Wargaming is deceiving World of tanks players. Clans on the global map Influence in wot

You have a series of losses in World of Tanks, or, more simply, drains, then this article is for you.

Let's find out why there are leaks in wot and give recommendations on what to do in a situation where you lose several games in a row.

Why are there only plums in tanks

The reason for writing this article about leaks was the player's handling of the nickname xxxvovkaxxx1991xxx. Here is his text:

Good evening! Happy holiday to you, Happy New Year, Merry Christmas and Happy Epiphany. I have a question for you: why do I constantly have plums today in the World of Tanks game? I bring myself to full attention, hit right on target, and the shells go either to the right, then to the left, then up, then down, but they don’t hit the tank. What's the matter? Played today in a platoon with my brother. There were plums too. As soon as he left the platoon and began to play alone, he immediately went victorious!

Drains in tanks - what to do?

To answer his question, we have prepared several options for the development of situations. why are there constant drains in tanks. Let's put them in order of impact on losses in World of Tanks from the highest and most frequent to the lowest and rarest from top to bottom.

Situation 1. Most often, haste and the desire not to miss the farm at any cost leads to a drain in tanks. This attitude to the game often leads to the fact that you find yourself in the middle of the hottest battles - on the front lines. Naturally, the risk of being destroyed there is maximum and the series of drains will continue. If after the start you immediately go to take an advantageous position competing with the players of your team for the best place on the map means you are in too much of a hurry.

What to do in situation 1. First of all, stop and take your time. Let the events on the battlefield develop without your direct participation. Play second line of defense. Don't be a shield for other tankers. Take care of your tank. Don't aim to deal as much damage as possible at any cost in order to farm more credits and experience. When you have a chance to prove yourself safely, you will feel and fire a shot at the enemy tank.

Situation 2. The second place in terms of frequency of influence on drains in World of Tanks is the lack of a good mood. As practice shows, it is not the game itself that has the greatest influence on mood, but your environment and the people who are close to you.

What to do in situation 2. If you have to go to the store, don't go to the computer so you can play a couple more fights before you leave the house. First, settle all your affairs, secure yourself a guaranteed free time and the availability of personal space, after which you calmly sit down to play World of Tanks. Take frequent breaks from the game. Remember - World of Tanks is just a game. Do not devote all your free time to it. Part of your free time should be devoted to household chores, study or work, as well as meeting with friends.

Situation 3. The third line in the causes of drains in tanks is occupied by insufficiently rich player experience. And also the use of the same strategies on maps and tanks from game to game.

What to do in situation 3. It is important to understand and soberly assess your current skills as a tank player. Take the time to go into training battles and check how this or that weapon penetrates the tank, which you are not good at hitting in battle. In every fight, try to use any strategy different from the one you are used to. Make it a rule not to play the old way at all.

  • If you are rushing - on the contrary, play thoughtfully, do not move without reconnaissance.
  • If you like ambushes - rashte.
  • On the SPG, try to change position more often.
  • On a heavy tank, after a couple of shots, return to defend the base.
  • On a medium tank, shine and don't engage in battle.
  • On a light tank, wait for the end of the main battle and only after that go to shine.
  • Tank on a tank destroyer.

This will significantly reduce the level of lesions (drains) in wot. And it will enrich your set of tactics and strategies when playing tanks. In addition to the number of strategies, do not forget about the quality of their execution. Try to play each battle in a new and unusual way.

Situation 4. The fourth line in the list of reasons for drains is occupied by a misunderstanding of the current game situation and / or inability to quickly adapt to changes on the battlefield.

What to do in situation 4. Perhaps this is the most difficult thing - to follow the game situation without missing a single detail. You must understand and constantly monitor what is happening not only in front of your tank, but also on all other flanks. Periodically monitor the situation at your base and, if necessary, correspond in a general chat with self-propelled guns or tanks located in close proximity to your base. Ask if they need help. Ask to write in the chat about what is happening in the battle in the direction furthest from you, where your view does not allow you to fully control what is happening. Inform your allies about illuminated tanks and their attempts to break through your allies' defenses. Believe me, not all players follow the minimap at the location of your tank. In addition, you need to see when the enemy is clearly superior to you and is able to quickly destroy your tank. Try to avoid such situations and try to withdraw into the depths of defense or change flank in time. Later, your tank will come in handy when knocking down the base capture. The same goes for your attack - watch out when the opponents are distracted by other tanks and leave the ambush to open the second side of the attack. It is impossible to describe all the scenarios for the development of events in World of Tanks at once, but remember the need to constantly collect information about the state of affairs in battle in order to instantly analyze it and make the right decisions. Keep track of what is happening around you.

