Mother's love for children arguments. Maternal love (Arguments of the Unified State Examination)

The theme of maternal love in Russian literature.

“She sincerely, maternally loves her son, loves him only because she gave birth to him, that he is her son, and not at all because she saw glimpses of human dignity in him.” (V.G. Belinsky.)

Speaking about the theme of maternal love in Russian literature, I would like to immediately note that in the works of Russian classics, the image of the mother is usually not given the main place, the mother, as a rule, occupies a secondary position, and most often is completely absent. But, despite the fact that writers paid little attention to this topic, the image of the mother in different writers at different times, in different works is endowed with the same common features. We will consider them.

The first work studied at school, where the image of the mother appears, is Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth", written in 1782. The play is aimed at ridiculing the morals and life principles of the Prostakov family, but despite the whole set of negative qualities, a bright feeling still lives in Mrs. Prostakov. She does not have a soul in her son. The play begins with the manifestation of care for Mitrofanushka, and this care and love live in her until the last appearance of the play. The last remark of Prostakova ends with a cry of despair: “I have no son!” It was painful and difficult for her to endure the betrayal of her son, to whom she herself admitted that "she sees consolation only in him." Her son is everything to her. What rage she gets when she learns that her uncle almost beat Mitrofanushka! And already here we see the main features of the image of a mother in Russian literature - this is an unaccountable love for her child and not for personal qualities (we remember what Mitrofan was), but because this is her son.

In "Woe from Wit" (1824), Griboyedov's mother appears in only one episode. The fussy Princess Tugoukhovskaya, with no less fussy six princesses, came to see Famusov. This fuss is connected with the search for the groom. Griboyedov paints the scene of their search vividly and funny, and in Russian literature such a depiction of the mother would later become popular, especially in Ostrovsky's plays. This is Agrafena Kondratievna in “Our People - Let's Settle,” and Ogudalova in “Dowry”. In this case, it is difficult to talk about the mother's love for her daughter, as she is pushed into the background by worries about marriage, so we will return to the topic of mother's love for her son.

In The Captain's Daughter and Taras Bulba, both Pushkin and Gogol show the mother at the moment of her separation from her children. Pushkin, in one sentence, showed the state of the mother at the moment when she finds out about the impending departure of her son: “The thought of an imminent separation from me struck her so much that she dropped the spoon into the saucepan, and tears flowed down her face,” and when Petrusha leaves, she “ in tears punishes him to take care of his health. Exactly the same image of the mother and Gogol. In "Taras Bulba" the author describes in detail the emotional shock of the "old woman". Only having met her sons after a long separation, she is again forced to part with them. She spends the whole night at their head and feels in her motherly heart that on this night she sees them for the last time. Gogol, describing her condition, gives a true description of any mother: "... for every drop of their blood, she would give herself all." Blessing them, she cries uncontrollably, just like Petrusha's mother. Thus, on the example of two works, we see what it means for a mother to part with her children and how difficult it is for her to endure.

In the work of Goncharov "Oblomov" we are faced with two characters opposite in character and way of life. Oblomov is lazy, doing nothing, not adapted to the activity of a person, but, as he himself says about him best friend, “it is a crystal, transparent soul; there are few such people ... ”, Stolz himself is an unusually active and energetic person, he knows everything, he can do everything, he is learning something all the time, but spiritually undeveloped. And Goncharov in the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" gives us the answer to the question of how it happened. It turns out that they were brought up in different families, and if the mother took the main part in the upbringing of Oblomov, for whom it is first of all important that the child is well and nothing threatens him, then the father took up the upbringing of Stolz. German by birth, he kept his son in strict discipline, Stolz's mother was no different from Oblomov's mother, she also worried about her son and tried to take part in his upbringing, but this role was taken over by the father, and we got a stiff, but lively Andrei Stolz and the lazy but sincere Oblomov.

