List of works for extracurricular reading 2. Russian classical poetry

Abstract of the lesson in junior group"Winter has come to visit us"

Burachevskaya Anastasia Sergeevna, educator, MBOU "Shegarskaya secondary school No. 1" p. Melnikovo, Tomsk region.
Material Description: I offer you a summary of the direct educational activities for children of the second younger group (3-4 years old) on the topic: "Winter". This material will be useful to educators of the younger group. This is a summary of an integrated lesson, aimed at consolidating children's knowledge about seasonal changes.
Integration educational areas: “Cognitive development” (formation of a holistic picture of the world), “Social and communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development” (drawing), “Physical development”.
Target: Continue the formation of ideas about the seasons (winter).
Educational: learn to create the simplest plot picture, while completing the drawing of an adult, learn to name the main signs winter period, to fix the dictionary on the topic "Winter", "Clothes".
Educational: develop proper physiological breathing, develop interest in dance creativity.
Educational: to cultivate curiosity, activity, independence, respect for the response of a peer.
Materials and equipment: pictures about winter, pictures with a doll in winter and summer (autumn) clothes, paper snowflakes (for each child), a tape recorder, wet wipes, oilcloths, white gouache, plates, a winter tree blank.
Methodical methods: conversation - dialogue, looking at illustrations and talking about them, physical education, an outdoor game with elements music lesson, productive activity children, reflection.

GCD progress:

The lesson begins with gymnastics "Gift under the Christmas tree."
Purpose: relaxation of children, before class and mood for work.

"Gift under the tree"

"Imagine that soon New Year's celebration. You have been dreaming of a wonderful gift for a whole year. Here you come to the tree, close your eyes tightly and take a deep breath. Hold your breath. What lies under the tree? Now exhale and open your eyes. Oh miracle! The long-awaited toy is in front of you! You are happy? Smile."

Educator: Guys, look closely at the pictures. What time of year do they show? (Winter) How did you guess? (There is a lot of snow on the trees, on the ground, children are making a snowman, people are warmly dressed) Do we have winter now? (Yes) Why is there a lot in winter? (Snow) And what is he like? (White, cold, fluffy, prickly) And snow is small snowflakes. Let's turn into snowflakes.
The teacher reads the text, shows the movements, the children repeat.
Snow, snowball is spinning - Performing “flashlight” hand movements.
All white street. - Mahi with lowered hands to the right - to the left.
We also gathered in a circle - Walking in a round dance.
Spin around like snow. - Children dance to the music of "Waltz of the Snowflakes".

Educator: These are such beautiful snowflakes we got. Guys, I have more snowflakes. Let's make it snow with you. The teacher distributes, on the palm of his hand, snowflakes to each child and asks them to blow on them so that they also spin.

Educator: It's snowing and cold outside now. And what will we wear if we go for a walk on the street? (children's answers)
caregiver: Look, our dolls also want to walk. Look, carefully, and tell me which one of them can go for a walk in the winter. What is she wearing? (Children's answers) That's right, that doll that is dressed warmer will be able to go for a walk in winter.
Educator: Guys, let's draw a snowball with you now. Come to the tables. But before we start drawing, we need to do exercises for our fingers.

One, two, three, four, five - bend fingers one at a time
We came to the yard for a walk. - We go along the table with the index and middle fingers
They sculpted a snow woman - we sculpt a lump with two palms
The birds were fed with crumbs, - crumbling movements with all fingers
We then rode the hills, - we spend index finger right hand on the palm of the left hand
And they rolled in the snow. - We put our palms on the table with one side, then the other
Everyone came home in the snow. - Shake off palms

We ate soup and went to bed. - Movements with an imaginary spoon. hands under cheeks

Children start drawing snow - with their fingers, on pre-prepared sheets with the image of a tree. The educator during work helps children who have difficulty. After completion, everyone together consider the resulting pictures.

In the morning on the puddles
Thin ice.
Spinning in the air
First snow.
Winds down the street
Light fluff.
Children admire:
How good!
V. Kalinkin
Reflection:- Guys, what season are we talking about today?
- What do you remember about winter?
- How did we draw snowfall?

