Kingdom of the Snow Queen. On the threshold of infinity in the realm of the snow queen

Parent meeting plan 2018-2019

Topics for parent meetings 2018-2019


  1. Approval of the work plan for the 2018-2019 academic year.
  2. About catering in the 2018-2019 academic year.
  3. About the introduction of a sample school uniform.
  4. On the need for active use of the "School Portal" by the parent community. Changes in the GI access system
  5. “Prevention of offenses, alcoholism and drug addiction. The effect of laws in the system of prevention.
  6. USE, final certification in grades 9.11.
  7. Socio-psychological testing of students in order to identify the level of inclination to bad habits.
  8. Road safety.
  9. Safe behavior on the Internet, security on the railway (hooking).


  1. On the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency. (prevention of suicide among minors, prevention of stress in adolescents)
  2. Work to strengthen financially - technical base schools.
  3. On the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of the winter holidays, as well as assistance in organizing New Year's events.
  4. BDD during winter holidays.
  5. On the procedure for holding the GIA -2019
  6. On the effectiveness of the work of parent class committees.
  7. Cybersecurity.
  8. How to help your child avoid the “victim” behavior pattern. Bullying.


  1. 1. Analysis of the health status of school students.
  2. Offense prevention.
  3. Organization of quality control of nutrition of students at school in accordance with the requirements of SanPin.
  4. On the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of spring break
  5. Preparation of students 9, 11 cells. to final certification.
  6. Help parents in creating a psychological climate for the child for the successful completion of the final and transfer certification.
  7. Legal responsibility of parents.
  1. Analysis of the results of the work of the school-wide parent committee for the 2018-2019 academic year.
  2. Preparing the school for the new school year.
  3. Organization summer holiday students.
  4. Responsibility of parents for the life and offenses of children in the summer health period.
  5. Tips for parents of psychologists and medical staff on organizing active rest children.

Plan of work with parents 2018-2019

The necessity and importance of cooperation between family and school has never been questioned. It is the family that is rightfully considered the main factor and condition for the development and upbringing of the child. It is in the family that the child receives the rudiments of physical and spiritual development, the first knowledge about the world around him; in the family, the first elementary skills are formed in all types of activities, the initial criteria for assessing goodness, truth, beauty. Thus, parents are the first and main teachers of the child before he enters school and fulfill this role in the future. The family, together with the school, creates that most important set of factors in the educational environment that determines the success or failure of the entire educational process. In addition, in recent years, the attitude of parents towards school has changed a lot. Aggressiveness and distrust appeared, which, of course, children also absorb. That's why educational work at school we decided to lead on the basis of fruitful cooperation. Class teachers play a leading role in organizing cooperation between the school and the family. It is their work that determines how families understand the policy pursued by the school in relation to the education and upbringing of children, and participate in its implementation. The position of the class teacher is to form positive factors of family and school education that complement each other.

Joint events with parents 2017-2018

Mothers Day

Project "Family is my wealth"

Maslenitsa "Oh pancakes, my pancakes!

Autumn is the time for miracles

Master class "Handmade creativity""

New Year's gatherings


Open lesson "Mercy"

This is a project that aims to change the very philosophy of interaction kindergarten and families: on the one hand, the preschool educational institution becomes an institution of comprehensive support and promotion of the development of parental competence, on the other hand, cooperation between parents and preschool considered as a prerequisite for ensuring the full development of the child. In the process of project implementation, there is a transition from the concept of “work with parents” to the concept of “interaction”; there is a search for a common language of contact and mutual understanding, recognition of each other's strengths and weaknesses. As a result, the idea arose project creation, which was based on joint events of a competitive nature. Thus, we came to the conclusion that a project is needed, through a “competitive movement”.

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Activities with parents in kindergarten.Stages of work

I. Preparatory stage

Pedagogical activity:

  • questioning on the subject of social order;
  • planning and development of joint competitive events with parents in kindergarten;
  • compiling competition scenarios;
  • registration of photo exhibitions from previous competitions of preschool educational institutions;
  • placement of a virtual poster on the website of the kindergarten.

Interaction with family members of pupils:

  • discussion of scenarios;
  • consultation “Development creativity”;
  • workshop “We create always, we create everywhere”;
  • selection of links to competitions children's creativity passing through the Internet;
  • creative workshop for the production of scenery, noise musical instruments, costumes for competitions.

