What does the Smurfs look like? Who are the smurfs

After the entire European world first saw the animated series The Smurfs on television in the 80s, there was an unexpected "boom" associated with the popularity of the picture. First of all, these creatures came to us in kinder surprises, as a toy, and already in 2010 Russia showed its young viewers this animated series that tells us about strange creatures with blue skin and white clothes.

One of the favorite films and TV shows for children - "The Smurfs", tells us about fictional creatures of blue color living among nature, in the forest. These little creatures live in a village that consists of mushroom houses. There are about 100 inhabitants of Smurfidol. True, according to the film and the series, it may seem that there are much fewer of them, because according to the plot, about 30 Smurfs are involved in the films.

The story of the Smurfs tells about a small settlement in the forest, about small (25 centimeters - the growth of a Smurf) gnomes and their everyday life. Everyone does their part, who works, who cooks, who just has to be beautiful, who composes all sorts of nonsense. It is almost impossible to distinguish between the characters, everyone is similar, only the elder Smurf Papa is dressed in a red, not a white hat. Everyone is friendly, kind, positive, they don’t interfere with anyone and don’t quarrel, because Papa Smurf does not allow little Smurfs to be dirty tricks.

The Smurfs have a special power, if you collect six of them, you can make gold. This is what their main, most terrible enemy, Gargamel, wants to take advantage of. But besides this, the Smurfs have many different enemies. Gnomes do not despair, they treat everyone well, even those who wish them harm. Smurfs help each other, take care of nature, live together with all the inhabitants and neighbors.

The cartoon is designed to teach children kindness and mutual assistance, to show that loved ones need to be loved and respected, not to hold grudges and resentments, to treat all problems with positivity and wit. The Smurfs also teach to obey their elders and respect their opinion. These fictional creatures attract with their colorfulness, good nature and fun. Although incidents happen in their village when the elder Papa Smurf is not at home, everything is resolved peacefully and quietly, everyone endures the lessons and tries not to repeat the mistakes again, and strives to set a good example.

Smurfs are fabulous blue men who live in the village of Smurfedonia in a dense forest. We learned about them, first of all, from the animated series, which is broadcast on the Russian children's channel.
But he came up with the Smurfs, or Smurfs, for a long time Belgian artist Peyo. He drew a series of blue men comics back in 1958. On television, these creatures appeared in the 80s in English-speaking countries and gained immense popularity among young viewers there.
Now the Smurfs are known and loved in Russia. Their images can be found on various children's products, inside kinder surprises, even any cartoon character can come to you for a holiday.
All episodes of the animated series are not interconnected, but they are united by the main story line: The Smurfs are fleeing from the evil Gargamel, who dreams of catching and eating them all. All Smurfs are friendly and come to the aid of each other when they are in danger. Each hero is endowed speaking name:
. Papa Smurf is the father of a large family of Smurfs, the most important in the village.
. Grandpa Smurf is the oldest in the village.
. The strong man is the strongest in the village.
. Sweetheart - loves sweets very much.
. Reasonable - very smart, likes to read books.
. Clutch - clumsy.
. A poet writes poetry.
. The artist is painting.
. Master - works well with his hands, can fix everything.
. Hochmach is a merry fellow.
. The tailor sews well.
. Lazy - likes to sleep.
. Grumpy - favorite phrase "I can't stand it."
. Handsome - endlessly admires himself in the mirror.
. Dreamer - "hovers in the clouds", an inventor of various fables.
. Fashionista takes care of himself.
. Sloppy - always caught in pajamas.
. Smurfette - All Smurfs love her.
. Little Smurf is a baby.
. Other Smurfs.
There are more than a hundred Smurfs in total. Their world is magical. Papa Smurf has a book of witchcraft with various magical recipes.
The Smurfs use it when necessary, such as to undo a spell cast on them by their nemesis Gargamel.
Smurfs look very similar to each other. All have white caps and boots. The boys have white pants, the only girl Smurfette has White dress. Only Papa Smurf is distinguished by his beard and red clothing attributes.
Despite the similarity in appearance all blue men have different characters. Like people, they quarrel, argue and joke among themselves.
The Smurfs are distinctive, they have their own language. In their speech, the prefix "smurf" is often found at the beginning or end of the word, and there are also words with the same root, such as "smurfno" (great) and "Smurfedonia" (country of smurfs).
The Smurfs always defeat the villain Gargamel, as they are friendly, helpful and value each other. They try to stick together, so they will be lucky in all adventures.
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The plot of the cartoon "The Smurfs: the lost village"

