Graffiti Nastya on paper. Learn to draw easily and simply with a pencil, pen and felt-tip pens

This is generally art. Be that as it may, with the advent of this basic element of hip-hop culture, the walls on the streets around the world were covered with colorful inscriptions, tags and even real paintings by artists who call themselves graffiti writers. Probably every fan of hip-hop in his youth dreamed of “bombing” the wall in his hometown in the same way as the New York style pioneers did. Many have even tried. But in reality, everything was not as simple as it seemed at first, and novice writers gave up this activity, in fact, without really starting. Why is that? Yes, because in order to draw a worthwhile drawing, you need to study long and hard. Or at least know the basics. We will talk about them today.

Today, you can find many various instructions and video tutorials that talk about the basic techniques of drawing various. Many of them, however, are far from the truth and demonstrate some completely outrageous requirements for a novice writer. But what if you have never painted graffiti before? We will help you by explaining the basic things that a beginner needs to know. We immediately warn that the text of this article is unlikely to be useful for experienced artists, since the information given here is probably already known to them.

We will not delve into the subtleties complex works street art, let's focus on classic examples, namely inscriptions and tags, because this is what graffiti usually starts with. So let's go.

What you need to draw graffiti if you are a beginner

First, let's talk about what you need in order to draw the first sketches of your future drawing (it may look silly, but remember, we are beginners). Even the greatest writers don't draw without first sketching. Therefore, you need:

  • Pencil
  • Notebook or just a sheet of paper
  • Eraser
  • A drawing that can be redrawn. It is important that the structure of the letters is clearly visible in it (google search will help here)

It is not shameful for a beginner to take someone else's work as a basis, but on the contrary, it is commendable. This makes it possible to see and understand the main techniques that an experienced writer uses. You may need a few attempts at first to repeat someone else's drawing, but if you study hard, the result will definitely come.

How to draw your first tag

After you have drawn your first graffiti on paper, we advise you to move on to the study of tags. The tag is the signature of the artist, by which his work will be recognized by others. They are drawn with both markers and balloons, depending on the place or personal preferences. At this stage, it is worth thinking about your artistic pseudonym. If none interesting ideas no, you can start with your real name.

To draw a tag, you need to study the structure of the letters. Nowadays, it is very easy to do this, you just need to enter the appropriate query in the search engine. We provide a link for an example.

After you have chosen the letters that suit you, you need to combine them into one. We advise you to start simple: use basic letters without giving them any non-standard forms (as in the example above). If you want to improve your tag, then you can add various “serifs” (serifs), “streaks” (drips) or “arrows” (arrows) to it, as in the example below.

Attention: if you are using graffiti markers and drawing on a regular sheet of paper, it is highly recommended to put something under it, because the marker is very likely to be transferred to the table surface.

How to draw your first graffiti

At the beginning of the article, we “agreed” that we would learn to draw more or less classic options graffiti. As an example, let's take the work of the Chino BYI writer.

Based on this figure, we will define the main components of any inscription, which is considered to be a classic:

  • Fill (The Fill-In) - the filled area inside the letters.
  • Contour (Outline) - a black or colored stroke around the fill.
  • 3D shadow.
  • The second outline around the entire drawing.
  • Optional: a tag with the name of the artist.
  • Optional: additional effects (Highlights).
  • Optional: the year the drawing was created.

Now let's go through each of the components separately.

Fill (The Fill-In)

After you have drawn your tag, it may well serve as the basis for the first full-fledged graffiti. So, with a pencil, you can simply draw the same tag, but make the letters wider, leaving space between the lines for filling. Thus, they will look more voluminous. The drawing will look something like this.

As you can see, the structure of this graffiti is far from perfect. For example, the first letter “E” is very striking, the dimensions of which are not proportional to all the others. Therefore, the drawing needs to be slightly changed. To do this, again, you can use the example fonts.

In graffiti, the shape of the drawing is very important. In our example, you can see that the first letter “E” is significantly larger than the last “R”. By reducing the “E” and adding arrows on both sides (highlighted in red), the author gave the drawing compactness and proportionality. With the help of serifs (highlighted in blue) and additional shapes (green), this sketch has become more complex.

After this stage is completed, we will get a more or less intelligible drawing, which will serve as the basis for further work. It should be said that creating a sketch is not an easy task. Most likely, it will take you a lot of time until the drawing turns out the way you would like it to be. At this stage, you will use the eraser a lot and rework almost every letter. But even venerable writers spend a lot of time on their sketches, so don't be upset in vain.

