Chelsea Flower Show. Russia will be represented at the Chelsea Flower Show for the third time

It's no secret that the traditions for the British - a sacred matter. Although, experts say that five o'clock is not the same! It's no joke, putting tea bags in teapots!

But the English tea ceremony is one thing (by the way, milk is always served with tea!), And quite another is the holding of public events and sports championships. This is where the British will not deviate from their traditions! See for yourself.

May is the opening of the gardening season and the Chelsea Flower Show.

Mid-June - Royal Ascot with a strictly regulated dress code for visitors. Traditions are such that ladies must wear hats and men must wear top hats, not to mention the "correct" skirts, blouses, dresses, suits and shoes...

At the end of June, with a difference of one day, two prestigious sporting events will start. First, the Wimbledon tennis tournament, and then the Henly Royal Regatta rowing championship (“Royal Regatta at Henley”).

And if the majority knows about Wimbledon, but about Royal Ascot and the Royal Regatta in Henly - wide circle professionals, amateurs and representatives of secular society, the Chelsea Flower Show is known in our country, perhaps only to a narrow circle of landscape architects and professional gardeners. Until recently, this event was not covered at all in the media.

What is the Chelsea Flower Show?

Simply put, it's the Chelsea Flower Show. But seriously, we are talking about one of the most famous exhibitions in the world landscape design and landscape art. To get to this exhibition is the dream of many landscape architects and horticulturalists. And participate in it - the best of the best, after a serious competitive selection.

The Chelsea Flower Show is held annually in May and runs five days from 8 am to 8 pm. According to official figures, the exhibition welcomes more than 157,000 visitors (despite the ticket price of 60 pounds - a little less than 6,000 rubles at today's exchange rate!) and is widely covered in various media.

It is these 5 days a year that set the main trends in "garden fashion" for the next year, or even for several years ahead. This is a real "High Fashion Week" in the field of landscape design.

It so happened that the opening of the Chelsea Flower Show does not take place without members of the Royal Family. This year, the exhibition was honored by the presence of Queen Elizabeth II, who recently turned 90 years old!

Every event has a story and the Chelsea Flower Show is no exception…

The first flower show was held in Great Britain in 1862 in the Kensington area (Kensington) and was known as the "Great Spring Show". The Kensington exhibition ran for 26 years. In 1888, the exhibition, which at that time consisted of only two tents, was decided to be moved to the very heart of London, to Temple Gardens, where it was a huge success among both amateurs and commercial firms. So, by 1897, the exhibition had grown to the size of five tents, in which the most famous plants and seeds from the English merchants involved in the event were presented.

In 1912, the Temple Show was canceled to make way for a new exhibition, the Royal International Horticultural Exhibition (Royal International Horticultural Exhibition). Sir Harry Veitch helped secure a one-time exhibition at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea. The event was so successful that the exhibition finally moved to Chelsea in 1913.

From 1914 to 1918, as well as during the Second World War, when the territory of the Royal Hospital was used to house military guns, the exhibition was not held. And after the Second World War, they even wanted to close it. But, thanks to the then president of the Royal Horticultural Society (Royal Horticultural Society), who insisted on the need for an exhibition, the Chelsea Flower Show reopened its gates to the public in 1947. Since then, the exhibition has been held annually.

The red brick building in the background is the Royal Chelsea Hospital

The central place of the Chelsea Flower Show is occupied by the "flower" pavilion (about 12,000 square meters) with a variety and incredibly fantasy flower arrangements and installations for every taste. This is where the real triumph of fantasy!

And what size are the flowers here! Here, look!

Have you seen these clematis? We are not!


Peonies, it turns out, are also yellow!

Around the "flower" pavilion are the famous "Chelsea Gardens". It is here that the competition for the title of the best gardens in various categories takes place.

This year the Chelsea Gardens competition was presented in 3 categories:

1) Show Gardens (Exhibition gardens);

2) Artisan Gardens (Craft gardens);

3) Fresh Gardens (Innovative gardens).

