Scenarios of thematic walks in the second junior group. Independent activity of children in the younger group according to the Federal State Educational Standard for a walk

Irina Khantimerova
"Leaf fall". Organization of a walk in the second junior group taking into account GEF

« leaf fall» Organization of a walk in the second junior group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard

Target: Show children the variety of colors of golden autumn. Open a new concept « leaf fall» .

Program content:

To cultivate love and respect for nature, encourage children to feed birds, not to break branches of shrubs and trees.

Accumulate an idea of ​​autumn phenomena in nature: it's getting cold, people put on warm clothes, leaves turn yellow, fall to the ground, the birds fly south.

Activate the speech activity of children (name color, size leaves, tree view.)

Preparing for walk: observing the state of the weather, looking at illustrations, talking about the signs of autumn

Progress of the walk

Children come out kindergarten to the street, are built by a train and "go" to their walking area. (Arrived).


caregiver: Guys, let's stop our train and see what a wonderful day it is. What a beautiful circle. And who will remind me what time of year it is?

Children: Autumn!

caregiver: How did you guess?

Children: (children's answers)

caregiver: Well done! You said everything correctly.

Listen to the poem. N. Veresokina.

Came to visit us again

autumn golden,

Leaves fly from branches

playing with the wind.

See how many leaves on the ground. This is because they are flying. leaves from trees and shrubs. There seems to be no wind, but leaves everyone falls and falls to the ground. it leaf fall. Leaf fall occurs in autumn. Birds fly to warmer climes. BUT leaves I also want to fly away with the birds. Very much leaflets break away from the twigs, but they cannot fly far. So they fall to the ground like golden rain. Leaves are different! Let's take our hands on leaflet and say, what colour is he.

(The teacher helps each kid define: what tree fell from sheet, its color and shape, offer to compare leaves by size.)

What can the form be compared to? sheet? (For example - sheet maple resembles a human palm, open the fingers of the hand like a fan, put on leaf) The game is small mobility: « leaf fall»


Children let's imagine you leaflets and I am the wind. When I say "wind", you are circling around the site, flying. And as soon as I say "no wind", you must quietly, slowly sink to the ground (to squat) .

(The game is played at an average pace 2-3 times.)


Leaves fall to the ground and whisper to each other - rustling. Like this (the teacher together with the children throw leaves)


Leaves fall on the path, on the grass, on the roof. What will happen if a leaf falls into a puddle, pond, river? What do you think, will it sink or not? (an experiment is being conducted - a basin of water) Imagine it's a puddle. We lower leaf. What's happening? Why leaves don't fade?

They are light


How the leaf floats?

Children. like a boat

Educator. That's how many colorful boats on the water.

Children, look, a sparrow is watching us. He is very curious.

Turned out to be the bravest

Our yard sparrow.

Kholodov was not afraid

Stayed with us for the winter.

It will soon become quite cold, we have already put on jackets and hats. Birds fly away to warmer climes because they will soon have nothing to eat.

In order for sparrows and other birds to winter with us and delight us, they must be fed.


What do birds like to eat?

Seeds, breadcrumbs, grains.


I have treats in the basket for our little friends, now I will put the food in the feeder. Let's move away so as not to frighten the birds that will fly into our dining room.


Children, while the birds are gathering for lunch, we will collect the most beautiful sheets for application. (labor activity)

What fellows have collected so many leaflets, we have worked hard, now we can play.

mobile game "Sparrows and the Car"

Target: Run in different directions without bumping to find your house, act on a signal

Children stand behind a line drawn on the ground or marked with sticks - this is a house.

The teacher with a hoop in his hands on the opposite side. Sparrow children jump over the line and run in different sides by site. In the words of the teacher “the car is moving, fly into the nests” sparrows run into the house.

Games with remote material (sand sets)


Well, what have you played? I suggest you relax in our cafe, drink tea with pies. (plot- role-playing game "Cafe")


Didactic game "Guess what it is?".

Target: the formation of a tactile sense, the development fine motor skills. Consolidation of concepts "vegetables""fruit"

Equipment: Pouch, vegetables fruit

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The process of raising children is continuous. Great potential opportunities for the comprehensive and harmonious development of the child's personality are laid in the process of upbringing and educational work with children in the conditions of a walk. Here, as nowhere else, unique conditions are provided for the comprehensive development of the child, his needs for active movements, independent actions when getting acquainted with the outside world, new vivid impressions, free play with both natural material and toys are fully satisfied. However, due to age features kids cannot independently use all the time of the walk with the maximum benefit for their development. An adult must pedagogically correctly guide their activities.

Starting to work with children 2-4 years old in a walk, you should build pedagogical process taking into account the phenomenon of early childhood.

Early childhood- a special period in the development of the child, which has a number of cardinal differences from subsequent periods of his life.

1. In children early age visual action thinking. Life experience they are small. The kid can only understand what is directly in front of his eyes (rainbow, blizzard, leaf fall) and what he can act with (squat or pull his hands up, determining that mignonette is low flowers, and the golden ball is high, etc. .).

2. Children of early age are inherent in sensual knowledge of reality. Only by including the senses (hearing, sight, touch, smell, taste) in the work, the baby begins to understand what a cucumber and carrot are, where what grows, etc. An adult, solving the problems of the educational field "Cognition", enriches the kids with knowledge about the world around them.

3. When organizing a walk, one should take into account the characteristics of children of this age:

Rapid fatigue and the absence of inhibitory processes, which sets the task for adults to monitor the well-being of babies, to change activities;

Low endurance performance of the cerebral cortex, inability to concentrate dictate the need to dose new information (a story about the life of wintering birds, the first information about the season, etc., can last no more than 3-4 minutes);

Distractibility (there are plenty of reasons for this during a walk);

Difficulties in memorization (therefore, demonstrations, conversations must be carried out vividly, emotionally and repetition must be provided for).

4. Organizing work with children, it is necessary to satisfy their needs. For example, the need for vivid impressions, for interesting actions leads to the fact that children willingly go for a walk, are in a good mood, and actively participate in the proposed activities.