More than a hundred Smurfs live in the forest, but a small group of five gnomes is sent to the lost village. It's all the fault of Smurfette, who learned from a creature in the forest that there is such a lost village, and there you can find many answers, including finding out why the Smurfs are needed in the world. But not everything is so simple on the way to the village, because at every step they expect different dangers and traps, and the villain Gargamel is looking for the lost village, who decided to get ahead of his friends and find out and steal the secret.
The Smurfs release date
Watching The Smurfs The Lost Village for Russian viewers will only be possible from March 30, 2017, but in other countries, such as Ukraine, The Smurfs started already on March 23.

Smurfs hero names

Hero name Character photo Description Who voiced


Smurfette, who was created by the evil Gargamel, radically changed her character and became not only kind, but also sweet and sympathetic. But here's what haunts her - why all the Smurfs are needed and how they appeared. It was these thoughts, as well as the creature in the forest, that prompted her to go on a dangerous adventure and find an abandoned village. Demi Lovato
Sofia Anufrieva

Papa Smurf

papa smurf
Papa Smurf turned 550 this year, but he is only the third longest-lived among the Smurfs. Papa Smurf is not only the leader of the people, but also their protector, as he knows how to use magic. He is very intelligent and wise, but at the same time strict. Mandy Patinkin,
Alexey Voytyuk


The blunderer is very unlucky, everything breaks in his hands, does not bring anything to the end. Often, due to his clumsiness, he brings other Smurfs down, and also gets into various troubles. Talkative enough. Jack McBrayer
Anton Eldarov


Reasonable is a rather intelligent and wise Smurf who is not afraid to give advice and shares his wisdom, for which he repeatedly receives. Nevertheless, he is selfish and annoying to many. Danny Pudi,
Diomid Vinogradov


Strongman is not only the most athletic among all the Smurfs, but also the strongest. He starts every morning with training, and when traveling he carries the heaviest weights. A good-natured strong man, but sometimes he gets angry with his relatives. Joe Manganiello,
Nikolai Valuev


Gargamel is a man, he is 50 years old, he is a wizard and very evil, he wants to become a powerful magician, but for this it is necessary to take away their power from the Smurfs. But in the fight against the gnomes, he often fails, for which he hates them. Rainn Wilson,
Vadim Medvedev


The baker is famous among the Smurfs for making delicious cookies, cakes, muffins and other baked goods. Cheerful and sociable Smurf, which makes him a good conversationalist. Gordon Ramsay


The grumbler got his nickname for that, because he constantly grumbles and is dissatisfied with everything. He constantly says that he hates everything, and at first glance you might think that he does not love anyone, but in fact he has the most golden heart. Jake Johnson


He loves only himself and constantly admires his reflection in the mirror. He is constantly looking for new methods of cleaning his face and considers himself the most beautiful in the village of Smurfs. Titus Burgess


Funny has become the joker of the village, he really likes to joke all the time, but most of all he likes to have all the other Smurfs laugh at his tricks, this gives him extra fun. Gabriel Iglesias


The farmer is doing his favorite thing - agriculture, he is cheerful and sings beautiful songs. Jeff Dunham


Curious everywhere sticks his nose, he needs to know everything about the affairs of other Smurfs, than he only brings trouble and interferes with everyone. Kelly Asbury

smurfs lost village new heroes

Hero name Character photo Description Who voiced


Willow is a born leader, much like Papa Smurf. Talented and experienced, at the same time very amorous and good-natured. Leads a peaceful lifestyle, but can lead an army. Julia Roberts,
Elena Shulman


Storm tries to come across as a fierce warrior, even though he has a heart of gold. Carries a bow with him and can join the battle at any moment. Her actions do not seem to inspire confidence, but in fact she will stand up for any Smurf and help him. Michelle Rodriguez,
Olga Shelest


