Watching the sky and rain. Card file on the topic: Winter observations in kindergarten

Target: Watching how black, heavy clouds slowly move across the sky, because they are driven by the wind. Develop an interest in any weather.

vocabulary work: activation: cloud, sky, clouds, rain; enrichment: covers, drizzles, gloomy, naked, naked, the wind howls withering.

art word: A cloud covers the sky - the sky does not shine,

The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling.

: rain washes away dirt and sand from objects. (In the rain, put a few molds, a ball, a shovel and watch how sand and dirt flow down with water.

Card #21

Watching morning frost

Target: Observe changes in nature (living and non-living) with the onset of cold weather, frost.

vocabulary work: activation: puddle, thin ice, sunbeam, barefoot; enrichment: sparkling, brittle, transparent, light blue.

art word: In the morning the puddle sparkles

Blue, thin ice ...

Sunny Bunny is afraid

Run around barefoot.


Research activities: observation of ice in puddles: at first it is hard, by lunchtime it can be pierced with a stick, it melts, becomes thin brittle.

Card #22


Target: Continue fixing the names of the autumn months. Introduce popular name October. Learn to compare the weather in early September and early October.

vocabulary work: activation: october, turned yellow, mid-autumn; enrichment: they burn with gold, "dirty"

art word: It's October

Our garden turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold.

Conversation on the content of the poem .

Methodical technique: a conversation with the aim of communicating knowledge:

October - second autumn month, mid-autumn.

October - "leaf fall", "dirty". The time has come for the "golden" autumn.

Research activities: to determine empirically that the sand is frozen in the morning - it does not dig, does not pour, and the top layer thaws by lunchtime, in the evening, in warm weather, it can be dug and poured.

Card #23

Weather observation.

Target: Teach children to determine the weather on their own. It should be noted that in October - mid-autumn, it often rains coldly, the sky is covered with gray, heavy clouds, the grasses turn brown from moisture, the trees stand bare. Increasingly in the morning frosts, frosts. There is wet snow. The snow melts quickly, puddles are covered with ice, but it is thin, not durable, not durable - it melts during the day. Develop knowledge of folklore.

Vocabulary work: activation: dead grass, frequent rain; enrichment: clouds are clouding, grasses are turning brown, frosts.

art word: In October, in October

Frequent rain outside

Grass is dead in the meadows

The grasshopper was silent.

Essay on the content of the poem.

Research activities: observation of the sand: it has become hard, frozen, it cannot be dug (because the earth has cooled down, prepare for winter).

Card #24

Watching rain, sleet.

Target: Note that it often rains with snow. The puddles don't dry up. Learn to compare. Point out similarities and differences. Practice children in reading poems about autumn.

vocabulary work: activation: rain, enrichment: torrential, lingering.

Methodical reception The teacher invites the children to read a poem about autumn.

Conversation on the content of poems

Research activities: " Music of the rain"

Children put in the rain upside down: an aluminum saucepan, a plastic one, a sheet of paper and listen to how drops knock on various surfaces.

Card #25

Watching rain, wet puddles.

Target: Note that in late autumn it often rains with sleet, tell that they are needed by plants and the earth.

Vocabulary work: activation: autumn, path, puddles; enrichment: clear, lost, accumulate, imbibe.

art word: Autumn leaves along the path,

Wet her feet in puddles.

It's raining

And there is no light.

Summer is lost somewhere.

Conversation on the content of the poem .

Research activities: Mark the condition of the sand.

Why is sand hard?

Selection of adjectives for the noun "sand" (solid, cold, free-flowing, icy, shiny ...)

Card #26

Observation of birds, their habits.

Target: Continue birdwatching in the area. Talk about migratory birds, how they gather in flocks, prepare to fly away.

The closest celestial body to us is, a satellite of the Earth, a world of rocks the size of a quarter of the Earth. The Sun is a ball of hot gas, more than 100 times the size of the Earth. We are separated from the Sun by about 150 million km - a distance taken as one astronomical unit(a. e.).

