Biometric passport. Practical Tips for Getting Fast

There are no places in the electronic queues. The center advises to allocate the whole day

After last week the Council of Europe gave Kyiv the final go-ahead to introduce visa-free regime, Ukrainians massively rushed to issue biometric passports. The excitement is understandable, because the gates to free entry to European countries will open on June 11th. "Today" found out how long it takes to issue the coveted crust and when the first hype in passport services will subside.

BY COUPONS. The first step on the way to a biometric passport is to set the time for submission of documents. Initially, "Today" wanted to get a "pass" through the electronic queue system on the website of the State migration service, but the attempts were unsuccessful, because the program reported that there were no empty seats. Experienced users say that it is best to look for a “window” online at midnight, because at this time the queue system is updated, and you can only book online for two weeks in advance. But there is still no 100% guarantee - there are too many applicants now. Therefore, we decided to go for the coupon in person and went to the passport service of the State Enterprise "Document" in the Shevchenkovsky district of the capital. However, having arrived at the center at half past ten in the morning, we found that there were enough such "passport hunters". There were at least 40 people in the queue in front of us, and the guards let 10 people into the room. Inside, employees checked for required documents for registration of a plastic foreign passport - the originals of the internal passport, identification code and valid international passports. After that, a coupon with number 235 was issued. It took no more than 15 minutes to receive the coupon. It seemed that now things would go well, but ... "Come to hand over documents in three hours," the service employee advised, issuing a ticket. "A crazy influx of people, and only eight windows work to receive documents, it is possible to serve 30-50 people per hour" . According to her, although the entire process of paperwork takes only 20 minutes, but because of the queue, the applicant has to spend almost the whole day.

TURN. Returning after dinner, had to wait another couple of hours. In the room, just like us, a couple of hundred more people were waiting for their turn, a couple of dozen adults were with children preschool age. It is good that there are enough seats for visitors in the passport service. Another plus is the availability of an equipped toilet and kiosks with drinks. But it is still difficult to stay indoors for a long time, because it was quite stuffy. But the people did not lose heart: someone watched movies on the tablet, some told someone on the phone that "the queues are crazy - all meetings had to be canceled." But for the most part, passport hunters discussed the upcoming visa-free regime. “I decided to do it now, otherwise I need to go to Italy in July, I don’t want to run around later visa centers", - a man of business appearance tells a neighbor in turn. The neighbor nods understandingly and says that he has biometric passport there is, but I came to arrange for the children so that there was no hassle before the holidays in August.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the Segodnya journalist's turn finally came. At the window, the employee politely asked me to show the documents, fill out the questionnaire and the application, and check whether the data was correct. After that, you need to pay for the services of the service through the terminal. It turned out to be easy, as consultants help visitors if necessary. But this was not the end, because it was still necessary to stand in line at another window, where employees take pictures of a person for documents, take fingerprints, and ask for a digital signature. The procedure itself can take about five minutes, with children - longer, but the wait took almost two hours. To speed up the process, employees in the queue took packages of documents from visitors and gave them for scanning. As a result, it took us 6 hours and 40 minutes to submit documents for obtaining a bio-passport! We decided to issue a passport in seven working days - the pleasure cost UAH 1,210.32 (enterprise services - UAH 400, administrative services, a form and its personification - UAH 810). Non-urgent, for 20 days, costs 957.32 UAH.

It is worth noting that the influx of those wishing to apply for a bio-grant did not subside all day. The employees politely advised and advised to take a day off from work and come in the first half of the day, since the capacity of the branch on the street. , 27 - up to 450 people. Visitors interpreted these recommendations in their own way, preparing to take a live queue for a ticket at 6-7 in the morning in order to get a pass for sure. Hearing this, the employees reassured people: in a month, the visa-free fever would subside.

Recall also that a passport can be issued at any regional migration office in your city. There, the service costs UAH 557.32 for 20 days or UAH 810.32 for 7 days.

