Download film breakups for a literature lesson. Definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson

Grade 10 Prepared by: T.V. Kuryanova Literature teacher MOU secondary school No. 9 Lesson No. 1 Topic: “I. A. Goncharov. Essay on life and creativity. Three novels by Goncharov. "Oblomov" is a novel that established the writer as a classic of Russian literature. Lesson objectives: To explore the prerequisites for the creation of a work: to determine the author's - personal, historical - literary contexts for the emergence of a work. To form the skills of independent research and search work, the preparation of messages in accordance with a given topic. Raise interest in the personality of the writer and his work. Lesson form - lesson - seminar Thematic plan for the seminar: 1. Life essay of I. A. Goncharov: vivid episodes of life. 2. Rapprochement with the late Romantic Maikov circle at the first stage of creativity: romantic traditions and their rethinking in the prose of I. A. Goncharov. 3. Unique touches of I. A. Goncharov's creativity: the first stories. 4. The trilogy of I. A. Goncharov as “Russian history in faces”. 5. The novel "Oblomov": the history of creation. 6. Socio-political prerequisites for the emergence of the novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Lesson number 2 - 3 Topic: "Oblomov is the main character of the novel: his essence, character, fate." Lesson Objectives: Identify the characteristics of the character of the protagonist. To form the skills of working with text with the identification of key details that characterize the main character; group work skills. Determine the educational value of the character traits of the protagonist in a general philosophical context. The form of the lesson is work in groups. I have long been ashamed to live in the world. I know everything, I understand everything, but there is no strength and will. The first part of the work Characteristics of Oblomov G No. 1 G No. 4 portrait (Chapter 1) D No. 2 G No. 3 interior Lifestyle (Chapter 1) Philosophy of life (Chapter 5) (Chapter 6) Task: 1. Carefully work with the text: highlight keywords, details that are important for revealing the character of the protagonist, generalize and argue thoughts. 2. Present your group's work as a message. Group functionality:      Team leader Thinkers Text-based Secretary Speaker *Each group makes a presentation on its own issue. We formulate a general conclusion about the features of the character of the protagonist from all the components indicated by us, we write the conclusion in a notebook. The second part of the work The basic question: “What could Oblomov change the current way of life for?” G №1 G №2 G №3 G №4 Social life Volkov Career Sudbinsky "Creativity" Penkin "Facelessness" Alekseev Questions for group work: 1. Why does the author introduce these characters? 2. What is the essence of life that each of these characters embodies? 3. Oblomov's attitude to the way of life of each of them: is this the goal, the meaning of life, according to Oblomov? 4. Do you agree with Oblomov? Argument your opinion. Conclusion (Chapter 8): "Outline" of Oblomov's character. Does he realize the real state of his affairs and his nature (correlate with the epigraph of the lesson)? Oblomov's "dream" - what is it for him? Criteria for evaluating the work of groups:  Inclusion in the work of all members of the group.  The quality of the prepared message: completeness of the disclosure of the question, argumentation, attention to detail (ability to work with text), specificity and accuracy of the answer.  The quality of the monologue response of the speaker: development, coherence, logical sequence, language design. Homework: Make a chain of keywords that reveal the features of Oblomov's character. Lesson number 4 Topic: “Oblomov and Stolz: comparative characteristic heroes." Objectives of the lesson:    Determine the features of the character and worldview of Stolz, compare with Oblomov. To form the skills of independent work with the text: analysis of key episodes, comparative characteristics of the characters. educational value life philosophy Stolz: revealing the inner potential of a person, the desire for self-improvement, spiritual and physical dynamics. The form of the lesson is an analytical conversation. ? The antithesis of the life ideals of the heroes: “... Life is poetry. It is free for people to distort it ... "" Labor is an image, content, element, purpose of life." Whose philosophy is positive and constructive? Work plan: 1. The image of Stolz in the novel: family, upbringing, education, portrait features, lifestyle, value orientations (part 2, chapters 1 - 4) 2. Build and write down a chain of keywords that reveal the character of Stolz, Oblomov (check homework) 3. Compare the character of Stolz with the character of Oblomov: Oblomov: Peace (apathy) Sleep (inaction) Dream - "shell, self-deception" Fear of circumstances Aimlessness of existence Labor punishment Stolz: "... he is constantly in motion ..." "balance of practical aspects with subtle needs of the spirit" "he was afraid of any dream, ... wanted to see the ideal of being and the aspirations of a person in a strict understanding and administration of life" "he attributed the cause of all suffering to himself" "Above all, he put perseverance in achieving goals" "Labor is an image, element, content, goal life” 4. Make a conclusion about at what levels, in what details the antithesis between Oblomov and Stolz is revealed. 