The moon makes a complete revolution around the earth in 27.3 days, while the earth turns around the sun in 1 year (365.24 days). The orbits lie inside the orbit of the Earth, while the outermost planet solar system. Seven stars are within 10 light-years of us, and the closest one to us is a faint companion. Alpha Centauri. The solar system is located in one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way, which consists of stars, gas and dust. local group includes three spiral galaxies: the Andromeda galaxy (M31), Milky Way and MZZ. The local supercluster of galaxies in Virgo consists of about 5 thousand galaxies, united in several clouds. There are billions of galaxies in clusters, layers and chains separated by empty space.

Observation of luminous objects in the starry sky

On a good clear night, up to 3,000 stars can be observed in the sky with the naked eye. The bright band of the Milky Way is also clearly visible. The observer is able to detect up to five planets. In appearance, very similar to stars, the planets differ in that they move relative to the starry sky. The moon changes position and phase during its monthly cycle. At times, the dark sky is drawn by bright stripes, flashing and fading in a split second. These are the so-called falling stars are actually meteors. It happens that the head of a comet and its ghostly glowing tail are visible in the sky.

The scale of the universe

The speed of which is 300 thousand km / s, travels from the Moon in a little over a second. It takes the sun's rays 8.3 minutes to reach the Earth, and it takes light about 5.5 hours to cover the distance from us to Pluto. When estimating the distances to the stars, it is no longer possible to get by with seconds as within the solar system. Take for example the nearest star, called Proxima Centauri, it takes 4.3 years of light from it, and this faint red star is said to be at a distance of 4.3 light years. The diameter of our Galaxy is about 100 thousand light years! It is even more difficult to imagine the distances between galaxies. For example, the nearest galaxy to us, Andromeda, is located at a distance of 2.2 million light years from us. Together with our galaxy, it is included in local group, consisting of approximately 30 galaxies concentrated in a region with a diameter of about 4 million light years. The local group is located on the edge of a huge supercluster in Virgo. Modern telescopes make it possible to detect galaxies at a distance of more than 10 billion light years, while the number of galaxies in the entire observable universe is much larger and amounts to many billions.

Returning to the stars, it should be said that others are much further than the mentioned proxima of Centauri. The speed of light is about 300 thousand km/s. The distance that it can cover in one year (about 10 billion km) is called light year. What can we say about other stars, when the closest one to us is 4.3 light years away. The sun is also a star, one of the billion that make up our galaxy, or the Milky Way. Of course, our Galaxy is not the only one in the Universe. Astronomers have the opportunity to observe billions of such formations, remote at distances up to 10 billion light years. Galaxies form groups, or clusters, which in turn unite into even larger superclusters. But all this is only a part of the Universe, the dimensions of which are still unknown, inaccessible to human imagination.

Starry sky maps

If you live north of the equator, the names of the months will tell you when the suit of the celestial sphere adjacent to them on the map will be in the south at 10 pm. A month later, the same part of the sky should be sought in the south at 8 pm. If you live south of the equator, the names of the months will indicate when the corresponding part of the sky is at 10 pm in the north.

For many millennia, stars have attracted the attention of people who already in ancient times knew how to distinguish groups of stars with a characteristic arrangement - constellations, to which they gave the names of characters in myths and legends. Among the many constellations, some are easily recognizable, others require more imagination. One of the most notable is Orion. This constellation appears to us as a hunter striding across the sky.

Landmarks in the starry sky

Continuing mentally the straight line connecting the three stars of Orion's belt, and one side, we will find Sirius- the brightest star in the sky. Continuing the line in the opposite direction, we will find the star Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus. The seven brightest stars in Ursa Major form the Big Dipper. Two wonderful stars Merah and Dubhe are also called Pointers, because the straight line connecting them will always show the observer the way to the North Star.

compiler: Berdova O.I.

