Causes of dishonorable acts. What act can be called dishonest essay

All topics from all regions.

"Mind and Feeling"

"Honor and dishonor"

"Victory and Defeat"

"Experience and Mistakes"

"Friendship and enmity"

509. What destroys friendship?

Central Federal District, Southern Federal District, Northwestern Federal District, Volga Federal District, North Caucasian Federal District, Crimean Federal District

103. When does conflict arise between feelings and reason?
207. What act can be called dishonorable?
313. Do you agree with the statement of E.M. Remarque: "You need to be able to lose"?
401. Is a person's strength or weakness manifested in his acknowledgment of his mistakes?
506. Can people be friends if they don't see eye to eye?

Volga Federal District

Udmurt Republic, Samara region

113. What good feelings does literature awaken in a person?
211. What can lead a person to a dishonorable act?
307. Is it possible to achieve victory by any means?
409. What is the difference between a mistake and a crime?
513. When does misunderstanding between people lead to enmity?

Northwestern Federal District

Kaliningrad region

112. How do mind and feelings influence a person's actions?
204. "I'm annoyed if the word "honor" is forgotten..." (V.S. Vysotsky).
311. Why are not only victories important for a person, but also defeats?
406. Can one always and in everything trust the experience of others?
509. What destroys friendship?

Ural federal district

111. When is it necessary to restrain spiritual impulses?
210. Why is it important for a person not to sully his honor?
309. How do you understand the words of the philosopher B. Spinoza: “Souls conquer not with weapons, but with love and generosity”?
408. Do I need to analyze my mistakes?
504. What qualities should a true friend have?

Siberian Federal District

Altai Territory, Novosibirsk Region, Altai Republic, Tomsk Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Tyva, Republic of Khakassia, Kemerovo Region

101. What feelings can be beyond the control of reason?
208. How, in your opinion, are the concepts of honor and conscience related?
306. Does victory always elevate the conqueror?
403. What does it mean to "learn from bitter experience"?
511. Do you agree with the statement of L.N. Tolstoy: "If there is enmity between two people, then both are to blame"?

Omsk region

104. When is it worth listening to the mind, and when - to the feelings?
212. Is the concept of “family honor” obsolete today?
302. What victories in life can be important for a person?
411. Confirm or refute the words of W. Scott: "In life there is nothing better than your own experience."
507. Is the difference of characters an obstacle to friendship?

Irkutsk region

109. When do reason and feeling fight in a person?
209. How can one get out of a difficult situation with honor?
312. Is defeat only bitter?
412. Why does the younger generation sometimes have a negative attitude towards the experience of the elders?
508. What are the causes of enmity between people?

Zabaykalsky Krai

110. Over what feelings can the mind not have power?
205. Do you agree with the statement of the writer R. Rolland: "Every courageous, every truthful person brings honor to his homeland"?
310. How do you understand the expression "moral victory"?
407. What is the value of historical experience?
505. Why does a person strive to find friends?

Far Eastern Federal District

Magadan Region

105. Why does a person sometimes have to make a choice between reason and feelings?
206. Do you agree with the Latin proverb: “It is better to die with honor than to live in dishonor”?
308. What lessons can be learned from defeat?
404. How can the experience of ancestors be preserved and passed on to posterity?
510. Does conflict between people always lead to enmity?

Jewish Autonomous Region, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory

108. What controls a person to a greater extent: reason or feelings?
201. When does a choice arise between honor and dishonor?
305. What victory would you call the most difficult for a person?
402. Is it good life principle- proceed by trial and error?
503. Do you agree with the assertion of the philosopher Cicero that in order to maintain friendship one sometimes has to endure insults?

Kamchatka Territory, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

102. Do you agree with the statement that a person is not free in his feelings?
213. What qualities should a man of honor possess?
304. What does it mean to adequately endure defeat?
410. How do you understand the words of D.S. Likhacheva: “Literature gives us a colossal, vast and profound experience of life”?
501. Can friendship bring disappointment to a person?

WHO experts found that 45 million people around the world stepped into the new millennium in absolute darkness, and more than 130 million were visually impaired. Why is this happening? What are the causes of deterioration and loss of vision in people at different ages? These questions were answered by an ophthalmologist of the first category of the diagnostic department of the Ophthalmological Center of Karelia Irina Lyazgina.

Ophthalmologist Irina Sergeevna Lyazgina

- Irina Sergeevna, please tell us what is visual impairment and what are the main reasons for its appearance?