During the walk, all conditions are created to meet the children's need for motor activity that allows an adult to perform tasks educational areas"Health", "Physical culture", "Socialization", "Labor", etc.

Particular attention should be paid to meeting the needs of children in independent knowledge of the world around them. This gives an adult the opportunity to solve such tasks of the educational field "Cognition", as the formation of a holistic picture of the world, the expansion of children's horizons, etc.

But the main need of the baby is the need to communicate with an adult. Hence the requirements for an adult, for his personal qualities. The educator must have such qualities as: openness, goodwill, love for children, a sense of humor, a sense of beauty, etc., which will allow him to effectively carry out the main directions of social and personal, artistic and aesthetic development, etc.

Great demands are also placed on the professional skills of the educator: the constant improvement of one's own knowledge, a creative approach to work, the ability to build subject-but-subject relationships with children.

5. In early childhood the leading activity is subject-game activity. Along with it, under the guidance of an adult, a plot game is formed, in which the first game actions are combined into plots, in which the child, with the help of an adult, masters role-playing actions and role-playing behavior, learns to conduct a role-playing dialogue. Thus, the tasks of such educational areas as: “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, etc. are solved.

There are daily walks throughout the year. AT summer time children spend almost all the time in the air from the moment they arrive at the preschool, entering the room only for eating and sleeping.

In winter, the walk takes place twice a day. The total duration of the walk is up to 4 hours. Only air temperature below -15°C or windy weather, blizzard can serve as a reason to shorten the walk or cancel it.

A walk of parents with a child or the direct work of a tutor with one or two children or a teacher of a walking group of up to 4-5 people does not require special organization. Walking with children younger age in a preschool institution should be properly organized. In order to successfully solve a complex of all educational and educational tasks when working with children of both the younger subgroup (age 2-3 years old) and the older one (age 3-4 years old), it is necessary to consider the organization of the work of adults, the distribution of responsibilities between the educator and the junior educator (nanny ).

The main work with children is carried out by the educator. The junior teacher helps him in everything. In order to protect the life and health of children, both adults, starting the working day (before receiving children), carefully inspect the entire area; whether there are any broken equipment, broken glass, any unwanted items, etc. In the summer, mushrooms, unfamiliar berries in secluded corners of the site, sticks with spikes and pointed ends, etc. may appear on the site.

Planning a target walk outside preschool, both adults should know well the place where the children will stop, provide everything necessary on the way so that nothing threatens the lives of the kids. The junior teacher accompanies the children on targeted walks, and the senior methodologist of the preschool institution can also join.

When organizing a walk on the site of a preschool institution junior educator helps prepare necessary material, creating a play environment on the site. During the teacher's observations with one subgroup, the junior teacher monitors the rest of the playing children; in the cold season, the teacher helps the teacher to replace wet mittens in the kids, brings the younger ones and those who are tired, cold, etc. into the room early; in warm weather, he makes sure that the children always have a drink, water in the washstand. By the end of the walk, if the air temperature allows, the teacher helps the teacher to undress the children, leaving them in shorts and panama hats so that they run barefoot on the grass and sand (in order to harden and prevent flat feet), and then wash their feet.

In order for children to willingly stay on a walk for the time prescribed by the regime, they need to create conditions for a variety of activities.

Creating conditions for effective walks

In addition to permanently installed equipment, the site should be taken out additional material, which serves to consolidate, clarify, concretize children's knowledge about the world around them, and also trains their observation skills, the ability to compare, generalize, draw simple conclusions. These are sets of certain types of objects made of plastic, plaster or wood.

1st set: fairy-tale characters familiar to children. In winter, this is Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, in summer, the girl Masha with her brother Vanechka, and others (the height of each figure is 40-60 cm). Children look at them, together with adults remember their favorite fairy tales, recent holiday or New Year events. Sometimes a basket appears in Masha's hands. Children notice, begin to guess where the girl is going. This is how an interesting conversation starts.

2nd set: animal toys familiar to children - a bear cub, a fox, a hare, a wolf, a squirrel, a deer. Some sit on their hind legs (height 60 cm), others stand (height up to 80 cm) or lie down. To maintain the interest of children and develop their attentiveness, from time to time, surprise moments are introduced into the design of objects: in winter, a bear cub is put on a malachai, a wolf - mittens; in the summer, the fox is put on a bright scarf, or even a ruddy bun can be put on his nose! You can put on a skirt or an apron for a hare, a red shirt for a bear, bast shoes for a wolf, etc.

3rd set: bird toys familiar to children - a crow, a sparrow, a dove, a magpie, a bullfinch, a tit (length 10-15 cm, height 5-7 cm). Children independently find them, examine the structure of the body, show characteristic movements, voice reactions of birds.

This paraphernalia is placed throughout the site, no more than 4-5 figures at a time. They should be replaced after 10-12 days, thereby maintaining the steady interest of children in them.

You can permanently install a shield (40 x 60 cm, stand up to 60 cm). An adult hangs a colorfully designed illustration of a familiar fairy tale on it, from time to time replacing it with another (“Three Bears”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Snow Maiden and the Fox”, etc.). Noticing a new illustration, the children stop at the shield, examine it with interest, and with the help of the teacher, they can remember the plot of the whole fairy tale.

In the summer, in order to develop observation and the ability to notice changes in one of the quiet places on the site, you can organize a "lake" by breaking into the ground a small basin and covering the edges with turf. On a bright sunny day, dolls sunbathe on the grass near it, ducks swim on the water. In cloudy weather, a fisherman sits by the "lake". Such changes in the plot do not leave children indifferent. Going out for a walk, the children rush to see what is happening on the "lake".

In winter, among the snow-covered bushes, skiers and lugers (appropriately dressed puppets) come down the hill. During the day, changes can occur here, for example, the sled fell on its side. Which child will notice this first? The next time a hare will appear on a hillock, and a wolf or a fox will follow him from behind the bushes. Each time there is a reason for observation, and for a detailed conversation with children about surprise moments. This requires the imagination of an adult.

A brightly decorated area in itself causes a stable positive emotional mood in children, a desire to go for a walk.

