Starting complementary foods while breastfeeding. The introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is the basis of the health of any newborn, but over time it becomes necessary to introduce adult food into the baby's diet.

The first complementary food performs various functions: it prepares the body for the dishes of the general table, trains the skills of swallowing and chewing, which in turn contributes to the development of speech.

Due to the fact that improper introduction of complementary foods can cause problems with the digestive organs in children, it is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence in which to offer different dishes.

Riga Children's Clinical University Hospital, Latvia

Pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist Inita Kazhe. The article presents the latest approach to baby food for the first year of life. It brings together the experience of a well-known pediatric gastroenterologist from abroad, which will help to understand the principles of nutrition during this significant period of childhood development and put them into practice.

Recently, there is a lot of evidence that mother's milk is special, it is very different from industrial formulas. Therefore, the role of mothers who feed their milk in the first years of their lives is constantly growing. According to research, breast milk contributes to the healthy growth of babies and the development of the whole body. Breastfeeding is known to important role in mental development child. Therefore, it is advisable to breastfeed up to 6 months. It should be added that partial breastfeeding or breastfeeding is also good for the baby's health for a short period of time.

Then complementary foods won't harm the baby.

Child readiness

There are several signs readiness baby to start feeding. Usually by this time he is already able to sit on his own, he is attracted to adult food, the child does not push out the spoon with his tongue, and the mashed potatoes do not choke.

In recent decades, breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the risk of infectious diarrhea, acute otitis media, and lower respiratory infections. Breastfeeding also reduces the incidence of childhood obesity and diabetes. Although the mechanism of sudden infant death syndrome has not yet been clarified, breastfeeding, even partial breastfeeding, has been shown to reduce the risk of this syndrome by 50 percent throughout infancy.

The literature suggests that breastfeeding can slow down the development of celiac disease. One study on breastfeeding and celiac disease concluded that including foods containing gluten in the diet baby and thus prolonging the diet reduces the risk of celiac disease.

Also during this period or a little earlier, the child should not experience any infectious diseases, especially the intestines, his microflora should be settled, moving and other stresses should be avoided. In addition, you can notice that the baby is no longer enough only breastfeeding, attachments become more frequent, but it is noticeable that the child didn't eat.

It is still debated whether breastfeeding slows down the symptoms of celiac disease, or whether it provides continuous protection. For this reason, the search for links between breastfeeding and celiac disease requires the results of long-term studies. For asthma, atopic dermatitis, and wheezing, the results of the study on the effect of breastfeeding are mixed because there is not enough data to compare with controls or diet-fed children.

It is known that long-term breastfeeding is very important for the prevention of these problems, but in the case of a positive history of allergies in the family, breastfeeding will not completely block the child's allergies. What is the purpose of the extra food? The World Health Organization interprets the concept of "complementary nutrition" as a period of time during which the child receives other foods and liquids along with mother's milk. Supplementation can be seen as an intermediate stage when solid foods are gradually introduced into a child's diet from 6 months to 2 years of age, in addition to breast milk or formula.

The combination of these signs, as well as reaching a certain age recommended for the introduction of complementary foods, means that you can start accustoming your baby to other foods.

