaten has decreased significantly. So, your stomach will be full of non-calorie fiber, the complex process of its digestion will start, and you will begin to lose weight.

Also, you can cleanse the intestines with beet kvass. For this you will need:

  • 1 kg of beets;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • ¼ teaspoon salt;
  • 50 g of rye bread;
  • 3 liters of warm boiled water.

Cut the beetroot into a large bowl and add all the other ingredients. Leave in a warm place for 2 days. You need to take beet kvass for a month in a glass 30 minutes before meals.

Cleansing the liver with beetroot broth will require preparation within a week: you need to focus on eating plant foods and give up too salty, spicy, fatty, smoked meats and alcohol. Next, you need to set aside a whole day to comfortably carry out the procedure.

Medium-sized beets must be poured with 3 liters of water and boiled until 2/3 of the water boils away (about 1 liter of liquid should remain). Then remove the beets, cool, grate and send to boil in the broth for another 20 minutes.

After waking up, drink the first part of the thick decoction (250 ml). Next, drain the broth, divide into 3 servings and drink every 4 hours, while heating the liver area with a heating pad.

Liver cleansing with beetroot juice is very popular and in an efficient way. To do this, take a medium-sized beet, grate and squeeze or pass through a juicer. Place the resulting juice in the refrigerator to stand for 2 hours. The entire course of cleansing lasts 2 weeks. Start drinking juice in small portions - 1 teaspoon each, then gradually increase to ¼ cup, up to ½ cup.

If you carry out such cleanings regularly, 1-2 times a year, both the intestines and the liver, in the future, will show you great gratitude!

Approved Products

In addition to beets in any form, beet and beet-carrot juices, the diet must contain protein, sour-milk and dairy products, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Allowed to eat:

  • low-fat cheeses (no more than 20% fat), such as ricotta, mozzarella, feta;
  • cottage cheese 1.8% fat;
  • yoghurts without additives and sugar;
  • milk, the fat content of which is not more than 1.5%;
  • low-fat kefir and fermented baked milk.

Twice a day, you need to eat 100 g of lean meat (turkey or chicken) or fish. Of course, you need to cook meat dishes without oil. They can be boiled or baked, preferably without salt, but it is allowed to use various natural spices and herbs (rosemary, basil, mint).

The most popular side dishes during the beetroot diet are: buckwheat, pearl barley, lentil porridge, and experts advise eating oatmeal with fruit for breakfast. The basic rule for such a breakfast: porridge should not be fast food, with sugar. Ideal is just the most inexpensive oatmeal that needs to be boiled, not steamed.

As for the liquid during the beetroot diet, drink weak green teas, not carbonated water. Drinking coffee is not recommended.

Table of allowed products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

broccoli3,0 0,4 5,2 28
cilantro2,1 0,5 1,9 23
corn3,5 2,8 15,6 101
green onion1,3 0,0 4,6 19
onion red1,4 0,0 9,1 42
onion1,4 0,0 10,4 41
olives2,2 10,5 5,1 166
carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
chickpeas19,0 6,0 61,0 364
cucumbers0,8 0,1 2,8 15
salad pepper1,3 0,0 5,3 27
parsley3,7 0,4 7,6 47
radish1,2 0,1 3,4 19
white radish1,4 0,0 4,1 21
salad1,2 0,3 1,3 12
beet1,5 0,1 8,8 40
celery0,9 0,1 2,1 12
asparagus1,9 0,1 3,1 20
tomatoes0,6 0,2 4,2 20
garlic6,5 0,5 29,9 143
lentils24,0 1,5 42,7 284


avocado2,0 20,0 7,4 208
oranges0,9 0,2 8,1 36
watermelon0,6 0,1 5,8 25
cherry0,8 0,5 11,3 52
grapefruit0,7 0,2 6,5 29
melon0,6 0,3 7,4 33
figs0,7 0,2 13,7 49
kiwi1,0 0,6 10,3 48
lime0,9 0,1 3,0 16
lemons0,9 0,1 3,0 16
mango0,5 0,3 11,5 67
nectarine0,9 0,2 11,8 48
apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47


Strawberry0,8 0,4 7,5 41
raspberry0,8 0,5 8,3 46
sea ​​​​buckthorn1,2 5,4 5,7 82
currant1,0 0,4 7,5 43


fresh champignons4,3 1,0 1,0 27

Nuts and dried fruits

peanut26,3 45,2 9,9 551
walnuts15,2 65,2 7,0 654
raisin2,9 0,6 66,0 264
cashew nuts25,7 54,1 13,2 643
dried apricots5,2 0,3 51,0 215
almond18,6 57,7 16,2 645
flax seeds18,3 42,2 28,9 534
dates2,5 0,5 69,2 274
pistachios20,0 50,0 7,0 556
prunes2,3 0,7 57,5 231

