New factory of stars on music TV. "New Star Factory": how the participants live, what they complain about and why Viktor Drobysh is going to shave his head New Star Factory who stayed on the project

The second reporting concert of the "New Star Factory" has just ended, and we are already ready to talk about it. We went behind the scenes of the project and learned from mentors and newly minted manufacturers what interesting and new things the show has in store for us.

Sobchak and Drobysh - the highlight of the program

The Drobysh-Sobchak tandem is already virtuously swooping down for another concert with jokes on the theme of a future song for Ksenia Anatolyevna and confessions of mutual sympathy: “I have been married for the fifth year, now, I think, maybe I’ll have a wealthy lover? You, Victor, will do just fine."

“Ksenia, I like you too,” the music producer of the project was not at a loss. “In general, instead of traveling around Turkey, we’d better go to the studio to record a song.”

Photo by White Media

Ksenia, who has already acted in some way and even sang in clips, does not seem to mind repeating the singing success of Olga Buzova. In addition, the TV presenter is now in great shape: over the past few months she has become prettier and built. In a fitted chocolate dress with an elegant VIP neckline and high heels, the presenter stood out among everyone on stage (manufacturers mostly dressed in smart-casual) and poured jokes:

"Arman (Arman Davletyarov, CEO Muz TV. - Approx. ed.), now we will take a concert and go in the costume of an elderly rose to Yana Rudkovskaya's party. They probably already serve snacks…”

Project participants are already stars

As for the new participants, this time the “manufacturers” are all, as if by choice, young and beautiful.

The youngest participant, Zina Kupriyanovich, is only 14 years old, and the oldest is 25. And everyone has their own story. Nikita Kuznetsov, a somewhat reserved but very creative rapper from Yakutia, dreams of meeting Basta.

The 21-year-old daughter of singer Viktor Saltykov, Anna Moon, has lived in London for a long time, performs her own songs and plays the piano.

23-year-old Elman Zeynalov from Rostov came to the "Factory" to prove to the bride who had run away with the producer that he would become famous, and Samvel Vardanyan and Ulyana Sinetskaya were a couple in love. Both came to the casting, and both hit hard. By the way, before that, the couple participated in qualifying rounds project "Voice". According to all the guys, despite the fact that they spent only two weeks in the house, they have already managed to make friends and support each other very much.

By the way, despite the fact that the rules for the reboot of the show have not changed, a few important highlights have appeared: all private players sing live at the reporting concerts. We saw - we confirm.

Photo by White Media

The launch of the new "Factory" caused big interest at the audience, they were waiting for her, - says Arman Davletyarov, general director of Muz-TV. - We receive weekly numbers on views of diaries and reporting concerts, and they are already 2-3 times higher than the share of the channel. For example, now I was flying in an airplane, and the girls sitting next to us were discussing our "manufacturers", who would be kicked out of the project. This suggests that the "Factory" was, is and will be popular.

According to Arman Davletyarov, the jury will support even those participants who left the project.

No wonder the new "Factory" is on the music channel. All participants have already become our children, and we, of course, will not leave them. We have the opportunity to invite them to concerts, show clips and do our best to help them develop as artists.

According to general producer company "White Media" by Yulia Sumacheva, the participants reveal themselves every week and surprise more and more.

It is very interesting to watch the guys, how they open up, stop being afraid of the stage. Despite the fact that each of us, members of the jury, chose our favorites at the casting, thanks to such an increase in “manufacturers”, we are surprised every time and mark new participants for ourselves.

"Fabrikants" live in mansions

By the way, one of the important innovations at the new "Factory" is the luxurious apartments in which the guys live.

Even the artists envy them, we ourselves would love to live in such a house, - admits the general director of Muz-TV. - After the "Factory" went on for several years federal channel, was a huge responsibility and expectations. We were faced with the task of doing everything at the highest level, and I think we succeeded.

In this issue, the first participant left the project - 22-year-old Vladimir Idiatullin from Rostov. Neither viewers nor "manufacturers" saved him.

At the last reporting concert, during the first nomination at the new “Factory”, the fragile blonde 17-year-old Lolita Voloshina was supposed to leave the project, but Viktor Drobysh used his only veto right for the entire project and left the girl:

“She hasn’t shown herself yet. We have a rule - each of the participants for the project must sing their own solo song. No wonder they passed the casting of 15 thousand participants from all over Russia.