The next task will not be as difficult as the previous one. You just need to take a marker and circle the lines previously drawn with a pencil. After the marker dries, you should take an elastic band and erase the excess (that is, the initial pencil sketch). You will get something like this.

Advice: copy your sketch just in case. If it happens that you are not happy with the colors chosen for the drawing or spoil it in another way, then you will not need to draw everything from the beginning. Any (even the cheapest) printer with a copier function is suitable for this.

Now we have come to choosing a color and directly filling the sketch. If you are not sure what color your letters should be, we recommend using a gradient. This fill technique allows you to gradually change the hue and gives you the opportunity to change the color of the picture as you work. If you want to make your graffiti more complex, you can use different gradients for each letter, but this technique is more suitable for experienced artists. Since the drawing in our example is made on a sheet of paper, it is advisable to use special markers for filling.

Color selection- Another essential component in creating beautiful graffiti. For beginners, the best option would be to use two or three colors. It is best if they complement each other. For example, different shades of the same color for the back and foreground or for shadows and fills. In principle, colors that are on opposite ends of the color spectrum also look good. Here the combinations can be different, depending on taste. If this is difficult, then you can take as an example the work of other artists. For starters, this would be a good option.

How to draw shadows

Skilled artists can draw shadows on the eye and do it with amazing accuracy. But for beginners there is good reception to achieve the desired result. It will take some time, but is guaranteed to give quality to your drawing.

First, decide on the size of the blocks that will serve as a shadow for the letters. For example, let's take 1.5 cm. Take a ruler and measure 1.5 cm from each corner that your letters have, and draw lines. After that, connect them with lines parallel to the outline of the picture. Blocks are obtained that can be painted over and made into a shadow.

You can either paint the blocks black (the easiest and most common option), or add complex elements like light areas in the middle or transitions to more dark colors below (example below).

Outline and background

The outer outline is the outline that makes the letters stand out from the background of the pattern. The author of our drawing chose a blue color for it, which goes well with orange. As a background, he added streaks and the so-called “bubbles” (bubbles) of the same color. It worked out pretty well.

Additional effects (Highlights), year of creation and tag

Perhaps the fill seems a little boring to you and you want to add complexity to your drawing. Then you can use additional lines or geometric inserts inside the fill. Usually bubbles, rectangles or triangles are used. Basically, they are painted over with darker colors than the fill color. Also, highlights are sometimes added to the background of the picture.

The final touches of your graffiti will be the year of creation and your own signature. If you represent a team of writers, you can add a tag with its name.

Although above we have provided you with the basic information for drawing your first graffiti, in the end I would like to summarize it all with a few more tips:

  • Practice simple fonts first. When they start to turn out “on the machine” for you, then move on to more complex tasks.
  • Forget about “wild style” and other frills, this will all be later. Draw more or less even letters in order to understand their structure, this is one of the most important aspects of graffiti.
  • If you want to complicate the drawing, do it using basic techniques (streaks, bubbles, simple highlights). At first, don't experiment with crazy angles, curves, slopes, and arrows, because the result will not be what you expected.
  • When drawing, keep in mind the basic "rules" of drawing, resist the temptation to draw "like Futura or Kase2". To draw like them, you need to study all your life, and you are just a beginner.
  • Draw-draw-draw! The main thing is practice.

Graffiti is a new word that is getting more and more popular. It is on everyone's lips. Graffiti has a huge following. Are you one of them? Do you want to start doing this, draw, decorate your city? But where to start? What to do and what to do if you have never done it? Don't worry, we will answer your most main question how to draw graffiti with a pencil and more. We will help you deal with graffiti issues. Our article will help both beginners and professionals in this field. Everyone will find what he was looking for, tips useful to him and much more.