The image of the mother and her love in Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" are depicted with an unusually touching image. The mother of Rodion and Dunya Raskolnikov, Pulcheria Alexandrovna, throughout the novel tries to arrange the happiness of her son, tries to help him, sacrificing even Dunya for him. She loves her daughter, but she loves Rodion more, and she fulfills her son’s request not to believe anyone, so that they don’t talk about him. With her heart, she felt that her son had done something terrible, but she did not miss the opportunity not to once again tell even a passerby that Rodion was a wonderful person, and began to tell how he saved the children from the fire. She did not lose faith in her son to the last, and how hard this separation was for her, how she suffered when she did not receive news about her son, read his article, did not understand anything and was proud of her son, because this is his article, his thoughts, and they were published, and this is another reason to justify the son.

Speaking of maternal love, I would like to say about its absence. Konstantin from Chekhov's "The Seagull" writes plays, "is looking for new forms", is in love with a girl, and she reciprocates, but he suffers from a lack of maternal love and wonders about his mother: "loves, does not love." He regrets that his mother famous actress and not an ordinary woman. And he remembers his childhood with sadness. At the same time, it cannot be said that Konstantin is indifferent to his mother. Arkadina is horrified and worried about her son when she finds out that he tried to shoot himself, personally bandages him and asks him not to do it again. This woman preferred her career to raising her son, and without maternal love it’s hard for a person, which is a vivid example of Kostya, who eventually shot himself.

On the example of the above works, images and heroes, we can conclude that the mother and mother's love in Russian literature, it is, first of all, affection, care and unaccountable love for a child, no matter what. This is the person who is attached to his child with his heart and is able to feel him at a distance, and if this person is absent, then the hero will no longer become a harmonious personality.

Used Books.

1. V.G. Belinsky "Hamlet, Shakespeare's drama"//Full. coll. cit.: In 13 t. M., 1954. T. 7.

2. D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth".// M., Pravda, 1981.

3. A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit".// M., OGIZ, 1948.

4. A.N. Ostrovsky. Dramaturgy.//M., OLIMP, 2001.

5. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".//Full. Sobr. cit.: In 10 t. M., Pravda, 1981. V.5.

6. N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba".//U-Factoria, Ekt., 2002.

7. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov".//Sobr. cit.: M., Pravda, 1952.

8. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".//Art. Lit., M., 1971.

9. A.P. Chekhov "The Seagull". Sobr. cit.: V 6 t. M., 1955. T. 1.

Composition-reasoning on the theme of motherly love

Mother's love is a special feeling available only to mothers. We analyze the features of its manifestation in examples of essays. 🙂

The first version of the essay (according to the text of A.G. Aleksin “Tolya did not like autumn. He did not like it because the leaves were falling ...”)

Concept definition

Maternal love is a feeling that knows no barriers, restrictions or any conventions. It is infinite, to resist it is a senseless and stupid exercise. Mom is the only person in the world who loves us unconditionally, in any situation, no matter how we show ourselves.

A.G. Aleksin tells about the boy's first trip to school, to first grade. Tolya wanted to seem like an adult and did not allow his mother to see him off, but she still followed him, watched from around the corner. Seeing her for the first time in a crowd of endlessly walking people, the boy got a little angry. Perhaps he simply did not understand what it meant to her motherly heart to let him go alone in adulthood. But he felt all the warmth of her heart and his love for her when he opened the classroom window and saw her wandering around the windows of the school building. So I wanted to wave my hand to her and reassure her, to tell her that everything was fine with him. But you can't do that in class.

Argument from personal experience

We do not always understand our own mothers, sometimes we do not know their feelings. They seem stupid to us, sometimes crossing the boundaries of our own ideas about care and love. Probably, we will have to fully understand maternal feelings only when our own children appear.


Mother's love keeps us throughout life. You can not scold your mother or be offended by her for excessive custody. Only a mother can love us without demanding anything in return. The bond between mother and child cannot be broken. Sometimes we realize it too late.

The second version of the essay (according to the text of Mikhail Ageev “Once in early October, early in the morning, leaving for the gymnasium, I forgot the envelope prepared by my mother in the evening ...”)

Concept definition

Maternal love is a feeling, or maybe a state of mind that cannot be destroyed by anything. No matter how the child behaves, no matter what problems it causes, maternal love only grows stronger. Moreover, mothers love more those people for whom they have to worry more. That's the way a mother's heart works.