Now the jury will no longer be able to save anyone, but the creators promise to surprise the audience with other surprises. There is still time before the end of the project at the end of December.

The Star Factory show filmed in Russia is actually a remake of a Dutch project. original idea belongs to the company "Endemol", or rather, its subsidiary "Jestmuzik".

For the first time, a show of this format was released in France. In a couple of days - in Spain. From that moment on, the popularity of the project began to grow at a breakneck pace. In Russia, the broadcast began in 2002. There were 8 seasons of the show in total. All of them were a great success.

In the article we will describe the participants of the first season, their life after the project, we will give brief information from the biographies and achievements. The public has long forgotten many, but some still remember.

List of participants

The first "Star Factory", the participants (list and photo later in the article) of which had great success during their stay on the show, received huge ratings on the TV channel. Who was lucky enough to pass the casting and get on the air? The following artists have appeared on the show.

  • Maria Alalykina.
  • Pavel Artemiev.
  • Alexander Astashenok.
  • Herman Levy.
  • Alexander Berdnikov.
  • Yulia Buzhilova.
  • Nikolay Burlak.
  • Mikhail Grebenshchikov.
  • Alexey Kabanov.
  • Sati Casanova.
  • Anna Kulikova.
  • Konstantin Dudoladov.
  • Alexandra Savelyeva.
  • Irina Toneva.
  • Zhanna Cherukhina.
  • Jem Sheriff.
  • Ekaterina Shemyakina.

The first participants of the "Star Factory" (photos of some of them are in the article) immediately fell in love with the audience. But not everyone decided to continue their singing career, in connection with which the fans were very upset. Who exactly it was, you can find out by reading on.

Maria Alalykina

The former project participant now lives in a modest apartment on the outskirts of the Russian capital. Her mother answers the calls of the press, but the girl herself no longer gives interviews and does not want to appear on camera. In her youth, she starred for fashion magazines, participated in various shows, was the soloist of one of popular bands. But over time, Maria realized that the work of the "star" was not for her. She quickly got tired, she was tired of a too busy schedule, and so the girl left the stage.

After leaving Russian project Alalykina got married, gave birth to a child and returned to study at the university. The participants of the first "Star Factory-1" still do not understand why she abandoned the bright future of the artist.

A little later, Masha accidentally found out that her husband was cheating on her with her best friend. She divorced him, and in the same period she was fired from her job.

Mary is now a Muslim. Earlier, she said that faith helped her to improve her life, to make peace with people close to her. On this moment works as a translator for Muslim resources. She knows five European languages ​​and additionally Arabic. Maintains communication with Sati Casanova, who participated with her in the first season of "Star Factory".

Pavel Artemiev

Few people did not know Pavel Artemiev at the time of the broadcast of the debut season of the Star Factory show. The first issue (the project participants literally from the very beginning captivated the audience) was the best for the guy. After all, even then he had crowds of fans. Even today, this guy is very popular. Previously, he was a member of the Roots group, which became the winner in the first season of the project. But he did not stay long in the team. Initially, Pavel said in an interview that the group for him was only a temporary stage in his life. In 2010, the guy left the team.

For some time, Artemyev continued his solo activities. Then he often held concerts in many clubs in Russia and the cultural capital - St. Petersburg. At the moment, he is actively trying himself in the theatrical field. IN educational institution is not going to act, because he believes that practice is the best teacher. Member of the Artemiev team. He often performs at festivals with his band.

Alexander Astashenok

Alexander was one of the soloists of the Roots group. He left it shortly after Artemiev, as he no longer understood what he was doing in this area. Acting is closer to him, music has faded into the background. Some time after leaving the team, he graduated from GITIS and went to work in the theater. It is interesting that in one of the productions Sasha played together with his former bandmate Pavel. The young man is actively trying out for a large number of films and TV shows. His most memorable role on the screen is in the TV series Closed School. Simultaneously with acting, Astashenok writes music. But not for his solo album, but for the projects in which he takes part. His name as a composer and producer can often be seen in the credits. Alexander actively distributes interviews, continues acting to the delight of all fans.

