Crisis period: what your child should be able to do at eight months

During the eighth month, the child gains an average of 550 grams of weight and grows by 2 cm. Thus, the weight of an eight-month-old child is about 8100 - 8500 g, and the height is 69-74 cm.

It's okay if the child gains weight faster or slower, but beware if there is a sharp change in the weight or height centile corridor (for more details, see the centile tables for boys or girls). The norms of physical development are described in more detail in centile tables: for boys, for girls.

What can an 8 month old baby do?

  • babbles as if talking;
  • understands and fulfills requests such as “give your hand”, “bow your head”;
  • plays games with simple actions (“Paladushki”), dances;
  • experiencing severe fear when parting with his mother;
  • clearly divides people into “us” and “them”;
  • frightened by sharp, unexpected sounds (vacuum cleaner, bell, dog barking);
  • independently gets up and walks at the support;
  • sits independently;
  • begins to actively crawl;
  • can bite off soft food and chew;
  • switching from mashed potatoes to crushed food;
  • calmly perceives planting on a pot.

8 month old developmental test

1. By eight months, the child can sit upright in the crib without the help of an adult, can move from place - roll away, move away, etc. He can sit down, lay down, get up, step over at the support.

2. The child tries, by applying force, to take away the toy from the adult. If you try to wipe your child's nose, he will push your hand away.

3. If you place the toy outside the bed (nearby - on a chair), then the child reaches out, touches the toy and grabs it.

4. In a sitting position with support, the child can free himself from the diaper with which you covered him. However, he does not fall, but remains seated.

5. During an organized game of hide and seek, the child looks with interest in the direction in which the adult's face appears, and greets his appearance with laughter.

6. In front of the child, you take away the toy from him and put it in your pocket (part of the toy should protrude). The child takes out this toy.

7. The child grabs the second rattle without dropping the first one and makes movements with both hands.

8. Pronounces various syllables loudly and clearly. Squealing and humming with pleasure. Recognizes and distinguishes close people in the photo.

9. Works with toys for a long time and in various ways, acts with them, depending on their properties (rolls, takes out, opens, presses, etc.).

10. At the request of an adult, he waves his hand at parting, claps his hands. Follows the moving images of people, animals on the TV screen

How much does a baby eat at 8 months

5 feedings in 4 hours. First and last - breast milk or milk formula. By the third feeding, at about 2 pm, you can add vegetable puree or mashed meat puree from lean pork, beef, starting with a teaspoon up to 50 g (together with milk and vegetable puree - 220-250 g). Give the yolk with porridge.

How much does a baby sleep at 8 months

Babies 6 to 9 months old need about 14-15 hours of sleep per night, and they can sleep for about 7 hours straight. If your baby sleeps longer than seven hours, he probably wakes up briefly, but manages to go back to sleep on his own - a great sign. This means that you have an excellent dormouse growing.

The mode and daily routine of a child at 8 months

The daily regimen depends on the number of feedings and the biorhythms of the child (someone gets up earlier in the morning, some later, some sleep more during the day) and often differs for all children of the same age. Adjust to the child, but try to feed and put the child to bed at the same time every day, so he will less problems with digestion and sleep. Sample baby routine.

This mode is far from a guide to the life of mom and baby by the clock, but only an example by which you can imagine how long the phases of sleep and wakefulness, breaks between meals can be.

Baby health at 8 months

Educational activities and games for an 8 month old baby

Eight months is the age of active exploration of space and new games. By this age daytime dreams reduced to 2 times 1.5-2 hours each, the baby is awake for much longer. Many babies have several teeth by 8 months, although there are no strict rules in this regard.

At 8 months, the child already knows a lot of new things. The baby becomes active, mobile and inquisitive. Weight gain slows down compared to the first months of life, many mothers even note that the child is more stretched in height and looks thinner. Every day a child learns something new. New baby skills deserve special attention.