Cereals and cereals

buckwheat4,5 2,3 25,0 132
oatmeal3,2 4,1 14,2 102
barley porridge3,1 0,4 22,2 109
brown rice7,4 1,8 72,9 337
barley porridge3,6 2,0 19,8 111


bitter chocolate6,2 35,4 48,2 539

Raw materials and seasonings

basil2,5 0,6 4,3 27
mustard5,7 6,4 22,0 162
zira12,0 5,0 32,0 112
ginger1,8 0,8 15,8 80
curry12,7 13,8 25,0 352
coriander1,5 0,0 5,0 25
cinnamon3,9 3,2 79,8 261
Bay leaf7,6 8,4 48,7 313
homemade mayonnaise (ready-made)5,3 58,7 4,5 568
rosemary3,3 5,9 20,7 131
salt0,0 0,0 0,0 -
sage3,7 0,4 8,0 49
saffron11,4 5,9 65,4 310


milk 1.5%2,8 1,5 4,7 44
kefir3,4 2,0 4,7 51
natural yoghurt 2%4,3 2,0 6,2 60

Cheese and cottage cheese

parmesan cheese33,0 28,0 0,0 392
Chees Feta17,0 24,0 0,0 290


boiled chicken breast29,8 1,8 0,5 137
turkey19,2 0,7 0,0 84


chicken eggs12,7 10,9 0,7 157

Fish and seafood

pink salmon20,5 6,5 0,0 142
dorado18,0 3,0 0,0 96
flounder16,5 1,8 0,0 83
shrimps22,0 1,0 0,0 97
salmon19,8 6,3 0,0 142
trout19,2 2,1 - 97

Wholly or partially restricted products

If you decide to eat according to the beetroot diet, you need to exclude from your diet any bread baked with the addition of dyes, sugar, baking powder, yeast. However, such bread should be excluded from your classic diet.

Also, exclude canned vegetables, meat, cereals - give preference to everything fresh, what you cook yourself.

In addition, do not eat sweet store-bought desserts, cookies, sweets, cakes and pies. The exception is, if you really want something sweet, vanilla marshmallows, prunes, dates, bitter dark chocolate or tea with sugar.

AT this case and with this diet a week before it starts and on the diet itself, forget about alcohol. At this time, the body and, in particular, the liver, undergoes a natural cleansing. There is no need to hinder this process.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal


potato chips5,5 30,0 53,0 520

Flour and pasta

wheat flour9,2 1,2 74,9 342
pasta10,4 1,1 69,7 337

Bakery products

sliced ​​loaf7,5 2,9 50,9 264
bread7,5 2,1 46,4 227


candies4,3 19,8 67,5 453
cookie7,5 11,8 74,9 417

Ice cream

ice cream3,7 6,9 22,1 189


alpen gold milk chocolate5,7 27,9 61,4 522

Raw materials and seasonings

ketchup1,8 1,0 22,2 93
mayonnaise2,4 67,0 3,9 627
sugar0,0 0,0 99,7 398


activia quick breakfast4,8 3,1 14,4 107

Cheese and cottage cheese

cottage cheese mass with raisins6,8 21,6 29,9 343

Meat products

pork16,0 21,6 0,0 259
salo2,4 89,0 0,0 797
mutton15,6 16,3 0,0 209


boiled sausage13,7 22,8 0,0 260
w/smoked sausage28,2 27,5 0,0 360
sausages10,1 31,6 1,9 332
sausages12,3 25,3 0,0 277

Oils and fats

vegetable oil0,0 99,0 0,0 899
butter0,5 82,5 0,8 748

Alcoholic drinks

white dessert wine 16%0,5 0,0 16,0 153
vodka0,0 0,0 0,1 235
beer0,3 0,0 4,6 42

Soft drinks

cola0,0 0,0 10,4 42

* data are per 100 g of product

Beet diet menu for 7 days

Beetroot Diet Recipes

beetroot recipe

Beetroot is a great find for those who like low-fat, light soups. In addition, this dish is very cheap and anyone can afford it!

This beetroot is cooked in vegetable broth, but, if desired, it can be replaced with chicken.

You will need:

  • 1 medium beet;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato paste;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt, sugar, pepper, vinegar.

Bring purified water to a boil in a saucepan. Finely chop the beets, onions and carrots and stew with the addition of tomato paste, sugar and vinegar. You need to simmer until the beets are ready. Next, transfer the vegetables to boiling water, add salt, pepper, bay leaf. Sprinkle with finely chopped garlic and herbs and boil for another 2 minutes. The calorie content of such a beetroot is 35 kcal, and if on chicken broth, then 80 kcal.

Recipe for dietary beet cutlets

Lenten beetroot cutlets are a Slavic dish that is very easy to prepare, which is great to serve as a side dish of porridge, or vegetable salad, or on its own.

