Educational activities for children at home. Services of the psychological center "Adalin". Individual developmental classes at home with preschool children. Examples of educational games for the little ones

Developing activities with a child can be easily and interestingly carried out at home. Now the stores are very big choice educational children's toys. And you don't have to buy something expensive. Go to the website of an online children's goods store and buy paints, pencils, an album or mosaics there. All this is enough to organize a lesson with the baby. And modern toy stores are so surprising with their assortment that their eyes run wide, and you don’t know what to choose. Our developmental classes will tell you what acquisitions for your boys and girls will be truly useful. Today I offer you a selection of ideas for activities with children to learn color:

School is out, but that doesn't mean kids should stop learning or being creative. The free workshops and activities below will keep kids entertained and parents may wonder what to do with them every day or weekend. These summer workshops focus on stimulating children's "creativity" and developing problem-solving skills with the help of technology.

Examples of educational games for the little ones

Your kids can make several different projects to take home and show off at these big retailers. In upcoming projects, kids ages 5 to 12 are building a bug house and a pencil box, with a free apron, certificate and commemorative badge to take home.

1. We use improvised colored materials. For example, you can use multi-colored caps from plastic bottles. Ask your child to sort them by color. Say the color of each cap.

Another option for classes with caps is to draw a picture that can be supplemented with caps. certain color, for example this (caps can be attached to the picture using plasticine):

Hey, that's something for them to do while you're shopping for new bathroom tiles. School Supply Chain offers craft projects every Saturday from 11 am to 3 pm for children ages 3 and up. Most of the projects are for the younger set, like making a teacher box or decorating a photo frame. On a specific day each month, children aged 6 to 14 can build a favorite model to take home. Dates and times may vary by store; next to me, it's the first Tuesday of every month starting at 5 p.m. until stocks are saved - and this month's build is a beach van.

And if you use a box and bottle necks, you will also get a simulator for the skill of unscrewing / twisting ( detailed instructions for the manufacture of the simulator can be viewed in our ""):

2. Colors are very convenient to study in the process of creative activities. For example, draw colored circles on a piece of paper, ask the child to color them in the same color:

For details, please contact your local store. There are a few items in the shops below. Be sure to also check your local library and county parks and recreation department for more free and cheap things to do this summer, perhaps to complement your own.

Good teachers have helped me succeed. With early age I was taught to have good manners and behave at the dinner table. Children with autism need to have a structured day, and teachers who know how to be firm but gentle. Five minutes a week I had 45 minutes of individual speech therapy and my mom hired a nanny who spent three to four hours a day playing with me and my sister. She taught to “turn over” during game actions. When we made the snowman, she made me throw the bottom ball; and then my sister had to do the next part.

Or color the same drawings in certain colors and invite the child to add (for example, put on a suitable hat for the snowman):

Using the picture - plasticine “hedgehog with balls”, ask the child to “color” the balls with plasticine of the appropriate color. Do not forget to pronounce the names of the colors at the same time (download the pictures in the "") section:

What activities are important for preschool children at home?

When eating, everyone ate together; and I was not allowed to make any "footprints". The only time I was allowed to revert to autistic behavior was during a one-hour rest period after lunch. Combination kindergarten, speech therapy, play activities and meals "miss manners" amounted to 40 hours a week, where my brain was connected to the world.

