How to properly swaddle a newborn so as not to harm his health. How to swaddle a baby: step by step instructions.

Most parents and pediatricians recommend swaddling a newborn in the first weeks of life. In order for this event to bring a positive effect, and not harm the child, it is necessary to correctly perform this procedure. There are several basic ways to wrap babies in diapers, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. negative sides. To better understand this issue, you should consider each technique in more detail.

Required accessories

The first thing that comes to mind for most new parents is why swaddle a baby. This event is mainly aimed at limiting chaotic movements and ensuring the comfort of the baby, including emotionally. In addition, a diaper often replaces a diaper.

In order to get the maximum benefit and not harm the baby, you need to know how to properly swaddle a newborn. There are several main ways:

  • tight
  • free,
  • wide.

It is also worth considering such methods as wrapping with and without handles, with a head (envelope), with free legs, etc.

It is necessary to swaddle a newborn only in fresh diapers. Considering the frequency of their contamination, topical issue is how many diapers of different types will be needed at least for the first time. In the maternity hospital, they mainly use a few flannelette and calico products, and the rest is replaced by diapers and disposable kits. At home, for the first month of a baby’s life, you will need the following things:

  • light cotton diapers;
  • flannelette;
  • flannel;
  • woolen;
  • fleece;
  • disposable pads;
  • knitted.

You can also purchase several Velcro diapers and ready-made envelopes. In cold weather, you can additionally use a blanket or baby blanket for swaddling.

As for the place of the procedure, this can be done right in the crib, on the couch or on a special changing table. The child needs to be prepared in the following way. To begin with, the old diaper is removed, pollution is washed off the body. If necessary, treat with powder the places prone to the appearance of diaper rash: inguinal region, armpits, neck folds, bends of the limbs. A disposable diaper is laid on the table, and on top of it is a rag substrate. Manipulations with the main diaper are made in accordance with the chosen method of wrapping.

It is most convenient to swaddle the baby on a specially equipped changing table


The tight swaddling of a newborn baby was previously the most widely used method. It was believed that in this way it is possible to reduce the risk of curvature of the bones of the baby in the process of growth. Today, doctors advise against tight wrapping, since apart from complete immobilization and squeezing of the diaphragm, you are unlikely to achieve anything in this way.

However, in some cases, tight swaddling is indispensable. For example, it is suitable for hyperactive babies who get out of loose diapers and can hurt themselves with randomly moving limbs.

To safely perform this technique, you first need to put the child on a clean diaper. The fabric is arranged diagonally, and the top edge is wrapped in such a way as to form a triangle. Then you need to press one arm of the baby to the body and tuck the edge on that side, tucking it under the opposite side. The bottom of the diaper is wrapped up and fixed at the back of the head. The second edge of the film presses the second handle and the floor is also laid on the opposite side.

You should not leave the baby in this position for a long time, since the inability to make movements can lead to limb numbness, as well as a decrease in muscle tone.

Free swaddling

Free swaddling is considered more popular, as well as the most acceptable from the point of view of the development of the child. It is performed in such a way that the baby can place the legs and arms in a natural position convenient for him and move them. You can wrap a newborn in different ways: completely or without arms, leave legs free, etc. This method is especially relevant in the heat, as it allows you to provide air access under the diaper and regulate heat transfer.

In order to wrap a newborn in a completely free method, it is necessary to lay him on a diaper unfolded straight. The edge of the fabric is folded inward. First, a free smell is performed in both directions. After that, the lower edge of the diaper is thrown up, and the free corners are wrapped around the legs and tucked in front.

If you want to leave the baby's arms free, start wrapping it up so that the diaper is passed not over the shoulders, but in the armpit area. Put on a light blouse on top so that the baby does not freeze, as well as mittens to prevent scratching.

If you want the baby's arms to remain open, then initially position the swaddling diaper so that when performing the manipulation, it passes under the baby's armpits.