First meal plan

Products type When to start? Where to begin? What portion?
Vegetable purees From 6 months (less often according to recommendations from 5 months), with normal or overweight. Puree from one type of green or white vegetable.
Vegetable oil Not earlier than 6 months. You can combine: olive or sunflower. With 3-5 drops, bring to the addition of 1 tsp. in puree.
Porridge without milk From 6-7 months with normal or overweight.
From 4-5 months with a pronounced lack of weight.
With 1/2 tsp. - gradually up to the volume of 1 feeding 100 - 200 g.
Butter Not earlier than 7 months. Add to porridge or puree. With 1/8 tsp. bring up to 10-20 g.
fruit purees From 7-8 months. Soft fruits, 1 unit each, gradually moving on to mixing fruits. With 1/2 tsp. - gradually up to the volume of 1 feeding 100 - 200 g.
Milk porridge From 8-9 months. Buckwheat, corn, rice. With good tolerance, you can use oatmeal, later - multi-cereal porridge. With 1/2 tsp. - gradually up to the volume of 1 feeding 100 - 200 g.
Meat purees From 8 months. Beef, veal, rabbit - use in mixed puree. With 1/2 tsp. - gradually up to the volume of 1 feeding 50 - 100 g.
Egg yolk From 8 months. From 1/8 part - gradually up to 1/2 per day.
baby biscuits From 9 months. No more than 4-5 pcs. in a day. From 1/8 part - gradually to the whole.
Dairy products From 9-10 months. Kefir, yogurt - strictly without additives, for children. With 1/2 tsp. - gradually up to the volume of 1 feeding 150 - 200 g.
Cottage cheese From 9-10 months. We start with baby cottage cheese without additives. With 1/2 tsp. - gradually up to 60 years.
Meat by-products From 9-12 months. Add in mixture with meat puree: 1-2 times a week. With 1/2 tsp. - gradually up to 50-100 g.
Fish From 10-11 months. Not more than 2 times a week. With 1/2 tsp. - gradually up to 150-200 g.
Juice (diluted with water 50/50) From 10-12 months. Clarified juices (apple, pear). With a few drops, at the age of 1 year - gradually up to 120 g.
Semolina, barley and millet porridge From 11-12 months. Boiled cereals, do not mix different cereals. From 2 tsp, at the age of 1 year - gradually up to 250 g.
Berry puree Not earlier than 12 months. We use bright berries. From 1/2 tsp, gradually up to 150 g.

Grandma's recipes

Despite the variety of commercially available infant formulas and purees, it is important for the baby to get an environmentally friendly and healthy diet. If it is important for a mom that her baby grows up healthy child, and besides, this also applies to children with an allergic reaction to certain products, mommy won't be lazy and prepare a meal for the baby herself.

In order to begin supplementary feeding, the physiological maturity of the functions of the intestines and digestive tract is necessary for the digestion of non-dairy products. It's believed that digestive system child improved within 6 months, i.e. the digestive enzyme system is sufficiently developed, and the stomach and intestines can process a variety of foods. During this period, the transition from a high-fat diet to a high-carbohydrate diet is associated with a hormonal response. The result is an adaptation of the digestive functions to food intake, an increase in the degree of maturity of the activity of certain enzymatic functions.

Cooking has a number of features. For a baby up to 1 year old, cereals, vegetables, cottage cheese should be rubbed through a sieve, and in modern world with this function very easy blender.

In the first year of life, all new food is given to the child at first 1-3 teaspoons and, increasing daily, they are brought to the norm due to age. It is forbidden include two new dishes on the menu at once. Only after a few days, when the baby gets used to one dish, you can offer him another.

The muscles of the baby's head and neck are already strong enough to control head movements and perform lip, tongue, and swallowing coordination. Oral reflexes are sufficiently developed to allow the child to absorb solid foods. The immune system of the child allows you to "take" other foods and fight pathogens and the allergens themselves. It should be emphasized that the kidneys of a child of this age are sufficiently developed and their activity is not aggravated. This means that the baby's body is ready to accept other foods within 6 months.

Just sugar or salt cannot be added to the food of a child up to one and a half years old, but it is necessary to replace it with sugar and salt syrup.

To prepare sugar syrup, dilute 100 g of sugar in a glass hot water and, stirring, boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain the finished syrup through two layers of gauze with a layer of sterile cotton wool. Pour the prepared solution into a sterile bottle, close with a cork and store in the refrigerator.

Addition of complementary and breastfeeding. Often there are disputes among professionals about breastfeeding children and the start of supplementary meals. It is believed that infants do not receive the required calorie intake, protein, iron, zinc and some fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A for 6 months. We doctors recommend breastfeeding to breastfeeding parents. However, depending on the condition of the mother and child, after 6 months, the parents themselves must decide whether to continue breastfeeding.

To prepare a saline solution, take 25 g of table salt, dilute in 100 g of hot water and boil for 10 minutes. The finished solution is also filtered.