Alexander Berdnikov

Since childhood, Alexander has been associated with music. After moving from his native city to Minsk, he began to actively collect videos he liked from concerts of stars. Among them were also performances by Michael Jackson. Berdnikov independently learned to sing and dance, and achieved in early age significant success. Already at the age of 14 he went to the Czech Republic for an international choreographic competition.

And here musical career Sasha started much later - at the age of 16. Together with the Syabry team, he recorded several songs and went on tour. After graduating from school, he entered GITIS. In 2002, he took a chance and applied for a casting in such a project as the first "Star Factory" (the list of participants can be read above). Being in the "Roots" group, he took 1st place.

Julia Buzhilova

Julia is a member who enjoyed wide popularity. Both producers and fans unanimously claimed that a good future awaits her. Unfortunately, this did not happen. After the end of the project, she disappeared from the screens and from the yellow press.

One of the significant performances of the girl was the performance of the song "Sleep". The text was written by Buzhilova herself. It was at this moment that Igor Matvienko realized for sure that he had not made a mistake with his choice when he invited the future participant to the casting.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find much information about Julia. She, unlike other participants in the "Factory", chose not a shocking and flashy image, but a mysterious one. Buzhilova explains this by saying that she always wanted to be famous, but never a star.

Unfortunately, after participating in the Factory project, the girl immediately disappeared from sight and still does not appear. According to rumors, she got married and had a child. Julia does not advertise the rest of the details of her life. Occasionally, she writes songs for the currently famous stars of the Russian scene.

Nikolai Burlak

Nikolay to this day actively leads his creative activity. During his participation in the Star Factory project, he was the absolute leader among men according to the results of the audience voting.

His career is connected with two directions in art - vocals and choreography. For a long time he danced in groups that toured all over Russia. Since 2009 he has been teaching courses at the EKTV School-Studio.

The very first "Star Factory-1", the participants of which quickly revealed themselves on stage, gave Kolya a start in life. This influenced further development his career. He became the first of all debut season artists to release his solo album. In 2005, fans were able to listen to the second collection of songs, and in 2009 - the third.

Previously played in KVN and was a host on some channels.

Mikhail Grebenshchikov

Anyone who has followed the results of the show most likely remembers this guy. Mikhail is a finalist of such a project as the first "Star Factory" (list of participants by name above), who took third place. This man has always been different from other artists on the show. He is active, cheerful and his music makes you want to dance. For a long time, Grebenshchikov worked as a DJ at Russian Radio. Previously, he studied at the assembly technical school and at the journalism department at a local university. Almost throughout the show, he was one of the leaders in Internet voting.

At the moment, Michael is a respected person. For a long time now, he has been able to fully argue with his former producers and teachers from the Factory. Now he is actively engaged in the promotion of talented people.

Michael works at a children's school creative development, which is called Future Star (" Future star"). In addition, he is an honorary member of the Ministry of Culture. Often appears at parties as a DJ. He has been married for a long time and has two girls.

Alexey Kabanov

Alexey is another member of the Roots group. He has been involved with music since childhood. The fact is that his parents from the age of three instilled in him a love for songs and vocals. In his youth, he really wanted to quit studying at a music school.

After the guy was presented with a synthesizer, he opened new world music. He said more than once that there are a lot of interesting and pleasant things in life, but nothing compares to the process of creation.

Before working in such a project as the first "Star Factory", the participants of which always expressed sympathy for Lesha, the young man goes to college. As a result, he never finished it. This is due to participation in the show, after which he began a period of rapid career growth.

Sati Casanova

For some fans, Sati is known as a member of the Factory group. With her, she placed second in the first season. Now Sati is actively leading solo activity since she left the team in 2010. From childhood, she knew that she would be engaged in vocals, so she first graduated from college, and later from the academy in the same direction. He also has a second higher education - acting.

For my solo career released 20 songs, most of which had video clips. Many of them have gained wide popularity, thanks to which Casanova has repeatedly become the winner of various awards.

Sati is a vegetarian. She also practices and teaches yoga.

Anna Kulikova

In life, the girl was quiet, calm, silent. But her character was revealed through work in such a project as the first "Star Factory". The participants talked about her transformations into an eccentric girl when she entered the stage. Kulikova used bright outfits, eye-catching makeup, and a pink guitar became her main attribute. During participation in the project, the KuBa group was created, to which Anna was added.