GCD in the II junior group. Topic "Zimushka - winter"

Target: To create conditions for the generalization of ideas about winter and typical winter phenomena in nature; expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary, the development of coherent speech, creative imagination. To promote the development of children's ability to poke with a hard semi-dry brush; contribute to the education of aesthetic taste, through the perception of illustrations of the winter landscape.

Equipment: recording the sounds of nature - a blizzard, an easel, illustrations on the theme "Winter Forest", dummies "Snowballs", Christmas trees, a toy "bunny", traces of a hare, blue sheets of A 4 format, white gouache, brush "goat" No. 3, palette, marshmallows .

Lesson progress:

    Org. Moment

    Painting conversation

On easels illustrations of paintings with a winter landscape

caregiver: What season did the artists depict in the picture?

Children: winter

caregiver: Why do you think so?"

Children: Trees without leaves, lots of snow, etc.

caregiver: What can you say about snow? What is he?

Children: Fluffy, white, cold, soft

caregiver reads to children an excerpt from a poem by I. Surikov:

"White snow fluffy

Spin in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falls, lays down ... "

caregiver: Where can snow fall?

Children: On trees, houses, streets, roads, rivers.

    Listening to the recording "Sounds of Nature - Blizzard"

caregiver includes for children the recording "Blizzard and the noise of the winter wind."

caregiver Q: What sounds did you hear?

Children: Wind noise.

caregiver: What wind?

Children: Winter, cold, evil

Educator. How does it blow, what sounds does it make?

Children: sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh

Educator: And now, children, we will go to winter forest. But how do we get there? The teacher draws attention to the traces that lead to a pine tree covered with snow and “snowballs” (cotton balls) lie.

Educator: Guys! Let's remember and read a poem about winter.


To the meadow, to the meadow

Quietly the snow is falling

light fluff,

white snowflakes

Let the winter freeze us

We'll warm up now

Let's clap our hands

Let's stomp our feet

We play snowballs boldly

Oh what a deal!

We all love a frosty day

We are not too lazy to play snowballs

    Dynamic musical pause "Snowballs".

Children perform movements in accordance with the text of M. Kartushina's song "Game of snowballs."

    We make, we make snowballs,

White lumps.

Show me snow

Nice little friend.

    We'll run in circles

And we'll raise snowballs

And between the snowdrifts

Let's dance with him.

    We stomp, we stomp our feet,

We stomp more friendly.

On the snowy path

Let's dance more fun

Here's what, here's what

white snow,

We will circle with him

Let's get in a circle.

caregiver: Guys, look who is hiding under the Christmas tree?

Children: Bunny.

caregiver: He must be very cold? Look, he has no mink, no den and even a nest. He doesn't have his own house. Let's help him build a snow hole so that he can hide from the evil blizzard and cold wind.

Childrenbuild a nest of snowballs.

caregiver: And now it's time for us to go home.

Children sit at tables. On the tables in front of each child is an album sheet blue color on which a Christmas tree is drawn. The teacher offers to draw how the snowball painted everything in White color.

caregiver: To do this, you need to type on a dry brush, quite a bit, white gouache and holding the brush vertically, poke on top. “What kind of snow did you get?

Children: "White, soft, fluffy"

There is a knock on the door. A policeman comes in (the teacher dresses up as a policeman) with a parcel, with the inscription: “From the bunny” - marshmallows.

police educator A: That's the adventure. I go to work, I see a bunny sitting. He asked me to you guys to deliver the package.

caregiver: This bunny thanked us for saving him from the cold. He also sent us snowballs, but only sweet ones. Let's thank him and send him our drawings.

caregiver: Where have we been today?

Children: in the winter forest

caregiver: Whom did you meet?

Children: a pine hare, a winter wind - a blizzard.

caregiver: Did you enjoy doing it?

Children: children's answers.