You will need:

  • 3 medium beets;
  • 100 g of semolina;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • half a bunch of greens;
  • salt pepper.

Prepare beets in advance: bake or boil. Then grate the prepared beets on a fine grater, finely chop the herbs and garlic. Mix the ingredients, add semolina so that the cutlets do not fall apart when frying. Fry cutlets on both sides with a minimum addition of vegetable oil until golden brown.

Diet beetroot salad

Recipes for salads with beets are extremely diverse: they can be prepared from both fresh and boiled beets, with various vegetable and meat additives.

Now we will tell you about the "Winter Salad" from beets, in which there are a lot of vitamins that we need, especially in winter time year (no wonder it has such a name).

You will need:

  • 1 beet;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • salad;
  • 3 sprigs of cilantro;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • basil;
  • 50 g of ginger root;
  • pumpkin seeds (optional)

Prepare beets in advance: bake or boil. Also, boil the carrots. Then grate the beets and carrots on a coarse grater, and the ginger on a fine grater. Finely chop the basil, cilantro, lettuce and tomatoes and mix all the chopped ingredients. Serve sprinkled with pumpkin seeds. The calorie content of this healthy beetroot salad is 97 kcal.

In the event of a breakdown

The beetroot diet, according to numerous reviews, is very well tolerated and breakdowns on it are rare. Most often this happens due to the excessive concentration of a person on food: he constantly thinks that he will starve during the diet. Here this feeling is almost excluded, because it is easy to get enough of beets.

Also, do not overeat on the day before the diet. It will be much easier to transfer the diet if you switch to a light menu for the previous 5-7 days, eliminating alcohol, fatty and salty foods.

In the end, it is worth remembering that by breaking loose, you will interrupt the process of not only losing weight, but also healing your body.

If a breakdown does occur, take a break for 2-3 days and continue the beetroot diet. If desired, it will not be harmful to extend it for a couple of days.

Here are important dietary notes that will help you achieve the results you need:

  • Be sure to follow the drinking regimen. Even if you drink beetroot juice, this does not negate the fact that you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water per day in order to avoid dehydration associated with the good laxative effect of the vegetable.
  • Don't neglect physical activity. Increase the time spent in the fresh air, walk, climb the stairs to your floor, and not the elevator - this is elementary. If you are engaged in strength training, we advise you to slightly reduce the load, preferring light cardio training.
  • It is possible that you may want something sweet during the diet - this is quite normal. You can please yourself with 3-5 pieces of prunes, dried apricots, dates or a slice of dark chocolate.


Contraindications for this diet are: reduced, increased acidity of the stomach, and.

During pregnancy and lactation

With and beets, of course, is allowed and useful, and the diet itself should be carried out under the close supervision of the attending physician.

Pros and cons of the beetroot diet

pros Minuses
  • Availability and simplicity. The diet is very cheap and easy to prepare, does not require much time and attention. In addition, those products that you will need for all 7 days of the diet can be found all year round in a store near the house.
  • Huge benefit! Perhaps this is the main advantage of the beetroot diet: not only weight loss, but also cleansing and healing of the body.
  • The likelihood of intestinal problems and constipation due to the powerful laxative effect of the vegetable is excluded.
  • Possible consequences of such a low-carbohydrate diet: dizziness, weakness, nausea, and so on.
  • The diet must be applied very carefully, constantly monitoring your feelings and condition.

Beet diet for weight loss: reviews and results

  • « ... With full confidence I can say that losing weight on beets - The best way weight loss! I learned about the diet a long time ago, and for the past 5 years, steadily, twice a year, I have been arranging a weekly beetroot cleaning for myself. I eat for 7 days at least 1 kg of beets, most often boiled, in combination with chicken fillet or cereals. Perfectly leaves 6-7 kg per week. But this is just a nice bonus to the most important thing: to cleanse the body of accumulating harmful substances in it. I advise everyone»;
  • « ... A friend, a lover of dieting, told me about the beet diet, they say, on it she got rid of 8 kg in 7 days. I dared to try and I can say that this is a very effective diet! When you use it, you don’t even feel that you are on a diet and should somehow limit your diet. It is easily tolerated, you can eat fruits, meat, and various cereals, even sweetness can sometimes be eaten with tea. I can definitely say that the beetroot diet is very useful and will suit many people.».

Diet price

To derive the cost of daily and weekly meals for the period of the beetroot diet, the menu examples given in the "Menu (Meal)" section were taken as a basis.

On average, any day of the diet will cost about 300-500 rubles: a mandatory beetroot salad, protein in the form of meat, dairy products, carbohydrates from any permitted cereals and additional fiber from vegetables and fruits.

The amount required for a weekly meal on a beetroot diet is 2000-3500 rubles.