How often do we walk around the city and admire the graffiti? It is everywhere, on houses, fences, even asphalts. The term graffiti has Italian origin, and translate to scratch. Today, the concept of graffiti means a kind of art that is very common on the streets among teenagers and young people.
Graffiti was born in New York. In the beginning, it was just writing your nickname. Now these are various signs, not very clear inscriptions and intricate drawings. Those who create graffiti call themselves a writer or rewriter. A writer is translated from English as a writer, and a rewriter is one who rewrites.
Many thought it was cool to paint the train and its car. Writers gathered in groups and teams. They were friendly and worked together. They certainly knew how to draw graffiti names. After all, that's what they were doing. They drew their nicknames. Their handwriting was beautiful, but difficult to read.
It should also be mentioned that graffiti as an art form has a huge number of both positive and negative feedback. Some believe that this art decorates the city. Graffiti covers battered buildings, stripped bus stops and rickety fences. And some believe that this is a waste of time that no one needs and does not benefit.
If you decide to create graffiti, be prepared for criticism, be prepared to be misunderstood. Remember that graffiti is illegal in some countries. After all, it spoils state property.
But if you like to draw, consider it your hobby. If drawing helps you relax and unwind, then don't even hesitate, draw graffiti, have fun and don't listen to anyone. After all, many famous artists not appreciated during his lifetime. If it doesn't work the first time, try again. And it's better to find someone who knows how to do it and create graffiti with him.

Before answering the question of how to draw beautiful graffiti, you need to choose a place where to draw it.
As already mentioned, usually graffiti has a criminal penalty, it can be a fine or imprisonment. That is why it is better to choose a quiet, not noticeable and calm place. There are those who themselves ask to draw graffiti. For example, tenants may ask to decorate the entrance. Or some firm needs graffiti. There is also a graffiti option for the holidays. In such cases, it is legal and you can safely work.

First, I would like to dwell on some tips for beginners. First of all, we think about the background. This is the main thing and it is necessary to start all work from it. Next, you need to think through all the stages of your work.

For beginners, it is still better to start by signing your name or nickname. This is easier than drawing, but also has many nuances. It is better to make the signature voluminous, with a contour, a shadow, think over the color in advance.

That is why think about how to draw graffiti in stages. Let your first step be the practice on paper. It is better to create several options at once and choose the best one. Also, do not feel sorry for the colors. Graffiti should be bright and colorful. The main thing is its visibility.
How to draw graffiti on paper is also an important issue and cannot be ignored. After all, your graffiti depends on what drawing will come out. Work with all the details until everything is perfect. You can also draw with a pencil. But it will be less obvious.
The second stage is a stencil. For beginners, it’s still better to create a stencil for your graffiti. It is cut out of paper and then transferred to the place where the graffiti will be. In the future, you will have a huge number of stencils that can be used more than once.

Now we go directly to the graffiti on the wall. As already mentioned, we start with the background. We think it over in advance. Next, draw the outline of your future drawing or signature. Next, draw what you need and add your details.
Sometimes it happens that you have a drawing flow. What to do? The vowel is not to worry. Just waiting for it to dry and you can paint over it. To avoid this at all, it is necessary to apply the drawing very quickly.
Paint cans must be used to the end, otherwise the paint will dry out and will not work. We also remember respect. No need to sketch someone else's graphite. We respect the work of others, appreciate it. Then your work will be appreciated and admired. Also, you don’t need to throw paint and litter, because people live there too. Be human and use these rules, then you will not have problems. Remember that how you treat people will be treated to you.
Let's not forget about the material. You need to buy paint in advance. Consider the colors you need, the amount of paint. It’s better to take a little extra, and suddenly the drawing will flow and you will need to paint it over, what then?

If you are not sure that you are ready to create graffiti, you can watch a video on how to draw graffiti. It will help you see everything clearly. Many visually understand and remember better if they see it. Videos can be found everywhere, for example, on YouTube. There are many types of videos. There is a video with graffiti on paper, there is a graffiti on the wall, there is a slow explanation and much more. You can create graffiti at the same time as the video.
If your child is addicted to graffiti, do not worry. The main thing is to tell him all the nuances of this case, that it can be dangerous. You also need to show him where you can draw graffiti because more and more countries create such places where you can draw. Keep track of your child's social circle. After all, it is because of friends that he can get into bad story. The main thing is that graffiti can be an impetus for drawing, for entering art school. Let your child learn how to draw graffiti. After all, there is nothing wrong here. Learning is always good.
So graffiti is new way drawing, which is becoming more and more popular. Let this be your new hobby, don't be afraid to start, be bolder.

Thousands of years separate the inhabitants modern city from the time when cavemen got their livelihood by hunting wild animals, depicting them on the walls of their dwellings. But even in the most modern, comfortable city with a well-established life and extensive cultural life there are many people who are ready to decorate the city walls with their creativity. Like the ancient ancestors depicted in rock paintings surrounding nature, the current man splashes out his inner world with the help of spray paints on the facades and backyards of modern " stone jungle', creating graffiti.

