Card file of walks for the month of April senior group. Recommendations for walking in the kindergarten preparatory group for school - file n1.doc

Observations while walking preparatory group spring is whole topic which has been mandatory in kindergartens for a long time. Thematic trips to nature with children to explore the world around us - that's what is so interesting and useful for children. At any age, not necessarily immediately before school. This approach helps to develop, and also awakens curiosity in children. In addition, it undergoes huge changes that occur with the onset of warm weather. The world is literally blooming. All this helps the development of children. Moreover, spring phenomena can lure a child. No coercion or persuasion - the kids themselves will be drawn to obtaining new knowledge from mother nature. Information will be assimilated with the help of illustrative examples, and this, as you know, has a positive effect on development. So what observations can be made on a walk in the preparatory group in the spring? And what plan should be held generalizing lessons on this topic?

Targets and goals

Of course, each session should have its own goals. And observation on a walk in the spring also pursues certain tasks. So, for example, you should not neglect such activities. After all, for kids, even in preparatory groups, it is important that information arrives in an interesting way for them, game form. And the illustrative examples that nature demonstrates in all its glory in spring are what you need for successful learning.

During walks, children not only have fun. They are still learning the world, analyze what is happening, build logical chains of consequences (spring has come - buds have appeared on trees). All this is very important for child development. Moreover, walking in the fresh air is also beneficial for health.

Also, children learn to discuss what is happening around them. Not just to analyze, but also to express your opinion. It is very important. leaves vivid impressions that later the kids will be able to express and remember much better than some figurative, abstract explanations of educators.


So, what observations can be made with children during a walk in the preparatory group in spring different ages? To be honest, they are always the same. The main thing is just to interest the kids, to focus their attention on certain moments that happen to the outside world.

For example, the first and most obvious is weather changes. The surrounding world, of course, begins to literally bloom. And the weather becomes warmer, softer, more pleasant. The sun is already warming, the temperature outside is not so low. If you arranged some kind of winter walks, it's time to compare the weather in winter and spring. Let the little ones look at what is happening and also describe the changes they were able to make.


The next feature that will have to be explained, and not just shown, is the arrival of birds. Most likely, in spring or winter, you have already discussed the flights that birds make with the onset of cold weather. Observation on a walk junior group this or the other - it doesn't matter) should have emphasized that there are fewer birds in the cool. Some fly away, while others stay.

And in the spring, not only the weather suffers some changes. Also the birds are flying. Most likely, the flight will not be able to see. But new birds on the trees - easily. Show the children that with the onset of a warm season, the world around them comes to life. Birds are returning home from warm countries. And now they will live here until the new cold weather. If you manage to see storks, tell the children about them. These birds symbolize spring to some extent. And in general, try to talk about all the migratory birds that you meet on a walk.


Is there a pond near the garden? Then senior group(observation on a walk at this age should be extremely informative, but at the same time fascinating) draws attention to changes in the water. In winter, the reservoirs were covered with ice. And now, the world is literally waking up. The weather is getting warmer, the birds are returning from warm countries, and the water is melting.

There are floods and streams. In some cases, it is necessary to explain to children that a lot of snow and ice sometimes give rise to floods. But it doesn't happen that often. And the spring melting of ice is not as dangerous as it seems. Most often it is safe, even useful for nature and the world.


Of course, a walk-observation (the second younger group or the older one is not so important) must necessarily emphasize the main changes in nature in the spring. We must not forget that plants illustrate the biggest differences between the seasons from each other.

Let the children look at how the world and its vegetation change in spring compared to autumn and winter. The grass is turning green, flowers are starting to bloom somewhere, buds are appearing on the trees. All this is very important for children. And as a study of the world around us, and for general development.


Don't forget about spring flowers. Most likely, you just have to say that in given period When nature and the surrounding world wake up from hibernation, flowers begin to bloom. If possible, show the tulips, and don't forget to talk about the first heralds of spring.

About what? About snowdrops! Very often, observation on a walk (the preparatory group is already able to fully assimilate such information) involves searching and telling about the first flowers that appear after winter, with the first warm rays of the sun. Finding them is usually not that difficult. Let the children look at the flowers, remember them. After all, spring is associated precisely with flowers and greenery, with something warm and pleasant. Everything around literally blooms before our eyes. Explain this to the kids.