The lower edge can also be fixed by laying it back, under the legs. This makes them looser and allows the child to untie themselves if desired. In hot weather, you can completely leave the diaper in the form of a diaper. In this case, it is folded into a triangle and the child is laid in such a way that the upper edge is at the level of the waist. Then the lower corner is passed between the legs, and the side corners are laid on opposite sides and wrapped around the body of the newborn. All edges are tucked into a diaper for fixation. Legs and handles with this method remain completely free.

Walking bag

When the weather gets cool, you need to take care of warming the child. This can be done using the "envelope" swaddling pattern. This method is often used to go out for a walk. Its essence lies in the fact that you need to wrap the baby with his head, leaving only a "window" for air access.

How to properly wrap a baby in this way? First you need to unfold the diaper diagonally and bend the edges. The baby is laid in such a way that his head is located on the upper corner with a small margin. Next, the lower edge is folded onto the legs, and then the side ones.

Similarly, you can swaddle a newborn baby using special Velcro envelopes with a hood. It is enough to put the baby in the "pocket" and wrap it with side parts with Velcro or buttons.


In some cases, a wide swaddling technique is used. Why are babies swaddled like this? The fact is that there are cases of dislocations of the hip joints or the development of dysplasia. On the early dates this can be cured by swaddling the baby wide.

With a wide swaddle, the baby's legs should be fixed at a distance from each other. For this purpose, they take a diaper and put it between the baby's legs, or use a larger amount of cloth for the diaper.

The essence of the technique is that two diapers are used. One, folded in several layers, is wrapped between the legs. You can use free equipment. The child's legs are fixed at a distance from each other. Then, on top of all this, you need to wrap another diaper with a back fold. A pediatrician will help you learn how to properly swaddle your baby with this technique.

Up to what age are diapers used? For various purposes, for example, for laying in a stroller, instead of a diaper or a blanket, there are no restrictions on their use. But wrapping a baby with handles for a long time is not worth it, as he must learn to control his movements and develop tactile perception. Enough 1 - 2 months, then you need to gradually wean the baby.

Do not despair if you do not succeed in swaddling correctly right away. In order not to cause discomfort to the child, it is better to learn this procedure in advance using a doll. You can do it yourself using the Internet, ask moms or parents you know, or sign up for courses for young parents.

If earlier the issue of swaddling a child was not discussed at all, today parents can make their own choice whether to carry out this procedure. Before a child wrapped up for the reason that disposable diapers were not then available or were simply an unaffordable luxury.

And there was no such variety of children's clothing either. But even now this procedure remains relevant. We will talk about how to swaddle a newborn correctly, what methods of carrying out this procedure, and about their advantages and disadvantages, in this article.

Swaddling a newborn - the pros and cons of this procedure

Since ancient times, swaddling a child has been a kind of ritual, thanks to which the child's skeleton developed normally. Now, many children whose parents refuse to swaddle have problems with the spine, displacement and prolapse of the organs in the abdominal cavity.

In addition, in the first months of his life, the cartilage and tendons of the baby are not yet too well developed. Twitching sharply in a dream, he can damage them. A swaddled child feels calmer, since in this case he is close to the conditions in which he lived for nine whole months.

Often the baby is swaddled for his safety. Unfixed arms and legs may twitch during sleep. Newborns often get hit in the face and may even accidentally poke a finger in the eye. In addition, you don’t have to worry that the baby will roll over at night and bury his nose in the pillow.

It is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn baby. Parents themselves must draw a conclusion for themselves, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure.

Benefits of wrapping:

  • A diaper can wrap the child completely, which allows you to warm him if the room is cool;
  • The diaper is much easier to wash than other baby clothes;
  • If the baby has relieved himself, then changing the diaper is much easier.

Some disadvantages:

  • If a young mother has no swaddling experience, then it is much easier for her to put on a vest and sliders;
  • From the contemplation of a child dressed in looser clothes, you can get aesthetic pleasure;
  • At the age of three months, many babies feel comfortable sleeping on their tummy. For digestion, this is good and completely safe for the baby, because he turns his head to one side;
  • Some kids don't like cutting their nails. Therefore, this procedure is carried out in a dream. You can't do this with a diaper.