5. Antagonism of life views of the characters. (The dispute between Oblomov and Stolz - part 2 chapter 9). "Provocative" questions:     Isn't Stoltz too positive in his views? Or maybe Oblomov is right: people who are looking for meaning in secular life are dead people, such a life is a useless fuss. Why is he lying on the couch worse?! Is the poetic perception of Oblomov's life the refinement of the hero's soul, "subtle poetic nature" or a way to hide from reality? The strength and weakness of the characters of Oblomov and Stolz: a hero and circumstances, a false and positive meaning of existence? Outcome: Evaluate critically the life perception of Oblomov / Stolz. Whose position do you consider acceptable for yourself? Argument. What values ​​(which of the characters) will you take into your life baggage? Lesson number 5 - 6 Topic: "Love in the life of Oblomov: the images of Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna in the novel." Lesson objectives:    To trace the dynamics of the development of the relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya, to determine the meaning of these relationships in the novel. The role of the image of Agafya Matveevna in the novel. To form the skills of search work with the text, the ability to conduct a dialogue, to argue your point of view. Determine the educational value of the spiritual and value attitudes of the characters. The form of the lesson is a literary workshop (analytical work with text). Love is a difficult school of life! ? Did Oblomov go through this school? Did she change him? Work in analytical groups: Analysis of key episodes and chapters that reveal the development of the relationship between Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya: 1. Oblomov's acquaintance with Olga (“talking” details in the portrait of Olga, find characteristic details that reflect the change in Oblomov). 2. Part 2, chapter 8: identify the changes taking place in Olga, how can they be explained? Why does the ardent fire in Oblomov's soul begin to fade? What is the feeling in Oblomov stronger than love? Why? 3. Chapter 9: meeting in the park: what helps Olga to “resurrect” Oblomov? The role of the landscape, "talking" details, symbolizing love? 4. Chapter 10: Oblomov's letter: the desire to save Olga from mistakes or a way to avoid changes and stay in the same spiritual static? 5. Part 3, chapter 2: why does Oblomov return to his previous state (describe the lifestyle that Oblomov leads on the Vyborg side)? The appearance of Agafya Matveevna in Oblomov's life is compared with the relationship between Oblomov and Olga. 6. Chapter 6: why did Oblomov's marriage to Olga never take place? Did he do something real to achieve his goal? What prevented him? Is it possible to justify Oblomov? 7. Chapter 12: what "talking" details symbolize Oblomov's complete return to his former way of life? The role of the winter landscape intensifying the gloomy picture? What comparative turns does the author use? Why? *Each group is looking for an answer to the questions posed by analyzing key episodes, identifying "talking" details and determining their meaning. The general conclusion is drawn up in the form of a reference diagram. Reference scheme: "The development of relations between Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya." She wanted to make him climb the mountain. She wanted to follow how love would make a revolution in his lazy soul ... Bottom line: What do you think the scheme we have built symbolizes? (this is life itself with its ups and downs, the inner dynamics of the hero - searches, doubts). Did Oblomov go through the "hard school of life"? Why? Homework: Write down the conclusion - the answer to the questions posed. Conclusion. Oblomov refused love, he chose peace: “I like peace, although boring, sleepy, but it is familiar to me, and I can’t handle storms!” The episode of Oblomov's last explanation with Olga reflects Olga's deep disappointment and pain: “I thought. That I will revive you, that you can still live for me, and you died a long time ago ... ”Olga realized with bitterness that“ one could only expect from him deep impression , passionately - lazy obedience. Eternal harmony with every beat of her impulse, no movement of will, no activity. After all the doubts and internal struggle, Oblomov again found himself "at the same point of impossibility to move forward." Love is ups and downs, contradictions and doubts, search, this is movement, this is life, rich, vibrant, changing. Ultimately, the development of this feeling requires an initial commitment, a duty that implies the desire to take responsibility. Oblomov was frightened of this - the feeling of fear in Oblomov constantly intensifies and suppresses all other feelings and desires in him. It was necessary to make decisions, to act, to change something. Oblomov was not capable of this. Why? After searching and tormenting, never finding the strength and will to fight for his love, Oblomov returns to his former state of peace and inertia, spiritual static (returns to his "swamp"). And this state, according to the author, is similar to the “death of the soul”, which emphasizes the winter landscape: snow falling in large flakes, turning everything into a white shroud. Agafya Matveevna again takes out a dressing gown, symbolizing the "shell" of life. Lesson number 7 Topic: “Oblomovism is one word, ... and what a poisonous one!” Lesson objectives:    To determine the general philosophical meaning of the concept of "Oblomovism" as the basis of the character of the protagonist of the novel. To form the skills of a complete textual analysis of the chapter (part 1, chapter 9 - “Oblomov's Dream”) The relevance of the concept of “Oblomovism” today. The form of the lesson is a problematic dialogue. This is not a dream - this is some kind of ... Oblomovism! No, my life began with extinction. Our name is legion! I. Checking homework: conclusion on the topic of the previous lesson. From all the theses identified by the students in the conclusion, we isolate