8 month old skills

  • Eight-month-old babies are already well and very much. Crawling "on-plastunsky" develops into a full-fledged movement on all fours. At this age, children are able to crawl for any distance and devote most of their time to this activity. It is very important that the space that the “slider” is so actively exploring is safe. It is better to remove wires and extension cords from the floor, and all dangerous objects from the accessibility area as a whole. During this period, the bin, the bowls of pets “move” to a higher level, since the kids show great interest in these objects.
  • The child begins to train in holding the vertical position of the body. Usually, babies start to sit down on their own from all fours, so when crawling becomes easy and familiar for the child, he tries new actions. The child does not know how to keep his body in a sitting position at 8 months. Usually, children do not sit for longer than 3-5 minutes. It is still not recommended to sit down the baby, especially on a soft surface or in pillows.
  • Another vertical position is standing, her baby also tries around 7-8 months. Getting up at the support is one of the favorite tricks at this age. The child crawls to an object that can be leaned on, grabs the handles, gets up, but within a minute, as a rule, falls on the ass. As a support, I most often act as a sofa, bed, chairs, armchairs. For the baby, this is a kind of exercise and training, during which the legs and back are getting stronger. It is not worth interfering in this process and offering the baby to stand more often than he himself tries to do it. Excessive vertical load on the spine and joints in early age can turn into problems with the musculoskeletal system when the child gets older (the most common consequence of early staging is spinal curvature). Be sure to ensure that the child has only stable, safe objects at hand as a support.
  • Motor skills continue to develop. The main innovation of the age of eight months is the appearance of the so-called "tweezer grip": the baby begins to take objects not with the whole five, but with the help of a large and index finger. This is the most important skill and a vivid indicator of the development of the psyche. Now the baby is able to perform more subtle actions, take small objects.
  • New skills appear in the field of manipulation with objects. Not only to take, hold and release an object a child should be able to at 8 months. At this age, children also know how to deliberately throw what is clamped in the handle. Favorite fun for all kids is to throw toys out of the crib or playpen. As we remember, toys must be returned.
  • Another innovation is correlative actions with objects. Now the baby can not only take toys in turn and examine them, but also perform certain actions with one toy relative to another. These may be attempts to put one toy on another, knock on it, swap places. If there is a container in front of the baby, he will try to put everything that comes into view into it. It is correlative actions that underlie the ability to assemble a pyramid, to select the correct inserts for Segen boards, so such games should be encouraged.
  • Significant changes are also noted in the speech sphere. The main task at the age of 8 months is the accumulation of a passive vocabulary, that is, words whose meaning the child understands. Active speech at this stage still manifests itself in the form of syllables and their combinations, but the child begins to understand the speech he hears better and better, begins to react not only to the emotional coloring of speech, but also to the meaning of what was said. This is especially noticeable at the request addressed to the baby. Upon request, the child may submit the right toy or show in a book a picture of an animal already known to him. In addition to fulfilling the requests of an adult, the child already knows how to respond to warnings and prohibitions, which is especially important because of the irrepressible thirst for knowledge.
  • The social development of the crumbs is at a critical point. The fear of strangers, which appears at about 7 months, is still very pronounced. The child refuses to be in the arms of unfamiliar people and is very frightened if the mother disappears from view, even if she just went to the next room. To parents, this behavior of the crumbs may seem strange, and representatives of the older generation often say that such whims and crying are the result of “accustoming to hands”. In fact, this is a completely normal stage in the development of attachment, there is absolutely no point in ignoring it or, even more so, somehow struggling with such behavior of the child. On the contrary, the task of parents is to be responsive to the needs of the baby, to let him know that he is safe, his mother is near and will always protect him.

What should a child be able to do at 8 months? Motor skills are so improved that the baby tries to sit down and crawl on his own. Also at this age, the child has a need for emotional support and constant communication.

A striking sign of this age is the fears of the baby. The child may suddenly become afraid of the noise of a vacuum cleaner, grandma's fur coat or grandpa's beard. Any change in space or appearance loved one may scare the baby. Psychologists believe that these fears are quite justified and speak of the formation of a sense of security and personal boundaries in an infant. It is not recommended to cultivate courage at such a tender age.

Baby motor skills at 8 months

What should a baby be able to do at 8 months?