As you can see, swaddling a newborn baby is a purely individual choice of the mother. If you decide to do this, then it is worth considering in more detail the main types of swaddling a newborn. In particular, their advantages and disadvantages.

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What methods of swaddling a newborn can be used

There are three main ways to swaddle a baby:

  • Tight. In this case, the baby is swaddled tightly over the arms and legs so as to limit his movements as much as possible. This method is most often not welcomed by experts;
  • Free. In this case, the baby's legs are simply not tightly grabbed. You can use special envelopes for this. In this case, the child feels more free, and hip dysplasia is also prevented;
  • Wide. This method is attributed by doctors in violation of muscle tone or problems of an orthopedic nature. In this case, the child takes the most natural position.

Each of the cases has its own characteristics, so it is worth considering them in more detail.

Tight swaddling of a newborn - is there a need for this

This method is traditional for us. But its shortcomings are increasingly noted. And not only mothers, but also qualified specialists. Naturally, the question arises as to whether it is possible to swaddle a newborn tightly. To do this, consider the opinions of experts.

So, according to scientific medicine, the following disadvantages of tight swaddling and its consequences are distinguished:

  • There is a risk of developing hip dysplasia;
  • The motor functions of the baby are inhibited;
  • The child is overheating;
  • The lungs are compressed, blood circulation is disturbed;
  • Due to a change in the usual posture (embryo), the child does not sleep well;
  • Tight swaddling stifles the instinct of freedom;
  • Muscles, ligaments and joints develop poorly due to passivity. Poor circulation leads to disruption of the development of internal organs;
  • A baby in a dream must definitely move.

Approximate scheme of tight swaddling of a newborn

But some experts have the opposite opinion:

  • Tight swaddling helps to increase the phase of deep sleep;
  • In such a kind of "cocoon" the child calms down faster;
  • The cost of diapers is less than other children's clothing;
  • If the baby is tightly swaddled, then it is easier to transfer it to the crib.

But, if you look closely, these benefits are mainly beneficial to the mother, not the child. So why swaddle newborns in this way? The fact is that it is indispensable if the baby moves too actively in a dream. Therefore, in the absence of hyperactivity in a child, it is better to abandon tight swaddling. This will save you problems in the future.

Free swaddling - give the child a sense of security

Modern pediatricians recommend that mothers just freely swaddle a newborn. This method allows you to create "intrauterine" conditions for the child. In addition, if you do not know how to swaddle a newborn in the heat, then this method is the most optimal.

So, such swaddling is useful for the child for the following reasons:

  • He feels more comfortable, as he can take the most comfortable position for himself. The space for movement is limited, but the baby does not feel constrained;
  • The child has the opportunity to feel everything tactilely, touching the fabric of the diaper with arms and legs;
  • The development of the child is happening correctly;
  • It is noted that the baby begins to walk earlier;
  • Due to the fact that the air circulates freely under the diaper, less irritation and inflammation appear on the skin of the little one;
  • The child is able to breathe freely;
  • Free swaddling can be called one of the stages of hardening, so it helps to strengthen immunity.

Approximate scheme of free swaddling baby

The technique of swaddling a newborn in a free way is very simple:

  • Put on the baby a diaper and a vest, selected in accordance with the air temperature;
  • Place the baby on the diaper so that its top edge reaches the waist. Handles remain on top;
  • Wrap the baby in a diaper, first tucking the left edge under it, and then the right;
  • Spread the bottom of the diaper well, wrap it over the legs and tuck it behind your back.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here, you just need to do everything carefully. And remember, proper swaddling of a newborn is the main guarantee of his comfort. The presence of wrinkles or irregularities can cause anxiety for the baby.

