Robert Pattinson how old is he. Robert Pattinson - biography, career, personal life, interesting facts, news

Pattinson Robert Thomas is a famous British actor and musician, who is also a sought-after model. The guy is known as the handsome vampire Edward from the bestseller "Twilight".

Robert Pattinson's personal life is used to being followed by fans all over the world who experienced quarrels and reunions of the guy with his partners as their own tragedies.

Everyone discussed how Robert kisses and whether this kiss is worthy of the MTV Movie Awards. Constant disputes and bewilderment arose around the sexual orientation of the guy.

Height, weight, age. How old is Robert Pattinson

All fans in the world want to clarify what the famous movie vampire has height, weight, age. How old is Robert Pattinson is also quite easy to find out, knowing the day and year of the actor's birth.

Recently, the sensational news that Robert Pattinson is gay has exploded on social networks. The guy admitted that he was passionately in love with one very famous man. The news that Robert is a typical blue very much upset the female half of his fans, who were determined one day to win the handsome man's heart.

Robert Pattinson was born in 1986, so this year he is already thirty-one years old. According to the sign of the Zodiac, the guy is endowed with all the character traits inherent in Taurus, including hard work, patience, the desire for stability and tranquility.

By Eastern horoscope Robert belongs to the lucky, rebellious, impetuous and bright Tigers.

Growth famous actor and the musician is a meter and eighty-five centimeters. His weight froze at seventy-two kilograms.

Biography of Robert Pattinson

The biography of Robert Pattinson began in 1986 and was quite bright. Little Robert was incredibly similar to a pretty girl, so at the age of four he worked in a modeling agency.

Robert attended the prestigious Tower House School for boys, from which he was expelled in disgrace at the age of twelve because of his love for animals. The boy saved the snails that his classmates crushed, he hid them in a box and carried them everywhere with him. When the teacher ordered the pets to be released, Robert refused and scolded him.

The boy was shy and timid, but in a situation with snails he stood his ground and categorically refused to apologize. He was transferred to the private school Harrodian, from which he successfully graduated.

Filmography: films starring Robert Pattinson

In his youth, Robert not only acted in films, but also tried his hand at a theater studio. The guy made his debut in the film "Ring of the Nibelungen" at the age of eighteen.

Later, Pattinson's filmography was constantly updated with new film works, including Bad Mom's Diary, Echoes of the Past, Remember Me, Transitional age”, “Dear friend”, “Water for elephants!”, “Cosmopolis”, “Childhood of a leader”, “Star Map”, “Queen of the Desert”.

Robert is best known for his roles in two fantastic cycles Harry Potter and Twilight. They also gave the guy new friends and love, which lasted quite a long time.

Few people know, but the young actor also sings beautifully, has been playing guitar and synthesizer since the age of three. Robert plays in the band Bad Girls, and is also known in musical circles as the singer Bobby Dupea. He wrote two soundtracks for the vampire saga "Twilight".

Personal life of Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson's personal life has been turbulent and rather strange. The first love overtook the boy at the age of twelve, however, the “relationship for life” lasted only three weeks. The shy boy had no idea what to do with the girl and how to keep her near him.

Later, there were rumors that Robert really fell in love and began dating singer Kelly Blackwell. It was rumored that she was even preparing to become a mother, but these rumors turned out to be a simple PR move.

Relations Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson didn't discuss just being lazy. The beautiful couple from the Twilight saga first spoke about their relationship openly on the Oprah show in 2010. Throughout 2012, the guys were constantly together, supported each other at various awards presentations and looked like a very happy couple.

However, already in July, Kristen was caught by the paparazzi with the married Sanders, who directed the film Snow White and the Huntsman, in which Stewart starred. The couple broke up for a short time, but already in October, the young people lived together again.

In 2013, Stewart and Pattinson bought a house and were going to move into it, because the guy did not get along with the mother of his chosen one. In the same year, the relationship completely fell apart, and the house was sold under the hammer.

Robert Pattinson and Thalia Barnett started dating in 2014 right after the vampire relationship fell apart. They even managed to announce their engagement and clarify that they were connected by a passion for music. The girl constantly defended her chosen one from the attacks of ill-wishers, however, the wedding has not yet taken place. It is possible that the reason for this was the unconventional sexual orientation of the guy.

