Dancing in Cebu prison. Mass dance of prisoners in the Philippines

New Year in different countries world is celebrated in different ways - traditions and customs in each state are special. The most amazing thing is that everyone adheres to them - both adults and children. And Santa Claus is sure to be in every country, only somewhere he is called Santa Claus, and somewhere - Joulupukki.

France: to whom goose, and to whom cakes

Many of us would like to meet and spend the New Year in Paris. But few people know that the Christmas holidays begin here on December 6 - the day of St. Nicholas. It is on this date that Per Noel - the French Santa Claus - gives gifts to obedient children. He wears wooden shoes, moves on a donkey, carries presents in a basket behind his back, and leaves them after entering the house through the chimney. According to European tradition, all gifts are placed in shoes, which the children place in advance next to the fireplace.

New Year in Paris is celebrated in a special way. The table must be richly stocked with smoked hams, salads, pastries, sweets and wine. Moreover, in different provinces of the French state, the main holiday dish different: the Burgundians prefer turkey with chestnuts, the population of Brittany - buckwheat cakes with sour cream, and the inhabitants of the northeast always serve goose as the main dish. But the French do not have a Christmas tree - instead, they decorate the doors of their houses with mistletoe branches.

Germany: we are waiting for Weinachtsman!

New Year in Germany is always celebrated with noise and fun. Moreover, no one sits at home - young people walk around the city, and older people go out to restaurants. The traditional dish for this holiday is baked carp, however, the Germans are very fond of modern dishes. The celebration itself is called "Sylvester" - in honor of the clergyman who died on December 31, 335. Santa Claus brings gifts to children, and the children of Berlin, Cologne, Munich receive presents from the Weinachtsman Christmas man - he is wearing an inside-out fur coat, and in his hands is a rod with which he punishes naughty children. Weinakhtsman's companion is the blond Kristkind, who looks like the Russian Snow Maiden. If the kids improve and read poetry to her, she rewards them with apples, nuts and sweets. In general, the New Year in Germany is held by analogy with most other countries.

UK: real English stiffness

In the United Kingdom, as in many European countries, the first and main holiday is Christmas, and only then the New Year is celebrated. London is traditionally decorated richly and luxuriously: a large Christmas tree, which is brought from Norway. There is also a New Year's parade - the most massive folk procession. The traditions of the New Year in England involve the festive decoration of houses. Gifts for children are presented by Santa Claus, dressed in red clothes. It should be noted that the British are one of the few who continue to give each other New Year cards and simple souvenirs. An interesting local custom is to let the New Year into the house - this is done at twelve o'clock at night, when the chimes strike. It is believed that you need to open the doors and thereby move from the old frontier to the new.

Spain: Santa Claus with a flask of wine

As already mentioned, the New Year in different countries of the world has its own traditions. The Spaniards, like the British, observe all sorts of customs associated with Christmas, and New Year's Eve is an occasion to just take a walk on the street and have fun. However, there are certain rituals for this occasion. For example, while the chimes strike twelve times, you need to have time to eat twelve grapes - it is believed that this will lead to the fulfillment of desires. Since the country is closely connected with viticulture, the New Year in Spain is also celebrated with an emphasis on this particular feature. For example, grapes eaten at night promises money throughout the next year. In the Spanish state, the time period from December 25 to January 6 is called the "Holy Twelve Days". As for Santa Claus, he is also in this warm country, they only call him Olentzero. He wears national simple clothes and always takes with him a flask of good Spanish wine.

Czech Republic: a rich table

On January 1, this country celebrates the Day of Czech Statehood, and the night from December 31 to January 1, the Czechs, like the Germans, call "Sylvester" - in honor of the saint, whom we have already mentioned. New Year in Prague is celebrated on a grand scale, but the locals do not walk until the morning - they prefer to go to bed early. Of course, the old New Year's customs are already forgotten here, but there are still a number of national traditions. For example, it is customary to gather at a huge table with the whole family, while the table should be very rich. The most surprising thing is that lentils or soup with small cereals must be present on it - this is a symbol of money. New Year in Prague is a wonderful time. It is worth coming to the amazingly beautiful Czech Republic to relax in the mountains and spend the beginning of the year as actively as possible.

Ukraine: first there was Karachun...