The team exists to this day. Girls release songs, conduct tours. Solo Kulikova rarely performs. He does this only in clubs and other small establishments. For a long time, bright outfits have been replaced by modest dresses. Now Anna is more serious: she graduated from a linguistic university and actively teaches foreign languages.

Konstantin Dudoladov

Konstantin captivated the audience with his outrageous style. It was rumored that he got into the show due to his appearance and brightness. The participants of the first "Star Factory" openly disliked Dudoladov. The main occupation is style and make-up. In the life of Konstantin, appearance rescued him many times. For example, finding himself in Moscow without a livelihood, he went to work as a stripper in some well-known clubs. Moreover, more than once starred for popular magazines. Once he tore off one of the shows, and job offers abruptly stopped coming to him. This is what became the reason for Konstantin's participation in the show "Star Factory". He was given a vacant seat for a memorable image. After the end of the project, everyone forgot about him, since the young man did not release a single song or video. His solution is to go back to style. In this area, he has achieved considerable achievements. Konstantin is the owner of a large network of salons. Has a 15-year-old son who will clearly follow in his father's footsteps.

Herman Levy

Alexandra Savelyeva

Alexandra, after the end of the show, did not take up her career too actively. Of the large-scale events in her life, one can only name that in 2014 she became the host on the Russia-2 channel. Few participants in the first "Star Factory" were able to break into television in a TV show.

The girl has been figure skating since childhood. She was even promised a good future, the conquest of many peaks, but at the age of five, Sasha began to pay more attention to music. It was then that she began to play the piano. She is a graduate of GMU.

Irina Toneva

Irina became the finalist of the Russian project as part of a musical group formed as part of the show. The participants of the first "Star Factory", a list of which is presented at the beginning of the article, were sincerely happy for her. After graduation, the girl actively continued to fight for a place on stage. She participated in a reality show, although this did not add much popularity to her. The girl's fame began to grow after a duet with Pavel Artemyev.

Not so long ago I went to school theatrical art. Actively plays on stage, not forgetting about musical activity. Several times, being a member of the Fabrika group, she received the prestigious Golden Gramophone award.

The girl does not talk about her personal life, but it is known that she had two unsuccessful unions: with Yuri Pashkov and

Zhanna Cherukhina

The girl can be called one of the mysterious ones on the Star Factory project. She abruptly disappeared from the screens, and Dudoladov took her place. The participants of the first "Star Factory" did not quite understand why, in this case, Cherukhina was casting.

Now she lives in the center of Moscow, brings up children and does not plan to return to the stage. Jeanne has repeatedly said that she does not like this field of activity, she is not interested in it.

Jam Sheriff

This amazing young man made an impression on the audience not only due to his appearance, but also thanks to his talent. The first season of Star Factory (participants often expressed sympathy for Jem) ended, and three years later Sheriff became the winner in the first semi-final of the famous music competition"Eurovision". There he sang a song with Lena Terleeva. Even with the fact that after the end of the project, Cem practically did not conduct any public activities, in this competition he was able to easily bypass Stotskaya and Bilan, who were already popular at that time. In the same year, Sheriff appeared on the show "The Last Hero". He never became a winner, but, according to him, he received a lot of good impressions.

At the moment, Jem is directing. Most recently, a young man graduated from a special television school and received a second higher education. His talent is not wasted, as one of Sheriff's projects was nominated as "Best Foreign Work" at the Australian Film Festival.

Ekaterina Shemyakina

After the end of the project, Katerina did not leave the stage, but continued her solo career. Unfortunately, these were no longer rotations on the radio and Moscow TV channels, but small clubs, but the girl did not give up, like other participants in the first Star Factory. Not so long ago, she participated in the popular show "Voice".

Throughout her career, Katya managed to sing several times in a duet with famous artists, such as Timur Rodriguez and others. Her activities are quite intense: Shemyakina was the host of the show, created her own musical groups several times. She also worked as a teacher for some time. Her students were able to achieve incredible heights, victories in international competitions which is the best reward for her.

To date, Shemyakina is actively working for the benefit of her own career. Independently writes songs, poems, music. Periodically releases clips for his creations.