  • First attempts to crawl. The child freely and deftly makes a coup from the back to the stomach. The kid tries to take this particular position, because it makes it possible to see the world. This position also allows the baby to move around. You can see how the baby is trying to get on all fours, but so far it is uncertain, swaying. Most often, the child begins to crawl not on all fours, but in a plastunsky way. Not all eight-month-old children begin to crawl, but most, once on their stomachs, actively move their whole bodies, stretch their legs, pull themselves up on their hands, and rotate in different directions.
  • Sitting position. For some reason, the older generation of grandmothers had the opinion that at 6 months the baby should already be sitting. However, according to international norms of psychomotor development, an infant can sit up on his own in the period from 7 to 9 months. An eight-month-old baby can already sit freely, while his back should not be rounded. Without adult support, the infant may sit for about 5 seconds, after which he may fall on his side or lean on one arm for balance. In a sitting position, a baby usually has a lot of positive emotions. After all, the posture allows you to clearly see everything that is happening around him. Is there any difference in the timing of planting a girl and a boy? This question is often asked by mothers. Doctors say that gender does not affect the stage of planting, and classify this information as a myth. Read more about when a child begins to sit on his own, at what months girls and boys can be planted, read in other articles.
  • Pull-ups on the hands. You can conduct such an experiment. The baby lies on its back, in front of it you need to put your thumbs pointing at each other (in the form of a crossbar). The child grabs his fingers and tries to pull himself up to sit up. At this point, you do not need to help the baby and pull him by the handles. At this age, the baby perfectly copes with the task on its own and assumes an upright position. The muscles of the back, abdomen, arms, neck of the baby are already well developed.
  • Development of coordination of movement and balance. The child can take various poses, thanks to balance, additional support of the hands, balancing with the legs. This age is characterized by a lying position on its side with support on one hand (“garden gnome position”), while the other hand of the baby is free, he can manipulate it. The upper leg in this pose also moves freely and creates balance. Why does a baby need these complicated tricks? These exercises prepare the baby to sit on his own from a position on his stomach and side.
  • Strengthening the skill of grasping and holding an object in the hand. At 7 months, the baby already knew how to simultaneously take two objects in both hands. This skill is improved in 8 months. If you offer the baby two identical toys of a small volume, he must learn to take them at the same time. It happens that the baby will take one item, get carried away by it and forget about the other. In this situation, you need to offer him a second toy again. At this age, it is already possible to determine the working hand and say whether the child will be right-handed or left-handed. It is important to understand that no correction is needed. But you need to load both hands.
  • Fine (fine) motor skills. Fine motor skills (finger work) develop thinking. The right hand corresponds to the left hemisphere and is associated with logical, rational thinking. BUT left hand"Friends" with the right hemisphere and is responsible for creativity and imagination. When the baby presses the buttons on the remote control, twists the buttons on clothes, tries to fold a nesting doll or a pyramid, not only his hands work, but also his brain. What should a child be able to do at eight months, if we talk about fine motor skills? The baby is already able to take a small object in his hand and hold it only with his fingers, without putting it completely into the palm of his hand. It is important that this skill is developed equally on the right and left hand.

It's time to move from the sofa or bed to the "lower tier", that is, to the floor. Firstly, it is safe: the baby will definitely not fall from here. Secondly, there is an opportunity to develop new territories. Open space is important for the psycho physical development baby. But the “lower tier” also needs to be secured: put plugs on sockets, hooks on cabinet doors, remove sharp and heavy objects, household chemicals. To better see the dangers, you should go down and look at the world through the eyes of a crumb.

Building a basic sense of security

In the second half of life, the most important in life, the basic safety mechanism is formed in the baby. From this comes trust in the world in which he lives. Who develops this trust? Of course, mom. She is a mirror of the state of the baby. And it’s good when mom reflects both positive and negative emotions. She will certainly smile at a joyful and contented child, and she will caress and grieve with him when she is crying and offended. Mother and child are on the same emotional wavelength. And the more emotions a mother has, the more sincere they are, the wider and friendlier the surrounding space becomes for the baby. Understanding emotionality in this case is not exaltation, not delight, but a living inclusion in the experiences of the crumbs. Emotions make any person alive and present, and it is extremely important for a baby to feel this.

The psychomotor skills of a child at 8 months develop more intensively when a safety mechanism is formed in the baby. If the mother is stone-faced and depressed, the crumbs will have increased anxiety and a sense of insecurity. He will explore and explore the world with less desire.

Psycho-emotional development and communication

What reactions can a child at this age have when communicating with relatives and strangers? How does he perceive the world, comprehend actions and phenomena, relationships between objects?