The flower is so hyperactive that it is a walking ball of energy. Literally all the Smurfs she likes and she loves all of them. Although she has a playful personality and is quite sweet in her own right, she can show courage. Ellie Kemper,
Alla Mikheeva


Lily is very responsible and her main rule - first think, and then speak, this is required of everyone else. She turns on her mind in everything and acts only when she has thought everything over. Practical in every way. Ariel Winter,
Natalia Osmann


Melody is a mysterious person and has not yet shown himself. Megan Trainor

The premiere of the third film about the blue gnomes has not yet taken place in Russia, and he is already being accused of feminism. main character Smurfette despaired of finding her calling in native village and dragged three of her friends through forests full of mysterious creatures to hell - to look for a lost village where knowledgeable smurfs can explain to her - who she is and why she was blinded.

It is still difficult to say whether the cartoon can be called feminist (considering that at the beginning of the film Smurfette was not particularly useful in her native village and went in search of the meaning of life), but several interesting facts about the main cartoon characters that you need to know before going to the cinema.

(Total 7 photos and 1 video)

The Smurfs are from the 1960s

Belgian artist Peyo (Pierre Cullifort) came up with blue gnomes when his car broke down in the woods. While Pierre was waiting for help, he walked deep into the thicket and saw large mushrooms. It is not known whether Peyo tried them or not, but it was then that he came up with the idea to make comics about gnomes living in mushrooms.

According to legend, in the process of creating the first characters, Peyo mixed up a brown pencil with a blue one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Papa Smurf is a revolutionary

The favorite headdress of the Smurfs - a white cap - is known to historians as Phrygian. AT Ancient Rome a similar headdress was red, symbolized freedom and was called "pileus". Later, the Phrygian cap became the prototype for the caps of the Jacobins during the Great french revolution- since then, the association with the word "freedom" has become even more entrenched in him.

In the Smurf village, the heroes wear white hats, and the main and wisest - Papa Smurf - wears a historical red headdress.

Smurfette was made to embroil all the other Smurfs.

According to the plot of the original comics (which were released with the participation of the creator of the blue gnomes), Smurfette was created by evil wizard Gargamel to sow envy and discord among the close-knit male team of the "blue" village. Gargamel's recipe for Smurfette was something like this: sugar, spices, crocodile tears, bird's brain, snake tongue, cat's cunning, peacock's vanity, magpie's chatter and a stubborn temper on the tip of a knife.

(Original: "Sugar and spice but nothing nice; a dram of crocodile tears; peck of bird brain; the tip of an adder's tongue; half a pack of lies, white, of course; the slyness of a cat; the vanity of a peacock; the chatter of a magpie; the guile of a vixen and the disposition of a shrew; and of course the hardest stone for her heart".)

And after this, how can a cartoon be called feminist?

Smurfette is not the only young lady in the village

In addition to the most popular Smurfette, two more female representatives live in the village - Sasetta Smurf and Nanny Smurf.

The Evil Wizard - originally from the book by Francois Rabelais

In the satirical novel Gargantua and Pantagruel by François Rabelais, the name Gargamel was given to Gargantua's mother, a giantess who gave birth to a son through her right ear.

6 smurfs = philosopher's stone

In the original story of the Smurfs comics and animated series, it is said that if you put together six gnomes, you can get gold out of them. That is why in all the works about the Smurfs, the evil wizard Gargamel hunts for little people- he is obsessed with the idea of ​​finally getting the six Blues together and getting rich.

The Smurfs are little people who live in a wonderful town - Smurfedol. The color is blue, the growth of 3 apples. Always wear hats white color and panties, except for Papa Smurf and Smurfette. The favorite product of the Smurfs is the Smurf.

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    ✪ How To draw angry bird and the smurf easy for kids - Drawing tutorials for kids


The Smurfs

Regular Smurfs are the very first Smurfs in the series, they are rarely voiced and are more of an extra in scenes in Smurfydol and in some other scenes. The main characters are about 2 dozen Smurfs. The rest appear in the course of the animated series and are minor characters.

