Maxim Chernyavsky personal life after the show is a bachelor. The personal life of bachelors from the show "The Bachelor" before and after the project

An enviable groom, 29-year-old businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, is again looking for a bride. The businessman admitted that no longer meets with the winner of the show "The Bachelor" Maria Drigola, whom he chose from all the participants in the project and whom he was going to marry. According to ex-husband singer Anna Sedokova, distance interfered with the relationship: Maria lives in Russia, and Maxim himself lives in Los Angeles.


“The shooting usually lasted twenty hours a day, and we practically didn’t sleep, but it was worth it. These are some unreal emotions that you won’t survive in ordinary life even in five years. As for Masha, everything was for real with us. We really wanted this relationship. After the project, she even flew to me in Los Angeles, when she no longer had to prove anything to anyone. We just realized at some point that Maintaining long distance relationships is extremely difficult. And she couldn't move in with me, because she values ​​​​her family very much," Cherniavsky shared in an interview with Peopletalk.

Maxim now maintains friendly relations with ex-wife Anna Sedokova, from whom he has a four-year-old daughter Monica, and admits that ready for a new relationship. Chernyavsky assures that the appearance of the girl is not the main thing for him.

"I I perceive a person not so much externally as by internal sensations, It is important for me that there is attraction between me and the girl. If nothing shoots inside, then no matter how beautiful she is, I will have absolutely no desire to continue communication with her. I I can pay attention to a completely ordinary girl, if we have some kind of spark when we meet. Of course, a girl should respect her parents, appreciate family values and traditions. It is important to be neat and clean. She has you have to have goals in life and your work. I don't understand girls who just want to marry rich sit at home, do online shopping and spend days in a beauty salon, believing that their life is a success, "the businessman described the girl who can win his heart.

Every unmarried girl dreams of getting to the most romantic TV project in the country. Here and dates with the ideal man, serial intrigues, shooting in fabulous, and sometimes exotic places and instant fame. If you can’t establish a personal life, you will return home, at least as a hero with an army of fans and offers to place cosmetics or designer dresses in your account for a decent amount. For many, "The Bachelor" has become a serious launching pad for career growth or starting their own business. The main thing is that even years later, the participants are remembered, and their future fate is discussed and willingly interested in through social networks.

The other side of the project is less pleasant. Television relationships, the winners of the show, do not receive the desired continuation in real life. Some feelings end after only six months, while others immediately after the completion of the project. Without cameras, “lovers” cease to be interested in each other, move away and, at best, remain acquaintances. It has been repeatedly written that not one of the participants in the show around the world has married his chosen one. Last week, two couples from the Bachelor show announced an unexpected break at once - Maxim Chernyavsky with Maria Drigola and Timur Batrutdinov with Daria Kananukha. StarHit tried to find out why lovers fail to build happy and strong families at the end of a popular project.


Of all the contenders, the 34-year-old football player who played for the Ukrainian national team and in several Dutch clubs, as well as the model and most stylish athlete in the Netherlands, chose the 31-year-old blonde creative producer Olesya Ermakova. The audience watched the relationship of the couple with bated breath. Many understood in advance that Olesya is the only one who really likes Zhenya.

Rumors that Olesya and Eugene were together began to circulate long before the show ended. Some sources reported that the heroes of the reality decided not to wait for the finale and got married right during the project. Allegedly, in the final episodes, Olesya was shown to the waist so that no one could see her rounded tummy. The audience hopefully expected that in the final they would see their real wedding.
But in the final, which was filmed in Paris, there were two participants. In addition to Olesya, the brunette Irina Volodchenko passed. The girls themselves had to invite Yevgeny on a date. A painful choice awaited the bachelor - which of the two finalists to give an engagement ring.