  • Quick switching of attention. Parents notice that a baby of this age cannot play the same game for a long time. He loses interest in an old activity quickly when a new object comes into view. Psychologists do not recommend overloading the baby with information and offering him many new games at once.
  • Attitude towards strangers. Caution towards strangers is on the rise. At this age, even the most sociable baby can show distrust of a stranger. This is an absolutely normal reaction, which indicates the formation of a distance with people. Also, children can show selectivity: they go to the hands of some strangers, but not to others, they begin to smile at some, and cry at the sight of others. Many children at this age are strongly attached to their mother. And if it disappears for a while, they experience anxiety and anxiety.
  • Perception of the relationship of objects and actions, the study of the properties of objects. The kid begins to catch that if the object disappears, it does not dissolve in space, but moves. Now he is interested in everything that moves. You can conduct such an experiment. One adult sits at the table and puts the baby on his lap, and the other puts a toy on the table (a cube, a ball, a car). As soon as the baby reaches for the toy, the adult pushes it so that it rolls over the table and falls to the floor. The baby closely follows the movement and bends down to examine the toy on the floor. Also, at 8 months, children are able to find hidden objects, shift them, put one into another.
  • Observation of the surrounding world and natural phenomena. While walking in a stroller, the child can now be in a sitting or semi-sitting position. Space expands for him to "cosmic" scales. Now the child can watch the movements of people, animals, birds, cars, feel the wind, raindrops, the sun's rays on his face, etc.
  • Objection and manifestation of character. At this age, the baby can protest if he does not like something. It can be screaming, screaming, crying. Also, the child has favorite activities and toys, depending on the type of temperament. If a child shows negative emotions at this age, this is absolutely normal. But in most cases, a healthy eight-month-old baby is still joyful and contented with life. A child can repeat the same actions many times if they bring him joy.
  • Hide and seek is my favorite game. A baby at this age consciously supports the game of hide and seek. When someone close is hiding behind furniture or under a bedspread, the baby looks forward to the appearance and laughs loudly if they say “cuckoo” to him and call out by name.

Consolidation of positive experience at this age is extremely important. It is recommended now to praise the child and encourage him if, when mastering a new type of activity, something does not work out for him.

Speech development

At 8 months, the baby can not only babble loudly and scream, but also “speak” in a whisper. The child discovers that it is possible to pronounce sounds with different strength and intonation. Speech skills that were formed at 7 months will improve.

  • Syllabic chains. At this age, the baby is able to reproduce various combinations of closed and open syllables: “yes-yes”, “ma-ma”, “give-give”, “ta-ta”, “ba-ba”, “ma-ba”, “ ge-he", "ye-ye" and other options. Some syllable chains become more stable and are pronounced with clear articulation. For babble, towards the end of the second half of life, the impoverishment of syllabic chains is characteristic. This is a normal process of pre-speech development.
  • Melodic babble. The kid already knows how to reproduce the intonation of his native speech, puts stress in syllables, imitates the sounds of adult speech. Also an important discovery of this age is the designation of objects of the surrounding world with syllables, that is, babble becomes meaningful.

The baby needs to be stimulated to active vocalization. Usually, children begin to babble when they are in a good mood, are passionate about something, communicate with loved ones. The speech of his peers can also stimulate the baby to babble.

What can an 8 month old baby do? Motor skills of this period: attempts to sit down and crawl independently, confidently grasping and holding small objects with fingers, improving coordination of movement and balance. At this age, the baby is aware of the causal relationships between objects and actions, quickly switches attention, loves to play hide and seek, watch the movement and is already showing character.


your child Nutrition and baby careSleep and safety

Educational games

Learning to set a goal and achieve it

Game 1. "Roll the ball"

Every day more and more voluntary movements appear in the motor arsenal of the baby. In the proposed game, the child learns to control the movements of both hands, set a goal and achieve it.

You will need

transparent plastic bottle volume 0.5 l with a lid, a small rubber or plastic ball of bright color. The diameter of the ball must be at least 3 mm smaller than the diameter of the neck of the bottle, so as not to get stuck when moving in the bottle.

How to make a toy

Release the bottle from paper stickers, wash it and wipe it dry. Unscrew the cap of the bottle, drop the ball in through the hole in the neck and screw the cap on tightly.