The game-lesson was held in the second junior group. The tasks are as follows: Raise interest in poetry, the poetic image of winter. Consolidate children's knowledge about winter, exercise in the selection of adjectives for description; To improve the ability to use non-traditional forms of drawing images of snowflakes with fingers. The children loved to play, Parish fairy tale hero very "revived" the game.

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"The game is the lesson "Zimushka-winter" in the second junior group."

Topic: "Hello, Zimushka-winter!"

Program content:

Raise interest in poetry, the poetic image of winter.

Consolidate children's knowledge about winter, exercise in the selection of adjectives for description;

To improve the ability to use non-traditional forms of drawing images of snowflakes with fingers.

Material for the lesson: paintings depicting winter natural phenomena, landscapes, gouache, drawing paper, paper napkins.

preliminary work: looking at illustrations winter scenery, memorizing poems about winter, guessing riddles, drawing winter phenomena, observing nature.

vocabulary work: enrich the dictionary of children with adjectives: carved, snow-white, carved.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: - Guys, I suggest you play. Do you agree? (Yes). We swami know a lot of riddles and poems about winter. Now I will give you a riddle, and you guess it.

Roof in a fur hat, white smoke overhead. The yard is covered in snow, the houses are white - at night she came to us .... (winter)

That's right guys! Let's remember the verse-i about winter.

Winter, winter on the street, the path is covered with snow! Fluffy snow is spinning, And we look out the window. If it gets warmer. We'll go for a walk soon!

And in the forest, and on the porch - Everywhere the guest visited: She scattered the bedspread, Built a bridge on the river, Painted all the windows, Covered all the paths. Hello Zimushka - winter!

Snowflakes fall quietly on the clearing, on the path. They do not lie on the palm, They immediately shine with a drop.

Grab this snowflake - but it is not there.

Well done guys, well read poems about winter. And now I suggest you play the game "Winter Words". I'll start and you finish:

In winter it is white, fluffy .... (snow) They blow cold .... (winds) It often happens…. (blizzard, blizzard, snowstorm), Draws beautiful patterns on the windows .... (frost), Children play ...... (snowballs), Sculpt ... .. (snowman).

(The teacher, after each correct answer, draws attention to the screen of the multimedia installation, which shows a picture with a guess)

Well done guys, they did a great job. Now I will give you another riddle, and you try to guess it:

Two shiny coals, a bright nose, a broom in the hands. I'm used to the winter wind. Our friend ... .. (snowman).

(A sad snowman enters to cheerful music)

Snowman: Oh, where did I go? Probably in Kindergarten? There are a lot of guys here. Hello guys!

(Teacher and children greet)

Educator: Correctly. You are in kindergarten. Why are you so sad?

Snowman: I was standing on the street and suddenly I heard that someone was calling me. Maybe it seemed to me?

caregiver: No, the Snowman did not seem to you. Guys, what are we talking about? (about the snowman).

Snowman: So you were talking about me? Did you remember me?

Educator: Well, of course, don't be sad, Snowman. Guys, let's cheer up the snowman, play a little with him. (The game “Where we were, we won’t say, but what we did, we’ll show.” Children with a teacher come up with any movements, the Snowman cannot guess a single movement)

Snowman: And now, guys, let me guess a riddle for you:

Who is not afraid in the cold

Stay without feathers

And shake it to the ground

Flying fluffs.


From above flew from the sky
Sat on my palm
Oh and light fluff
Silvery…..( Snowflake)

Snowman: That's right, it's a snowflake. What does a snowflake look like? (On an asterisk, on an ice floe, on a fluff, on the sun). Guys, look what a beautiful blanket I made from snowflakes! (Shows a half-empty blanket without snowflakes).

caregiver: The bedspread is, of course, beautiful. What do you guys think? (yes, beautiful). Only there are almost no snowflakes.

Snowman: No, where did they disappear to?

caregiver: Guys, where do you think the snowflakes are? (melted, forgot to stick, flew away, the wind blew away). Don't worry Snowman, we'll help you guys. (Yes)

To calm music, children draw a snowflake with their fingers on sheets of various shapes - round and square. Children must correctly stick their snowflake on the "spread" of the Snowman.