Depending on the season, the entrance to the veranda can be decorated with garlands of flowers, snowflakes or autumn leaves. Sultans, windmills can be attached to the railings of the veranda at the eye level of the kids (this material should not be given to the hands in order to avoid injury).

Along the edges of the paths, it is desirable to stretch multi-colored cords and ribbons, decorate the snow shafts with an ornament of multi-colored ice floes. Decorations also serve as play material. Between the trees, bells and multi-colored rattles can hang on a bright cord. The task of the child is to walk crouching (to crawl in the summer) so that the toys do not sound. Then you need to get up and reach out to the tambourine hanging nearby and hit it with your palm.

A sufficient amount of game material will make the walk more intense and interesting. The teacher's mistake usually consists in taking out game material that has been taken out of use in the group (cars without wheels, dolls without wigs, etc.) for a walk.

Children's interest in winter walk supported by a thoughtful selection of game material. It should be colorful and interesting, necessary in the game for everyone. These are plot toys of different sizes (bears, hares, foxes, squirrels, etc.) and dolls in winter clothes, and to them - sledges, strollers, wheelchairs, trucks, balls, handbags, baskets. By the end of the walk, when the children feel tired, you can turn on music in the area to maintain the mood.

In summer, children spend a lot of time on a walk, so the territory of the site should be equipped with play material necessary for organizing a variety of activities. different types children's activities (similar to equipping a group room).

The list of game material in the warm season

Didactic toys. Collapsible nesting dolls, pyramids, loto.

motor toys. Balls and hoops of sin sizes, plastic balls, skittles, reins with bells, wheelchairs and strollers for dolls.

Technical toys. Passenger cars, trucks, fire and ambulances, milk trucks and vans, dump trucks with the simplest mechanisms, steamboats, airplanes, helicopters, rockets; telephone, bicycles, scooters.

Plot-shaped toys and everything you need to deploy games in the puppet corner. Different size doll sets, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, doll laundry storage box, seasonal doll clothes storage box.

Toys-sets. Domestic animals and birds, forest animals and birds,

Construction material. Details from M. Agapova's "Baby" set and plastic construction kits.

Musical toys. Rattles, bells, tambourines, organ.

Sets of toys for playing with sand and water.

Fun toys. Voiced spinning tops, folk fun toys, clockwork toys.

All this material should be stored in a special block built on or near the site.

Children of primary preschool age play individually or in a small subgroup (2-3 people), so toys must be placed throughout the site. At a table in the shade on the grass, you can leaf through a book, look at pictures, and play with didactic toys on the veranda. At the entrance to the veranda there is a garage with technical toys, a rack with motor toys. On the veranda there are corners for the deployment of plot games (kitchen, bedroom, sets for playing doctor, hairdresser, shop), dressing up corner. For free use, children are offered multi-colored skirts with elastic, aprons, scarves, wreaths, handbags, umbrellas, beads and bracelets made of shells and acorns. Dressed up children play and move freely around the site. On the other side of the veranda there are shelves that store a variety of natural materials and everything you need for modeling and drawing.

The sand patio should be located under the awning. Usually it is a box on stands with sides nailed to the edges, children have the opportunity to play standing up and move freely along it, deploying complex structures using building and natural materials. The sand is periodically cleaned, changed, mixed, moistened and replenished.

For a variety of water games, children are offered a small portable pool on the grass, which they themselves fill with water. Toys such as small mosaics are not given to children for free use in order to avoid injury.

Children can play with the toys they like all over the site, the main thing is that they remember where everything is stored, and after the game is over, they put all the play material in their places on their own.

Conditions for activating the movements of children

One of the features of the younger preschool age is the need for children in active and varied movements. In the summer, this need is fully satisfied. Children walk freely and for quite a long time, making targeted walks outside the preschool. On their site, they enthusiastically run, climb ladders, slide down hills, swing on swings, ride cars and bicycles. Terrain conditions are widely used: you can run from a small hillock, step over a narrow shallow groove, etc. Children crawl through arcs, hoops, climb into boxes, walk on caterpillar stumps, logs in the form of a crocodile, knock down skittles with balls, play with balls. At the same time, the kids have the opportunity to relax, sitting on the benches placed throughout the site, to calmly watch their peers play. Under the lacy shade of trees, on the grass, it is advisable to spread a light blanket on which children could somersault, crawl, or even just lie down, looking at blue sky and light white clouds.

Particular attention should be paid to meeting the needs of children for physical activity in winter, when movements are somewhat limited by clothing, and weather conditions do not allow a lot and variety of movement around the site, as it was in the warm season.

Most of the playground should be cleared of snow so that children can run and jump freely. Buildings made of snow, located throughout the territory, not only serve to decorate the site, but also stimulate the movements of the kids. At their own request, children can climb on the back of a cat, a rooster, a hare built from snow, crawl under a deer or an elephant calf. You can also roll balls, balls under each snow figure; throw snowballs at the basket of a snowman, a polar bear; try to throw a serso on the long neck of a goose, an elephant's trunk. On the back of a snow crocodile, you can walk, exercising in balance; step over his paws (the height of the front and hind legs is different). It is interesting for children to climb onto a huge ice turtle, and then slide off it on the slopes. It should be noted that sleds, especially for children 2-3 years old, should not be given in order to avoid injury. Instead of sleds, they can be offered home-made soft rolls: pieces of cloth cut out in the form of a flower, fish, fungus, embroidered with multi-colored threads on top, with oilcloth hemmed at the bottom. Children can wear them, sit on them on a bench, watching what is happening around.

Aside, from one end of the site to the other, you can build a labyrinth with branches and dead ends. The height of the walls of the snow labyrinth should not exceed 40-50 cm, so that an adult can see the children in it; the width of the walls is 25-30 cm. Snow banks are used for exercises in balance and climbing. The width of the paths of the labyrinth allows children to freely disperse on them. The surface of the tracks must be smooth. Children can decorate the rampart slopes with ribbons, multi-colored cords, fixing them with specially prepared plastic pins (up to 15 cm long), as well as patterns of multi-colored ice floes. Moving freely through the labyrinth, children can run to the end and meet a polar bear there, and stopping at one of the dead ends, look at, for example, a tower carved out of a snow rampart and its inhabitants, if they wish, play with them.