When using this method, mothers should take note of the following rules:

  1. A thin vest will be enough if the room is warm. The same applies to diapers;
  2. Choose better knitted diapers. They are more comfortable for the child, create an optimal microclimate and are more conveniently fixed;
  3. A diaper can be replaced by an envelope made of thin fabric.

Wide swaddling method - use only as directed by your doctor

This method is prescribed only by a doctor. Its purpose may be due to problems with muscle tone, problems with the joints, or dislocations at birth. Only a specialist is able to show how such swaddling is carried out correctly.

When using the wide swaddling method, the baby's legs should be properly spread and bent. It is difficult to take into account all the nuances on your own. Therefore, you need the help of a doctor who will explain everything in detail.

We equip a place for swaddling a baby

For these purposes, any flat surface will do, on which the fabric will not slide. It can be a baby changing table or a folding chest of drawers. Even a bed will do for this purpose.

Special table for comfortable swaddling of a newborn

But when carrying out this procedure, in no case do not leave the baby alone, because in the blink of an eye he can find himself on the edge! Therefore, all improvised means, for example, powder, always prepare in advance.

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Until what age should a newborn be swaddled?

There are no clear criteria for this. It all depends on the baby. If he stopped waking up from the fact that his legs and arms move randomly, then you can safely refuse diapers. As a rule, the rejection of diapers occurs in period 3-6 months.

Questions about how to properly swaddle a newborn concern all parents. But you must understand that every child is different. So try various ways swaddling, up to giving up diapers. And the child himself will make it clear what he likes more. And be sure to check with your pediatrician. After all, mistakes can cause serious problems in the future.

If you have a baby, then the very first action, after all the procedures, is swaddling a newborn baby . No matter how fashionable the slogans that the baby should be free in movements are now, swaddling has not gone away. It remains important for providing the baby with a sense of security. The fact is that in the mother's tummy it is comfortable and warm, as in a diaper, if swaddling is done correctly. Today we will try to figure out whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn baby and how to swaddle him correctly so that he is comfortable and warm? You, in turn, leave in the comments information whether you swaddled your child or not!

A swaddled baby is more relaxed because the swaddle also provides him "embrace" and a certain limitation of actions, which gives a sense of security in the most important - the first days and months of his life. At birth, the baby is frightened by the events happening to him, he becomes scared without the tight hugs of the tummy. Mom's task is to reduce the effects of postpartum stress in crumbs and learn different kinds swaddling.

Before you properly swaddle a newborn baby, you need to do everything: wash, wipe, and wrinkles,.

Basic requirements for comfort and safety:

1. To properly swaddle a newborn, the diaper should be washed with baby powder and ironed on both sides with a hot iron.
2. Fabric - only soft (cotton in summer, flannel in winter). For softening it is useful to iron the diaper with steam.
3. The changing table is the most convenient place for changing. But a sofa, bed or table will also fit.
4. All hygiene products, accessories and bottles should be at hand to reduce the time of the procedure.
5. Leaving a baby alone is unacceptable, even if there are bumpers on the table. It can slide, and you yourself will not understand how it happened.
6. Under the diaper, you can wear a vest without seams and ties.
7. Before swaddling a newborn, make sure the room is warm.

Types of swaddling a newborn baby

1. Tight swaddling. It is best to swaddle a newborn in a tight way. This will ensure complete immobility of the arms and legs, which after birth are in good shape and involuntarily make movements that interfere with stable sleep. To swaddle a newborn like this, you need to spread the diaper and put the crumbs. The top edge of the fabric should be in the middle of the baby's neck. Straighten the right arm, straighten it and gently press it against the body. Cover the tummy and the pressed handle with the left edge of the diaper, straighten it under the back. Slightly press the left handle and straighten it again. Wrap the right edge in the same way. Straighten the bottom. It will be wider. Cover the crumbs with this bottom from above and tie the ends behind your back. It is better not to use pins so as not to accidentally prick the baby. Tie the ends tight enough.

