Whitney Houston haircuts. Whitney Houston

If you met a silent and indecisive Pisces man and realized that this is exactly the person you have been waiting for all your life, then here are some tips for winning the heart of this romantic and dreamy "Water" sign. The first thing you should know is that almost anyone can attract the attention of this unusual personality. beautiful woman. The subtle soul of the Pisces man craves beauty and sophistication in everything that surrounds him. The ideal woman for such a man will be an impressionable, romantic and sweet beauty. But often, the ideal life partner of such a man can be his complete opposite, possessing strong character and rational thinking. The representative of the sign has a fantastic ability to escape reality and immerse himself in his own invented world. Therefore, next to such a man there should be the same dreamer and dreamer as he himself.

Knowing about his weaknesses of character, the Pisces man is delighted with decisive, enterprising, fearless and strong women. But do not go too far, try to find the golden mean between strength and tenderness. It should never be rude. After all, the Pisces man will not tolerate moral pressure from a woman. He does not tolerate increased talkativeness. If a woman constantly teaches him, tells him what to do or criticizes his ideas, then the Pisces man will simply quietly hide. There is no way to get it back. Therefore, if you decide to connect your fate with a representative of this zodiac sign, you must be modest, quiet and submissive. If you feel that this is not your type of man, you should not experiment and hope that he will love you for who you are. The love of such a man is not easy to get, his trust must be earned.

Pisces men do not differ in strength of character. They rarely possess such masculine qualities as determination and courage. They always try to avoid conflict situations and not get involved in fights. They will not go out of their way to succeed or find their happiness. They let everything take its course, and justify themselves with the phrase "This is my fate." They lack consciousness dignity. They greatly underestimate their strength, although they are capable of much. They are very easily influenced by others, including bad ones. They can change their mind several times without coming to the only correct decision. Most Pisces men are melancholic in nature. They often fall into depression, from which it is almost impossible to get them out. In this case, you should be patient, and calmly wait for these gray days to pass. To speed up the “recovery” process, try not to slow him down and not force him to have fun with you. Better just be there for him, support and comfort him. For such support and understanding, your man will appreciate you above all else. He will never want to leave you for another woman, because with you he will be most comfortable. And this is very important for the Pisces man.

But you should think about whether this is the life partner that you need. After all, this is a passive person who will never take the initiative. You will have to be the head of the family. You must be prepared for the fact that the problems will have to be solved by you. Therefore, you must have not only humility and tenderness, but also strength of character. You must take over the role of a man for yourself. If you are not ready for this, and you do not see yourself as the head of the family, then try to end this relationship for initial stage. After all, if a Pisces man manages to become attached to you, then you will hurt him very deeply with the news of the breakup.

However, do not get upset ahead of time. Nature endowed these men with a subtle and sensitive character. They are not prone to violence and tyranny. They are distinguished by their decency and honesty. This is very kind people, with a soft and sympathetic heart. They are ready to help those in need at any moment. These are touching and sentimental people who often do not dare to show this feeling, fearing ridicule or condemnation from others. But having known the true character of the Pisces man, you will be pleasantly surprised how developed and versatile he is. In addition, if you are a female leader, then you can easily manage such a man. But you must do it wisely and carefully so that he does not feel weak. Try to assure him that he is the head of the family. Respect his ideas and decisions. Otherwise, he will close in on himself and plunge into depression.

The Pisces man prefers silence and tranquility. He does not like loud companies, crowded places and public events. The best option pastime will be relaxing with your beloved on the seashore or even at home, in a quiet green gazebo. Like all representatives, the Pisces Man is quite passionate, but in intimate relationships he prefers to give the initiative to a woman. This excites him even more, helps him to fully open up and show his masculine power. But you should not reveal yourself to the end, try to keep the atmosphere of mystery as long as possible ...

How to please a Pisces man.

Before falling in love with a man, Pisces needs to please him. You will have to use the following information to achieve your goal.

Because of the fear of being rejected, the Pisces man is rarely the first to admit his feelings, you will have to take the initiative into your own hands.

