Jan van Eyck portrait of his wife. Jan van Eyck, "Portrait of the Arnolfinis": a description of the painting and interesting facts

Irina Sergeevna Chizhikova
Types of constructors for children

Teachers know a lot about children. In particular, the fact that children are very fond of tinkering, assembling and disassembling some things. And they especially like to build bridges and erect buildings with the help of parts from the designer. Such activities for any child are not only informative, but also useful. After all, during the construction, the baby develops imaginative thinking, imagination, memory, game skills and perseverance are improved. The muscles of the hand are also involved in the work, which positively affects the fine motor skills of the hands. Moreover, regardless of whether the construction set is simple or complex, we know that the child will be very interested and exciting, and that the child will be busy for a while. When a child is engaged in assembling or disassembling a construction kit, he can develop the skills of a future architect when building houses and buildings according to his own idea or fold the construction kit according to the instructions (according to a finished picture or diagram, according to certain standards (a house for a horse, a garage for a large trolley bus). Of course , at the very beginning, when you are just starting to introduce the child to the designer, he will only like to destroy and destroy buildings, but then he will understand that it is even more interesting to fasten the details and create his own architectural masterpieces.When your baby is three years old, he will play with constructor and use its various parts in their role playing(a chair for a doll, a cube instead of a table for toys), etc. Closer to the age of six, the baby will begin to create his own buildings from the designer. If he doesn't understand something, help him figure it out. Play with him.

Today there are many various kinds constructors:

1. Cubes (wooden, fabric, plastic). They are the very first material for construction. Already one-year-old kids are happy to destroy the tower of cubes, and this can be considered the first games with the designer.

2. Building kits ( geometric figures different sizes) without connection. These sets may be different materials- Wood, plastic. Wooden parts may or may not be painted. A large floor constructor can be used to build houses, both in the growth of a child and in a doll's height.

The age of children who will be interested in this type of constructors varies widely. Toddlers build arches and garages, and six-year-olds enthusiastically build complex architectural structures from the designer, which includes many three-dimensional figures.

3. Constructors with a simple block connection. A traditional construction set made of blocks connected to each other by means of "incremented" cylinders, a classic look, nevertheless, loved by modern children. The older the child gets, the smaller the details become. In addition to building plastic blocks, such designers often contain thematic details - figures of people, animals. hallmark of these constructors is the compatibility of parts from one manufacturer from different sets. That is, when buying a new set for a child, we replenish the one we have in stock, thereby creating ideal conditions for creativity.

4. Constructors with bolted connection (metal, plastic). They are made from various materials. And for different ages. For example, we all remember the metal constructors of our childhood - with flat parts with holes, with screws and washers. Today, these are bright, attractive, plastic elements, larger than their gray metal predecessors. This type of construction set is not easy to assemble, therefore it is recommended for children after four or five years. Although even at this age, parents will have to show a lot - both how to screw the bolts and how to combine the parts.

5. Magnetic constructors consist of magnetized plates, sticks and balls that "stick" to each other. From such a designer, original, stylish and shiny three-dimensional models are easily compiled. The magnetic construction set with small parts is designed for children over six years old, as it has small parts. It is very interesting to play with him, developing imagination.

6. There are many other types of constructors.

Electronic (various spare parts based on wiring diagrams). Such a constructor game form introduces the child to the basics of electrical and electronic engineering. Details are assembled into electrical circuits without soldering, using convenient connectors and attached to a plastic base. Each constructor comes with a colorful brochure with detailed descriptions electrical and electronic circuits.

Articulated constructors. This type of constructor got its name due to a special connection that imitates joints. Effective play with such a set requires good spatial thinking and developed fine motor skills, so it is usually reserved for children over the age of six.

Models for assembly (various models of cars, aircraft). Such designers are interesting not only for children, so you have a chance to organize a good joint leisure.

Lattice designer, the details of which resemble lattices. This developing the children's designer distinguished by its versatility and ease of assembly. The constructor helps the development of spatial thinking, the skills of classifying and sorting objects by color and shape.

Which designer is suitable for a child? The designer, first of all, should be suitable for the age category of the child. The younger the baby, the larger the details of the designer should be. The constructor must be safe. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer of the designer and the quality of the designer. Then you should pay attention to the number of small parts in the package, the color scheme (it should not be aggressive), the surface of the parts, as well as the smell. A sharp, unpleasant smell indicates the poor quality of the designer, and playing with it can lead to allergic reactions and poisoning. , play and build with your kids!

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