Step-by-step instructions - swaddle a newborn in pictures
2. Swaddle with your head covered. This method is best for walking. It is very easy to swaddle a newborn in this way. You perform a tight swaddling (see above), only leaving the top edge of the fabric not on the neck, but above the head. If you swaddle a newborn in this way, then you will get a kind of head cover that will protect against drafts.

3. With a head and a blanket. Lay the blanket so that the top corner is at the top of a kind of rhombus. Now we will swaddle a newborn baby as follows: wrap the right corner under the back, completely covering the baby with the handles. Raise and straighten the bottom. Repeat the same with the left corner. Tie with a ribbon and straighten the blanket at the face. So you can swaddle a newborn before a walk in the winter. The baby will be warm and comfortable.

4. We give freedom. Swaddling a newborn baby in this way is not recommended at night, otherwise the handles will wake him up. Loose swaddling suitable for babies older than a month, but if you decide to swaddle a newborn in this way, then do it during the day. Unfold the diaper and put your baby on it, dressed in a vest and a diaper. Wrap the right edge not from above (as with the tight method) but under the arm, leaving the handle free. Repeat this with the left edge. Lift the hem and gently wrap under the back, tying at the same time.

The doctor shows how to swaddle a newborn (video):

5. Wide swaddling. It is characterized by the presence of pads between the legs. If you swaddle a newborn baby in this way, it will provide the baby with a natural position of the pelvic joints in case of problems with them. How to swaddle a newborn in a wide way? Take 3 diapers or 2 pieces + pillow. Put the baby on one (see tight swaddling), place a pillow or a folded second diaper between the legs, tying the edges with a triangle in the form of panties. Cover the top with a third diaper and tie them off.

6. In the hospital. Usually, after birth, it is advised to swaddle a newborn baby in a tight way, which gives him additional psychological protection. How to swaddle a newborn baby will show you the medical staff. Take as many ironed diapers to the hospital as possible. It is impossible to use soiled fabric without washing and ironing.
Diagram of swaddling a baby in pictures
7. In the summer. To swaddle a newborn baby in the heat, use natural cotton diapers to prevent sweating. To sleep in the heat, it is recommended to swaddle a newborn in a thin diaper and cover it with a light blanket on top. How to swaddle a newborn baby in the heat so as not to catch a cold and ensure comfort? Use a knitted diaper, also put on a light cap after swaddling. However, if you feel that the hairs are sweating, leave the baby without it.

Step-by-step instructions: how to swaddle a baby before bed
8. Swaddle before bed. It is not necessary to properly swaddle a baby for sleep if the handles do not interfere with his sleep. If you decide to swaddle a newborn, then do it in a tight way or use a sleeping bag.

Video how to swaddle a newborn:

Swaddling: pros and cons

PER! The baby does not see the difference between her mother's tummy and a diaper, which means she feels surrounded by love and protection. If you have learned how to swaddle a baby correctly, without gaps, he will not catch a cold (children still have poor thermoregulation). Sleep will become more calm, body movements will not interfere with the baby.

AGAINST! With excessively tight swaddling, the limbs, which are very fragile in newborns, can become deformed, breathing becomes difficult, and sweating increases. Opt for free swaddling, which is the golden mean.

Misconceptions about swaddling

1. About the shape of the legs. If you swaddle your baby correctly, it will not always be possible to give the crooked legs a better shape. In this case, movement is shown.

2. About a cold. A diaper is not a protection against colds and, on the contrary, can provoke them. It is important not to overheat the baby.

3. About security. Many people are afraid that the baby will hurt themselves. However, everything is not so scary. It is enough to cut during the nails, remove the surrounding objects and protect from falling.

4. About duration. The longer you swaddle, the better. This is not true. You can’t swaddle for more than two months, the baby must move and develop.

Video on the topic of swaddling or not swaddling a newborn baby:

To swaddle a newborn or not is up to you. Doctors such as Dr. Komarovsky advise sticking to the golden mean - use diapers for up to a month and then switch to free swaddling, suits or "little men".