Low vision is a gross visual impairment that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. It is manifested by a pronounced decrease in visual acuity or visual field defects in the form of a narrowing of its boundaries or the appearance of blind spots. Blindness or low vision can have many causes: injury, eye disease, or be hereditary.

- What are the reasons for the decline in vision and even blindness in different age groups among residents of Karelia?

One of the main causes of visual impairment in children are disorders that occur in the optical system of the eye (refractive errors). The most common visual impairment in children is myopia. This is due to the fact that the age of 7 to 16 years is combined with increased visual loads (reading, writing, lessons at school). Non-compliance with the rules of watching TV and working with a computer, genetic predisposition, nutritional deficiencies and other negative factors can lead to the development of strabismus, myopia, amblyopia ("lazy eye") and other vision problems in children.

In middle age, people can experience inflammatory diseases of the deep membranes of the eye, retina, optic nerve, as well as severe eye injuries, which in turn can lead to both reduced vision and irreversible blindness.

In old age, people with serious diseases such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus are more susceptible to the development of cataracts (clouding of the lens) and diabetic retinopathy, that is, impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the retina and optic nerve. Also, age-related retinal degeneration and glaucoma often develop in old age. Age-related retinal degeneration is associated with damage to a very important area of ​​the retina responsible for object vision, and in glaucoma, due to impaired intraocular fluid metabolism, the optic nerve, the conduction system of the eye, is affected.

What can be done to avoid blindness?

The first priority is prevention, management healthy lifestyle life and compliance with the regime of visual loads. Annual preventive examinations by an ophthalmologist are necessary even when nothing bothers us, because the most dangerous diseases are usually almost asymptomatic and are noticed by patients only in the later stages. In our center, anyone can undergo a full comprehensive examination and get answers to all their questions regarding the health of their eyes.

Group in VKontakte.

Have you ever thought about the question of how many more years are measured for humanity?

There are many variations on the answers to it, but this article talks about what can affect the duration of human existence on the beautiful planet Earth: 25 reasons why people will die out in 1000 years.

This hot topic has been raised repeatedly. Before the industrial revolution, the question of how to provide such a large number of people with everything they needed was not so important. Certainly, railways, steam engines and large farms came to the rescue in time, but where is the guarantee that luck will accompany mankind for another 10 centuries?

2. Nuclear explosion

Launch a nuclear warhead - never mind, well, seriously - pressed the button ... and ... got the result! Will people be able to control themselves, if so, for how long, that is the question. AT modern world it is becoming more and more difficult to do this, since the power of the state began to be measured, including in the number of nuclear weapons.

Although US scientists have recently managed to develop the latest superantibiotics, humanity is rapidly approaching the time when all existing antibiotics will be powerless against evolved microbes and viruses. This leads to the fact that a person can die by cutting himself on a piece of paper.

It is unlikely, but still possible, that an explosion in a distant galaxy (supernova) that will release a huge amount of energy will have a long-term impact on our planet. Will it happen in the next 1000 years? Wait and see.

5. Change of magnetic poles

The Earth's magnetic poles have changed position several times before. Some scientists believe that this may have influenced pre-existing civilizations. Other scientists believe that no geomagnetic reversals led to the disappearance of ancient civilizations. In the near future, humanity will be forced to experience another change, but how to predict its impact ..?

This is directly related to terrorism and the growth in the number of participants on the world stage. While in the past terrorist organizations had to operate covertly in close proximity to the scene of a terrorist attack, today they can wreak havoc around the world at the touch of a button. This may not destroy humanity, but it will certainly create chaos, which in turn will lead to its extinction.

7. Depletion of natural resources

This may not lead directly to the extinction of mankind, but it may well lead to the end of civilization. And the end of civilization is a slippery slope, to say the least.

While the Large Hadron Collider certainly helps to understand how the world works, there is only a small chance that people can create a miniature black hole.

We are surrounded by water, but most of it is not drinkable. And given that fresh water supplies are declining, in the end this can lead to big trouble.

The fact that nothing has yet destroyed mankind to date may lead people to view apocalyptic events as something unlikely, and this alone will entail a failure to adequately prepare.

Most people take food for granted. But, at such a pace, according to simple mathematical calculations, our planet will not be able to feed itself.

Thanks to advances in genetic engineering, "superhumans" are already a reality, but at what point do they cease to be human? This can lead to the disappearance of humanity as a result of artificially created evolution. What can stop the governments of countries in the superpower race?!