In each of the respective nominations, 4 sets of awards were played: a gold medal, a gold-plated silver medal, silver and bronze medals. It is worth noting that the number of awards here is not limited - in one nomination, the jury can award several gold or silver medals.

We won't be reviewing all of the Chelsea Gardens competition, just showing the ones we managed to photograph. The list is far from complete!

Gardens in the category "Fresh Gardens" ("Innovative Gardens")

The Modern Slavery Garden (Gold Medal)

The garden is dedicated to the theme of slavery and celebrates the day when there will be no more slaves in the world. In the center of the composition is an empty dark place surrounded by metal grating. Bright front doors around the lattice represent the exit to the streets where we live

This year, a team of Russian landscape designers led by ecologist Tatyana Goltsova, who won Chelsea silver, also took part in the Chelsea Gardens competition! The name of Tatyana Goltsova's garden "Imperial Garden: Revive!"

In one part of the composition there is a tree (old yew), and in the other - a bronze figure of a girl. The meaning of the composition is that the yew, rejected in the nursery, could be destroyed, but it was here, in Chelsea, that he found new life and was reborn. The trunk and crown of the yew are intertwined with aluminum lace, which connects the tree with the bronze figure of a girl, personifying the "River of Time".

The Sir Simon Milton Foundation Urban Connections Garden (Silver Medal)

The garden reveals the theme of love and companionship, which helps older people overcome the feeling of loneliness in the city. Birches serve as a kind of guide to benches - places for communication and making new friends.

Gardens in the nomination "Show Gardens" ("Exhibition gardens")

The Morgan Stanley Garden for Great Ormond Street Hospital (Gold Medal)

This garden is specially designed for the largest children's hospital in the UK and is designed to create a private place to relax and socializehospital patients and members of their families.

The Harrods British Eccentrics Garden (Gilt Silver Medal)

The garden from Harrods (the most famous department store in London) is interesting, first of all, for its mechanical structures.Every 15 minutes, a performance took place in the garden - the roof of the house rose up, various garden elements were put forward from the ground, and trees, flowers and shrubs spun around their axis or moved in different directions. As one Englishman said at the exhibition: "Yes, it's magic and ... a few wheels"

Cloudy Bay Garden (Gilded Silver Medal)

Company Cloudy Bay, which introduced this garden, produces wine in New Zealand. After the exhibition, the garden elements should be transferred to the garden, created in memory of a schoolchild who died from a polar bear attack in Norway (Horation's Garden), at a rehabilitation center for patients with spinal injuries.the infernal pavilion is made of red cedar.

And this is what the official garden for the Chelsea Flower Show 2016 from the Royal Horticultural Society looks like - RHS Greening Gray Britain for Health, Happiness and Horticulture.

The topic of greening for "health, happiness and gardening" is updated

At the exhibition in Chelsea, you can not only see, but also purchase various garden sculptures, flower arrangements, garden furniture and garden interior items. It also sells seeds and seedlings of plants. If you wish, you can get a free consultation on the design and care of your favorite flower garden.

In addition to the garden competition, Chelsea hosts a separate Garden Product of the Year competition. In 2016, 12 companies were allowed to participate in the competition, among which, already known to many, the Dutch family factory Sneeboer & Zn - manufacturers of the best stainless steel tools in the world, presented a novelty to the competition - a handmade royal hoe.

Yap Snibur with a customer at his stand in Chelsea. ABOUTpay attention to the flowers in narrow-necked vases that look like large bottles. It's peonies! It is customary for the British to completely strip the stems of peonies from the leaves and put them in such vases for 3-5 pieces. It turns out spectacular shaggy hats of flowers that stand for a long time without bending or crumbling!

And, despite the fact that for the second time the Sneeboer factory lost the title of "Garden Product of the Year" to the English company Hozelock, we are very pleased with the unspoken "second place" Sneeboer! We have already mentioned that if there was a People's Choice Award for Garden Product of the Year, it would probably go to Sneeboer & Zn. Few people can boast of selling 60 new items on the first day of the exhibition! Isn't that success and recognition?!