Game plan

1. Give the bottle a horizontal position, trying to make the ball stop in the middle. 2. Show the baby a ball in a bottle and, slightly tilting it from side to side, demonstrate its movements. Then show what happens if you put the bottle in a horizontal position. Express your delight at the amazing movements of the ball. 3. Give the bottle to the baby and invite him to do the same. Stimulate the activity of the baby with the question: “Where did the ball run?” 4. Show your child other possibilities of the amazing bottle by rolling it together with your palms on a carpet or other flat surface.

Note to parents

1. Do not show the baby the balloon before it is in the bottle, so that he does not demand to pull it back out. 2. When showing the bottle to the baby, try not to shake it, so as not to draw the child's attention to the sound of the ball moving and thus not set the wrong strategy for the game. 3. If the baby at first shows more interest in shaking the bottle and the sound it makes, give him the opportunity to get enough of this type of activity, and then demonstrate other advantages of the toy. The game was prepared by Maria Baulina, a neuropsychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, a specialist in child neuropsychology and the development of the child's psychological functions.

Development: watching the baby

Eight-month-old babies spend a lot of energy on physical activities and do not grow as actively as in previous months. Boys weigh 7.7-9.6 kg with a height of 68.4-72.8 cm, the corresponding figures for girls are 7.1-9.1 kg and 66.4-71.1 cm*.

Most toddlers learn to climb stairs quickly at this age, which can be a hassle for parents if there are stairs in the house. The child enthusiastically climbs to the very top and ... calls his mother to help him go down, because the way down seems to the child more difficult and causes fear. Be patient: soon the baby will learn to “slide” down the stairs himself, walking backwards. In the meantime, block the baby's access to the steps with a special grating door to avoid falling.

An eight-month-old child skillfully uses the thumb and forefinger of the hand, deftly grabbing even small objects and pieces of food. The baby is fascinated by objects that can be inserted one into the other. He especially likes drawers and boxes that fit a lot of smaller things. Favourite hobby a child at this age - to empty a variety of containers, from a can of buttons or a container of toys to a bowl of dog food or a pot of earth. Mom has to constantly be on her guard: on the one hand, it is useful for the baby to “feel” the ground and play with small objects, on the other hand, you need to make sure that he does not take anything superfluous into his mouth.

Children's memory is also developing: now the child remembers well recent events, the names of favorite toys and household items that he uses every day. This helps him navigate the room, deftly finding his way between toy boxes and furniture, as well as being aware of the relationship of words with their corresponding things.

Children begin to understand that things continue to exist, even if they are not visible. If a child hides a toy under a sheet in front of a child, he will soon realize that the toy can be found by pulling the sheet off it. And the keys can be obtained from the jar in which they fell. Gradually, the baby realizes that if the parents are not constantly kept in sight, they, too, can disappear, and then be found again.

Although most children have the same developmental milestones, they go through them at different speeds and in a different order. Some children develop skills faster fine motor skills and play well with small objects. Others first learn to sit and crawl confidently. Many children develop language skills faster than motor skills, and they begin to talk before they walk.

*Based on data provided by experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) based on the results of the Multi-Focus Growth Standards Study (MGRS).

It included children who were cared for in accordance with WHO health guidelines, such as breastfeeding and the mother not smoking. To date, the results of the MGER are recognized world standards against which the development of children can and should be compared, regardless of their place of residence, type of feeding and belonging to different ethnic groups and cultures.

Behavior: understand the baby

A kid at this age fearlessly crawls away from his parents to explore the next room. After all, mom and dad are nearby, and he remembers the way back well. But falling asleep in an unfamiliar place is not easy for a child. He is wary of both new people and new places.

Both timidity and fearlessness of the crumbs are explained by the growth of his self-awareness: he cannot foresee the consequences when faced with something unfamiliar, so he can be frightened new person, but a pot of boiling water will not seem dangerous. If the child is afraid, he clings tightly to his mother - a source of protection in any situation.

An eight-month-old baby can make almost all sounds mother tongue. Having not yet mastered the meaning of words, the child reacts to the intonation with which adults pronounce them, and understands well the mood of the interlocutor. Imitating adults, the baby expresses his feelings and desires with the help of babble.