Argument from the read text

Mom will cope with the arrogant attitude of her own child towards her. Mikhail Ageev tells about the story that happened to the high school student Vadichka. Because he forgot the money to pay for his studies, his mother brought it to the gymnasium herself. But the boy was so embarrassed by his poorly dressed mother that he did not even want to approach her, and answered the questions of the schoolboys that this was their governess. Looking at her from the side, Vadichka felt sorry for her mother, but not for long. Probably, at that moment he simply did not think about the fact that his mother was in need and grew old ahead of time for the sake of his education, for the sake of his future.

Argument from personal experience

Often we do not think about the cost of our parents, our mothers raising us, getting clothes, food, toys. Sometimes, in an effort to provide a child with a better future, mothers forget themselves, and children, not realizing the seriousness of their sacrifice, begin to be ashamed of them, to fence themselves off from them.


Mother's love is the strongest feeling in the world. It is able to overcome all difficulties and troubles: hunger, need, humiliation, ingratitude. It should be the task of every child to ensure the happiness and peace of his mothers.

The third version of the essay (on the example of the text by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev “No one like a mother knows how to hide his suffering and torment so deeply ...”)

Concept definition

Maternal love is the deepest feeling that can overcome all life's difficulties and problems. Often a mother sacrifices herself in order to save the child from want or hunger, and when it is impossible to avoid this, she is ready to accept the discontent of the child, but not weigh adult problems on him.

Argument from the read text

This situation is described in the text by Yu.Ya. Yakovlev, who is trying to convey to the reader that sometimes we misunderstand our mothers, we judge them undeservedly harshly. And all because we do not know even a small part of the suffering that she has to experience, looking at the only piece of sausage lying on her son's plate. Only many years later, the hero of the story understood why her mother looked out the window for so long, why her shoulders trembled, how hard it was for her to hear the sound of a slamming door reproachfully.

Argument from personal experience

We don't know much about the lives of our own parents. About the difficulties they have to face, at what cost they get our well-being. Understanding comes with age, when a person has his own children, and he, now on the part of the parent, enjoys childish unconscious cruelty.


A mother's love, a mother's heart is the most precious thing for every person. This is what protects us all our lives, gives us strength and supports in any situation in which we find ourselves.

Option 1

In my opinion, this is the most strong feeling in the world, based on support, affection, care and, of course, warmth. You can also say that this is the kind of love that does not require anything in return, does not require a choice - me or him. I believe that one of the main components of maternal love is care. It is thanks to the care that comes from the mother that every child feels protected, needed, and, above all, loved ... However, sometimes a mother's love is, no matter how strange it may seem, excessive, harmful to the child. I will prove my position with examples from the text of Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin and life experience.

To prove my point of view, I will turn to the work of Anatoly Nekrasov “Maternal Love”, which shows love that harms the child and brings suffering to parents, children and society as a whole. After reading this book, the reader, no doubt, will reconsider his views on life and, perhaps, in the future, seriously and responsibly approaching the issue of education, will make the right choice ...

I think I have proved that maternal love is, first of all, the need for guardianship, protection and help to those who need this support, to those who cannot yet exist independently in this world. Maternal love, based on mercy, compassion, kindness and tolerance, helps to develop the most strengths little man. However, the mother must understand that her excessive love can cripple the life of the child.

Option 2

What is motherly love? This is the most pure, sincere and strong love. This is unrequited love. After all, a mother loves her child, not because he did something, but because it is her child. I believe that a mother's love is not only love for her child, but also for other children. This is explained by the fact that the mother's heart is like a bottomless bowl of tenderness, care, attention, in which there is a place for love for all children.

I would also like to recall the poem “Heart” by D. Kedrin that I recently read. The Cossack, having cut the mother's breast with a blade, brings the mother's heart to the girl as a gift. But on the porch he fell, and the mother's heart fell out of her hands. But in spite of everything, the mother's heart asked her son if he had hurt himself. This act of "heart" shows the great power of mother's love: she forgave him.

Thus, we have proved the enormous "dimensions" of mothers' hearts, in which there is a place not only for their own children, but also for other people's children who need their mother's help. We realized that a mother's love is boundless.

Option 3

"What is motherly love?" - you ask. In my opinion, maternal love is the boundless, strong, all-conquering love of a mother for her child. She will always help him, take care of him, listen to her son and daughter with understanding, and support him in his endeavors. For every child, a mother is the backbone of her life.