On a date with Olesya, Evgeny had a hard time. Girl laid out in the most different places porcelain fragments that the groom, using the prompts, had to collect and find his bride. On the screen, Eugene coped with the task, but in real life, put together all the pieces of a happy family life failed. Three months after the end of the show, Eugene, living in Holland, wrote on a social network: “Life in two countries has become an obstacle.”
“We talked for a while after breaking up, but now we are not on the way. Now in my thoughts I practically do not return to him and to our beautiful story, - Olesya Ermakova commented on the revelations of bachelor No. 1, - For me, this is in the past. We truly truly loved each other. But at some point, they suddenly realized that one of us lives in one country, the second in another, and this, in the end, killed our relationship.

Already at the beginning of 2014, Olesya was proposed by her friend from London. The young man turned out to be the girl's first love, with whom fate again brought her together after the end of the television project. The young man does not know the Russian language, and his chosen one categorically forbade him to watch a reality show with the participation of Olesya.


To charm the ex-wife of the ex-soloist of "Via Gra" - Anna Sedokova, seemed beyond the power of anyone. An entrepreneur from Los Angeles, Maxim is well versed in girls. And most importantly, the future wife should be liked not only by him and his parents, but also by his little daughter, Monica. Masha Drigola, a 23-year-old graduate of the Faculty of Law of the St. Petersburg State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, came to the project to meet true love and almost immediately captivated the bachelor with sincerity and modesty. The fans of "The Bachelor" declassified the candidacy of the winner almost immediately.

Masha posted photos on social networks from the places where Maxim was photographed. After the show, the lovers had everything for real. Fan groups trumpeted with might and main about the upcoming wedding and confirmed everything with joint photos. Maria could fly to her lover in America from St. Petersburg, because there was an opportunity to work remotely as a lawyer in her father's firm, which was engaged in the sale and repair military equipment.

Months after the show, Maxim gently hugged Masha in public, fed ice cream and told how his house was slowly filling up with her things, his daughter calls her beloved Masha, and.

“For three months, the show lasted so long, we were under the constant sight of cameras, in front of the whole country. And Masha is tired of it. She is not a public figure at all. At least look at her Instagram, she rarely even posts photos there. And he asks me not to post pictures with her on my social networks. Therefore, no one can say where and how we spend time together, so they figure it out, ”Maxim said in an interview with StarHit. - It's hard for Masha, she is attached to her family. And I do not want and do not press, everything should happen naturally. So now she flies to me once a month. It suits us. When you start dating and living together, you are faced with the fact that you may not like everything in a person. Not everything is perfect with us either, but we are working on ourselves, changing for each other. For example, now Masha has become more relaxed.

// Photo: Personal archive of Maxim Chernyavsky

At first glance, the couple all went to the wedding. But a few months later, fans sensed something was wrong, which was abundantly poured out on social networks. Maxim and Maria appeared together only on the recording New Year's show. It was clear from their faces that it was just work.
The couple spent Catholic Christmas, Orthodox Christmas and Valentine's Day apart and did not want to find a moment to spend at least a few days with each other. Soon, Masha suddenly perked up on Instagram and began to upload a lot of pictures, which contradicted the groom's statements about her dislike of publicity. Fans began to be embarrassed that for all the time Masha did not put up a single photo with Max and did not mention a word about their relationship. Even on the birthday of a bachelor, Masha responded dryly on social networks: “My Dear friends! Don't forget to wish Max a happy birthday today!
Apparently, Maxim himself put an end to their relationship, analyzing the merits for Last year which brought him joy, he did not remember Drigol. “Most importantly, I already have an incredible daughter who is three years old! She is my main treasure, and every time I look at her, I cannot believe my happiness. There are many achievements and business victories behind, and even more ambitious goals are ahead! I was very lucky and I found a business that I love ... and at the same time it turned out to be indecently profitable, ”wrote Chernyavsky.
In February, Masha posted on social networks a poem that she wrote herself. According to him, the fans understood that something went wrong in the relationship of the couple. And in November, Maxim openly admitted in an interview that their relationship with Drigola is long in the past. “At some point, we realized that maintaining a relationship at a distance is extremely difficult. And she didn’t manage to move in with me, because she values ​​\u200b\u200bher family very much, ”concluded Chernyavsky.