In order to get to a remote part of the site, children need to overcome this or that obstacle: climb over a log, bending over, go through a gate, step over a snow threshold 10-15 cm high, cross a bridge, etc.

On the central area cleared of snow, children run happily along the paths marked with paint; some paths are winding, others are straight or closed. You can freely step over or jump from one multi-colored circle to another. You can start a game around large snow figures (snowman, polar bear, etc.). These are hide and seek, and dashes from one figure to another.

Helping adults build buildings out of snow, children move a lot and in a variety of ways: they bring snow in buckets, lay out colored ice, shovel snow into the center or throw it to the sides.

For such vigorous activity Babies must be properly dressed. Clothing should be comfortable, light enough, not restricting movement, so as not to cause annoyance and disappointment in the child. An adult should think over the organization of the walk in such a way that the children do not freeze and at the same time do not overheat.

Carried away by a variety of activities, children are constantly in a cheerful mood, respond with pleasure to all the suggestions of an adult and often express dissatisfaction with the fact that the walk has come to an end.

Structural components of a walk

An indispensable condition for the successful development and education of younger preschoolers on a walk is their simultaneous mastery of mental and practical actions. This problem is successfully solved in the course of systematic observations planned in advance by the teacher.

Daily observations on a walk enrich children's ideas about the world of nature, people (their labor, relationships), enrich aesthetic ideas. Thus, observation is one of the main components of the walk.

Children should be involved in active mental operations, in performing various movements to orientate themselves on the ground, in reproducing the actions of examining the proposed objects in order to systematize newly acquired knowledge and consolidate previously acquired knowledge. The wide inclusion in this process of vision, hearing, touch, smell, tactile and taste sensations contributes to a deeper knowledge of the world around, leaving fascinating and unforgettable impressions in the mind of the child. Didactic tasks should be considered a structural component of a walk for children of early preschool age.

The feasible labor actions of children are naturally woven into the course of observations of the labor of an adult, of living objects of the environment. By virtue of their own activity, children tend to join in the labor process together with adults. As they master labor skills, they act as equal partners, and then, on their own initiative, enthusiastically act with a variety of natural material, experiencing joy from the results obtained. Performing both labor and didactic tasks at the same time, children are engaged in interesting and useful work. It is in this relaxed atmosphere that each child acquires positive qualities and skills of proper relationships with peers.

As a result of new activities on a walk, situations arise that cause new relationships between children and adults and with peers. There is an intensive formation of personal qualities of each child. Thus, the labor activities of children should also be considered one of the independent components in the structure of the walk.

The child constantly and variously moves on the site. In the warm season, the need for active movements is fully satisfied. In winter, this problem is quite acute. With a norm of 10 thousand steps a day, younger preschoolers on their own initiative can take only 1200-1500 steps, while with a thoughtful organization of a walk and pedagogically correct guidance, they show results up to 6000 steps. The child achieves such results without any effort for himself, enthusiastically moving around the site in the process of performing didactic tasks, actively participating in organized outdoor games, and engaging in interesting independent activities. Obviously, mobile games and game exercises are also a mandatory component of every walk.

Thus, the structural components of the walk are:

Various observations;

Didactic tasks;

Labor activities of the children themselves;

Mobile games and game exercises.

All these components make the walk more intense and interesting. In addition, they act not as separate pedagogical events, but as logically substantiated parts of the main thing that adults have planned for a particular walk.

Each of the mandatory components of the walk lasts from 3 to 5 minutes (in total, all components of the walk take 15-20 minutes) and is carried out against the background of the children's independent activities. Depending on seasonal and weather conditions, the object of observation, the mood of the children, these structural components can! carried out in a different sequence. For example, on a cloudy frosty day, children, having gone for a walk, immediately join in an outdoor game, which invariably raises their emotional tone. In the hot summer time, children immediately begin to work - fill the pool with water, so that they can then use it throughout the walk.

Each of the components of the walk has an impact on the development, education and formation of personal qualities of younger preschoolers.

During the year, an evening walk is also mandatory. At this time, the educator is additionally busy meeting with the parents, so organized observation and labor activities are not carried out during the evening walk.

Against the background of children playing, the teacher can tell and show something to them, communicate with one or two kids on a topic that is interesting to them, organize individual entertainment games, watch with the guys for some an unusual phenomenon or an event that they themselves noticed. The main thing is to make sure that the children are not bored during the walk.

The structural components of the walk (observations, didactic game-tasks, first labor activities, outdoor games) take place against the background of independent play activity, which occupies the bulk of the time children spend in the fresh air and requires constant supervision by an adult.

During the warm season, preparing everything necessary for the deployment of various games, the educator remains their organizer and participant.

On the site, children want to do what interests them. Some want to run, jump, climb on their own. Others enthusiastically pedal a bicycle, while others rush to look into all corners, note what has changed. If the kid independently found an interesting thing for himself, an adult can only note this positive fact and create all the conditions so as not to violate it. Moreover, on the site it is necessary to create conditions for the first children's experiments. In the sandbox, you can put whitefish, funnels, plastic bottles with a neck of different diameters; in the shade under the trees, put a table with a set of small boxes filled with pebbles, cones, chestnuts, acorns. Nearby on the table you can place sets of multi-colored scraps of different types of fabrics, small plastic jars with lids of different shapes and sizes, small keys with locks, kaleidoscopes, magnets with a set of objects of different textures, children's binoculars, mirrors, magnifiers (the last children can use under control adult).

There is a separate table with didactic material and a book corner with sets of books, pictures, albums. Materials for modeling and drawing should also be provided.

On the veranda, you should periodically hang pictures for viewing, have everything you need for plot games (kitchen, bedroom, doctor's corner, hairdresser, seller).

sand games are among the favorite games of children. Only on a walk in the warm season, the kids have the opportunity to fully satisfy their desire to act with this natural material. Children enthusiastically play with sand for a long time, explore its properties.