In this fraternal state, the New Year is celebrated in the same way as in our country. True, back in the days Ancient Russia Ukrainians called this celebration "Karachun". One of the main traditions that has remained in some cities to this day is sowing on the first day of the new year. The ritual assumed that the children would sow for the future harvest so that it would be rich. Much attention was paid to divination. But the modern New Year in Ukraine is held in European traditions - with a Christmas tree and festive festivities.

Belarus: Zyuzya is waiting for you

This country is already interesting because Santa Claus has his own residence here. The fairy-tale estate is located in the very Belovezhskaya Pushcha, so now you can easily get to visit him. Residents of the country are always welcomed by Zyuzya - this is the Belarusian Santa Claus, who is famous for his hospitality. New Year in Belarus is simply not possible without it fairy tale character, personifying the cold. He treats all his guests with delicious herbal tea from a samovar and pancakes. On this holiday, it is customary in the country to dress up in interesting costumes, put on makeup and walk the streets in this form. The New Year in Belarus is not complete without festive festivities.

Finland: birthplace of Joulupukki

Finland - Wonderland, here they believe in fairy tales and miracles. Probably, this is also because the famous Santa Claus comes from Suomi. Many traditions and customs have been preserved here, so many tourists come here to celebrate the New Year. For example, the Finns love to set fire to huge barrels of tar and thus see off old year. New Year in Finland is a holiday with an emphasis primarily on family values.

What else attracts tourists in this snowy country? Of course, Santa Claus from Lapland named Joulupukki. A huge number of people come to festivities in Lapland to see the real Finnish Santa Claus, dance with him and ride reindeer. One more interesting event, which takes place in Suomi in holidays, is a festival of snow and ice. It has been held for many years and consists of creating ice sculptures that are very realistic.

New Year's Eve in Finland also involves a plentiful table, and the dishes on it are the simplest: potato casserole, salted salmon, chicken legs and gingerbread are must-have dishes.

Turkey: New Year in Pajamas and Slippers

It must be said right away that in this country the New Year is not the brightest and main holiday of the year. Elderly people do not consider it a significant event at all, therefore they prefer to go to bed early, and decorating a Christmas tree is not at all encouraged by Muslims. In most families, this celebration is not celebrated in any way, but takes place at the TV, as the Turks themselves say, in pajamas and slippers.

The New Year in Turkey is remarkable, perhaps, only for the obligatory participation of almost every family in New Year's lottery Milli Piyango. The main prize, by the way, is a rather impressive amount of money. Nevertheless, there is Santa Claus in the country, and his name is Noel Baba. He also brings gifts to the children, but this is not so common among the locals. As for the youth, like in many countries of the world, they like to take to the streets and celebrate in the crowd. Many Russians prefer to celebrate the New Year in Turkey - in the country's hotels that receive tourists throughout the year, festivities are organized for vacationers.

Karelia: ride Malamute and Husky

Karelia is the northern part of Russia, so the celebration here is the same as in most domestic regions. However, there are also distinctive traditions. So, in ancient times, the Karelians called the holiday "Syundum", and it lasted from Christmas until the very Epiphany. And the most magical was the first day of the new year: no things could be taken out of the house. It was also believed that the arrival of a man, especially a bearded one, would bring prosperity to the family, but women were afraid of the visit - he promised misfortune. New Year in Karelia implies great attention to the table: it should literally burst with delicious dishes. A mandatory attribute is yarn pies, which are stuffed with oatmeal or sugar and are used for divination.

Today Karelia is very popular among tourists. Active attention is paid to eco-tourism. Yes and beautiful landscapes, even winter ones, are worth seeing. Now a new direction is actively developing - dog sledding. To do this, you can go to the largest nursery in Russia - to the village of Kudama. Here you will be offered to meet the cutest huskies and Alaskan Malamutes.

New Year in Karelia is an opportunity to touch the beauty and picturesque nature, visit local nature reserves and world-famous islands, including Valaam.

India: instead of a Christmas tree - flowers and candles

This country is distinguished by rich traditions and customs, and in each area of ​​rather big India, the New Year is celebrated in different ways. Unlike us, Indians do not put a Christmas tree in their house - they prefer to decorate their homes with flowers, leaves, candles. Agree, it doesn’t look like Russian realities at all? The New Year itself in India is called Vishu, it is celebrated in the sign of Aries - from the end of March to April. It is noteworthy, but the celebration is rather family and even personal, so no public actions take place. True, it cannot do without traditional dances and performances.

