What works were written by Zhitkov Charushin Prishvin Bianki. Lesson of extracurricular reading "Writers-naturalists E. Charushin, V. Bianki, M. Prishvin about animals"

Lesson summary extracurricular reading for grade 2 "Books about animals. Our smaller brothers"

The summary of the lesson of extracurricular reading for grade 2 "Books about animals. Our smaller brothers" sets itself the goal of educating culture careful attitude to animals, to draw the attention of children to such a concept as caring for their pets. The lesson will help the teacher in organizing work to develop imagination, thinking and coherent speech skills. The development is interesting because it is planned different types work with students, during the lesson everyone can be involved.
Author: Pilimon Ekaterina Andreevna, teacher primary school public institution education" secondary school No. 40 in Vitebsk"
Lesson of extracurricular reading.
“Our smaller brothers. Books about animals»

Nurture a culture oral speech, culture of behavior and respect for animals;
Develop coherent speech, figurative thinking.
Exhibition of books, portraits of writers (Evgeny Charushin, Vitaly Bianchi, B. Zhitkov, M. Prishvin, K. Paustovsky), baby books, a textbook, books for additional reading, a series of pictures on the topic, letters for a crossword puzzle, dogs and bones for reflection .
During the classes:
1. Organizing time.
2. Checking d / z

- Guys, we are finishing the study of the section "Land of Wildlife". Today I want to check how well you remember the pieces from this section. The mini-game "Field of Miracles" will help us in this. In front of you is a crossword puzzle with keyword“nature”, the rest of the words will be guessed according to the description and with the help of opening letters, the ball.

1. What did the heroes of Vladimir Orlov's poem write to their peers? (letter)
2. What was the name of the dog that saw the young sparrow that had fallen from the nest? (Trezor)
3. The name of the boy from " scary story", who was not at all afraid (Shura)
4. Who ate honey rolls and gingerbread with filling behind the viburnum bush? (magpie)
5. What snake did Konstantin Ushinsky write his story about? (viper)
- Well done!
3. Reporting the topic and setting learning objectives

A) (work with an epigraph)
Everyone benefits from reading
To myself and out loud.
The book is the most faithful
Most best friend.

- How do you understand these words?
- What can you say about the book?
- Can a book be called a source of knowledge?
- What are the books about?
- What books will we talk about today will help us to recognize the poem that I will read to you now:
4. Reporting the topic and setting learning objectives.
Gathered and flew
ducks in long way.
Under the roots of an old spruce
The bear is making a lair.

The hare dressed in white fur,
The bunny got warm.
Wears a squirrel for a whole month
For reserve mushrooms in the hollow.
The wolves roam the dark night
For prey in the forests.
Between the bushes to the sleepy grouse
The fox is escaping.
Hides the nutcracker for the winter
In the old moss nuts cleverly.
Capercaillie pinch needles.
They came to us for the winter
Northerners are bullfinches
- So what are we going to talk about today? That's right, about animals, about our smaller friends.
- Guys, do any of you have any animal at home? Tell us briefly about him (work with the ball)
B) (work with children's books)
- At home, you had to find riddles about animals and arrange them in the form of baby books. Let's now see what you got.
(children make riddles)
5. Preparation for the initial perception.
BUT) ( introduction teachers)

- In today's lesson, I suggest you visit the literary living room, the hostess of which is the guest of our lesson. Let's get to know her better, what the riddle will help us with, listen:
Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn
Not a person, but tells.
- That's right, it's a book. Look how many different books came to our lesson! They are all so different and colorful.
- Tell me, what works can be written in books? (poems, stories, fairy tales…)
- Do you think we could live without books? Why?
- Why do we need them?
- Here, listen, please, an excerpt from the poem S.V. Mikhalkov
How would we live without books?

Imagine for a moment
How would we live without books?
What would a student do?
If there were no books
If everything disappeared at once,
What was written for children:
From magical good fairy tales
For fun stories...
You wanted to dispel boredom
Find an answer to a question.
Reaching out for a book
But it's not on the shelf!
No, you can't imagine
For such a moment to arise
And you could be left
All characters in children's books.