Thus, the beetroot diet refers to simple, economical and, most importantly, healthy diets that do not require much time to prepare delicious, low-calorie meals.

For the sake of getting rid of excess weight, losing weight women resort to drastic measures, forgetting that nature itself gives us everything we need. Let's discuss how beetroot is used for weight loss, recipes and ways to diversify the diet with this vegetable. We are accustomed to using a red root crop only for borscht and vinaigrette, although it can be used in cooking. Beets have a pleasant taste. It saturates the human body with useful substances and helps to lose weight. There are many nuances, so we immediately get down to business.

Recipes for dishes with beets for weight loss

Many nutritionists exclude beets from the diet of women striving for a slim figure, because they contain carbohydrates. However, to get rid of excess weight, red beets are still used. The main advantage of this vegetable is dietary fiber. In addition, each red root contains vitamins, minerals and ascorbic acid. If you want to lose weight in a healthy way Be sure to include this product in your diet. Below we will tell you how to do this.

Fresh beetroot salad

A unique recipe that losing weight women called "brush". The dish that you cook will please you with a pleasant taste and cleanse the intestines of accumulated toxins. By using this regularly, you will noticeably improve your health and quickly lose a few kilograms of excess weight. The list of ingredients is minimal, and the benefits for the body are indescribable.


  • medium-sized beets - 1 pc.;
  • cabbage - 800 g;
  • raw carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 30-35 g;
  • lemon slices - to taste;
  • pepper, salt - in moderation.

Cooking process:

  1. Finely chop or grate vegetables on a coarse grater.
  2. We crush the cabbage with our hands to release the juice.
  3. Mix chopped beets, cabbage and carrots in a salad bowl.
  4. Season the dish with a little olive oil.

Okroshka on kefir

Crumble vegetables into a deep container, pour kefir, cool under the freezer, and get delicious dish with a high content of minerals, vitamins and other useful elements. Outstanding culinary skills are not required here. Beet okroshka diversifies your diet, normalizes the functioning of internal organs and helps to lose weight.


  • white cabbage - 200 g;
  • raw carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • medium-sized beets - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet- 100 g;
  • greens - to taste;
  • kefir - 1500 ml.
  1. We chop the cabbage. We crush it with our hands.
  2. We cut cucumbers.
  3. We disassemble the meat into small pieces along the fibers.
  4. Grind beets and carrots on a grater.
  5. We cut the greens with a knife.
  6. We mix the ingredients, pour kefir.
  7. Refrigerate for 20-30 minutes.
  8. We serve on the table.

Braised cabbage with beets

This recipe will appeal to those who like beets in any form. Using the most familiar products you can cook tasty and healthy diet dish. Eat stewed cabbage with beets when you are on a diet, and you can lose weight faster than planned. This dish can serve as a side dish. You can also use the stewed vegetable mixture as a filling for pies.

We stock products:

  • fresh White cabbage- 2 heads;
  • sauerkraut - 400 g;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • medium-sized boiled beets - 2 pcs.;
  • natural tomato paste - 500 g;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • bouillon cube - 2 pcs.;
  • spicy tomato sauce or adjika - 40 g;
  • sugar - 35 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 g.
  1. Preparing vegetables: chop the cabbage with a knife, chop the boiled beets on a coarse grater, chop the onion heads, pass the garlic through the crusher.
  2. Mix carrots with onions. Add a small amount of oil. Fry until soft.
  3. Add sauerkraut and fresh cabbage to the pan. Mix thoroughly. Fry lightly over medium heat.
  4. Pour 400 ml of water into the pan. Bring to a boil. Crumble bouillon cubes.
  5. We cover with a lid. Simmer for 45-50 minutes over low heat. The vegetable mixture should become soft.
  6. Add the rest of the ingredients: garlic, adjika, tomato paste and beets.
  7. We season the dish to taste. Simmer for another 5-7 minutes to bring to a state of full readiness.

Meat with beets

A common traditional recipe that uses beetroot is a favorite Ukrainian vegetable. It colors the dish red and gives the slices of meat a unique, delicate taste. This diet dish contains a minimum of calories. You can eat it every day and you won't gain weight. An excellent option for those who decide to lose weight.

List of ingredients:

  • medium-sized raw beets - 4 pcs.;
  • raw carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • beef meat - 400 g;
  • white cabbage - 2 heads;
  • ground red pepper, table vinegar, garlic - in a reasonable amount.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the peeled carrots and beets on a coarse grater.
  2. Shred the cabbage and mash with your hands.
  3. Mix vegetables, season with salt. Add vinegar in a ratio of 1:25.
  4. Cover the container with a lid and detect 35-40 minutes.
  5. Cut the meat into thin slices, fry in a small amount of meat, sprinkle with pepper and season with crushed garlic.
  6. After that, you need to combine vegetables with fried meat, mix and let it brew for 4 hours.