Animals and insects

Next is to look at animal world. It would be good if observations on a walk in the preparatory group in the spring will include a clear example of the awakening of animals from hibernation, as well as their changes. For example, some choose a visit to the zoo as a developmental activity. There you can see that the animals wake up from hibernation, and also change their winter color to the usual, spring one.

All this, most likely, will have to be told in words, while the children are walking and exploring the world around them. Also emphasize that all living beings begin to wake up. Even insects. By the way, in especially warm weather, you can see butterflies, ladybugs, as well as various insects, cockroaches, which were absent in winter. All this is extremely interesting for children at any age.

Distinctive features

Walk-observation in kindergarten will come to an end sooner or later anyway. At such moments, you will have to sum up the information received. It is desirable, by the way, to get out to such research classes as often as possible. Children with great pleasure will study the features of each season on a good example, and even in the fresh air. Practice and observation are always better than bare theory.

Discuss with the children what distinctive features spring has. In the same way as it was done in autumn and winter. Let the kids sum up the results of the walks themselves. Compare winter and spring. This will help the children understand the peculiarities of the seasons. Highly useful information which forms an idea of ​​the surrounding world. And it does not matter in what period the observation-walk was carried out: 2, the younger group or the older one. The result will be the same - gaining knowledge about changes in nature and the world around us with the onset of heat.


Well, now that you and your children have discussed the main changes in nature, it is possible and even necessary to sum up the final lesson. It is desirable that this be art. It is this form that helps the development of children to the fullest. Both interesting and useful.

Observation in the preparatory group (and not only at this age, but also in any other) should be summed up with a lesson in fine arts. In any form that the children will only prefer. Most of the time it's drawing.

Prepare all the equipment that may come in handy: paper, pencils, brushes, paints, felt-tip pens, water. And then invite the children to draw spring. What they saw on a walk, or how they imagine the onset of the spring period. You can also offer to depict two pictures - winter and spring. Also very a good option. Then have each child explain how the two seasons differ from each other. And interesting, and useful, and easy. Help if the children have any difficulty explaining.

In the end, you can make an exhibition of drawings. Have the children show their parents what they have learned from observing the kindergarten walk in the spring. After all, it is much easier for some to tell loved ones about the information received. Yes, and boast of success, too, all children love.


Another option for summing up the information received is the compilation of applications on the spring theme. Here it is already better that the teacher himself came up with some specific topic. For example, dedicated to nature or weather. Or give the children complete freedom in this matter - let them use colored paper, as well as glue and plasticine with cardboard, to depict what they saw during the walk. Or, as in the previous case, they will show exactly how they imagine spring. And talk about the information received.

At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of children's work is again held. You can also carry out open lesson on the theme of spring. Let the children not only show their creations, but also tell their parents about how the day went for a walk, what they learned new for themselves, how nature changes in spring.


What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? Spring walks for children in kindergarten are very important. Toddlers learn much better when they are doing something interesting, and also see visual examples of everything that happens. Walking is the best form of exploring the world around you.

At the end of each topic, a summary should be made. It is desirable that this is also in some form that is interesting for children. The main thing is to try to talk about the changes in the world around you so that the children are interested in this process. In any case, a walk-observation will be stored in the memory of children for a long time. This will help them develop and form an accurate representation of the world around them. Observations on a walk (the younger group may not be able to fully appreciate the changes taking place in nature, but, undoubtedly, the kids will be interested in everything) is what helps children gain the necessary knowledge about the environment in an interesting way for them. Under no circumstances should these activities be neglected.

MBDOU No. 17, art. Petropavlovskaya, Krasnodar region Fomenko Lidia Mikhailovna, teacher

Target. Formation of the child's personality in the process of familiarization with nature through outdoor play.


  • Teach children to observe the weather.
  • Clarify and expand children's knowledge about birch, about the changes that occur with plants in the spring.
  • Develop gaming skills.
  • To bring up a joyful, caring attitude of children to nature and to each other, through an outdoor game.

Magpie doll. Letter from Old Man Lesovichka. Route plan.

Preliminary work.

Birch observations. Bird watching. Conversations:

"Who enjoys spring the most?" , (Spring is red. 3 memorization of poems. Making figurines of birds. Research activities (birch leaves, seeds). Games "Find a tree by description" , "Seeds" , "Children and Goats" , "Who Has More" .

The course of activity.