  • Unfortunately, this sign has a poor memory for promises. So don't be shy. remind him of his promises.
  • Do not expect unexpected gifts and surprises from him. He has no desire to think about the desires of his half, tell him directly what you want from him. Otherwise, he will think, if you don’t ask for anything, then it’s necessary.
  • A paradoxical situation is emerging. On the one hand, Pisces does not like to show initiative, on the other hand, he meets assertive girls with a bayonet. The only way to solve this problem is to give him the illusion that your actions are dictated by his desires. Also, it is important not to tower over and not to tease him.
  • If he thinks that the girl is only interested in his money or too much attention is paid to the material side of life, he will treat you like a corrupt ginseng. You need to show that in the first place you care about the safety of his money. Give him an expensive gift to start with, and only then inspire him to spend, for himself.

Ten commandments how to behave with Pisces

You must be:

  • romantic and defiant;
  • loving and patient;
  • strong and wise;
  • mysterious and mysterious;
  • tender and sweet.

You are not allowed:

  • unnecessarily criticize his actions;
  • be weak and indecisive;
  • be rude and tactless;
  • offend him;
  • betray his feelings.

Popular questions from our readers about the man - Pisces.

Reasons for the silence of the fish man?

As you already understood, the man - the fish quite often gets depressed, and besides, he is a rather insecure type of person. If he has trouble at work, at school, with health, the fish closes in on itself. And what's even worse, due to its weak character, it will also wind up too much. Yes, and at the beginning of a relationship, waves of doubt can roll over a fish man. But will he be able to live with such a beautiful wife? If a girl is satisfied with this sign, and she is eager to help her fish get out of the web of doubt, do it. next way:

No need to make fun of him and joke when he is closed in himself. Don't push or drag it to parties. Show him in word and deed how much you love and appreciate him. Praise him, just do it not feignedly, do not overdo it. If it's not about you, but let's say a silent woman attacked because of external problems. Then try to create comfort and relaxation for him, in no case do not try to sort things out. Give him the opportunity to relax and rest, so that he would let go. And now about the sad, sometimes the fish are silent, because they cannot find words for parting, in every possible way they avoid meetings, calls. They do not reciprocate affection. Well, here you need to take the initiative, and let him go, so this is not the fish that you are destined for.

P.S. The dream of a man - Pisces, is - that he would be understood without words.

Each of us has ever felt sad or depressed. This feeling is familiar to all people, because not always everything happens the way we want. Each sign of the zodiac depression manifests itself in different ways.

Earlier we wrote about how to get rid of depression with the help of Natalia Pravdina's advice. They will help you regain vitality and restore energy balance. Remember that any problem can be solved, and sadness and Bad mood are not exceptions.


Aries rarely get really sad. If too many problems pile up on these people in a short period of time, and there is no one to help them, then they can close themselves off from the whole world. They won't smile, they won't talk. Aries depression is silent and quickly passing.


Taurus fall into melancholy most often when they are disappointed in themselves. One of the most popular causes is a love problem. Taurus cease to sting, smile and begin to seek solace in alcohol and loneliness. Sometimes they, on the contrary, pretend that everything is fine with them.


Gemini rarely get sad, but they do it on a grand scale. To do this, it is necessary that a lot of worries fall on them, which cannot be resolved in a short period of time. They cannot be broken by problems at work, lack of money, unhappy love, but unresolved affairs simply destroy them.


Cancers are the most depressed people on the planet. Family troubles make them really suffer a lot. If the soulmate, children or parents are in trouble, Cancers will always help, but if they themselves are not all right, then they close themselves off from the whole world and suffer greatly.

a lion

Lions are sad and hate the whole world when something does not go according to their plan, when they are not respected and when they are not considered. They will not show this to anyone because of their pride, and when they are alone, they can cry softly or drink something hot. Depression does not let them go for a long time and often suddenly returns.


Virgos hate it when something gnaws at them. They lose interest in life when they have unfinished business, problems and responsibilities. These people, more than anyone else, love calmness and regularity. When this is not the case, they inner world collapses like a house of cards.


