How beautiful it is to draw an autumn tree with a pencil step by step. How to draw an autumn tree

Also, if you are a beginner and still beaded on “You”, practice on beaded rings first: they are small, easy to make and require very few materials to create them!

Where to begin?

So, how to make a beaded ring? To get started, choose a scheme that you like. Fortunately, on the Internet there are many patterns for weaving a beaded ring with your own hands. These instructions can be either the simplest, with a minimum of materials and a short period of time spent, or complex products with cabochon braiding and the addition of various decorative elements. Regardless of the scheme of weaving a beaded ring you have chosen, really evaluate your capabilities and make sure that you can handle the manufacture of this jewelry.

Materials and tools

In accordance with the selected scheme, select the necessary materials. If you're missing something, go to your nearest craft store and get whatever you need. Fortunately, there are enough such stores, and their assortment is simply huge.

What materials do you need to make a beaded ring for beginners? First, you need beads. Beads are the most various shades and sizes, high-quality (Japanese or Czech) and not very good (Taiwanese and Chinese). Also, in accordance with the master class, you may need other materials: cabochons, beads, pearls, glass beads, bicones or cutting.

As you are creating the ring, you will also need a base for the ring. For these purposes, you can buy a ready-made base with a universal sliding ring and a wide base with holes. On this basis, you can immediately weave a ring or glue a finished product to it. You can also do without a base if you completely make a ring of beaded balls.

In addition, you will need a standard set of beading tools: beading thread or fishing line, special thin needles and scissors.

How to weave a beaded ring?

So, you have all the necessary components and are laid out in front of you on the table. Next, in accordance with the diagram, weave the ring. As a rule, a master class with detailed description and a photo, so making a beaded ring should not cause you any particular difficulties. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, and even a seemingly complicated ring will turn out flawless!

We wish you success!

A handmade beaded ring looks very exclusive and original. Birthday is a wonderful date that every person celebrates with his family, friends and relatives. best friends. On this day, it is customary to have fun, congratulate the birthday man with good touching words and give him pleasant gifts. Each invited guest tries to please the birthday man and please him an unusual gift. A chic ring woven from beads and bicones will suit a woman as an extraordinary gift.

The article will discuss how to create an original decoration from beads and bicones with your own hands.

Preparation for work

To create a chic beaded ring as a birthday present, you will need working material:

  1. Sixteen bicones of the desired color, size - four millimeters.
  2. Golden Czech beads of the tenth size.
  3. Line with a diameter of 0.2 mm.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Beaded needle.
  6. Lighter.

We bring to your attention a video tutorial on creating a rhombus-shaped beaded ring.

Video MK weaving a beaded ring

Having prepared thoroughly for the implementation of an exciting creative process, you can begin to create.

Master class on creating a ring

The weaving of the ring is carried out in a simple technique, so any novice needlewoman can weave the jewelry. To make it easier for beginners to cope with the work, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with step by step wizard class.

Ring weaving

  1. We begin the process of weaving a ring by cutting off a fishing line, one and a half meters long, which we thread into a needle. As a plug, we collect a bead of bright yellow color, so as not to get confused in the process. We lower it down, leaving the end of the thread five centimeters.

2. We pass through the bead from the bottom up again and carefully tighten.

3. We string twenty-nine beads of golden color.

4. We count ten elements and insert a needle into the eleventh fragment from top to bottom, as shown in the illustration.

5. We tighten the fishing line, forming a ring of ten elements.

6. We string five beads of the main shade and insert the needle into the sixth bead after the element from which the fishing line comes out (see the photo below). We tighten the fishing line well and get another ring.

7. Based on the principle of weaving described above, we form two more rings. As a result of weaving, we get a chain of four identical rings.

8. Let's move on to creating the second row. We insert the needle from the bottom up into three beads at once, as shown in the photo illustration.

9. We collect 5 beads, insert the needle into the third (middle) glass. (See bottom photo).

10. Repeat the steps done two more times.

11. We continue to weave the next tier. Insert the needle into three pieces of glass from top to bottom. When the fishing line has taken the right place, we string 5 beads and insert the needle into the middle element of the next arc, tightening the thread well.

12. In the same way, we form the next arc and proceed to weaving the next row, in which one beaded arch is woven.

13. As a result of painstaking work, a half of a rhombus was obtained, in which bicones will be placed in each cell. We will weave the next half of the rhombus later.

We have just wove a beaded rhombus with our own hands and are starting to weave bicones.