To learn the words "up" or "down", the teacher must demonstrate them to the child. For example, take a toy plane and say "up" as you take the plane off the table. Some children will learn better if cards labeled "up" and "down" are attached to a toy plane. The "up" card is attached when the plane takes off. The "down" card is attached when it lands. Avoid long lines of verbal instructions. People with autism have trouble remembering sequences. If the child can read, write the instructions on a piece of paper. Directions with more than three steps must be recorded. Many children with autism are good at drawing, art, and programming. These areas of talent should be encouraged. Talents can be turned into skills that can be used for future work. Many autistic children become attached to one object, such as trains or maps. with fixation - use them for motivation school work . If your child likes trains, then use trains to teach reading and math. Read a train book and do train math problems. For example, calculate how long it takes for a train to travel between New York and Washington. Use specific visual techniques to teach number concepts. My parents gave me a math toy that helped me learn numbers. To learn fractions, my teacher had a wooden apple that was cut into four pieces and a wooden pear that was cut in half. Many autistic children have problems with motor control in their hands. Neat handwriting is sometimes very heavy. This can be completely frustrating for the child. To reduce frustration and help your child enjoy writing, let him enter the computer. Recruiting is often much easier. Some autistic children will read easier with phonics, while others will learn better by memorizing whole words. My mother taught me the rules of sounds and then spoke my words. Children with more echolalia will often learn better if flash cards and picture books are used so that all the words are connected to the pictures. It is important to have the image and the printed word on the same side of the card. When teaching nouns, the child should hear you say the word and look at the picture and type the word at the same time. An example of teaching a verb would be to hold a card that says "jump" and you were jumping up and down while saying "jump". Children with autism should be protected from sounds that their ears In many cases, a child can tolerate a bell or buzzer if it is slightly muffled by stuffing it with cloths or duct tape. Scraping chairs can be silenced by placing slotted tennis balls at the ends of the legs or by installing a rug. Fear of a terrible sound can cause bad behavior. If a child closes his ears, this is an indicator that a certain sound hurts his ears. Sometimes sound sensitivity to a particular sound, such as a fire alarm, can be overridden by recording the sound on a tape recorder. This will allow the child to initiate the sound and gradually increase its volume. The child should have control over the sound reproduction. Some autistic people are bothered by visual distractions and fluorescent lights. They can see the flicker of electricity for 60 cycles. To avoid this problem, place your child's desk next to a window or try to avoid using fluorescent lights. If the lights cannot be avoided, use the newest bulbs you can get. The flickering of fluorescent lamps can also be reduced by placing an old-fashioned incandescent lamp next to the children's table. Some hyperactive autistic children who fidget constantly will often be calmer if they are given a weighted, weighted vest to wear. The pressure from clothing helps to calm the nervous system. I was greatly relieved by the pressure. For best results, the vest should be worn for twenty minutes and then removed for a few minutes. This prevents the nervous system from adapting. Some people with autism respond better and improve eye contact and speech if the teacher interacts with them while they are swinging or curled up in a mat. Sensory input from rocking or pressure from a mat can sometimes help improve speech. Swinging should always be done as a fun game. They may respond better if the words and sentences are sung to them. Some children with heightened sound sensitivity will respond better if the teacher speaks to them in a low whisper. Some nonverbal children and adults cannot process visual and auditory input at the same time. They cannot see and hear at the same time. They should not be asked to watch and listen at the same time. They need to be given a visual task or an auditory task. Their immature nervous system unable to process simultaneous visual and auditory input. In older nonverbal children and adults, touch is often their most reliable sense. They are often easier to feel. Letters can be taught by letting them feel plastic letters. They can know their daily schedule by feeling objects minutes before the scheduled activity. For example, fifteen minutes before dinner, a person is given a spoon. Have them hold the toy car for a few minutes before driving into the car. Some children and adults with autism learn more easily if a computer keyboard is placed next to the screen. This allows a person to see the keyboard and the screen at the same time. Some people find it difficult to remember if they need to search after they have pressed a key on the keyboard. Children and adults without children will find it easier to associate words with pictures if they see the printed word and the picture on a flash drive. Some people don't draw line drawings, so it's a good idea to work with real objects and photographs. The picture and the word must be on the same side of the card. Some autistic people do not know that speech is used to communicate. Language learning can be facilitated if language exercises promote communication. If the child asks for a cup, give him a cup. If the child asks for a plate when he wants a cup, give him a plate. Man must learn that when he speaks words, concrete things come into being. It is easier for people with autism to know that their words are wrong if the wrong word has led to the wrong object. Many people with autism have difficulty using a computer mouse. My speech teacher helped me to learn to hear these sounds by stretching out and saying harsh sounds of consonance. Even though the child has passed the hearing test, the child may still have difficulty hearing hard consonants. Children who speak in vowels do not hear consonants. Several parents have told me that the use of closed captioning on television has helped their child learn to read. The child was able to read the titles and match the printed works with oral speech. Recording your favorite program with captions on the tape would be helpful because the tape can play over and over and stop. Some autistic people don't understand that a computer mouse moves an arrow on the screen. They can sometimes see better on laptops and flat screen displays that have less flicker. Children and adults who are afraid of escalators often have trouble with visual processing. They are afraid of the escalator because they cannot determine when to go or get off. These people also cannot tolerate fluorescent lights. Individuals with visual processing problems often find it easier to read if black printing is printed on colored paper to reduce contrast. Try light brown, blue, gray or light green paper. Experiment with different colors. Avoid bright yellow color- it can damage the eyes of a person. Glasses with an iridescent color layer can also make reading easier. Generalization of learning is often a problem for children with autism. In order to teach the child to generalize the principle of the non-runner down the street, many different places. If it is taught in only one place, the child will think that the rule only applies to one particular place. A common problem is that a child can use the toilet properly at home but refuses Hilde de Klerk from Belgium found that an autistic child can use little irrelevant detail about recognizing an object such as a toilet. It takes detective work to find this part. In one case, the boy will only use the toilet at home with a black seat. Satisfaction is very difficult for people with severe autism. Sometimes they don't understand when a task is presented as a sequence of steps. An occupational therapist successfully taught a non-verbal autistic child to use a playground slide by walking over his body, going up stairs, and going down the slide. He needs to be taught by touch and movement, not shown to him visually. Similarly, you can teach on shoes. The teacher should put his hands on top of the child's arms and move the child's hands on the leg so that he feels and understands the shape of his leg. The next step is to feel the inside and outside of the shoe. To put on the shoe, the teacher guides the child's hands to the shoe and, using the hand-in-hand method, slides the shoe onto the child's foot. This allows the child to feel the whole task of putting on his shoe. Fast food is a common problem. In some cases, the child may be fixed on a piece that identifies a particular food. Hilde de Klerk discovered that one child only ate Chiquita bananas because he was obsessed with labels. Try putting different but similar foods in a cereal box or another bag of your favorite food.