The first day of the year is called the Cow Festival in some regions. This day is dedicated to honoring these domestic animals. On the eve of the celebration, delicacies are prepared for them. The next day is the honoring of relatives and friends, and on the third day, religious practices are held. New Year in India can be celebrated at different times. For example, Gujaratis celebrate it in autumn - in October, while all houses are decorated with lanterns and candles. It is noteworthy, but, unlike Europeans, the inhabitants of India not only congratulate each other on the holiday, but also thank the gods for giving them the opportunity to live another year.

Thailand: Fabulous Songkran

This is another magical country that does not fit in our associations with snow, cold weather and Santa Claus. However, the New Year in Thailand is still celebrated on April 13th. This date was not chosen by chance. There is a legend in the country about a boy who understood the language of animals and birds. And this skill of his did not give rest to the God of fire. He offered the boy a bet: if he does not answer three questions in a week, he will be beheaded, and if he answers correctly, God himself will lose his head. In the end, the boy could not find the answers until the eagle helped him. The god of fire had to lose his head - her child put it in a bag and hid it in a cave. Now, on the first day of the year, the daughters of God carry out a basket with a head as a symbol of worship to their father.

National New Year in Thailand is called "Songkran". It is celebrated for several days - from 13 to 15 April. The essence of the Thai calendar is in twelve cycles, each of which is dedicated to a specific animal with its own set of features. Accordingly, every year will correspond to these features. During the holiday, Thais, and especially local children, go out into the street with buckets of water and water passers-by - this is how they congratulate everyone on the New Year. Water is a symbol of all living things, it brings grace to everyone it comes across. And in Changmai, for example, instead of buckets, a pump is immediately used, pouring water on those around from the moat in the city center. Historically, Songkgran is a holiday of love, respect, so Thais prefer to celebrate the New Year at home, with their families. In addition, residents visit the temple, where they treat the monks with delicious dishes, fruits or a new cassock - this symbolizes the veneration of the clergy. Each visitor to the temple takes away a handful of sand from the territory. At home, a ritual of washing the Buddha is necessarily performed - his statue is poured with water with rose petals, jasmine, and each member of the family does this.

New Year in different countries of the world - special holiday. It is popular among Thais to tie strings on the wrist of their guests - they symbolize happiness.

Egypt: when the Nile floods...

In most countries, December 31 and January 1 are holidays, sometimes even public holidays. The same cannot be said for Egypt. In ancient times, the beginning of the new year in this country did not fall in winter and was generally calculated based on the flood of the Nile. The first season of the year came after the ascension of the sacred star for the Egyptians Sirius. And the flood of the Nile for the territory, 95 percent of which is occupied by the desert, was a real sacred period.

The New Year in Egypt today is in many ways similar to our perception of this holiday. Accustomed to tourists from all over the world, locals even decorate their homes and shops with New Year's tinsel and garlands. Of course, it looks very unusual, given that it's hot outside. But instead of a Christmas tree, the Egyptians put a thuja or poinsettia - a flower with green and bright red leaves. In an effort to avoid frost and spend long holidays with benefit, many Russians prefer to celebrate the New Year in Egypt, on the Red Sea.

The most unusual traditions

  • In Bulgaria, before the start of the holiday, everyone is in a hurry to buy dogwood sticks - Bulgarians will hit their guests and relatives with them to wish them happiness.
  • In Denmark, it is customary to serve sweets on the table. rice porridge with a secret - almonds or another nut can act as this. If he gets caught by an unmarried girl, she will get married, and the rest will just be happy.
  • New Year in different countries of the world is most often a bright event with its own characteristics. For example, the Chinese decorate the Trees of Light with lanterns, flowers, garlands. And the Chinese Grandfather Christmas Dong Che Lao Ren brings gifts and puts them in children's stockings hung on the walls.