Step by step weaving bicones into rings

  1. We pass into the last added glass from top to bottom. Next, insert the needle from the bottom up into the sixth bead (see photo).

2. We string the bicone and insert the tool into the glass opposite and the next two beads. Carefully tighten the line.

4. Thus, we interweave all other bicones into empty cells.

5. Remove the cap, it will no longer be needed, and tie both ends of the thread into several knots.

6. We cut off the short end of the fishing line and set it on fire with a lighter.

7. We continue to weave the second half of the rhombus. To do this, we insert the needle into the first three elements, string five pieces of beads, and form an arch. You should get three beaded arcs.

8. By the same principle, weave a rhombus to the end.

9. Having finished weaving a rhombus figure, we pass the needle through five pieces of glass from the bottom up, then into the next element from top to bottom, as in the photo.

10. We collect the bicone and pass the needle into the opposite bead and the next - two beads. Then we braid free cells with bicones as we have already done with the first half of the rhombus.

11. It turns out a beautiful and neat rhombus.

12. At the next stage of weaving, we bring the tool through the beads, as shown in the photo below.

13. We collect one golden bead and insert the needle into the element from which the fishing line comes out from the bottom up. We tighten the thread well.

14. We put the needle into the dialed bead towards ourselves, we collect the bead and we pass into the second element from the rhombus from ourselves.

15. Then we introduce the tool towards ourselves into the newly typed element.

16. We string one piece of glass and insert the needle away from us into the third fragment of the rhombus and into the newly dialed bead towards ourselves.

18. To fix the ring, we sew the created strap and fragments of the rhombus again.

19. Having finished stitching the ringlet, cut off the fishing line and burn it with a lighter.

As a result of painstaking work, a chic ring was obtained, which will be the best birthday present for a loved one. The birthday girl will be delighted with such a gift - after all, so much positive and good energy left by the needlewoman is stored in a home-made product. A handmade ring is unique, inimitable and in a single copy, as colors and elements can be changed at your discretion.

You can learn how to weave a more delicate ring of beads and beads, which will not leave indifferent lovers of handicraft by watching the following video. Good luck in your endeavor!

Videos pigtail beaded ring

Beaded needlework is known not only for weaving crafts, New Year's toys, pendants, but also wonderful, original jewelry. A beaded ring is also no exception and can be created in different colors and unusual designs with or simply from beads.

The master class will help you get acquainted with all the subtleties of craftsmanship and will be useful not only for beginners, but also for craftsmen.

Necessary materials:

  • beads number 10 and 11;
  • oval faceted bead 6 mm;
  • bicones 4 mm;
  • needles for beads;
  • nylon thread.

Work process

The first thing to do is measure the thread along the length of the ring 1.2 m and cut it off. Put on the two ends of the needle, close the thread in half and string one bicone on it. Place it in the center, and then put beads on both needles. Now, on one thread of the ring, dial 4 bicones, and also stretch the needle through the fixed cone. String 3 bicones on the needle and thread a turn over them to fasten them.

Next, you need to bring the threads into two prepared cones of the ring, put 3 beads No. 11 on all threads and connect them in 3 beads. Again, dial 3 beads on unoccupied strings and cross them again in 3 beads. It is necessary to produce such a strip until the full girth of the finger. To these parameters, 2 more cubes should be added.

Now you can already collect 3 beads, and also connect the threads in bicones in proportion to the base of the rim. To give the appearance and hardness of the ring strip, you just need to bring the thread through the last beads, return to the starting place and pull the threads together, forming an exact circle, as the diagrams in the photo show.

The next step is wrapping around the bicones of the ring. It is required to string 4 beads No. 10, return the needle to the previous cone, and also bring it close to the one located. Then dial 3 beads, return the needle to the bead of the initial line and two bicones. It is necessary to repeat this work around the circumference of the ring. The braid looks like flower petals. Now you should tie the threads into knots, hide the ends or cut them off. The beaded ring is ready.

Shimmering Ring

It turns out that there are not only ordinary beaded rings, but also real luminous jewelry that you can make with your own hands. And they are made from unusual drop-shaped Miyuki beads.

What will be required:

  • orange drop beads;
  • olive and red Delica beads;
  • half a cotton ball;
  • carrot-colored thread;
  • white ribbon 2.5 x 2.5 cm;
  • beeswax.