From the very beginning of the project, the student of the Faculty of Economics of Kazan University kept her distance from the other participants, which aroused distrust in everyone. She almost did not share her dates with Timur with any of the girls. In the final series, for the first time in the history of the project, an intimate scene took place between the bachelor and the finalist. Many after that claimed that this was precisely the reason why Timur, as an honest and well-mannered person, chose Dasha as the winner. Together with Dasha, Galina Rzhaksenskaya, whose victory was predicted by everyone, ended up in the final. Timur admitted that after meeting his relatives, everyone unanimously liked Galya without exception. Therefore, after the final series of the project, the show continued for a long time.

Once Daria mentioned that they stayed with Timur good friends, and even coming to Kazan on tour, he always met with her, and they had a good time. It was not customary for the couple to take joint photographs. Only when the fans had questions, Dasha, in addition to advertising posts, posted on Instagram old photos with Timur or a picture of a hand with a ring given to them. After the end of the filming of the project, Timur accidentally mentioned that the only woman in his life was still his mother, Natalya Evgenievna.

// Photo: Frame from the show "The Bachelor"

In August, in the hometown of Dasha Kananukha, filming took place comedy club Aqua. She was invited among the guests of honor. By chance, among the invitees was her rival on the show, Galina Rzhaksenskaya. At that time, the girls, to put it mildly, did not communicate. Galya assured that she had not come to meet Timur, but only to the closing of the World Aquatics Championship. During the presentation of Dasha by Pasha Volya, Timur appeared on the stage with a bouquet of roses, which he presented to Dasha and kissed her on the cheek. Then he approached Galina and, as in the project, gave her a rose. The embarrassed girl did not answer, and the moment itself was not included in the television version of the program. Dasha was so shocked by the act of the television groom that she hurriedly left the hall, after which, as if nothing had happened, she returned back. The next day, to the delight of the fans, Dasha posted a joint photo with Timur, taken at the entrance to the hotel where he was staying. Galina Rzhaksenskaya had a meeting with fans the next day in Kazan, at which she admitted that of all the participants, Timur most of all does not adhere to the terms of the contract. “Otherwise, why does he say that while Dasha defended her diploma, I visited him at his house” - Galina was indignant.

// Photo: Frame from the show "The Bachelor"

At the Kazan casting of the show "DANCES" - in the hometown of Dasha Kananukhi - Timur, without hesitation, flirted with the participants, complimented their forms and even asked for a phone number. "Kazan is the motherland slender figures and waist. I'm happy for my compatriot! - Timur commented on the appearance of a dancer on stage with 26-year-old Leysan Ismagilova. - Oh, are you from Ufa? Well, then I'm ready to become your fellow countryman!
In early November, Daria opened an etiquette studio and personal growth, and soon in the Periscope application she announced that their paths with the showman had diverged.

Probably, it can be called the most reverent, romantic and at the same time the most dramatic, because the heart of one of the two finalists was broken.

As you know, initially 25 participants came to the show (everything about the first release of the second season of the show "Bachelor"), only two beauties remained in the final - Alena Pavlova and Masha Drigola.

Maxim Chernyavsky: “Now I am on the threshold of some new life. And so for me this is a very strange feeling: now I have to make a very important choice for myself. I choose a future with one girl or a future with another girl, and they are completely different.”

Maxim Chernyavsky presents life with Alena as a constant drive, a stream of emotions. Masha, on the contrary, is gentle, calm, while she is ready to enjoy literally everything around, but is she ready for a serious relationship, the bachelor was tormented. However, unlike Chernyavsky, neither one nor the second finalist had any doubts about their choice.

“We were made for each other and we immediately understood this. On the very first day. It happens that you immediately say: here it is. You see his eyes and something just happens. I'm in love and there is no turning back ... ”, - said Alena.