  • The Scots also do not sleep on New Year's Eve - they take a slice of cake, a glass of wine and coal and go to friends or relatives. Thus, in their opinion, they will supply their friends with food, drink and warmth for the whole next year.
  • On the eve of the festival, the Swedes give each other homemade candles - they play important role, because at the height of winter in Sweden it gets dark early, and you can’t do without light.
  • In Greece, at exactly twelve o'clock in the morning, the head of the family must go out into the yard and smash the pomegranate fruit against the wall: if its grains scatter around the yard, the family will live this year happily.
  • New Year in Ukraine, as we have already mentioned above, is accompanied by fortune-telling and dancing, and in Norway at this time, children are waiting for gifts from ... a goat. And this is no coincidence: in the Scandinavian state, the goat occupies a privileged position. According to legend, King Olaf II of Norway saved a wounded animal by lifting it off a cliff. The goat was cured, and as a sign of gratitude to her savior, she brought him medicinal plants.
  • In Hungary, New Year's Eve is accompanied by a whistle, and any pipes, whistles and horns are suitable for this. With this action, the Hungarians drive out evil spirits and protect their homes from them.
  • In Japan, 108 tolls of the bell announce the beginning of the New Year. According to legend, each blow is the expulsion of one of human vices with eighteen shades. In the first seconds of the new year, you should definitely laugh - this brings good luck, according to local residents. And in order for happiness to enter the house, the front door is carefully decorated with bamboo and pine branches. By the way, the Japanese Santa Claus is called Segatsu-san (Mr. New Year). And the rake is considered the most popular accessory - the Japanese plan to rake happiness with it every year.


The New Year is a magical holiday, because it is no coincidence that many people believe that it will certainly bring new happiness with it. And the traditions of various countries say that local residents expect more from this celebration than just a festive mood.

Which countries celebrate New Year at what time? This is detailed in the article.

Many years ago

The founder of this holiday is Gaius Julius Caesar. In 46 BC. e. The Roman ruler established the beginning of the year on the first of January. The first day of this month in the empire was dedicated to the god Janus. The first month of the year is named after him: Januarius/January. The two-faced god, who patronizes everything new, was sacrificed and timed with important events. It was customary on this day to give gifts and splendidly celebrate the beginning of the year. Previously, it was celebrated in the Roman Empire on the first day of spring.

And today, in many countries, the tradition has been preserved to celebrate the holiday of the beginning of the year on the first day of January according to the Julian calendar, compiled back in those distant times. Which countries celebrate the New Year on January 1st? These include all those who live according to the Gregorian calendar. That is, the countries of Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, Japan, Greece, Turkey, Egypt. In addition, the official New Year in Mongolia is January 1, but there is another date for celebrating this celebration. In Thailand and India, New Year also falls on January 1st. But there are also celebrations according to the Buddhist calendar in these countries.

Holiday dates in Russia

Like the ancient Romans, until the 15th century in Russia, the New Year was celebrated at the beginning of spring. This was due to nature and the beginning of agricultural work. At the end of the 15th century, and according to some sources a little earlier, the church, whose influence had greatly increased, moved the beginning of the year to September 1st. The last changes to this date were carried out by the reformer and lover of everything European, Peter the Great. In 1699 he signed the decree. It was said to consider the beginning of the year on January 1. ordered to decorate the streets and houses with pine and juniper branches, just as it was done in the German Quarter.

Time Zones

Which country is the first to celebrate the New Year? Now let's figure it out. Meeting the New Year on planet Earth lasts 25 hours, starting and ending in the Pacific Ocean. The inhabitants of Oceania are the first to open the celebration. And the procession of the holiday ends on the Polynesian Islands.

Which country is the first to celebrate the New Year? The inhabitants of the Kingdom of Tonga are the very first to start celebrating. After 2 hours, the holiday comes to the inhabitants of Kamchatka. After another 2 it is celebrated in Vladivostok. In Siberia, the celebration comes after 6 hours. An hour later, Yekaterinburg and Ufa join the New Year's celebration, after Samara. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the New Year comes after 2 hours. Next comes the turn for the countries South America, Canada and USA.

Last on holiday

Which country is the last to celebrate the New Year? In 23 hours, the holiday will come to the inhabitants of Alaska and the Marquesas Islands.

The last people on earth to celebrate the New Year are the inhabitants of Hawaii and Samoa, where the holiday comes in 25 hours.

Also, as in Russia, the New Year's celebration on the night of December 31 to January 1 is not celebrated everywhere. In some countries, according to European customs, it is customary to decorate the city by this date, to hold promotions in large shopping centers. But there is no holiday familiar to Russians and there are no public holidays. In these countries, on the first of January, it is customary to go to work as usual.