  1. Papa Smurf- the most important smurf in the village. Wise, brave, funny. Engaged in alchemy, invents various potions and powders. He loves the Smurfs very much and tries to protect them from any danger, in particular from Gargamel. Sometimes he is strict, but looking after a hundred Smurfs is not an easy thing, and you also need to set a good example for the Smurfs, but he succeeds and for the Smurfs he is always the most "smurf" in the whole world.
  2. Smurfette- a smurf girl in the village, a blonde who is loved by all the smurfs. Kind and educated. She loves flowers and grows them in her garden. Smurfette was created by Gargamel from magic clay to catch the rest of the Smurfs with it, but Papa Smurf healed her with magic, and Smurfette became a real Smurf.
  3. Prudential- the most well-read smurf, considers himself the smartest and best assistant to Papa Smurf, but he usually disobeys him and drags all the smurfs into "non-murf trouble." He usually seems like a bore to everyone, and then everyone throws him away, while he often lands upside down. Writes nonsensical "Smart Quotes" and wants every Smurf to read them.
  4. Baby Smurf- The youngest Smurf in the village. It is a universal object of adoration. Has magical abilities, but no one notices them. In the future, he will lead a new generation of Smurfs.
  5. The narrator- Appears only in The Smurfs and The Smurfs 2. In 1 case, he comments on the plot of the film for almost the entirety of it. In the second, he reads a book to the Smurfs at the beginning of the action.
  6. Blogger- Appears in The Smurfs 2 when he questions Smurfette.
  7. Grandpa Smurf- The oldest and wisest Smurf in the village. Grandpa has traveled the world for many centuries and now he is happy to share all his stories and legends with inquisitive Smurfs. Centuries ago, when Papa Smurf was still young, Grandpa left the village to complete a Smurf mission - and now, hundreds of years later, he has returned home to his Smurfs. He does not like it when Nanny interrupts his invented stories.
  8. Granny Smurf- Grandpa Smurf's wife, Papa Smurf's mother. A rare heroine, almost never appears in the frame.
  9. Muddler- a smurf who has everything falling out of his hands. He can stumble out of the blue or get into the most ridiculous misfortune. Because of this, the Smurfs sometimes laugh at him. Clutch is very kind and responsive. Never leave a friend in trouble. Likes to collect stones.
  10. Strongman- the strongest smurf in the village, constantly goes in for sports. Likes exercise and tries to get other Smurfs to join. healthy lifestyle life. Lifts dumbbells and kettlebells with ease. Bold, noble, always ready to help anyone who needs it. So, the Strongman throws the Reasonable from the Smurfidol because of stupid quotes about roommates.
  11. Artist is a smurf who loves to draw and does it very well. Speaks with a French accent. He painted a huge number of portraits and landscapes. Knows all shades of colors. He likes to put pictures on his head when he is angry, especially to the Reasoner.
  12. Poet- A smurf who writes poetry and poems. Often he cannot find inspiration, but if he does, he can write for hours.
  13. Sweetie- cook, cooks delicious meals. He loves to eat very much, often eats what is intended for other Smurfs. Every morning, the Smurfs line up for Sweetie to taste his delicious delicacies, they will never refuse a supplement.
  14. Master Smurf is a jack of all trades. Can build anything. Invents various useful devices for the Smurfs. Sometimes he has smurf dreams, which he turns into reality in the form of new inventions, which, however, does not always please his friends.
  15. Pretty boy- A smurf in love with himself. He constantly looks at himself in the mirror and never lets go of it. He considers himself the most handsome smurf in the village.
  16. Tailor- a smurf who knows how to sew any costumes and outfits. Master of his craft. It is the Tailor who sews clothes for the Smurfs. But at times it may refuse to sew non-ordinary clothes. And so when the Smurfs do not want the usual white clothes, they must sew them on themselves (for example, Smurf).
  17. Hohmach- the funniest smurf in the village. Loves pranks and jokes. Veselchak's favorite joke is a box with a surprise: if you open it, then there is a "boom" (explosion, smoldering), and the fooled Smurfs stand in the soot. Because of this trick, the Smurfs get angry at Hohmach, and he only laughs and runs off to prepare a new prank.
  18. Grumpy- the most severe, most strict and eternally dissatisfied smurf, who always does not like everything. Grumpy's favorite phrase is "I can't stand it...", which he says all the time. Grumpy laughs and has fun, but wants everyone to think he's a grumpy. Almost does not have a sense of humor, unlike other Smurfs. Learned to swim.
  19. Dreamer- An imaginative smurf. Can invent different fables and stories. The captain of the smurf ship is, of course, the Dreamer.