"Star Factory" is Russian version successful television project of the TV company "Endemol"(English Endemol) "Academy of Stars" (English Star Academy). The idea of ​​the project belongs to the Spanish company Gestmusic, which is a branch of the company "Endemol". However, the first country to start broadcasting the project on October 20, 2001 was France. Two days after the program aired in France, a show called "Operation Triumph" (Spanish: Operación Triunfo) aired in Spain.

From that moment on, the show began to spread around the world, including in Russia in 2002. Currently, "Academy of Stars" ranks second in popularity after the show " Big Brother"(Eng. Big Brother), the project has won recognition in the markets not only in Europe, but also in India, the Arab countries and the United States.

Before the start of the project, a casting takes place, during which the jury of the Star Factory looks through several thousand applicants. When choosing participants, vocal data is taken into account, appearance, plasticity, artistry. As a result, several people get into the project (season 1, 6 - 17 people; season 2.3 - 16 people; season 4.5 - 18 people). In the seventh season of the project, 14 people initially passed, and two more participants (a boy and a girl) were chosen by an audience of six applicants at the first reporting concert.
The guys are settled in the "Star House", where everything that happens around the clock is filmed with hidden cameras (an idea, again borrowed from the Big Brother show). Participants are not allowed to have Cell phones and musical equipment. Also, under the terms of the project, they are prohibited from responding to letters from fans. Every day, project participants must attend classes in choreography, vocals, acting skills, fitness, psychology and other disciplines. In addition to the main classes, special master classes are held, where the children are taught the basics of mastery by the stars of Russian and world show business. Also, the duties of the participants, in addition to attending classes, include keeping order in the house and cooking. In the seventh season of the project, the participants had to earn money themselves by preparing and conducting independent performances on concert venue in front of the Star House.
During the week, the First Channel airs the Star House Diaries and once a week (usually on Friday or Saturday evening) - a reporting concert, where the guys show the numbers prepared by them during the week. Usually, Russian pop stars are invited to the reporting concerts, with whom the project participants have the opportunity to sing.
Every Monday, the Pedagogical Council of the Star Factory determines three nominees for elimination from the project. Their selection is based on the teachers' assessment of the creative growth of each of the participants, as well as the results of their performances at concerts. The fate of the nominees is decided during the reporting concerts. One of the nominees is "rescued" by the audience. The first channel through sms-voting, the second is left in the project by comrades, and the third leaves the Star House forever. True, there were precedents when the retiring participant was left in the project artistic director or music producer. The winner of the project receives a recording contract or other similar prize. The project lasts about 3 months.

Competition Winners
"Star Factory - 1" (2002)

1st place - Korni group
II place - Fabrika group
III place - Mikhail Grebenshchikov

"Star Factory - 2" (2003)

1st place - Polina Gagarina
II place - Elena Terleeva
III place — Elena Temnikova

"Star Factory - 3" (2003)

1st place - Nikita Malinin
II place - Alexander Kireev
III place - Yuliya Mikhalchik

"Star Factory - 4" (2004)

1st place - Irina Dubtsova
II place - Anton Zatsepin
III place - Stas Piekha

"Star Factory. Alla Pugacheva "(2004)

1st place - Victoria Daineko
II place - Ruslan Masyukov
III place - Natalia Podolskaya and Mikhail Veselov

"Star Factory. Victor Drobysh "(2006)

1st place — Dmitry Koldun
II place - Arseniy Borodin
III place - Zara

"Star Factory - 7. Meladze Brothers" (2007)
1st place — Anastasia Prikhodko
II place - Mark Tishman
III place - Yin-Yang quartet and BiS group