“I remembered our evening with Max, and all these beautiful moments that you don't want to end. I remembered the kiss, also the first. I was actually very nervous. I was worried, I thought that I did not deserve, I did not deserve. He is so good ... ”Mashenka chirped, but at the same time she said that she was ready to accept any choice of a bachelor.

For Alena in this episode, Maxim prepared a date where she appeared as a "princess of the desert."

However, the girl managed to throw a tantrum this time, deciding to suddenly show her character. However, she changed her mind in time and went to the hammam to massage the bachelor. The meeting between Maxim and Alena ended on a peaceful note, and as a result Chernyavsky admitted that he did not want to leave.

The bachelor decided to make the last date with Masha memorable and spend it in some unexpected place. The couple came to admire the beauty of the Atlas Mountains, only now Masha was in high heeled shoes - it was difficult for her to climb the steep rocks, to put it mildly. However, the girl courageously withstood this test, and in the evening gave Max a romantic in a room strewn with rose petals, with a large teddy bear on the bed.

At the end of the series, the girls put on white bridesmaid dresses. Alena rode up to Maxim on a beautiful Arabian horse. Nice conversation ... Chernyavsky's speeches, in which he was delighted with Alena throughout the entire project and ... recognition that he loves another.

Alena could not hold back her tears, saying that she loved “this person, that she wanted a real family, that she was unworthy of such an attitude ... »

However, even before announcing his decision to Masha, Chernyavsky ruffled her nerves. Saying that he had never met such a sincere person as Maria in his life, the bachelor suddenly covered his eyes with his palm, quietly said: “I'm sorry” and ... left, leaving the girl in complete confusion.

A few minutes later, Maxim returned with a white bouquet: “I want to breathe with you and with you. I want you to always be there! .. I want to confess: I really love you very much.

So, Maria Drigola became the chosen one of the enviable bachelor Maxim Chernyavsky and the winner of the show "The Bachelor", the second season. How the fate of this couple will turn out and whether we should wait for the wedding, time will tell.

Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola were one of the cutest couples in the history of the Bachelor project. Unfortunately, a year later, the young people broke up, but fans still admire their relationship at a time when the lovers were still together.

Maxim's life before the project

The protagonist of the project "Bachelor" (season 2) was raised by his mother and grandmother. Now he is a successful businessman, lives in California, and also has a mansion in Kyiv. Few people know that Maxim owes his professional success to his grandmother. This Strong woman founded a huge network of hardware stores and was even awarded the "Person of the Year" award.

When Chernyavsky was 19 years old, and he studied at the Kiev Trade and Economic University, the grandmother entrusted the guy with the management of one of her stores. By the way, she named her network "Maxi", in honor of her beloved grandson. Until now, Cherniavsky continues to work on the construction business, but now Max is managing his own project.

It is known that in 2011 Maxim married Anna Sedokova. At that time, the girl already had a child, but this did not bother the guy at all. Repeatedly in his interviews, Chernyavsky said that he considered Alina own daughter. Monica was born to the couple six months after the wedding. At this time, the couple lived in Los Angeles. Anna, who was very popular both in Russia and in other CIS countries, could not achieve fame in California.

Then she received an invitation to work in her homeland and left Maxim. According to the guy himself, he understood that his wife would not be able to be content with the life of a housewife, so he let Sedokova go to Moscow. In 2013, it became known that the couple were divorcing. A year after that, Chernyavsky starred in season 2 of The Bachelor.

Who is Maria Drigola?

Unlike Maxim, nothing was known about Masha before participating in season 2 of The Bachelor. Her father was a former admiral and now heads a research and production company that repairs military equipment. The girl's mother also works there. When Drigola was trained as a lawyer, a place was also found for her in her father's company.

Little is known about Masha's past relationships. The girl herself during the project said that she had previously prepared for the wedding with one guy. Since the former lover came from a very rich family, then he thought that he could even acquire a person, but Drigola did not think so. Once a guy suggested that Maria move to Bulgaria with him, but on the condition that he no longer communicate with his family. It is not known why the ex-boyfriend was opposed to Drigola's relatives, but this was precisely what caused the breakup.