  20. Lazy person- A smurf who constantly wants to sleep. It is his favourite hobby. He can even sleep standing up. It is better not to entrust important tasks to Lazy, because he will fall asleep halfway through the work. But when it comes to danger, Lazy will overpower himself and do everything to help the rest of the Smurfs.
  21. Miner- A smurf who spends most of his time in the mine. Sometimes he finds gems and other valuables, but mostly he just enjoys being a miner.
  22. Farmer- gardener smurf. He likes to mess with the ground, plant and dig. The farmer grows vegetables and fruits for all the Smurfs.
  23. Harmonius- Smurf, who likes to play the trumpet (but is very out of tune), carries it with him everywhere. When in danger, he blows it, and this helps to collect all the Smurfs. The Smurfs don't like it when Trumpeter plays his trumpet because it's very loud and the sound annoys them.
  24. Don Smurfo- Favorite book character of Smurfs and Smurfettes. Strong and brave. He is also admired by adult Smurfs, especially Smurfette. Once the Smurfs managed to get into the book to Don Smurfo. He is something in common between Robin Hood and Zorro, and also a parody of Don Quixote.
  25. Marco- travel smurf. He traveled all over the world in search of new seasonings and spices, which he uses in the cooking of the Sweetie. (Most likely, Marco is a parody of the famous traveler Marco Polo).
  26. Architect- A smurf who designs and plans buildings, so he works alongside the Master.
  27. Sick- the eternally sick Smurf, and he gets sick at all times of the year.
  28. Pathfinder- smurf detective. Can recognize any trace. Carries a magnifying glass.
  29. Timid- a smurf who was shy about everything, but then got rid of it by becoming an actor.
  30. Chistyulya is a chimney sweep smurf who loves his job, but is not popular with others, due to the fact that he appears from the chimney and stains everyone with soot, but when he saved Little Smurf from closed house, in which the fire started, everyone began to respect his work.
  31. Woodcutter- a smurf who delivers firewood to every house in a smurfidol. The Woodcutter has an unusual talent - he can communicate with trees, and he is friends with animals, so the forest is his favorite place. In terms of strength, the lumberjack is possibly second only to the Strongman. He always carries an ax with him.
  32. Crybaby- the ever-crying smurf. Crybaby cries even when it's good.
  33. Wild- Smurf from the jungle. He likes to jump on trees, even his house is on a tree. His habits are very similar to Mowgli.
  34. Amateur(became the Doctor) - A smurf with a pronounced inconstancy. Sometimes he draws like an artist, sometimes he writes poetry like a poet and never finishes anything. But still, the Amateur found his destiny, he became a doctor.
  35. The reporter- the most curious smurf in the village. The reporter searches everywhere for news, often invading the Smurfs' privacy, which they don't always like.
  36. Uncertain- forever unsure of himself or his decisions smurf. Even in the easiest situation, he is always looking for other solutions that prevent him from living a normal life. But if something very important depends on his decision, the Unsure will find the right path and help anyone in trouble.
  37. No- a smurf who had no talent and therefore remained invisible among others for a long time, until he had to save the smurfs from a terrible goblin, but None succeeded and he chose a new name for himself More What.
  38. Nanny- a kind and cheerful smurf-grandmother, the same age as Grandpa-smurf. For 500 years, Nanny languished in the terrible Invader Castle, but thanks to Grandpa, the smurf escaped and returned to her native Smurfidol, where she had not been for hundreds of years. The Smurfs immediately liked the caring Nanny, and besides, Grandpa Smurf had a suitable company. Nanny's favorite hobby is knitting, in this business she has no equal, except that the Tailor will compete, but this does not upset him, because 2 pairs of hands are better than one.
  39. Cowboy A smurf who shears wool from sheep one night a year.
  40. Spinner
  41. Weaver- mentioned by Cowboy at the end of one episode.
  42. Astro- smurf stargazer, he wants to discover new worlds, he always dreamed of flying on a rocket.
  43. groovy- the creation of the Master, created by him for the Smurfs, but became an assistant to King Gerard.
  44. Clockwork Smurfette- the creation of the Master, which he made to pair with Clockwork when he was bored.
  45. extras- Smurfs, about fifty blue gnomes. Not voiced, but depicted for cases of panic.
  46. 100th Smurf- a clone of handsome, appeared from the mirror, which was struck by lightning.
  47. Simpleton- A Smurf who doesn't like being underestimated. Often gives advice on how to do something.
  48. Hairdresser- loves fashionable hairstyles and likes to do them to others.