Robert Pattinson and his boyfriend have been hiding their relationship for a long time. However, now Robert calmly talks about the fact that he was vacationing with his model boyfriend Brad Owens in the Bahamas and is quite happy with him.

Robert Pattinson family

Robert Pattinson's family is quite an ordinary unit of society, of which there are millions in the UK. The guy's parents had nothing to do with the world of music, theater or cinema.

Father: Thomas Pattinson- was engaged in the sale and distillation of vintage vehicles from the States, which brought a pretty good profit.

Mother: Claire Pattinson- I could not devote much time to my children, because I was engaged in the modeling business.

The Pattinson family is large, as Robert has two older incredibly beautiful sisters Victoria and Lizzie.

Robert Pattinson children

Robert Pattinson's children have not yet been born, although for many years they have been talking about the fact that the guy is about to have an heir from Kristen Stewart. However, this news turned out to be just ridiculous gossip and speculation from the fans of this couple.

Famous psychics constantly make predictions about the personal life of the actor and his future kids. Clairvoyant Natalya Vorotnikova, for example, claims that Robert Pattinson will have three children, but he will not be able to raise them. They say that a man will raise a foster baby, this is quite possible, based on the guy's non-traditional sexual orientation.

Robert Pattinson's wife

Robert Pattinson's wife doesn't exist either. The famous actor and musician claimed several times that he was engaged and was going to marry several women.

Kristen Stewart could have become Robert Pattinson's wife, but she personally destroyed all relationships by having an affair with director Sanders. Then Kristen told the whole world that she loves women and is going to start a family with her own kind.

Until she became a wife and Talia Barnett, with whom the guy was engaged. Given the rumors about Robert's sexual orientation, the wedding may never take place.

Robert Pattinson latest news

Robert Pattison last news talk about the fact that the guy does not strive to build any permanent relationship. He lives for his own pleasure, not staying in one city for more than a couple of days. Robert complains that he has no time for anything, and in home he hadn't been for several years.

In 2016, the handsome man starred in several new films, including the adventure film The Lost City of Z. For filming in this film, the man grew a beard.

The premiere of the film "The Trap" was scheduled for 2017, in which Robert played one of the main roles.

Instagram and Wikipedia Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson's Instagram and Wikipedia are not entirely official. On the Wikipedia page, it is possible to get acquainted with reliable data about the guy’s personal life, childhood and adolescence, parents and hobbies.

On the same page dedicated to Robert, you can find reliable information about the filmography, participation in musical group. There are also Interesting Facts from the life of an actor and musician.

Robert Pattinson has no official profiles in in social networks including on Instagram. Although in groups that are dedicated to the actor, you can see photos and videos from personal archives.

* I'm right, as an axiom, without any but ... *

Robert Pattinson turns 27 today and we think not better way celebrate than look at 27 interesting, funny and little known facts about his life. Judging from Rob's first kiss in his relationship with Kristen Stewart, and from his troubles at school, the actor has already lived interesting life. Click to read our facts about Robert!

1. Rob learned to scuba dive for a role in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, which he told Scholastic magazine.

2. Rob was expelled from school.
Robert Pattinson admitted in a 2008 interview with Extra that he was expelled from Tower House School, a private school in England, when he was 12, but declined to explain why he was kicked out.

3. He is to blame for one rumor about Kristen Stewart.
Robert Pattinson admitted to GQ in April 2009 that he was guilty of early hearing about proposing to Kristen Stewart. He said: "I said that in some interviews, as in a joke -" Oh, I proposed to her several times "". And then they printed it: "It is established that he offered several times."

4. Rob hasn't always been a fan favorite.
According to TV Guide, 75,000 fans petitioned against Robert Pattinson when it was first announced that he had been cast as Edward Cullen.

5. Rob is friends with Katy Perry.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Good friends Katy Perry and her assistant Tamra Natisin.

6. Rob fired a pistol.
Robert Pattinson revealed in a 2012 interview with MTV that he had recently practiced shooting, saying that he loves to visit the LAPD shooting range to shoot.

7. Rob is not a fan of spending a lot of money.
Robert Pattinson told Harper's Bazaar in 2009 that despite making millions on Twilight, he doesn't like shelling out for lavish purchases. He said, "I won't spend any money. The only thing I actually bought was my $1,500 car, which I keep crashing."