the key questions that will serve as the basis for the conversation in this lesson. ? What did Olga mean when, in her last conversation with Oblomov, she said that he "died a long time ago"? Why Oblomov was not able to fight for his love, what are the reasons for his "lying"? Analysis of "Oblomov's Dream": The compositional role of this chapter. Location, description of Oblomovka: what artistic means are used by the author, for what? Oblomov's childhood: in what atmosphere did he grow up, what kind of people surrounded him, how and why were they treated him? Oblomov's way of life: daily "classes" of Oblomov's father, mother. What technique does the author use? (The cult of food, the cult of sleep in Oblomovka, how do Oblomovites perceive strangers?). draw a literary parallel: who and why do the inhabitants of Oblomovka resemble? The attitude to education of Oblomov and his parents (to draw a literary parallel), compare with the attitude to education in the Stolz family. Tales and tales of nannies: what influence did they have on the emerging consciousness of little Ilyusha? What connection, in your opinion and according to the author, have the roots of the Russian folk mentality and certain character traits of a Russian person? Discuss the positive and negative aspects of this relationship. "Happiness" in the understanding of the Oblomovites? (compare with Oblomov's "dream"). Do you agree with the author's thought that "life, like a calm river, flowed past them"? Attention to the epigraph (to the words of Stolz about the "dream"). II. Do general conclusion about how Oblomov's upbringing and the atmosphere in which he grew up influenced him later life, on the life position of Oblomov (attention to the second epigraph). Match your thought with Olga's words. III. Analysis of the episode: Tarantiev's "deal" and Agafya Matveevna's brother. How and why does Oblomov behave in this situation? What do you think, is it possible to justify Tarantiev's act and agree with his words: “Yes, until the boobies in Rus' are gone, that they sign papers without reading, our brother can live.” Is this situation relevant today? Is it possible to look for reasons in the "echoes" of Oblomovism? IV. Analysis of the final episode: Stolz's meeting with Zakhar. How was the further fate of Zakhar? What do you think caused this fate? How do you understand the words of Stolz: “Gone…what is the reason? Oblomovism? Outcome: Formulate your understanding of the concept of "Oblomovism" in the form of theses. Fear of living (desire to hide from problems) aimlessness of existence inability to make choices and make decisions Oblomovism inability to take responsibility for one’s destiny Prove that Oblomovism has become main reason Oblomov's "failure" in love and in life. Homework: How do you understand Oblomov's words: "Our name is legion!". Prove that Oblomov's character is typical. Reflect on the question: "What is relevant and terrible Oblomovism at all times?" Composition - essay. The tragedy of Oblomov's fate. Turning away from work, you turn away from yourself as a person. After reading the work of I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov", many people have conflicting points of view on the question of whether Oblomov is really a tragic hero, then what is the reason for his tragic fate? On the one hand, the reason for his “laziness” must be sought in Oblomovka: in the atmosphere in which Ilyusha was brought up, in fairy tales and in the lifestyle of the Oblomovites, who “programmed” the child for an aimless existence “in a circle” in the future. On the other hand, Oblomov's whole problem is that he turned into a lazy and apathetic man, spending whole days on the couch, he could not resist the "program". After all, in any case, you should try to do everything in your life on your own, and not wait until some “Zakhar” comes and ties your shoelaces, and some Tarantyev “blunders” you, taking advantage of your simplicity. And all because you are just too lazy to solve your problems on your own. To be honest, I was terribly annoyed by Oblomov's so-called "volcanic work", which he does while lying on the couch. He equips the house, wants his peasants to live in abundance, but all this is only in dreams, but in reality everything is just the opposite: the farm is abandoned, there is almost no income, the peasants run away from the village from hunger and poverty. What is this job? These are the dreams of an unadapted child, in this “dream” Oblomov tries to hide from reality with all its problems. Oblomov turned out to be weak and miserable. After all, in my opinion, you need to live in reality, not dreams. Oblomovism, Oblomovism everywhere: in his life, in the life of Zakhar and many other people who are afraid to independently manage their own destiny, but only wait for someone to do it for them. How easy it is to drown your life in a bottle or in a useless "dream" (I will have breakfast, take a walk, have lunch, sleep - and so every day)! So, summing up, I can say with confidence that the true reason for this fate of Oblomov is inside him. He did not have a personal core: he is weak, spineless and in his dreams is far from reality. Yes, from my point of view, he is miserable and unhappy, although Oblomov himself does not consider himself as such, because he is quite satisfied with his miserable physiological existence. I think that in your life guidelines you need to adhere to the position of Stolz: he achieved everything in his life on his own, practically without anyone's help. He does not hide from life, but strives to find meaning in work, in constant movement. You just need to recognize that work is the main objective life, and you also need to believe in yourself. And everything will work out! Malyshev Denis 10a class