Situation 5. In the fifth situation, the reason for the drain in the tanks is the composition of the platoon and its actions in battle. Playing in a platoon formed from vehicles of different classes and levels often leads to a drain. Also, the reason for constant defeats can be a big difference in the skill level of the players.

What to do in situation 5. Try to go into platoon battles with vehicles of the same tier and class in order to work together. Take in a platoon a player of the same skill as you. Often in combat, platoon players try to work together. Imagine if it would be convenient for you to organize joint actions if your ally is on a level 10 self-propelled gun, and you are on a level 3 tank destroyer? In such a team, there can be practically no qualitative return from the presence of a platoon in battle. Another thing is if there are two level 10 self-propelled guns or 2 level 3 tank destroyers. Reflect on the composition of the platoon in order to act together and coherently.

Situation 6. Going into battle during prime time is the sixth situation that leads to frequent leaks. Prime time is the time when the largest number of active players are in battles in World of Tanks.

What to do in situation 6. Everything is simple here - to win more, play when the main players are not in tanks. Let's explain why prime time has a negative effect on your wins, why does it happen that you merge in tanks? The fact is that your skill, which determines the level of your knowledge of the World of Tank game, is constantly competing with other players. The more players with a high skill entered WoT, the higher your chance to meet them. And now a chip for those who read our articles to the end. To play safely and count on winning the battle even in prime time, try to play on premium tanks. These combat vehicles have a higher coefficient of hitting the top of the list in battle. So, choosing a premium tank to participate in the battle, you will protect yourself from opponents by getting to the top lines of the list of battle participants.

As you know, leaks in the World of Tanks lead to a drop in income, a decrease in the speed of researching new vehicles, slow down crew training, and, most unpleasantly, spoil the statistics. Use our instructions for each of the situations described above to increase the number of victories in tanks.


Permanent military connection of the players of the Wargaming.net trilogy. It is the main combat unit on the Global Map. Only clan fighters can participate in the confrontation on the Global Map.


Currency of the Global Map. It is used to purchase divisions and modules, increase the income of provinces, participate in auctions and for other paid operations. Clans can earn influence by participating in battles on the Global Map.

The accumulated influence is canceled before the start of the new season.


Clan gold reserves. The treasury is replenished at the expense of income from provinces belonging to the clan on the Global Map.

Basic Rules

Only clans take part in the struggle. Individual players who are not members of a clan are not allowed to play on the Global Map.

Basic information about the clan presented on the Global Map:

  • Clan name.
  • clan tag. Short name clan.
  • Emblem. The symbol of the clan, which is displayed on vehicles in battle and the clan's provinces on the Global Map.
  • Color. The color of the clan is used to indicate its possessions on the Global Map.
  • Overall Elo rating. The overall Elo rating reflects the combat effectiveness of the clan on different Fronts. It consists of three components. Each component corresponds to the first two digits of Elo ratings, calculated separately for fronts with different maximum possible vehicle levels.
  • Percentage of wins. Percentage of clan victories in battles on the Global Map.
  • The number of fights. The number of battles fought by the clan on the Global Map.

Clan property on the Global Map:

  • Gold. The amount of gold in the clan's treasury.
  • Influence. The amount of clan influence.
  • Bonds. The number of bonds in the clan's treasury.
  • Provinces. Clan holdings on the Global Map.
  • Divisions and modules. Clan combat units and means of their strengthening.
  • Headquarters. Mobile clan command center.

Some information about the property of another clan may not be available.

The clan is ruled by officers with certain powers. The powers of officers depend on their positions.

  • Commanding
  • Deputy Commander
  • Staff officer
  • intelligence officer
  • Supply officer
  • Personnel officer
  • Unit commander
  • junior officer
  • Fighter
  • Rookie
  • Reservist

The release of the updated Global Map is getting closer, which means it's time to lift the veil of secrecy and introduce you to GC 2.0.

When developing new card one of the important tasks was to solve the main problems that players are now facing.

More provinces - more space
Currently, the number of clans playing in landing tournaments significantly exceeds the number of available provinces, which makes the competition incredibly strong.

New map has a flexible architecture, and if necessary, we can expand it to an almost unlimited number of provinces: two, five, ten times more!