Negative energy is Libra's worst enemy. It causes many diseases, including depression. For these people, a positive attitude plays a decisive role in all endeavors. Do not lose good thoughts and do not let negativity into your soul so as not to cause depression.


Scorpios are very impressionable people, but they easily cope with any depression in ways that are unknown to anyone but themselves. Their melancholy is fleeting and ephemeral, so that they quickly move away from the most difficult shocks.


Sagittarians are very stable and almost not prone to depression, as their character has the ability to always look for a way out of any situation. In this regard, they are stronger than any other sign of the zodiac. This does not mean that they are completely immune, they just do not have time for sadness and suffering.


Capricorns are very secretive people and always keep everything to themselves, rarely sharing problems with friends and family. Sadness, worries and problems accumulate in their soul, forcing them to live in depression, which becomes part of their life, and not just a state of mind or mood.


Aquarians fall into melancholy quickly and irrevocably, but only in one case - when they do not know what to do next. For them, it is above all else to know which path to take, but it is not always possible to choose the right path. Dead ends and fear of failure confuse Aquarians.


Pisces believe that depression is their destiny, although in reality it is not. Many representatives of this Sign present themselves as martyrs, although the solution to all problems lies on the surface. Pisces is gentle with more determination and patience, then any depression will bypass them.

Remember that positive energy charges you with luck. It does not let the depressive mood guide you. Always think about the good and do not forget that only positive can return you lost success. May your life be filled with only good emotions. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.07.2016 07:11

The energy connection between people and animals was noticed in antiquity. Each sign of the zodiac is ruled by...

Whitney Houston would have turned 54 today. The singer, whose hits stormed the charts for several months and received all kinds of awards, in addition to her singing, earned the love of fans thanks to her exquisite style. At the same time, her outfits often became the founders of fashion trends. It is worth talking in more detail about the metamorphoses of Whitney Houston's style.

Houston grew up in an artistic family consisting of a musician father and a singing mother. Her godmother was the famous jazz singer Aretha Franklin. Houston's career began in a church choir. In the 80s, Whitney had already become the most popular young performer, each of her new album expected a resounding success. Many fashion magazines often invited her to photo shoots in order to showcase her angelic face and sophisticated style. It is noteworthy that Houston almost always chose outfits for herself. World fame came to the singer after the film "The Bodyguard", in which she played and performed the legendary song "I Will Always love you". Robert De Niro once said that he intends to propose to Whitney Houston. In the late eighties, the singer created The Whitney Houston Foundation For Children. Instead of gifts for her own wedding, she invited the guests to make donations to the children, since she herself does not need anything. Since the 2000s, Whitney's career has gone downhill, as she has hardly released new compositions. Once again, he remembered the singer and spoke only after her death.

Despite the mass of obstacles that lay in wait for the singer on creative way, she has always remained a style icon for the younger generation. Only in last years life, Houston dressed discreetly. Her style at certain periods of time consisted of special elements.

Whitney Houston's hairstyle is a separate topic of conversation. The singer always wore a mop of curly hair. From it it was possible to create any uniform hairstyle. Whitney's styling was one of the most popular in the 80s and 90s, girls all over the world bouffanted to give their hair the shape of a ball, like the singer. Houston said that she always had coarse hair, but this did not stop her from doing various hairstyles that complement her style. Also, the singer very often liked to wear large earrings. According to Houston, she was very complex about small ears as a child. It is because of this that she always wanted to complement the image with large earrings to hide the flaw. Later, it simply became part of his corporate identity.

You can't imagine Whitney Houston without her signature brown lipstick. The star almost never changed her favorite shade. First, she applied a pencil around the edges a few tones darker, after which she painted her lips. brown. Many stylists noted that such makeup has long been considered ideal for black women. Also Special attention Houston paid to the skin. She used special bronzing powders and fluids. Thanks to them, the singer's skin always glowed. In addition, she tried to pick up things in the wardrobe with the appropriate tone. In addition to the incredible positive energy that Whitney's smile gave, she had another feature. Her right corner of her mouth rose slightly higher than the left. It was because of this that her smile immediately caught my eye and was remembered. It is noteworthy that the reason for this was the necrosis of the nerves on the face, from which she suffered from childhood. Despite this, the flaw has become a real feature of the girl who won the hearts of millions with her smile.