Work with children:

  • reading works of art;
  • memorization of poems and texts;
  • learning songs and dances;
  • viewing illustrations;
  • preliminary work in accordance with the topics of the competitions.

II. Formative stage

Pedagogical activity:

  • registration of collective invitation cards for the competition;
  • creation of conditions for the successful implementation of competitions;
  • ensuring cooperation with teachers of preschool educational institutions;
  • organization of meetings with participants of competitions.
  • jury selection;
  • participation of family members of pupils in the events;
  • filming videos of joint events with parents in kindergarten;
  • practical activities with children.

Work with children:

  • competition of readers: “When the sun is warm, when the mother is good”;
  • competition "Mr. Firefly";
  • competition "Ball of flowers";
  • competition of bows and butterflies within the framework of “Humorina”
  • competition "Miss Thumbelina".

III. Final stage

Pedagogical activity:

  • collection and processing of practical materials, correlation of the set and predicted results with those received;
  • generalization of project materials;

Interaction with parents:

  • collection of information based on the results of the “competitive movement” (questionnaires, conversations, polls, reviews);
  • evaluation of the effectiveness of work in the project.

Work with children:

  • drawings of children;
  • creating a photo collage based on the results of participation in competitions;
  • performance with competitive numbers for preschool children.
  • the difficulty of attracting family members of pupils to participate in the activities of the preschool educational institution, especially from problem families;
  • participation of the same families in the “competitive movement”.

Efficiency criteria:

  • growth in attendance at parent competitions;
  • coordination of actions of teachers and family members of pupils;
  • compliance of the actions of the project participants with the goals and objectives of the project;
  • parental interest;
  • the transformative nature of the project;
  • positive public opinion parents about the work of a preschool teacher.

Products of project activity:

  • slide presentations of new non-traditional forms of work with parents;
  • photographic materials;
  • new developments, scenarios of non-traditional forms of work with the family;
  • questionnaires;
  • family wall newspapers;
  • project folder;
  • scenery, costumes.


Extracurricular event on the topic: "Friendly company of families"

Education of personality through the cooperation of the class teacher and parents

Educational event for children and parents "All professions are needed, all professions are important"

Parent-Child Meetings "Family and School of the 21st Century"

The house we will build!

Lesson-training at the parent meeting "Let's start with ourselves"

Meeting of the "Parents' Club" - pedagogical lounge "The Art of Praise"

Meeting of the parent club "Interaction between family and school in raising children"

Meeting of the parent club on the topic: "Emotional well-being of the child: what is it?"

Game-workshop "School family"

Final Parent meeting using ICT and project method (with application Presentation "Final parent meeting" )

How to teach non-violent communication skills in children

How to organize interaction between family and school? Socio-pedagogical direction in work with maladjusted students

Extracurricular event "Family whirl"

Activate the creative and cognitive activity of students.

develop mindfulness, attention

cultivate love and respect for the family, a sense of friendship


T S O, sheets of paper felt-tip pens, 3 newspapers, cards with words, cards with numbers ...


Primary school teacher

We have found a task for you -

Consider competition.

Who will be the first in the dispute

And get the prize today!

And so, everyone is ready. We start our competition program “Family whirlwind”

The first competition is called “Family Business Card” (the order in which families perform is by lot)

Dear jury evaluates the first competition, and we move on to the second competition. It's called "Unanimity". Children (child) and mothers participate in the competition. (The players are given sheets of paper and pens. It is necessary for each task of the host to answer it in writing to both the child and the mother. The more matches, the more points).

Questions for the players:

Your child's favorite TV show?

What flowers does mom like?

What is the name of the close friend(girlfriend) of your child?

What is your child's favorite school subject?

(Musical number: Olesya Mayorova with the song "Tamogochi").

Now we will give the floor to the jury to sum up the results of the first and second competitions.

The next competition for the whole family is called “Who is more”

You are given the word “parents”, your task is to make as many words as possible from the letters of this word, where e = e.

While our esteemed families complete the task, we ask our jury to evaluate homework, made by each family "Family Tree".

(At this time, a game is played with the audience: “Through the mouth of a baby”).

Guys, you were all once small, did not know many words, but explained them in your own way. Try to learn the words from the description.