Lessons based on the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" with elements of RCM,

Topic: The image of the protagonist in the novel "Oblomov".

Purpose: to comprehend the image of the main character from the point of view of a social, universal and moral position.

Methodical techniques: commented reading, keywords, syncwine, teacher's word, logical chain.

Lesson equipment: literary text, textbook by Yu.V. Lebedev, "Literature" Grade 10. 1 part.

During the classes.

1. Organizing moment.

2. The word of the teacher.

The writer himself determined the ideological orientation of the novel: “I tried to show in Oblomov how and why our people turn prematurely into ... jelly - climate, backwater environment, drowsy life, and still private, individual for each circumstance.”

Epigraph on the board. "... the most important thing, which has not been equal for a long time ... I am delighted with Oblomov"

L.N. Tolstoy.

3. Challenge. Why is the protagonist of the novel Ilya Ilyich Oblomov so interesting?

Commented reading of part 1, chapter 1.


Oblomov occupation

portrait interior


Information after reading part 1, chapter 1. The teacher writes on the blackboard.

- facial expression, dressing gown; slippers, sofa, servant Zakhar, cobwebs, dust, lying down, dreams, former official

Express your assumptions about the personality of the main character. " I believe that….."

(“I believe that we have a very lazy and indifferent person ...)

    Reading episode part 1, ch.2. "Letter from the village from the headman."

Question 1) What can you say about the headman? (Headman steals and lies)

2) What is Oblomov's reaction to the letter? (5.6 ch. part 1)

Discussion. Underline the reason for this reaction.

5. Reflection. Sincwine.

What thoughts and feelings did you have about the personality of the main character?

Answer options.


    Lazy, kind (apathetic)

    Lies, dreams, sybaritizes

    Oblomov is the main character of the novel.


6. Homework.

Reading the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" (ch. 9, part 1) Overture of the novel. Conditions for the upbringing of little Oblomov.

Make a logical chain of events in the life of the village of Oblomovka.

(In Oblomovka, no one asked himself the question: what is life for, what is it, what is its meaning and purpose?

The Oblomovites very simply understood it “as the ideal of peace and inaction, violated at times by different

unpleasant accidents, such as: illnesses, losses, quarrels and, among other things, work. They

took down labor as a punishment. In such conditions, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov was brought up.)

Logical chain .

Silence - stillness - food - sleep like death - silence ..... happy people!?

Question for thought. Why life, what is it, what is its meaning and purpose?

Conclusion. Oblomovka "as an ideal of peace and inaction"

Lesson on the novel "Oblomov" (continued).

Topic: "Or I did not understand this life,

Or she's not good enough."

The purpose of the lesson: to find out "what is Oblomovism" and what role Andrei Stolts and Olga Ilyinskaya played in Oblomov's life.

Methodical techniques: commented reading, comparison, keywords, cinquain, conversation.

Lesson equipment: literary text, portrait of Oblomov, Olga, Andrey.

During the classes.

    Organizational moment.

    Checking d / z.

    Introduce students to the lesson topic and purpose.

    Oblomov's question becomes the center of the analysis of the novel: "Either I did not understand this life, or it is no good at all." Opposes Oblomov on the pages of the novel Andrei Stolz with his assessment - "Oblomovism".

    Comparative characteristics Stolz and Oblomov. What is the meaning of life?

Reading part 2, ch.3,4,5.

Andrey Stoltz

He is all in business, there is no free time; the meaning of life is activity. He is constantly on the move.

Ilya Oblomov

Dreaming of a quiet family life: food - calmness - sleep, bliss; notes, books, piano, elegant furniture. Life is poetry.



    Persistent, purposeful;

    Learn, work, serve.

    He walked firmly, cheerfully.

    German (friend, agent)

    Oblomov seeks salvation in Andrey. "Don't scold, Andrei, but rather help." Andrei is surprised by the changes that have taken place in Ilya.

“You seem to be too lazy to live”; "you are a philosopher, Ilya"; “Is it you, Ilya”; “why didn’t you break free, didn’t run somewhere, silently died?”"Oblomovism!" (diagnosis) Now or never!

Oblomov himself about himself. “... In my life, no fire has ever lit up - neither saving nor destructive fire .. Either I did not understand this life or it is no good ... Where?”

Conclusion. "Oblomovism? One word, but what ... ..poisonous!

    D/Z. Reading part 2, ch. 5-9. Changes in Oblomov.

Lesson based on Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" (continued).

Subject: Oblomov and Olga.

Purpose: to consider what changes took place in Oblomov after meeting Olga and why not

the love of two heroes took place.

Methodological techniques: commented reading, conversation, diamonds.

Lesson equipment: literary text.

During the classes.

    Organizational moment.

    Conversation at home.zad.

Questions: 1) What changes have occurred in Oblomov? (Oblomov got up from the sofa).

2) What does Stoltz say about the purpose of dating? (Change Oblomov's life)

3) How did Oblomov's music affect his state of mind?