Do I need to swaddle a newborn baby - Dr. Komarovsky (video):

Currently, many young mothers are wondering if it is necessary to swaddle a newborn. Modern disposable diapers and comfortable clothes suitable for children from the first days of life eliminate the need for tight swaddling. Yes, and many pediatricians do not recommend restraining the mobility of the baby's legs and arms to quickly get rid of hypertonicity. In our article we will consider all the pros and cons of swaddling babies.


Today, the choice of whether or not to swaddle a newborn baby is made by parents. In fact, many babies feel comfortable swaddled. They sleep better and worry less. After all, tight diapers hold back sharp, frightening babies involuntary waves of arms and legs, the muscle tissue of which is not yet controllable on their part. That is why swaddling in the first days of a child's life is recommended not only by our mothers and grandmothers, but also by some pediatric doctors in maternity hospitals. And those babies who have problems with hyperexcitability nervous system, for which it is characteristic, it is necessary to swaddle.

The advantages of using diapers from the first days of a baby's life are obvious:

  • swaddling provides a good sleep for the baby - involuntary flapping of the limbs will not wake him up;
  • a tight diaper will help the baby during colic, alleviating his suffering with increased gas formation;
  • swaddling allows the occasional use of gauze diapers, which is sometimes necessary in the treatment of diaper dermatitis;
  • diapers protect against hypothermia in the cold season;
  • buying diapers is much more profitable than buying several sets of clothes for the baby.

But at the same time, this way of caring for babies has its negative sides. If they are used for more than 3 months, they can cause a delay in the development of motor skills and increased hypertonicity of the legs.

And in summer time years, tight diapers can cause overheating of the baby, whose thermoregulation is impaired in the first days of life. allow the babies of the first months of life to sleep with their mother, being warmed by her warmth and calming down by her breath. When sleeping together, swaddling may be superfluous. In addition, the baby needs to be regularly laid out on the tummy, and doing this in diapers will be very problematic.

Video about whether swaddling is necessary


Swaddling a newborn can be of 3 types:

  • tight;
  • wide;
  • Free.

Tightly swaddle newly born children. This is taught to pregnant women in courses at the school of maternity and nurses in the postpartum departments of maternity hospitals. It is used when refusing disposable diapers and to calm hyperactive children. The stories of our grandmothers that tight diapers will make the child's legs straight are nothing more than a myth. To date, this method is practically not used. And all because it has a number of significant drawbacks:

  • Violates blood circulation;
  • Constricts breathing;
  • Does not allow the baby to feel his limbs;
  • Holds the child's legs in an unnatural position for them.

Free swaddling can be used at home when you need to calm the baby and put him to bed. This method does not hinder his movements, but at the same time allows him to take a pose that most closely resembles his position in the mother's womb. He can cross his arms, bend his legs and curl up. Alternatively, you can swaddle one leg, and leave the arms free. Such swaddling acts as a kind of. Babies sleep better and behave more calmly.

In the summer, you need to use thin cotton diapers for this, and after the onset of cold weather, they should be replaced with flannel ones.

Wide swaddling is a fixation of the baby in diapers with bent legs, but at the same time excludes the possibility of moving them. This type of swaddling is usually used for indications, which are:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • dislocation of the hip during childbirth;
  • violations of muscle tone;
  • other orthopedic problems.

Video on how to swaddle a baby

Such a method according to indications pediatrician can be used from birth to six months. It will require not one, but three diapers. On one of them, located vertically, the baby is placed. The second diaper, folded in a triangle, will be under his buttocks at an angle down, and the third, folded in a rectangle, fits between his legs. After that, the hips are wrapped with a triangle, the legs are fixed with a rectangle, and the baby is completely wrapped in the first diaper.

Alternatively, instead of diapers, you can use special envelopes for newborns, sleeping bags or so-called euro-zip diapers.