Houston also preferred golden shadows, which emphasized her graceful image. To make her look more expressive, the singer drew arrows in the corners of her eyes with black shadows and added a pair of false eyelashes. In addition, the singer often wore outfits, complemented by all sorts of bright elements. AT this case she looked like michael jackson early years when he also liked sparkly suits.
Whitney Houston's style is reflected in her repertoire. Initially, Elvis Presley wanted to perform the song "I Will Always Love You", but the songwriter Dolly Parton refused him, as the singer came to the interview, who impressed the composer with her outfit. Then she was dressed in a thin leopard print dress that emphasized her figure. The director of the film "The Bodyguard" and actor Kevin Costner barely persuaded the singer to star in the film. Whitney flatly refused because she didn't like main character. In this case, style also played an important role. Whitney was offered to independently select costumes for her character.

Also, Houston has always believed that a woman should look great even at home. In this regard, even the pajamas and bathrobes in her house were designer. In the last years of her life, Houston rarely appeared in public, but her every visit to a secular party immediately attracted the attention of the press to her.

The news that she was gone shocked the public and left sadness about the talent that was bestowed by the Almighty on this dark-skinned and incredibly talented performer who ended her career so abruptly.

brilliant start

Fate favored her in the first half of her life, and music albums singers broke records. Around 170 million Whitney discs have been sold around the world, and she has also been repeatedly awarded the prestigious Grammy.

As a child, I dreamed of an ideal family

The future celebrity was born on August 9, 1963 in a place called East Orange, located in New Jersey. The baby grew up in an ideal world and prosperous creative environment, in their house, according to the recollections of the future celebrity, it was not customary to raise your voice and argue with each other, all events and actions were discussed and therefore, as it seemed to the girl, complete harmony reigned ..

But when the little girl turned 15, her parents decided to live separately, for the girl this event became a tragedy and the collapse of the illusion of security.

Over time, she learned that her mom and dad were not so sinless, so Whitney told herself that no one in her future family would be fake, the relationship would be sorted out naturally and "correctly."

Houston began her creative career early, at the age of eleven, she sang in the church choir. Her first composition was the soulful song "Oh, You, Great Jehovah." And before the eyes of the girl developed creative career mother of singer Emily Drinkard and sister Dionne Warwick.

fateful year

In the early eighties, Whitney waited great luck, she became the first woman of color to model and met Clive Davis, the result of the meeting was the conclusion of an important creative agreement with Arista Records.

She dreamed of such happiness

Commercial success was ensured, the fees of the aspiring singer grew steadily. For example, she recorded a popular album: "Whitney Houston", which became very popular among music lovers and sold well in music stores.

Then, in 1990, he pleasantly surprised the audience and naturally consolidated the previous success, an album with the gentle name "I'm Your Baby Tonight". November 1992 brought Whitney another chance to become famous, the celebrity showed her acting skills in films, starring as a singer in cult film"Bodyguard".

The film is permeated with love from beginning to end, Kevin Costner and Whitney are so sincere that sometimes you forget that in life they are not free and their hearts belong to another man and woman. ..

And the wonderful soundtrack I Will Always Love You adds romanticism , which later became the best-selling in the music industry.

The actress has not been with us for several years, but ordinary viewer, loves to watch the film "The Bodyguard", where the heart of a female Whitney actress is open to everyone, and the voice that sounds behind the screen makes you tremble with delight.

A song that makes my heart skip a beat

The unique soulful hit "I Will Always Love You", performed by Houston, is a real miracle, (creator Dolly Parton), before today he is the hallmark of the singer, no one could sing it at a decent level, just not enough voice capabilities. By the way, Whitney Houston, earned on it, excellent money, expressed in 6 million dollars.