(music brings him to an unusual state, because the soul is found; music is love)

4) Is it love? (Yes)

3. Teacher: What is Olga? What hopes did Olga have with Ilya? Let's try to answer these questions

find the answer as you read the novel further.

Lessons based on the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" with elements of RCM,

Topic: The image of the protagonist in the novel "Oblomov".

Purpose: to comprehend the image of the main character from the point of view of a social, universal and moral position.

Methodical techniques: commented reading, keywords, syncwine, teacher's word, logical chain.

Lesson equipment: literary text, textbook by Yu.V. Lebedev, "Literature" Grade 10. 1 part.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

2. The word of the teacher.

The writer himself determined the ideological orientation of the novel: “I tried to show in Oblomov how and why our people turn prematurely into ... jelly - climate, backwater environment, drowsy life, and still private, individual for each circumstance.”

Epigraph on the board. "... the most important thing, which has not been equal for a long time ... I am delighted with Oblomov"

L.N. Tolstoy.

3. Challenge. Why is the protagonist of the novel Ilya Ilyich Oblomov so interesting?

Commented reading of part 1, chapter 1.

Oblomov occupation

portrait interior


Information after reading part 1, chapter 1. The teacher writes on the blackboard.

- facial expression , robe; slippers, sofa, servant Zakhar, web, dust, lying down, dreams, former official

Express your assumptions about the personality of the main character. " I believe that….."

(“I believe that we have a very lazy and indifferent person ...)

Reading episode part 1, ch.2. "Letter from the village from the headman."

Question 1) What can you say about the headman? (Headman steals and lies)

2) What is Oblomov's reaction to the letter? (5.6 ch. part 1)

Discussion. Underline the reason for this reaction.

5. Reflection. Sincwine.

What thoughts and feelings did you have about the personality of the main character?

Answer options.

Lazy, kind (apathetic)

Lies, dreams, sybaritizes

Oblomov is the main character of the novel.

6. Homework.

Reading the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" (ch. 9, part 1) Overture of the novel. Conditions for the upbringing of little Oblomov.

Make a logical chain of events in the life of the village of Oblomovk And .

(In Oblomovka, no one asked himself the question: what is life for, what is it, what is its meaning and purpose?

The Oblomovites very simply understood it “as the ideal of peace and inaction, violated at times by different

unpleasant accidents, such as: illnesses, losses, quarrels and, among other things, work. They

took down labor as a punishment. In such conditions, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov was brought up.)

Logical chain.

Silence - stillness - food - sleep like death– silence….. happy people!?

Question for thought. Why life, what is it, what is its meaning and purpose?

Conclusion. Oblomovka "as an ideal of peace and inaction"

Lesson on the novel "Oblomov" (continued).

Topic: "Or I did not understand this life,

Or she's not good enough."

The purpose of the lesson: to find out "what is Oblomovism" and what role Andrei Stolts and Olga Ilyinskaya played in Oblomov's life.

Methodical techniques: commented reading, comparison, keywords, cinquain, conversation.

Lesson equipment: literary text, portrait of Oblomov, Olga, Andrey.

During the classes.

Organizational moment.

Checking d / z.

Introduce students to the lesson topic and purpose.

Oblomov's question becomes the center of the analysis of the novel: "Either I did not understand this life, or it is no good at all." Opposes Oblomov on the pages of the novel Andrei Stolz with his assessment - "Oblomovism".

Comparative characteristics of Stolz and Oblomov. What is the meaning of life?

Reading part 2, ch.3,4,5.


Persistent, purposeful;

Learn, work, serve.

He walked firmly, cheerfully.

German (friend, agent)

Oblomov seeks salvation in Andrey. "Don't scold, Andrei, but rather help." Andrei is surprised by the changes that have taken place in Ilya.

“You seem to be too lazy to live”; "you are a philosopher, Ilya"; “Is it you, Ilya”; “why didn’t you break free, didn’t run somewhere, silently died?” "Oblomovism!" (diagnosis) Now or never!

Oblomov himself about himself. “... In my life, no fire has ever lit up - neither saving nor destructive fire .. Either I did not understand this life or it is no good ... Where?”

Conclusion. "Oblomovism? One word, but what ... ..poisonous!

D/Z. Reading part 2, ch. 5-9. Changes in Oblomov.

Lesson based on Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" (continued).

Subject: Oblomov and Olga.

Purpose: to consider what changes took place in Oblomov after meeting Olga and why not

the love of two heroes took place.

Methodological techniques: commented reading, conversation, diamonds.

Lesson equipment: literary text.

During the classes.

Organizational moment.

Conversation at home.zad.

Questions: 1) What changes have occurred in Oblomov? (Oblomov got up from the sofa).

2) What does Stoltz say about the purpose of dating? (Change Oblomov's life)

3) How did Oblomov's music affect his state of mind?