  1. Nat- one of the smurfs. Nat can understand animal language, has several pets, and in the forest he has friends in every tree and hole. Usually Nat is obedient and polite, but like other smurfs, he likes to play pranks.
  2. Slut- one of the smurfs. His name speaks for itself: he walks slowly, constantly keeps his hands in his pockets, and his clothes are more like pajamas. The slob can be called the most intelligent and responsible of the smurfs, he rarely succumbs to provocations and stupid jokes.
  3. mod- one of the smurfs. A joker and a prankster. The mod often disobeys the advice and orders of adults, and sometimes this leads to non-murf problems. But if the Fashion Man realizes his mistake, he will try to correct it as soon as possible.
  4. Sassetta- a smurf girl, a little prankster. Sassetta likes to use word combinations that decorate events, such as: "jumping toads", "creeping turtles", "fast hares", etc. Most often they begin with the same letter. Sassette was created a smurf by Gargamel's magic spell so that Smurfette had someone to play with, and after going through many difficulties, they did it, however, Sassette enjoys playing with smurfs more than trying on dresses and jewelry. Sassetta sings badly, even the famous Smurf song. The only female Smurf other than Smurfette.

The enemies of the Smurfs

Gargamel- the main (or rather, main) enemy of the Smurfs, a nasty and evil sorcerer. Hates them and wants to catch and eat them. But in the movie, he wants to catch them, in order to squeeze them out of magical power, with which he can become invulnerable. He, like Papa Smurf, is engaged in alchemy, but not so successfully. Gargamel's second dream is, if not to eat the Smurfs, then turn them into gold. Invents various devices for catching Smurfs. Gargamel quite often manages to catch the Smurfs, but their friends come to their aid and free them from captivity. The Smurfs run away, and Gargamel yells after them "How I hate Smurfs" or "I hate Smurfs". And sometimes he beats his fists against a tree in hysterics. Gargamel's main dream is to find the Smurfs' village, but luckily it's hidden in the depths of the forest. Gargamel has a red cat, Azrael, who, along with his owner, wants to eat the Smurfs, but also fails. When Gargamel slams his fists against a tree in frustration, Azrael copies him.

Azrael- red cat Gargamel, whose breed is unknown. Just like his master, Azrael dreams of eating the Smurfs.

grubl- a boy whom Gargamel prefers to bring up with hard work and wants to get rid of him as soon as possible. Unlike Gargamel, Grubble gets along well with Azrael and jokes with him about Gargamel's failures.

Hogatha- a fat, ugly, evil sorceress with great strength. Dislikes Gargamel and the Smurfs. Hogatha has a hand-held Edgar neck that she flies. Hogata is devoid of hair, so she is forced to wear a wig.

Balthazar- the evil count, the godfather of Gargamel. Constantly calls him a loser, and Gargamel himself is afraid of him. Balthazar lives in a castle above the red-hot lava in which the dragon lives. He doesn't like smurfs either.

King Kamysh- the ruler of warthogs - talking toads. He is a real tyrant. Poorly cares for his subjects, which leads to uprisings.

Slag- Advisor to King Kamysh and part-time jester.