Yap Snibur with a customer

We are glad to inform you that in a month you will be able to buy a handmade royal hoe - a nominee for the title of "Gardening Product of the Year 2016" in Chelsea in our online store!

Inspired by our stay at the Chelsea Flower Show, we decided to take part in the Moscow Flower Show - the Moscow International Festival of Gardens and Flowers, which turns five this year. Wish us luck!

And, if you wish, come to the MUZEON Arts Park from July 01 to July 10, 2016. The price of the issue is 500 rubles.

It's time to create your own traditions!

Developed a special mobile app for adjusting the watering of the garden and informing about what the weather is like in your garden in your absence

Chelsea Flower Show came to an end: it's time to remember the brightest participants and the best moments.


Telegraphgarden has become a general favorite for the 8th time. Andy Sturgeon surprised the judges with his extraordinary design and attention to detail.


MorganStanleygarden, created by Chris Bearshaw, is another of the winners - almost a forest clearing, which was placed on the roof of a children's hospital.

Joe Thompson and his Chelsea Barracks Garden. Although the design looks complicated, it is full of life.

Inspired by Provence L"Occitanegarden by James Besson. Tim Richardson said the designer has strived for subtlety and delicacy in his creations in years past, and he also brought Provence charm to his garden.

M&Ggarden by Clive West is a mesmerizing expression of the Exmoor landscape.

Vestra Wealth's Garden of Mindful Living created by Paul Martin. There is an inspiring design, modern pavilions and flower beds. It was created for the imaginary busy urban client who is in search of self-awareness.

The Russian embassy in London remembered whose Crimea is on the world map

Embassy Russian Federation in London published a map on the social network, on which Crimea is designated as the territory of Ukraine. This is stated on the page of the Russian diplomatic mission on Twitter. Along with a quote...


StJohnsHospicegarden, which was created by Jack McViker, is a "stern clearing"

TheRoyalbankofCanadagarden by Hugo Bagg. The Royal Bank of Canada Garden is an ambitious garden that also features elements of Jordan's desert flora.

The LG Smart Garden byHeyhwang. As the name implies , LG's Smart Garden was created by a designer based on this company. It shows us with all its appearance that technology is combined with nature.

cloudyBaygarden by Sam Owens. Tim Richardson said that the designer “I was forced, in accordance with the requirements of the sponsor, to combine flowers and wine in the garden. He accepted the idea with aplomb."

Husqvarnagarden consists of many hedges and Australian plants, among which you can find the usual British Oyster. This is the only garden at the Chelsea Flower Show 2016 that contains traditional features.

HarrodsbritishEccentricsgarden, designed by Diarmuid Gavin, echoes formal Italian design with quirky touches and round flower beds.

Nick Bailey and his The Winton Beauty of Mathematics Garden. Here the name speaks for itself. Colorful colors and perspective.

Chelsea Flower Show 2016 in London

Chelsea Flower Show 2016: event information

On May 24-28, the Royal Chelsea Hospital in London will host a grandiose festival of landscape design and flowers, which has been the world's leading horticultural event for 140 years.

The Chelsea Flower Show is the most anticipated event of the year by landscape design enthusiasts and professionals, and is popular with both the British and international visitors. The exhibition is held with the support of the royal family of Great Britain. By tradition, one of the first to visit the festival is Elizabeth II, accompanied by members of the royal dynasty and top officials of the state. Since the Queen is celebrating her 90th birthday this year, the upcoming event will be particularly pompous and splendid.

The best landscape designers and florists of the world, who are pre-determined by an expert committee of the Royal Horticultural Society, among thousands of applicants, take part in the show. They present compositions of indescribable beauty from fresh flowers to the judgment of a professional jury. The winners of the competition will receive the main prize - gold medal Chelsea, in several categories: Show Gardens, Craft, Innovative and Generational Gardens.

Topics and main directions of Chelsea Flower Show 2016

In addition to the fantastic exhibition of garden projects located under open sky, guests will be able to visit the pavilion with an area of ​​more than 12,000 sq.m., where you can see and purchase rare varieties of flowers, ornamental and fruit plants.