- Without books, guys, we're nowhere. The book acquaints us with the past, allows us to understand the present and, as if on wings, takes us into the future. This is the only "time machine" with which you can make exciting trips. There is an exhibition of books in front of you. What do these books have in common? (These are books about animals, for children, educational).
6. Self-determination to activity.
- Reading books about nature, we learn the world of plants, animals, observe the phenomena of nature. But it is important not only to have a lot of knowledge about nature, it is much more important to preserve the world of animals and plants on our planet, to learn how to use natural resources without causing great harm to it.
Children's writers understood this too. After all, people have always been worried about questions: “Why do some birds hibernate, while others fly south?”, “How do animals hibernate in winter?”, “Why summer is coming rain and snow in winter? The answers to these and other questions can be found in the writers who wrote about nature, animals and their relationships. Writers such as Yevgeny Charushin, Vitaly Bianchi, B. Zhitkov, M. Prishvin, K. Paustovsky and others dedicated their works about animals and nature to children. Many of them were informative, brought up interest in the active study of nature.
7. Work on the topic of the lesson.
- The first work that we will get acquainted with is Gennady Glushnev's poem "The Neighbor's Puppy", Sofya and Lyosha will read it to us.
1. What is this poem about? Who is its main character?
2. How does the boy feel about the puppy?
3. How does the puppy express the desire to be free from the chain?
4. What is the poet's dream?
- The next work, which we will get acquainted with, is called "Jackdaw". Its author is Boris Zhitkov. Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov was born on September 11, 1882 in Novgorod, in the family of a mathematician and pianist. Received a primary education at home and an excellent family education. He is a chemist and biologist by education, a shipbuilding engineer and a sea navigator. He worked as a cabin boy, navigator of a research vessel, ichthyologist, served as a naval officer.
B.S. Zhitkov traveled half the world - Russia, Europe, Asia, the Japanese islands. He was fluent in many languages, played the violin excellently, and was a skilled animal trainer.
richest life experience and the ability to interestingly and accurately express his thoughts on paper led B.S. Zhitkov to children's literature. He created about two hundred works and among them - an amazing book "What I saw." Her hero is a four-year-old boy Alyosha. About everything that he saw during the summer exciting adventures, the writer tells the children. Several generations of children were brought up on the books of B.S. Zhitkov, which teach goodness and the best human qualities.
- Guys, do you know who this jackdaw is?
- What was unusual in this jackdaw, we will find out when we read the work. Open books for additional reading on page 95.
(teacher reading)
1. What is unusual about the jackdaw? (she's manual)
2. Why did the sister and brother quarrel?
3. What did the jackdaw steal from her sister? What about grandma?
4. Where did the boy find the glasses?
5. What else interesting did the boy find in the cache near the jackdaw?
- Pay attention to the board. Here are some drawings for this story. Find and read from the text the passage that is shown in the first picture (the girl is washing), in the second picture (the crow above the roof), in the third (the boy climbs onto the roof)
- Well done!
“And we’re moving on to another story.” Its author is Mikhail Prishvin, and the story is called “Fox Bread”.
- The name of Prishvin is associated with works that describe nature so clearly and naturally, where Mikhail Mikhailovich himself found so much artistic natural philosophy. During his lifetime, he was called a "singer of nature", who was able to clothe his diary entries in real art. Among his literary heritage are essays, novellas, and, most importantly, stories, those that our parents read to us in early childhood. The most significant, according to literary critics, are: collections of essays "In the land of fearless birds" (1907) and "Behind the magic bun" (1908), notes "Calendar of Nature" (1935), the story "Spring of Light" (1940), the story " Undressed Spring (1940), lyric-philosophical book Forest Drop (1940). Prishvin was also fond of writing articles on agronomy, of which he had more than a hundred in publication alone.
- Do you think the title can guess what the story is about?
Now let's test our assumptions. Turn to page 98. I begin to read and you watch as you continue.
1. What bird did the author get?
2. Read what the author told Zinochka about the black grouse.
3. With the help of what and how are trees treated? (silence)
4. What did the author bring from the forest?
5. Where did bread come from in the forest?
6. Think and say, what else can you call this story?
8. Summing up the lesson.
- What works did we meet?
- What are these works about?
9. Reflection.
- Guys, you probably know that man's best friend is a dog. Pay attention to the board, three different dogs live in these three houses: cheerful, indifferent and sad. You have bones on your desks, please treat them to one of the dogs with which you have a similar mood.
10. D/Z
- Your house. the task will be to prepare books by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Test *

480 rub.


Acquaintance of children with scientific and educational literature about nature on the example of the works of Prishvin, Zhitkov, Bianki, Charushin. ...

1. The purpose of scientific and educational literature for children and the features of its use in pedagogical practice…………………………………….5
2. Acquaintance of children with the works of M.M. Prishvina, B.S. Zhitkova, V.V. Bianchi, E.I. Charushina………………………………………………………….7
2.1 Works by M.M. Prishvin and their role in the process of introducing children to scientific and educational literature……………………………………………..7
2.2 Works by B.S. Zhitkov and their role in the process of introducing children to scientific and educational literature…………………………………………….8
2.3 Works by V.V. Bianchi and their role in the process of introducing children to scientific and educational literature…………………………………………….9
2.4 Works by E.I. Charushin and their role in the process of acquainting children with scientific and educational literature……………………………………………………………………………………11
List of used literature…………………………………………….14


There will be no text, otherwise all originality will fall down.