You can start swaddling a baby from birth, but the timing of refusing it is individual in each case. Someone swaddles a child for several weeks, someone for several months, and someone does not use this method at all. AT Soviet times When diapers and other accessories that facilitate baby care were inaccessible to women, children were swaddled from birth to six months.

Nevertheless, practice shows that after the baby is one and a half to two months old, it is quite enough to swaddle only the legs. At this age, involuntary flapping of the arms becomes less frequent, the baby learns to control his body.

Swaddling for more than 3 months can delay the development of the baby, disrupt the coordination of his movements and cause increased muscle tone in the limbs.

Those who decide to practice swaddling should adhere to a few simple rules, which will add crumbs of comfort:

  • do not wear anything under the diaper except for a thin vest and a diaper;
  • use only clean and carefully ironed diapers;
  • from time to time arrange air baths for the baby, while laying it on the tummy;
  • do not use any type of swaddling for more than 3 months.

To swaddle a baby or not is up to young parents to decide. Each mother chooses the method of child care that is convenient for both her and the baby.

Free swaddling video

4 What do you need for swaddling?

For those families who plan to swaddle a baby for several months, a changing table will be a necessary purchase. These days it is not necessarily a separate piece of furniture. Modern children's stores have big choice foldable changing tables that can be placed anywhere and even taken with you on a trip. Or, alternatively, you can buy a chest of drawers with a changing board. It is very convenient to store children's things in its drawers - diapers, undershirts, diapers, etc. A high-positioned changing table will reduce the load on the back of a young mother and allow her to swaddle a baby without any problems.

As for diapers, it is desirable that the following types be available:

  • ordinary - chintz and flannel;
  • envelopes - for swaddling on the shoulders;
  • for handles - leaving the legs free;
  • with a hood - great for wrapping crumbs after bathing.

Video about that swaddling in the heat

Their required number will depend on whether or not the use of disposable diapers is planned. If a diaper is worn under the diaper, then 2-3 diapers per day will be enough, but if gauze diapers are used, then you will need to buy diapers at the rate of 20 pieces per day. After all, newborn babies urinate very often. At the same time, a diaper worn under a diaper can create a greenhouse effect, which is fraught with irritation and diaper rash on the baby's delicate skin.

There is nothing wrong with swaddling newborn babies. But on condition that it is carried out correctly, no longer than 2 - 3 months and taking into account all hygiene rules and regulations. Caring for a baby should not turn into hard labor for a young mother, but should bring her joy and pleasure from close communication.

They can show it in the hospital. Nevertheless, it is better to find out why, and most importantly, how to learn how to swaddle a newborn baby in advance.

Proper swaddling of a newborn

In the first months of a baby's life, swaddling is, if not mandatory, then a highly desirable procedure from the many that parents have to learn. Now there is a lot of controversy about whether it is worth swaddling a newborn at all, having a rich assortment of diapers and a variety of clothes for newborns in the arsenal. Even pediatricians do not have a consensus on this issue.

Nature itself speaks in favor of swaddling. Before leaving the mother's womb, the baby is in a rather cramped space for several months, but feels familiar and comfortable. To return to the newborn this feeling of comfort after entering an unusual environment and gradually adapt to the new environment, swaddling is used. But this is one aspect, you also need to swaddle a child in order to:

  • maintain a comfortable temperature;
  • with strong excitability, limit freedom of movement;
  • prevent skin rash;
  • for medicinal purposes: dystonia of the spinal muscles, musculoskeletal system.

How to swaddle a newborn baby video:

The first three months, the limbs of the newborn are bent. This is a normal, habitual state, so it is not worth applying efforts when swaddling, so as not to cause discomfort to the child.

Newborn Swaddling Rules

Like any responsible business, the rules for swaddling a baby can be divided into main points:

  • swaddling method;
  • time;
  • material.

Swaddle a newborn who has not reached 2 months age, it is necessary to be extremely careful, so when swaddling, you can simply wrap the legs with a cloth, and lightly press the handles with a diaper to the body.