Of course, even without adult guidance, children gain some experience: they distinguish between wet sand and dry sand by color and touch. Dry is ignored, wet houses are made into mounds, trying to form Easter cakes. But without the directed guidance of an adult, children will not be able to perform their intended play actions. When wielding a scoop, they mostly spill sand past the mold, fill it with sand not to the top, forget to pat the top with a scoop, tamping it, and turning the mold over, they don’t know that they need to knock on the bottom and only then carefully remove it. Not getting the desired result, the children are distracted, start to play pranks: they scatter sand in all directions, rush to it, bury small toys, destroy the buildings of other children.

In order for playing with sand not to acquire a persistent skill of monotonous and destructive activity, an adult must from the very beginning teach children to use it correctly in games, enrich their understanding of the properties and qualities of sand, offer additional material to complicate, continue, unfold games.

At the beginning of the year (autumn), adults are faced with the task of familiarizing children with the properties of sand; teaching the ability to properly use the scoop and mold, the first game techniques in the construction of hillock houses. In the summer, children should be reminded of what they have already been taught, and then follow what and how they build; guide, complicate the game and suggest how natural material can be used. Younger children can be offered to make a bird yard (show a small play set of poultry), older children can make a playground for dolls (flower bed, bench, paths around, etc.).

Purposeful selection small toys and objects (various cars, planes, helicopters, small strollers and dolls, parts of building material), as well as the wide inclusion of natural materials (pebbles, shells, cones, twigs, sticks, leaves, blades of grass, meadow flowers) into the game create conditions for the development creative play. Children are interested when an adult offers to bring sand to the sandbox.

Organizing, directing and complicating the game, one should take into account the individual capabilities of each child. One needs to be shown, explained, take his hand and pour sand into the mold with a scoop, the other only needs to be prompted: “Will there be a fence around your house?”, And with the third, count how many Easter cakes he has already made.

The task of an adult is also to instill in children the skills of joint games.

Each builds a house for his doll. They built it and it turned out to be a street. The teacher asks: “How many houses are on it?”, Suggests how they can be decorated with shells, lay out the sidewalk, the road with building material. Children unfold the game: the cars drove to the left, to the right, straight ahead, the dolls went to visit each other, etc. Now the teacher can occasionally approach the sandbox, in a word complicate, direct the game: “Where is the garage for cars?” Everyone is building a common garage together, and there the idea has already arisen to build an airport, a park for puppets to walk. A whole city grows up with streets and bridges. The combination of sand with building and natural materials is new for children (this can only be done on a walk), captivates them, and allows them to build interesting and complex buildings.

natural material widely used by children in story games as substitutes: sand with water - porridge; leaves - plates, salad, material for an umbrella; pebbles, acorns - treats, sweets; sticks, twigs, spoons, forks, knives, fence. From clay (plasticine, dough), children mold animals, dishes for playing, treats, all kinds of decorations.

Children love to play alone. At the table, the baby pours pebbles, shells, cones, acorns out of drawers and baskets, and then sorts them himself again, examines individual shells, twirls a pebble of an unusual configuration in his hands for a long time, tries on their hats for acorns. Other guys carry baskets with natural material to the place of their games. Everyone first draws with a stick on the sand or with chalk on the pavement all kinds of drawings (herringbone, flower, flag), then lays out natural material along the contour. The teacher only has to prompt the child in time for all kinds of actions.

Familiarization with the properties of water takes place during specially organized games-classes under the strict supervision of an adult.

Such games-classes can be organized only in the warm season and carried out at the end of the walk. Water excites the child, so first you need to teach him the correct, careful handling of it: do not splash over the edge, do not make sudden movements, etc. At first, children simply dip their hands into the water, move their fingers. The teacher states: the water is clear, gentle; you can show how it is painted in different colors. Then he demonstrates the properties of water, using a variety of play material, gives everyone the opportunity to feel its temperature, simultaneously deploying games: bathing dolls, washing their clothes, washing toys, activities with colored balls. Lowering toys to the bottom, children notice that some remain at the bottom, while others immediately float to the surface. Why? An explanation can only be given by an adult, organizing a game-lesson "Sinking - swimming."

In the hot season, the teacher invites the children to take part in interesting activities for a walk: fill the pool (bath) with water, moisten the sand, teach them to use a watering can when watering the garden, flower garden. Children willingly join in such activities. They wash their hands with pleasure after playing with sand, do not refuse to wash their feet after a walk.

in winter begin Interesting games with snow. Children, together with an adult, decorate their site with buildings (a city, a meadow with flowers and mushrooms made of ice, a snow flower bed), build them to later use when playing: throw snowballs into the snowman's basket, walk along the "crocodile", exercising balance, etc. .d. Building houses (Snegurochka and others fairy tale characters), sculpt all kinds of buildings, recalling the fairy tales "Three Bears", "Teremok". In winter, you should stop the children playing catch-up, check if the kids are overheated; whether it is necessary to replace mittens with those who have finished decorating the next building with colored ice.

Unforgettable impressions from targeted walks to the park, to the edge of the forest, to the pond remain with children for a long time. They can walk for 20 minutes up to 300 m without rest. A change of scenery, new experiences that you won’t get on the territory of a kindergarten, freedom of movement - all this stimulates the activity of the baby, allows him to more deeply comprehend the phenomena and events of the world around him. Target walks end with free games of children on their site.

Usually the kids are in a joyful mood on a walk. An adult supports the activity of children who, on their own initiative, jump, noticing a grasshopper: “You jump better than the grasshopper itself. Well done! And the grasshopper loves it. He sits, admires, does not want to leave us, ”or:“ Guess, children, who does our Andryusha imitate? The boy diligently shifts from foot to foot, growls. The child is pleased that the adult noticed his actions. Single actions of children alternate with play actions of 2-3 children.