Maternal love is the boundless love of a mother for a child: she gives him her tenderness, kindness, affection. Mother always understands him, supports him in difficult times, never betrays him. For him, she is the backbone of all life.

As a second argument confirming the thesis, I will take an example from life experience. Once I read a legend about two burial mounds. What impressed me the most was the attitude of the son to his mother. He had a wife who did not love his mother. When the girl asked the hero to bring the heart of his mother, he was able to kill her, but, carrying her heart in his hand, he could not stand it, wept and regretted his terrible deed. And the love of a mother, wishing well for her son, performed a miracle: "the heart came to life, the torn chest closed, the mother stood up and pressed her son's curly head to her chest." What struck me most about this legend was the boundless maternal love: after everything that the son had done, she forgave him.

Thus, I proved that maternal love is a huge force, creative, creative, inspiring. She is able to work miracles, revive to life, save from dangerous diseases...

Who is mom? Mom is the first native person on our earth, the first and last best friend, assistant, mentor. You can list indefinitely. The connection with the mother begins from the first week of intrauterine life and lasts until the very end.

It is not only about washing, cleaning, cooking. No one will regret, caress as sincerely as mother is capable of doing. Without falsehood, without any selfish goals, the mother rejoices for the success of her child, and if her child is ill, hurt, sad, the mother feels this and she begins to feel sad and worry even more than the child. Maternal love is the strongest, most selfless and brightest feeling of all that exists. Our mothers are always with us: in trouble and in joy. Unfortunately, we cannot always appreciate it and often take it for granted. It is only with age that people realize how hard it is to be a mother.

So rarely do we admit to our mothers that we love them, even less often we say compliments and just kind words to them, but mothers need them so much. Mothers know everything, they cannot be deceived, because the mother's heart will never let you down. They always feel everything and this fact cannot be refuted. Mothers cannot be angry with their children for a long time, they always forgive them everything. Although they swear, it never happens from evil, and they themselves don’t want to swear, it’s just that we often do things wrong, and they just want their children to be happy! True, sometimes mothers are also wrong, but it is excusable for them, children also cannot be angry at their bloody mothers for a long time.

There is only one mother in life. She is unique and irreplaceable. Everyone has her own - special, the best. She is the best in everything: cleaning, cooking, laundry, ironing, singing, fashion and style. There is no mother happier in the world than a mother gifted with reciprocity from her children. The more often children compliment their mothers, the more often they offer their help and feel sorry for their mothers, the better they learn and obey more, the happier the children, in the end, the happier the mother!

A mother's love is capable of anything for her child. Moms can endure hellish torment, pass any test, take full responsibility and even go to extreme measures for the sake of their child. As in Kedrin's poem "Heart", when the son killed his mother for the sake of the girl's love, the heart that fell out of the mother's chest asked him, "Son, are you hurt?" These words clearly show that there is nothing stronger than maternal love, and even betrayal cannot break it.

Summing up, we can say that maternal love cannot be described in one term, it cannot be described in words, it can only be given and felt. For each person it has its own, each perceives it in its own way, however, its power is one!

Option 2

Mom will help us throughout her life. Mom will always help in any circumstances, she will always protect you with love and care. Whatever the situation happens, mom will always be there for you, she will always support you and help you with her practical and wise advice. She will always be able to calm you down and guide you on the right path in life. After all, mom, this is the person who always understands you and cares about you. After all, you are given by God. Already from infancy, we understand who our mother is for us. Even for most babies, the first word is “mom”, and this is not accidental! Writers and artists have always spoken and written about such a topic as “mother's love”.

There are many works that speak of mother's love and its lack for the child. For example, I will give you many works that are somehow connected with maternal love. And so the first work of Paustovsky, called "Telegram". In this work, it tells about an old woman who is waiting both day and night for her daughter. But the daughter simply forgot about her mother. The mother waited for her daughter until her death. She died alone. The daughter is even late for the funeral, but only at that moment did she realize that she had lost the most valuable thing she had. But it was already too late to regret, because mother could not be returned.

The second work of Tolstoy "Russian character". The work spoke of a son who went to war, to salute his homeland. He was a hero in the war, but the war disfigured him. He was afraid to return home, and ended up returning home under a false name. But as they say, the heart of a mother cannot be deceived in any way! His mother recognizes him even in this state and with a different name. Her words were as follows: “the main thing is that he is alive, and the rest is not important!”.