Children watch adults with curiosity and try to copy any of their actions. While the baby's movements are poorly coordinated, he cannot hold a small object in his hand for a long time. Help your child: turn "adult" activities (like talking on the phone or combing your hair) into fun game. Talk to the baby on a toy mobile phone: first "call" him by saying a few words into the phone, then put it on the child's ear and invite the baby to "say" something in response. Pass the phone to each other for as long as the conversation arouses interest in the child. When combing the baby, give him the opportunity to run the brush through his hair, helping the baby to keep the comb in the correct position. Be sure to praise the young "hairdresser" for his efforts.

Baby care

Now, when the child begins to actively move, falls and minor bruises cannot be avoided. Don't worry, this is part of the growing up process. Do not prevent the baby from getting up on his own, bypassing corners, stepping over obstacles - that is, coordinating his movements. Children learn to control their bodies through trial and error. The task of parents is to secure the house where the child grows up as much as possible, and to be there if the baby needs emotional support.

Do not rush to buy children's shoes. Until the child begins to walk confidently, he does not need shoes. Be sure to check with your doctor before buying shoes.

Education and communication: we are engaged with the baby

The baby spends more and more time on the floor, so he needs enough space for games and exercise.

To develop the child's coordination, organize an "obstacle course" for him: a tunnel of cardboard boxes, a mountain of pillows, a plastic slide or a maze of large cubes and soft toys. Trying to crawl through a tunnel, climb a hill, or step over toys will help your baby to better feel his body in three-dimensional space and correctly assess the size of things.

To strengthen the muscles of the arms, back and neck, play with the baby in the "trolley": put the child on his stomach and lift his legs to a height of 10-15 cm. Let him try to walk a little or crawl back and forth on his hands. Speak that you are carrying a cart (for example, around the garden or a store), and praise the baby when he manages to "stand" and "walk" in this position.

The child will surely enjoy the tower destroyer game. Build a tower with light plastic blocks and show your child how to push it. When the tower collapses, be sure to tell the baby that he is a strong man and a giant, against whom a large and strong tower could not resist. Soon the child will begin to rejoice that his actions cause such a grandiose effect. Build towers of different sizes - both small and the height of a child, so that the baby learns the concepts of "high" - "low".

At this age, children like toys where certain actions (pressing a button or lever, pulling a string, etc.) are accompanied by music or light effects. Show the baby how to play with a new toy, be sure to praise him if he himself guesses what needs to be done to make the toy “work”.

Arrange a rehearsal of a home orchestra with your baby: turn on rhythmic music and show the little musician how you can “drum” with a wooden spoon on different surfaces - from a plastic mold to a wooden tabletop or the bottom of a metal saucepan.

Expand vocabulary baby, reinforce language concepts by constantly describing aloud your own and his actions: “Do you see this red car? Watch the green train go back and forth! Now mom will show you how to put a big blue cube on a bench, ”etc.

If possible, play with your baby in the fresh air, and not just walk with the stroller. Exploring the grass and leaves, mud and sand to the touch, the child receives valuable information about the world around him and develops all the senses.


Every day, the baby discovers so many new and interesting things that he may not even remember about food. Perhaps even his mother's breasts will cease to interest him. This phase usually passes quickly if the baby is fed in a quiet place where there are no distracting toys and objects in his field of vision.

For proper nutrition, the baby needs 400-500 g of mother's milk (or an adapted milk formula recommended by a pediatrician, if it is impossible breastfeeding) in a day. Also, complementary foods are recommended for children at eight months: 150-200 g of vegetables, 170-200 g of cereals, 50-70 g of fruits, 30-50 ml of juices, 30 g of meat and 40 g of dairy products per day.

Children's menu should consist only of high-quality products, crushed and thermally processed in accordance with the age of the baby. For breakfast, offer your child a tasty and healthy oatmeal with banana slices, half an egg yolk and fruit juice. For lunch - a small portion of chicken meat with rice and pumpkin vegetable puree and a little fruit juice. For an afternoon snack, cookies are perfect, which can be washed down with mother's milk. And for dinner, serve fresh cottage cheese and a yoghurt-fruit drink.

Keep night and morning feeding if you plan to continue breastfeeding: it is during this period that the female body produces hormones that stimulate lactation.


WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months. Breastfeeding is in the best possible way providing ideal nutrition for the healthy growth and development of infants; it is also an integral part of the reproductive process with important implications for maternal health.