Here are some verified time recipes.

vegetable puree

For a 4-5 month old baby, cook vegetable puree. Take ¼ carrots, ½ potatoes, 1/5 turnips, 2-3 tablespoons milk, 1/3 teaspoon sugar syrup, ½ teaspoon saline solution.

If the nursing mother is a vegetarian and does not use nutritional supplements, the child is at risk of cognitive impairment. The task of doctors is to prove to parents that animal products should be consumed, at least minimally, in order to protect the child from nutritional deficiencies. When to start giving cow's milk?

When it comes to complementary nutrition, one of the most common topics of discussion is cow's milk. In most countries, it is recommended to start using this milk as soon as possible from the 12th month of a child's life. Several countries recommend the consumption of cow's milk from 9 or 10 months.

Stew the peeled, chopped vegetables in a small amount of water (the water should cover the vegetables) in a saucepan under the lid.

Add milk, salt solution and sugar syrup to the prepared vegetables, then sweat for a couple of minutes and into a blender. Whisk everything thoroughly.

From personal experience: I did not add turnips. And my baby liked it more when there were fewer carrots.

One of the most important arguments for withholding cow's milk is to prevent iron deficiency. It is believed that cow's milk does not contain iron. Studies have shown that more than 500 ml of dairy cows per day produces an iron deficiency. The data show that the baby may develop microscopic intestines early on when fed this milk.

The composition of cow's milk differs from mother's milk and commercial formulas. It contains many proteins, minerals and saturated fatty acids, and breast milk and milk compositions contain very important long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that accumulate in the gray matter of the brain and retina, providing cognitive and visual development. Thus, the European Association of Pediatric Gastroenterologists recommends giving the baby in the first year of life in small quantities, and not as the main drink.

A child of 5 months can cook berry jelly. You will need 1 tablespoon of berries, 1 teaspoon of sugar syrup and 1/3 teaspoon of starch. Sort the berries, wash and pour over with boiling water. Mash the resulting mass and squeeze out the juice. Pour the rind of the berries with ½ cup of water and boil. Strain the broth.

When to include other foods in your diet? Meat contains many micronutrients such as iron, zinc and arachidonic acids, which have a positive effect on cognitive development. Royal milk contains a small amount of iron - in the long term, when it is fed, iron deficiency anemia develops.

At the same time, there is no risk of atopic dermatitis with an early supply of non-dairy products such as fruit and fruit juices. New recommendations from experts. The American Society for Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology has published recommendations recommending dairy products for children as young as 12 months, eggs from 2 years of age, and nuts, fish, and seafood from 3 years of age. This opinion caused great reciprocity among specialists. In contrast to the prevailing view of long-term food prevention, causing allergies, it is now recommended to switch to early complementary foods that induce a specific oral pathway.

Take 2 tablespoons of decoction, cool and dilute the starch with it. Pour this mass into the remaining syrup, add sugar syrup and, stirring quickly, bring to a boil. Cool the finished jelly and combine with the previously squeezed juice.

From personal experience: I made such jelly from frozen berries. My baby especially liked the blackcurrant.

Nutritional tolerance, thereby reducing the risk of developing allergies. A recent study showed an association between late onset of whey products and increased levels of wheat allergy. Therefore, the opinion that supplements should be started 4-6 months a month, thereby reducing the risk of developing food allergies, is beginning to prevail.

Practical advice for parents. Starting a supplemental meal for parents is a very important and difficult period, but at the same time, it is fun for everyone. Parents should be able to find links between the behavior of the child and the offer of new products. Children become curious, they want to explore New Product, cheat and eat, and parents need to understand when the child is full enough.

Homemade cottage cheese

At the age of 6-7 months, the baby should be given cottage cheese. But not store-bought, cooked at home.

Homemade cottage cheese for feeding can be made from milk and a solution of calcium chloride (it can be purchased at a pharmacy). Take 200 g of milk, boil and let cool. Add 5 ml of calcium chloride solution and mix. Put on fire and bring to a boil.

When you start eating extra, parents teach the child to eat a teaspoon. They are often afraid that the child will not start to mumble and germinate. However, a child under 9 months of age may experience a severe rash due to the development of the biting reflex required to eat uniform, homogeneous food.