Everyone will land
On the current map, in order to capture a province, a clan needs to go through a landing tournament without the right to make a mistake, spend a lot of time fighting, but in the end there is no guarantee of success.

On the updated Global Map, in addition to more provinces, will be introduced new way hits on the map, while it will be possible, as before, to capture territories in landing tournaments.

Choose the level of technology
The recent introduction of additional regions for Tier VIII vehicles has shown big interest players to participate in battles in this format.

Next generation global map will have regions with vehicle tiers similar to sortie battles: VI, VIII, X. Accordingly, profitability and opportunities will differ.

With the exception of campaigns and other in-game events, which are held infrequently and regularly due to current architectural features, the map does not set the ultimate goal for the clans.

Global map 2.0 has a completely new architecture that will allow it to work on a seasonal model. In each season, clans will have the opportunity to compete for victory and special prizes.

Other innovations
Chips are no longer needed, they will be replaced by divisions

A division is a combat unit fully equipped with the required number of tanks, regardless of the number of fighters in the clan. Now it will not be necessary to keep inactive players in the clan, there is no need to move one chip to full membership, and you can be sure: if the fight is scheduled, it will take place.

Division of the map into fronts

Regions will give way to fronts, each of which will have customizable borders, province composition, battle rules, available vehicle tiers, or even a set of specific vehicles. Each clan will be able to choose a front convenient for itself.

New game currency for the Global Map - influence

In order to conduct combat operations and perform other operations on the Global Map, clans will need influence.

What is it for:

  • Landing on a map without participating in landing tournaments.
  • Purchase and maintenance of divisions, as well as additional modules for them.
  • Investing in a province to increase its profitability.
  • Protecting your province under certain conditions.
Influence can be obtained in two ways:
  1. Combat operations on the map: when an enemy division is destroyed, the winner receives a part of its cost.
  2. Participation in Strongholds sorties: in addition to industrial resources, sorties will also bring influence, the amount of which will depend on the division.

Influence will allow clans not to depend on a limited number of chips and their “freezing”, independently regulating their activity on the map. Influence can also be accumulated in unlimited quantities, which will make it possible to plan long-term operations.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that influence cannot be purchased for in-game gold, exchanged for industrial resources or loans.

New interface and visual component

In addition to technical changes and mechanical innovations, the map will be radically redesigned both visually and in terms of usability. Navigation will become more convenient, many new information, flexible filters, and a system of pop-up hints.

Wargaming management is increasingly deceiving players. The company is increasingly using its capabilities not to improve its games, but solely for the purpose of extorting money from players. Resounding success Online Games World of Tanks attracted huge interest in it. To date, She is the undisputed leader in its segment and the most popular game in the CIS countries. Every day, hundreds of thousands of people take to the virtual battlefields and take part in tank battles. Although access to the game is absolutely free, Wargaming offers fans of tank battles quite a lot of different "goodies" for real money. At the same time, many players willingly pay for paid products, including premium accounts, inscriptions and camouflages for cars, game currency and special equipment. It is premium paid tanks that are increasingly frustrating fans of the game.

Latest news from the world of World of Tanks

Wargaming is stealthily nerfing Premium Tanks

The developers keep telling us that premium technical schools are never nerfed, because you paid real money for it, we can only upgrade and nerf the upgraded vehicles. Recently it turned out that premium vehicles were nerfed from the players (we reduced the performance characteristics of the vehicles, worsening their hidden characteristics, dispersion, turning speed, mixing...). It always seemed to us that they were nerfing it, but they couldn’t prove it, so one of the English-speaking users of Stallman found out that the premium strv s1 tank destroyer was hidden in siege mode, now there is a message from Anton Pankov “hello ps1 will check, most likely this is a bug display, thanks for the signal” what, of course, what else could we expect from the developers “of course, a bug”, as if it seemed that the premium tank was lowered, but there are proofs. Many users have already been able to verify that update 09 17 to update 0.9.19 of the tank’s performance characteristics changed the turning speed was nerfed by more than 2 times, the time to switch to hiking mode was 1.25 hundredths, it became 1.3 difference to 0.05, and also went to cross-country ability this potential turning speed speed turning on hard ground on medium also resistance undercarriage on hard ground. Now it has become interesting how the developers will get out of this situation, as far as it became known, we are opening the WOT express website, many of you already know and what do we see here? a lot of players began to demand a refund for the money spent earlier to buy a Swedish Swedish tank in this case premium tanks level 8 strv s1. I wonder how it will end, I think it's a pity those who bought strv s1 know you will write in the comments that the developers are finished and you will be completely right.