The bot will help with a place in the queue

An iGov Telegram bot has appeared in Ukraine, which helps people find a "window" in the electronic queue of the State Migration Service. This program checks every three minutes for availability in e-queues at the HMS offices operating in Kyiv, Dnipro, Odessa, Lvov, Kharkov, Mirgorod, Ternopil, Khmelnitsky. Moreover, the robot can search for a window, focusing on the time and address. “There is an official algorithm according to which new places in the queue appear at 7:00 and 00:00, but sometimes a place can become free at any other time,” says Anton Biblya, the creator of the bot from Kiev.

For those who prefer to save their time and at the same time need urgent registration of travel documents, the Migration Service of Russia has launched a convenient and modern service - electronic queue for a passport. The advantages of this system are obvious, you no longer need to stand in endless queues under the offices of employees of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and take time off from work for this purpose, spoil your mood with tedious waiting and worry about the hours spent.

Let's figure out how to enroll in the queue and the nuances of this process.

Recently, the body responsible for issuing foreign passports is the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The service has many branches in Russia, so before proceeding with online registration, select your territorial division. It is most convenient to contact the department at the place of registration of a citizen. When registering for a passport, you will need confirmation that the region in which the application is submitted is the place of residence of the applicant.

Registration can be done online without leaving home. Since 2008, an Internet portal has been successfully functioning, where each applicant can sign up for a passport queue on their own. This was done due to the fact that the authorized body responsible for issuing a passport does not have time to process the ever-growing number of applications in a timely manner and therefore it was necessary to simplify the registration procedure.

There are several ways to apply for a passport:

  1. Online on the State Services portal.
  2. Using one of the terminals that are installed throughout the country.
  3. By contacting the department by phone.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Online registration

To avoid the need to stand idle in long live queues at the branch itself, you can register to submit documents online. Thus, the applicant knows in advance about the date and time of the appointment and can calculate his own schedule, allowing him to arrive on time and without unnecessary loss of time.

It is important for you to remember with this method that being late is categorically unacceptable, if the applicant does not appear within a strictly specified time period, then the whole process electronic registration will have to be done again.

Registration in the electronic queue for a passport does not mean that there will be no need to visit the department. The applicant must come to the branch twice.

At the same time, a clear advantage of this method is the bypass of the queue and the priority of the applicant in his timely visit to the migration service over those who appeared without an appointment.

Applicants who do not know how to sign up for an online electronic queue must first visit the official portal of the State Services and register on the website. This will also help him in the preparation of other documents in the future. In order to register, you will need to enter the following information:

  1. Passport data.
  2. Insurance number of an individual personal account.
  3. Contact mobile number.

After filling out the questionnaire, to complete the creation of a personal account, you will need to go through re-authorization with confirmation of your identity. To do this, the applicant must enter individual code issued by one of the following methods upon presentation of a passport:

  • At the post office.
  • At the service center.
  • By means of an electronic signature.

When the number is received, enter it into the system and after that, the applicant will have access to an electronic entry on a passport and registration of other public services online.

To do this, select the region of application and fill out an application in personal account, from the documents you must have with you:

  1. The passport.
  2. work book;
  3. Photograph in digital format;
  4. If you have a previous passport.

After that, you need to determine for yourself a passport, what sample will be issued, and proceed to filling out the questionnaire, on the basis of which it will be possible to take a queue further.

Information to be provided:

  • Personal data and their change in the past.
  • If necessary, data on a previously issued passport.
  • Address of residence and registration.
  • Information about places of work and activities for the last 10 years.

After all the information has been entered, you need to wait until the system processes new information usually takes no more than 20 minutes. If the record is stuck in processing for a long period, then, most likely, it was not possible to enroll in the queue. In this case, it is recommended to call the service hotline.

If the procedure was carried out correctly and with a positive result, then within a few days an e-mail will be sent indicating further action and the address of the unit for biometrics. Before applying, you will need to pay a state fee and prepare the required documentation.

It is important to remember that applicants who join the electronic queue will greatly simplify the process of issuing a foreign document, but will not reduce the production time in this way.

When applying in the region of registration, the period for issuing a passport will take about a month, in another region much longer. It is also important to submit the original documents within two weeks, otherwise the queue will be canceled.

When the passport is ready, the applicant will receive a notification indicating the exact date and time to appear at the migration service office. On site, the applicant must check ready passport and sign on receipt. You need to have the following documents with you:

  1. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  2. Previous passport.
  3. Military ID.
  4. Photograph.
  5. internal passport.
  6. Statement.