The third work of Tolstoy, called "Taras Bulba", is very popular work, which told about the strong love of a mother for her sons. She cannot convey and show the love they deserve. Because they are men. But she loves them and worries about them with all her bright heart.

In the work of Chekhov called "The Seagull", it was told about insufficient maternal love. The mother had a choice, either a career or a son. But, unfortunately, she chose a career. The son did not get that maternal attention, and he shot himself from suffering and lack of love, a very sad end to the work.

Mother's love must be, it protects us all and helps us move in life!

Composition What is Mother's love

Have you ever wondered why the first word a baby utters is "mother"? Why among the many people around us, the most sincere and most honest is mom? Why do mothers tolerate our often inappropriate behavior and forgive us everything? There are many questions, but the answer is always the same. Mom is the closest and dearest person, maternal love is love that has no boundaries.

From the very first minutes of our lives, mother surrounds us with love and care. Mom sometimes forgets about herself and about all her problems and affairs, because her baby becomes the center of her universe, and she strives to give this baby everything and more.

Mom spends sleepless nights next to your bed if you're not well. Mom will give advice on how to act in a conflict situation with a boy from a parallel class. Mom will listen to all your doubts and all your desires, and will definitely try to fulfill them. The person who understands you or sincerely seeks to understand is mom. Whatever act you do, mom will find an excuse for you and will love you as before.

Maternal love is a feeling that is boundless and does not require anything in return. A mother's love for a child is a pure and bright feeling that does not imply commercialism and play. If we turn to works classical literature, then we will find a lot of evidence for this.

Recall the story of N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". Just a day Taras gave his sons to stay at home. I gave their mother just a day to look at them and remember them for who they are. All night the mother sat near the beds, stroking the heads of her sons and realizing that she would no longer see her children. And how did she accompany them on the road? She ran after the horses, fell, got up and ran further and cried, cried, cried.

Let us turn to the story of A. I. SOLZHENITSYN " Matrenin yard". Matryona did everything for her step-daughter Kira, without demanding anything in return. The last thing she did was give away part of her hut and died there.

Mom is nearby at matinees in the garden, on the line at school, at all events. Knowing that she is near, you feel more confident and reliable. You know that everything that you have in mind will definitely be, because your mother and her colossal support are nearby.

Mother's love is a feat. Mom always deprives herself, if only her child was comfortable. Does mom demand a reward for her feat? No. The best reward for her is the happiness of her child, a smile on his face and a joyful gleam in his eyes.

So what is motherly love? Unlimited devotion, care, the desire to make your life as comfortable as possible, purity, feat ... But most importantly, motherly love is something that cannot be bought or exchanged, cannot be compared with anything, this is something that you can feel in your life once and forever and ever. We are often rude and selfish towards our mothers, but they do not take offense at us, but only forgive everything and love even more. Mom, like no one else, deserves our mutual endless love and respect.

OGE, grade 9, 15.3

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What is motherly love?

Composition 1.

What is motherly love? This is the most pure, sincere and strong love. This is unrequited love. After all, a mother loves her child, not because he did something, but because it is her child.

I believe that a mother's love is not only love for her child, but also for other children. This is explained by the fact that the mother's heart is like a bottomless bowl of tenderness, care, attention, in which there is a place for love for all children. For evidence, we turn to the text of Yu. Ya. Yakovlev and to the life

For example, in sentence 36, the narrator, who was “tormented by inhuman thirst,” calls a strange woman mom, asking her for water. The “alien” woman gives the narrator water and supports him as if he were her own. This once again proves the generosity of all mothers, their boundless love.

I would also like to recall the poem “Heart” by D. Kedrin that I recently read. The Cossack, having cut the mother's breast with a blade, brings the mother's heart to the girl as a gift. But on the porch he fell, and the mother's heart fell out of her hands. But in spite of everything, the mother's heart asked her son if he had hurt himself. This act of "heart"

shows the great power of maternal love: she forgave him.

Thus, we have proved the enormous "dimensions" of mothers' hearts, in which there is a place not only for their own children, but also for other people's children who need their mother's help. We realized that a mother's love is boundless.