Card number 1.
"Signs of Coming Winter"
Purpose: Invite the children to divide into two teams and take part in the competition "Who will find more signs of winter" (it became cold, children and adults dress warmer, the ground is hard, frozen, puddles froze, snow fell). Summing up the results of the competition, marking the winners in the nominations: “Most correct answers”, “For figurative descriptions”, “For the most vivid fantasies”, etc.

Artistic word:
The days got shorter
The sun shines a little
Here comes the frost
And winter has come.
I. Surikov.

Folk signs:
"Ponds completely frozen"
"The ground is covered with snow"
“Red-breasted bullfinches appeared in forest parks”
"There are the shortest days and the longest nights"

Card number 2.

"For the weather in winter"
Purpose: To teach children to observe and talk about the state of the weather, to accurately name and correctly record with the help of signs the main characteristics of the weather (cloudiness, temperature, wind, precipitation).

Folk signs:
"In winter, crows fly and circle in flocks - to frost."
"Strong draft in the furnace in winter - in frost, weak - in wet weather."
"The flies woke up in the middle of winter - to a long thaw."
"Clear skies - to frost."
"The day begins with fog - to be thaw."
"The frost is weaker in the evening - to the precipitation."
Card number 3.

"The Appearance of Icicles"
Purpose: Invite the children to answer the question of where to find icicles and check their guesses. Tell the children how icicles appear, what interesting experiments and observations can be made together with adults. Familiarize children with safety rules winter time.

We have a white nail hanging under the roof,
The sun will rise, the nail will fall.
The brook was in a hurry to jump down,
Hooked on the knots and hung.

Card number 4.

Purpose: To draw attention to the beauty of the winter landscape, to suggest examining the branches covered with frost, to suggest how frost is formed. Summarize the statements of the children, tell why the trees were covered with "silver".

In white velvet, the village is both fences and trees.
And as the wind attacks, this velvet will fall.

Folk signs:
“If there was frost at night, don’t expect snow during the day.”
"Hoarfrost on the trees - to frost, fog to thaw."

Artistic word:
Silver through the trees
The veil has been thrown -
Snow-white, fluffy,
Lace beauty!
And the sad birch itself
I couldn't find out myself
So skillfully adorned
Winter tree branches...
G. Galina.

Card number 5.

"For the cat"
Purpose: To invite children to consider a cat, watch it, pay attention to changes in its appearance and behavior. Systematize and supplement children's ideas about the life of animals in winter.

Folk signs:
"The cat closes its muzzle with its paw - to a blizzard."
"A cat on the stove - a cold in the yard."
"The cat sleeps soundly and for a long time - to warmth."

mustachioed muzzle,
striped coat,
Washes often
And I don't know about water.

Card number 6.

"Change in the height of the snow cover"
Purpose: To invite children to determine the height of the snow cover in different places plot and guess where the "snow blanket" is thicker. Ask them to come up with a way to test their ideas. Teach children to measure the height of the snow cover with a meter ruler. Compare with sticks.

Like a white tablecloth
He covered the roof
In silver dresses
Decorated the trees.

Folk signs:
"A lot of snow - a lot of bread."
“If in December the snow rolls close to the fences, the summer will be bad; If there is a gap - to the harvest "

Card number 7.

"Spruce and Pine in Winter"
Purpose: To teach children to distinguish between spruce and pine, to suggest compiling comparative story on behalf of each tree. Develop verbal imagination, coherent speech.

blossom in spring,
I bear fruit in summer
I don't fade in autumn
I don't die in winter.
(Fur tree, pine tree)

Card number 8.

"Behind the Crow"
Purpose: To teach children to distinguish this bird from others in appearance and voice; note the peculiarities of her behavior in winter period. Invite the children to remember how the crow is described in Russian folk tales; talk about the amazing intelligence and cunning of these birds.

Folk sign:
"Crows staged a round dance in the sky - to the snowfall"

Artistic word:
Here is a crow sitting on a fence.
All barns have long been closed.
All carts have passed, all carts,
She fusses on the fence -
Woe to her, real grief!
After all, a crow does not have a grain
And there is no protection from the cold.
N. Rubtsov.
Card number 9.