The children, together with the teacher, go for a walk and see that Magpie is sitting on a stump. Next to her is a basket with a letter. The teacher draws the attention of the children to Magpie and the letter.

caregiver (reads letter to children). Hello guys. The Old Man Lesovichok is writing to you. I know that you are smart and friendly guys. I really wanted to make sure of this. But in order to meet with me and receive forest gifts, you need to complete tasks. A plan map will help you with this. See you soon! Your friend Lesovichok.

So guys, let's hit the road, shall we?

Educator: First, let's look at the plan (a birch leaf is drawn).

What is on the plan?

Children. Birch leaf.

Educator. Is there a birch in our area? There is. We need to find her. The route is shown on the map. (Children with a teacher walk along the marked route and talk about the weather)

Educator. Are you curious about what awaits us ahead and what nature can teach us today?

Weather monitoring:

What is your mood? And what is the mood of the weather, let's try to determine together. Look at the sky Tell about it. Do we enjoy the sun? What is it. Is there wind today? How did you know?

Generalization. Clouds float across the sky, each may seem to us something unusual. A light breeze sways the branches of trees, shares its secrets. The bright sun is our companion and friend. Let our mood today not overshadow anything. We will be glad to any meetings.

Educator. Guys, we are on the right track. Here is the note left for us by Lesovichok. (In the note is a riddle)

Not caring about the weather
Walks in a white sundress
And on one of the warm days
May gives her earrings (Birch)

Educator. How did you know it was birch? (They go further, find a birch. A letter hangs on a birch)

Reading a letter.

Dear Guys! Finally, you came to me, I was waiting for you so much, I was swinging branches like that. In winter, I was very sad. And now, with the advent of spring, something unusual happens to me. I want to have fun, be happy and give my joy to everyone. Guys, can you explain what is happening to me?

Birch observation.

▪ What happens to the birch in spring?

▪ What were the birch branches like?

▪ Look at the kidneys, what are they like?

▪ What is hidden in them?

▪ Guys, does the birch decorate our site?

▪ What kind words can you say about a birch tree?

Generalization. There are many poems, songs, legends about birch - this is the most beautiful tree. Listen to what poems our guys have learned about the birch.

Reading fiction.

1. This is a forest fashionista
He often changes his outfit.
In a white coat - in winter.
All in earrings - in the spring.

Sundress green - in the summer.
On an autumn day, she is dressed in a raincoat.
If the wind blows
The golden cloak rustles.

2. I love Russian birch
Either bright or sad
In a light dress.
With handkerchiefs in pockets

With red clasps.
With green earrings.

3. I love her, elegant,
Native, invisible,
That young seething
That sad, crying.

I love Russian birch.
She is always with her friends.
Bent low under the wind
And it bends, but does not break.

4. A little sun warmed the slopes,
And it became warmer in the forest.
birch green braids
Hung from thin branches.

All in White dress dressed
In earrings, in lace foliage
Meet the hot summer
She is at the edge of the forest.

  • Guys, the birch is popularly called the Russian beauty.
  • And what kind of jewelry does a birch tree wear? (earrings)

Research activity.

  • Are the earrings the same?
  • What is the difference?
  • Do they have similarities?

Observe and explain that birch earrings are different: they are smaller, brown and hard - these are earrings of the first year (flower buds), others - loose, easily scattered - the second year, with seeds ripened in them. Consider the size of the seeds. What shape are they. What do they look like.


  • How many seeds are in one earring?
  • What happens if you blow on seeds?
  • How many trees can grow from seeds?

Educator. At parting, we will make gifts to the birch.

  1. I give you the sun, let it shine brightly - brightly, warm you.
  2. I give you a drop of water, let it drink and wash you.
  3. I give you a bird. She will be your friend and save you from the caterpillars.
  4. I give you green leaves, let you grow a lot of them, they will make a lot of noise, and I will come to listen to the noise and hide under them from the hot sun.
  5. I give you land - soil so that you grow better, let it feed and water you

Educator. And now we need to move on. What is on our plan? (branches, rake and broom).

Lesovichka's next task is to clean up fallen branches.

The game "Collect the branches in the basket" .

We successfully completed 2 tasks (Pay attention to how beautiful it is).

Educator. What is drawn on our plan next? (man on a log). Obstacle course:

  1. Walk along the log-bridge and not fall into the river.
  2. Cross the swamp over bumps.
  3. Breathing exercises.

mobile game "Run to your leaf" .

Educator. Guys, here we have completed all the tasks of Lesovichok. Look, here is our Magpie with a basket. And there is a surprise in the basket - apples!