Juice from raw beet carrot and apple

Consider separately beetroot, apple and carrot juice. Each of them contains an incredible amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful elements. Mix them and get a real elixir of youth that will help you lose weight and tidy up your figure. Drink a natural invigorating drink in medium portions in the morning to improve your health. In the photo, the appearance may not seem particularly attractive, but believe me, the taste is simply amazing.

For cooking you will need:

  • medium-sized raw beets - 2 pcs.;
  • raw carrots - 2-3 pcs.;
  • large sour apples - 3 pcs.;
  • ground black pepper - 10-15 g;
  • salt - in moderation.

Cooking process:

  1. We clean the beets and carrots.
  2. Remove skin from apples. Cut out the core.
  3. Cut the beets, apples and carrots into slices up to 2 cm wide.
  4. We pass the prepared components through the juicer.
  5. We add spices.

Is beetroot good for weight loss?

Properly cooked beets enrich the human body with B vitamins, phosphorus and copper. In addition, this vegetable helps to eliminate toxins. Without a doubt, it is good for health, but is it worth it for dietary purposes? This question is asked by many losing weight women, so we will try to give an exhaustive answer.

Raw beets contain a useful component - betaine, which normalizes metabolism. With regular use of this vegetable, the process of burning calories during sports is accelerated. To cope with the problem of excess weight, you do not need to take synthetic cleansers or drink pills. Beets for weight loss will come to the rescue, the recipes of which are used in many diets.

Boiled beets should not be underestimated either. Someone will say that heat treatment kills all useful components, but this opinion is erroneous. The boiled red root crop contains a large amount of necessary natural elements. Antioxidants strengthen the immune system and relieve stress. Fiber in combination with vitamin U improves bowel function, normalizes digestion and produces a general cleansing of the body.

Composition and calorie content

One hundred grams of beets contain about 45-49 kcal. 85% of the weight of a vegetable is water. The remaining 15% was divided as follows:

  • Carbohydrates - 11.6%.
  • Proteins - 1.4%.
  • Fats - 0.1%.
  • Pectins - 1%.
  • Fiber - 1%.
  • Ash - 0.9%.
  • Organic acids - 0.05%.

Is it possible to eat beets on a diet

Definitely yes. This product contributes to the normalization of the work of many internal organs. It cleanses the intestines of harmful substances. No matter how you cook beets, it will saturate the body with useful elements. Low level calorie content allows you to call the red root vegetable dietary. You can include beets for weight loss in the recipes of your favorite dishes.

Beet diet menu for 7 days

The diet of the weekly diet should be varied. It should include fish, meat, fruits and a variety of vegetables. Before each meal, drink 100-150 ml of freshly squeezed beetroot juice. In the time interval from 07:00 to 17:00, you should have four meals:

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal on the water or baked vegetables.
  • Dinner. Meat / fish, steamed, or lean borscht.
  • Afternoon snack. Grapefruit, orange or a couple of apples.
  • Dinner. Diet salad with beets or vegetable caviar without oil.

Beet-kefir diet

The rules of this weight loss program do not tolerate compromise. Throughout the day, you should only consume beets and kefir. In order not to earn an upset stomach, alternate these products by day. Once a day you can eat 100-120 grams of boiled chicken fillet. If you feel very hungry, cook beetroot soup. You can even eat it at night.

Beetroot video recipes

Based on a practical example, you will better understand how to use beets for weight loss in recipes for familiar dishes. The videos below will demonstrate in detail how to cook healthy diet food. Take simple tips note, and the process of getting rid of excess weight will cease to be a painful ordeal.

Beetroot soup with kefir

Beet kvass for weight loss

The main product of the diet is beets, which can be consumed raw or boiled. The vegetable has a lot of advantages: inexpensive, affordable, healthy, and it really helps to lose weight. Beetroot diet can be attributed to medical systems. Along with the lost kilograms, the intestines will be cleansed. This will positively affect the work of the whole organism, the condition of the skin and hair will improve, the person will feel a surge of strength and cheerfulness.


Diet Benefits

Beets are rich in fiber and valuable organic acids. The vegetable contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. The laxative properties of the product have long been known. With it, you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse the intestines, get rid of constipation, and improve the functioning of the digestive system. But one of the most valuable components is biotin. It can also be found under the names of vitamin B7 or H. The presence of this substance is very important when losing weight:

  • regulates the activity of the liver;
  • improves metabolism;
  • helps to digest the protein;
  • promotes fat burning.

Another valuable ingredient is curcumin. This substance inhibits the development of adipose tissue by reducing blood vessels in it. Betaine and curcumin accelerate oxidative processes in cells.

Along with the loss of kilograms on a beetroot diet, you can gain health, improve the functioning of many body systems and improve well-being.