On a walk, an adult is given the opportunity to subtly, delicately, without suppressing the activity of the kids, enrich, complicate their first game actions, joining in their game: “I will also feed my daughter!” In the course of the game action, the adult demonstrates samples of substitute objects, stops the children with a surprised question: “Have you already cooked borscht? But I didn't have time! Help me, and then we will feed our children together for dinner. ” Leaves (cabbage), plates are used; sticks (pasta, spoons, knives); blades of grass (vermicelli), etc. They cooked dinner, fed the dolls, and then the adult announced: “After dinner, the children should sleep!” So enriched game actions are combined into a plot. Now, after bathing the dolls, the children wash the doll's linen, iron it, etc. And then the daughter suddenly woke up and began to cry. What happened to her: did she get sick or had a bad dream? It's up to "mom" to decide. The doctor will always come to the rescue. At first, the adult takes on the role of a doctor, a hairdresser, a salesman, he leads the game, including the child in a role-playing dialogue, demonstrating role-playing behavior to him. To enrich role-playing behavior, he free time invites all children to play: “You will be kittens (mice, hedgehogs, puppies, etc.). How does everyone run, rejoice? How do they behave when they get sick, get scared? etc. Such role-playing activities like children, help them to actively participate in story games.

For example, an adult is preparing to spend story game"Dr. Aibolit". In the shade of a tree, he spreads a blanket where the audience will sit. He puts a table for the doctor with everything you need: a children's thermometer, a stethoscope, a syringe, transparent bottles with a multi-colored liquid (iodine, brilliant green, medicine (rose water), cotton drops (yellow water), etc.), a pipette, ear sticks, spoons, pieces adhesive plaster, cotton wool, bandages, kerchiefs, etc. Nearby is a bed for the patient, a bath with water, a towel, shampoo.

An adult announces: “Whoever wants to play Dr. Aibolit with me, sort out the sick animals, and the rest sit down, watch how we play.”

Good Doctor Ayboit,

He sits under a tree

Heal everyone, heal

Good doctor Aibolit.

The teacher turns to the girl with the fox: “Well, what do you say, mom? What hurts your son? (In case of difficulty, he speaks himself.) I see, I see, your son did not sleep, he cried, his ears hurt. He puts a thermometer: “Yes, the temperature is high. Let's give him medicine (pours rose water into a spoon). Don't be afraid, baby, drink and you'll get better! (He touches your ears.) Let's poop in your ears (drips), tie a handkerchief, and now sit down for a while.

Who is next? Dad, what is the name of your daughter (hare)? I see she is limping. Which leg hurts? This one? Let's anoint the leg with brilliant green, seal it with adhesive plaster so that the dirt does not get in. Sit in the shade, soon everything will pass.

And who is it with us? It's a teddy bear with bad teeth! And he probably forgot that you can’t eat a lot of honey, right? You, dad, don't give him a lot of sweets, or does he disobey? Ah ah ah! What a naughty son! It looks like he doesn't even brush his teeth. Here is the result for you. Go to the pharmacy, buy toothpaste, brush and brush your teeth every day, but for now I will tie a medicine (leaf) to your cheek. (Tie up his cheek with a handkerchief.)

Here is another sick, but such a dirty monkey Frosya. She often visits me, because she does not listen to her parents: neither her father nor her mother. Do you listen to your grandparents? Also no? Then we ourselves will take up her upbringing, first we will wash the playful Frosya.

The teacher, together with the child, washes the monkey, saying:

Water, water,

Wash Frosya's face...

“Now you are clean, we will listen to you,” the teacher continues. “Breathe, don’t breathe (listens with a stethoscope, looks into your ears, asks you to open your mouth wider, puts a thermometer). Frosya has a temperature. Let's make an injection. Be patient a little, but you will recover soon. We'll give you a potion, put you in your bed, and your mother will sing a song for you."

The teacher asks each patient: “Well, how do you feel? Are you feeling better already? Doesn't it hurt anymore?" etc.

Turning to Frosa, he invites the children to read the poem:

Gotta, gotta wash

Mornings and evenings

And unclean chimney sweeps

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

“Are you guys washing your hands, washing your hands?” the adult asks.

When all the animals recover, to celebrate, everyone begins to dance, sing songs, dance.

You can also play with the children the role-playing behavior of the driver, passengers, builder, etc.

Such games stimulate the speech activity of children, enrich them with knowledge, form the ability to engage in role-playing dialogue.

After some time, an adult will be able to play secondary roles (patient, buyer, client of a hairdresser, etc.) or act as a mother, father, who, for example, brought the patient to the clinic, etc. A little more time will pass, and the children will be on their own initiative play out familiar stories. An adult will only have to create a game environment, delicately manage the course of the plot outline (complicate, suggest individual game actions of the characters).

Children love to perform movements without objects: run from place to place, run up and down a hillock, climb ladders, swing on a swing. Such activities should be encouraged as they contribute to the development of the main types of movements. Freely moving around the site, children exercise in more confident and accurate execution.

But the teacher notices how stubbornly one kid climbs the ice turtle, and the other tries to keep his balance on the back of the "crocodile". The teacher should be there: to stop the one who is overexcited; to insure someone who is just mastering a new movement for himself; make sure that the children do not push, do not interfere with each other. An adult does not disregard a kid who stubbornly achieves his goal: “Well done, how brave!”

The teacher should note how long the child is busy, whether he is tired, and switch to another type of activity in time; after games with a high degree of activity, indulge in calm games - offer to draw, sculpt, play with dolls in a doll corner.

For painting with paints, children can take brushes, paints, large sheets of drawing paper and sit right on the floor of the veranda. And you can draw on the pavement or on the sand, accompanying the drawing with a song or a poem.

When inviting individual children to modeling classes, the teacher discusses with them what they are going to sculpt, from what material. They are offered a choice of plasticine, clay, dough (for 1 cup of flour 1/3 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil; a felt-tip pen or gouache is used to color the dough).