  • Many people with autism are visual thinkers.
  • All my thoughts are like a videotape that works in my imagination.
  • Pictures are my first language and words are my second language.
However, quickly, however, the controversy about corporal punishment, which was in a state of fever just two months ago, subsided.

3. Children love it when toys “set” them tasks. For example, a child's favorite toy may ask him to make beads of a certain color for her. In this case, you can use ready-made beads or pasta dyed with food coloring:

From colored paper, you can cut various shapes and, on behalf of the toy, ask the child to sort the shapes (by color, shape, and maybe size):

4. You can use tape in different colors. For example, stick electrical tape on the floor to make different shapes of different colors (for example, a red square, a blue circle, a green triangle). We name the color or shape (or both signs at once), and the child must quickly run / jump to the corresponding color / shape. Or use geometric figures(see above), sorting them by color / shape on the floor (figures can be transported by a machine).

5. From a simple mosaic, you can make a developmental aid for the study of color - just cut out base blanks from colored cardboard and ask the child to fill them with a mosaic of the appropriate color:

6. We use color cards and stencils to study color (detailed instructions for making a stencil can be found in our "

Individual developmental classes at home with preschool children

The specialists of our center conduct developmental classes with children preschool age at home.

Approximate lesson plan:

Lesson plan

start time

end time

lesson topics

an exercise

total time



Discussion homework(see explanation below)



Games and exercises for the development of thinking and speech; increase in the general level of erudition





Games and exercises for the development of memory and attention



Cheerful break (see explanations below)



Teaching reading, writing, counting game form according to various modern methods



Development of fine motor skills



Summing up the lesson and explaining homework


1. The plan of each lesson includes tasks for the development of fine motor skills. It can be both special games and exercises, and various types of creative activity: modeling, application, work with a designer, mosaics, making handicrafts from natural materials. At the lesson, the teacher explains to the child how to perform a creative task, and they start working together. The child finishes it independently during extracurricular time - this is his homework. The next session begins with checking and discussing the homework.

2. Fun break is outdoor activities child and is designed to prevent overloading the baby's brain with the same type of activity causing boredom and loss of interest in the activity. The break includes exercises to relieve the child's psycho-emotional stress, pantomime, rhythmoplasty, and breathing exercises.

3. All games and exercises used for classes, in addition to developing the necessary abilities and skills of the child, also stimulate his imagination, fantasy, and creative thinking.

Classes lasting 1.5 hours are held 2 times a week. The cost of one lesson is 1000 rubles. One cycle (course) of classes is three months.

A child psychologist consults with the child beforehand. It determines the level of mental and intellectual development child at the current moment, deviations or delays in development, if any. Indicates what should be paid attention to when organizing developmental activities with a child in the first place in order to prevent possible problems learning. As a result, parents get a complete picture of how harmoniously their child is developed, how much his development corresponds to the age norm and how he should be dealt with.

This consultation is obligatory for any child with whom the specialists of our center will deal, because. allows you to create an individual training program and regularly monitor their effectiveness.

It can also be obtained separately, without further training in our center. This can be convenient for those parents who have the opportunity and desire to independently deal with the child. Then testing will allow them to better understand how to develop their child, so as not to lose sight of anything. The cost of the consultation is 1200 rubles. We provide all children and their parents who have passed this test in our center with a set of CDs with developing methods for preschool children free of charge.