  • Card file of walks for the preparatory group of the kindergarten (Document)
  • Summary of the lesson on familiarization with fiction in the preparatory group of the kindergarten In the country of fables (Lecture)
  • Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with fiction in the preparatory group of the Pushok kindergarten (according to V.G. Skrebitsky) (Lecture)
  • Synopsis of the credit regime moment - morning exercises in the preparatory group of the kindergarten Dexterous riders (Lecture)
  • Summary of the application lesson in the preparatory group of the kindergarten Dreaming about summer (Lecture)
  • Abstract of a design lesson in the preparatory group of the kindergarten Bridge for residents of a magical city (Lecture)
  • Organization of a green zone at the kindergarten site (Document)
  • Graphic dictations (Document)
  • Card file of walks for the middle group of kindergarten (Document)
  • Course project - Construction of a kindergarten (Course)
  • n1.doc

    Walk No. 7
    1. Observation of mountain ash.
    Purpose: Observation of mountain ash in the spring will give an idea that by the beginning of a noticeable flowering of mountain ash one can judge the beginning of summer in our region.

    green in the spring,

    Burnt in summer

    put on in autumn

    Red corals.

    Story: Mountain ash is a photophilous breed, it is suitable for landscaping cities and towns. Rowan blossoms in late May - early June, after spring frosts. Pollinated by insects. They love mountain ash in our region. According to an old belief, it is enough to stand in the shade of a mountain ash to scare away an incipient disease. For many regions, this is a signal that cucumbers and tomatoes can be planted.

    Questions: What insects fly to the blooming mountain ash

    (self observation)
    2.Research work:
    Find the most flowering bush.
    3.Mobile game

    "Play, play, don't lose the ball"

    Target: Control the ball and play with it without interfering with a friend.

    4.Labor activity :

    Prepare garden beds.

    Target: Understand the importance of this type of labor for the growth and development of plants.
    5. Individual work:

    Long jump.

    Target : Make a takeoff run
    6. Independent games with material to be taken out.

    Walk No. 8

    1. Observation of the flower garden.

    Purpose: To expand the children's understanding of the flower garden in the spring, to consolidate the children's ability to care for plants, water them, weed them.
    Artistic word:
    I don't need a garden, a strawberry

    I'd better break the flower beds, let the carnation grow.

    I will plant a tulip, daffodil, rose, forget-me-not

    You come in, do not be lazy, in my garden for a minute.

    I want to be a gardener when I'm older

    I will plant flowers, although it is not easy.
    Questions: Name garden flowers.

    Name the wild flowers.

    Guys, what should be done before planting flowers?

    What are the names of the flowers that we planted in a group for our flower bed?

    What needs to be done so that our plants grow and bloom?

    Why is it impossible in our conditions to plant plants on the street now?

    Why are some plants called annuals or perennials?
    2.Mobile game.
    "Whose link will gather sooner?"

    Purpose: To train children in running.
    3. Labor activity.

    Continue gardening.

    Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to work together; to consolidate knowledge about the growth and development of plants.

    4. Individual work.

    Game control do not fall.

    Purpose: to control walking on a log
    5 Independent games of children with the material they take out. .
    Walk 9.

    1. Watching different types transport.

    Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge that a person uses a bicycle that does not require gasoline. A man moves by pedaling.

    Story: Bicycle is a form of transport . The word bicycle means "fast feet". In order to ride it, you need to pedal with your feet, and keep your balance with the steering wheel.

    Clarify that bicycles are for children and adults. What is the difference? (children and adults, size and number of wheels).

    Invite the children to look at the bike.

    Artistic word:

    From the earliest childhood

    Serves me a bicycle.

    Better than any car

    Doesn't need gasoline!
    I'm pedaling

    I fly a bird from the mountain.

    But on the hill, by the way,

    It's very hard to climb!
    I don't get discouraged for long

    I press the pedals.

    Let me get tired a little

    But I will get stronger!
    How is a bicycle different from a car? (The car is refueled with gasoline). Why do people get stronger when they ride a bike? (The muscles of the back and legs develop).

    I ride on two wheels

    I spin with two pedals,

    I hold on to the steering wheel, I look ahead,

    I know - the turn is coming soon.

    A road sign told me:

    The highway descends into a ravine.

    Rolling at idle

    Pedestrians in sight.

    2. mobile game : "Humpty - Baltai".

    Purpose: Perform movements according to the text, learn to relax the muscles of the arms, back and chest.