Fragment of the work for review

Bianchi, M.M. Prishvin, K.G. Paustovsky, N.I. Sladkova, E.I. Charushina.V modern era scientific and educational literature has thoroughly entered the life of children, penetrated into the process of preschool education. Scientific and educational literature attracts children, on the one hand, with its accessibility for perception - a dynamic plot, feelings for the fate of the character, the ability to fantasize and "finish" storyline, and on the other hand, modern children are accustomed to "obtaining information", practically applying it. Scientific and educational literature will give answers to the questions of children - preschoolers, will tell you why and why the knowledge gained is needed. Scientific and educational literature will allow you to better assimilate the material music lessons, drawing, designing from paper and natural materials. It is very important to correctly select works for reading and methodically correctly present them to children. 2. Acquaintance of children with the works of M.M. Prishvina, B.S. Zhitkova, V.V. Bianchi, E.I. Charushin 2.1 Works by M.M. Prishvin and their role in the process of introducing children to scientific and educational literature Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (873-1954) is one of those writers whose heart was completely given to the nature of their native land. Prishvin wrote many books for children, among which are “Matryoshka in Potatoes”, “Yarik”, “Hedgehog”, “Lugovka”, “Fox Bread”, “In the Land of Grandfather Mazai”, “Pantry of the Sun”, “Golden Meadow”, "The Chipmunk Beast", "Zhurka", "Guys and Ducklings", "Old Mushroom", "Conversation of Birds and Animals". All these books are the ABC of nature and teach children to love the world. MM. Prishvin shows that nature lives its own special life. So, for example, from the story “Fox Bread”, together with the girl Zinochka, we learn about the features of the life of black grouse and hazel grouse, what mushrooms grow in the forest, what different berries are called, what trees are treated with. Zinochka learns to cognize nature, and the reader cognizes nature along with her. Each animal or bird at Prishvin speaks in its own way: hisses, whistles, cuckoos, talks, and moves in its own way. The world of the forest is amazing, it has its own laws. Prishvin compiled his book "Golden Meadow" from observations and diaries. The writer looks at nature in a special way, he understands the conversation of birds and animals, domestic animals, knows the secrets of nature and reveals them to readers. The story "The Golden Meadow" contains one of these secrets. It turns out that dandelions have their own rhythm of life. It would seem that everything is simple with these flowers. Dandelion, - writes Prishvin, - “modest. Yellow. You can’t pick a bouquet - the stalk is weak. Withers quickly. Almost odorless. The only fun is to blow on a faded white ball so that the small seeds on their fluffy parachutes scatter in the wind. The first one blooms. Like the sun." Behind him, all the others bloom, and the meadow becomes golden. It is important to understand that in the life of everyone, even the most familiar plant for us, there is a lot of new and interesting things. “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with the great treasures of life ... Fish need pure water Let's protect our water bodies. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes and mountains. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And a man needs a home. And to protect nature means to protect the homeland, ”writes Prishvin. These words are very strong, thanks to them children begin to understand that love for nature is one of the tasks of life for each of us. It is more expedient to acquaint children of senior preschool age with the works of Prishvin. 2.2 The works of B.S. Zhitkov and their role in the process of introducing children to scientific and educational literature Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov (1832-1938) - famous children's writer, whose works had a great influence on the development of all children's literature of the twentieth century. "Stories about animals" by Boris Zhitkov gained great popularity both among children and their parents. Boris Zhitkov was a passionate storyteller, which is why his stories are so captivating. He described those cases from the life of animals, which he himself witnessed or heard about. "About the Elephant", "About the Monkey", "Mongoose", "Compass", "A Dime" and other stories of the writer reveal to children the world of animal experiences, the attitude of people towards our smaller brothers. Here is the story "Stray cat". The author shows us the life of the most, at first glance, an ordinary cat, in wild nature. Affectionate Murka can turn into a predatory animal, forced to hunt for food. She is cunning, resourceful, sometimes cruel. But the cat is still drawn to people, and therefore it is very important to let children feel it. Man and cat have always lived next to each other, and it is very important that children understand how important human care and affection is for any, even the most independent animal. The same idea can be traced in the story "Mongoose" about a strong and hardy animal that is easily tamed and serves people. Any animal, no matter how strong and scary it may seem, is defenseless in front of a person. Zhitkov tells about this in the story "Wolf". All living things need protection, it is important to remember this and be able to sympathize with all those who surround us. The story-encyclopedia "What I saw", published in 1938, is the pinnacle of Zhitkov's work. Little boy Alyosha - Pochemuchka gets acquainted with the world of people, technology, animals. He constantly asks questions and finds the answers himself. This book is a kind of life textbook for children, tells them about the world in which they live. It will be interesting for modern preschoolers to get to know their peer Alyosha, to go on a fictional journey with him into the world of nature and new discoveries. B. Zhitkov is a classic of Russian children's and animalistic (continuing the traditions of L.N. Tolstoy and A.P. Chekhov) prose. Along with V.V. Bianchi and E.I. Charushin Zhitkov can be considered the founder of the scientific and artistic genre in children's literature.2.3 The works of V.V. Bianchi and their role in the process of introducing children to scientific and educational literature Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi (1894-1959) is another children's writer who devoted his work to stories about animals. As a child, Bianchi talked a lot with hunters who told him various stories and funny cases. He was interested in the habits of animals and birds, the features of their life. For 35 years creative work V.V. Bianchi created more than three hundred stories, fairy tales, novellas, essays and articles. All his life he kept diaries of a naturalist, answered many letters from readers. “I have always tried to write my fairy tales and stories in such a way that they are accessible to adults as well. And now I realized that I have been writing all my life for adults who have kept a child in their souls, ”said Bianchi shortly before his death. Bianchi's most famous book was The Forest Newspaper. The forest has its own life, and all unusual cases are described in this newspaper. Here one could find an announcement of starlings “Looking for apartments” or a message about the first “coo-coo” sounded in the park, or a review of a performance that was given by great grebe birds on a quiet forest lake. Bianchi worked on this book from 1924 until the end of his life, constantly making various changes. Since 1928, Lesnaya Gazeta has been translated into various languages ​​of the world. Bianchi wrote a lot about the forest - "Forest Houses", "Forest Scouts" - these and other works tell about how beautiful and amazing the life of the natural world is, hidden from people's eyes. The author called his works about forest dwellers "fairy tales-non-tales". On the one hand, of course, there is fiction. On the other hand, they do not contain magical artifacts. But that does not make the miracle effect any less significant.


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Test on the topic "About our smaller brothers"

  1. B. Zakhoder
  2. V.Berestov
  3. I. Pivovarova
  4. M. Boroditskaya

2. Remove the extra character.

  1. old man
  2. horse
  3. owl
  4. mice

3. Find out the name of the story from the key words.

Violin, stream, sliver, music, bear.

  1. "Musician"
  2. "Scary Story"
  3. "Brave Duck"
  4. "Guys and ducks"

4. Who scared the kids in Scary Tale?

  1. Crow
  2. Hedgehog
  3. dog
  4. cat
  1. B. Zhitkov
  2. M. Prishvin
  3. V. Bianchi
  4. V.Berestov

6. What is the name and patronymic of Charushin?

  1. Evgeny Ivanovich
  2. Vitaly Valentinovich
  3. Mikhail Mikhailovich
  4. Boris Stepanovich

7. Which of the writers believes that the medical rule "Do no harm!" fit for everyone who happens in the forests and fields?

  1. N.Sladkov
  2. M. Prishvin
  3. V. Bianchi
  4. E. Charushin

8. Remove an extra character.

  1. Alyosha
  2. cat
  3. dragonfly
  4. ducklings

9. Which of the writers traveled half the world - Russia, Europe, Asia, spoke many languages ​​​​fluently, played the violin excellently and was a skilled trainer?