The career of the performer moved rapidly, she was invited to new films with pleasure, she presented wonderful albums, for example, I'm Your Baby Tonight. It seems that there was no woman more in demand and talented on the musical Olympus than the charismatic and graceful Whitney Houston.

Fatal love that is blind

The most worthy men were present in Houston's personal life, for example, Jerman Jackson and the successful rich actor Eddie Murphy, who were soon to be engaged, sought her heart.

But, apparently, not quite self-confident, Houston broke off relations with the handsome Eddie and did it in vain, since the fatal Bobby Brown appeared in her life.

These two people - opposites could not be happy, they did not bring each other good luck and they were not destined to create a bright family hearth ...

Touching Houston in life was calm, disciplined, she tried to do everything right, but her engagement to a drug addict and a well-known brawler, acquaintances did not accept and predicted a natural break in relations.

When they first met, Whitney was 27, she told rapper Bobby Brown that she read about him in the newspaper, it says that he is obnoxious, violent in public places, unstoppable in liquor and also a drug addict .... He answered her, that he also read about her, and Whitney seems to be a saint ...

The singer in love wanted to give up her role in The Bodyguard for the sake of the wedding, but Bobby's fiancé found arguments and convinced him of the correctness of signing the contract, so Whitney remained forever in our hearts.

Wedding and the collapse of illusions

But, nevertheless, the couple played a luxurious wedding in 1992, to which eight hundred guests arrived.

Bobby turned a gala event into a real one flower show, having bought ten thousand roses for decorations, but the main thing at the wedding was the beautiful Whitney, in an unusually beautiful dress with an original three-meter train. The couple looked stunning, they looked fabulously beautiful...

But, frankly, most of the guests were sure that this marriage would be short-lived. As they were right, for the singer it became not only unsuccessful, but simply catastrophic, it was because of this sizzling love that we lost the great singer.

Bobby Brown turned his wife's life into a real nightmare, a woman who sang from the stage about fairy-tale love, at home her impulsive husband cynically beat her.

Scandals, showdowns, subpoenas to the police stations took a lot of energy, and as a result, the lack of new albums, the singer had no inspiration and suggestions.

Often colleagues close on the stage, who saw traces of beatings on the face of the great singer, asked Houston a logical question why she would not divorce Bobi, to which there was always the same answer, she vowed to be with this man in grief, in joy and in illness...

Unfortunately, there was also family biography Whitney when the two of them were accused of possession of marijuana , but the spouses seem paid off and therefore did not suffer the deserved punishment.

When the singer became pregnant, pleasant changes suddenly came, the couple shone with happiness. They, for the sake of the child, swore to each other that they would become real caring parents. Brown began to drink less, tried to come home earlier and gave Whitney flowers.

Houston's bruises and bad emotions began to disappear, but the idyll lasted only two months, the future father again began to abuse alcohol, cheat on his wife, and everything returned to scandals and endless showdowns.

And a very unpleasant discovery awaited Whitney in the ninth month of pregnancy, it turned out that her adored husband has three illegitimate children ..

Only in 2000 did listeners wait for the release of Whitney: The Greatest Hits. It was a collection the best compositions and successful duets yet successful Houston, with famous singers like George Michael.

But the conditions for development and self-realization were interrupted by scandals, so in 2003 her husband Bobby was arrested by the police for beating his wife....

Career decline and rise before the end

Unfortunately since 2002 creative activity Whitney stops until 2009, when the seventh collection of songs was released, awarded platinum status. During this period, the celebrity was active in charitable activities, and to her credit, the Whitney Houston Children's Fund, founded by the singer, worked fruitfully.

Left alone with her beloved daughter in a huge house, the woman decided that she would start a new happy life without Bobby, and first of all get rid of the ugly scars that her former lover left on her face, take up her career and sleep fully.

And indeed, Whitney got prettier, it seems she calmed down and found the meaning of life without him, without the impulsive rapper - heartthrob.

However, Bobby Brown does not give up, he is being treated for many addictions and again begins to show signs of attention to his wife, she cannot withstand the onslaught and tender confessions of her former lover and again returns to him.