Now that it is known in which country the New Year is celebrated first and who is the last to sit down for festive table, we will understand in detail where the New Year is celebrated on the last day of the year.

Where do they celebrate?

  1. Canada and United States of America.
  2. United United Arab Emirates.
  3. Australia.
  4. Scotland.
  5. Austria.
  6. Romania.
  7. Ukraine.
  8. Belarus.
  9. Moldova.

In the Scandinavian countries, too, little attention is paid to this celebration. Lush festivities are held at Christmas, and on the first day of January they go to work.

The situation is the same in countries where the majority of the population is of the Catholic faith. The New Year is here, just like everywhere else. But it's not particularly noted. In countries Western Europe the main winter holiday is Christmas. In the Baltic countries, for example, Christmas and New Year celebrations are celebrated equally magnificently.

In Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, Sylvester is celebrated on the last day of the year - a holiday dedicated to Pope Sylvester I and the beginning of the New Year. Legend has it that Sylvester I killed the biblical monster, the leviophane, which could have destroyed the entire world. He died on the eve of the new year on December 31. Every year on this day, people celebrate the Feast of St. Silvestr. The holiday is celebrated with street festivities and fireworks, people have fun, drink, eat, sing songs and wait for the New Year.

According to the tradition that has developed over an entire era to celebrate this holiday on December 31, people are accustomed to in all countries that were part of the Soviet Union.

Asian CIS countries

In the Asian countries of the CIS, as elsewhere, the arrival of the New Year is celebrated. But most of these countries preach Islam. And the arrival of the new year according to the Islamic calendar is not in January, but in March. Currently in Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan New Year's celebration noted twice. Probably, there are no countries in the world where the celebration is celebrated 1 time.

Spring Summer Autumn

Which countries celebrate the new year at a different time? Now let's figure it out:

  1. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the New Year begins from January 21st to February 22nd. This happens every year at different times. The celebrations last up to two weeks. There is also a traditional holiday in China. It is celebrated on December 31st. However, this tradition is quite young. It appeared when the Communist Party came to power. January 1 is a holiday in the country. The Chinese do not attach special significance this date. For them, the Chinese New Year is more important.
  2. In Vietnam and Mongolia, they also celebrate the new year according to the calendar, which coincides with the Chinese, with the exception of rare discrepancies. Recently, it has been customary to celebrate European. On New Year's Eve, entertainment programs and shows are held for tourists.
  3. Thailand's national holiday, dedicated to the new year, comes in mid-April.
  4. In the Muslim religion, the first day of the year occurs in November, the first month of the Islamic calendar, Muharram. In most countries in the Middle East, the year begins in November. But in some of them, the official celebration of the European one is also accepted.
  5. In Israel, a celebration is celebrated at the beginning of autumn. Native Israelis send congratulations to relatives and friends before the start of the holiday, which will take place on September 1, and not at the end of December, as is customary almost all over the world. Since 2017, the celebration of the celebration according to Russian traditions has been allowed. That is, on the night of 31 to 1. This means that you can celebrate without fear of getting a fine for breaking the silence. This was done for immigrants from Russia living in Israel. Previously, the traditional New Year was not celebrated in Israel. And then there were no days off, except when January 1 fell on Saturday. It is customary for the Jews to rest on this day.
  6. In September, the New Year is celebrated by another country located on the African continent. This is Ethiopia. At this time, the rainy season ends there, which marks the arrival of a new year.
  7. Everyone knows the Halloween holiday, which is held on the night of October 31 to November 1. For the Celts, this date is considered the beginning of the year. It is important to the natives of Ireland and Scotland.
  8. According to the calendar, the inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands meet their holiday of the beginning of the year later than everyone else. For them, it begins when in other parts of the land they are already thinking about the next holiday, namely November 18th.

In India

Which country celebrates the New Year the most? India. Here they celebrate the arrival of the new year up to four times a year. There are not one or two calendars in multinational India, therefore, in different corners countries celebrate this holiday at different times of the year. In the south it happens in March, in the north in April. The western provinces celebrate in October, in the southeast sometimes in July, sometimes in August.

Where are they not celebrated?