8. Rob is not a very good driver.
Despite growing up with a father who was a car dealer, Robert Pattinson admitted to Harper's Bazaar in 2009 that he wasn't really used to driving. He said, "My father is a car dealer, but I grew up in London, so I always say, "I don't drive, they drive me."

9. He likes to google himself.
Kristen Stewart told Harper'sBazaar in November 2008 that Robert Pattinson googles himself more than she does. He, however, objected that he actually googles his "competitors" and that she is the only one who searches for herself more on the Internet.

10. Rob's first kiss was at age 12.
Robert Pattinson told Seventeen magazine that his first kiss was at the tender age of 12.

11. Rob hates the nickname "RPattz"
Fans of Robert Pattinson may like to call him RPattz, but it's better not to say it to his face. He told The Guardian in June 2012 that he didn't like the nickname, saying "I don't understand who came up with this RPattz thing. I want to choke him."

13. Rob has two dogs.
Robert Pattinson has two dogs with Kristen Stewart: Bear and Bernie. Both mongrels they rescued from a dog shelter.

14. He was suspended for saving a snail.
Robert Pattinson revealed on The Ellen DeGeneres Show back in April 2011 that he was suspended from school when he was 6 or 7 years old because he carried snails in a box to keep them safe. He said that he saved them from his classmates in such a way that they would stop killing snails when they went outside.

15. Rob is shy about his body.
Robert Pattinson said in an interview with Moviefone in January 2009 that he thinks he has "wide hips" and is embarrassed to take his clothes off in public. In fact, he said that when he goes to the pool, he keeps all his clothes on to avoid feeling embarrassed.

16. Rob loves stupid TV shows.
Robert Pattinson told MTV in 2011 that his favorite TV shows are Minute to Win It and America's Stupid Criminals.

17. Rob is friends with Eddie Redmayne.
Eddie Redmayne told us back in December that he was friends with Robert Pattinson. He said: "I've known Robert for a long time. There are a lot of us [British actors] here who have been trying to make ends meet in London and it's great to see that everyone has moments to
do interesting work".

18. Rob's favorite football team is Arsenal.
Robert Pattinson told UK's Metro newspaper that Arsenal is one of his favorite football teams.

19. Rob was a model.
Before becoming an actor, Robert Pattinson was a model. See photos of his lingerie show at adolescence.

20. Rob has finger flexibility.
Robert Pattinson told Yahoo!Movies UK & Ireland that he has Bendy, the flexibility of his fingers. He also noted that he broke his nose three times while playing football while being a goalkeeper, because his fingers arched back and the ball hit him in the face.

21. Rob is not very athletic.
Kristen Stewart told Harper's Bazaar in 2009 that she is much more athletic than Robert Pattinson. She said, "Rob can jump rope a little. I call him Flippy because when he does his trick in rehearsal, he flips everything around. And God, when he tries to run."

22. Rob can speak French quite well.
Robert Pattinson told Vanity Fair in 2008 that he could speak French, but only by "3-year-old standards".

23. Rob studied at a private school for boys.
Robert Pattinson grew up attending various private schools in England. He attended Tower House School until he was 12 years old, when he was transferred to The Harrodian School.

24. Rob has never been with Nikki Reed.
Sorry guys, Robert Pattinson wasn't with Nikki Reed before he got together with Kristen Stewart. Nikki told Seventeen magazine in 2009 that rumors of her "sadness" about her breakup with Rob infuriated her. She said, "Rob and I have never been together."

25. Rob's first role was played for a TV movie.
Although he never appeared on screen in Vanity Fair, Robert Pattinson managed to get some real screen time in his first real role in the British TV movie Der Ring des Nibelungen.

26. Rob lied to Matt Lauer.
When promoting the film "Water for Elephants!" On the Today show, Robert Pattinson told Matt Lauer that he saw a circus clown die when he was a young child. However, he later admitted at the German premiere of Water for Elephants that he made up the whole story because he couldn't think of anything interesting to interview. He said, "I did it all... I don't know why I said it!"

27. Rob played Reese Witherspoon's son.
Robert Pattinson's first film role was as the son of Reese Witherspoon's character in Vanity Fair, but his scenes with her were ultimately cut from the film. It was an odd cast choice to start with Reese being only 10 years older than Rob. He later played her lover in Water for Elephants, but fans rescued Rob's deleted scenes from Vanity Fair on YouTube.