    3. Labor activity : Offer to sweep the paths on the site, collect garbage.

    Purpose: To instill a desire to work.

    4. Individual work for the development of movements.

    Purpose: To improve orientation in space, a sense of balance.

    5. Independent games with remote material.

    Walk No. 10
    1. Observation of an anthill on an ecological path.

    Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about ants. Cultivate interest in research work.

    He is a real worker

    Very, very hardworking.

    Under a pine tree in a dense forest,

    He builds a house from needles. (ant)

    What benefits do ants bring to people and the forest? (destroy harmful insects).

    Which forest dweller likes to eat ants and their larvae? (bear, woodpecker)

    Story: The ant princess rules the anthill. In her youth, she did not have large wings, and she loved to frolic and fly. But, having become the honorary mother of a large family, the ant gnaws off her wings and has been living in an anthill ever since. She lays eggs, which later hatch into larvae. The worker ants take care of the younger generation - they feed and care for the larvae. Ants-soldiers guard the ant tower, they are fearless defenders of the fortress. Predatory ants consume a variety of insects. They love to eat sweets.

    Where do our ants live? (the anthill is in the top layer of the soil, under the asphalt).

    Let's see how ants work. Ants crawl along the paths they have gnawed through the asphalt.

    2.Research work:
    Let's fill one path with sand and see what they do. We will fill the second path with granulated sugar and see how the ants will collect it.

    So who is the strongest on earth?
    3. Outdoor games:

    "Living maze"

    Purpose: To teach children to form double rows, to make wide circle, to train the coherence of collective actions, speed of reaction and ingenuity.

    4..Work activity :

    Clear the area of ​​old leaves.

    Target : continue to learn to work in pairs.
    5.Individual work : Game exercises"Jump and jump"

    Purpose: To develop the ability to jump on the left and right legs.
    6. Independent games with remote material.

    Walk No. 11
    1. Observation of a dandelion.

    Purpose: To teach children to compare a dandelion at the beginning and at the end of flowering, to name the change that has occurred with the flower.

    develop cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about medicinal plants, about the rules for their collection, use.
    Why are there so many dandelions? They are not whimsical. Several hundred seeds are formed in a golden yellow basket.

    Each seed is equipped with a fluffy white tuft on a long leg - a parachute. Until the seed is ripe, the parachute does not open. Ripe fruits straighten white fluffs with an umbrella, and the dandelion becomes like a fluffy white ball. As soon as the wind blows or touches a fluffy flower, the ball breaks up into hundreds of parachutes and brave parachutist seeds fly in all directions. And bare flower heads remain in place. Dandelion seeds germinate easily, so there are a lot of them around. In gardens, dandelion is considered a weed and they try to uproot it, which is not always possible.

    The heat breathed into the blade of grass

    And blew up the balloon

    Wind with one spirit

    The ball let loose in the world

    He was yellow, he became white

    Only the wind will blow

    He will boldly fly up to the clouds

    He is flying


    What changes occur during the flowering of a dandelion?

    (First, a green bud appears, which opens into a yellow flower, then white fluffy umbrellas appear in place of the petals, with the help of which the wind spreads the seeds of the flower.)

    Why do you think dandelion is considered a medicinal plant? (The raw material is the roots. A decoction of dandelion roots is used as a bitter to stimulate the appetite and improve digestion.)

    Who will name the rules for harvesting medicinal plants? (You can’t tear in the city)

    Roots only after ripening and shedding of seeds, it is desirable to leave in the ground for the renewal of plants, not all roots are pulled out.

    When the flower basket closes, why in wet weather and in the afternoon?
    2.Research work:

    Determine the age of the dandelion.

    Examine the rosette of a flower through a magnifying glass.
    3. Outdoor games:

    " Swan geese"

    Purpose: To learn to act on a signal. Cultivate friendships in the game.

    "Jump Rope"

    Purpose: To consolidate the names of plants.
    4. Labor activity:
    Organize cleaning in the pharmacy garden.

    Purpose: To understand the importance of this type of labor for the growth and development of plants.
    5.Custom work:
    Purpose: To improve the skills of rolling a hoop in an arbitrary direction.
    6. Independent games with remote material .

    Walk №12
    1. Observation of the rainbow.
    Purpose: To continue to form children's ideas about the rainbow as part of inanimate nature.