Some guys are making carrots. The teacher offers them: “Make your nose sharp, like a chicken’s beak. Let him stick his nose straight into the sky from the ground. At first, the children look at the adult in bewilderment, and by his appearance they guess: he is joking! They begin to laugh, and the teacher continues, turning to those who sculpt the cucumber: “If all the carrots are hiding in the ground, and even with their nose down, then the cucumber has nothing to do with a sharp nose, let it lie down with it in the damp earth!” The children are laughing. The adult is surprised: “I didn’t say that again? Then the bright burgundy beets, tanned in the sun, will need to be hung on a bush, and the zucchini is nearby ... "

Children from pink and blue clay sculpt bunnies themselves, at the same time count them, then carry them and put them next to the model on the site: “Look, mother hare, your hare babies have come running to you!”; sculpt a treat for the bear: mushrooms, berries.

In the shade of the trees at the table, two kids are looking at pictures in the book of fairy tales by V. Suteev. The teacher offers the child (with good developed speech): “Read together, you will be a duckling, and Sasha will be a chicken. Get started! And the “chicken” is waiting with pleasure when it will be possible to say its own: “Me too!” Children learn to interact.

Often, during a walk, children suddenly show aggression towards a living object that is visible at first glance, which, in fact, is one of the types of research actions: they try to slap an ant with their foot, crush a bug with a toy. This should be stopped immediately: stop the kids in time, explain what this can lead to. And it is even better to have time to prevent their actions: “What a hard worker this ant is! He drags, tries, is knocked out of his strength, and does not let go of such a long straw. What a fine fellow!" To the place said quatrain, sayings or verse of the song sharpen the perception of the baby, contribute to the creation of vivid images.

The task of an adult is to support the initiative of each child, to develop his curiosity. Seeing that the kid is curiously following the insect running along the path, the teacher says: “I wonder where the little insect is in a hurry? How will such a baby get over a log? Will he turn to you or to me? These words contribute to a longer observation, support the purposeful perception of a living object by children, and develop their imagination.

The child watches the work of the ants, two more kids join him. The teacher says: “Patience and work will grind everything!” Children understand the meaning of the saying, since at this time the ants dragged their prey further, successfully overcoming a tiny groove.

Having met a slowly moving ladybug, you can examine it together with the guys with a magnifying glass, at the same time teaching them how to handle tiny creatures with care, enriching them vocabulary vivid comparisons, epithets. You can read the quatrain "Ladybug, fly away to heaven ..."

Sometimes, during the observation, the teacher notices that one of the children is being wary, trying to be closer to the adult, refusing to stroke the puppy. The teacher does not insist. In his free time, he can approach the puppy with this baby again, watch together, and then pet him. Close emotional contact with an adult will help the child overcome his own shyness.

Children may have conflicts over a place at a table with sand, over a sled for dolls. The teacher will certainly understand in such a situation. One of the tasks of the teacher is to create an atmosphere of goodwill and sympathy for peers during the walk: not to miss the moment, to draw the attention of the children who are nearby to a friend helping the baby to pull the sled with a doll up the hill, to the child who helps friends to complete the construction of a large tower. Such a microclimate is sensitively perceived by children, firmly supported by them. The guys try to help the teacher and their comrades: they themselves take out the toys, take the kids out by the hand, hold the door when they go out or enter the room.

Work on the formation does not stop careful attitude to animals and plants. Seeing rare berries in late autumn, children, following the adults, say: “And raspberries only for birds!”, as they already know: birds have less and less food. The teacher will definitely notice and will not fail to praise those who, on their own initiative, brought fresh grass to the rabbit. The education of a kind and careful attitude to the world around is an important task of the teacher.

Children should learn to be the first to greet everyone. The younger ones say: “Hello!”, the older ones say: “ Good morning! Good afternoon!" They went for a walk and say in chorus: “Hello, blue sky! Hello golden sun! The crow flew in, croaked, the children shouted to her in response: “Hello, hello, aunt crow! How are you doing?" Saying goodbye to the observed objects, children train in the pronunciation of various farewell phrases, remember them.

In the process of the appropriate work of the educator, benevolence becomes the norm of behavior for each child. Let's take an example. A bug runs and suddenly stops. Children cheer her up: “Be braver, run! Don't be afraid of us, we won't hurt you!" The dog barked, the children were indignant: “What are you barking at us for? We are good people!” The kid fell, the older comrade helps to get up, shakes him off the snow and cheerfully says: “It doesn’t matter!” There are many good deeds: you need to bathe "daughters", wash their clothes, treat friends, build buildings from snow, decorate them with ice floes, water plants, feed birds. And so every day. An adult is always there, at any moment he will help with a word, advice, deed.

Children are sensitive to weather changes. An adult should support their emotionally positive attitude. It's one thing to go for a walk after a generous spring rain, when everything around is shining, and in unison with the childish mood say:

The rain has dripped

And passed

Sun in the whole world!

Or create a lyrical mood of farewell by reading the poem “The web has flown ...” (or M. Khodyakov “If the leaves turned yellow on the trees ...”; see the appendix).

It is quite another thing when a fine rain has charged since the very morning, which spoils everyone's mood and which everyone scolds. And then the teacher can show it to the children in an unusual perspective, expressively reading the poem “Rain the hard worker” (see the appendix), which will cause them warm feelings, surprise, and make them think.

The teacher will always find time for timid, shy children who should not be left unattended. The child will be happy if an adult starts a game with him like “Buy onions, green onions”, “I will tie a goat”, “Excellent-wheat” or notes that he, on his own initiative, put things in order in the doll corner on the veranda: “Small, yes remote!" or “The work of the master is afraid!”.

Children are sensitive to humor when listening to such poems as: “About a Bull” by P. Voronko, “Crow” by P. Zolotov. In a gloomy winter

day the child’s mood rises noticeably when an adult, about to straighten his clothes, reads N. Sakonskaya’s poem “Where is my finger”, and then, straightening the mitten, repeats once again:

I don't have a finger, I'm gone

Didn't make it to my house.

Seek, seek, and you will find.

Hello finger!

How is it going?

Helping a shy kid to get a handkerchief, an adult says with a smile: “Take care of your nose in severe frost!”

Children have enough problems with their noses in the spring. An adult addresses the baby: “Kostya, remember the riddle about the icicle? (Reminds.) And your nose looks like an icicle. Disorder! Let's fix it!" Children are sure to be nearby, listen, smile. The teacher says: “Come, who has an icicle instead of a nose. We don't need icicles, we need pretty snub noses!" Everyone laughs.