The girl went to the project solely because of the persuasion of her mother and younger brother. Relatives said that she would still be able to have a good time, even if nothing worked out with the bachelor. Masha herself joked at the casting that she had never been to children's camps, where everyone constantly competes, and it is "The Bachelor" who can fill this gap.

Love story

Between Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola there was an unusual connection from the very beginning of the project, and over time it only strengthened. Despite this, being on the show was not easy for the girl. Competitors, as soon as they saw that Masha was soft and in many ways naive, began to put pressure on her. One of the participants, Natalya Dolgopolova, endlessly argued that for a bachelor, Maria Drigola is nothing more than a suitcase without a handle: it’s a pity to throw it away, but it’s not easy to drag.

Despite such statements, Natasha left the project in the third week, and Masha reached the final and became the winner.

In the final, Maxim had to choose between Masha and Alena Pavlova. The girls are completely different from each other, and the guy understood this. Maxim knew that his life would be driving and very dramatic if he chose Alena, but in Masha he was attracted by something completely different. He saw how much tenderness, kindness and calmness were in Drigol. Maxim also admitted that the girl knows how to enjoy the little things and for sure she can be happy with him. Of course, Chernyavsky was worried about whether Maria was ready for a serious relationship, but overcame his doubts.

How did the relationship of lovers develop after the show?

After the show, Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola appeared together in latest release. It was devoted to a discussion of how the fate of the participants after "The Bachelor" developed.

The audience saw a short video about the couple's life, and also learned about the most in love answers to all their questions. According to Maxim and Masha, they are happy together. Till former members shows live separately, but the girl very often comes to her beloved in Los Angeles.

Maxim also met a girl in Turkey, where she was vacationing with her family. Much to the surprise of the fans, the couple did not post many photos together, which is why the fans thought that the relationship of lovers is not as smooth as they say. Rumors were denied by actress Olga Rodina. The girl said that she met with lovers in Moscow. Despite the fact that a year had passed since the end of the project, the couple looked as cute as they did in The Bachelor. Olga also added that the whole evening she just admired how they fed each other with a spoon.

Maria and Maxim justify the absence of photographs by the fact that the girl does not like publicity and is simply embarrassed to flaunt her life.

Parting couple

In the fall of 2015, it became known that the couple broke up. The love story of Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola has come to an end. The guy decided to give an interview to tell the fans what really happened.

According to Maxim, what happened between the lovers was truly, sincerely. The guy even previously told reporters that he really wants to marry Drigol. However, if everything was just like that, why did the connection between the lovers disappear?

It turns out that after all, the distance destroyed the amazing love story: Masha lives in Russia, and Maxim lives in Los Angeles. Of course, the couple kept in touch, often saw each other on vacation, then in California, then in Moscow, but over time it became more and more difficult to keep feelings. Chernyavsky repeatedly asked Maria to move in with him, but it turned out that the girl was not ready for such a step. Drigola explains this by attachment to her family, from which she simply cannot imagine separation. The reaction of the fans was very mixed. Many of the fans accused Maria of infantilism. At her age, she should have left her parents a long time ago and started her own family. Viewers of season 2 "The Bachelor" are also sure that Maxim would help his beloved to keep in touch with his family.

Personal life of former lovers

After parting, almost nothing is known about the personal life of Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria. The girl does not publish photos with men, except with her younger brother. Maxim can be seen in the pictures in the company of girls, but the guy himself says that his heart is free.