The scientific literature generally recommends complementary meals, starting with rice. The first meal should be a semi-liquid consistency, which is obtained by mixing a new food with mother's milk or a previously used mixture. Most children between the ages of 9 and 12 months already have a practical manual ability to feed themselves, drink from a standard cup in their hands, and the child can already eat food prepared for other family members. It is very important to have a piece of split food for a baby around 10 months old.

We throw the curdled milk on a gauze and let it drain. We knead it with a spoon until a homogeneous mass and feed the baby.

But I prefer another homemade cottage cheese recipe. We take milk and sour cream. We heat the milk and add 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream to it. Mix and wrap.

It stands in a warm place at night. In the morning it will turn into kefir. Put on a small fire and bring to a boil. The separated mass put on gauze and let the serum drain.

Failure to do so increases the risk of problems later in life. Therefore, it is important for a child to eat foods that are appropriate for their age. In addition to feeding, parents face the challenge of how to incorporate new foods into their child's diet. The literature recommends adding them to a child's diet gradually over 3-4 days. To prevent an allergic reaction, the child is advised to take the new food within 7 days. It should be noted that this depends on the situation. If a child is at risk of developing allergies, it is recommended that new foods be added to the diet very slowly, and this is possible for healthy children in a shorter period of time.

From personal experience: with whey, you can cook pancakes for your husband or yourself.

Milk porridge

For a baby older than 5 months, you can cook milk porridge. To do this, you need a quarter cup of milk diluted with the same amount of water, 1 tablespoon of cereal, 1 teaspoon of sugar syrup, ½ teaspoon of salt solution. Groats (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet) grind on a coffee grinder. It is more convenient to do this in advance and let it be stored in separate jars.

For 6-8 months the child should be supplemented 2-3 times a day and 9-11 months for the child - 3 or 4 times a day. Another important issue when to start feeding supplements is the intake of salt and sugar. Thinking about the future of the child's health, it is recommended that salt and confectionery be provided as little as possible.

Previously, a child's diet in the early years of his life was focused on preventing the development of nutritional deficiencies. With the growth of economic prosperity, the frequency of this problem has decreased significantly in most countries. At present, concern is being taken to reduce the risk of a number of diseases directly affected by the first year of life in a child's life.

Boil a solution of water and milk, pour in a spoonful of chopped cereals, add sugar syrup and saline solution, not forgetting stir the porridge. Cook for about 3-4 minutes. Chopped cereals cook very quickly.

If it gets thick, add more milk. In the finished porridge, you can add grated apples, grated black currants, boiled in milk and grated carrots, pumpkins or zucchini.

I needed complementary foods earlier than 5 months, I cooked such cereals, though more rare (about ½ teaspoon of ground cereal per glass of milk). If milk has a fat content of 3.2%, water can be omitted. We breed with water only milk with a high fat content.

From personal experience: every kid has his own taste for cereals. Someone prefers oatmeal, and someone semolina. Better for utility oatmeal. I have never added vegetables and fruits to porridge, it is more useful to give them separately.

Meat dishes

For a child of 7 months, you can start cooking meat dishes. They are prepared from lean beef, veal, chicken, chicken, rabbit, liver (beef, veal), tongue. It's better to use meat., not minced meat.

Prepare vegetable soup. This will require potatoes, about ½ carrots, onions - ¼ pieces, white cabbage, 1 teaspoon of cream. We cook meat broth, add peeled vegetables to it and cook until tender. Received soup in a blender. The meat is also minced.

Soups or puree soups can be varied. With the addition of cereals or purely vegetable. The main thing is that the soup has a uniform consistency, without lumps.

From personal experience: you don’t have to cook separately for the baby: when preparing soup for the whole family, just until the spices are added, pour the right amount of soup and meat, chop in a blender, and your baby will gradually begin to get used to the diet of the whole family.

Liver puree

In the diet of 7 month old baby it is recommended to add liver puree. For 40 g of liver, ½ teaspoon of butter and salt solution.