Soghomonyan Amrai, student of I. A. Suyazova

Composition 2.

A mother's love is, in my opinion, the most beautiful feeling in the world. It can work miracles, bring back to life and save in difficult times.

I believe that motherly love is a broader concept than just love for one's own child. Love, namely maternal love, has no boundaries. In support of my point of view, I can cite the following evidence from the text of Yu. Ya. Yakovlev and life experience.

As the first argument for the correctness of the stated thesis, let's take sentence 36. It says that an outside mother showed her love and care to someone else's child. It is in this sentence, it seems to me, that the meaning of boundless love is revealed.

As a second argument proving my opinion about what mother's love is, I would like to give an example from life. In the maternity hospital, a strange mother did not have milk to feed her child. The child was crying very much, but since my mother was very sorry for him and she had a lot of milk, she decided to help: she happily fed someone else's child, as well as her daughter, my sister.

Summing up what has been said, we can conclude: maternal love is a great force that helps us in the most difficult moments of life. A mother's love is all-encompassing: it is enough for both her own and other people's children.

Composition 3.

Maternal love... What is it? This is something special, bright, joyful and kind. This is the strongest and most beautiful feeling in the world. Love is care, it is caress, it is tenderness, support, understanding. It's all! Without mother, there would be no life on earth.

I believe that the most important thing in life is love, motherly love. There is nothing more important than a mother, because her feelings are manifested not only to her own son or daughter, her love, responsibility and care extend to everyone. And she, like a bird, carefully covers her children, her own and others, with a reliable wing from adversity and danger. In support of my point of view, I can cite the following evidence.

For example, in the text proposed for analysis in sentences 34-36, we see that a soldier whose mother died in besieged Leningrad mistook a strange woman for his mother, because she responded to his call 6 “mommy”. In this act of an unfamiliar woman - boundless motherly love.

As a second proof, I would like to cite the statement of one famous writer. Maxim Gorky said: “You can talk endlessly about mothers. So inevitable is the love that a mother bestows on her child. And most importantly, selfless.” His words only confirm that there is no love stronger than maternal.

Summing up what has been said, we can conclude: maternal love is the highest degree of love. Loving without asking for anything in return...

Elfimova Natasha, student of I. A. Suyazova

Composition 4.

Maternal love can be called a certain set of positive feelings and qualities that all the mothers of the world possess. This and maternal care, and devotion, and warmth that a mother gives to her child.

I believe that every mother can love not only her child, but all children in the world. Maternal love is a feeling that covers the entire planet, regardless of time. In support of my point of view, I will turn to the read text by Yu. Ya. Yakovlev and life experience.

As the first argument confirming my opinion, I will take sentence 36. It says that one mother can replace another, since mother's love is similar and unlimited. This is probably one of the most strange properties maternal love: a mother does not divide children into her own and others.

As a second argument proving the thesis about what maternal love is, I would like to give an example from life. I recently read in the newspaper that a woman who did not have children of her own adopted a child from an orphanage. She is ready to give her love to someone else's child, as to her own, so that he feels that someone is needed on our earth.

After analyzing the two arguments, I came to the conclusion that motherly love is something fantastic, because motherly love does not have an exact term, because everyone perceives motherly love in their own way.

Composition 5.

Maternal love is the love of every mother for her son, it is support and care in difficult times. A mother's love is felt from a distance.

In my opinion, a mother's love is not only love for her children. There are women who, for some reason, raise other people's children or help them in difficult times. They do not divide children into their own and others. In support of my point of view, I can give examples from the text of Yu. Ya. Yakovlev, proposed for analysis, and personal experience.

The text says that the main character is injured in the war. At this moment, he calls his mother for help. And suddenly the narrator feels a “familiar touch of the hand”, he hears a “native voice” 26. . Later, after the war, recalling his past, he says that “all mothers have a great resemblance” 36. . Main character understands the power of maternal love: “if one mother cannot come to a wounded son, then another becomes at his head” 36. .

I recently read an article about a Russian youth who had an accident in Turkey, after which he could not walk, speak, could not remember who he was, what his name was. For about seven years, a Turkish woman has been taking care of him, who took the young man from the hospital. She loved him like her own son and even tried to find her own mother, but it was unsuccessful.