And you can download it here.


You can also get into the electronic queue with the help of special terminals, which are available in all large cities of the Russian Federation. The difference will be that for this the applicant will have to visit the branch in addition to the standard visits again.

The recording is done like this:

  1. On the display in the list of services, you need to find "FMS Services".
  2. Specify the reason for the request.
  3. Select an available submission date and enter personal information.
  4. Wait for the ticket to be printed.

The advantage of this option is that the date on which the issuance will take place finished document, is installed immediately and you can take the queue at the time that suits you, and the office of the unit is known in advance. Of course, if you are late, the ticket will be canceled and you will have to get it again.

In July 2015, a team of IT volunteers from all over Ukraine, with the support of the authorities, launched the portal, where public services can be obtained online. The creators of the project would ideally like to collect on the portal all the services that government bodies provided to citizens and businesses.

One of the services that have moved online is issuance and replacement of a passport, including.

In order to use the service online registration, you must have your Bank ID(you need to link a card of one of the banks - PrivatBank, Concord Bank, FUIB, Pivdenny Bank, A-Bank).

The Ukrainian BankID online verification system was created in the image and likeness of systems that have long been used in Sweden and Finland. The system allows you to confirm the identity of the user on the Internet using his banking data, and works on the principle of verification through Facebook.

Please note that now the system is working in test mode for Dnepropetrovsk, Ternopil regions and Kyiv. But the list is constantly expanding as the project progresses.

How to apply for a biometric passport online

Stage 1

On the DMSU website, you select the subdivision of the State Migration Service of Ukraine (DMS) in which you want to receive a biometric passport and fill out a short form:

  • Your contact details (email and phone);
  • Choose whether you are getting a passport for the first time or changing your old one to a new biometric passport;
  • Indicate the date and time at which it will be convenient for you to come to the State Migration Service (SMS) to sign and submit the application.

Stage 2 (for Dnepropetrovsk, Ternopil regions)

  • Documents that you need to bring with you for registration foreign passport;
  • amount and details for payment;
  • link to a sample application for a passport.

Also, the letter will contain a button to cancel the application if you are unable to appear on the selected day and time.

Stage 2 (for Kyiv)

You will receive an email with the following information:

  • documents that you need to bring with you to apply for a foreign passport

Also in the letter there will be phone numbers for canceling the application if you are unable to appear on the selected day and time.

Stage 3

You come to the migration service unit at the selected time with the documents indicated in the letter and paid receipts.

The employee enters the necessary data into the program for issuing biometric passports.

You need to provide the following documents:

  • original and copy of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine;
  • passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad (if any);
  • original and copy of individual tax number (TIN);
  • a payment receipt with a wet seal of the bank where you are indicated as a payer;

as well as print and fill out the applications, links to which will be sent in the letter.

You do not need to register in the electronic queue on the spot. Your entry through iGov for a specific time is sufficient.

Stage 4

After processing all the collected data and making the passport itself, you will have to visit the migration service again and pick up your new biometric passport, the readiness of which can be checked on the DMSU website.

The topic of obtaining a passport in Ukraine is now on the lips of many. One of the reasons for the increased interest in this document is the introduction of a visa-free regime for Ukrainian citizens with European Union. Accordingly, our compatriots began to be massively interested in where, how and how much it is possible to make a biometric passport.

Regardless of the reasons that prompted you to start making a foreign passport for yourself, remember that starting from October 1, 2016, only biometric passports for traveling abroad are produced in Ukraine. Passports that do not contain contactless electronic media, valid until expiration date. However, you can replace them or make them under certain conditions.

Considering the constant growth of those wishing to issue a biometric passport of a citizen of Ukraine to travel abroad (namely, this is the official name of the passport), the State Migration Service (SMS) of Ukraine annually looks for ways to improve the procedure for issuing and issuing a document. The features of the current changes will be of interest not only to those people who make a passport for themselves for the first time, but also to those who last made such a document for themselves a long time ago.

In general, the entire process of obtaining a biometric passport can be divided into several stages. Accordingly, the article is divided into several sections:

  • Documents for a passport;
  • Where can I get a passport to travel abroad;
  • The cost and validity of a biometric passport;
  • Electronic queue for submission of documents;
  • The process of obtaining a biometric passport from my own experience.