For a long time I could not understand why women like Robert Pattinson so much? The 26-year-old Briton does not at all look like a fatal and charismatic villain. Everything is just the opposite. Shy, well-mannered, restrained. Behaves very correctly. Although, of course, one cannot fail to note his extremely expressive facial features. And what are those scarlet lips worth? In general, when I was offered to do an interview with him, I could not deny myself the pleasure of once again closely examining this face. The actor was brought to the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles by car with a driver, but without security. He is dressed as usual: a dark shirt, from under which a light T-shirt is visible, and jeans. Sitting on a soft sofa, the actor first carefully crossed his legs. Then he began to smile charmingly. Gently asked how I was doing. When I asked him a similar question, he thought about it, then replied that he was fine.

He did not dream of becoming an artist from an early age, he was much more attracted to music. At the age of five, he asked his parents to hire him a music teacher - he wanted to play the guitar and piano. He grew up in a wealthy family. None of his loved ones have ever been associated with acting profession. Dad, Robert Pattinson Sr., sold expensive sports cars, mom, Claire, was engaged in raising children. Robert has two older sisters - Victoria (works in advertising) and Elizabeth (professional musician).

14-year-old Robert Pattinson poses as a model in Miu Miu swimming trunks for the Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post (2001).

He attended a private school in London. At the age of 12, he began working as a model so that he could have his own pocket money. Then he began to offer small roles in theatrical performances Barnes Theater Club. He felt that this was serious, and began to go to auditions. His idol was Jack Nicholson, whose films he reviewed all without exception. In 2005, Pattinson played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. But his finest hour was the role of vampire Edward Cullen in "Twilight" (the adaptation of the gothic best-selling books by Stephenie Meyer), after which the whole world learned about Robert Pattinson. In 2010, TIME magazine named him one of the top 100 influential people in the world.

On the set in 2007, Robert met actress Kristen Stewart (daughter of television producer Chris Stewart). They became known as the golden couple of "young Hollywood". In all interviews, Robert admired his girlfriend like a windup, repeated how pleased he was to be with her. But when at the meeting I asked Kristen the question: “How does she see the ideal man?” – the actress did not tell me his name. According to Forbes, Robert and Kristen are currently the fifth highest paid couple in Hollywood. This summer, shortly after the release of the picture "Snow White and the Huntsman", where the 22-year-old Stewart starred in one of the main roles, photos appeared showing the girl in the passionate embrace of 41-year-old Rupert Sanders, the director of this film. Kristen told Robert that she cheated on him. That same evening, Pattinson packed up and left the mansion they were renting together in Los Angeles. Temporarily settled in the empty estate of Reese Witherspoon (the actress patronizes him since the joint filming of the films "Vanity Fair" and "Water for Elephants!") in Beverly Hills. Recently there have been reports in the press that the actor has forgiven Kristen and they are ready to reunite.

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Sitting across from me, Robert constantly runs his hand through his hair, straightening his bangs. This is his signature move. And although his hair is now cut shorter than usual (and there is not much to fix there), he still does it. At the film studio, I was warned that he was afraid of personal questions, but they could not be asked. I deliberately asked stupid questions - a nervous young man was sitting in front of me, it was not difficult for me to understand what was going on in his soul, and I wanted to somehow cheer him up.

“my mother learns a lot about me from the press, and then, horrified, calls me with questions”

M arie Claire: If you had the choice of becoming a vampire or a human, which would you prefer?

Pattinson: I loved my character. And I liked everything he could do - read other people's minds, be super strong, super fast. I think a lot of people would like to real life have the same qualities. Also, I spent a lot of time with Kristen Stewart. So you can say that I enjoyed the process. And the scene where Kristen's character finally turns into a vampire is one of my favorites. Now I don’t even know what advantages there are in the usual human life! Probably happiness is that you are limited in time, you can die and you have to do everything. This encourages you to live and do something, to make sure that there is at least some dynamics in your biography.

What do you eat besides human blood?

I love shawarma. While filming in Canada, every time there was a break, we went to some hole for shawarma. As a result, I got the whole film crew with my diet. Definitely Canada makes the best shawarma I've ever tasted.

She's harmful! Don't you have to limit yourself to be in amazing physical shape?

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How does it feel to be one of the most popular actors in the world at 26?