13. Gray slime

So scientists call the hypothetical doomsday scenario associated with the success of molecular nanotechnology and predicting that uncontrolled self-replicating nanorobots will absorb all the matter of the Earth available to them, carrying out their self-reproduction program.

Continuing the theme of genetic engineering, it is worth noting that in the near future it will be possible to easily create some unpleasant things. This is almost the same as antibiotic resistance, only in this case it is not accidental, but deliberate.

15. Low population (lack of population)

So we've discussed the dangers of overpopulation, but what about the other side of the coin? According to some data, the more developed the state, the less people living in it, prefer to have children or not to have them at all. It's scary to think what will happen if people stop giving birth at all?! Do you think this is funny? Then you are definitely not Japanese... The government there is banging its head against the wall trying to find a way to get young Japanese people to date. If they fail, Japan will have a demographic crisis, and Europe is already on its heels.

It's great that you don't wear a tinfoil hat, but listen. Most scientists agree with the theory of the existence of extraterrestrial life, and most likely it is more advanced than our civilization. It is for this reason that people like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk oppose sending messages into space through the SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) program. If the aliens are able to understand our message, then they are either as smart as we are ... or much smarter. The second option is more likely.

Most solar storms are relatively harmless, although there have been cases when they fried transformers and negatively affected the Earth's energy system. How much damage will a strong storm cause? People don't know this, but here's what they know for sure: if the storm is powerful, it could easily throw the world into chaos.

Scientists note there is a 1% chance that Mercury's orbit could become unstable due to Jupiter's gravitational pull. Simulation of this situation gives 4 scenarios for the development of events: solar system, falling into the Sun, colliding with Venus or colliding with the Earth. The 1% probability refers to the lifetime of the Sun. Thus, the probability that this will happen within 1000 years is quite small. But what the hell is not kidding?

It may seem unimportant, but our climate will not get colder for the next 1000 years.

The probability of an asteroid hitting Earth is low, though... you remember the story about the dinosaurs... After all, once a year the stick shoots... Of course, humanity can avoid potential threats (provided that people are not too busy fighting each other) .

Climate change contributes to instability. One of the consequences of such instability is the possibility of a mega-tsunami. While they are unlikely to wipe out all life on the planet, the waves can be powerful enough to tip the balance and start a downward spiral.

22. Giant volcano eruption

All of this is implausible, and purely hypothetically, people would probably find a way out, but don't say "hop" until you jump over...

23. Siri

It might sound silly, like something out of some cheap sci-fi show, but if Siri randomly becomes self-aware… well, everyone must have watched the Terminator movies…

In times of empires, the world is generally at peace, as empires provide global order. First, it was the Roman World (Pax Romana), then the British World (Pax Britannica), and now the American (Pax Americana). This time has become the most peaceful in the history of mankind, although it, like everything else, tends to end. Considering resistance global influence America both at home and abroad, it is very likely that the United States will ultimately focus on domestic politics. What will happen after? Most experts believe that the most likely path is economic recession and disorder. Yes, you can’t tell from the news, but today people really live in the most peaceful era in history. For the first time, statistically, more people die from “old age” than from violence, especially men. As stated earlier, things may change, especially after the end of Pax American. Entropy is real...

There are forces that ensure the liberalization of human thought and easy access to information on the Internet, but the irony is that they also ensure the stuffing of such truth that provokes hundreds of thousands of people to enmity. Will humanity find a way out of this difficult situation, or will people just kill each other out of paranoia? Who knows? After all, you can’t even confirm whether what is written in this article is true ...

All sorts of computer and video games were invented with one single purpose - to entertain people. And hardly anyone could have imagined that in the 21st century this phenomenon would become a real problem. A problem that will even end up in the WHO International Classification of Diseases under the name "gaming disorder".

Today there are more than 2 billion gamers in the world, but this market continues to grow every day. Almost half of all players (45%) are women, but the most alarming thing is that these figures also include a considerable number of children and adolescents.

For some, the game becomes not just a life, but also a completely profitable business. Progaming is a job that requires regular practice to maintain and develop your skills. But few manage to turn a hobby into a profession, so the vast majority play purely for fun.

Games and diseases

In the summer of 2014, the results of a large-scale study conducted by experts from the University of Oxford with the participation of 5,000 teenagers aged 10 to 14 were published. It turned out that only 25% of them did not play games every day. Among the rest, there were groups that played less than an hour a day, from one to three hours a day, and more than three hours.

It was further revealed that children who played for less than an hour every day had a more positive perception of the world compared to those who did not play at all. By contrast, teens who played more than three hours were less satisfied with their lives and had emotional and behavioral problems.