Why don't we try ourselves in this popular art style? After all, creating a drawing with your own hands - graffiti that other people will admire - is always a special joy! If you have no experience, but have an excess of creative energy and a desire to test yourself in the monumental genre, check out step by step instructions: how to make the first graffiti on the wall.

If you are new to street graffiti, then we advise you to start with some small forms, for example, draw a simple graffiti on a transformer box in the yard - we are sure that the locals will appreciate your efforts with gratitude!

What do you need to draw graffiti?

Step_5 On the painted details of the graffiti, in accordance with the sketch, apply shadows with dark colors and highlights with light ones. At the same time, try to “increase” the darkening and lightening gradually, do not press hard and for a long time on the nozzle of the balloon; it is better to pass the paint over the same place several times than to "miss" and then correct it.

Step_8 To protect your graffiti from atmospheric precipitation and fading in the sun, a colorless acrylic varnish (matte or glossy) will help, the principles of working with which are similar to working with paint and primer.

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"A painting is a painting, and graffiti is movement!"

Drawing graffiti is a real art, rooted in ancient times. Even the Egyptians recorded the course of their history by carving figures on the walls.

Remember: you have probably seen various mysterious symbols, pictures and texts depicted on the walls in historical films. This is graffiti!

Now this art is so developed that you can even draw three-dimensional 3D graffiti with all sorts of effects and bright colors.

How can a beginner quickly master graffiti drawing?

When drawing graffiti there is no strict sequence and rules. Each work is an individuality. Everyone has their own own style and you will have it too in time. First you need to learn the basic skills, and after that everything will come by itself.

Don't waste time experimenting on your own. You should immediately look at professionals, as they will quickly teach what could be learned for a long time. Here are some general recommendations:

  • Search the Internet, forums and other resources for the work of other graffists. They will help you quickly navigate this environment. Learn to first redraw other people's work on paper. This will train your hand well and help in the future. We advise you to take a simple job, without any "chips" and complex details;
  • Be sure to watch video tutorials from the masters of their craft. This is the lion's share of invaluable experience!

5 essential tools for any beginner graffist

To start learning graffiti, there is no need to immediately run to the store for a can of paint. You probably already have everything you need:

  1. Sketchbook or thick sheets A4 separately;
  2. Simple and colored pencils;
  3. Colored helium pens, felt-tip pens;
  4. Eraser;
  5. Markers.

Of course, there are many more tools available. Even pastels and paints are suitable for graffiti. To each his own.

While graffiti is more of a street art form, the best canvas for a beginner graffist is paper. Aerobatics are walls, and a real graffist (writer) will need completely different tools to work:

  1. High-quality paint (preferably from a domestic manufacturer - "Motip" or foreign - "Lada");
  2. Spray nozzle;
  3. Airbrush for spraying paint;
  4. Vandalizers for image tag*;
  5. Respirator;
  6. Lantern and stairs for night drawings.

Start training from the basics

To master the basics of graffiti, you should start by drawing art writing. All experienced craftsmen started with this and advise all beginners
learn to draw text graffiti on paper. You can choose any text, but it's always fun to make fun of your name. By the way, you can immediately
come up with your own tag and depict it. Do not rush to immediately draw in volume, everything has its time.

So, the first steps with which you can start learning right now:

Learn to write letters the same way

Step 1. On a piece of paper, simply write the text with a pencil. Let it be a simple text with an ordinary font, do not immediately twist the letters and draw mysterious arrows. Your goal is to learn how to write smoothly, respecting the kerning, height and size of all letters. Try drawing with strokes to make it easier to correct defects in case of a mistake. After the letters start to turn out even, start leaving small spaces between the letters, so that later they increase in volume.

Step 2. Outline your letters. To do this, you need to choose a style that will be the easiest for you to depict. “Old-timers” advise all newcomers to learn how to draw graffiti on paper with a style bubble(bubbles). Letters made in this style really resemble inflated bubbles, and they are the easiest to depict. Although there are many more styles:

  • Wild (wild)- the letters are intertwined and confused with each other. Lots of details and additional elements;
  • blockbusters- huge and wide letters on the background;
  • Character- suitable for experienced or talented graffists. Draw comics and “cartoon” characters with this style;
  • Messiah- multi-layered text with superimposing one on top of the other. Also for advanced writers.