This is when everyone is together: mom, dad and me (family).

The most tender, dearest, most beloved person on earth (mother).

The place where we all are together (home).

It happens once a year, but everyone loves it very much and is waiting for it (birthday).

It's so small, squeaky, and troublesome, but everyone loves it, (baby).

All children (toys) play in them.

Spectator awards.

Summing up the results of the competition “Who is more?”

What is the number of words you have made? So family:

(How many words each family has).

The next competition is called “The Strongest”

Of course, you guessed that dads participate in this competition. Student:

A true man is like a fighter!

Not talkative, modest from birth.

Gentle husband, caring father -

A real man without a doubt!

Every dad gets a newspaper. It is necessary to collect the newspaper into a fist with one hand as quickly as possible.

Submit to the jury.

Thank you! Jury word.

And now we want to test your creativity.

Our next competition is “Theatrical”.

You are given one of the situations (by lot):

At sea on a ship

On a crowded bus

In space

You must show a skit - a pantomime, how you would have lunch, being in this situation. The audience and the jury must guess where you are having lunch. Musical number: ensemble "Merry notes" with the song "Drakosha". And the last competition of our program "Hobby".

The word for summing up and rewarding is given to our jury. Host: Dear guests!

We wish you long and happy years of life, joy in children, good luck in business, prosperity in the house. Be happy! Thanks everyone!

Extracurricular event "Creating the project" My House "

– What do you think, what professions are united by the “man – sign system” group? (Accountant, economist, music director, translator, draftsman, typesetter in a printing house, i.e. those who work with numbers, diagrams, letters, drawings).

4. Practical work.

a) The project "My house".

Each of you lives in an apartment or in your own house. Your parents tried to improve their home as much as possible, so that it would be cozy, beautiful and, probably, not like other houses.

Do you want to change something in your house or apartment?

What exactly would you like to change?

Today I invite you to dream up and create a joint sketch of a house and a sketch of a personal plot.

What kind of people do you think will be required to build a house and improve the site?

Let's focus on two professions:



That's what you will be now, and create a joint project "My House".

(Children sit in groups: half are architects, half are landscapers.

Parent advisors are assigned to each group. An expert group is appointed. The projects take into account: shape, color, originality, practicality.)

b) Protection of projects.

(Children should tell what the house is like, how many rooms, what sports or technical facilities will be in the house (swimming pool, sports complex ...)).

Guys, submit your work to the expert group. They will choose whose designs are the most original and practical.

(While the experts are conferring).

The tractor drives ... (tractor driver),

Electric train ... (driver),

Painted the walls ... (painter),

Planed the board ... (carpenter),

Held the light in the house ... (fitter),

Works in the mine ... (miner),

In a hot forge ... (blacksmith),

Who knows everything ... (well done)!

5. Summary of the lesson.

Let's summarize our lesson. What professions have you tested in practice?

And to what groups can they be classified?

I want you to take one thought with you today: no matter what profession a person chooses for himself, he must do his work conscientiously, with love, so that it doesn’t turn out like in a poem.

Strange affair. (R. Sef)

Strange affair,

Or maybe not.

Lived in the world

Once a shoemaker.

He was a shoemaker

But they said about him:


Strange affair,

Or maybe not.

Lived in the world

Once an artist

He was an artist for 70 years,

But they said about him:


Strange affair,

Or maybe not.

- Thank you for your attention! The lesson is over.

Extracurricular activity with parents

Strengthen communication in the classroom and school communities between children, their parents and teachers;

To instill interest and love for reading, through the organization of family reading of books;

Contribute to the development of horizons, attention, memory, thinking of children;

Contribute to the formation of friendly family relations through the organization of joint leisure.


Exhibition of children's drawings for a fairy tale;

Poster "Star hour";

Four sections for tasks;

Plates with numbers from “0” to “4” for each participant;

Tables with tasks;

Dice with letters on each face;

Paper stars;

1. Organizational moment

The song “We are in the Emerald City ...” is performed by children.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear parents and children, as well as the audience! Today we are playing the game “Star Hour” based on the fairy tale by Alexander Melentievich Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”. All of you have been reading this fairy tale for three weeks and answering questions compiled by me (see Appendix). Those who could not get this book in the library bought it in the store, thereby replenishing their home library. It was very nice to hear that you all gathered in the evenings with the whole family to read this book, read chapter by chapter in turn, even forgot about the movie series, became even more friends, engaged in a common cause.