Our today's hero is a real ideal man! Tall, handsome, smart and professional - this one will definitely not leave you indifferent. Meet! The title of enviable bachelor this week gets (29) - a successful entrepreneur, whom you could also see in the project "Bachelor" on the TNT Last year. He is well versed in people, loves his daughter and cannot imagine life without a piece of chocolate cake. Today Maxim will tell you how a girl can win his heart, who inspires him and in which city he lives most comfortably. Read his interview - perhaps he is looking for you! Jacket, Castello D'Oro (Shopping Center Hymen), trousers, shirt and tie, Debenhams, shoes, Santoni

ABOUT MYSELF I was born in Kyiv. My mother is Russian (originally from Novosibirsk), and my father is Ukrainian, we have always been the most ordinary family. My parents divorced when I was a year old, and each of them had their own families. Our main ideological and business engine is my grandmother, who took over my upbringing when I was still eight years old, and I moved to live with her. She not only influenced me, she was a person who put her soul into me. Despite the fact that she always had a business, we did not live luxuriously and could not afford any excesses. We had huge loans, without which no business can develop. So I didn't grow up in some kind of luxury. As a child, I did not have any consoles or sneakers. Nike or Adidas. Our family has always had such a position that all money should be invested in business and we need to develop. I am very grateful to my grandmother for everything life principles which she instilled in me. Now I have a daughter, without whom I cannot imagine my life, my favorite job and a wonderful, but, unfortunately, not yet a full-fledged family. For happiness, the love of my closest people is enough for me, but, of course, I would like to find a person who would be with me forever.

Suit, Castello D'Oro (Hymeney Mall), shirt and tie, Debenhams, sneakers, property of the hero

ABOUT WORK At the age of 16, as soon as I graduated from school, I immediately ran to work in the family business. It was my first job. I wanted to earn my own money. For the first two years, I worked just like everyone else and lived on the same salary as everyone else in my department. I was not appointed as a manager or director of the store, I did not have any indulgences. I worked as a cashier, a warehouse operator, and a shop assistant. I was told that I had to go through all the steps myself in order to know how the system works. Then I started working on purchasing manufactured goods and flying in China and Indonesia. BUT at the age of 19 I created my first real estate company. Then, in 2004-2005, there was an excellent financial climate, and I began to develop objects for foreign financial funds and at the same time build my first residential real estate, at that time not yet large and not always elite. This gave me tremendous experience, and the profits in Kyiv at that time were, one might say, cosmic. Then in 2008 I sold my company because I felt that the market was too hot and this “ Golden fever"will not end well. In this way, I earned start-up capital and after the crisis began to carefully develop it: partly in Ukraine, but mainly in America. Now I am engaged in real estate, but I do not just sell it, I create it. Development is a business that I like and that I have long wanted to do. I have always wanted to create beautiful properties the way I see them.

Suit and shirt, Debenhams, tie, BML (Gymeney mall)

MAXIM'S DAY I always wake up very early, no later than seven. I usually have breakfast with what my daughter eats - it can be oatmeal or an omelet. In general, I like breakfast more than dinner. After breakfast, I go to work, to construction sites and so on. I usually go to bed no later than midnight. Before going to bed, I first put my daughter to bed, then I do some business at work: I check the mail, take notes, make a schedule for the next day. It amuses me a lot that a lot of people who don't know me personally form their opinions based on Instagram. They see life without worries and problems and really believe that I am not particularly busy during the day, that money is falling from the sky and there is absolutely no need to earn it. It is easier for people to think and thus justify some of their failures, and sometimes just laziness. So I don't even try to convince them.

Jacket, Debenhams, turtleneck, hero's property

ABOUT DAUGHTER Monica is now four years old. And she makes me so happy every day. My daughter lives with me when her mother (Anna Sedokova - Monica's mother and Maxim's ex-wife. - Ed.) leaves, and if we are both in Los Angeles, the daughter lives for half a week either with me or with her mother. Monica's character is an incredible mixture of Anya and me.(Laughs) At the same time, she is insanely sweet and loves it when everything is done the way she needs, she always gets what she wants. FAVORITE CITY Los Angeles - This is a city that I like, I like it very much. I realized this when I first arrived there in 2009. And since 2011, he stayed there to live. I also really like Moscow. I often come here and I have a lot of friends here. However, I still feel more comfortable in Los Angeles.