Snowman: Thank you guys, I prepared this blanket for Santa Claus. You know him? (we know).

Educator: Children, let's remember what holiday comes to us in winter. (New Year. Children tell how they meet New Year).

Snowman: Thanks. And guys, it's time for me to go.

The teacher and children say goodbye to the snowman.

Educator: Guys, you are all great. Let's remember how we played today. Summary of the lesson.

Abstract of the lesson in the second junior group on the topic: "Hello Zimushka - winter"

Target: Summarize children's knowledge about the season - winter, winter fun, winter clothes. Expand the horizons of children, form a holistic picture of the world, develop free communication, introduce them to verbal art, and form emotional responsiveness.



  • To consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of winter (it is cold in winter, it snows, snow lies on roofs, roads, trees.);
  • To teach children to notice the beauty of winter nature;
  • Form the concept of the property of snow (consists of snowflakes, cold, fluffy, soft);
  • Learn to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (snow melts on a warm hand and in a warm room);
  • Activate the children's dictionary on the topic "Winter", "Clothes";
  • To form the skills of coordinating speech with movement.


  • Development of research and educational interest in experimenting with snow.
  • Develop the ability to use accumulated knowledge in a conversation.
  • Continue to work on the development of the dialogic form of speech.
  • Develop voluntary attention, the ability to act according to the verbal instructions of an adult.


  • To cultivate responsiveness, kindness, love for nature. Education of a culture of communication in the process of joint activities.
  • Upbringing careful attitude to nature, the ability to notice the beauty of winter nature.

Materials and equipment:

  • Decoration: snowdrifts, Christmas trees in the snow.
  • Bucket (basin) with snow
  • Subject pictures: hat, fur coat, mittens, boots, shoes.

Lesson progress:


Hello golden sun

hello blue sky

Hello free breeze

Hello white snow.

Hello kids -

girls and boys.

Hello, I'll tell you

I welcome you all.

Educator: Guys, I know that all children love to solve riddles. And now I want to ask you a riddle

“I have a lot to do.

I cover the whole earth with a white blanket.

I whitewash the fields, at home. My name is ... "(Winter)

Well done, of course, it's winter. And outside our window, what time of year?

Children: Winter.

Educator: Guys, how did you guess that it is winter outside now?

Children: Outside it is snowing, frosty………

Educator: Winter is one of the most beautiful times of the year! What is it, winter?

Children: Cold, fluffy, prickly, snowy, white!

Educator: Indeed, winter can be different, and that is why adults and children love it so much.

First picture: snow is falling.

Educator: Look how beautiful!

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, laying down.

(I. Surikov).

What is snow like?

Children: White, cold, fluffy, sparkling, sparkling, shiny, silvery, crispy, soft.

Educator: And when a lot of snow falls from the sky, what is it called?

Children: Snowfall.

Educator: And when the snowflakes are spinning, the wind carries them, what is it called?

Children: Blizzard, blizzard.

Educator: Guys, how does a blizzard howl?

Children: uuuuuuu

Educator: What is snow made of?

Children: from snowflakes.

Second picture: winter road, field.

Educator: Children, look, where is the snow?

Children: On the roads, in the fields. (Snow lies on the roads, in the fields).

Third picture: a house in the snow.

Educator: What else is covered with snow?

Children: On the roof. (Snow lies on the roof).

Educator: What can snow be compared to when it covers streets, houses, trees. What does he look like? (on canvas, carpet, blanket, hat, etc.)

Fourth picture: forest, snow lies on the trees.

Educator: Look, where else is the snow?

Children: Snow lies on the trees.

Educator: Yes, how much snow on the trees. Why snow on trees and under trees?

Children: To keep the trees from freezing.

Educator: Why else would you need snow in winter?

Educator: Is winter good or bad?

Educator: What's good when it's winter?

Children: a lot of snow, you can play snowballs, ride a hill, skate, ski, make a snowman.