How can wargaming get out of the situation in this case with the fact that they were finally caught with a big proof, all the data was written out, many will already demand a refund, we are following the course of events.

New World of Tanks balancer

New information about the balancer in World of Tanks, as shown by the latest tests new balancer 0.9.18 World of Tanks does not work correctly. We will conduct a test for a series of 20 battles on different accounts, the test showed that players get into the TOP much less often at a low level on a level vehicle, and it was also found that after 20 battles on different vehicles, players get to the bottom of the list or the middle of more than 80% of cases .

Also, map ranking showed an incorrect distribution of repeated maps, although the situation has changed, as it was in the previous patch 0.9.17, from which we can conclude that the balancer works very peculiarly and chaotically. In addition to the fact that the new balancer will throw you into unfavorable teams according to the internal statistics of the server, you will also enjoy not breaking through and not hitting the target.

The balancer works in such a way that out of 100% of battles, and it is possible that you will get into the TOP no more than 15-20%%, all other battles you will spend at the bottom or in the middle of the list, this is clearly seen for vehicles of levels 6 and 8. For vehicles of the sixth level, most often getting into the TOP is when the whole team consists of one sixth level; for level 8, the situation is approximately the same. If you start to win, the balancer solves this "problem" very simply by periodically throwing you into a team where the statistics of your team's players are lower than the opponent's team. You can observe this simply by installing the XVM mod.

Personal reserves

The use of personal reserves as another deception.

It has been noticed that the use of personal combat reserves in World of Tanks reduces the ability of players to fully participate in hostilities, each inclusion of combat reserves leads to a decrease in the dynamic characteristics of any tank in battle, which was established by a special mod that determines the characteristics of military equipment directly when the player enters the battle . As the test showed, on average, the percentage change of 10% of the characteristics of accuracy and information, dispersion on the move, as well as the accuracy of hitting with full information and some other parameters decreased when using reserves.

As soon as you think that Wargaming has given another opportunity for free to earn combat experience or silver, you are greatly mistaken, since each use of a personal reserve reduces the characteristics of your equipment in battle.

You will use combat reserves and your win statistics will start to decrease, if you build an elementary graph and analyze the statistics of victories for several days with combat reserves enabled and without combat reserves, you will see that when using combat reserves, the statistics of victories on tanks are much lower than without them enabled. As a conclusion, this means only one thing: when using personal combat reserves in World of Tanks, an artificial problem is created for you so that you cannot create conditions for yourself under which your tank will gain maximum amount experience or earn a large amount of silver, as this is primarily unprofitable for the Wargaming company, where the main objective It's about making money off the players.

In order to create a visible entourage of sports interest and a competitive moment in the game, the methods of advertising and paid bloggers who stream on YouTube are used. attraction sports teams which by sponsorship create some illusion of equality of all players and the possibility of using tanks in the game, but as practice has shown, all this is a hoax, which is just one more evidence of dishonesty Wargaming company towards all players.

As a result, all of the above clearly shows that Wargaming is not interested in fair fights, the only goal of Wargaming is to extort money from players by any means.

Deliberate scam

Since the recent pros in the World of Tanks community, rumors have begun to circulate about a scam by Wargaming net aimed at programming battle leaks. The essence of the claims lies in the disturbed balance of the game, which carries out deliberate and systematic battle drains, regardless of the skill level of the players.

On our website, we decided to make an article about fraud in the World of Tanks game. In the well-known Patent of Viktor Kisly, of course, nothing is said about getting a player into a losing battle, as well as about nerfing a vehicle that constantly wins. The Patent only mentions a table of vehicle battle levels and the conditions under which a player enters a certain battle level on a particular tank.

One of the bloggers who makes videos on the game and puts them on YouTube devoted a whole series of videos to this problem. The Bee Channel Buzz and its creator urge everyone to refuse to buy premium vehicles for a while and generally refrain from any monetary investments in the game. The reason for his displeasure was the regular "nerfs" of premium vehicles. The essence of the claims boils down to the fact that the developers of World of Tanks regularly deceive players who invest their own money, reducing specifications not only simple tanks, but also those that can only be obtained for money.