2. Introduction of participants

3. First round

Leading. So, to start the first round, I want to briefly talk about the birth of this fairy tale. It was created by a man named Alexander Melentievich Volkov. He knew four foreign languages ​​and one day, already a forty-year-old teacher of mathematics, he decided to learn another one - English. And for practice I tried to translate a fairy tale American writer Frank Baum's The Wise Man of Oz. Alexander Volkov really liked the book and he decided to tell it to his children, at the same time altering something, adding something. The girl began to be called ... (children answer); Totoshka, once in the Fairyland, spoke; The sage from Oz acquired the name Goodwin and the title - the Great and Terrible ... And when the translation, or rather retelling, was completed, it turned out that this was not quite Baum's "Sage". And after the publication of the book, thousands of letters began to come to Volkov - with one request - to continue his favorite story! Yes, and Volkov himself could not resist the charm fairytale heroes and wrote a whole series of books about the Magic Land - this

2nd book “Urfin Deuce and his wooden soldiers”;

3rd book "Seven Underground Kings"

4th book “The Fiery God of the Marrans”;

5th book “Yellow Mist”

6th book "The Secret of the Abandoned Castle".

Explanation of the first round

Participants are asked a question and four possible answers. The participant must find the correct answer and hold up the corresponding number plate. If he does not know, then he holds up a sign with the number “0”. Assistants do the same. If the participant and his assistant answer correctly, then they receive a star. Then each answer is discussed and the children tell passages from the fairy tale.

Task 1. In front of the participants are tablets with the names of the four Magical countries: Yellow country Blue country Purple country Pink country

Question 1. In what country did the evil witch live, who was crushed by Ellie's van? (In the Blue Country - Gingema)

Question 2. Which country was ruled by the evil sorceress Bastinda? (Purple)

Question 3. In what country did the good sorceress Villina live? (in yellow)

Task 2. In front of the participants there are plates with the names of animals: Badger Monkey Mouse Stork

Question 1. Who saved the Scarecrow when he hung on a pole in the middle of the river? (Stork)

Question 2. Who helped the Woodcutter and the Scarecrow get the sleeping lion out of the poppy field? (Mice)

Question 3. Who helped Bastinda defeat Ellie and her friends? (Monkey)

Task 3. Before the participants of the plate with numbers:

Question 1. How many sorceresses were there in Fairyland? (four)

Question 2. How many eyes did Bastinda have? (one)

Question 3. How many wishes of the owner of the Golden Hat must the flying monkeys fulfill? (3)

Question 4. How many years did the Woodcutter stand in the forest? (one)

Question 5 How many creatures did Ellie need to help to get back home to Kansas? (3)

Task 4. Before the participants of the tablet with the names of the sorceresses:

Question 1. Which sorceress sent a hurricane to people? (Gingema)

Question 2. What was the name of the witch who was afraid of the night and water? (Bastinda)

Question 3. Who ruled the Pink Country in which the Chatterboxes lived? (Stella)

After the first round, the two or three participants with the lowest number of stars leave the game. They are awarded consolation prizes.

4. Second round

9 cubes are poured out of the box. From the letters located on the upper faces of the cube, in one minute you need to compose the longest word (noun in the nominative case, singular). Participants have another tenth, additional letter (any one they need). The participant who makes the longest word receives an incentive prize; most short word drops out of the game, receives a consolation prize.

5. Playing with the audience

Spectators from the same letters make up a word, but they do not have an additional letter, the one who made the longest word becomes the winner and receives a prize.

6. Third round

Participants are offered "Logical chains". They must determine the correct sequence. If it is correct, the participant raises a plate with the number “0”, if not, then two plates with numbers that need to be swapped.

Exercise 1.

In front of the participants are plates with the names of Ellie's friends:

Question. On the way to Emerald City Ellie met first the Scarecrow, then the Lion, and only then the Woodcutter. Is everything right here? (Scarecrow, Woodcutter, Lion, i.e. participants raise signs 2 and 3)

Task 2.