So, let's go in order.

Documents for a passport

The list of documents required for the production of a biometric passport is regulated by the "Procedure ...", which was approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 07.05.2014 No. 152 (as amended).

According to him, for the absolute majority of Ukrainian citizens, it will be enough to submit the following documents:

  • application form;
  • original receipts for making the necessary payments or the original and a copy of the document on exemption from such payments (if there are grounds in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine);
  • valid passport of a citizen of Ukraine (for persons over 14 years of age);
  • original birth certificate (for persons under 14 years old and making a passport for the first time)
  • original identification code (if issued);
  • previous foreign passport (if available).

When traveling abroad for permanent residence, for registration of a passport, you must submit additional documents. A list of them can be found on the GMS website.

Features of filing documents and making a passport for children are given below in a separate section.

Identification tax number (TIN) individual is obligatory submitted only if it has already been issued and the biometric passport is produced for the first time. This rule is mandatory for anyone who is over 18 years of age. If you have previously received a passport with an electronic chip, then presenting the TIN is not mandatory, since all data has already been entered in the relevant register of the State Migration Service.

Attention! When submitting documents, you must have the original internal passport and identification number. Their absence will be grounds for refusing to accept documents at all!!! Having notarized copies will not save the situation.

However, there is a clear list of persons who can submit finished photographs and requirements for them. In particular, this is allowed when issuing a passport to a person under the age of 12, or a person who cannot move independently due to a long-term health disorder, which is confirmed by a relevant certificate from a medical institution. In this case, three color photographs must be submitted - 3.5x4.5cm (2 pcs) and 10x15cm (1 pc). In this case, the face should occupy 80% of the photo.

In other cases, it will be clearly superfluous. Firstly, all document collection points are equipped with digital cameras, and therefore photography takes place on the spot. Since certain requirements are now imposed on photographs (corresponding to the age of the applicant, the location of the face, the completeness of the photograph, etc.), in this way the state authorities protect themselves from possible conflict situations. On the other hand, this is an increase in the level of service, because people do not need to run around and look for where to take an urgent photo in accordance with requirements that can change at any time.

Secondly, all departments of the State Migration Service and other bodies through which documents are received are equipped with photocopiers. Their employees on site will make all the necessary copies. You will only need to certify their authenticity with your signature.

Of course, you can do a favor for employees, they will accept documents and make copies yourself, but is it worth spending your time and money on this? Moreover, such your "helpfulness" will not affect anything. Maximum - you will save the employee 2-3 minutes to copy.

However, if you know for sure that there is an “evil aunt” sitting there who will say that the photocopier is broken or not there, then you can prepare copies of your internal passport and identification number (tax payer card).

Biometric passport for a child

First of all, remember - every citizen of Ukraine has the right to obtain a passport of a citizen of Ukraine to travel abroad. Such a passport can be issued from birth. However, persons over the age of 16 can apply for its manufacture on their own. By that time - only in the presence of parents (guardians) or one of them.

When drawing up documents for the manufacture of a "children's" passport, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances.

Child's passport. photo UNIAN

According to the current legislation of Ukraine, from the age of 14, a person becomes partially liable. Accordingly, it is from this age that the mandatory production of a passport of a citizen of Ukraine (internal) is provided. Therefore, when making a passport for a child, the original birth certificate is submitted instead. But this is only necessary if you are applying for a child for the first time. The reason is pretty simple. Now, when preparing a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad, all documents are digitized and entered into single base data from the State Migration Service.

For children who are under 16 years old and live with one of the parents or are orphans or deprived of parental care, the original or duly certified copy is provided. additional documents(one of them).

If the child lives with one of the parents, then such documents may be:

  • death certificate of the other parent;
  • a court decision declaring the other parent missing or incapacitated or depriving him/her of parental rights;
  • certificates of registration of the place of residence of the child together with one of the parents who submits an application form, or in the case of registration of a passport in a foreign diplomatic institution of Ukraine - another document confirming such registration;
  • the original extract from the State Register of Civil Status Acts of Citizens on birth indicating information about the father in accordance with the first part of Article 135 of the Family Code of Ukraine.