  1. N.Sladkov
  2. V. Bianchi
  1. B. Zhitkov
  2. M. Prishvin

10.N. Sladkov believes that "nature can be saved only..."

  1. ...our kindness
  2. …our love.
  3. … our attention.
  4. …our understanding.

Verification work

under the section "About our smaller brothers".

1. Guess riddles. Write what works these characters are from.

1) The owner of the forest

Sprinkled in the spring

And in winter under a blizzard howl

Sleeping in a snow hut.

M ____________________________________________________________

2) Blue airplane

Sat on a white dandelion.

FROM __________________________________________________________

3) lies on the hay,

Doesn't eat on her own

And does not give to others.

FROM ________________________________________________________

4) Along the river, along the water

A string of boats floats.

The ship goes ahead, leads everyone behind it.

At ____________________ with at _______________________________

5) I don’t touch him -

Goes its own way

And touch -

You hit a needle.


2. Which of the writers believes that “only our love can save nature”?


3. Use an arrow to connect the works and the genre to which they belong.

“Children and ducklings”, M. Prishvin

"Musician", V. Bianchi a) Story about animals

"Once upon a time there was a dog ...", I. Pivovarova b) Tale of animals

"A terrible story", E. Charushin c) Poems

"Cat's Puppy", V. Berestov d) Scientific and educational

"Owl", V. Bianchi text

Test on the topic "From children's magazines"

1. Which of these magazines is not for children?

a) "Hedgehog" c) "Siskin"

b) "Kolobok" d) "Health"

2. How is the name of the magazine "Chizh" deciphered?

a) an extremely interesting life

b) an honest interesting magazine

c) an honest sincere magazine

D) an extremely interesting magazine

3. What poem did D. Kharms and S. Marshak write together?

a) "Merry Siskins" b) "Game"

b) What was that? c) jolly old man

a) D. Kharms c) S. Marshak

b) A. Vvedensky d) Yu. Vladimirov

5. Find the correct meaning of the word "KOCHEREZHKA"

a) stalk c) bump (small)

b) poker d) bent stick

6. What is the real name of D. Kharms?

a) Daniil Yuvachev c) Daniil Kharms

b) Dmitry Yuvachev d) Dmitry Kharms

a) D. Kharms c) A. Vvedensky

b) Y. Vladimirov d) S. Marshak

8. Finish the proverb. "Look at the tree in its fruits, but ..."

a) ... a person is in school. c) ... a person - in wealth.

b) ... a person - in beauty. d) ... a person - in business.

Read the text. Complete the tasks.

Elephant strong and smart

The elephant is big, the elephant is strong and smart, everyone knows that. A domestic elephant in India carries heavy loads, carries water and even small children.

But not everyone can see a herd of wild elephants. The elephant has almost no enemies. But if the elephant senses danger, he sneaks quietly, like a mouse.

It happens that a giant python snake will curl up at the elephant path and attack a small elephant calf that has lagged behind the herd. The baby elephant will squeal, trumpet. Elephants rush to rescue the baby elephant. The whole herd runs around and tramples the python, as if dancing on it. And when the baby elephant is saved, he will get it from the mother elephant, so that he obeys adults and does not lag behind the herd.


1. Mark the extra statement. "Elephant…."

a) big c) strong

B) smart d) weak

2. Mark true statement. “If an elephant senses danger, it will…”

a) runs away c) calls the baby elephant

b) sneaks quietly like a mouse d) sneaks quietly like a cat

3. Note the meaning of the wordgiant (snake)

a) big c) very big

b) weak d) strong

4. What genre does this text belong to?

a) fairy tale c) riddle

b) story d) fable

5. What kind of work can a domestic elephant do? Write it down briefly.


Option 2

1. Determine the genre of the work of N. Nosov "Entertainers".

  1. Bylina
  2. Fairy tale
  3. Story
  4. Poem

We pulled the blanket off the bed and covered the table with it. Here is the house. We climbed into it, and it's dark, dark!

  1. N. Nosov "Entertainers"
  2. V. Oseeva "The Magic Word"
  3. Y. Ermolaev "Two cakes"
  1. A. Barto
  2. N. Nosov
  3. N. Bulgakov
  4. V. Oseeva

4. Do you know the name and patronymic of Nosov?

  1. Sergey Vladimirovich
  2. Samuil Yakovlevich
  3. Nikolai Nikolaevich
  4. Fedor Ivanovich

5. Check out a story that teaches you to be honest.

  1. Y. Ermolaev "Two cakes"
  2. V. Oseeva "Why?"
  3. V. Oseeva "The Magic Word"
  4. N. Nosov "Live Hat"
  1. catalog
  2. Writer
  3. painter
  4. table of contents (content)

Test on the topic "Writers for children" and "Me and my friends"

Option 1

1. Determine the genre of Y. Ermolaev’s work “Two Cakes”.

  1. Bylina
  2. Fairy tale
  3. Story
  4. Poem

2. From which work is this passage?

Lena sat at the table and drew. Paints - green, blue, red - lay in front of her. Seeing Pavlik, she immediately raked them into a heap and covered them with her hands.