In total, about 600 displays of flowers and achievements in garden art will be shown during the festival. The most fashionable novelties of the season in the field of gardening and improvement of open spaces, balconies, terraces and roofs will be demonstrated at the participants' stands. Among them: exclusive decorative elements, small architectural forms, collectible outdoor furniture, ready-made country houses.

It is worth noting that in 2016 Russia will take part in the Chelsea Flower Show, for the second time in the history of the exhibition. The country will be represented by designer Tatyana Goltsova with a landscape project called The Imperial Garden: Revive. The theme of the composition is a world without politics. The master's work can also be seen at the Moscow Flower Show festival in early July.

Where will the event take place, schedule of work, visiting conditions

The largest and most prestigious exhibition of landscape design and floristry on the planet will be held from 24 to 28 May in the UK. It will be located in the garden of the Royal Hospital Chelsea, London SW3 4SR.


  • May 24-27 - from 8:00 to 20:00;
  • May 28 - from 8:00 to 17:30.

Price and availability information entrance tickets can be obtained from the official website of the event.


If you want to get acquainted with the most fashionable backyard decoration techniques, admire the extraordinary beauty of live compositions, purchase exclusive decorative elements for your site, you should visit the most prestigious flower show in Chelsea. Chelsea Flower Show 2016 in London.

LONDON, May 24 - RIA Novosti, Maria Tabak. Queen Elizabeth II's ninetieth birthday main theme"Chelsea Flower Show-2016", for Russia, the current exhibition has special meaning thanks to the fact that a Russian landscape designer participates in it for the third time in its 103-year history.

queen and poppies

Elizabeth II celebrated the anniversary in April, and the official celebrations will take place in June, so the Chelsea Flower Show could not ignore the round date.

The Queen's profile of ten thousand flowers, her initials above the gate, the portraits in the pavilion, the flower arch are just some of the "dedications" of gardeners from all over the world to the world's most famous monarch. Elizabeth II herself, according to tradition, visited the flower exhibition on the eve of its opening. This year she was accompanied by her grandson Prince Harry, daughter Princess Anne, son Prince Andrew with his daughters Beatrice and Eugenie, and wife younger son Duchess Sophie of Essex.

The future heir to the throne, the Duke of Cambridge William and his wife Kate on Monday visited the flower show for the first time. They had a good reason: a new variety of chrysanthemums was named after their daughter Princess Charlotte, who recently turned one year old. Chrysanthemums, by the way, are sold in Waitrose supermarkets for £ 8, 50 pence from the sale of each flower go to support East Anglia Children's Hospices, a charitable organization patronized by the Duchess of Cambridge.

This year the clearing immediately adjacent to the Royal Chelsea Hospital ( famous house for the elderly for former military personnel), also became part of the exhibition. During the days of the show, it turned into a carpet of more than 300 thousand homemade poppies - symbols of the memory of fallen soldiers. Posing against a red field on Monday morning were the Chelsea pensioners, always easily recognizable by their bright red uniforms.

The opening of the exhibition of Russia and Britain took place on the Queen's birthdayJoint exhibition Tretyakov Gallery and London's National Portrait Gallery, as part of the Year of Language and Literature of Great Britain and Russia, opened on the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, who turned 90 on April 21.

On Monday, the exhibition, in addition to members royal family and hundreds of journalists, celebrities visit: among the flower installations, gardens and garden sculptures, media mogul Rupert Murdoch and his wife Jerry Hall, actresses Rosamund Pike and Demi Moore, Twiggy's former model, fashion designer Sir Paul Smith were seen among the flower installations.

Russia on the show

This year Tatyana Goltsova, a landscape designer from Russia, is taking part in the show.

"To create my garden at the Chelsea Flower Show was my dream. I have been going to her for the last five years. For a landscape designer, it's like Nobel Prize, they stubbornly go to her all their careers. But besides being the most prestigious exhibition in the world, it is also an exhibition of ideas. Ideas, the language of which everyone understands. This is the language of nature and beauty in the hands of man," Goltsova, 32, told RIA Novosti.