Children constantly receive new information, and best of all, new knowledge and skills are fixed in a dream. To fully rest, eight-month-old babies need to sleep about 15 hours a day*.

However, now that the baby has learned to sit, crawl and actively play with toys, it is not as easy to put him to bed as before: the baby is afraid to miss something interesting. In addition, at this time, many babies are teething, which also violates the usual routine.

An overexcited or cranky child calms down faster by listening to quiet music. It is not necessary to sit next to the baby so that he falls asleep sooner: at this age, the presence of an adult distracts him more than calms him. At the same time, the baby must be sure that the parents are not far away and will always come to his aid. Wish your child pleasant dreams, say that mom is nearby and will definitely hear him, leave the door ajar - and give him the opportunity to fall asleep on his own.

If your baby is worried about teething, talk to your doctor about how best to deal with this problem.

Do not forget that there are no single recipes for a “correct” children's sleep, all children are individual, and only a mother knows how best to put her baby to sleep.


(*) The above norms are averages, the duration and time of sleep depends on the temperament of the baby. The main criterion of "norm" always remains good health baby, smiles and cheerfulness. If you still have any doubts, consult your pediatrician.


It's time to lower the mattress in the crib to the lower level: the baby's arms and legs are strong enough, he learns to stand and even walk, he doesn't want to sit in the crib - so the baby will try to climb over the bars.

Don't leave your baby alone with large toys that he can use as a support or stepping stones when trying to get out of the crib.

Be sure to check the room where the baby is playing for sharp corners and ledges that you can hit. To protect the baby from bruises, use special pads for furniture or a fence-lattice.

When a baby is born, he does not know how and is fully supported by his parents. Every month the baby develops: he begins to respond to voices, explore the world around him, play with rattles.

It is believed that during the year the child overcomes three stages in development until reaching the age of one. The first - at three months: the baby holds his head confidently, recognizes the voices of his parents. He overcomes the second key milestone in six months: he can be planted, various complementary foods are introduced. And finally, by the age of one, children begin to try to walk on their own, most of the teeth grow.

This parenting approach is wrong.: it is necessary to monitor the development of the child on a monthly basis in order to avoid future consequences. Let's look at the behavior of an eight-month-old baby: how much and how he should eat, the features of physiological and psychological development, and much more. Some children get used to the new world more quickly, others are a little late, so if your baby does not match the calendar at some point, it's not scary.

Physiological features of development

By the eighth month, the child already grows from four to six teeth: in some cases, there is a lag in the development of the child on this basis. The presence of calcium in each organism is individual, so the number of teeth may fluctuate.

Children's sleep in the aggregate still remains in the region of 15 hours: the time intervals of the active state become longer, the child begins to sleep more at night. During the day, the child is advised to put 2 times for two to three hours of sleep, the rest of the time, about 9-11 hours, falls at night.

Indicators of weight and height of children are very individual, at the eighth month of life there is a decrease in weight gain. This is due to increased activity, energy expenditure. Please note that at least a slight gain in body weight is mandatory, but if the baby loses grams, you should contact your pediatrician. Approximately average weight is 8-8.5 kg. More detailed information can be seen in the table.

The spine and bones of the child are already strong by this age, and the baby may try to stand on his feet or knees. An adult should help the baby, showing what actions he needs to perform in order to take the desired position.

Psychological aspects of child development in the eighth month of life

The psychology, in contrast to the physiological development, of babies is basically the same at the age of eight months. Kids learn the world, they give a response, recognize their parents and loved ones.

The eighth month of a child's life can be a test of the strength of the nerves of mom and dad. He begins to manipulate cries and whims If parents do not find the "golden mean" in communicating with the child, he may grow up with a hysterical character. It is important to consistently and calmly explain to the baby what is possible and what is not. It is better to remove all dangerous things from the eyes of the child so as not to tempt him. If he reaches for the forbidden object, try to say “No” to him and take the baby away or remove the forbidden thing. Soon he will learn to understand the negative reaction of his parents.

At this age, the first fears are formed: the child instantly allocates a stranger to him and may cry and be frightened. Over time, with the right reaction of the parents, this fear will pass, and the baby will respond friendly to the guests.