When communicating with children, an adult should insert epithets and comparisons into his speech as often as possible. The kids love it. And short poetic texts and unpretentious songs imperceptibly become the property of the kids. Seeing the approaching cloud, the children pick up the song:

Don't you see, cloud,

Much better without you!

Fly away, fly away!

It is in the younger preschool age When the child is already fluent in speech, it is necessary to awaken his thought, to support and strengthen curiosity. To this end, it is necessary to constantly put various questions before him: what do crows build nests of; why does a cat lick its kitten; where is the sun when it rains heavily? An adult asks questions, and the child begins to ask his own, learns to conduct a dialogue. There are a lot of unresolved issues along the way. There will always be time to chat with everyone or with a small group of guys. So the kids develop a strong desire to know everything, to understand everything. Close and trusting relationships with the teacher help the child to stay at ease with peers and adults, feeling calm and confident.

The teacher should activate the children, including them in the first dialogues, for example, in the nursery rhyme “Ribushka Hen”, or tell the children next to him that flour is milled at the mill, pies and gingerbread are baked from flour. Then read the nursery rhyme “Kisonka-murisenka” twice so that the children can understand the essence of what is happening. After such preliminary

training can be offered to those who wish to be a “kissonka-murisenka”. The adult asks questions, the “kisonka” answers. At the same time, the baby, freezing, awaits the ending in order to escape from retribution. Now there are enough people who want to be in the role of a “kisonka”. Grieve like never before. In rainy weather, the children on the veranda are happy to play the nursery rhyme: “Our ducks in the morning ...” The children answer: “Quack-quack-quack!” etc.

While the children are busy looking at books, building materials or playing in the puppet corner, you can play guessing tales with those who wish. An adult with a mysterious look begins: “Once upon a time there were a grandfather and a woman. And they had a hen Ryaba ... "The children immediately name a fairy tale.

The adult praises and continues: “Well done! They learned this fairy tale, but will you recognize this one: “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. One day the grandfather asks:“ Baba, bake me ... Did you recognize the fairy tale? If not, then you can continue.

It should be noted who in such games is constantly nearby. If these are slow, sedentary children, then it is worth captivating them with games of a different plan, helping them to join the general game. For example, the teacher offers the child: “Let's see what footprints you leave in the snow? Here is pure snow. And I?" Other children immediately come up and leave their footprints in turn on the freshly fallen snow, compare their size and pattern.

Children should be helped to join the general game: take the hand, cheer, offer to perform game actions together. Such attention, a sensitive attitude of an adult, timely support instill confidence in the child, help to quickly become an active participant in common affairs, discover the beauty of free movements, the joy of communicating with peers.

The teacher not only monitors, directs, complicates the game. By organizing individual games with children, he trains everyone in precisely those movements that are difficult for him. For example, he shows the baby how to catch the ball with the palms of his hands, without pressing them to his chest. When teaching jumps, he makes sure that the child, when performing them, gently falls on his legs, half-bent at the knees. Playing catch-up, he suggests running in one direction first. When the baby gets comfortable, learns to run fast, you can change directions. After such individual exercises, children are easily included in common games.

The communication of the educator with the baby in the first days of his stay among peers is especially valuable. The teacher should pay as much attention and affection as possible to such a child, encourage him with a word, help him quickly get used to the environment, and get to know other children. Children shouldn't feel lonely. An adult and several children (optional) invite new kids to walk around the site with them and see what they can play here. This is how friendships develop between children. In order for the newcomers to quickly get used to the team, remember the names of their peers, you can, by combining two or three children in a ball game, offer: “Throw the ball to Olya!”, “Irochka, roll the ball to Tanyusha!” So quietly the baby enters the children's team.

To increase the emotional mood of such a baby, you just need to hug him, smile, play fun games with him such as "Forty-white-sided", "Okay", "Finger-boy", walk along the path to the beat of the nursery rhyme:

Big feet walked along the road...

You can turn to a girl with a nursery rhyme: "Katya, Katya (Sonya, Anya, etc.) is small ..." or "Buy a bow ...". In the nursery rhyme “Legs, legs, where are you running ...” you can insert the name of any child. The main thing is that the child understands that the nursery rhyme is addressed to him, and rejoice. In the warm season, you can sit together on a bench in a quiet place and read excerpts from S. Marshak's "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse", encouraging the child to take joint action: "How does aunt duck refuse?" etc. You look, and the baby smiles. Next time you can offer a sad child individual game, for example, "Ball".

At the beginning school year it is not uncommon for older children to be wary at first, refusing contact with their peers. On a walk, this barrier disappears faster. Standing aside from the players, new children involuntarily get carried away with the game and express their attitude to what is happening with their direct positive emotions. The teacher does not insist that they must take part in common games. It will take a little time, the child will get used to it, and the adult will help to get involved in a joint exciting game in time.

Toddlers like it when a joint game is organized between older and younger children on a walk. Here, the kids have both role models, and the help of an older comrade, and the consolidation of friendly relations with him. For the elders, this is a situation where you can show your skills, knowledge and get an enthusiastic reaction from the kids in response. This is a demonstration of goodwill, attention, desire to help. Everyone enjoys sledding (the older ones are being driven, the younger ones are riding). Children also like outdoor exercise games, for example, the game "We!".

Older and younger children stand randomly, forming big circle so as not to interfere with each other and at the same time see everyone.

The teacher slowly reads (or sings) the text. Older children act according to the words of the text, the younger ones imitate the movements of the older ones:

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads. Yes Yes Yes!

We raise our hands

We lower our hands

We give hands.

The children put their hands together. The teacher does not rush anyone, waits for everyone to join hands, stands in a circle:

And we run around

And we run around!

The teacher must ensure that older children do not run fast, coordinate their own movements with the movements of the little ones.

If the children had fun and interesting on a walk, if an adult satisfied all their needs, played with them, sang and danced, then they return to the group in a good mood.