One day Whitney got a call, it was him former lover, he made Whitney a date at a familiar movie theater. Bobby came with a magnificent bouquet of tea roses, his appearance surprised the woman, the man looked so shy, and did not at all look like a bully from that past life, her heart melted...

Plans that didn't come true

Even after reconciliation living together with Brown did not bring anything good, despite the fact that they raised their daughter. The singer disrupted concerts, did not attend rehearsals, and sometimes looked inadequate.

And then the media became aware that she was taking drugs and this addiction became obvious, the pop star gave out a frequent suspicious gleam in her eyes.

Whitney and her husband were even charged with possession of marijuana, from which the performer managed to pay off.

When it was no longer possible to deny, in a television interview that took place in 2002, the singer admitted that she uses not only cocaine and marijuana, but also pills.

However, Houston emphasized in her confession that now, she has coped with the problem and removed harmful addiction from her life. But, no matter how hard Whitney herself tried to return to the old healthy life, helped only the final divorce from her husband. During this period, Houston lost her voice, and it seemed that it was irreversible.

The talented performer also held her own world tour, wanted to launch a new album, and also enjoy acting in the film "Shine". Her plans were to implement a new grandiose contract signed for one hundred million dollars, but not everything was destined to come true ...

Hotel room and path to oblivion

February 9, 2012 was unfortunate for her, fans and colleagues who took part in the Grammy party noticed that Whitney was very depressed and even somewhat aggressive.

Houston's life path will end very soon, the end came on February 11, 2012 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, employees of the institution found the singer without signs of life.

She left forever, perhaps without singing the most important song ...

Bobby Brown has a new wife

At ex-husband Whitney Bobby Brown is doing well today, he again tied the knot with a good friend, whom he previously met - Alicia Etheridge, they are already raising a joint son.

Unfortunately, Whitney's daughter is following in her footsteps.

The worst thing is that today the fate of the singer seems to be repeated by her daughter. Whitney passed away when she was 48 years old, she was found in a bathroom in a hotel, the famous singer bequeathed $ 115 million to her daughter.

But the impulsive Bobbi Kristina, unable to withstand the test of the death of matter, was repeatedly treated for a nervous breakdown. And now, as the media report, the only 21-year-old daughter of the singer was also found unconscious in her own house in Atlanta.

Doctors are now recommending that Bobbi Kristina Brown be taken off her medical life support, and that is the end of her hope for recovery.

Although the final decision is up to her father...

In the 25 years that have passed since the recording of her debut album, Whitney has become a superstar, a legend, an icon. Worldwide sales of her albums reached a record high - 140 million albums. According to the list compiled by the Rolling Stones magazine, Whitney Houston is one of the 100 greatest singers in the world. How does the famous "black panther" live now?

Houston and Davis

"I heard the song and I liked it"

Whitney Houston

"When Clive (note: Clive Davis - mentor Houston, one of the top managers of Sony Music Entertainment) called me and said" Are you ready?

"I didn't really follow the movement of music. What I saw in the videos of contemporary artists ... I don't do that. I grew up in this business, in gospel singing. My career and my life moved very quickly," she continues. After I turned 40, I just wanted to be a mother and stay at home."

Fortunately, Davis was persistent and as a result, almost three years later, a new album “I Look to You” appeared. The disc is especially noteworthy for the participation in its creation of the most sought-after producers of our time - R. Kelly, David Foster, Akon, Stargate, Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz.

“I didn’t think about myself when I sang. I thought about my mother, about my cousin Dion. I thought about people with diseases and those who won in spite of adversity,” says the singer.

One of the most positive elements of the new album is Whitney's return to the dance floor. Even the cover of Leon Russell's immortal 'A Song For You', which was recorded with the greats Ray Charles, starts traditionally and moves into a fast beat.

Houston says that she enjoyed recording such songs, but her heart will always be with slow, but emotional compositions. Whitney Houston believes that she is the link in the chain of vocal traditions.

"I hope that the tradition of gospel singing in my voice, in my soul, will be passed on to those who come after me."