"Blue Evening"
Purpose: To invite children to describe the weather, pay attention to the color of snow in the light of lanterns and in the shade. Help write a story about how everything around looks like on a winter evening.
Card number 10.

"Properties of Snow"
Purpose: to invite children to tell what they know about the properties of snow, to suggest whether snow is the same everywhere. Dig a hole and invite the children to examine the layers of snow (often the snow below is dark. Dense, may contain ice crusts, and the snow is fluffy, clean on top). Explain to the children the reason for such a difference in the properties of snow - during the thaw, the snow melts. Dissolves and absorbs soil particles. Therefore, it becomes dark.

Artistic word:
The winds came from the south
They brought warmth.
And the snowdrifts settled at once,
At noon, it leaked from the roof.

Card number 11.

"Beyond the Sky"
Purpose: To invite children to tell about the sky based on the results of observation, note what color it is, what you can see on it, what kind of “mood” it has.

Folk sign:
"White clouds in winter - to the wind, blue - to the thaw."

Card number 12.

"Janitor cleans the snow."
Purpose: to invite children to observe the work of a janitor, talk about its importance, express gratitude on behalf of people. Who walk along cleared and sanded paths, and plants that they cover with snow. Organize the provision of all possible assistance to him.

He gets up early in the morning
Take a shovel in hand
The pavement will clean
And clean up the whole yard.
(Street cleaner)

Artistic word:
“The janitor will rise at dawn,
The snow will clear in the yard.
Janitor picks up trash
And sand will sprinkle ice.

Card number 13.

"Age of passers-by"
Purpose: To invite children to watch passers-by, determine their age, give a detailed answer using the construction of the sentence, argue their opinion.
Card number 14.

"Behind the Snowflakes"
Purpose: To invite children to consider snow, tell what snowflakes look like: white groats (in cold and windy weather), swan fluff (in calm and warm weather). Help to draw a conclusion about the dependence of the type of snowflakes on weather conditions.
White, patterned little star,
You fly into my arms, sit for a minute.

Card number 15.

"Behind the objects of the surrounding reality"
Purpose: Invite children to pay attention to frozen windows, look at the patterns on them, determine what they look like. Tell the children why ice patterns appear on the windows.

Invisible, carefully he comes to me,
And he draws like an artist, he designs on the window.
This is a maple, and this is a willow, here is a palm tree in front of me.
How beautifully he draws with white paint alone.
Card number 16.

"Firs in winter"
Purpose: To invite children to make a comparative description of a spruce and one of the deciduous trees. Organize observation in order to find out why birds fly to spruce.

What is this girl?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
Doesn't sew anything
And in needles all year round,

Artistic word:
Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!
Our poor garden has become quiet.
And birches and aspens
Boring stand.
Only one Christmas tree
Cheerful and green.
It can be seen that she is not afraid of frost,
Apparently she is brave.

Card number 17.

"Winter Wind"
Purpose: To teach children to identify and describe the characteristics of the wind (weak, strong, gusty, no wind), to help them write a story about their actions to identify the features of the wind.
Who throws snow in your face?
Sweeps on the porch?
Who howled in the stove chimney?
Who opened the gate?
Artistic word:
The winds blow in February
Howling in the pipes loudly.
Snake rushes along the ground
Light ground.
S. Marshak.

Card number 18.
"Learning to recognize trees"
Purpose: To consolidate the ability of children to distinguish trees and shrubs by the bark of trunks, the location of branches, the fruits remaining on the branches. Learn to convey your reasoning, defend your point of view, conduct a dialogue with your opponent.
Questions for the conversation:
"About the birch".
1. What does birch look like?
2. Where do birch trees grow most often?
3. Why is it said about a birch that there are four lands in this tree?
"About oak"
1. What does oak look like?
2. What is the oak forest called?
3. What is the difference between an oak that has grown in an open area and an oak that has grown in a forest?
"About Linden"
1. What does a linden tree look like?
2. Why do they say that the linden shoes, feeds, waters a person?
"About Maple"
!.What does maple look like?
2. What animals insulate their homes with fallen leaves?
3. Why does a maple seed need a wing?
"About rowan"
1. What does a mountain ash look like?
2. What animals like rowan berries?
Card number 19.