  1. N. Bulgakov "Anna, don't be sad!"
  2. N. Nosov "Live Hat"
  3. V. Oseeva "The Magic Word"
  4. Y. Ermolaev "Two cakes"
  1. V. Berestov
  2. N. Nosov
  3. V. Oseeva
  4. Y. Ermolaev

4. Do you know the name and patronymic of Chukovsky?

  1. Samuil Yakovlevich
  2. Nikolai Nikolaevich
  3. Fedor Ivanovich
  4. Korney Ivanovich

5. Which story is about friendship?

  1. Y. Ermolaev "Two cakes"
  2. V. Oseeva "Why?"
  3. N. Bulgakov "Anna, don't be sad!"
  4. V. Oseeva "The Magic Word"

6. Think and answer what is part of the book.

  1. library
  2. reading room
  3. Writer
  4. illustration

Test on the topic "Writers for children"

1. Who is K. Chukovsky?

  1. composer
  2. poet
  3. painter
  4. Writer

2. What poem was not written by A. Barto?

  1. "We didn't see the beetle"
  2. "Vovka is a kind soul"
  3. "My puppy"
  4. "To school"

3. Who is a Prussian?

  1. black spider
  2. big spider
  3. black beetle
  4. red cockroach

4. What is the name of the boy who “woke up ten times during the night”?

  1. Peter
  2. Vovka
  3. Sasha
  4. Sergei

5. Which poem teaches how to overcome fear?

  1. "My puppy"
  2. "My secret"
  3. "Willpower"
  4. "The Cat and the Loafers"

6. What time of the year does everyone rejoice in the poem "Rope"?

  1. winter
  2. spring
  3. fly
  4. autumn

7. Pick a synonym for the word quitter.

  1. Hooligan
  2. Chatterbox
  3. merry fellow
  4. lazy person

"Writers for Children"

1. Add the names of the poems and indicate their authors.

1) "_______________________________ woe", author ______________________________________

2) "Cat and ______________________________", author ______________________________________

3) "Strength _______________________________", author ______________________________________

4) "Vovka - _________________ ____________", author ______________________________________

5) “My ________________________________”, author ______________________________________

6) “We are not ____________________ __________”, author ______________________________________

2. Find out the story by keywords.

1) Built, slide, slippery, sand, steps. _________________________________

2) Chest of drawers, hat, kitten, poker, potatoes. __________________________________

3) Games, house, fairy tale, wolf, "three little pigs". ________________________________


4. Why are the works of writers K. Chukovsky, S. Mikhalkov, S. Marshak, A. Barto and N. Nosov combined into one section? Find the answer on page 68 of the textbook and add your opinion.


Control work for the section"Writers for Children"

Option 1

  1. Which poet is the author of the "Toys" cycle?
  1. A. Barto
  2. S. Mikhalkov
  3. S. Marshak
  4. K. Chukovsky

2. Why didn't the boys notice how the hat covered the kitten?

  1. They were reading a book.
  2. They were coloring pictures.
  3. They watched cartoons.
  4. They played checkers.
  1. What mistake did Kitty make?
  1. Once again filled the hill with water.
  2. Broke a slide
  3. He sprinkled the mound with sand.
  4. Ruined the hill with a skate.
  1. Remember K. Chukovsky's poems "Joy" and "Confusion". What are such small verses called in oral folk art?
  1. Fairy tales
  2. Proverbs
  3. sayings
  4. Fables
  1. In the works of which writer there are heroes: the astronomer Steklyashkin, Gunka, Mishka with his ill-fated porridge?
  1. S. Mikhalkova
  2. S. Marshak
  3. K. Chukovsky
  4. N. Nosova

6. What poem are the lines taken from?

We pulled the blanket off the bed and covered the table with it. Here is the house.

  1. "Living Hat"
  2. "On the Hill"
  3. "Entertainers
  4. "Adventures of the Dunno"
  1. Read the riddle of K. Chukovsky, choose a guess.

Beautiful doors in my cave

White animals sit at the door.

And meat, and bread - all my booty -

I gladly give to the white beasts.

  1. Lips and teeth
  2. Eyes and eyelashes
  3. Nose and mouth
  4. Arms and legs

8. Read the riddle of S. Marshak, choose a guess.

We always walk together

We look like brothers

We are at dinner - under the table,

And at night - under the bed.

  1. Slippers
  2. Socks
  3. Boots
  4. Chair legs

Control work for the section"Writers for Children"

Option 2

  1. Which writer is the author of the book "From Two to Five"?

A. Barto

S. Mikhalkov

S. Marshak

K. Chukovsky

2. Why didn't the boys play more "three little pigs"?

They played for a long time and got tired of it.

Mom came and began to scold them.

They were afraid that someone would grab the leg again.

The game was boring.

3. Why did Kotka sprinkle sand on the hill?

  1. Couldn't get up at all.
  2. Decided to mess up.
  1. So that no one can ride with it.
  2. So that no one else falls.
  1. Which of the works

Verification work on the section"I love Russian nature"

  1. Match the author with an excerpt from his poem:

The snow is no longer the same

It turned black in the field.

Ice cracked on the lakes

It looks like they split... A. Pleshcheev

Isn't this spring?

No, it's loud, thin

A wave murmurs in the stream ... F. Tyutchev

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

In the window it blew in the spring ...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in foliage ... A. Blok

Winter is not without reason angry,

Her time has passed

Spring is knocking on the window

And drives from the yard ... S. Marshak

The grass is green

The sun is shining

Swallow with spring

In the canopy flies to us ... A. Pleshcheev

  1. Divide these works into 2 groups and give a common name to each group.

Fox and black grouse. ____________________ __________________

Spring waters. _____________________ ___________________

Country song. ______________________ ____________________

Fox and crane. _______________________ ___________________

In the meadow _______________________ ___________________

Porridge from an ax. _______________________ __________________

  1. Put in the correct letters.

Dream .. now it’s not the same, Spring is coming st..ronka ...

P..t..he thought in the field ... We m..l..until spring messengers ....

Tweeted in..r..bey

V..s..lei on the roof ...

LECTURE #26(1 hour). Scientific literature for children

(V. Bianchi, M. Prishvin, E. Charushin).

1. The genre of fairy tales.Artistic features of fairy tales Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi (1894-1959). Entering children's literature in 1924 as the author of the Sparrow magazine, he created many works about nature for young readers. Their heroes are animals, birds, plants. The writer sought to convey to the children the poetic worldview "life is a fairy tale"; to make sure that this attitude remains with them when they become adults.