(music brings him to an unusual state, because the soul is found; music is love)

4) Is it love? (Yes)

3. Teacher: What is Olga? What hopes did Olga have with Ilya? Let's try to answer these questions

find the answer as you read the novel further.

Lesson 71

Goals : highlight main topic novel; consider the image of Oblomov, the formation of his character, lifestyle, ideals; through the biography of the protagonist to reveal the features of Russian life.

During the classes

I. introduction teachers.

Roman "Oblomov"

Since 1847, Goncharov began to work on the novel Oblomov. A chapter from a future work called "Oblomov's Dream" appeared in the Sovremennik magazine in 1849 and aroused enthusiastic approval from readers. But the work has been delayed. Only in 1857 the novel was completed (abroad). It took a while to finalize the chapters. The complete novel Oblomov was published in 1859 in the journal Domestic Notes. (This is the time on the eve of the abolition of serfdom, the way of life that gave birth to the protagonist of the novel - Oblomov.) A new book Goncharova aroused interest and a mixed assessment of criticism.

The main theme of the novel is the fate of the younger generation, who is looking for their place in life, in society, but has not been able to find the right path. For the first time in Russian literature, the author depicted the life of a Russian landowner from birth to death. From the "prehistory" of Oblomov and the epilogue, we can determine that about 37 years. This is not only the story of Oblomov's life, it is a whole era of Russian history!

Thus, the facts of the biography of the protagonist help readers to present a picture of Russian life, allow them to comprehend it historically.

Goncharov more deeply shows the decomposition of the feudal-serf system in Russia, passes a harsh sentence on him. In literature, he introduces a new concept - "Oblomovism", which becomes a symbol backwardness and stagnation, inaction and laziness.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is called the last in a series of "superfluous" people - Onegins, Pechorins, Rudins.

II. Conversation with students on the content of the novel.

Questions :

1. Main character novel. Tell us about his appearance, lifestyle.

3. Reading homework miniatures, reviewing. ("Portrait of Oblomov", "Oblomov's Day", "How do I imagine Oblomov?")

4. Oblomov and his guests. The attitude of the protagonist to his visitors. (Reading dialogues. Comparing the behavior of heroes.)

5. How are Oblomov and Zakhar similar? Can you imagine them without each other?

6. What are distinctive features Oblomov? Tell us about the formation of his character.

7. Meeting with Stolz. What is the difference between the education of Oblomov and Stolz?

8. "Oblomov's Dream". Retelling, reading fragments.

9. What gave rise to such a type as Oblomov? Tell us how gentle and meek Ilya Ilyich "turns" into Oblomov?

10. Why couldn't love for Olga Ilyinskaya change the main character?

11. What does Oblomov have in common with "superfluous" people - Onegin, Pechorin?

12. Has Oblomovism outlived its usefulness today?

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov- Russian landowner, educated and cultured, evoking the sympathy of others. (Andrei Stoltz about his friend: “This is a crystal, transparent soul!”)

But Oblomov breaks first with the service, and then with society. Neither the beautiful Olga Ilyinskaya nor Andrei Stoltz can awaken the hero to an active life. Oblomov's normal state is lying on the couch, doing nothing.

The author carefully emphasizes the main features of Oblomov - laziness, lack of will, inability to practice, contempt for work. Gradually, gentle, kind, honest Ilya Ilyich turns into a loafer and an idle couch potato. These properties are called the word "Oblomovism". (“One word, and what a ... poisonous!” Oblomov says.)

To reveal the character of Oblomov, the author uses a variety of techniques: he indicates his age, draws a portrait, describes the clothes and furnishings of the house, tells the “background” of the hero, origin, childhood, service, introduces Oblomov’s environment, reveals his thoughts and moods, etc.


2. Comparative characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz. ( Common features, opposition of heroes: character traits, lifestyle, ideals, failure of heroes in their relationship with Olga, ways of artistic typification of images, attitude towards the heroes of the author, critics.)

Lesson type: art lesson.

Type of lesson: a lesson in in-depth work on the text of the work.

Lesson form: lesson-conversation (with elements of artistic reading, discussion).

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  • formulate problematic and research questions of the lesson;
  • develop the ability to analyze a work of art, to make comparative analysis;
  • to cultivate students' interest in Russian literature, to develop their creative abilities.

Materials for the lesson:

  • text of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov";
  • textbook "Russian literature of the 19th century, grade 10" Yu.V. Lebedev;
  • individual task for research (2 people);
  • task for research in groups.


Short reference (writing on the board):

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov“a man of thirty-two-three years of age.”
Andrey Ivanovich Stolz- "the same age as Oblomov."
Zakhar (Oblomov's servant)- "for fifty years."
Anisya (wife of Zakhar)- "about forty-seven years old", served Oblomov.