Merlin- former royal magician with Prince Theodore. But Merlin turned out to be an evil sorcerer and tried to kill the prince, fortunately the Smurfs saved him, and Merlin ended up in prison.

morphio- lord of nightmares. It invades the dreams of its victims and feeds on their fears. Lazybones saved all the Smurfs and defeated him.

Montresor- the mayor of the city and the prince. He rules the castle. Montresor copies the appearance of Chizh.

Lady Jasmine- the bride of Prince Theodore, she needed only Theodore's wealth, and soon he, having learned about this, refused her a wedding. Lady Jasmine sings very badly and is most afraid of frogs.

Hunter- a mercenary, a master of capturing any animals. The hunter was hired by Gargamel to catch the Smurfs, and he succeeded, but Grandpa Smurf saved the Smurfs and left the villains "with a nose". The hunter has a huge number of various traps and traps. He works together with his assistant, an eagle.

Mystico- a terrible goblin who was accidentally released from the magic fountain by Clutzer and None. Once free, Mistiko began to turn the Smurfs into goblins. None, fortunately, was able to catch Mystico and freed the Smurfs from evil spells.

King Sting- the evil leader of the rebel hornets who often attack peaceful bee people, with the help of Sasetta, the villains were defeated and the world returned to the flower valley.

Sinister and Thug- forest robbers, they are extremely dangerous for casual travelers, because they can rob to the last coin. They do not like the Smurfs because they constantly expose them.

Lock-invader- a terrible creature, every 500 years he comes for the victims who will serve him, inside the castle time stops and therefore the victims do not age there. The castle uses goblin statues and animated knight armor as guardians of order. The Smurfs managed to escape from the castle and save other prisoners, and the main surprise occurred when Grandpa Smurf introduced the Smurfs to Nanny, who was languishing in the castle with others and there was one more lady in Smurfidol.

Avenger- An enemy of Grandpa Smurf. Once he chased him to take the Stone of Immortality, but he landed in a swamp and his face became terrible. Once he got into the Archives of Evil and almost took the Stone of Immortality, but Clockwork Smurf and Znayka (Prudent) saved the Smurfs and their demons.

Gargamel's mom- evil witch. She dreamed that Gargamel would become an excellent magician, but everything turned out the other way around. Hates the cat Azrael.

big mouth- a big, stupid ogre. Not distinguished by intelligence and ingenuity. Always refers to himself in the third person. He is constantly hungry and often walks through the forest in search of food. Most often, he constantly robbed the Smurfs, representing a threat to them. But in recent seasons he even befriended them.

Chlorohydrin- An evil witch who stole the Smurfs' sense of humor for a prank. Doesn't like love.

Smurf pals

mother nature- the wise creator of all living things. Kind and fair. He is friends with the Smurfs, especially Nanny. From the series, we can conclude that she and Father Time are a married couple.

Father Time- the wise ruler of the past, present and future. Befriends the Smurfs. He is often seen in the company of Mother Nature.

Homnibus- an old, wise wizard, a great friend of Papa Smurf. Likes to play chess with him. Gives the right advice and helps at the right time. He is the owner of a Puppy, which he once gave to the Smurfs. Homnibus is a great magician, even from neighboring kingdoms turn to him for help.

Chizh- royal jester. Always cheerful and mischievous. Befriends the Smurfs. He sings very badly, which drives everyone crazy. Forever hungry.

Johan- a royal squire, bold and noble. He is friends with Chizh and with the Smurfs. Johan, like King Gerard, is still a teenager.

King Gerard- A wise and kind king, despite the fact that he is still a teenager. He is friends with the Smurfs, the Trickster gave him his most expensive invention - the Clockwork Smurf, who gives advice and helps King Gerard in governing the state.

spectrum- the ruler of colors and colors. The spectrum changes day - night, morning - evening. He is friends with the Smurfs, especially the Artist.

Flyer - stork smurfs on which they move through the air. Very loyal and fast.

Prince Theodor- A wise and kind ruler of the kingdom, despite his young age. Befriends the Smurfs.

Madame Lavigna- the best organizer of royal weddings in the palace of Prince Theodore.