The first fairy tale by V. Bianchi is "The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow" (1923). This was followed by “Forest Houses”, “Whose Feet Are These?”, “Who Sings What?”, “Whose Nose Is Better?”, “First Hunt” and many other works (more than three hundred). He himself called those of them that belonged to the artistic and cognitive genre - "fairy tales-non-tales."

Bianchi highly valued folk tales for their brevity and simplicity. He took their style as a model for his works, intending to give children knowledge about the world. On the pages of his fairy tales, the forest dwellers seen by the naturalist come to life in all the originality of their appearance and habits.

IN "Forest houses" (1923) tells about the habitation of different birds. Main character- a young swallow Beregovushka. Lost in an unfamiliar forest, she seeks shelter for the night - in the dwelling of Zuyk, Vityutnya, Ivolga - and almost falls into the teeth of a squirrel. The shore finds its crowbar, and at the end of the story, the children will find out how the swallow's nest is arranged on a river cliff:

The plot in the fairy tale about Beregovushka unfolds rapidly, the events are dramatic, the adventures are exciting, and as a result, the child learns new information about nature, also experiencing a whole range of feelings: surprise at the diversity of nature, pity for a lost bird, fear for her life.

No less dramatic events unfold in a fairy tale "How the Ant hurried home" (1936). A very unpleasant story happened: a curious Ant climbed a tall tree, and a dry leaf broke off, and the wind carried the Ant away from home; meanwhile, soon “the sun will set, the ants will close all the moves and exits - and sleep. And whoever is late, at least spend the night on the street. So he has to turn to the Spider, Ground beetle, Surveyor, Grasshopper, Water strider for help. And little readers will learn how these insects move on land and water. This is not only a lesson in entertaining entomology, but also a lesson in kindness: after all, none of the little inhabitants of the forest refuses help to Ant.

Bianchi's concern was also the education of the educators themselves. “I thought of knocking down for children's "gardeners" (as he called kindergarten teachers) a whole big book (or a small encyclopedia) - about simple miracles ... In 1946 this book came out, it's called "Four time of the year." In addition to the fairy tales and stories of Bianchi himself, it includes the works of Leo Tolstoy, Prishvin, Paustovsky and others.

"Forest Newspaper" was originally born as a natural history department in the journal Sparrow. In 1926 - 1927, Bianchi worked on the materials of this department for the publication of the book "Forest Newspaper for Every Year", and in 1928 the book was published. main goal The "Forest Newspaper" was a display of the organic connection between nature and man, which would help to grow its reader into a thrifty master of nature. Translated into many languages, Lesnaya Gazeta, like all his work, is included in the golden fund of world children's literature.

2. Specificity reflections of nature in works Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873-1954). He was one of the singers of nature, who called on children to love her, to learn her secrets, without trying to break or remake anything in her.

The first story of the writer - "Sashok" - was published in the children's magazine "Rodnik" (1906), when the author was already 33 years old. In this story, topics arise that Prishvin will be committed to throughout his life. creative life: the unity of beautiful and mysterious nature and the interdependence of nature and man.

Features of Prishvin's personality and talent are optimism, faith in human capabilities, in good beginnings, naturally inherent in everyone, poetic perception of the world. All this contributed to starting to write for children. Often those of his works that were not intended for young readers became children's reading. Prishvin believed that it should not be an insurmountable barrier to separate children's literature from adult literature. He admitted that most of all he was afraid of "playing along with children, age discounts." He invested in the works for them the full measure of knowledge about the surrounding life and nature, while striving for the fascination and poetry of the image.

Prishvin created children's stories throughout his creative life. Subsequently, they were combined into several cycles: "Golden Meadow", "Fox's Bread", "Grandfather's Boots".

tiny story "Lisichkin bread" gave the title to a book published in 1939. The heroine of the story, Zinochka, is involved in a kind of game by the author: having learned from him about what the forest dwellers eat, she suddenly noticed a piece of bread in the basket and “was stunned”: - Where did this bread come from in the forest? / - What is so surprising? After all, there is cabbage there ... / - Hare ... / - And chanterelle bread. Taste. Carefully tasted and began to eat. / - Good fox bread.

Even the smallest reader can independently extract the meaning inherent in such a story. Zinochka, most likely, would not have eaten "just bread" and even praised her if he had not been "fox". The author allows himself only a shadow of irony; he treats his little heroes with care and tenderness.

A well-known fairy tale "Pantry of the sun" was written by M. Prishvin for a competition held by Detgiz in 1945 and received the first prize. In the center of it are the children orphaned in the war, Mitrash and Nastya. The plot core of the work was the trip of children to a distant swamp for cranberries. The dangers experienced during the journey make them understand the need for decent behavior in the face of nature. All the events and details in the work are quite real, but the writer called the "Pantry of the Sun" a fairy tale. The ability to see beauty in everything that surrounds a person, the poetization of nature and people living in harmony with it are the aesthetic foundations of Prishvin's work. This work is also about friendship, the extraordinary power of love that overcomes all obstacles (as in fairy tale about brother Ivanushka and sister Alyonushka).

3. Narrative features in rstories about children and animals Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin (1901 - 1965). Already the first works determined Charushin's place in children's literature: a brilliant animal storyteller with the sharp eyesight of an artist, able to convey in words and drawings the habits of animals, which he loves and understands and feels unusually subtly.

Charushin's animals do not speak, but he knows how to show their mood. Their internal state is transmitted through behavior, and the behavior is natural, characteristic of this beast. The art of verbal painting is subordinated by Charushin to the perception of the baby. Young children are best perceived by a phrase that is simple in design, in which the main role is assigned to the verb. These phrases created, for example, a dynamic picture of the game of foxes in the story "Travelers" : “Fox cubs tap on the edge with their paws, the saucer rattles, rings, bounces. And know the cubs are chasing him all over the floor - back and forth, back and forth. The ringing is like in a china shop. Over time, Charushin began to complicate the phrase, abandoning such a cluster of verbs.