"Behind the movement of snowflakes"
Purpose: To invite children to watch the flight of snowflakes, discuss and compare the results of today's observation with what they saw earlier.
Lead to the conclusion that the type of snowflakes and the features of their flight are related to the weather. Develop observation, learn to admire the beauty of winter nature.
Artistic word:
Snowflake Dandelion
Bring to the lips Winter,
Just blow - and fluff
The seeds will scatter!
Dandelion flies around
Fire is burning in the windows
Winter evening substitutes
White stars palm.
Card number 20.

"Behind the Plants (Shrubs)"
Purpose: To organize the compilation by children of a collective story “The History of Jasmine” about what the bush was like in spring and summer, what happened to it in autumn. Describe the life of plants in winter.

Card number 21.

"For the birds flying to the feeder"
Purpose: Discuss with the children why you should not go close to the feeders; agree on how the observation will take place. Teach children to be quiet near the feeders, control their behavior, educate careful attitude to the feathered ones.
Artistic word:
Our friends.
Every day. Sitting on the feeder, birds
When we get up, they clean their feathers.
My brother and I are together, There are carduelis, siskins, tits
Taking cereals And sly sparrows,
And bread crumbs, Waiting for us also patiently
Let's run to the porch. And handsome bullfinches ...
A lot of affectionate, good. Everyone is used to it - not shy,
Flies to us friends. Take them with your hands! I. Surikov.

Card number 22.

"Winter Sunset"
Purpose: To invite children to read I. Surikov’s poem “The days have become shorter”, to suggest comparing the description given in the poem with the results of their observations.

Folk sign:
"Sunset in the clouds - to the snowfall."

Card number 23.

"Behind the Birds"
Purpose: To show children the lifestyle changes of familiar birds in winter, pay attention to their behavior depending on the weather.

Folk signs:
"The sparrows chirped together - to the thaw."
"The cuckoo will crow - no more frost to be seen."
“The crows croaked with the whole flock - to the frost, staged round dances in the sky - to the snowfall. They sit on the ground - by the thaw, sit on the lower branches of trees - wait for the wind.

Card number 24.

"Snow Carpet"
Purpose: To draw the attention of children to the beauty of snow shimmering in the sun, to learn to select definitions for the word "snow", to compose short story about what he saw. Develop imaginative thinking, enrich vocabulary.

fluffy carpet
Not hand-woven,
Not sewn with silk.
With the sun, with the moon
Shines silver.

Card number 25.

"Behind the work of the driver"
Purpose: To explain the importance of the work of the driver, to maintain interest in people different professions. Invite the children to write a story on behalf of the driver about how he takes care of the guys.

Artistic word:
Cars rushing madly -
Their tires rustle along the highway.
And in the rushing avalanche - shu-shu-shu.
This tire whispers to the tire:
"I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry."
Y. Razumovsky.
Card number 26.

"Changing the length of the day"
Purpose: Observation and personal experience children (come to kindergarten and leave after dark) allow them to conclude that the winter day is short and the night is long.

"Winter day with sparrows".

Card number 27.

"Snowflake Properties"
Purpose: To invite children to catch a snowflake on a sheet of black paper, consider, try to draw its shape. Offer to catch a snowflake on a mitten, and then on a palm, make an assumption about where the snowflake will melt faster, find out who was right.
A star circled in the air a little,
Sat and melted on my palm.
Artistic word:
About winter.
Snow fluffy, silvery
Lightly spreads with a carpet,
And snowflakes, like fluffs,
Curl merrily around.