One more nuance. For persons under the age of 18, the identification code in the list of documents for the production of a children's biometric passport is a voluntary matter. You can make it from the very birth of the child, but whether to do this is up to the parents. However, if you already have it, then it must be served regardless of age!

Where can I get a passport?

Having figured out what documents are needed, we go in search of a place where they will be accepted. It turns out that since the end of 2016 in Ukraine, a biometric passport can be issued through:

  • Regional departments of the Main Directorate of the State Migration Service of Ukraine in cities. A complete list and their addresses can be found.
  • Centers for the provision of administrative services (TSNAP) in some cities. The current list of accredited centers can be found on the website of the State Migration Service of Ukraine.
  • Citizen service centers "Passport Service", which are served by the state enterprise "Document".

Formally, there is no difference and does not affect the speed of production. All passports are made in one place and are issued only by the State Migration Service of Ukraine. In practice, the difference will be only in the cost and speed of receiving and issuing documents, since the TsNAP and SE "Document" play the role of intermediaries.

Important! The place of submission of documents for obtaining a foreign passport does NOT depend on your residence (registration).

You can submit documents not only in another district of the city, but also in another city or even region. The only drawback is that you can get a passport only where you submitted your documents. The option of courier delivery or other type of shipment is not possible!!!

The cost and validity of a biometric passport

Price and production time for a biometric passport

The cost of making a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad consists of the cost of a public service and a blank passport. They are paid together in the form of an administrative fee. Its value depends on the period of manufacture.

In 2017, the production of a passport will cost you:

  • 557 UAH 32 kop.- in case of registration within 20 working days
  • 810 UAH 32 kop.- in case of registration within 7 or 3 working days.

At the same time, the administrative service costs 253 (506) UAH, and the cost of the form is 304.32 UAH.

If you are documenting through the "Passport Service", you will have to pay an additional 400 UAH for its services. When applying through the TsNAP, you do not have to pay additional payments (yet).

Passport containing Valid Visa, you can leave by paying state duty at the rate of:

  • UAH 60.17 - when applying for the usual procedure;
  • UAH 120.34 - when applying for an accelerated procedure.

In addition, do not forget about such a small nuance as the bank commission. Its size depends on the bank. Additionally, this is at least 1% of the payment amount.

It should be noted that the production of a passport in three days is possible only if there are grounds (urgent treatment of a person, escort of a seriously ill person, death of a relative abroad).

Attention! The specified production time is working days. It is interesting for an ordinary person to know that she will actually get a passport. To do this, you need to add days off and time for transporting documents to / from Kyiv, since it is there that passport forms are printed. Based on the real state of affairs, the production time can be safely increased by 50%. Therefore, in reality, you will be able to receive your biometric passport no earlier than 30/10 days from the date of submission of documents. And this is provided that there will be no force majeure.

Important! Do not rush to pay the administrative fee until you have decided on the date and place of submission of documents.

There are two reasons. Firstly, in many cities, the submission of documents for issuing a passport is possible only in the order of an electronic queue. Read more about this below.

Secondly, each body that accepts documents (regional division of the HMS, TsNAP) has its own bank account, to which funds must be transferred. If you transfer funds to the account of one division, and sign up for another, your documents will not be accepted, because the bank details of the institutions do not match. In addition, there is a risk of making a mistake when entering details, so this is best done under the supervision of a responsible employee.

This remark does not apply to cases when registration takes place through the "Passport Service" - here documents are accepted immediately on a "first come first served" basis (if any). In fact, that's what you pay extra money for.

Note. In all points where the electronic queue operates, payment terminals are installed. Therefore, there is no need to independently look for the necessary details and run around the banks to make the necessary payments. However, not all divisions of the HMS have bank terminals. Therefore, this question should be clarified depending on the place where you decide to apply.

Validity of a biometric passport

With this question, everything is simple and clear.

The validity of a passport for citizens under the age of 16 is 4 years, for citizens over 16 years of age - 10 years from the date of issue.

Note. If a passport was issued to a child at the age of 13, 14 or 15, then it does NOT need to be changed upon reaching the age of 16! The passport is valid until the expiration date regardless of the current age of the person to whom it was issued.