In the works of Charushin, especially for the smallest, there are a lot of onomatopoeia. The cricket, as the night falls, begins to “tir-glee”, the crow croaks, the little sparrow chirps. Most often, he depicts animal cubs, apparently believing that such heroes are closest to the soul of a baby. He himself loved small animals, “touching in their helplessness and interesting because they already have an adult animal.” Emphasizing the childishness of their behavior, the writer cements in the minds of his reader a careful, patronizing attitude towards "our smaller brothers."

Animals in the wild, in their natural habitat, are depicted by Charushin both in stories and in illustrations. In 1930, his picture book "Chicks" was published; then, in 1935 and 1938, the books Animals of Hot Countries, Amazing Beasts, and Animals of Hot and Cold Countries appeared. Stories about wild animals, seen through the eyes of a hunter, or a natural scientist, but invariably a talented writer and a kind person, convey to children the love and admiration of a diverse nature ( "Bear-fisherman"). In all works, the motive of the unity of man with nature sounds, but it is especially clear in stories about the domestication of animals ( “Travelers; "Pig"). From childhood, nature enriched Charushin with impressions, which he, becoming an artist-writer, clothed in accurate and vivid images. With equal skill he mastered the word, pencil and brush.

The task of children's literature in the 1920s, at the dawn of VV Bianchi's work, was to create a new children's literature. Here is how N.K. Krupskaya wrote about it in those years: "A children's book should give vivid images, be a source of joy for the child, help him comprehend the surrounding life, natural phenomena and relationships between people."

And M. Gorky believed that it was necessary "... to strive to instill in children activity, interest and respect for the power of the mind, for the search for science, for the great task of art - to make a person beautiful and strong ..."

That is, it was necessary to build children's literature anew. At that time, many writers' groups appeared, each of which tried to defend its own ideas about the development of children's literature.

In 1922, the Children's Literature Studio was established at the Institute preschool education in Leningrad, which united a small group of novice writers - B. Zhitkov, E. Schwartz, L. Panteleev, E. Vereiskaya, E. Charushina, N. Dilaktorskaya, E. Privalova and V. Bianki. Professor O. Kapitsa and poet S. Marshak headed this studio. These writers focused on a deep study of the classical heritage and world folklore. Soon they also had their own printed magazine "Sparrow" (later "New Robinson"), which offered their theoretical program on its pages. Associated with the upbringing of Soviet children.

Bianchi participated on an equal footing with other writers in the creation of new children's literature. He wrote non-fiction books for children, where main theme was the theme of nature and man. If you compare his work with the work of other writers who worked on the same topic, then you can see a lot of things that are different, but at the same time common, namely, instilling understanding and love for native nature. Such writers were: V. Arseniev ("Dersu Uzala"), M. Prishvin, I. Sokolov-Mikitov. V. Bianchi tried to solve the problem of "man and nature" in a different way, creating scientific and artistic fairy tales. He clothed complex scientific questions about the life of animals in extraordinary adventures that captivated children of the inhabitants of forests, fields and rivers.

In 1928, the "Forest Newspaper" was published, which became a unique work in the world of children's literature.

In the 30s, new works by V. Bianchi were published:"Adventures of the Ant", "Tales of the Trapper", "Little Stories". The writer developed in his works the idea of ​​educating with joy in the process of communication of children with the world of animals, birds, insects and plants.

Vitaly Vasilyevich Bianchi was an original artist, teacher, and naturalist. In his work, he was faithful to the forever chosen theme of nature. The writer understood the child's soul and, turning to children, sought to convey to them the most significant of his vast knowledge.

His works are funny fairy tales, dramatic stories, stories about animals.

In the tales of Bianchi, there is a connection with the folk tale. Probably from folk tales Simplicity, naturalness of speech, necessary for understanding by their children, good humor, dynamism of actions came to his works. The writer's fairy tales are "fairy tales - non-tales" in which huge knowledge is hidden, therefore they are considered scientific and educational. Fairy tales introduce the child to the world of wildlife, help to understand it. In fairy tales, animals reason and act like people.

Bianchi was a true master literary fairy tale. Starting with "Teremok" and "forest kolobok - Prickly Side". This is a clear allusion to oral folk art. Only the inhabitants of Bianka's tower are animals or birds in their natural habitat, and the gingerbread man is a hedgehog escaping from a fox.

Bianchi's prose is rhythmic, it contains internal rhymes. The language of fairy tales is folk and readers learn many new words and meanings. For example, "And I'm from you as a lad - and I was like that", "... you need to go to the left - I put my tail to the left", "stern clover", a spider - "strikes with its belly on the ground", mosquito - "burn the master".

Yes, and the transparent morality of fairy tales is associated with folk tradition. For example, idle curiosity is always punished.

In the fairy tale "Tails" the fly bothered both animals, and birds, and man in order to beg for a tail. And in the end, her cow slapped her tail, thereby saving everyone from the unbearable fly. In the fairy tale "Rosyanka - mosquito death", an annoying mosquito died, which bothered everyone with its boasting. He was caught by a plant - a predator Rosyanka.

In the fairy tale "The First Hunt", the writer introduces us to the ways of fighting for the life of the world around us. Who blends into the background. Imitates other animals and plants. Bittern in reeds - "all painted in yellow and brown stripes", hoopoe - "a motley patch lies on the ground, and a crooked needle sticks out of it." Bianchi seeks in any living creature what is related to man, educates children in sympathetic attention to the living.