Card number 28.

"For tits"
Purpose: To invite children to consider the plumage of a bird, listen to riddles about tits, correlate figurative expressions in the description of a bird (Black cap, yellow vest) with the appearance of a titmouse. Tell the children about the behavior of tits in the winter, about the benefits brought by these birds. Invite the children to feed the tits, think about what words of gratitude the birds could say to the children.

You are with this fashionista,
Of course familiar:
Turntable in place
Doesn't fit at all -
Everything boasts
With your yellow frock coat
And a black hat
Proud of ... (titmouse).
Artistic word:
The paws of the titmouse are freezing: - Look here,
It’s bad for them without mittens, This is delicious food! ..
Yes, and hungry in the cold ... They sit on my palm,
I brought them seeds: They warm their paws. Not to be afraid of.

Card number 29.
"Plant World in Winter"
Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with changes in nature. Invite children to consider trees and shrubs, learn to name the characteristic signs of the condition flora in winter (bare branches, brittle from frost, black trunks).
Artistic word:
“Here comes the frost… Like a blanket.
Autumn is forgotten ... Now they are only in the spring
Calmed down, the spring forest froze. Wishing you rain
Under the low roof of heaven, Thunder will awaken ...
Trees sleep, throwing off their clothes. The trees are sleeping
And don't bother them in the least Just like people
No wind whistling, no blizzards howl: And day after day they grow in a dream.
K. Chomov wrapped them up with her head.
Winter in its snow.
Card number 30.

"Behind the Snowfall"
Purpose: To invite children to tell, based on the results of observation, how snowflakes move, what they are, to help draw a conclusion about the relationship between the shape and features of the movement of snowflakes with air temperature and the nature of the wind. Develop observation logical thinking.

Snow falls from the sky,
Like a light fluff...
Why, sighing heavily,
Whispering roof:
"Oh, how hard!"?
Ts. Angelov.
Card number 31.

"The relationship of natural phenomena"
Purpose: To invite children to describe the weather on a clear sunny day:
consider how the color of the snow has changed in a sunny place, what it is in the shade; where icicles formed. To help draw a conclusion about the influence of the position of the sun on the horizon on air temperature and snow properties.

Artistic word:
Frost and sun - Under blue skies
The day is wonderful. splendid carpets,
A. Pushkin Snow lies shining in the sun.
A. Pushkin
Card number 32.
"Clothes of passers-by"
Purpose: To invite children to consider passers-by, pay attention to outerwear, hats, shoes. Help compose a comparative story “Clothes in winter and autumn”, talk about what to wear means to take care of your health.
You hide two legs in them - Soft, warm, fluffy,
And run in the cold for a walk. collar and sleeves,
(Boots) The kids won't freeze. (Fur coat)

I'm on my head in winter
I warm the ears of the kids. (Hat)
Card number 33.

"Footprints in the snow"
Purpose: To teach children to find traces of birds and animals in the snow, to distinguish them, to compose according to the results of reasoning short story(who passed here, in which direction he was heading, how he moved - walked, ran, jumped). Develop observation, logical thinking, attention, coherent speech.
“Oh, how the hare snarled,
He ran away from the fox.
The wolf did not get
And he stayed alive."
L. Voronkova.

Artistic word:
Letter in the snow.
Embroidered snow
beautiful line,
Like a white shirt.
I call dad to the yard:
- Look at the pattern!
Dad looks down
- Here is a letter for you, Denis! -
Birds and animals write:
“Make us feeders, Denis!”
N. Golinovskaya.

Card number 34
"Properties of Ice"
Purpose: To summarize, systematize, clarify and supplement children's ideas about the properties of ice, invite children to tell how you can get colored ice, what you need for this. Freeze tinted water and decorate snow buildings.
Artistic word:
Does not go and does not go
Because ice.
Falls great!
Why is nobody
Not happy?!
V. Berestov.
Without hands, without an ax
Bridge built.