In front of the participants names and corresponding pictures (see picture): Ellie the Scarecrow Lumberjack Lion

monster sea maiden head fireball

Question. To whom, and in what form, did Goodwin introduce himself when Ellie and her friends returned from the Purple Country, having freed its inhabitants from Bastinda? (plates 1 and 3)

Task 3.

Nameplates in front of the participants magical countries and with the names of sorceressesBlue Purple Pink Yellow

Question. I believe that Gingema lived in the Blue Country, Villina ruled the Purple Country, Stella ruled the Pink Country, and Bastinda commanded the Yellow Country. Am I right? (plates 2 and 4)

The two participants who have received the most stars advance to the final, while the rest receive consolation prizes.

The two remaining contestants with their assistants must make up as many words as possible using the letters from the word “magic”. The one with the most words wins. The loser receives a consolation prize.

The winner has a fine hour. He shares with the guys with his conclusions on the topic: “What was the most valuable thing about the adventures of Ellie and her friends”, and his impressions of reading the fairy tale.

Extra-curricular event with parents "Inseparable friends - adults and children"

education of love and respect for their loved ones: mom, dad, grandparents;

raising children as helpers;

to teach how to carefully store family heirlooms, to study and know your family tree.


1. Poster "Inseparable friends - adults and children."

2. Painted portraits of adults and children.

3. Exhibitions:

“We draw” (drawings of children about grandfathers),

“We compose” (children's stories about grandparents),

“Miracles with your own hands” (joint crafts of children and their parents),

“My family tree” (pedigrees of children).

4. Tape recorder, recording of the song “Parental home”, musical instrument: piano.

5. Costumes of fairy-tale characters: for brownie Kuzi: wig, modeling, bast shoes, vest, shirt, tights; for the sorceress: magic wand, crown, cape.

6. Grandma's chest with relics.

7. For competitions: a rope, 2 baskets, 2 pots, dummies of fruits and vegetables (2 copies each), 2 empty milk bags, 2 empty biscuit packages.

Event progress:

(Children sing the song “The roof of your house”)

Host: Good afternoon, dear guests, parents and children. It's good that you and I gathered together under the roof of our house, where we met (read in unison) "Inseparable friends - adults and children." Let's talk together today about the parental home in which we were born and grow up and about the closest people who take care of us.

(A strong knock is heard on the classroom door. Kuzya, a brownie, appears in a hurry).

Brownie Kuzya: Guys, help me, please! I'm so tired.

Host: Who are you? Maybe you guys know who it is?

Brownie: I'm a good brownie Kuzya, didn't you recognize me?

Host: Got it. Why are you so tired?

Brownie: I accidentally found out that today you will talk about moms and dads, about grandparents and remembered that in the attic of the house where I live, I saw an old, old chest with very interesting things. I searched for it for a long time and finally found it. Barely delivered it to you. He is very heavy. This chest is not easy. This is grandma's chest. There is just nothing in it.

Host: Kuzya, have you forgotten anything?

Brownie: No, it seems to be.

Host: Guys, what do you think? What did the brownie Kuzya forget about when he came to us? (He forgot to say hello).

Brownie: Oh! How is it so!

Hello guests, parents and children!

Let's all see together what is stored in the grandmother's chest?

(Open chest)

Presenter: True, Kuzya stores such valuable things in it.

(In order, the leader takes out things, the prepared children recognize their own and talk about them, the brownie praises the children for their stories).

1. Pedigree

2. Dad's cap.

3. Archival certificate and medal "Veteran of Labour".

Brownie: And what else at the very bottom of my grandmother's chest are old unusual triangular letters and they have a return address (reads). Active army, field post station, 1942.

Host: These are the guys, old soldiers' letters from my grandfather. My grandfather went to the front as a volunteer in 1942 and died. In memory of him, our family keeps grandfather's letters from the war. Guys, what holiday do we celebrate on May 9?

(Children answer)

Host: Yes, on May 9 people celebrate Victory Day in the Great Patriotic war. In our city, in boarding school No. 1, there is a Museum of Military Glory, where documents, personal belongings, letters from our countrymen who fought at the front are kept.

Abdrakhimov's grandfather Yamil worked at this school.

A word to grandfather (grandfather talks about the work of the museum and invites children with a teacher to visit the museum).

(The presenter thanks the grandfather for the speech and for the invitation to the museum)

Host: Thank you, Kuzya, we learned a lot about the things that are stored in this chest. And most importantly, people cherish such relics, pass them on from generation to generation, and each generation knows the history of these relics.