But still, scientists are in no hurry to make loud statements, since they admit that the study was based on the answers of adolescents themselves, which means that there is a certain amount of subjectivity in it.

Against the backdrop of these data, others were published regarding video game TV. It turned out that more than three hours in front of the screen, seriously increase the risk of developing diabetes. Scientists came to this conclusion after examining almost 4.5 thousand children of different sexes 9-10 years old. After studying the health status of volunteers and conducting a survey on the number of video games in their lives, experts concluded that the more time a child spends in front of the screen, the more adipose tissue in his body and the higher insulin resistance. But here it is impossible to speak unequivocally about the dangers of video games, most likely, the matter is in a sedentary lifestyle in general.

When talking about video games, many often recall the connection with hostility and antisocial behavior. Back in the early 2000s, researchers noted that games significantly increase aggression among children and adolescents. Today, there is other data - there is no clearly identified relationship between the time spent playing games and emotional or mental problems in children.

Well, of course, if the game begins to gradually crowd out all other interests, then there is no need to talk about its benefits. But here the responsibility lies entirely with the parents. It is in their power to diversify the lives of their children and show its versatility beyond the TV or computer screen.

The boundaries of reality

At the same time, it cannot be denied that video games blur the boundaries between the virtual and real world to some extent and sometimes force players to solve their problems exclusively through gaming methods. There was even a study on this subject that proved that avid players actually transfer certain techniques to real life. Many of the players (from 15 to 21 years old) said that it seems to them that in life they can press a button and change the course of events in an instant. The degree to which the game penetrates deep into real life also depends on the time that a person spends at the computer. But in the most neglected cases, the game completely replaces what is happening around the person.

Also, some admitted that they intentionally transfer any “chips” from the game, this helps them in communicating with people who rotate in the same area. At the same time, when it came to real violence or harm, all survey participants were unanimous - they would never be able to transfer violence to real life, even if they imagine such a scenario in their heads. It cannot be said that absolutely all emotional reactions and the state of the players are provoked exclusively by games. In addition, some of the volunteers' comments (for example, about the magic button) could simply be part of their fantasies, and not evidence of altered thinking. In general, it can be said that although research in this area answers certain questions, it leaves behind many new ones that have yet to be dealt with.

How to help a gamer

You can suspect real gambling in an adult or a child by the so-called "red flags". First: a strong desire to play games always and everywhere. Second, the loss of control and the blurring of boundaries between the beginning of the game and its duration. Third: the game crowds out all other hobbies, including communication with friends. Fourth: people continue to play, even when a conflict situation arises around it. If you notice such manifestations and they last for more than a year, you can safely talk about the diagnosis of a gaming disorder in a person.

If a we are talking about the child, it is worth trying with him to analyze the reasons that led to this state of affairs. Perhaps these are problems at school, difficulties in communicating with peers, or misunderstanding on the part of parents. Aggressive games are often used as a way to relieve stress, then it is worth looking for alternative methods. Not bad in such a situation, together with the child, develop clear rules regarding the place and time of games and try to follow them.

With adults, things are a little more complicated. It is important to understand whether more dangerous mental states are hidden behind gambling, and only a psychotherapist can help in this. If the diagnosis is confirmed, it will have to be treated. The range of methods is quite wide (from family counseling to daily walks on horseback), and the specialist will be able to advise the right one only after talking with the patient. Moreover, non-drug methods are most often most effective, drugs, in particular antidepressants, are prescribed only in extreme cases.

Age crises: how to get out of them a winner

Sometimes it seems that our whole life is a series of endless age crises, which successively replace each other. It all starts with the notorious crisis of 3 years, which every mother probably knows about, and then it started: the crisis of 7-8 years, teenage years, a quarter-life crisis, and, of course, a midlife crisis. Psychotherapist Olga Miloradova will tell you what crises each of us inevitably goes through and how to survive them without loss.

Transitional age

The connection of this or that crisis with age is generally rather arbitrary, but one of the brightest and most noticeable periods falls on the period from 14 to 19 years. This is the one transitional age, which is associated with a huge number of social, psychological and physiological changes in the body. Puberty turns the life of a teenager into continuous swings of emotions, and sometimes it is not so easy to deal with this. Among other things, it is at this time that growing up children first begin to think about their immediate future and the time when they will have to grow up. You don't have to go far, even the choice future profession and places of study at the age of 16-17 is an impossible task for many.