I find it hard to believe that I have already done so much. Everything happened so fast... Maybe that's why I feel like I'm growing up faster than my peers. I have a different pace of life. Per last years I managed to simultaneously act in six films. And on a personal level, everything changed so dramatically that I didn’t have time to utter a word. Before that, I had not had a serious relationship with women for a very long time. I really feel like I'm older and more experienced. And I want to play other roles, something about grown men.

Do you like yourself?

Of course, I am pleased to be famous, but I treat my work as work, nothing more. It's just what I do best. And I'm pleased to see that Kristen Stewart has gone uphill too. We often discuss together projects that are offered to her, but, of course, she makes decisions herself. She says that I am not a careerist, I just enjoy the process and express myself in this way.

Are you afraid of people?

I'm not afraid, but I try to avoid big responsibility as much as possible. When people recognize me, I always say: “You made a mistake, we are just very similar.”

"Twilight. Saga. Dawn: Part 2 (2012)

"I'm not afraid of people, I just try my best to avoid big responsibilities"

If you decide to write a book, what will it be about?

I don’t know, maybe I should write about some of my sufferings, about how hard it is to work as an actor, especially since girls love to read about such things.

What do you regret in your life? Would you like to go back in time to correct a mistake?

I don't like living in the past. I very rarely remember what was bad or good there. I don't suffer, I don't feel nostalgic. I like to live here and now. If I have finished some work, I will soon stop thinking about it.

Does this apply to your personal relationships as well?

Everyone is interested in the details, but I am more comfortable discussing these topics with close friends. Even my mother learns a lot about me from the press, and then calls me in horror. Naturally, I tell you how things really are.

What is your happiness?

Wake up with your loved one in the morning together.

How do you relax?

All extreme sports help. I like speed. I have a motorcycle, I like to ride very fast along the ocean.

“I haven’t had a serious relationship with a woman for a very long time”

Personal life of Robert Pattinson eternal theme for discussion in the media. It seems that the actor is doing everything so that more and more people discuss his novels. After the release of the first part of the Twilight saga, everyone started talking about Robert's romance with his co-star Kristen Stewart (who played his lover). The couple hid their relationship for a long time, but their joint photos regularly appeared in the yellow press. They later admitted that they were in a relationship. Their romance was vibrant. And the parting became just as bright. After that, Robert's personal life became even more discussed. He was credited with novels with the singer FKA Twigs, Bella Hadid and many others. Let's remember all the novels of Robert Pattinson and see what is happening in his personal life now.


Robert Pattinson is a popular British actor, model and producer. World fame came to him after working in the cult vampire saga "".

Memorable appearance, charisma and talent for reincarnation allowed the artist to short time take a place in the front row of world cinema stars.

Robert Pattinson was born on May 13, 1986 in London suburbs. Father Richard is a businessman, his business is related to the transportation of vintage cars from the United States. And Claire's mother was engaged in a modeling career.

Robert has two older sisters, Lizzie and Victoria. The first is professionally engaged in music: she famous composer and musician. And Vicki is pursuing a career in the advertising business.

Robert Pattinson attended a specialized school for boys. But at the age of 12 he was expelled. It is noteworthy that the star avoids answering the question of why this happened. But his former classmates were more talkative. They said that the boy felt sorry for the snails, which the guys crushed with their boots, rejoicing at the loud crunch. Therefore, he collected them in a box, which he constantly dragged along with him. The teacher didn't like it. Pitiful Robert was expelled.

His parents had to transfer him to a private school in Barnes. It is known that in early years Robert Pattinson was shy and reserved. However, he dreamed of acting career. His mother helped him. The son tried his hand at modeling and managed to overcome his shyness.

Started at the age of 15 creative biography Robert Pattinson. He made his debut on theater stage Barnes studios. His first roles in "Whatever Happens", "Macbeth" and "Tess of Durbervilles" were successful. Directors drew attention to the young artist.

Personal life

While working on the film "Twilight" Robert began a romantic relationship with his partner, but at first the couple in love carefully concealed their personal lives. Some colleagues on the set claimed that the young people did not start dating immediately, but when the shooting of the second part of the "vampire saga" began. The romance of lovers was gaining momentum, and already in January 2012 there were rumors that they were going to get married.

According to a source, the actor gave his beloved a luxurious emerald ring, and they began to plan a wedding celebration, where Robert wanted to sing his own song with a guitar. For the future life together Pattinson purchased an old mansion in an affluent area of ​​Los Angeles, where a swimming pool was equipped, beautiful garden and fountains, after which a couple in love settled in it.