As long as one style is enough for you. Change the letters beyond recognition, because it's a free workout!

Step 3. As soon as the sketch suits you completely, you can make several copies. When coloring, you can not be afraid to spoil the sketch, as you will always have more in stock. Sketch - sketch, sketch, sketch.

Step 4. Before coloring, lines drawn with a pencil can be darkened with a pen or marker. There are many ways to color letters. Get new ideas on the Internet, look at other works. The easiest option is to draw the letters in one color. But good graffiti should be catchy and bright, but in moderation! Therefore, the colors can be alternated or each letter can be made in different colors.

Tip: Be moderate in colors and additional elements so that your graffiti does not turn into chaos.

What will the people around you think?

One correspondent of a Russian TV channel somehow joined the team of writers and found out: according to them, 9 out of 10 people love what they draw. The latter usually calls the police.

It was a good indicator. Now it has fallen due to the fact that “writers” have appeared who do not care what kind of fame they are chasing - bad or good. More often the first. How many mutilated walls of shops, shop windows, garages or houses are there in your city? Banal inscriptions that do not carry any emotion and thoughts just spoil appearance cities. There are few true masterpieces. Because of this phenomenon, many have come to associate graffiti as vandalism rather than art.

Therefore, many writers prefer to work only at night and as quickly as possible. And some are limited to drawing graffiti on paper and are completely satisfied. It is a pity that in our country there are no specially designated places for the creativity of writers, as, for example, in France and the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Learn and develop your talents. Become a sought-after writer and participate in various festivals of hip-hop culture!

Contemporary art provides an unlimited number of ways of self-expression. One of the most controversial types is graffiti. How to comprehend this skill, avoiding fines for hooliganism and condemnation of others? The answer is simple - to draw in the albums the so-called sketches with a pencil.

First of all, let's look at the definitions. Roughly speaking, graffiti is writing on walls, subway cars and other surfaces. But it is worth remembering that “Vasya was here”, “Spartak the champion” and any other vulgar or offensive inscriptions made on hastily, are by no means graffiti. There are several types of this street art, each of which has its own history and style. Types of graffiti are represented by writing, bombing, tagging and scratching:
  • Writing is the main category of street painting, which includes both colorful inscriptions and real paintings.
  • Bombing is the so-called extreme graffiti, here the important criterion is not the beauty and quality of the drawing, but the place of its execution. The most common area for bombing to appear is on subways or overground trains.
  • Tagging is the simplest form and is essentially the artist's signature.
  • Scratching - drawings with a grindstone on glass.

As you can see, only writing or tagging can be reproduced on paper.

Let's start with tagging. Before you start drawing, you need to come up with a word that you will use. The essence of the tag is the signature, so you can use your first name, last name or come up with a pseudonym for yourself. The more difficult it is to read the inscription, the higher your talent will be valued. Therefore, decorate the letters with swirls, perform them in an original manner and use standard tagging elements: dots, stars, crowns and the like.

If you have some drawing skills, you can try your hand at creating more complex pencil sketches, that is, writing. To begin with, you can depict any inscription, whether it be your name, the name of your favorite dog, or just any word you like. Beginners should try themselves in the style of srow-up, blockbuster or bubbles. Blockbuster is characterized by large letters with right angles, often depicted with shadows. Therefore, take a piece of paper in a cage and draw letters about one to two centimeters wide. Now take a pencil in a contrasting color and circle each letter with a wide (about one cell) outline. If you want to add dimension, imagine that your graffiti has light on it, and outline only the opposite sides of the letters.

For the srow-up lettering, you will also need two contrasting colors - for the outline and fill. This style allows you to go beyond right angles. Try drawing a straight letter, and then just extend each corner by extending it in any direction. Fill in the letter and draw an outline or add volume, as in the previous style.

Graffiti in the style of bubbles looks quite easy and bright - pictures consisting of bright, as if “inflated” letters. You can depict them in the following way: Write a letter by hand, then circle it with a smooth line without corners. Then again, stepping back a little more from the previous contour. Draw each subsequent letter, slightly capturing the previous one. After that, paint over all the letters with color, draw an outline or mark the volume, add smudges of paint or highlights. Graffiti done.

Drawing graffiti on paper is much easier than doing a full-time job on a wall. Try to start with the simplest sketches, draw individual letters, syllables and words, gradually complicating and developing your own style.