I. The first stage of the lesson

A) Oblomov's lifestyle aroused in Stolz a thirst for activity:
“You have to get out of this dream ... No, I won’t leave you like this, in a week you won’t recognize yourself, in the evening I will tell you detailed plan about what i intend i yourself and you do…”
Stolz believed that life is work, "labor is the image, content, element and purpose of life."
Oblomov believed that life is peace and idleness.
Oblomov's confession (how he imagines life, how he wants to live it) caused a backlash:
"This is not life ... this is ... some kind of Oblomovism." (page 163)

b) Attitude towards education:

V) Attitude to everything new:

G) Attitude towards Olga Ilyinskaya:

* Stolz introduced Oblomov to Olga and her aunt.

II. Second stage of the lesson

Olga Sergeevna Ilinskaya

Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna(about 30 years old)

Olga lived with her aunt.

- attitude towards Stolz:
“I called him a friend, I loved him because he always made her laugh and did not let her get bored, but she was a little afraid, because she felt like a child in front of him.” (page 170)

- she loved music, but sang more often in secret.

- with redoubled curiosity, she shifted her eyes to Oblomov, and Oblomov from these views - at least fall through the ground. (page 171)

- Olga in the strict sense was not a beauty, that is, there was no whiteness in her, no bright color of her cheeks and lips, and her eyes did not burn with rays of inner fire, there were no corals on her lips, no pearls in her mouth, no miniature hands, like in a five-year-old child, with fingers in the form of grapes ...

- Olga made Oblomov “revive” with her acquaintance, her presence, her singing.

Ilya was with Olga from morning to evening, he read with her, sent flowers, walked along the lake, in the mountains ... he, Oblomov, "What does not happen in the world!"

To Olga:
verb - lay.

After meeting Olga:
verbs - read, sent (flowers), missed, walked, answered, sighed, prepared, worried, listened ...

“At night, Oblomov could not sleep, in vain he lay down on his back to his full height, in vain he took the laziest and most peaceful poses - he can’t sleep, and that’s all.” (page 172)

“- No, I feel ... not music ... but ... love! Oblomov said quietly. Day after day passed: he was there with both legs, and hands, and his head.

After moving to the Vyborg side (he moved Tarantiev to his godfather), Oblomov spent three days, as he had not spent for a long time: without a bed, without a sofa, he dined with Olga's aunt.

Oblomov, among lazy lying in lazy poses, among dull drowsiness and among inspired impulses, in the foreground, a woman was always dreamed of as a wife and never as a mistress (p. 182).

Oblomov lives his life in dreams.

Lilac branch. The smell of love (p. 195).

"Lilac (branch) - the color of life and ..." (p. 208).

“Again life, again hope!”

Meeting in the park! Declaration of love. Oblomov offers Olga to meet secretly, which means to be a mistress (p. 215).

Olga does not agree, leaves. Oblomov is worried. Olga is not leaving. Oblomov offers her his heart.

“Life is life, duty,” Olga says, “duty, and duty can be hard. Let's do our duty..."

He (Oblomov) sighed. “We won’t see Olga ... My God! You opened my eyes and pointed out my duty…” (p. 219).

p. 252 - end of part II.

After the move, Oblomov and Olga do not stop talking.
Oblomov becomes more and more lazy, the action leaves him.
"Olga demanded an answer about her health." Oblomov wrote "slander".
He was delighted at Olga's suggestion to take care and not come on Sunday.
He wrote to her that indeed, for a perfect recovery, you need to stay at home for a few more days” (p. 295).

“On Sunday, he visited the hostess (Pshenitsyna), drank coffee, ate a hot pie, and sent Zakhar to the other side for ice cream and sweets for the children by dinner.”

“The bridges were removed, and the Neva was about to freeze. Oblomov could not think ... to go to Olga.
"... cruel fate deprives him of the happiness of seeing the beloved Olga for a few more days."
Olga waited, hoping that bridges would be built and they would meet.

Meeting with Olga, explanation. (p. 302)

Olga demands a concrete decision, an answer from Oblomov.

Olga was crying.
Why did everyone die?
- Who cursed you, Ilya?
- What did you do? You are kind, smart, gentle, noble ... and ... you are dying! What ruined you? There is no name for this evil...
“Yes,” he said in a low voice.
- Oblomovism! he whispered. Without raising his head, without showing her face, he turned around and walked away.

Olga married Stolz and bore him a child.

“The house of the widow of the collegiate secretary Pshenitsyn,” Oblomov read on the gate and ordered to enter the yard.

Oblomov is a new tenant.

She was thirty years old. She was very white and full in the face, so that the blush could not seem to break through her cheeks. She had almost no eyebrows, and in their place were two slightly swollen, shiny stripes, with sparse blond hair. The eyes are greyish-ingenuous, as is the whole expression of the face; the arms are white, but hard, with large knots of blue veins protruding out” (p. 260).

She entered timidly and stopped, looking shyly at Oblomov.

"She stupidly listened and stupidly thought."