Electronic queue for submitting documents for a passport

Pleased with the thought of a small amount of necessary documents and big choice there are enough places to submit them. Not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. It turns out that since the beginning of 2017, the State Migration Service once again took care of the comfort and convenience for Ukrainian citizens in this matter and “improved” the procedure for receiving documents.

The improvement of the procedure is as follows. In some cities of Ukraine, in order to submit documents for the production of a passport, you first need to sign up for an electronic queue. As of May 2017, this system has been implemented in Lviv, Dnipro, Kyiv, Odessa, Zaporozhye, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Khmelnitsky and some other cities of Kyiv (Vyshgodod, Boyarka), Zaporozhye (Berdyansk, Melitopol), Ternopil (Kremenets, Chertkov ) areas. However, the HMS plans to cover all the centers where they provide services for the production of biometric documents with an electronic queue.

Attention! Reception and execution of documents for obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad is carried out ONLY in the order of an electronic queue (if it is introduced in the city)!!!

This is where the problems begin. Perhaps not in all regions of Ukraine they are so acute, but in the territory of the western regions they are now felt by everyone who is trying to issue a biometric passport.

Formally, each document acceptance point has its own electronic queue. You can enroll in it either directly on the spot or through the appropriate website.

On-site recording looks simple. Come to the selected unit of the TsNAP, contact the responsible employee, he enters your passport data into the system and chooses, in agreement with you, an available date and time for submitting documents. Theoretically, this is any of the following 14 calendar days. Two options are available in HMS departments - a queue a month ahead and the current one "for today". In the second case, you will have to wait in the unit. On the website of the migration service, they claim that the places in the queue are evenly distributed between the online service and the terminal according to the quota principle, and free places in the current queue appear throughout the working day.

If you want to sign up online to the territorial bodies of the State Migration Service, then this can be done, and to the TsNAP - through the pages of the official websites of the respective cities. For Lviv, this is the page "Entry to the TsNAP" on the portal.

The window for registering in the electronic queue on the website of the State Migration Service (left) and TsNAP in Lviv (right)

However, the services on the sites allow you to sign up for the relevant department no more than two weeks in advance. Every 15th day becomes available for recording at 0000 hours. the next day.

Besides, there is another way. If the registered person did not come to the appointment on time, then a place in the current queue is vacated. But it is up to you to expect such an unlikely event.

Important! Choose your submission location carefully. You can get it only in that division of the State Migration Service, TsNAP or "Passport Service", where you submitted documents for its registration. Transfer to other divisions or courier delivery is not carried out.

In practice, this is not so easy to do.

The electronic queue system allocates 30 minutes for each person to submit and process documents, fingerprinting and photographing. In addition, in many document collection points, only one workplace is properly equipped for this purpose. Accordingly, during the working day they can issue documents for 10-16 people.

Given this, as well as the great demand for biometric documents, recording in an electronic queue has turned into a real quest "catch the queue by the tail." You should either sit down at the computer at midnight and try to have time to register through online services, or run to your favorites / selected HMS / TsNAP units and try to sign up there. In Lviv, at many HMS units in the morning you can see very interesting picture- people stand in a "live" queue to sign up for an "electronic" queue.

In the spring of 2017, a few more problems were added to this. In early April, the SBU suddenly undertook to check the telecommunications provider, which served the communication channels of the HMS, TsNAP and Passport Service. Accordingly, for several days, the work of receiving documents, processing and issuing passports was completely paralyzed. Only the State Migration Service was able to quickly restore work. State Enterprise "Document" and TsNAP were forced to organize their work almost anew. It took almost 2 months. In addition, after April 26, when the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the EU approved the decision to grant a visa-free regime for Ukraine, many Ukrainian citizens finally believed in the visa-free offensive. Accordingly, an unprecedented boom arose around obtaining biometric passports - the number of people wishing to obtain a passport has increased several times.

The process of obtaining a biometric passport from my own experience

So we got to last section.. Therefore, you can take this experience into service.

In the memory of those who received their previous passport more than 10 years ago, there were unpleasant impressions about the need to make a lot of certificates on their own, run around photographs and stand in long queues in poorly adapted premises. Compared to this, the current procedure for making a passport leaves a pleasant impression.