Adolescence is, in fact, the first adult crisis in a person's life. And if in childhood crisis is the complete destruction of the old and the construction of the new, then for adults it is always some kind of choice and conflict of contradictions that no one will decide for you.

Today's children spend most of their time in the school system and this makes the decision making process even more difficult for them. The pressure of society, the endless parting words of parents and the feeling that your own feelings and experiences are not interesting to absolutely anyone. Sadly, sometimes such situations lead to the most deplorable consequences.

But hormones and overwhelming emotions prevent adolescents from accepting reality and soberly understanding what is happening, otherwise they would easily accept the normality of what is happening and finally stop worrying about trifles. As a rule, during this period, young people often give up their usual hobbies and look for new ones, seek to isolate themselves from their parents and show their independence.

Such an identity crisis is not just a misunderstanding of what to become when you grow up. In part, this is a full-fledged formation of personality and its assessment. And the point here is not only in the future profession, many are faced with a serious problem in accepting their body, which is rapidly changing. At the same time, you are also searching for yourself in society and among the people around you. And here, for a growing child, a loving and understanding family is very important, which will accept him as he is.

quarter life crisis

This crisis is often complained about in the period from 20 to 30 years. Some are at a crossroads after graduation, others are torn between the start of a career and personal life. And many do not want to live on their own at all, because they feel good next to mom and dad, who easily solve all problems. AT last years time of entry into adulthood shifted noticeably, and this led to the fact that the previously known “crisis of 30 years” imperceptibly decreased to 25, but this is still a very conditional age.

To all this, nervousness is often added, which appeared against the backdrop of the general spread of social networks. We constantly think that something is wrong with us, because if you believe the world of Instagram and Facebook, friends and peers are doing much better. If you are familiar with this situation, remind yourself that any person's account is just a selection of the best of the best, and in some cases, this best is also contrived or exaggerated a considerable number of times. Just try not to compare yourself to others, rather try to focus on achieving your own goals.

This crisis cannot be regarded as destructive, since, on the contrary, it opens the way for personal growth and allows you to rebuild your life according to your own ideals, and not those that were imposed from outside.

The most common advice on how to get through this crisis most often comes down to Zen practices. Firstly, learn to plan and do not strive to do everything, secondly, accept the inevitability of mistakes, and thirdly, figure out what you are really interested in and what you would like to do in life. To some extent, this crisis is even useful, because it helps to put your thoughts in order and finally make changes in your life.

Middle age crisis

Unlike the previous crisis, which is based on the fear of the future, this one, on the contrary, is connected with the past. One day, a person wakes up and is horrified, because everything that he has suddenly loses all meaning. It seems that the life's work is boring and dull, love is a thing of the past, and the children completely forgot about you in the stream of their own affairs. It is with this age that cravings for expensive and meaningless purchases, romances with younger partners, divorces and other attempts to regain long-gone youth are often associated.

The midlife crisis is applicable to people aged 40 to 60 years, when there is a rethinking of everything that happened to a person before. But it is not easy to describe this crisis unambiguously. At different people it can proceed in its own way, as well as occur at different age intervals. And if for someone these thoughts become pleasant memories, then for another - a direct gateway to depression.

If the first two crises can safely be called periods of growth and change, then this is a classic crisis in the psychological sense. He pulls negativity, depression, depreciation of himself and his life, serious thoughts about death. And the most important thing here is to try to extract something useful and productive for yourself from the current situation.

But there are also things that almost everyone experiences during this period. This is strong feeling frustration and a clear sense of mortality. In addition, age manifests itself in terms of physiology - more and more diseases develop, menopause begins in women (something similar happens in the male body and is called andropause).

The most important thing in this crisis is not to miss its transition into depression; in this case, you cannot do without the help of a psychologist. In all others, the most important advice is to accept the changes that have come and learn to live in the circumstances offered.

What is learned helplessness

Acquired helplessness is a condition that occurs against the background of frequent stressful situations. At some point, a person comes to the conclusion that he cannot change the current situation, so he simply stops trying.

For the first time a similar syndrome was described in 1967 after several experiments on animals and humans. It has been proven that learned helplessness can exacerbate depression and anxiety. When a person realizes that he cannot change anything around him, he loses motivation. And even if there is a chance, the person still does not take any action. Against the background of such behavior, the risk of depression inevitably increases.

Psychologist Martin Seligman, who is often credited with coining the term learned helplessness, has detailed three features of this condition:

  • The person is passive in the face of injury
  • The person does not understand that reaction can control trauma
  • A person's stress levels are high

To prove their theory, psychologists conducted a study on dogs, during which they subjected them to a series of electric shocks. The experiment showed that dogs that could not control the situation ended up showing signs of anxiety and depression, but those that could pull the lever did not.