You need to start making beaded rings by drawing 1/2 of the circle on the tape. Next, thread the conditioned thread collected in half along the length of 7.5 cm into the needle and work with a seam along the strip lined on the ribbon. Now move away from the line by about 0.3 cm and cut in a circle. With the help of fire, carefully singe the terry edges of the ring. Then tighten the ends of the thread, pulling the end of the ring a little. The tape will turn out in the shape of a cup, as the diagrams show. It is necessary to roll a ball of cotton in your hand, put it in a ribbon and continue to tighten the ends of the thread around the ball. Next, you need to push the protruding place of the ball into the tape with the end of the scissors, baste a stitch on the outside of the quilted strip and carefully fasten it from below. At the end, squeeze one of the sides of the ring to make the craft more smooth.

Now, already with the help of a needle, you can go to the top of the center of the ring ribbon. It is necessary to collect one drop, thread the thread back through the fabric and out of it again. Now pull the thread to place the bead near the fabric, continue to pick up the beads in concentric turns until the entire plane of the ring is closed, as this master class represents. With the help of a thread 91 cm long, a segment 14 beads wide is made, as well as a length of 8 beads with mosaic needlework of the ring. You need to make 4 more rows, reducing them from each part of the work, put the thread through the beads in the direction of the main line drawn up in this step and make the appropriate cuts. This piece will be the beginning for the top of the ring.

The skill of mosaic weaving continues along the base. It is necessary to make a ring of red beads with a width of 6 beads, creating a circle line. Next, cross the edges of the strip from the other part of the beginning of the ring so that they interlock like a zipper and tighten the beads at the same time. Then pass the thread through all the beads on the tape to pull it up and finish near the base of the ring. Now you can already place the decorated ribbon ball in the material section of the circle, pull it off with a mosaic openwork, fastening it, and also cutting the thread. A luminous beaded ring can be considered complete.

Terry beaded rings

With your own hands you can make not only ordinary beaded rings, but also fluffy ones. The principle of operation of such crafts will begin with the production of tissue matter, which will then be decorated.

Materials for work:

  • beads number 11;
  • beads Delicas;
  • thread for beads.

The stop bead is typed on a thread 122 cm long, keeping the tail of the ring 10 cm. To make the first row, which is the width of the rim, you need to string Delicas beads, as the diagrams show. Using fabric weaving, as well as being guided by an example, it is necessary to make the rim of the ring along such a length that it is possible to tie a finger. To start the fringe, thread the thread through the first bead in the last row. You need to put on 5 beads in size 1 mm of the same tone as Delicas beads. Now you should lower the beads to the bottom of the rim of the circle, hold them and set them in place, holding them with your thumb. "Jumping" through the last bead, you need to thread through 4 beads and a new bead to the rim of the circle. The fringe line should be well attached to the rim of the ring. To fill the top of the ring, you still need to go through about 2 cm of rows of beads. After the previous line of braid, the thread should be threaded in the opposite direction to the initial row of the warp. With the help of a weaving seam, the ends of the tape are brought together to form a ringlet. Here is such a wonderful beaded ring turned out.

From this step by step master class you will learn how to make a beaded ring for beginners with your own hands. This ring is made of high quality Japanese beads using the "Mosaic" technique and looks very stylish! BUT detailed instructions with photo and diagram will help you weave it correctly.

Time: 3-4 hours Difficulty: 5/10


Japanese beads in two contrasting shades;

Thread for beading;

Basis for earrings with a flat base 6 mm and a stud - 2 pieces;

Needles in a set;


Glue for jewelry.

A beaded ring for beginners, despite its simplicity, looks stylish. If you also make earrings for him - the envy of fashionistas is guaranteed!

Go beyond the ring and create an elegant set by making earrings in this style too! The key point of these earrings is the flat base to insert the square weave which gives the finished piece a very elegant and professional look. Making these earrings is quite simple and also suitable for beginners. And by following the same steps, but playing with colors, you will create new decorations every time!

Following our master class, you will make a modern and fashionable set that is suitable for any occasion!


So, let's learn the basics of beading by creating a beaded ring for beginners.


Cut off about 1 meter of bead thread and thread it through the eye of a beading needle.

Add the required number of beads to the thread. After that, skip one bead and pull the thread back through the holes of all the added beads, forming a loop to fix the beaded web and prevent it from moving. To build the first row of both the ring and earrings, you need to add 10 beads to the needle.


To form the second row, add the 11th bead to the thread and immediately after that, pass the needle into the 9th cylinder.

Bring the needle out of the 9th bead, add the 12th bead to the thread and pass the needle into the 7th cylinder. Repeat this process until you reach the 1st bead.