Brownie: It's time for me to go back. And put the grandmother's chest with valuables in its place.

(Getting ready to leave and suddenly remembers)

I completely forgot. That's not all. I want to give the children a riddle. And let them guess who she is about:

I'll give you a riddle

And you guess it:

Who puts a patch on the heel,

Who irons and mends the clothes?

Who nails the house in the morning,

Breeds a large samovar?

Who is with little sister

And takes her to the boulevard?

Whose hair is whiter than snow

Are your hands yellow and dry?

Whom do I love and pity?

About whom did I write poems? (About grandma)

(Kuzya praises the children and, saying goodbye, leaves)

Leading: Grandmothers lived a long life, they withstood many trials. Our grandmothers are very wise and kind. Their advice should be carefully listened to. Some grandmothers have poor health, so you need to help them. How can we help our grandmothers?

(Children answer)

Leading: It is not only your grandmother who needs to be treated carefully and help. Do not forget to show mercy to strangers, lonely sick, elderly people. Who wants to talk about their grandmother?

(The stories of two children are heard)

Student: And my grandmother is here today. Her name is Maria Ivanovna. I love her so much. (Granddaughter runs up to her grandmother, hugs her, kisses her and talks about her)

A word to grandmother (grandmother talks about how her granddaughter helps her)

Host: I think that all grandchildren help their grandmothers. But how they help, we will all see now. I want to play with you the game "Help Grandma bring groceries."

(Game in progress)

Grandmother: Thank you, children, we saw that you know how to help grandmothers.

Moderator: Thank you for such a wonderful game. Our children love and help their grandmothers. They talked about it in their writings. Today we sing a song for all grandmothers.

(Children sing “A Song About Grandmother”. Music by M. Partskhaladze, lyrics by M. Lapisova).

Student: And I want to tell about my grandfather (story about grandfather)

And I drew how my grandfather and I build a house (showing my drawings)

And I drew how my grandfather and I carry water to water the cows.

And I drew how my grandfather and I go fishing.

And I drew how my grandfather and I collect hay.

Host: How would you like to be like your grandfather?

(Children answer)

Host: Every grandfather has good character traits, so you would like to be like your grandfather?

Pupils: - And my dad also looks like a grandfather.

And my mom is like my grandmother.

My dad walked with me, he taught me to skate.

And my dad and I went to the checkers club. And he told me very interesting things.

And I walked with my mother, and my father passed the last exam. He told me how difficult it is. Now my dad is a programmer.

And we had a real subbotnik at home, everyone - everyone worked hard! Dad said that it is useful - to train the muscles. And I helped too. Mom praised us!

And my dad asks me so many entertaining riddles!

And my mother and I discuss the books we read.

And my mother always plays with me with dolls and balls ...

Do you think dad doesn’t play with me: he taught me how to play table tennis, I already beat him once.

Leading: Children, do you like when mom and dad spend a lot of time with you?

(children's answers)

Host: For this, your parents need to be less tired, so help them more, try not to upset them. Today our mothers are visiting us - and. Let's listen to them.

(Moms prepare answers to the questions in advance: 1. How do you spend with your children free time? 2. How do children help you with household chores? 3. How do you involve children in homework 4. How do you teach homework?)

One of the mothers: My daughter always helps me when I cook borscht or cabbage soup. She knows what ingredients are needed to prepare them. Here we are now and see if you can handle this task.

Competition "Helpers"

2 teams of 3 people participate. Conditions of the competition: on trays there are dummies of products necessary for cooking borscht and cabbage soup, as well as extra ones. The guys must choose those of them from which borscht or cabbage soup is prepared and report the recipe for its preparation.

One of the mothers: Well done, so you not only know how to eat, but you can also help.

One of the dads: And I want to hold a tug-of-war competition and see what kind! Forces you are strong and dexterous. We need 2 teams of boys of 5 people (competitions are held)

Well done! Strength and dexterity cannot be taken away from you. But to become real men, you need to constantly temper and play sports. My son and I often go skiing. Yes son?

Son: Yes, and we also know how to make things. My dad and I made matchbox furniture for our little sister's dolls for her birthday.