It's getting ready in the following way: liver pour 1/3 cup of water or broth and simmer until it becomes soft. Beat in a blender with the addition of butter and broth.

At this age, it is already possible to give the baby bread crust, dry biscuits.

From personal experience: you can give a piece of salted fat, but preferably your own dry salting. Only, as with bread, you need to watch so that the child does not choke. He does not eat bacon, but simply procrastinates.

I want to note that cooking for the baby will not take much time. And the benefits of such food will be much greater, since mom will put a particle of her soul into each dish. A dish prepared with love, tenderness and care will give the baby a positive impetus for healthy development.

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods

Starting to type complementary foods against the background of nutrition mother's milk, it is worth adhering to several principles or rules:

  • The first complementary food is an addition to breast milk. Only after a year when breastfeeding will bear more psychological significance, the child will begin to eat adult food, but for now he only tries it, and needs to protect his mother's immunity.
  • Complementary foods in infants are introduced only after 6 months. It is at this time that babies go through a certain stage of development, when they are ready for such an innovation. But according to some indications, complementary foods can be introduced earlier.
  • Do not force-feed the child, this leads to a violation of appetite and a decrease in attention to complementary foods.
  • It must be given before breastfeeding, while the baby is hungry, and after feeding the baby breast milk. Simultaneously with complementary foods, babies can be given a little water or compote.

How to start?

There is currently several ways to introduce complementary foods that do not match with each other.

The first, the most approved by physicians option, is based on the assumption that baby food should be prepared separately from selected products and in the way that is best suited. For the first feeding, it is recommended to use only industrial products: canned purees, cereals, packaged and sterilized juices, cottage cheese, kefir.

This is safer than using vegetables and fruits from stores, which may contain harmful substances (nitrates, for example). In can food also attracted by the fact that its consistency is as smooth and uniform as possible. However, if you have a source of natural foods, you can prepare complementary foods yourself.

The second way to introduce complementary foods - pedagogical- implies that the child will try the food from the mother's plate (of course, the one that is safe for him), with the help of small portions, it will be seen if he is allergic to this or that product, as he likes it.

Doctors believe that such complementary foods are not systematic, the baby can get more fatty or spicy food than recommended (and this is fraught with health problems), complementary foods do not replace any one feeding, the baby just receives small pieces of such food.

The order of introduction of products

Our mothers at the age of three months gave us a drop of juice or some semolina. However, modern views reflect a completely different process of complementary feeding.

  • Gluten-free cereals, baby cookies - 6-7 months;
  • Vegetable purees from one component - 6-7 months;
  • Vegetable puree from many components - 7 months;
  • Fruit puree, egg yolk - 8 months;
  • Meat - 9 months;
  • Cottage cheese, fruit juices - 10 months;
  • Fish, poultry - 11 months;
  • Kefir (to replace fermented milk formula) -12 months.
  • When introducing complementary foods, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each product.

Cereals can be gluten-free (rice, corn, buckwheat) and gluten-free (oatmeal, wheat porridge, semolina). Gluten is a substance found in some cereals that can cause allergic reactions and destroy the intestinal wall.

If the baby is gaining weight well, instead of porridge, he can be offered vegetable puree from non-acidic, well-cooked and grated vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower). After being entered different types, you can cook mixed dishes.

First fruit puree should not be sour, as it irritates the delicate intestinal mucosa, and low allergenic (sweet apples, pears, peaches). Juices are much more acidic, so they are introduced after 10 months.

At first, only the yolk is given from the egg, it has a higher content of vitamins, and it causes fewer allergic reactions.

Cottage cheese is a very difficult product for babies to digest, so it is also introduced relatively late, it is better to cook it yourself and grind it well.

Meat, fish and poultry should be lean and steamed or boiled.

When introducing a product, add it to the diet gradually, against the background of the complete health of the baby. Start with one teaspoon and observe the reaction of the child's skin and stool. If everything is in order, increase the portion, and bring it up to the age norm in a week. Do not enter several dishes at the same time.

The first feeding always worries young mothers, but you should not worry, along with breast milk, it will be successful.