Card number 35.

"Insulation of trees and shrubs with snow"
Purpose: To invite children to talk about the purpose of this work, individual actions performed by adults. Invite the children, based on their knowledge, to explain why it is impossible to trample down the snow under the trees, rake it, walk around the garden and flower garden.

"Snow to the earth-nurse - like a warm casing."
"The snow will inflate - the bread will arrive"
Card number 36.

"Ice Patterns on the Windows"
Purpose: To draw the attention of children to the windows of houses, a kindergarten, to suggest making assumptions about how white patterns appear on them. Tell the children how ice crystals are formed. Why do they shimmer and shine in the light.
Artistic word:
Snow fairy tale.
Frosty frost on the glass
How many dashes and lines!
I only know,
Who is standing there at the window.
Snow Maiden breathes on the glass
And diligently writes letters,
Leads with her finger:
"C" - snowflake, "Z" - winter.
N. Frenkel.
Card number 37.

"Trees in February"
Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about the features of the state of trees and shrubs in winter. Talk about the fact that in February the plants are preparing for the "awakening", offer to pick up the branches broken by the wind in order to put them in a group in the water for later observation.
We saw him dressed in the spring,
And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off the poor thing,
But winter blizzards dressed him in furs.
(tree in winter)
Card number 38.

"Power of the Wind"
Purpose: To teach children to determine the strength of the wind different ways, compare the results obtained different groups guys, choose words to characterize the wind (strong, moderate, gusty, piercing, etc.).
slapped on the cheeks,
He whipped his hands
Took the hat off my head
And he ran away.
Card number 39.

"Behind the Animals"
Purpose: To update, systematize and supplement the knowledge of children about how they adapt to adverse conditions life in winter animals. Offer to consider a cat, analyze its behavior in winter and other periods of the year, draw appropriate conclusions.

Stroking - caressing
Teasing - biting.
mustachioed muzzle,
striped coat,
Washes often
And I don't know about water.
Artistic word:
Here is the dog Bug,
Squiggle tail,
Sharp teeth - wow!
The fur is mottled. Woof! Woof!
All day we have work:
We are looking for the cat Fedot.
The cat didn't come to dinner.
Where are you hiding, Fedot?

Card number 40.

"Sun on a Winter Day"
Purpose: To teach children to characterize the weather by the presence or absence of the sun in the sky (clear or overcast). To bring the children to an understanding of the dependence of air temperature on the sun, to form the idea that it is necessary for life on earth.
Folk sign:
“At the morning dawn, the sun is red - for a snowstorm”
“In winter, the sun, like a stepmother, shines, but does not warm.”
And the moon shines when there is no sun.
Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,
golden side,
I dived for the trees
There he fell asleep soundly.
And woke up in the morning -
Smiled at the whole world.
Artistic word:
Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Snow shines in the sun.
A. Pushkin

Card number 41.
"Behind the snowman"
Purpose: To invite children to consider bullfinches, describe them appearance. Tell about the features of this bird, its life.
Black-winged, red-breasted,
And in the winter he will find shelter:
He is not afraid of a cold,
With the first snow right there!
Folk sign:
"The bullfinch sings in winter - in the snow, in the blizzard."
Artistic word:
Where are you from? Where are you from
Came to us, red-breasted?
- I flew all over Siberia.
- What is your name?
- Bullfinch. M. Lapygin.
Card number 42.

"Behind the blizzard and snow"
Purpose: To continue to introduce children to seasonal phenomena. Draw the attention of children to how the snow moves, how the wind howls. Suggest, based on the results of the observation, to tell what a blizzard is, what is called a blowing snow.

Runs through the snow, but there is no trace.
(driving snow)
I fly in the field, I walk in the wild,
I twist, I grumble, I don’t want to know anyone.
I run along the village, sweeping snowdrifts.
Artistic word:
The winds blow in February, the chimneys howl loudly.
A light snow rushes along the ground like a snake ...
S. Marshak

... And a blizzard in the yard
Spreads like a silk carpet,
But it's too cold...
S. Yesenin

Walk middle group.