Leading: In our class, everyone knows how to work miracles with their own hands. Here at the exhibition you will see the children's crafts, made together with their parents. Now let's sing a song for dads and moms.

(“Song about dad” music by V. Shainsky).

Host: We are finishing our conversation about inseparable friends. What does it mean to be inseparable friends?

(Children's answers are heard)

Leading: I hope you will take even more care of the closest people and then they will always be with you. Now close your eyes. Imagine that I am a magician.

(The presenter puts on a cape and a crown of a sorceress, takes a magic wand).

I have a magic wand in my hands and I can only grant one wish to everyone. Think that you would do something magical for your loved ones: moms, dads, grandparents. Who will I touch magic wand can say their wish out loud.

Last wish: I want every home to be always warm, light and joyful.

Leading: Today, in memory of our class hour, we give guests and parents our talisman of warmth, kindness and joy. We want the sun to always smile in your home.

(The song “Parental House” sounds, children give their souvenirs).

extracurricular activity

Do not hold joint events with the parents of pupils without first reading the useful publications in this section. Looking through its pages, you will easily find interesting ideas and "tips", thanks to which your "child-adult" holiday will become even more alive, brighter, more diverse!

Here are ready-made scenarios for sports, theatrical, environmental, literary, local history and God knows what other joint entertainment and leisure activities with the participation of parents. This section also collects and summarizes the positive experience of teachers in organizing such holidays dedicated to various calendar holidays and memorable dates.

Let's make together a magnificent, memorable holiday for children and parents!

Contained in sections:

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All sections | Entertainment with parents. Scenarios of holidays and leisure activities with the participation of parents

Leisure with parents "Come visit us" Target: to establish dialogical and partnership relations with the families of pupils, creating an atmosphere of common interests based on a communicative culture of communication. Continue to use effective methods, including parents into the productive life of the child of the group. Preliminary...

Joint leisure of mothers and children of the second younger group for Mother's Day "My beloved mom" Joint leisure mothers and children second junior group mother's day "My beloved mother" Author: Larina Tatyana Andreevna music director of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 74" Syktyvkar Target: Contribute to the creation festive, trusting atmosphere. Tasks: Educate children...

Entertainment with parents. Scenarios of holidays and leisure activities with the participation of parents - Scenario of the holiday "Our Friendly Family" for children of middle preschool age with parents

Publication "Scenario of the holiday" Our friendly family "for middle-aged children ..." Scenario "Our Friendly family"1 The music "Anthem of the Family" sounds, children enter with their parents. 1st presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you. Today, July 8, we celebrate Family Day: a day of love, family and fidelity! 2nd presenter : Family is the most important thing in life for each of us....

MAAM Pictures Library

Event with parents "Literary cafe" in the senior group"Literary Cafe" Event with parents in senior group PURPOSE: 1. Promote family reading among parents fiction. 2. Involve parents in the life of the kindergarten, help create an atmosphere of unity and family cohesion. Preliminary work:...

Scenario of a sports event together with parents "Mom, dad, I am a sports family" Regulations on holding sports festival“Mom, dad, I am a sports family” 1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation defines the goals and objectives, the procedure for holding and organizing the sports festival "Mom, Dad, I am a sports family" for pupils of preschool educational institutions and their parents ....

Scenario of a joint holiday for the Day of family, love and fidelity "Chamomile happiness"“Family-love is a great kingdom. It has faith, righteousness and power. The family is the backbone of the state, my country, my Russia! » 1 Presenter: Hello, dear guests, our dear parents and beloved kids, girls and boys! How nice to see you at the celebration dedicated to the "Day of...

Entertainment with parents. Scenarios of holidays and leisure activities with the participation of parents - Scenario of a sports festival for the Defender of the Fatherland Day for children of senior preschool age with the participation of parents

Scenario of a sports holiday for the Defender of the Fatherland Day for older children preschool age with the participation of parents Program content: 1. Create conditions for the development of parent-child relationships in competitive activities. 2. To form in children physical ...

Physical entertainment for children and parents of the younger group with elements of pair gymnastics "Everything to the circus!" Physical entertainment for children and parents of the younger group with elements of pair gymnastics "Everything to the circus!" Purpose: creating conditions for stimulating joint motor activity children and parents. Objectives: To introduce children to a healthy lifestyle through motor ...