Changes in the parameters of all machines in the game occurred constantly. This is due to the constant addition of new nations, development branches and individual machines. However, premium paid tanks were inviolable for a very long time. Now the creators of the game have taken up them. In almost every patch, several new samples of exclusive vehicles are released. Moreover, in order to force players to buy it, the developers are gradually making the tanks that the players already have less competitive. Their speed decreases, armor deteriorates, maneuverability disappears. Accustomed to punching through all opponents, the player suddenly discovers that he has “lost aim”, and the fired shells more and more often fall into “milk”. Moreover, all these troubles instantly disappear when buying a fresh "prem". But he also begins to “sick” after the release of one or two fresh updates. The blogger sees the company's bad faith in this and urges all fans of the game to ignore all paid offers from Wargaming until the developers pay attention to the problem and offer a solution that would suit everyone.

World of Tanks or how Wargaming is lying to the players earning millions on them

To make money on a game, it must be popular. And to become such, any game can become only in one case: the players must believe that something depends on them. If for some reason the opposite happens, then any game is practically doomed. After a series of publications in the Western gaming press revealing publications regarding the technologies on which World of Tanks is based, its popularity has significantly decreased. For the CIS countries, this scandal went almost unnoticed. Everyone here is used to thinking that the serious difference between the number of players on European, American and Russian servers is due solely to the fact that they do not understand anything about real tanks and genuine armored prowess there. But it is not so. The reasons are different.

Patent of Viktor Kisly

Shortly after the launch, a number of publications were placed on their websites detailed description the so-called "Sour Patent". Its author Victor Kisly is one of the founders of the company. It was he who developed the technology of "maintaining interest in the game", which the company has been successfully using to this day. The essence of "Sour's patent" is quite simple. All players must regularly both win and lose in order for the overall interest to be kept at the desired high level. For this, a special technology has been created. The system automatically assigns players a special coefficient from 0 to 2. The size of this coefficient depends on the number of victories won in battles. If you are too successful and start winning all the time, the system will automatically start to reduce the characteristics of your vehicle.

The World of Tanks random rules provide that a number of important game indicators can fluctuate significantly. Among them:

Scatter when firing;

The amount of one-time damage;

The probability of a ricochet;

Ability to deal critical damage;

Damage to internal modules;

The ability to break through enemy armor and so on.

balancerfighting in World of tanks

However, World of Tanks fans increasingly began to notice that a series of victories is necessarily replaced by a series of drains. Many people have a natural question: if the outcome of random battles is 99% predetermined, how can you merge it? How is the team assembled, which will lose with a probability of 99%? Even despite the WBR plus or minus 25%. How then can Wargaming program the drain?

Attentive WOT players note the two most obvious ways.

The first way to drain in World of Tanks refers to the maps, respawns and modes chosen by the player. The Patent says that a certain percentage of victories is stored for each level of battle of a vehicle and for each tank. The matchmaker is allegedly only responsible for forming teams and choosing a map, after which he sends both teams into battle. It is also managed by the game server, i.e. the same VBR plus or minus 25%. Therefore, if a weak team, according to all forecasts, is obliged to lose the fight, suddenly begins to actively resist and win, the notorious VBR by all means begins to prevent it from achieving victory.

The second of them concerns directly the balance of teams. This does not mean the total difference in strength points between teams, but the ratio of vehicle types. For example, two teams fight in the Encounter Battle mode. One team is equipped mainly with medium tanks, ATs and a couple of heavy tanks. The enemy team, on the other hand, has predominantly heavy weapons available. If in this situation it occupies a common base, then it will be very difficult for a team with medium tanks to fight with such an enemy. Accordingly, the probability of coordinated actions of a random team and subsequent victory tends to zero.

The main rules of the World of Tanks balancer

Everyone who connects to the World of Tanks server is assigned a certain status, not only to his account, but also to all your equipment in the hangar, the naive think that they are distributed by the balancer only when entering the battle - this is not so! As soon as you enter the game, the balancer knows for which range of maps and in which team by weight and statistics to determine your any tank when entering the battle.

First Battle Rule World of Tanks

As you know, on different maps for the same tank, a different percentage of victories. All cards are divided into two groups for each of your and only your tank in the hangar, the first group is the group of cards on which you have a higher percentage of wins on this tank, in the second where the percentage is lower. When entering the first battle, the balancer determines you on the map where your influence on the game will be below average for this type of vehicle.

Did you think that Wargaming would let you earn two, three or five times experience for free?