Watching the summer sky.

Purpose: to draw children's attention to the beauty of the summer sky, to cultivate a love of nature, to develop curiosity in children, creative imagination.

Educator: Children, look at the sky, how bright blue it is. And in winter the sky is gray, dark. In the summer it is light, bright outside, and the sky seems high, high, the birds rush one after another, enjoy the warmth, good weather. White clouds float across the sky. See what shape, what they look like? And what was the sky like in the morning when we came to kindergarten? Have the white clouds changed their shape?

I want to tell you about some signs: the direction of the wind and the movement of clouds are not the same - towards rain; if we see black, dark, low, fast moving clouds, bad weather will continue.

And here are some sayings and proverbs, remember: in June, a day, a year; in June, every bush will let you spend the night.

Summer poem.

I. Surikov

The sun is shining brightly

It's warm outside

And wherever you look.

Everything around is light.

And now guys a riddle:

Above the forest. Above the mountains

The carpet is spreading

He is always, always scattered

Above you and above me

He's gray, he's blue

He is pale blue.

Well, guess - the sky, right. Well done!

Experimental activity "Funny boats" (Buoyancy of objects)

Purpose: to experimentally show the various properties of objects.

We pour water into the basin and lower objects made of various materials (corks, lids, plastic, wooden parts) We observe with the children which ones sink and which ones remain floating.

Conclusion: not all objects float, it all depends on the material from which they are made.

I propose to play a little, "Homeless Hare"

Well done, did you enjoy our walk?

Ulanova L. A., Jordan S. O. Guidelines organizing and conducting walks for children 3-7 years old.

Target- consolidate ideas about spring. Pay attention to the changes that have taken place in the sky.

Progress of the walk

Observation: Look at the sky: was it like this in winter? What changed? The sky turned blue. White light clouds appeared, which slowly float, slowly, admiring the children from above. Spring is coming! To draw the attention of older children that clouds, like white clods of cotton wool, float across the sky. They are called cumulus because they are kept in clusters in the sky. They move either slowly or quickly. If the wind blows, they swim faster and often change their shape. The wind is getting warmer (more affectionate), compare it with a winter, cold wind. Offer to determine the direction with the turntable.

Related verses:

Blue sky,
Blue shadows.
blue rivers
Dropped the ice.
L. Yakhnin

Noisy, warm winds
They brought spring to the field.
Ya Akim

Spring, spring!
How clean the air is!
How clear is the sky!
E. Baratynsky


On the blue sea
White geese are swimming.

Walking in the field, but not a horse,
Flies in the wild, not a bird.

Wearing, whistling,
Rushing, roaring.

Didactic games

"What a sky"- children observe the sky and describe it. The goal is to develop the ability to select relative adjectives.

"Count"- children make sentences, including numerals, adjectives and nouns. The goal is to form the lexical and grammatical structure of speech: the agreement of quantitative numbers with nouns and adjectives.

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands

Draw clouds on the snow (sand) with a stick.

Labor and individual exercise

Collect takeaway material.
Practice throwing and catching cones.

Outdoor games

"The quieter you go, the further you'll get". The goal is to develop speed of reaction. Game progress: All participants move away from the leader to the opposite side of the site. The leader turns away and says: "Slower ride - you will continue. One, two, three ... freeze!" Participants rush to run to the host and touch his shoulder, but freeze after the host's command "Freeze!". The leader turns and everyone who did not have time to freeze or freeze in time, but began to move, sends them to their original position.

"Shuttle". The goal is to practice running in pairs, holding each other's hands, running so as not to hit the gate. Game progress: Everyone stands in pairs facing each other and join hands - this is the gate. Children from the last pair run or pass under the gate and stand in front of the column, the next pair runs after them. The game ends when all the players have passed under the gate. Complication - running through the gate, carry various objects.

See also: Spring: Watching the snow