In people, learned helplessness is manifested in the fact that they cannot adapt to difficult situations. life situations. Usually they just accept that something bad is going to happen and don't try to influence it in any way. And even if a potential solution to the problem flashes on the horizon, a person will not use it.

One of the most striking examples of learned helplessness is smoking. A person makes several attempts, then loses faith in himself and stops trying at all.

Sometimes acquired helplessness is formed in childhood. When parents do not satisfy the child's need for help, he begins to think that he cannot change the situation in any way. And if such events occur regularly, then the developed helplessness will pass into adulthood.

The most common signs of learned helplessness in children are: low motivation and self-esteem, low expectations, the child never asks for help, is sure that he will never succeed.

The most important factors for combating learned helplessness in children are the right attachment to parents, a sense of humor and independence.

It is much more difficult for an adult to overcome acquired helplessness. The most effective approach in this regard is cognitive behavioral therapy. In its course, people learn to receive attention and support, find ways to avoid helplessness, identify behavior that reinforces it, increase self-esteem, set realistic goals and objectives.

Dishonor is, first of all, a lack of respect for oneself and others, a disregard for one's actions and deeds. From the very birth, a person receives honor and proudly carries it ahead of him through all obstacles, through dirt and malice. outside world until it reaches the point of no return. But, if we are born initially honest with ourselves, then where do dishonest people come from?

We learn about what honor is in childhood: from parents and from books, hear on the radio, see on TV - in other words, we receive the science of honor along with education and take an example from what we see around. Therefore, it is very important that from the very beginning the child understands that the main value in his life is honor and conscience, because without them a person ceases to be a person, and along with the loss of his own dignity, a person begins to deteriorate morally and ethically. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands this, and therefore dishonest children often grow up with dishonest parents, which D.I. Fonvizin. The author describes the Prostakov family to us, in which everyone is distinguished by some kind of moral ailment: the father of the family grovels before his wife, who, in turn, periodically swears and swears at all family members and treats the serfs terribly, setting an example of greed and immorality . Skotinin, Prostakova's brother, is extremely ignorant and stupid, among his hobbies is only breeding pigs, he has long been mentally and morally degraded and is ready to marry Sophia for the sake of inheritance alone, entering into rivalry with his own nephew. And in all this atmosphere, Mitrofanushka, beloved by his mother, grew up. Of course, this hero is depicted by the author as a deliberately rude and dishonorable young man: he does not value love or care, does not love or respect anyone from his family at all, does not know how to make his own choice, even in regard to his future, also, like his mother, he treats everyone around him rudely and cynically, does not want to develop in any way and is absolutely nothing worthwhile. Mitrofan is immoral, he, like Skotinin, is ready to marry Sophia only because of money, completely trampling on his honor, and all this is already on early stage his development as a person. And the reason for all this was a bad upbringing in all respects.

Sometimes a person loses his honor due to his own weakness of character already in adulthood. Grushnitsky, the hero of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time", at first glance, is no different from Pechorin, however, following the chronology of the work, the reader begins to understand that this hero is not so confident in himself, not so honest with himself. Pechorin is a man of honor, and Grushnitsky is his complete opposite, which is why he makes rather pathetic attempts to win the attention of Princess Mary, “drags” after her and, having received a refusal, rudely and enviously calls her a coquette, although quite recently, it would seem, he considered her an angel. Then, out of resentment, this hero spreads various rumors and gossip about the marriage of his former "friend" and ex-lover, and at the end of the work he decides to cheat in a duel, which is his greatest meanness, characterizing Grushnitsky only as a man without dignity. Grushnitsky is a typical representative of the "water society", a poseur trying to build himself a "hero of the novel". He, it seems to me, lost his honor on the day when he decided not to live, but to play some role, deceiving himself and those around him. However, this permanent hypocrisy was his conscious choice, he just apparently decided that it was easier and easier to live in eternal deceit, without honor and dignity, which was his main mistake.

Honor is a heavy burden for everyone, and only strong personality brought up in honesty and morality. Of course, everyone chooses for himself whether to carry this burden with him all the time, or to throw it off immediately, omitting all unnecessary moral prejudices and pangs of conscience, but it becomes sad at the moment when such a concept as “honor” is not initially invested in the upbringing of a person, because in the future it becomes a tragedy of the whole society.