“She has a simple but pleasant face,” Oblomov condescendingly decided, “she must be a kind woman!” (p. 262)

“No, I have two children with me, from my late husband: a boy in the eighth year and a girl in the sixth,” the hostess began rather talkatively, and her face became livelier, “our grandmother, sick, barely goes, and then only to church ; ... That's it" (p. 262)

“What a fresh, healthy woman and what a hostess! It would be right to marry her ... - he said to himself and plunged into the thought ... of Olga.

“The master's children came to him: he checked Vanya's addition and subtraction and found two mistakes. Masha lined a notebook and wrote large basics, then listened to the canaries chirping, and looked through the half-open door as the mistress's elbows flickered and moved. (p. 292)

Bridges were raised on the Neva.

The problem with Olga divorced by itself

But he is more often involved with the children of the hostess. (p. 296)

He talked incessantly with the hostess, as soon as he saw her elbows in the half-open door. He is already, by the movement of his elbows, used to recognize what the hostess is doing, sowing, grinding or stroking.

“Once, as soon as he woke up carelessly and started drinking coffee, Zakhar suddenly reported that the bridges had been built. Oblomov's heart pounded. (p. 297)

After returning from Olga:
(p. 322)

Ilya Ilyich - Zakhar undressed him, pulled off his boots and threw robe»!

(The hostess washed and cleaned)

Oblomov both sat down and remained in the chair. Everything fell into sleep and darkness around him.

Part IV.

A year has passed since the illness of Ilya Ilyich.

In the house of the widow Pshenitsyna, days and nights flow peacefully. Agafya was an exemplary hostess. (pp. 326-327)

Pshenitsyna's feeling, so normal, natural, disinterested, remained a mystery to Oblomov, to those around her, and to herself.

Oblomov's attitude to Agafya:

“His relationship with her was much simpler: for him in Agafya Matveevna, in her ever-moving elbows, in her eyes that carefully stop at everything, in her eternal walking from the closet to the kitchen, from the kitchen to the pantry, from there to the cellar ...” (p. 332 )

“He was approaching Agafya Matveevna - as if he was moving towards the fire, from which it is getting warmer and warmer, but which cannot be loved ...”

But he wasn't bored...

“And most importantly, all this was done calmly ...”

"Melancholy, sleepless nights - he experienced nothing."

“Agafya Matveevna does not make any prodding, no demands.”

Life with Agafya reminded him of life in his native Oblomovka.

It was warm, calm and satisfying.

She bore him a son Andrei (named like Stolz, in memory). (p. 416)

5 years later

There is neither Zakhar (became a beggar, a beanbag), nor Anisya (died).
Agafya's brother, Tarantiev, appeared again.
Oblomov - in the nearest cemetery, under a modest urn, his body rests, between the bushes, in the calm. Lilac branches planted by a friendly hand.
"The angel of silence himself guards his sleep."

Agafya Matveevna has been widowed for three years.

Vanyusha - finished the course of sciences and entered the service.
Mashenka - married a caretaker.
Andryusha - Stolz and his wife (Olga) begged for upbringing.

“She loved so fully and much: she loved Oblomov - as a lover, as a husband and as a master; only she could never tell this as before to anyone. (p. 420)

“All of them (Olga, Andrey, Agafya) were connected by one common sympathy, one memory of the soul of the deceased, pure as crystal.”

Why did Oblomov choose Pshenitsyna?

"Oblomov" I.A. Goncharova is a novel about a man struggling with himself. Among the tests that befell the hero, the most difficult for him was the test of love. The main storyline of the novel is relationships Oblomov and Olga Ilinskaya.

Devotion, unaccountable tenderness, embodied in selfless maternal love, - this is Oblomov's ideal. Intuitively, Ilya understands that he will not find this in Olga's feelings. Action, decisiveness in actions - these demands from Olga - frightened Oblomov.

Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna is a woman who personifies the peace that Oblomov dreamed of.
The feeling of this woman is imbued with sacrifice, self-denial in the name of a loved one. Agafya seemed to come from fairy tales told by Ilyusha in childhood.
Oblomov was warm, satisfying, and most importantly - calmly with Agafya, that's why he chose her.

Life is peace and idleness for Oblomov. The state of sadness, tragedy - this is the result of the test of love.

“If Stoltz is the antipode of Oblomov, then Pshenitsyna is to the same extent the antipode of Olga ...” Critic Yu.M. Hollows.


* Antipode - a person who is opposite to someone in terms of beliefs, properties, tastes.


1. I.A. Goncharov. Selected writings. "Teacher's Library", "Fiction", Moscow, 1990
2. Literature lessons in the 10th grade. Lesson plans, part I. Savina L.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Volgograd Publishing House.
3. Lesson developments in Russian literature, First half of the 19th century, I.V. Zolotoreva, T.I. Mikhailova, "VAKO", Moscow, 2004