Art School Yehu im i d shadra. Sverdlovsk Art College named after

Received the name of Ivan Dmitrievich Shadr.


The school was founded in 1902. It is the successor of the Yekaterinburg art and industrial school, which was based on handicrafts: stone-cutting, jewelry, cutting.

School departments

  • Department of painting (specializations: artistic and pedagogical, theatrical and decorative painting, animators);
  • Department of Design (specializations: graphic design, environment design);
  • Department of Sculpture;
  • Department of restoration, conservation and storage of works of art (icon painting).

Notable faculty and alumni

  • Abaev, Viktor Magometovich (1935-2007) - Soviet and Russian painter. People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria. Honored Artist of Russia.
  • Ainutdinov, Sergey Sagitovich () - Russian director, screenwriter and artist of animated films, cartoonist.
  • Volovich, Vitaly Mikhailovich (b.) - Russian artist, schedule.
  • Grachev, Vladimir Pavlovich () - Russian monumental sculptor, teacher.
  • Efremov, Alexey Valentinovich () - Russian artist.
  • Medvedev, Sergey Gennadievich () - Russian artist, Honored Artist of Russia.
  • Pavlov, Petr Vasilyevich (-) - Soviet and Russian artist, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.
  • Ushenin, Vyacheslav Nikolaevich (-) - Russian artist, member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

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An excerpt characterizing the Yekaterinburg Art School named after I. D. Shadr

“And that, brother,” he said; and, sitting down, he took from his knapsack a piece of blue French cloth and began to wrap it around his leg. “A couple of them went in,” he added, stretching his legs towards the fire.
“The new ones will be released soon. They say we'll kill to the end, then everyone will get double goods.
- You see, Son of a bitch Petrov, lagged behind, - said the sergeant major.
“I've been noticing it for a long time,” said another.
Yes, soldier...
- And in the third company, they said, nine people were missing yesterday.
- Yes, just judge how you chill your legs, where will you go?
- Oh, empty talk! - said the sergeant major.
- Ali and you want the same? - said the old soldier, reproachfully addressing the one who said that his legs were shivering.
– What do you think? - suddenly rising from behind the fire, a sharp-nosed soldier, who was called a crow, spoke in a squeaky and trembling voice. - He who is smooth will lose weight, and death to the thin. At least here I am. I have no urine,” he said suddenly decisively, turning to the sergeant-major, “they were sent to the hospital, the aches had overcome; and then you stay behind...
“Well, you will, you will,” the sergeant-major said calmly. The soldier fell silent, and the conversation continued.
- Today, you never know these Frenchmen were taken; and, frankly, there are no real boots, so, one name, - one of the soldiers began a new conversation.
- All the Cossacks were amazed. They cleaned the hut for the colonel, carried them out. It's a pity to watch, guys, - said the dancer. - They tore them apart: so alive alone, do you believe it, mutters something in its own way.
“A pure people, guys,” said the first. - White, like a white birch, and there are brave ones, say, noble ones.
– How do you think? He has been recruited from all ranks.
“But they don’t know anything in our language,” the dancer said with a smile of bewilderment. - I tell him: “Whose crown?”, And he mumbles his own. Wonderful people!
“After all, it’s tricky, my brothers,” continued the one who was surprised at their whiteness, “the peasants near Mozhaisk said how they began to clean up the beaten ones, where there were guards, so what, he says, their dead lay there for a month. Well, he says, he lies, he says, theirs is how the paper is white, clean, it doesn’t smell like gunpowder blue.

State budgetary educational institution secondary technical school vocational education Sverdlovsk region "Sverdlovsk art school them. I.D. Shadra"

Sverdlovsk Art College. I.D. Shadra (Ekaterinburg Art College named after I. Shadra) is the first professional educational institution in the field of culture and art in the Urals. The oldest educational institution in Russia, founded in 1902 as an art and industrial school that trained craftsmen, stone cutters, jewelers, cabinet makers, art casting masters. Education was carried out according to the program developed by the Imperial Academy of Arts. Students studied academic drawing, painting and received special training "in the applied arts used in handicraft local craft." After numerous transformations, the school was named "Sverdlovsk Art School" and in 1987, on the 100th anniversary of its most famous graduate, it was named after Ivan Dmitrievich Shadr.