How to swaddle a newborn video:

There are two traditional ways to swaddle a newborn: full tight and loose swaddling. In the first way, the child is wrapped completely, including the shoulders and feet. The second - only the tummy and legs, the baby's arms remain free.

Proper swaddling of the child is carried out before feeding on the changing table. You can swaddle a newborn on a regular one, after covering it with soft natural material. Both sides of clean diapers must be ironed with a hot iron. The density of diapers can be different, but Special attention you need to pay attention to the material - it must be natural and made from:

  • chintz;
  • cotton
  • tales;
  • coarse calico;
  • flannel

Full swaddling is preferred for babies up to 3 months of age.

How to swaddle a newborn baby instruction

Consider two commonly used swaddling methods: classic and loose.

Classic newborn swaddling. We spread the diaper on the changing table and put it with the corner up - in the shape of a diamond. Top corner bends inwards.

  • We put the baby in a diaper on a diaper. The edge of the folded corner should be at the level of the chin.
  • Next, wrap right side diapers and start under the left handle, fixing under the back.
  • Throw the left side of the diaper, refuel under the back.
  • We collect the tail of the lower part of the diaper and fill it with a pocket - a fold.

There is a second way to wrap the bottom of the diaper. It is necessary to straighten the tail and bend to the elbow joints. Thus, wrapping a diaper around the baby, a kind of envelope is formed.

Classical swaddling can be performed with the head. This complete wrapping is done in the same way, but with 2 diapers. Both diapers (thin and thick) are placed exactly on top of each other, and the edge is wrapped over the baby's head, forming a scarf.

You can swaddle a baby with a head and with the help of one diaper. Swaddling with the help of a blanket for a walk and for discharge is also widely practiced.

A free method to swaddle a baby. It is used much more often, with this method the handles remain free.

The video shows instructions for swaddling in several ways: wide, free and full - in the classic way.

How to swaddle a baby video:

Perhaps it is worth briefly mentioning how not to swaddle a child:

  • too tight;
  • too loose;
  • wear more than one vest.

Some babies are shown wide swaddling from birth, excluding tight ones. It is worth following the doctor's instructions for health problems. Swaddling is not just a way to dress a baby, but also a remedy for an ailment, for example, with problems with the hip joints.

How long to swaddle a newborn?

Because swaddling often helps babies sleep, it's a good idea to swaddle your newborn at night. If in this form he sleeps until morning and does not experience discomfort - very good. The exception is the situation when it is necessary to change diapers. They must always be dry and clean.

During the day, while awake, for children under 2 months old, swaddling helps to feel in a still familiar, prenatal state and not be afraid of their own body movements. In addition, due to the already developed sense of touch in an infant, the diaper temporarily replaces the warm embrace of the mother during her forced absence.

It is preferable to feed the child without diapers. In the first months of life, a newborn eats up to 12 times a day, plus a change of clothes after a stool. From here - the swaddled baby is no more than an hour - two in a row.

Baby's sensitive skin needs air and sunlight. To avoid diaper rash and diaper dermatitis, you should not abuse swaddling.

How long should a baby be swaddled after birth? The first 4 weeks, as a rule, swaddling is necessary. Until the age of three months, you can continue the procedure if the baby accepts it willingly.

How much to swaddle a newborn video:

Baby won't sleep without swaddling

Weaning from swaddling should be gradual. For starters, you can free your legs. Then one by one - pens, and this can stretch for several days, or even weeks.

When the newborn stops involuntarily waking himself up with his hands, you can abandon swaddling in favor of covering him with a blanket. You should also develop a certain time for falling asleep for the night, the usual ritual before bedtime, favorite toys.

How to swaddle a newborn video Komarovsky:

swaddling baby- a troublesome task, but often necessary. The ability to properly swaddle a newborn is a pledge wellness, healthy sleep, not only for the baby, but also general development in the first months of life.