Other Famous graduates project

Jam Sheriff (1)
Nikolay Burlak (1)
Ekaterina Shemyakina (1)
Maria Alalykina (1)
Julia Buzhilova (1)
Marianna Beletskaya (2)
Maria Rzhevskaya (2)
Julia Savicheva (2)
Irakli (2)
Pierre Narcisse (2)
Evgenia Rasskazova (2)
Svetlana Svetikova (3)
Sofia Kuzmina (3)
Oleg Dobrynin (3)
Timati (4)
Alexa (4)
Yuri Titov (4)
Ivan Breusov (4)
Angina (4)
Ksenia Larina (4)
Victoria Bogoslavskaya (4)
Natalia Korshunova (4)
Cook (5)
Miguel (5)
Lerika Golubeva (5)
Irson Kudikova (5)
Elena Kaufman (5)
Mike Mironenko (5)
Yulianna Karaulova (5)
Alexey Khvorostyan (6)
Sogdiana (6)
Olga Voronina (6)
Sabrina (6)
Victoria Kolesnikova (6)
Alexandra Gurkova (6)
Mila Kulikova (6)
Prokhor Chaliapin (6)
Dakota (7)
Cornelia Mango (7)
Ekaterina Tsypina (7)
Natalia Tumshevits (7)
Alexey Svetlov (7)
Anna Kolodko (7)
Georgy Ivashchenko (7)
Julia Parshuta (7)
Mark Tishman (7)

Groups created in the factory.
The number of the season of the project is given in parentheses.
Roots (1), Factory (1), Tootsie (3)
KGB (3), Gang (4), Cuba (5)
Netsuke (5), Chelsea (6), Ultra Violet (6)
Yin-Yang (group) (7), BiS (group) (7)

On November 11, the tenth anniversary concert of the "New Star Factory" was held. As always, bright numbers, colorful scenery and incendiary dances did not leave any spectator indifferent. This week's nominees performed with chic solo numbers.

Lolita Voloshina struck the listeners to the very heart with the song "Phoenix". The vocals were accompanied by a dance from which it was impossible to break away. The jury members were delighted with Lola's frantic energy, and everyone was tormented by the question - why is the girl so beautiful in the nominee songs and every time she resembles a dying swan in duets.

To which Lolita and Ksenia Sobchak ran into Viktor Drobysh, that he gives Lola only 2 lines in the songs “between rap”, in which she simply cannot open up. Victor Yakovlevich courageously withstood the blow and replied that the main condition of the competition was to try himself in different genres and styles with different performers.

The owner of the strongest voice on the project, Guzel Khasanova sang the song "Two": she wrote the music, and her brother became the author of the poems. The main surprise of the issue was the support of Nikita "Mastank" Kuznetsov. The young rapper read his own verse at the end of the romantic song, and then hugged Guzel, which caused a lot of questions from the audience, did a new couple appear on the project?

Guzel Khasanova ft. Mastank - Two (10th reporting concert of the Star Factory)

A girl from the fox squad, Rada burned brighter than the sun in the solo number "Eclipse". Her number was a reflection of the inner state, when social boundaries put pressure on a person, and he desperately wants to be normal for everyone. And as Rada Boguslavskaya herself wisely noted: “The main thing is to remain normal for yourself.”

As a result of the audience vote, Guzel Khasanova was saved. The vote of the spectators of the star house was very difficult, the guys reluctantly saved Rada Boguslavskaya. The most intense moment of the voting was the choice of Nikita Kuznetsov, because he had deep feelings for the hedgehog Lolita. It was evident that the guy would be madly worried, with wet eyes, he silently gave the star to Lola and hugged the girl tightly. As a result, Lolita Voloshina went home.
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After the next reporting concert, Vladimir Idiatullin left the project. Despite the fact that the rules are the rules, it is hard for the contestants to come to terms with them, because they have already got used to each other and managed to make friends.

Vladimir did not expect such a turn of events and, of course, was upset. Despite this, the manufacturer wished all the remaining contestants good luck and said that he had a great time with like-minded people these days.

New Star Factory: the next nominees for departure

After the reporting concert, Viktor Drobysh once again announced the following nominees for the relegation. The decision of a strict and fair jury surprised many children. The list of those who can leave the show on Saturday included Anya Moon, Samvel Vardanyan and Ulyana Sinetskaya. The manufacturers are very worried about each other, since this nomination became a shock for Samvel and Ulyana. And for Anya, this turn of events, one might say, delighted her. Indeed, in a solo performance, she will be able to show herself, show her imagination and, of course, creativity.

New Star Factory: where and when to watch a TV show

The legend is back! On the air of two TV channels at once, "U" and "MUZ-TV" started new season popular show"Star Factory", which reveals the brightest talents of Russian show business. Watch the reporting concerts of the New Star Factory on Sundays at 22:00.

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