Thus, I can conclude that mother's love cannot be replaced by anything, it can be extended to other people's children. This is a huge force on which the world rests.

Yasenko Dima, student of I. A. Suyazova

Composition 6.

What is motherly love? This is the most selfless, the strongest, the brightest love in the world. Mom will never betray, never deceive, she is always there for you, supports you, takes care of you. Sometimes it seems to me that mother is an angel whom the Lord gave us at birth.

I believe that we should always remember that motherly love works wonders. Let's look at an excerpt from the story of Yu. Ya. Yakovlev and turn to life experience, proving my point of view.

First, in sentence 13, the hero talks about his mother, whom he called when he was wounded, and who came to his aid, did not leave him. Later he learns that his own “mother died in the besieged Leningrad” 34. . And then, in the war, a stranger approached him. She supported his “head carefully, for fear of hurting” 24. . He averted death from him 25. .

Secondly, I want to turn to my reading experience - the book "Mother of Man". It is about a woman, in front of whom her husband was shot, and she hid in a field of sunflowers. She saved many children during this war. They lived in the basement of her ruined house. Maria, main character story, replaced them all with their mother, who was taken from them by the Nazis.

Thus, we have explained what "mother's love" is. Many books are devoted to this topic, but none will tell you about your mother. Everyone has their own, but at the same time, all mothers are similar in their kindness and boundless love for children.

Osadchenko Anastasia, student of I. A. Suyazova

Text 8.6

1. A city person does not know what the earth smells like, how it breathes, how it suffers from thirst - the earth is hidden from his eyes by the frozen lava of asphalt.

My mother accustomed me to the earth, as a bird accustoms its chick to the sky. 3. But the land really opened up to me in the war. 4. I learned the saving property of the earth: under heavy fire, I clung to it in the hope that death would pass me by. 5. This was my mother's land, my native land, and she kept me with maternal fidelity.

6. One, only once the earth did not save me ...

7. I woke up in a cart, in the hay. 8. I did not feel pain, I was tormented by inhuman thirst. 9. Wanted to drink lips, head, chest. 10. Everything that was alive in me wanted to drink. 11. It was a thirst for a burning house. 12. I was burning with thirst.

13. And suddenly I thought that the only person who can save me is my mother. 14. The forgotten awakened in me baby feeling: when it's bad, mom should be nearby. 15. She will quench thirst, relieve pain, soothe, save. 16. And I began to call her.

17. The cart rumbled, drowning out my voice. 18. Thirst sealed the lips. 19. And with the last of my strength I whispered the unforgettable word “mommy”. 20. I called her. 21. I knew that she would respond and come. 22. And she appeared. 23. And immediately the roar ceased, and cold, life-giving moisture gushed out to extinguish the fire: it flowed over the lips, over the chin, behind the collar. 24. Mom supported my head carefully, afraid to hurt. 25. She gave me water from a cold ladle, averted death from me.

26. I felt a familiar touch of a hand, heard a native voice:

- 27. Son, son, dear.

28. I couldn't even open my eyes. 29. But I saw my mother. 30. I recognized her hand, her voice. 31. I revived from her mercy. 32. Lips parted, and I whispered:

- 33. Mommy, mommy.

34. My mother died in besieged Leningrad. 35. In an unfamiliar village near a well, I mistook a strange mother for my own. 36. Apparently, all mothers have a great similarity, and if one mother cannot come to a wounded son, then another becomes at his bedside.

37. Mom. 38. Mommy.

39. I know a lot about the exploits of women who carried wounded soldiers from the battlefield, who worked for men, who donated their blood to children, who followed their husbands along the Siberian highways. 40. I never thought that all this, of course, has to do with my mother. 41. Now I look back at her life and see: she went through all this. 42. I see this belatedly. 43. But I see.

44. At the Piskarevsky cemetery, filled with people's grief, the grass is turning green. 45. My mother is buried here, like many other victims of the blockade. 46. ​​There are no documents. 47. There are no eyewitnesses. 48. There is nothing. 49. But there is eternal sons' love. 50. And I know that my mother's heart became the heart of the earth. According to Yu. Ya. Yakovlev.