You already understood that the most difficult thing is to sign up for an electronic queue. The option of a live queue did not fit a priori - the state of health and the rejection of huge "live" queues in the absence of a guarantee of obtaining a result, did their job. For recording, the option of online services was chosen. Since the deadlines were not pressed, a cheaper option was chosen (production in 20 working days).

Taking into account the territorial location, 2 possible points for receiving documents were pre-selected, which are located closer to the place of residence - the regional department of the State Migration Service and one of the subdivisions of the TsNAP. One spring day, or rather night, 10-15 minutes before midnight, the pages for enrolling in the queue on the websites of the State Migration Service and the TsNAP were opened. To test the procedure, an attempt to register was immediately made. The necessary data were entered into the appropriate fields and the time of their passage was recorded.

It is clear that the result was negative. But it gave certain ideas of what to do and in what order. The most important is the correct entry of your last name, first name and patronymic. If there are no problems with the Internet connection and the speed of the computer, then the whole process will take 2-4 minutes, depending on your ability to quickly press the necessary keys.

Exactly at midnight, the pages were quickly updated and the process went through again, first on the GMS website. After the third unsuccessful attempt, I switched to the TsNAP website. On it, filling in the required fields was surprisingly easy and fast, as was the transition to the next pages. At the last stage, a window opened where you could choose an arbitrary time, but only on the last (14th) available day. As a result, after confirmation, an entry ticket under No. 1 was formed - it was possible to be the first to sign up for that day. This "number" should be printed out, since it is on its basis that the reception will take place. At the same time, an SMS confirmation was sent to the specified contact phone number.

On the appointed day I visited TsNAP. Immediately contacted the consultant with help and clarifications about the payment procedure. The employee kindly agreed to help and filled in the required fields, including full name, service codes in accordance with the selected production time and the authority where the documents are submitted. It remains only to choose the payment method (cash or card) and click confirm. As a result, three checks were received - for the administrative fee, bank commission and the total amount (paid by card). In general, it turned out 562.89 UAH (administrative fee 557.32 kopecks + 5.57 UAH commission of Sberbank).

Advice. Please arrive 15-20 minutes before the scheduled time to make all necessary payments. In order not to make a mistake with the details, ask the responsible employee to help you pay for the services.

Fingerprint scanning.

After waiting for the appointed time, he came to the indicated place (according to the electronic scoreboard) and submitted the originals of the internal passport and identification code, only received a receipt for payment of the administrative fee and old passport. The TsNAP specialist herself made copies of the Ukrainian passport and code. While I certified their authenticity with my signatures, she entered the data into a special form on the computer. On-site scans were also carried out on two index fingers(right and left), a digital photograph was taken and signed on a special device. All this data is simultaneously illuminated on a separate monitor, so it is possible to observe the process and check it personally. If you suddenly didn’t like the photo or the signature looks unreliable, you can immediately redo them.

Important! Be careful and do not miss your call to a specialist for paperwork. The electronic system is designed in such a way that if you are absent within 1-2 minutes, the queue will be canceled and the hassle will begin again with an entry in the electronic queue.

Then all this information is printed out and the client puts two signatures - an agreement that the information about him is correct. After that, the employee issues a confirmation letter with a description of the accepted documents. The whole procedure took less than 20 minutes.

Advice. Before leaving home, check your appearance and the presence of the originals of the internal passport, identification number and the old passport (if you have one). This will help you go through the paperwork process faster.

Obtaining a passport was also quite simple. When the document was in place, the person in charge called back the contact phone number and agreed on an acceptable day of receipt. Before I got my biometric passport, I had to take a fingerprint again - thus, there was a confirmation that I really was me. In addition, it was necessary to sign on a special form, which informed me that a unique number had been assigned to me in the database of the migration service. From now on, to process any documents through the State Migration Service, it will be enough for me only to present internal passport. TIN data, places of registration, fingerprints and a photo are automatically pulled from the corresponding database.

After making the appropriate mark in the internal passport, I received my long-awaited biometric passport in my hands. Total time waiting time (from the date of submission of documents to receipt) amounted to 39 calendar days.