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE It is very important for me what I eat, because I lose my shape very quickly. However, there is one small problem - it's sweet. Cars and sweets are my weakness! I can hold on and eat right for a long time, but one day I realize that life is meaningless without chocolate cake, and I break down. I can go to a cafe in broad daylight and replenish my blood sugar, because otherwise there will be neither mood nor desire to do something. As for sports, of course, I keep myself in shape. Los Angeles in this sense, it is a unique city, because almost everyone here goes to the gym five or six times a week. Such a way of life.

ABOUT THE PROJECT "BACHELOR" ON TNT When I was first offered to participate in the project, I did not take this idea seriously at all. Yes, and there was not much time. Then at some point, when I was in Kyiv in the summer, a film crew from Moscow to talk to me and do the first interview. I met them and they really liked me. After we continued negotiations, and I thought, why not? In the end, I did not fail. Those were the brightest impressions! Filming usually lasted 20 hours a day, and we hardly slept, but it was worth it. These are some unreal emotions that you cannot survive in ordinary life even in five years. Concerning Masha (Maria Drigola(25) - the winner of the second season of the show "The Bachelor". - Approx. ed.), then we had everything for real. We really wanted this relationship. After the project, she even flew to me in Los Angeles when you no longer had to prove anything to anyone. It’s just that at some point we realized that maintaining a relationship at a distance is extremely difficult. And she didn’t manage to move in with me, because she values ​​\u200b\u200bher family very much.

ADVANTAGES Talking about yourself is somehow difficult. America made me a stable person. If earlier I was explosive, now it is very difficult to piss me off. DISADVANTAGES I'm not that vindictive, but I have such a special feature: if a person has done something wrong in relation to me, I simply stop communicating with him. WHAT CAN BE TOUCHED Only my daughter Monica can move me, and she does it regularly. It's just that Monica does and says everything from the bottom of her heart, and it's touching. WHAT YOU NEVER REGRET I never regret anything. It was and it was. I can still regret some business opportunities. For example, once I could buy an asset that today costs many times more. But I don't want to regret anything else.

WHAT YOU NEVER WANT MONEY AND TIME For travel. I love discovering the world. I definitely rest on May, summer, August and January, and everything else is business trips. WHO INSPIRES Monica! Looking at her, I understand that I want to give her so much, give her the whole world! And for this, a lot needs to be done while it grows. WHAT DOES IT APPRECIATE IN PEOPLE Honest and frank people command respect. In our time, it is most difficult to meet a person without some kind of double bottom. There are very few honest and sincere people who communicate with you not because of material interest, but because of what kind of person you are. I have friends that I really appreciate. I know that they are ready to go to great lengths for me.

ABOUT MACHINES I love cars very much. This is my biggest weakness, and it is very difficult to resist it. PERSONAL LIFE Now I just don't focus on it. I believe that if the right moment comes, this person will appear on his own. And every day praying that I will soon have a girlfriend is not my style. My marriage with Anna Sedokova, the mother of my child, lasted four years. Now we have a great relationship, and we remained friends. DREAM GIRL The problem is that I perceive a person not so much externally as by internal sensations, it is important for me that there is attraction between me and the girl. If nothing shoots inside, then no matter how beautiful she is, I will have absolutely no desire to continue communication with her. I can pay attention to a completely ordinary girl if we have some kind of spark when we meet. Of course, a girl should respect her parents, appreciate family values ​​and traditions. It is important to be neat and clean. She should have goals in life and her own work. I don't understand girls who just want to marry a rich man, stay at home, shop online and spend their days in a beauty salon, believing that their life is good. According to my zodiac sign Virgo. I have a lot of personal characteristics that agree with what a Virgo man should be. HOW TO GET TO KNOW HIM Somehow lately I have little acquaintance with girls on the street or somewhere else, this is not in my rules. Usually acquaintance occurs in the company. Concerning social networks, then I'm not active there at all, because I don't have time for it. I am only in