Often, mothers are concerned that they do not know how to properly introduce thick foods into the baby's diet. The scheme for introducing complementary foods from 6 months to a year will help you properly organize the diet of infants, and the recommendations of experts will tell you where to start the first complementary foods better - high-protein foods, cereals or vegetable side dishes.

How not to lose milk and continue to breastfeed after the introduction of adult food? How to introduce complementary foods at 6 months while breastfeeding, if the child was born prematurely or suffers from constipation? Do I need to supplement it with natural fruit juice? You will find answers to these and many other questions in today's article.

How to properly feed a child? This is the question that arises in the minds of caring mothers whose babies are six months old. After all, everyone knows that children food should be complete and rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements. If you think about it, then, most likely, you steadfastly withstood all the moralizing of mothers and grandmothers about the fact that the baby eats little, and you need to feed him with soup and yolk.

Indeed, if earlier doctors believed that adult food should be introduced into the diet of infants from 3-4 months, then modern medicine adheres to the position of Western doctors and insists on the introduction of complementary foods not earlier than from the age of six months. In the article, you will learn about how much the baby should eat, what signs indicate that it is time to introduce the first complementary foods into the baby’s menu while breastfeeding.

Signs that a child is ready for a homogeneous meal

Parents often worry: how will we understand that the baby can be introduced to the first complementary foods and change his usual diet and daily routine? Among the signs, experts distinguish:

  • The child holds his head confidently and can sit up on his own.
  • He lost the reflex of pushing out foreign objects with his tongue. It is vital for the baby, because in infancy it protects him from suffocation when small things get into his mouth. To check if the reflex has disappeared completely, invite the baby to drink water from a spoon. If he pushed it out with his tongue, then the reflex is still preserved.
  • As a rule, doctors advise not to rush to feed the child before the appearance of the first teeth. But that's not the only sign that it's time. Therefore, if the other criteria are present, you can not wait for the day when the baby finally gets teeth.
  • The baby needs to develop a food interest in the contents of adult plates. The fact is that children are very fond of imitating their parents, so by the age of 6 months they look into their mouths while eating. During this period of time, it is very important that mom and dad eat with the child. This will spark your baby's interest in solid foods.
  • It is possible to introduce the first adult food into the child's diet even if his body weight has doubled compared to the neonatal period. As a rule, for premature babies, it is necessary that the weight triple.

The child should not be fed, if:

  • by the appointed time, he continues to take medications (in this case, weakened by the disease, the body may react to a harmless product with an allergy);
  • the first feeding of the child is forbidden to start a few days before the planned vaccination;
  • you should not introduce adult food into the diet even during teething, since it will be more useful for the baby to “hang” on his mother’s chest than to eat an unfamiliar and not particularly pleasant dish.

Some doctors believe that summer period mothers should not worry about the question of how to feed the baby at 6 months. Experts say that in the hot season, the mode of operation of the immune system is somewhat different, so there is a high probability of an allergic reaction and subsequent dermatitis.

What to give a baby at six months, how to start complementary foods

It is this question that arises among parents who want the baby to develop well and gain weight according to generally accepted standards. Traditionally, it is believed that you need to start with vegetables. They are most useful for frequent constipation, as dietary fiber helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If the child is not gaining weight well, we start with cereals. We suggest starting with vegetables. If the baby is not gaining weight, then just follow the recommendations for the 7th month first, and only then for the 6th month.

You can use ready-made canned puree or prepare a treat yourself. At the same time, it is not recommended to sweeten the product, it is better to dilute it with mother's milk. By the way, such a recommendation often helps mothers to start actively feeding the child. After all, the taste of the new dish will be partially familiar to him.

You should start your acquaintance with vegetables with neutral fruits - zucchini, pumpkins, cauliflower. Only after a few weeks, grated carrots can be introduced into the diet of the baby and, preferably, as part of another puree. Please note that this product can cause a rash on the face and limbs, so carrots should not be given more than 2-3 times a week.

With an introduction mashed potatoes there is no need to rush at all. In the first two months of complementary feeding, it is advisable not to include it in the diet of the baby at all.