Competitors at the Chelsea Flower Show must pass a very high competition, and preparations for it must begin several years in advance, trying to develop concepts that experts from the Royal Horticultural Society (Royal Horticultural Society) consider worthy of participation in the exhibition.

The garden of Goltsova, the head of the landscape company DeLand, is called The Imperial Garden: Revive.

"We have been preparing for this exhibition for more than a year, the qualifying stage was going on for about five months, and the remaining time was preparation for construction. The garden itself at the Chelsea Flower Show was built in seven days. In the Innovative Gardens category, this is the largest garden," Goltsova said.

The central motif in the design of the garden is lace, traditionally associated with the Slavic peoples. It took more than 1,200 kilograms of aluminum to create it.

The choice of plants for The Imperial Garden: Revive project is also quite unusual. The basis of the composition is horsetails, mosses and ferns. They are considered to be weeds. The designer, according to her, uses them as "symbols of pristine nature." In addition to them are bows, irises and astrantia.

The accent of the garden was a tree, among the branches of which a clock is hidden.

"For the sake of the "tree with character" I traveled half of Europe. As a result, I found it in the Lorberg nursery in Berlin. A lone yew, twisted by bad weather and time, did not look like other trees, slender and even. We gave this tree a second life, it was old, obsolete, and we made it the central point of the garden, braiding it with lace. And the hands on the clock show eight minutes to eight - a symbol of infinity, "she said.

The bronze sculpture with aluminum elements "River of Time" was created especially for the Chelsea Flower Show by Ukrainian designer Victoria Chichinadze.

"It was important for me that my garden was something more than just beautiful garden. It is no coincidence that its name contains the word "revive". To revive peace and harmony, which the world lacks so much. I wanted our garden to remind us of what unites us, about life, love, family, nature, friendship. I am Russian, the project sculptor is Ukrainian, the project curator is English, and the tree in our garden is from Germany. United us in creating a garden common goal- to do something beautiful. And this is the main thing," Goltsova said.

The guest of honor at the presentation of the garden was the great-niece of Emperor Nicholas II, Princess Olga Andreevna Romanova.

"This garden also turns out to be a symbol of the revival of relations between countries - Russia and Britain, this is the main thing we wanted to say. It was created in the year of the Queen's 90th birthday, in the cross Russian-British year of language and literature. All this came together," designer added.

Assistance in the implementation of the project at the London exhibition was provided by the largest garden center in Russia and Europe, Imperial Garden. Goltsova said that she had already received an application from this center for the purchase of a garden.

After the exhibition in London, The Imperial Garden: Revive can be seen in Moscow - at International festival gardens and flowers Moscow Flower Show.

"This garden can be built into any space, it can be enlarged, reduced," Goltsova noted.

The last time a Russian designer took part in the Chelsea Flower Show was in 2007. Karina Lazareva was awarded the gold medal of the exhibition, and her garden "City Haven" was recognized by the jury as the best in the "City Gardens" category.

The Chelsea Flower Show is one of the largest floricultural exhibitions in Europe, which has been held at the Royal Chelsea Hospital in London for over a hundred years.

The Chelsea Show is a prestigious and fashionable event of the year, for which flower growers and landscape designers are carefully preparing, and the public is looking forward to. The motto of the exhibition is gardening as an art. Every year at the exhibition, nurseries and arboretums from all over the world present their competitive gardens to the audience - usually there are more than forty of them in the program. The contestants compete for the main prize in four categories - Show Gardens, Craft Gardens, Innovative Gardens and Generation Gardens. In total, at least 600 exhibitors and about 200 thousand visitors take part in each Chelsea Flower Show.

The exhibition is popular not only among gardeners and designers - due to its spectacularity and pronounced secular character, it attracts movie and show business stars, famous writers, politicians and artists. Once having visited the Chelsea Flower Show, I want to come here again. And this is reasonable, since each subsequent exhibition is not like the previous ones.