Fans of the actors, who were waiting for the wedding of their idols, were simply discouraged when, at a press conference in Stockholm, Robert revealed that he had already married Kristen. But as it turned out, the actor meant the wedding of their characters, Bella and Edward. According to Pattinson, the scene of the wedding of lovers passed like a real sacrament, as film set they invited a priest who performed the ceremony according to all church rules.

In the summer of 2012, it became known that Kristen cheated on Robert with director Rupert Sanders, with whom she was caught by the paparazzi. The lover was much older than Stewart, in addition, he is married to model Liberty Ross and has two children. After the betrayal of his beloved, Robert left the house where he lived with Kristen and stopped communicating with her.

According to close friends of the actress, at that time she repented of her act and wanted to return her beloved, but Pattinson was terribly worried and angry with her. He accepted the invitation of Reese Witherspoon and her husband, actor Jim Toth, and for some time settled in their chic California mansion. Previously, the actors starred together in two films, after which friendly relations were established between them.

Robert's fans were outraged by Kristen's behavior, believing that she had betrayed his love. On one occasion, Stewart was very frightened by the actions of the fans when they attacked her, and only by chance did she manage to escape from the angry mob in her car. But the fans of the actress herself actively defended their favorite, believing that the Robsten couple would never part.

They could not forgive the beloved of their brother and sister Robert: Lizzy and Victoria, who advised him to forget the traitor and focus on work. Despite all the personal ups and downs, the producers of "Twilight" insisted on the reconciliation of the actors so that the lovers would take part in the advertising campaign of the film project together. While the actor's heart was still aching from wounds inflicted in his personal life, he was already credited with an affair with Nicole Fox, who is his fan. The model told reporters that she first encountered him during his New Moon tour in New York. According to her, she fell in love with Pattinson and since then dreamed of meeting him by chance in order to attract attention.

When the actor wrote in his microblog: "I love you ... no matter what," it became clear to everyone that the lovers would reconcile. The Twilight star couple reunited only a few months after Kristen's betrayal. When the actor returned from filming from Australia, the couple spent free time, although Robert's friends and colleagues did not support him in this. Despite the fact that Pattinson gave his relationship with Stewart a second chance, he no longer trusted his girlfriend. The lovers broke up more than once, then reconciled several times, and only in May last year the actor put a bullet in the novel, which completely exhausted him.

After that, the paparazzi began to notice Robert in the company of young and attractive girls with whom the actor had fun at parties. The Hollywood handsome began to spend a lot of time with Katy Perry, who is his best friend. By the way, she was also against his intentions to get back together with ex-lover, assuring him that he deserves a better girl. The actor and singer, who was also out of a relationship, had a great time at parties, where, according to eyewitnesses, they not only danced, but also showed tender feelings for each other.

The Hollywood hottie became a hottie, and in July 2013 he began to spend time with Riley Keough, who is the granddaughter of Elvis Presley. The 24-year-old actress was simply delighted with Pattinson and even forgot about her fiancé, with whom she was already engaged. And Robert, who was pleased with the attention of the legendary Presley's granddaughter, found many common interests with her.

But this relationship was short-lived, and in the autumn the actor was seen several times in the company of Dylan Penn, the daughter of Sean Penn and Robin Wright. Young people spent time at a romantic dinner in a restaurant, talking animatedly and flirting with each other. At the same time, there were rumors that Pattinson was seen on a date with Stewart, but most likely it was just a business meeting, and he had a romantic relationship with Dylan at that time. According to some sources, the actor had already met Sean Penn and intended to leave with new sweetheart to his homeland to show her where he spent his childhood.

At the end of 2013, Robert put up for sale the house in which he lived with his former lover. In January of this year, actor Jim Parsons bought this luxurious mansion from him. In 2014, Pattinson threw himself into work, starring in David Cronenberg's new film Map to the Stars, as well as recording new compositions. It was only in August that information appeared that Robert was dating a new lover, Talia Barnett. The young Briton turned out to be a singer performing under the pseudonym FKA Twigs. As it turned out, the newly-made couple began to communicate in July 2014, but they managed to hide from the nosy paparazzi for some time. In October, the 26-year-old singer toured Europe with her concert program, while the 28-year-old actor accompanied his girlfriend.