The line of behavior of parents should be the same: it is impossible for the mother to forbid something, and the father, on the contrary, allowed it. At eight months, although the child still does not really talk and moves with difficulty, his character is already beginning to take shape.

What can a child do?

From six months, children begin to sit down, if they have not done it before on their own. At eight months, babies, already in a stable sitting position, can move their arms.: shake toys, grab nearby objects. He uses both left and right hand equally. The preference for movements with only one hand does not lead to the conclusion that this is his final choice.

Toddlers begin to crawl, some are already able to move around the entire apartment. Particularly active children try to get up on their feet, and the reverse process - to fall on the ass - is harder for them. Therefore, often at night a child's cry can be heard: getting up, the baby does not know how to go back to the crib.

The child can be taught to walk: gently holding first two, then one hand. You should not rush the baby, he must take steps on his own, you just need to create a support.

The eighth month is marked by the formation of spatial perception: he begins to make decisions in difficult situations for himself: to stop on the edge of a bed or sofa, to freeze if a fly flies by.

The child begins to pronounce various sounds, slurred words. Sing simple songs to your baby, consisting of separate syllables, tell tongue twisters. Children's minds are well absorbed by songs on military theme, they are rhythmic and easy to repeat.

Meals and menu planning

The number of feedings is reduced to 5-6 times a day with four-hour intervals. This is the best time to wean your baby from breastfeeding.: Night feedings should be limited. The same goes for formula fed babies. At 8 months, the mother should gradually move away from night feedings. To speed up and facilitate this process, there are the following recommendations:

Two hours before bedtime, feed the child first with porridge, and then, after taking an evening bath, with the usual portion of milk or mixture;
- During the day, the baby should receive most of the daily volume of food;
- Replacing nightly feedings with water or unsweetened tea.

The eight month old already has teeth, digestive system practically formed, therefore, biscuits, pasta, meat and fish fillet are introduced into complementary foods. The share of milk in the diet should not exceed 30% of the daily volume of food consumed.

Diversify vegetable puree you can use parsley, dill, lettuce. Set the spices aside until the child grows up. Portions of fruit puree are increased to 100 g per day. Try to cook all the food for the child yourself.

Hygiene procedures

Daily hygiene procedures include taking a bath before bed, washing hands frequently throughout the day, and washing intimate places after the act of defecation. At this age, small children are actively exploring the environment, touching not only their toys, but also things belonging to their parents. In addition, babies crawl on the floor, collecting small particles of dust. Then they begin to put their hands in their mouths, so they should be washed with soap at least once or twice an hour.

In addition to the personal hygiene of the child, it is necessary to make daily wet cleaning, wash all plastic items with laundry soap twice a day. If there are plush and Stuffed Toys They should also be washed periodically.

Evening baths can be turned into a holiday for the child by including various games. One of the simplest is blowing bubbles: if the little one starts to act up in the bathroom, his attention can be diverted by colorful balloons.

At the age of eight months, the child is potty trained.: This process takes more than one day. Parents should be patient and sit the child on his toilet every day. You can turn on the jet of water and accompany it with characteristic sounds and words. So the child will be easier to express their desires at a later age.

Walking outside is good for babies of any age: an eight-month-old baby needs large volume oxygen, this time the brain cells are intensively developing. In addition, children begin to examine the surrounding objects, so when walking with a child, explain to him where the cars, houses, flowers are. You should walk in the morning and in the evening.


At this age, children themselves ask to play with them, while verbally: throw toys out of the crib or playpen, crawling up and stretching their arms towards you.

The child can be offered the following activities:

The game of "Ku-ku";
- use of interactive posters and toys;
- ball game;
- folding a plastic pyramid, first with joint efforts with parents, then the little one will start playing on his own;
- take time to develop fine motor skills, buy wooden toys for your baby (for example, a chain of balls, squares, hearts);
- a game of cubes with painted fruits, vegetables, objects and letters;
- when buying toys, choose items without small parts that a child can tear off;
- you can play with a child without additional attributes; put the baby on your knees, touch him and yourself alternately by the nose, ears, forehead, be sure to pronounce all the words;
- while in the clinic, you can play interesting game, which will reduce the waiting in the queue; draw different faces on your fingers - with multi-colored felt-tip pens, and, bending each one in turn, show your little one;
- train your baby's memory by showing him numbers and letters and saying them out loud.