Modern pediatricians are trying to learn from the experience of American doctors, so they also offer mothers to start complementary foods with a banana. All kids love this product. But our doctors are adamant: you need to start with a banal vegetable product without added sugar. Otherwise, the child may not want to try anything other than their favorite tropical fruit.

On the first day of feeding with a new product, its amount should not exceed 2 tsp. The next day, increase the serving by a few teaspoons. Thus, by the end of the first week, the volume of the puree reaches 50 g. After the puree, we breastfeed the baby.

Over the next two weeks, the baby's portion should increase to 100-150 g. And completely replace one feeding with breast milk. Doctors advise, after getting acquainted with the next new product, to give the child a two-component puree. Part of the well-known puree is replaced with a new one.

Feeding a toddler at 7 months

At this age, it is time to introduce porridge into the child's diet. Traditionally, it is recommended to continue your acquaintance with rice, buckwheat or special baby corn porridge. You need to start with dairy-free cereals, you can breed them with mother's breast milk. In the first year of life, milk cereals are not recommended for children to use, since whole milk can be the culprit of intolerance to cow protein.

On the first day of feeding with cereals, give the crumbs 1 tsp. goodies. If you have not noticed any side effects, then the next day we double the portion size. In addition to porridge, we continue to give the child 120-150 g of vegetable puree daily. We gradually increase the portion of porridge up to 150 g. Thus, in a few weeks we manage to replace one more morning feeding.

After that, you can start adding 5 g of butter to dairy-free cereal porridge. From this period, you can sweeten food. By the way, if the child is not allergic to honey, then it is best to use it instead of sugar. Also, as a sweetener for children's treats, you can use stevia - honey grass powder.

Until the age of seven months, it is necessary to continue breastfeeding the baby up to 2 times at night. Never abruptly stop lactation. Otherwise, it is fraught with lactostasis and even mastitis.

What complementary foods should look like at 8 months

It is at this age that it is time to introduce the child to meat. Most often, pediatricians advise giving babies chicken, veal and rabbit. But we would recommend starting with a turkey, because the meat of this particular bird is hypoallergenic. Veal should be discarded if the child has a reaction to cow's milk protein. To begin with, give him no more than 5 g, during the week increase the serving volume to 25-30 g.

If you decide to pamper your child with store-bought meat puree, then we advise you to pay attention to the composition of the product. Choose one that does not contain starch and spices. Excess load on the digestive tract is not needed at all.

At 8 months, you can start cooking soups for babies. Please note that although you have introduced meat products into the child's diet, the first courses must be cooked in vegetable broths. Substances boiled from meat can adversely affect the work of a child's body up to one year of age.

In the same period, you can add half of the boiled yolk to the puree or soup. It is recommended to start adding tsp to the puree. vegetable oil.

It is difficult for many mothers to accustom the baby to meat after homogeneous cereals and vegetable purees. To make it easier for your baby to get used to the consistency of a new dish, mix it with pureed vegetables for the first days. After that, carefully crushed chopped meat can be diluted with breast milk.

Baby food at 9-10 months

It is at this age that products such as kefir and granular cottage cheese can be introduced into the diet of the little one. Gradually increase the volume of cheese to 20-30 g. You should also be careful with kefir, because at 9-10 months its portion should not exceed 100-150 ml. Thus, by introducing fermented milk and dairy products into the child's diet, we replace one more breastfeeding.

Not all children like unsweetened kefir. If the baby refuses to drink the traditional product, replace it with a fermented milk mixture.

For a child aged 9-10 months, a portion of meat should be no more than 40 g.

Many mothers introduce the baby to baby cookies in the first months of complementary foods. But experts believe that this should be done right now. You can dip cookies in kefir. If you decide to give your child bread, then until the age of one year, he can eat only a white product.

At 10 months, fruit puree can be introduced into the diet. The child is well acquainted with the thick consistency, so you can start from 10-15 g, gradually bringing the serving volume to 100 g. You can start acquaintance with this subspecies of food with an apple, banana or pear. It is recommended to give fruit puree at the same meal as kefir with cottage cheese.