According to Talia, she wants to be perceived not as a new lover of a famous actor, but as talented singer. Recently, the girl said that Robert's muscles are not sufficiently developed, so she persuaded him to go on a diet and exercise in the gym. Also, the actor recently showed off a new hairstyle, which caused bewilderment among his fans: the back of his head was half-shaved, but there was a small strip of hair in the middle. The rest of the haircut did not cause any complaints.

Many of the fans immediately realized who advised their idol to do his own thing. appearance which he had neglected before. In addition, information appeared in the press that Pattinson wants to move to London, where he lives and works. new girl. It should be noted that the family and friends of the actor are not particularly happy with his current life and new lover. From their point of view, Robert, who has always been known as a bit of a weirdo, now spends most of his time with ordinary hipsters, trying to impress them.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart: the story of the novel

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart met on the set of the Twilight saga in April 2008. Already in November of the same year, there were rumors that they were having an affair. The actors themselves denied this.

Finally, in October 2011, Kristen admits that she and Rob are together. They appear in public as a couple, and no longer hide their relationship.

In 2012, Rob and Kristen live together in Los Angeles.

On July 17, 2012, Kristen was seen in the company of director Rupert Sanders, with whom she starred in the film Snow White and the Huntsman, during the meeting, Rupert kissed "her whole body," according to reporters.

On July 24, the world is shocked by the news that Kristen was having an affair with a married director. Friends of the actress say that she is completely depressed and very sorry for her mistake.

July 25 Kristen and Rupert publicly apologize. The next day, Robert left the house where they lived with Kristen. Rob is humiliated and depressed and cuts contact with Kristen.

Friends say Rob was about to propose to Kristen before he found out about her cheating.

The family of Liberty Ross, the wife of Rupert Sanders, claims that his affair with Kristen lasted several months. Robert wants to find out how things were not really.

In early August, active preparations are underway for the premiere of the last part of the Twilight saga. Kristen remains hopeful of reconciling with Robert before they have to appear together in public promoting a new movie.

On August 28, magazines reported that Robert had finally agreed to meet Kristen for the first time since the scandal.

On September 16, the papers reported that Robert and Kristen couldn't live without each other, and Rob forgave Kristen for her "stupid mistake".

In 2013, they then converge, then part. In May 2013, Robert left home with all his belongings.

Someone likes him, someone calls him mediocrity - but there is not a single person who would be completely indifferent to this British actor. Playing the vampire Edward in 2008, Robert Pattinson won the hearts of all girls from 13 to 70 years old, and also made many enemies among film critics and all males combined. But in life, the actor is not much like a mysterious and romantic vampire - the real Pattinson can be more likely attributed to the characters of a tragicomedy.

And here are some proofs.

Fact 1

Robert has two older sisters, who, according to the actor, did anything as a child, but did not let him live in peace. For example, they liked to dress up their younger brother as a girl and introduce him to everyone as "Claudia". One can only imagine how little Rob reacted to this - although who knows, what if it was such a masquerade that prompted him to think about an acting career.

Fact 2

While going through a difficult period of unemployment, Pattinson seriously considered quitting for good. acting skills— and probably would have done so if it weren’t for the timely auditions for the role of Edward Cullen in Twilight.

Fact 3

It's hard to believe now, but when Robert was asked to play Cullen, there were at least 75,000 people who signed a petition against Pattinson being cast as the iconic vampire. The reason for such a stormy protest was the opinion that Robert "outwardly falls short of the handsome Edward."

Fact 4

When the actor was asked how he got used to the role of a vampire, he replied that "75% of success was in my hair."

Fact 5

Unlike Taylor Lautner, who wowed everyone on the set of New Moon with his amazing torso, Robert chose not to put in the physical training for the film. So for the sake of the scene where Pattinson takes off his shirt, the makeup artists had to literally draw the actor's abs with the help of cosmetics.

Fact 6

Deciding to quit smoking, Robert began to carry toothpicks everywhere with him - and this, of course, did not go unnoticed by the actor's fans. So after each party or premiere, caring fans began to fill him up with “gift” packs of toothpicks.

Fact 7

One day, Pattinson decided to do something extraordinary and invited one of his fans to dinner, who spent days standing idle under his house. According to the actor himself, in this way he wanted to overcome Bad mood. However, being not a very talkative and open person, Robert, according to his own statements, did not make a particularly vivid impression on the girl.