Video: Using beets for weight loss

Diet Features

The beetroot diet has a lot positive sides. But you need to remember that the vegetable contains sugar. Therefore, it must be consumed in limited quantities. Otherwise, losing weight will be difficult. Maximum per day you can eat 2 kg of beets. It is wiser to combine it with other products: vegetables, cereals, kefir, meat, fish.

Basic principles of the beetroot diet:

  1. The consumption of pure fats is minimized. You can add vegetable oil or nuts to the diet in small quantities, if they are allowed on the menu.
  2. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. In addition to high calorie content, they increase the feeling of hunger and contribute to the loss of control over the food eaten.
  3. Be sure to drink 2 liters of clean non-carbonated water.
  4. Sugar-containing foods and drinks are excluded from the diet.

Important! It is undesirable to replace a meal with a dish of one beetroot. The product quickly saturates, but not for long. After 30-40 minutes, blood sugar levels will plummet, causing severe hunger. To prevent this from happening, the vegetable must be combined with protein products.

How much can you drop

Weight loss on the beetroot diet depends on the accuracy of the system, the severity of the diet, and the duration. Most often, the diet lasts 3 days or a week. On average, it can take from 3 to 5 kg of weight. Some of them will be fecal deposits and mucus that have accumulated on the walls of the intestine. Considerable value have original data. A person with a large body weight loses weight faster, the results will be more significant.

For weight loss and cleansing, you can make a fasting day on beets with kefir. Its purpose is to cleanse the intestines, give the digestive system a rest, reduce the size of the stomach. In one such day, you can lose up to 1.5 kg of weight. Efficiency also depends on the initial data.

How to cook beetroot

When choosing a heat treatment, it is desirable to give preference to steaming or in water, it is allowed to bake products in the oven (in foil), cooking on charcoal, on the grill. To keep in a vegetable maximum amount vitamins, it is recommended to cook it in a peel, peel it just before use.

What not to do:

  1. Fry a vegetable, even with a small amount of oil.
  2. Use sauces for dressing, if they are not provided for by the diet.
  3. Completely replace the boiled root vegetable with raw and vice versa, unless it is indicated in the menu or in the rules of the system.
  4. You can not completely replace the vegetable with juice. The body needs fiber to help cleanse the intestines.
  5. The amount of salt is reduced to 3 g per day. On a fasting day, it is prohibited.

Advice! It is not necessary to boil beets for an hour or more. It is enough to boil the root crop for 30 minutes, then place it under a stream of cold water, leave to cool completely. The vegetable will come to readiness.

weekly diet

The weekly system promises weight loss up to 5 kg, if you follow it exactly and do not deviate from the proposed menu. Bread is present in the diet, but it should be rye, ideally whole grain, you can use bran bread. For a snack, only boiled root vegetables or fresh beet juice are suitable.

Menu for the week

First day

Breakfast: coffee with milk, 2 slices of bread
Dinner: boiled beets, brown rice
Dinner: beetroot salad, green apple

Second day

Breakfast: oatmeal, yogurt
Dinner: boiled beets, chicken fillet
Dinner: baked potato 0.5 grapefruit

Third day

Breakfast: 2 apples, coffee with milk
Dinner: boiled fish, beetroot salad with herbs
Dinner: vegetable soup

Fourth day

Breakfast: yogurt, tea with honey
Dinner: boiled meat, beetroot salad
Dinner: roasted vegetables, beetroot or other vegetable juice

Fifth day

Breakfast: tea with milk, 2 slices of bread
Dinner: beetroot salad, boiled buckwheat
Dinner: kefir, boiled beets, any fruit

Menus for the sixth and seventh days - any of the options above. Throughout the diet, do not forget to drink water, any drinks without sugar are allowed: tea, coffee, chicory, herbal teas. With a sudden attack of hunger, it is allowed to eat boiled beets, but not more than 200 g. You can combine the product with kefir.

Beetroot diet with kefir for 3 days

A popular diet option with kefir. Beets help digest the protein contained in the fermented milk product. The drink slows down the sharp rise in blood sugar levels. Both products help cleanse the intestines and are generally beneficial to the body. All three days you need to follow the approximate menu.

Meals can be interchanged. You just need to adhere to the basic rule: drink at least 1 liter of kefir per day, eat at least 1 kg of beets. To improve the taste, it is allowed to add greens, lemon juice, spices to dishes.

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: boiled beetroot salad with 1 tsp. oils, herbs
Snack: a glass of kefir or yogurt
Dinner: cold boiled beetroot soup with kefir, herbs, lemon juice
Afternoon snack: beetroot juice or boiled root vegetable
Dinner: beetroot salad with carrots and spices, a glass of kefir
For the night: a glass of yogurt

Unloading beet day

The goal of the beet fasting day is not so much weight loss as cleansing. After such a diet, lightness appears in the body, the stomach shrinks in size, it is much easier to switch to a healthy diet.