Educator: And when can you say that winter is bad?

Children: it is cold in winter, severe frosts, snowstorms, you need to dress warmly, you can’t walk for a long time.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you take a walk in the winter forest, full of fairy tales and miracles! Would you like to travel with me?

Children: Yes!!!

Educator: What have we forgotten to do?

Children: Get dressed.

Educator: Why do we need to dress up?

Children: Cold.

Didactic game "Children dress up"

Children come to the table, on which pictures of clothes are laid out. Of these, only the image of winter clothing is selected and the clothes are displayed on a magnetic board in a certain sequence.

Look - outside the window (survey hand gesture)

White tracks.

Anyway, let's go for a walk (they walk in place)

Stomp on the paths.

Let's put it on the legs (bend over, point to the legs)

Warm boots;

This one is from the right leg, (“they put a boot on the right leg”)

This one is from the left leg. ("put on the left foot) boot")

On the handles - mittens (hands up)

Warm sisters. (rotate palms)

This one is on the left cam (they show the right cam)

This one on the right fist. (show left cam)

Fur coats, (put on a "fur coat")

Downy hats. (we put on a hat).

Educator: Tell me guys, how can we quickly get to the forest?

Children: reach, arrive...

Educator: What can we get on? But we don’t have transport in the garden, how, then, to get to the forest?

Children: sledding, skiing...

Educator: I suggest you go to the winter forest on skis.

Children and teacher imitate skiing.

Educator: Guys, now raise your heads, look what you see? Children: Cloud.

Educator: What a big cloud hangs overhead. And what do you think, what can fall from the clouds in winter?

Children: Snow.

The teacher pulls, snowflakes fly.

Educator: What a beauty, catch them. Take it in your hand and tell me what it is?

Children: Snowflakes.

Consider them, what are they?

Children: White, fluffy, light, airy, patterned.

Now let's throw snowflakes up and catch them, what are they?

Children: Lungs.

Guys, what can snowflakes do?

Children: Fly, spin, fall, hide.

Educator: Oh, guys, look how much snow has fallen under the Christmas tree!

Children approach the Christmas tree, the teacher takes out a bucket of snow. Children touch the snow with their palms .

Educator: Let's see what it is?

Children: White, light, soft, cold, fluffy.

Educator: What do you think snow is made of?

Children: From snowflakes.

Educator: Now take some snow in your palms.

At my Irinka

Two beautiful snowflakes.

I wanted to show everyone

Look - no snowflakes to be seen .

Educator: Children, open your palms (there is no snow). Where has the snow gone?

Children: Melted.

Educator: What has it become?

Children: In water.

Educator: Why?

Children: Palms are warm.

Educator: Our hand is warm, so the snow gradually melts. What a cold snowball, let's dry our hands.

Educator: Well, we walked through the snowy forest, it's time to go back to the garden.

Educator: Guys, well, our journey is over, remind me what we did today?

The children took snow in their hands.

Lesson progress:

1. Children go to the group. Say "Hello" to the guests.

caregiver. Guys you hear some noise,

you sit quietly, and I'll go and see.

Grandmother Vyuga enters.

Hello guys, do you recognize me?

I am Grandma Vyuga. I came to you from a fairy tale.

Remember this fairy tale? (Yes)

And who wrote it? (Brothers Grimm)

Guys, I brought you a riddle, listen and guess it:

Snow on the fields

ice on rivers

blizzard walks,

when does it happen? (in winter).

What season is it now?

After what season does winter come?

What happens in nature in winter?

(in winter it gets cold, frosty, the sun goes to bed earlier,

weakly warm, it is snowing, a cold wind is blowing)

What kind of snow happens?

(white, fluffy, sticky, sparkling,

crispy, silvery, crumbly, cold)

Guys, do you want to know where the snow comes from?

Then listen to the tale of the first snow:

Listen carefully, I will ask you later:

"One winter the wind was very cold.

He sat and trembled, scolding the winter:

why is it so cold, why is the winter so long?

What if it rains in winter?