Single tank win rule

Account-wide win rule


Skill balancing rule

The rule of influence on the battle by the level of technology

It is generally accepted that all this is regulated by the almighty VBR or the Great Belarusian Random. However, in reality, everything happens not quite by chance. So, if some players win too often, while others lose too often, the system independently begins to correct all the indicators of their technique. The level of one-time damage, for example, can differ by +/- 25%. All other significant indicators fluctuate approximately in the same range. For "too" successful players, everything "suddenly" becomes unhappy, and now a tank destroyer of the tenth level, in an unthinkable way, cannot hit or penetrate an obviously weaker enemy. The shells go into milk or just knock down the tracks of even the lightest and most defenseless tanks, without causing them the prescribed damage. Crooked opponents, on the contrary, start to hit the desired pixel “from the top”. And without fail, producing devastating fires and destroying the internal modules of your tank. Add to this the fact that the system also independently distributes participants, placing them in the TOP or at the bottom of the list in battle. It turns out that from skills or skills World players of Tanks depends quite a bit. Everyone will get their fair share of wins from good developers. The main thing is not to forget to donate and pay for premium equipment, preferential accounts and other goodies provided by the "Sour patent".

Taking advantage of the popularity of the World of tanks game and the desire of players to get unique content, scammers seek to lure money from users. Learn about all the possible tricks of attackers. One of the most popular World of Tanks-related scams is offers to buy bonuses and invite codes necessary to receive in-game property, including items that cannot be bought with in-game gold.

Invite code

Invite code - is entered only when creating an account.

Bonus code - can be entered at any time during the game.

Ways to get official bonus codes:

1) At events organized by Wargaming;

2) Together with the official goods of the company and its partners;

3) On the official website during the promotions.

Any other way of acquiring bonus codes is one of the options for fraud.

Fraud options:

Bonus code

1) Offers to buy bonus codes that make it possible to purchase equipment that cannot be bought for game gold.

Such codes can only be distributed by Warganing and its official partners, and the number of these bonus codes is negligible, so it is unlikely that you will be offered a real code. It is worth buying such codes only if it is possible to activate it immediately, with the seller.

2) Sites that sell bonus codes.

In order for the activity of the site to look convincing, comments are published on it confirming that all codes are working. Naturally, they were left by the attackers themselves.

3) Fraudsters introduce themselves as partners or employees of Wargaming, or convince.

First of all, it is worth considering, if the seller is indeed one of the representatives of Wargaming, why he sells codes, and does not distribute them as a bonus for purchasing their products, or for taking part in an event organized by them.

There are many posts and discussions on the Internet about how negatively gambling affects men. The authors of these materials are mostly wives of husbands playing this computer game.

The negative, in their opinion, is that husbands begin to devote little time to their wives and children, stop helping with household chores and spend certain money from the family budget on this game. And it’s not a man’s business to sit for hours at computer games. But any medal, as you know, has two sides. We will try to give a few weighty “pros” in relation to the “tanks” game that is so popular today.

Firstly, computer game World of Tanks improves visual response and increases the speed of processing visual information in your man. This is due to the fact that during the game you have to keep track of a large number of moving objects and at the same time evaluate and predict the possibility of their further movement and movement. This is a significant plus that a man can use in Everyday life. He will become more attentive while driving and will be able to assess the possibility of an emergency on the road faster than others, and either prevent it or be able to cope with it, with minimal losses for himself and his passengers.

Secondly, this game for him is a kind of way to relax and relieve accumulated stress after a working day. Agree that everyone has the right to relax in their own way.

And it will be much better for you if your beloved man spends two hours doing what he loves, relieving accumulated stress, than walking around irritated under the yoke of moral fatigue and stress.

Thirdly, The game World of tanks allows your man to acquire organizational skills and managerial experience, which he can later successfully apply at work.

Fourth, this game increases male sociability and contributes to the acquisition of additional communication. Many men are very taciturn by nature and find it difficult to new contact. But, having recognized in his colleague, or even the boss of the player in the “tanks”, he can easily find a topic for conversation, even if first about the game.

Fifth, inspires a man and helps to increase his self-esteem. Winning the next battle, he receives moral satisfaction from his own success and at the same time proves to himself that he is really capable of something. Therefore, dear women, before reproaching your man for an “unmanly” occupation or hobby, in your opinion, think about whether it is as useless and harmful as it seems to you.