Also, his fairy tales are related to folk sympathy, the author's sympathy for the small, fragile, but fighting for life. We see this in sympathy, compassion for the funny puppy from "The First Hunt", for the thoughtful Ant from "Adventures of the Ant", for the bobbin fish from "Fish House".

Bianca's tales are varied. A short fairy tale-dialogue "The Fox and the Mouse". Expanded fairy tales "Mouse Peak", "Orange Neck", "Fish House".

In fairy tales Bianchi hidden deep generalization, which is based on scientific knowledge. Therefore, they are very large educational value. They are designed for both younger and older children.

Bianchi's stories and novels are the next step after fairy tales in children's knowledge of the world.

There is less fiction in Bianchi's stories, less game, and the role of a person is completely different, because he becomes a hunter, an observer, a naturalist.

Animal images are more specific. After all, what happens in stories happens in concrete, real life. The child learns to see through reading stories. The stories are very real, truthful, reflect the truth of life. In the stories of Bianchi, a description of the landscape appears. But the author introduces it into the work carefully, knowing that not all children are attracted to descriptions of nature. The landscape gives an idea of ​​the state of mind and mood of the characters. The terms used in the description are familiar to children.

Sometimes the stories are connected in a chain - there are cycles. Bianchi also has such cycles of stories. For example, the cycle "My cunning son". Main character- a little boy who goes hunting with his father, gradually begins to learn the secrets of the forest.

Bianchi wrote his works for children of all ages. Fairy tales - for little ones and a little older. Stories for older people. Although there are short stories among the stories - anecdotes for the little ones. The content of these stories is based on cautionary tale("Musician").

Also in the work of Bianchi there are stories for older people, which were included in the collection "Unexpected Meetings". These are stories for older preschoolers and schoolchildren, which form cycles: "Thoughtful stories", "Stories about silence". These works are distinguished by their harmonious composition, poetic beginning and ending. The main characters are children (schoolchildren) and adults who play an active role in the lives of children. Moreover, the author necessarily indicates the profession of an adult, who is often the narrator. The events described take place in different corners countries: in the Kuban, in Western Siberia, in Khakassia. The stories, which are not very complex in plot, make you think. They often contain an unsolved mystery. In all the works of the writer one can see a deep knowledge of nature and its inhabitants. In his works, he tries to reveal main idea in communion with nature. He wrote about this in his article for adults "Raising with Joy": "No toy will bind the whole heart of a child to itself, as live pets do." After all, the child really feels a friend in all living things, trying to find a kindred spirit.

Another one from wonderful works Bianchi is the Forest Newspaper. It was his main book. Not only because he "raised" it from the materials of a small section on nature in the journal to an encyclopedic book, designed for the reader to gradually master its scientific and artistic content, written from 1924 until the end of his life. The book was reprinted many times, becoming better with each new edition, absorbing more and more stories, it increased in volume, expanded geographically, absorbing a lot of new material about the life of the village, the discoveries of scientists. In this book, the Writer and the Naturalist merged in the Author (Bianchi) together as in no other of his books. The first book was published in 1928 and was published seven times during the life of the author. It has been translated into many languages ​​and published in many countries.

Bianchi began to write "Forest Newspaper" while still in Biysk. He conceived the book as a collection of news from the Leningrad region, but over time it was enriched with information from Siberia and Altai, from Central Asia and polar tundra.

What was the popularity of this work? First of all, the idea of ​​such a book was a perfect find, the author's invention was witty. The material in it is arranged as in a real newspaper, with articles, essays, notes, telegrams from local places, letters from readers, drawings and riddles at the end of the issue. It is based on a recurring cycle of seasonal changes, so the newspaper does not become outdated, but becomes more interesting every time. These seasonal changes are reflected in the "Collective Farm Calendar" and "Hunter" sections.

"Forest Newspaper" is a book - a game, so the author constantly draws us into his observations. It has a lot useful tips: how to read the tracks of animals and birds, practical advice gardening, hunting, fishing, observing the weather. There are many in the book useful information about searches and discoveries in science, a lot of puzzles, funny stories, competitions for the development of mental abilities ("Tir", "Sharp-eyed"). Only written letters were printed from issue to issue. short stories Bianchi, poetic sketches, observations and reflections of a hunter and nature lover. The book includes characters moving from room to room: cheerful, quick-witted young Nat Kit Velikanov, experienced hunter Sysy Sysoich.

Work on a book for children attracted young artists: Charushin, Kurdov and famous writers and poets who, with ardent desire and fiction, tried to tell children about the world around them. There were literary students, with the help of which the book was created. These are botanist N.M. Pavlova, writer N. Sladkov, writers E. Shim, S. Sakharnov and many others. And the fate of Bianchi connected with these people, because he knew how to look for people who love nature. In the 50s, a "powerful bunch" gathered from Bianchi's students - writers who knew and loved nature. And they became interested in creating radio programs for children about nature. The broadcasts were monthly, permanent and were called "News from the Forest". Bianchi said about her: "... so that it would be entertaining, so that the guys would not be bored, but rejoiced ...". To make it easier for children to perceive information, animals, birds, frogs and fish, butterflies, beetles, mushrooms, herbs and trees spoke the human language. Yes, and the sections were interesting: "Incidents", "Mysteries", "Children's Affairs", "Book of Complaints and Suggestions", "Sports", "Fashion of the Season". Everyone liked the program: both adults and children, just like Lesnaya Gazeta.

"Forest Newspaper" continues to live today. Children read it, it is often used by preschool teachers.

Bianchi wrote: “I wrote The Forest Newspaper. The book was a success. I didn’t think about it then ... But even then, and now I had and still have a goal, one desire, passionate, unstoppable: to tell and tell, shout, sing to people about the joy of that life, which they forget, which they pass by indifferently, considering it something superfluous in their life, hatched out of it like a chicken from an egg.