In Saudi Arabia, the first day of the month of Muharram is celebrated, which is considered the beginning of the year. The traditional New Year is not usually celebrated here. Yes, and generally not welcome, as it does not correspond to Islamic traditions.

South Korea rests on the first day of January, like many countries in the world. The usual holiday for everyone is not given here special attention. This is rather a long-awaited and additional day off that you can spend at home with your family. But on a large scale, the New Year is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, which falls at the end of January - mid-February. The celebration lasts up to two weeks, Koreans tend to spend this time with their families and visit older relatives.

In Bangladesh, the New Year comes on April 14th. But among the public holidays there is a European New Year's holiday on January 1.

Turkey, which everyone knows well summer resorts, like all Muslim countries does not arrange magnificent celebrations on the occasion of the New Year. It is customary to decorate large cities with festive symbols. New Year's sales are arranged in large markets and shops. January 1 becomes a holiday only if it falls on a weekday. Set up a Christmas tree at home and celebrate the holiday in Turkish families not accepted. New Year in Turkey can be spent in Istanbul or in the ski resorts of the country, where an appropriate holiday atmosphere is created for tourists. On the southern coasts of the country and in winter time a lot of tourists. On the eve of the holiday, palm trees are decorated instead of a Christmas tree, night festivities are held and fireworks are launched.


Now it is clear in which countries they celebrate and when. It is also clear that this cheerful and noisy holiday, so loved by both children and adults, is in fact a worldwide one. And if it is not celebrated somewhere else, then very soon this day will become part of the state celebrations of that country. Happy New Year, people of all the earth!

Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, the New Year is not celebrated on January 1st. Moreover, it is prohibited. The fact is that the celebration of the change of dates is considered alien to Islam in principle. There is a special unit of the local police, which controls that the shops do not sell New Year's goods, and there are no New Year's festivities on the streets. The thing is that in Saudi Arabia they clearly follow religious scriptures and celebrate holidays strictly according to them. So the New Year here comes on March 21 - on the day of the vernal equinox, which often coincides with the first day of the holy month of Muharram.


January 1 in Israel is a working day, no different from the others. The Israelis celebrate their New Year in the fall - on the new moon of the month of Tishrei according to the Jewish calendar (September or October). This holiday is called Rosh Hashanah. It is celebrated for 2 days. Although January 1 is considered a working day, the celebration is not prohibited. Therefore, everyone can take a day off or vacation. Considering the large Russian diaspora in Israel, the festive mood is felt these days, but the celebration of the New Year does not have a big scope - it usually takes place in the family circle.


In Iran, they use the Persian calendar, according to which the new year begins on March 21. This is the day of the spring equinox and Navruz holiday. Thus, January 1 in Iran is the most ordinary day. Nowruz is more national tradition than the Islamic custom, and in this the Iranians differ slightly from the Arabians. Nowruz marks the beginning of the year in Afghanistan. Along with January 1, it is celebrated in Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Albania and Macedonia.


In multinational India, there are so many holidays from different cultures that it is not possible to create a single calendar for them. The problem here is solved in a different way: depending on beliefs and confessions, workers can take days off on those holidays that they consider necessary to celebrate.

January 1 is not a national event and there are no global celebrations on this day. At the same time, according to the generally accepted Indian calendar, the New Year should be celebrated on March 22, but, for example, in Kerala the change of year is celebrated on April 13, the southern states have their own Divapali holiday, and the Sikhs have their own Vaisakhi.

South Korea

AT South Korea January 1 is a day off. But the beginning of the year in Korea is perceived rather than as a holiday, but as an extra day off that can be spent with family and friends. And if something is celebrated on an unprecedented scale, it is Seollal - New Year according to the lunar calendar. By this day, most Koreans leave for their hometowns to honor the memory of their ancestors. Since the journey can take a long time, the day before the New Year and immediately after it are also considered national holidays.


Chinese New Year (Chunjie) falls on one of the days from January 21 to February 21 and is timed to coincide with the second new moon after the winter solstice. The Chinese celebrate this holiday on a state scale: they launch fireworks, arrange noisy processions, hold a large-scale lantern festival and gather for a traditional family dinner, which you can miss only for very good reasons.

But January 1 is a regular day off. Although artificial Christmas trees and figurines of Santa Claus appear in stores, this is rather a tribute to China's multinationality.