  1. Beets are used only in boiled form.
  2. All daily allowance product should be divided into 5-6 equal portions.
  3. Meals should be through an equal amount of time. Do not take breaks for more than 3 hours.
  4. Drink 2 liters of fluid per day. It is advisable not to mix water with food, so as not to complicate digestion, not to stretch the stomach.
  5. With severe hunger or weakness, you can enter 100-200 g of a protein product: low-fat cottage cheese or kefir, boiled chicken fillet, boiled egg whites (yolks are not allowed).

The beetroot diet consists of 1.5 kg of boiled root. It can be prepared in one go and stored in the refrigerator. To make eating a vegetable not so boring, you can season the product with pepper, herbs, garlic or onions. Salt is prohibited. It retains water in the body, prevents weight loss.

Important! Do not forget about the laxative properties of the boiled root. It is advisable to spend a fasting day at home in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

Video: Nutritionist Lidia Ionova talks about beets

Contraindications, possible harm

With a high glycemic index, beets can increase blood sugar levels. With extreme caution, people with diabetes should use the product. Diet in this case is prohibited.

Other contraindications to the beetroot diet:

  • gastritis, ulcer in the acute stage;
  • kidney failure;
  • diarrhea;
  • inflammation of the intestinal mucosa;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • individual intolerance.

Do not abuse beets for allergy sufferers. The reaction may not appear immediately, but only after a certain time with the accumulation of an irritant in the body.

Any diet for weight loss, including on beets, is contraindicated during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Obesity in childhood should be treated under medical supervision. Sudden changes in the diet are stressful for the body, so you need to prepare in advance. You can not go on a diet during or after colds, before travel, climate change.

The fact that fruits and vegetables are useful for a person is a fact that has taken place and is undeniable. This alone is enough to include them in the daily menu. For those who want to lose weight, vegetables should be the basis of the diet, for example, beets are effective in losing weight, which can be eaten raw, boiled or in a salad. Let's talk about this vegetable in more detail.

Useful properties of beets

Due to the rich biochemical composition, beets are very useful. Due to the large amount of fiber, this vegetable is called the main "cleaner" of the body. It removes constipation, cleanses the intestines, eliminates putrefactive processes and pathogenic bacteria. The composition of the vegetable contains the substance betatin, which promotes fat metabolism, cleanses the liver, and increases blood pressure. In addition, the benefits of beets do not decrease if they are juiced or boiled.

Beneficial features beets for women are undeniable, it is especially recommended for future mothers to love it. The composition of the root crop contains folic acid, which is so necessary for conception and the first months of pregnancy. In addition, the rich mineral composition of beets contributes to the formation nervous system child and regulates the digestive processes of the expectant mother.

In large quantities, the root contains minerals - potassium and magnesium, which are necessary to combat hypertension and atherosclerosis. Beets help fight depression, have a laxative and diuretic effect, and as part of borscht, they will alleviate a hangover. It is useful for blood formation, contains iodine and, according to some scientists, reduces the possibility of developing cancerous tumors.


Is it possible to eat boiled beets while losing weight? Nutritionists note the benefits boiled vegetable for weight loss, due to the presence of curcumin and betaine in it. These components are successfully used in dietetics. Betaine, once in the layer of fat, provokes oxidative processes there that burn fat deposits. Curcumin, on the other hand, does not allow new fats to be deposited in the body and, after losing weight, the weight will not come back.

Here are two diet options through boiled beets for weight loss:

  1. It is necessary to cook two kilograms of vegetables in a slow cooker, distribute them into seven approaches during the day. To make it more pleasant to eat, you can grate the beets, add vegetable oil. In addition, we must not forget about water, green tea, juices. A two-day diet can get rid of 1.5-2 kilograms.
  2. The second diet is designed for ten days, and it is based on a salad of boiled beets and carrots with the addition of lemon juice and oil. You can diversify the menu with grated raw carrots with low-fat sour cream, carrot or beetroot juice. With juices, you should be careful not to provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They should be diluted with water and drink little by little. During the diet, 2-6 kg can go.


Is it possible to eat beets on a diet? Yes, beets are used for weight loss. It must be remembered that this vegetable has a powerful laxative effect and can cause allergies. You can not sit on a diet with beets for hypertensive patients, people with diseases of the liver, stomach, gallbladder, so a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required. Beets contain a lot of sugar, you will have to give up sweets for a while.