    What a miracle - beauty!

    painted gate

    Showed up on the way

    Neither enter nor enter them. (Rainbow)

    When it rains and the sun shines, a rainbow can appear in the sky. A rainbow is visible when the sun's rays pass through raindrops. The larger the raindrops, the brighter the rainbow. There are seven colors in the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. They are always in the same order.

    The sun ordered - stop.

    The Seven Colored Bridge is cool!

    A cloud hid the light of the sun.

    The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips.


    When will the rainbow disappear?

    When can a rainbow appear?

    What nature is a rainbow?
    Draw a rainbow on the pavement with colored crayons.
    2. Outdoor games:

    "We are funny guys." Purpose: To teach carefully, listen to the teacher's command, develop attention, monitor the correct execution of tasks.
    3. Labor activity.

    Pick up all trash in the area. Purpose: to help the janitor.
    4.Individual work.

    Strengthen the ability to move backwards.
    5. Independent games with remote material.

    Walk 13
    1. Watching a butterfly.
    Purpose: to clarify and expand children's knowledge about the butterfly: about its origin, structure, reproduction and benefits. Contribute to the development of ecological thinking. Bring up careful attitude to all living things.
    Artistic word. Not a bird, but with wings.

    Not a bee, but flies over flowers.


    Narrative. Colorful-winged beautiful butterflies merrily flutter over a green meadow. And yellow lemongrass, and dark red urticaria, and pigeons, and cabbage whites, and iridiums, and mother-of-pearl. AT Ancient Rome people believed that butterflies came from flowers detached from plants. The butterfly has two pairs of wings covered with small scales, which is why they are called Lepidoptera. The body of a butterfly is covered with scales and hairs. They have short antennae and big eyes. The spirally folded transparent proboscis of a butterfly is its mouth. When she drinks drops of nectar from flowers, the proboscis unfolds, and then spirals again. Flying from flower to flower, the butterfly collects nectar and pollinates them. In summer, the female lays eggs in the soil. After a while, larvae - caterpillars - appear from them. Then the caterpillars shed their skin and pupate and adult butterflies appear, which are called moths. Silkworm butterflies, which feed on the leaves of the mulberry tree, give people the finest threads from which silk is obtained.
    2. Working with the butterfly model.
    3. Outdoor games : "The Bear and the Bees"

    Target : exercise children in climbing, running on a signal.

    "Butterflies, Frogs and Herons"

    Purpose: to teach children to run, freely imitating the movements of animals.
    4. Labor activity : garbage collection in the area.

    Purpose: to form labor skills, the desire to independently direct

    Cleanliness and order.
    5. Individual work . "Kill the bumps"

    Purpose: to teach children accuracy, accuracy.

    Walk #14

    1. Watching a thunderstorm .
    Purpose: to introduce children to the concept of "thunderstorm". To form real ideas about the phenomenon of nature. Enrich vocabulary. Develop observation.

    The sky darkened.

    It was covered with clouds.

    Like a chariot

    Rolled in the sky.

    The ants have fled

    Thunder rumbles, scares

    The rain pours down in streams,

    Lightning flashes.

    Hiding under the roof

    Sparrows know-it-alls.

    What happened to nature

    Children guess.


    Questions: 1. What has become dark and covered with clouds?

    2. What thunders and scolds?

    3. What natural phenomena are still being talked about? (rain, lightning)

    4. Who was scared by the storm? (ants, sparrows)

    5. What do you think a thunderstorm is?
    Story . When the weather is bad, electricity builds up inside the cloud. Lightning is a giant electrical spark. Lightning heats up the surrounding air. Hot air collides with colder air and thunder is heard. Lightning during a thunderstorm is very dangerous. Very often it hits tall, lonely objects, it can smash a tree to pieces and start a fire. You can't stand under a tree during a thunderstorm. These are the phenomena of nature observed during a thunderstorm.
    2. Research work.

    Compare ordinary rain and thunderstorm. name similarities

    And differences.

    3. Outdoor games.


    Purpose: to teach to listen carefully to the shepherd and quickly fly away from the wolf,

    Clearly pronounce the words of the geese.

    "Find Your Tree"

    Target : teach children to name and remember their tree, to be attentive

    And fast.
    4. Labor activity: (by subgroups)

    1 subgroup rakeclean allotted adult


    2 subgroup garbage is carried away on a stretcher;

    Target : teach children to work in small subgroups; educate the desire to work, friendship in the team.
    5.Custom work:

    "From tree to tree" - exercise children in jumping on two and on one leg.
    6. Independent games with remote material.