The Vietnamese New Year is called Tet - this is the most important and most popular holiday of the country, which is celebrated on one of the days in late January and early February. Most often it coincides in time with Chinese, but there are also small discrepancies. The principle of choosing a day is the first day of the first month according to the lunar calendar. The scale of the Tet holiday is impressive - the festivities may well drag on for a week.


The New Year in Bangladesh is called Bengali and is celebrated in a completely different way than they are used to in Russia. The holiday is coming on April 14 on the first day of the month of boyshak. On this day, people go for walks in parks, where cultural programs with a national bias are organized. But at the same time, January 1 is also an official holiday and a day off.

New Year in Russia is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. Traditionally, it is customary to celebrate it with family and loved ones. Young people prefer noisy parties in clubs. On the main squares of cities, on the eve of the New Year, a spruce is lit, near which the main ...

The Germans celebrate the New Year, as in most countries of the world - on the night of December 31 to January 1. Unlike the Slavic countries, in Germany it is not considered family holiday. Instead of a home feast, young people prepare in advance for parties in clubs and bars. The older generation prefers...

The Spaniards, like most peoples of the world, celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1. Unlike Christmas, New Year's Eve in this country is usually celebrated not in the home family circle, but in large and noisy companies. Residents of Spain gather in the streets and squares, arrange ...

New Year in the United States of America is celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. In terms of popularity, this holiday is inferior to catholic christmas(December 25). Unlike Christmas, which is a family celebration, most Americans celebrate the New Year in public, in the company of friends on ...

New Year in France is celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. The French meet him in the circle of close friends and relatives. They arrange home gatherings, go to parties in clubs or restaurants, have fun, sing and dance on the streets of cities in fancy dress. Heart...

New Year in Italy is celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. It has the names "head of the year" (Capodanno), the supper of St. Sylvester. Italians spend this holiday noisily and cheerfully, in the company of friends in clubs, restaurants or on the streets and squares of cities. New Year's Eve...

New Year in the UK is celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland it is inferior in popularity to Christmas. In Scotland, they love and honor the New Year more. In this part of the Kingdom he is called Hogmanay. Its celebration takes as much as 3 days (from December 30 to 1...

New Year in Finland is celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. In the coldest country in Europe, during the winter holidays, an atmosphere of warmth and fun reigns. new year's eve the older generation and large families spend at home at the solemn table. Young people prefer to celebrate the New Year in ...

New Year in Ukraine is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. Most people in the country celebrate this holiday in the family circle. Close and dear people gather at the festive table, drink champagne, give gifts to each other and say wishes for the next year. On the eve...

New Year in Kazakhstan is celebrated twice. According to European tradition, its offensive is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. In accordance with Eastern traditions, it is celebrated on March 21-23 and is called Nauryz meiramy. New Year January 1 Favorite place to celebrate the New Year ...

New Year in Belarus is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. Most of the inhabitants of the country meet him in the family circle. After midnight, young people go with friends to the main squares of cities, to parties in clubs or restaurants. The older generation prefers to stay at home and watch...

New Year in Turkey is celebrated twice. According to the Gregorian calendar, the beginning of the year falls on January 1st. This celebration is popular in large cities of the south-west of the country and is celebrated in the style of European traditions. According to the ancient Turkic custom, the New Year is celebrated on March 21, the day of the spring...

India holds the record for the most New Year celebrations in a calendar year. Christians celebrate it on January 1, Muslims celebrate it on the first day of the month of Muharram (according to the Islamic calendar). Some residents of the country celebrate it in late October - early November, on the day of Diwali....

New Year in Japan is celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. The celebration takes a whole week - from December 28 to January 3. The Japanese celebrate the New Year calmly, solemnly, with the observance of traditions and rituals. During the winter holidays, a special atmosphere reigns in the capital of the country. Behind...

Chinese New Year is celebrated twice. According to European tradition, it is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1 and is called Yuan-dan. Residents of the country celebrate it in the family circle, modestly and calmly. Since ancient times, the New Year in China has been celebrated on the second new moon after the winter ...

The onset of the New Year in Brazil is traditionally celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. Locals call this holiday Confraternização or Reveillon, which means "fraternization". The participants of the celebration call each other brothers and sisters, hug and ...