Raw beets for weight loss can be used as follows:

  • In the form of juice, only drink it carefully. Freshly squeezed juice is first left to stand in the refrigerator for two hours, then allowed to warm up to room temperature.
  • The next morning, for a snack, you need to grate the beets and add tsp. olive oil. You can make a beet-kefir cocktail.

beetroot diet

To get the maximum benefit from the root crop, you need to be able to choose it. It is preferable to take medium-sized vegetables of bright red color, with a dense skin, without signs of decay and irregularities. During the diet, you can not eat a lot of beets, because they are very sweet. Maximum per day - two kilograms of root crops. The menu should include fish, meat, non-dairy cereals, kefir, and other vegetables.

The following beet weight loss diet for a week received the most positive feedback:

  • We start the morning with a beet-carrot salad (from raw vegetables) with butter. We drink beetroot juice for breakfast, but no more than three tablespoons.
  • One boiled root crop, two walnuts will go for a snack.
  • We dine with beetroot according to this recipe: stew carrots, cabbage, beets, onions without oil in a pan. After that, put the stewed vegetables in boiling water, add lemon juice. We cook 5 minutes. You can add chicken to the dish, but the calorie content will be higher. One slice of bread, unsweetened tea is served with the beetroot.
  • For a snack - a glass of carrot juice and half a boiled beetroot.
  • For the evening, you can cook a baked root vegetable or a salad with butter. Unsweetened tea should be drunk for dinner.
  • Eating should be four hours before bedtime. If you follow such a diet, it takes up to six kilograms in seven days.

Unloading day

Regular consumption of beets helps to cleanse the intestines and blood of toxins in a natural way, saturate the body with vitamin B 9 and rejuvenate it at the cellular level. Trace elements in the composition of beets make the skin healthy, the bones strong, and the blood vessels elastic. A fasting day on beets is recommended for people with fluid retention in the body and fat accumulations.

For this purpose, you will need raw carrots, beets, sour apples. To prepare a salad, take 400 g of all the listed ingredients. They are rubbed and seasoned with lemon juice. You will have to eat salad six times a day, while drinking a lot clean water. Arrange unloading on weekends, because it gives a laxative effect. A day on such a salad contributes to a good complexion, strong nails and beautiful hair.

Beetroot diet for 7 days

Is it possible to eat beets while losing weight? Not only can it be eaten, but it should be included in the diet as a staple. A weekly beetroot diet gives results minus 5-6 kilograms. The main component is beets, which must be eaten in any form, with every snack without exception. Simply boiled root crops are allowed or as an additive in any salads.

The main condition is the use of at least half a kilo of beets per day. Any other vegetables are not prohibited, but they cannot be seasoned with salt, oil and spices. The beetroot diet includes any low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir). Be sure to present fish and meat, cooked without oil, with lemon. It is allowed to diversify the diet with cereal cereals on the water.

A weekly diet with so many different foods is good for everyone, without restrictions. You can sit on it for more than one week, but as long as it takes to achieve the desired result. Be sure to drink more, especially in the early days of the diet. This will help you avoid dehydration because the beets will begin to thoroughly cleanse the intestines. For greater effect, you can go in for sports, with such a diet, it may not be sparing.

Beetroot dishes for weight loss

You can come up with different dishes from this root crop, but it is important to remember that beets are a sweet product, so you can eat no more than two kilograms per day. The easiest way is to bake the vegetable in the oven on a baking sheet, then cool and grate. No spices or oils can be added. Beetroot dishes for weight loss can include other vegetables, resulting in a hearty, low-calorie salad. Beets can be stewed or eaten raw, juiced.

diet salad

Prepare such an original and delicious salad: boil four medium root vegetables, take 300 g of seaweed, prepare 300 g of celery, a bunch of greens, lemon juice. Grind all the ingredients and pour over the lemon juice. Such a beetroot salad for weight loss will appeal to any gourmet and perfectly saturate. If you wish, you can take oil and a little salt instead of lemon juice for dressing, but then the calorie content will increase.

Kefir with beets

A boiled root crop and kefir with one percent fat content are taken. Grind a medium-sized vegetable in a blender, mix with kefir and add chopped greens. Kefir with beets for weight loss is used before meals. You can arrange a fasting day with such a drink. For a day you need to use six glasses of a cocktail, alternating it with plain water. Every time a fresh drink is prepared. It is better not to drink it at night.

Place a medium-sized root crop in a saucepan with a liter of water. Remember the water level for yourself and add another two liters, put on low heat, but do not close the lid so that steam comes out. Cooking should last until about a liter of water remains in the pan. After that, get the vegetable and, when it cools down, grate, place in the same broth and cook again on low heat for half an hour. Then strain the broth, and the beetroot drink for weight loss is ready to drink.


Beetroot has a lot of significant contraindications that you need to know about before you decide to go on a beetroot diet. You can not abuse the root crop for people with low blood pressure, with high acidity of the stomach and urolithiasis. Beet contraindications include diseases such as diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, and chronic diarrhea.