Forester and Laconia- wood elves. The forester loves to play the flute. Laconia communicates with him with gestures because she is mute. Soon they played a wedding in Smurfidol. Befriend the Smurfs.

Marina- a mermaid that lives in the sea. If the Smurfs were on the high seas and trouble happened to them, then Marina will quickly sail and with her many marine inhabitants, such as dolphins. Marina and Trickster sympathize with each other.

King William- the old and wise king. Squire Johan and jester Chizh serve in his kingdom. Befriends the Smurfs.

Princess Sabina - beautiful and smart princess. She is often seen in the company of Johan and Chizh. Befriends the Smurfs.

Santa Claus - known to every child and adult Christmas grandfather. One Christmas, the Smurfs saved Santa from the evil spells of Chlorhydrina, and the most interesting thing is that Little Smurf, using his magic, endowed his sleigh with the ability to fly.

Sandman - lord of dreams, sleeps almost all the time, breeds sheep in his garden that travel through dreams. Doesn't like being woken up.

Lady Barbera- Princess Sabina's mentor. Teaches Sabina etiquette, and doesn't like it when she comes to Johan's fencing lessons. Does not like Chizh, for his stupid antics.

Gorni (Gordy) is a genie found by the Farmer. He usually does not perform his duties as he should, and this sometimes angers the Farmer, but the Farmer appreciates and loves Gorni very much.

Toyman- the good old gnome, makes toys for children all over the world, is friends with the Smurfs.

spirit of scales- the keeper of the balance between truth and lies. It has scales on which there are magic stones: topaz of truth and a crystal of lies.

Petaluma- a very rare and very selfish flower, thinking only about its own well-being. Once Smurfette found such a flower and left it at home, calling it Petaluma, but Petaluma behaved like all her relatives and tired of Smurfette's arrogance and freeloading, she took the flower back to the forest, but soon Petaluma saved Smurfette from a tornado by sacrificing herself. Smurfette found two petaluma seeds and grew magical flowers, nurturing good qualities in them and telling them about their mother.

Director Mordor- A strict but fair mentor at the school of magicians. Gargamel once studied at his school, but he was expelled due to bad behavior. Gruble suffered the same fate and now he is forced to get along with Gargamel.

Queen Beatrice- a wise and responsible leader of the people of bees, an old friend of Grandpa Smurf.

Bazi- little nephew of Queen Beatrice. For a long time, the Queen considered Bazi only one of the bees, but he, along with Sasetta, helped defeat the rebel hornets and the Queen recognized him as special.

Puppy- a small puppy, a friend of the Smurfs (although he is twice as tall as an adult Smurf), received as a gift from Homnibus. Very cheerful and mischievous, often used as a means of transportation and as a scarer of Gargamel and especially Azrael (who, at the sight of a dog, climbs a tree with lightning speed). Sometimes the Puppy is naughty, maybe even break something, but everyone loves and appreciates him anyway.

Chirik- gray forest squirrel, best friend Wild, with which they live on the same tree. Chirik is very loyal, he will never leave Wild in trouble, and not only him, but also other Smurfs who are in trouble. The only negative in Chirik is ignorance of good manners, but he is a squirrel, so he is forgiven, in general, like Wild.

Swarthy- Nanny's special friend, strange creature similar to a bear cub, with a red-burgundy color of wool. Very funny, but also very loyal.

Deniz- the niece of Count Balthasar, but not at all similar to him in character. Very naive. He is friends with Sasetta and other Smurfs. She often visits her uncle Gargamel, who cannot stand her and tries to send her back to Balthazar. Denise can scream so loudly that the glass will fly out of the frames. She usually uses her scream when something annoys her or when her friend is in trouble.

Snow Monster- A friend of the Smurfs. He loves Smurfette very much. He used to save the Smurfs from a huge snowball.

Forest spirit- was an enemy of the Smurfs, especially Grandpa Smurf. Once he fell to the ground and turned into a tree. Wild saved him, the Smurfs, Chizhik and Puppy.

Dinosaur- Appeared before the Smurfs. Befriended the Smurfs, especially Mod, and in order to save him from starvation, Grandpa Smurf went with him and some Smurfs and Swarthy into the past to find his parents.