By 11 months, you can diversify the assortment of meat dishes in your baby's diet. Children at this age are happy to eat meatballs, liver soufflé or minced meat cutlets with the addition of vegetables. For such children, you should not cook a full-fledged side dish of potatoes. It is best to include it in vegetable puree from several well-known products.

From the age of 12 months, you can offer your kids porridge with gluten: oatmeal and semolina. Instead of a whole egg, you can cook a steamed omelet for the child. From this period, you can offer the child chopped pieces of vegetables and fruits: cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, apples or pears. This will allow him to strengthen his teeth.

Menu one year old baby nothing different from what it was before. The only thing is that you can experiment with variations of dishes. For example, instead of cheese, serve a cottage cheese casserole, and instead of boiled liver, make a natural pate and spread it on bread.

  • Mothers who plan to continue breastfeeding at 6 months should only be spoon-fed. The use of a bottle can cause the little one to refuse milk.
  • The first complementary foods should be single-component. For example, if you want to give your baby zucchini-pumpkin puree, then he must first get acquainted with the tastes of both.
  • It is very good if your child eats pumpkin or squash puree with pleasure, but you should not forget about introducing new dishes into his diet. After all, getting used to one product, the baby may refuse others. That is why it is necessary to apply the principle of gradual diversity children's menu. Each new treat is introduced into the diet 1-2 weeks after the previous one.
  • Complementary foods should be offered to babies during the second feeding. Then put it on your chest.
  • If the child does not want to eat a new treat, be persistent and offer it during the week. If he still refuses, move on to another product.

You most likely noticed that there are no juices among the products for babies. Previously, it was believed that it was with them that the first complementary foods should be started. However, modern doctors believe that these vitamin drinks can cause allergies, constipation, disrupt the gastrointestinal tract. In their opinion, it is possible to introduce juices only after a year. It is by this age that the child's body is improving, all the necessary enzymes for digesting food that is heavy for the stomach begin to be produced.

Complementary feeding schedule at 6 months

The scheme and table of complementary foods from 6 months will help moms and dads to properly organize the baby's feeding regimen.

Product Age (months) and weight of dishes (g., ml.)
4-6 7 8 9-12
vegetable puree 10-150 170 180 200
fruit puree 5-60 70 80 90-100
Milk porridge 10-150 150 180 200
Yolk (pcs.) - 0.25 0.5 0.5
Curd (after 6 months) 10-40 40 40 50
Fruit juice 5-60 70 80 90-100
Kefir and other fermented milk drinks - - 200 200
Fish puree - - 5-30 30-60
Meat puree (after 6 months) 5-30 30 50 60-70
wheat bread - - 5 10
Rusks, cookies - 3-5 5 10-15
Butter 1-4 4 5 6
Vegetable oil 1-3 5 5 6

What to do if the child does not swallow food

It happens that the time has already come for the introduction of the first complementary foods, and the child continues to push out a spoonful of porridge with a tongue or spits it out. Usually, experts believe that, most likely, the body is not yet ripe for eating adult food, so it’s worth keeping the crumbs on full breastfeeding for another 2-3 weeks.

But it should be remembered that the non-fading of the reflex and the inability to swallow homogeneous food can be an alarming bell and indicate the presence of health problems. In particular, such as:

  • mouth breathing;
  • late eruption of temporary teeth;
  • short frenulum of the tongue.

Now you know how to properly introduce complementary foods for a child from 6 months with HB. We would like to advise you not to rush if the baby does not like some product. Do not forget that he is used to delicious sweet milk, so the first time mashed potatoes or porridge without added sugar may not be pleasant to the baby.

Don't try to shove it into a toddler useful product if it's not ready. Listen to him, he will let you know when he is ready for full complementary feeding. And before that, unobtrusively offer the baby mashed potatoes or porridge in a spoon and do not rush things.

Also be sure to monitor the reaction of the baby's body and keep a food diary.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video in which experts give recommendations on how complementary foods should look like from the age of six months. And the complementary feeding scheme for babies will help parents avoid common mistakes and properly organize the feeding regimen for their child.