The breeze decided to do so.

He rushed south to the sea, collected a whole flock of clouds

and rushed off with them to the winter kingdom.

The wind came to

his winter forest, sat on a spruce paw,

dangles its feet and waits for rain to come from the clouds.

And at the top at this time, this is what happened.

Vapor from the clouds began to turn into droplets,

who got heavy and fell.

Yes, it was just

cold that the frost did not let them fall and froze - they turned

droplets into sharp ice needles.

So the snowflakes turned out different, not similar to each other,

one is more beautiful than the other.

The wind did not know that in winter, when it is frosty and cold, there is no rain. Snowflakes fell from the sky, covering the whole earth.

It became beautiful in the forest, city, park. In winter, snow sparkles cold, sparkling, fluffy, creaky.

Everyone is amazing!"

Conversation on the fairy tale "First snow"

Did you guys like the story?

Remember who wanted to make it rain in winter in this fairy tale? (wind)

Why is the wind angry at winter?

(the wind was very cold, the wind froze)

That's right, the story says

that the wind is cold - it means very cold,

shivering from the cold.

What did the wind do when it got angry?

(he flew south behind the clouds)

What is a freezer?

(this is when it is very cold, severe frost)

Why did it snow from the clouds and not rain?

(because the freezer froze the droplets

and turned them into snowflakes).

- And these snowflakes flew to our Christmas trees.

Look how beautiful, different, carved they are.

2. Dynamic gymnastics

"White snowflakes."

- Guys, let's show you what snowflakes are.

twirled, twirled

White snowflakes.
They flew up in a white flock

Light fluff.

The evil blizzard subsided a little

Snuggled up everywhere.

Shine like pearls

Everyone marvels at the miracle.

Sparkled, sparkled white girlfriends.

Children and old women hurried for a walk.

3. Didactic exercise

"Add "snow" word"

- Guys, do you want us to play a game with you? I will read a poem to you, and you will add the "Snow" word.

Quiet, quiet, as in a dream,

Falls to the ground ... (snow).

Fluffs all slide from the sky -

Silvery ... (snowflakes).

To the villages, to the meadow

Everything is going down ... (snowball).

Here's some fun for the kids -

Everything is stronger ... (snowfall).

Everyone is running,

Everyone wants to play (snowballs).

Like a white down jacket

Dressed up ... (snowman).

Next to the snow figurine -

This is a girl (Snegurka).

In the snow, look -

With a red breast ... (bullfinches).

What words did you add?

What word do they all look like?

(on the word "snow").

4. Conversation about wintering animals.

Guys, you know that I live in the forest, in my little hut.

And my friends live with me in the forest,

who do you think they are? (animals and birds)

- And what animals and birds can be found in the forest in winter?

(hare, fox, squirrel, bullfinch, sparrows, elk, wild boar).

Guys, why don't animals freeze?

(animals change their fur coat in winter, change the cold one to the warm one).

And what do animals eat in the winter in the forest?

Let's remember and feed our animals:

Hare - bark,

Protein - cones, nuts, mushrooms,

Bullfinch - berries,

Elk - moss, branches,

Wild boar - digs up acorns and roots from under the snow.

What good fellows you are

now our animals will not go hungry.

Guys look where I live

(shows a picture).

Here is my hut, the forest. Only there is no snow.

And to make it snow outside, what do I usually do?

(it is necessary to knock out the feather beds).

Well, bad luck, I did not take a single feather bed with me.

What to do? (children's guesses)

And I have a better idea.

Look, I brought snowflakes with me.

How do you get them in the picture? (stick)

5. Teamwork.

Children glue snowflakes on the picture with the help of a teacher.

Well done, you've done a good job.

Show the picture to the guests.

And for the fact that you helped me, I want to give you a snowfall.

Blowing confetti on children.

And now it's time for me to leave. Goodbye, guys!

6. Bottom line.

The grandmother leaves, the teacher comes.

Guys, how beautiful it is here, the snow is all around. And who was your guest? What did you do with her interesting?