Make a triangle with 6 cylinders at the base of the ring, for which alternately add and subtract beads of a contrasting shade into the weave.

Continue braiding until you have 17 rows, or whatever length you want for your ring.


Connect the two ends of the beadwork by moving the needle and thread between the first and second edge alternately. When finished with weaving, hide the threads by passing them diagonally through the center of the beads in different directions.


Weave the earrings in the same way, shaping them to the length and width of your earring base.

When finished with beading, attach it to the base for the earrings with a few stitches, leaving the end of the thread in the center of the base from the back.

If you want the base to be more fixed, place a few drops of glue on the base before attaching the weave to it.

Repeat the same steps for the other earring. You did it!

A charming beaded ring for beginners, coupled with earrings in the same style, are woven! We hope you enjoy this kit! What color would you make it? Let us know in the comments, we'd love to know!

How to weave such a ring - you can see in the bonus video.

It is customary to see women's fingers decorated with rings. Beautiful jewelry looks great, which is an alternative to expensive ones. jewelry. There are many different types jewelry that will appeal to even the most selective women. Beaded rings look amazing. Each needlewoman will be able to choose a scheme for herself and weave a ring of incredible beauty.

braided variant

The availability of the material allows you to replenish jewelry boxes with beautiful rings, suitable for both everyday wear and special occasions. The best part is that all this beauty can be made by hand. After all, the process of beading is very exciting and gives you the opportunity to show your imagination and create a unique piece of jewelry.

For beginner needlewomen, it is worth starting with simple rings that can be worn every day with almost any style of clothing. It's not hard to do them at all. They look very cute and attractive.

by the most in a simple way is a checkerboard weave. Such rings, despite the simplicity of execution, look very stylish. The scheme of this weaving is shown below.

For holiday events You can make chic rings and rings. Even the simplest evening dress will look amazing if you complement it with a beautiful ring with a scattering of beads, stones and beads. Under artificial lighting, it will sparkle and shimmer.

Large rings with clothes in a classic style or laconic things look great. Such rings do not "overload" the image, but only add completeness to the outfit and focus attention on themselves.

Weaving patterns

Using weaving patterns, you can weave a wonderful ring. But despite the fact that the scheme may be the same, the choice of color and type of beads determines how the ring will turn out in the end. And that's the beauty of beading. This is not only an exciting activity, but also a way to express your individuality, to show your imagination.

If you choose the scheme of the ring you like and weave it from bright and shiny stones and beads, then the ring will be shimmering and catchy. And if, according to the same scheme, a ring is made of matte light beads and mother-of-pearl beads, then such an ornament will be delicate and elegant.

It is also necessary to take into account the size of the ring.

Do not forget to try it on during the manufacturing process. Although the advantage of such rings is that, as a rule, standard schemes are universal and the decoration sits tightly, does not fall off and does not press, but it is better to play it safe.

It is also worth paying attention to the basis for the ring. Weave with thin wire or fishing line. Wire makes stronger jewelry that holds its shape well, but choose this material carefully. If the ring is made of light-colored beads, then it is better to take silver or golden wire. If you take a dark wire, then it will spoil appearance ringlet.

Simple and fast

A master class with step-by-step photos will help to weave beautiful rings.

Creating a beautiful ring is very simple. The decoration is very elegant and neat. You can take beads and a bead in colors that are more to your liking. Or you can even make many different rings in this way and wear them under different things that match the color scheme of the decoration.

Let's prepare everything you need. Weave with thin wire. Take a bead with imitation turquoise with a diameter of 1 cm. You will also need four turquoise beads with a diameter of 0.4 cm. Two dark beads with a diameter of 0.6 cm. And silver beads.

We make two cuts of wire 25 cm each. We string eleven beads on the first wire. We pass both ends into a bead and tighten. Then do the same with the second wire.

On each of the two ends of the wire we string two beads, and then another turquoise bead. We pass both ends through a dark bead and tighten them. We do the same with the other two ends of the wire.

Now we string four beads on the tips on one side, and thread both tips on the fifth and tighten them. Next, string seven more beads. We do the same with the other two ends.

Now you need to try on the ring and, if necessary, add beads. We twist the ends of the wire tightly and cut off the tails. Then we bend the twisted wire and thread it into a bead so that it is not visible. It turns out a delicate beautiful ring:

Video on the topic of the article

In a selection of videos, you can see how beaded rings are created.