There are many famous names in the history of the school: the first teachers were professors of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts Kamensky F.M., Rupini V.P., Paramonov A.N. - A graduate of the Stieglitz School; Zalkaln T.E., Erzya S.D., Turzhansky L.V. A bright creative trace was left by: Simonov I.I. - folk artist USSR; Honored Artists of the Russian Federation - G.S. Metelev, G.S. Mosin, L.A. Gusev, B.V. Volkov, N.V. Sitnikov, N.G. Chesnokov, V.Ya. Bushuev, M.Sh. Brusilovsky, Honored Worker of Culture Yu.K. Kiselev. In the year of the great Patriotic War the school was preserved thanks to the dedication of P.P. Khozhatelev, who was the director of the school for more than 15 years. A huge contribution to the development of the school of academic drawing was made by N.N. Moos, who gave the school for more than 50 years. Our veterans have been working at the school for more than 30 years: I.F. Remenets, L.N. Chesnokova, V.V. Kurchanov. A graduate of the school, a participant in the war, professor of the Ural State University Yarkov S.P. (1929 - 2009) reflected the history of the school in the monograph "Art School of the Urals", paying tribute to the contribution of teachers to the education of young artists. The school is proud of its graduates. Among them - People's Artist of the USSR E.N. Shirokov; People's Artists of the Russian Federation E.I. Gudin, I.I. Simonov; Honored Artists of the Russian Federation V.M. Volovich, G.P. Gaeva, A.I. Zykov, N.V. Kostina, G.S. Metelev, G.S. Mosin, G.A. Travnikov, P.P. Chusovitin; professor of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts Pen-Varlen, M.M. Devyatov and the most famous, whose name the school bears, is Ivan Dmitrievich Shadr (Ivanov).

We are especially proud of our young generation. Graduates of 2000 Bobrik Artem, Burlakov Andrey for the successful completion of the St. Petersburg State Academic art institute them. I.E. Repin President Russian Academy Arts Z. Tsereteli were awarded gold medals of the Russian Academy of Arts.
Sverdlovsk Regional Art College. I.D. Shadra is one of the most prestigious art schools in the country.
Currently, more than 220 students are studying at the school in the following specialties: painting, design, sculpture, restoration, conservation and storage of works of art. 220 students study. 8 graduates and 7 teachers of the school have honorary titles and awards.

Kislyakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich - Director, Honored Worker
culture Russian Federation
Zorina Anna Yurievna - Deputy Director for academic work
Bardeeva Nadezhda Petrovna - Deputy Director
for scientific and methodological work
Lisovaya Natalya Alexandrovna - Deputy Director for educational work

The school is one of the oldest educational institutions of an artistic profile in the Ural region. On December 19, 2018, the school will turn 116 years old. During this time, the school has trained and graduated thousands of first-class specialists, among which are people's artists Simonov Igor Ivanovich, Gudin Evgeny Ivanovich. Honored Artists of Russia Tumbasov Anatoly Nikolaevich, Volovich Vitaly Mikhailovich.
The school has a highly professional teaching staff, which allows you to preserve, honor and develop best traditions Russian academic school. Painting and composition at the school are taught by Honored Artist of Russia Bushuev Vladimir Yakovlevich.

The school is rich in its traditions. For more than a hundred years, in December, students, teachers, graduates celebrate the birthday of the school. A new educational building was opened for the centenary.
School them. I.D. Shadra is the only academic institution in the Urals that teaches students of classical painting and drawing. Graduates who received for real academic education without difficulty continue their studies at the Ural Academy of Architecture and Art, at the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. E. Repin, in other prestigious universities of Russia. Throughout the entire period of study, students participate in regional, Russian, foreign art exhibitions and competitions.
The leading department of the school is painting (specializations: artistic and pedagogical, theatrical and decorative painting, animators). There are also departments: Design, sculpture. Since 2005, the school has been recruiting for a new department: Restoration, conservation and storage of works of art (icon painting).

The school has preparatory courses, the curriculum of which includes classes in drawing, painting, composition.

Art school address: 620151, Yekaterinburg, st. Malysheva, 68A, room. 215
Phones of the school. I.D. Shadra: 371-17-78, 371-65-20.

Sverdlovsk Art College. I.D. Shadra

(License 66L01 No. 0006151 reg. No. 19440 dated 06/27/2017; Certificate of state accreditation 66A04 No. 0000288 reg. No. 9376 dated 08/09/2017)

prepares secondary vocational specialists art education in the following specialties:
-designer for advertising and printed materials;
- artist-painter, teacher;
- theater artist
- artist-animator;
- artist-sculptor, teacher.

Daytime education, on the basis of grades 9-11, the term of study is 4-5 years. Initial special training is required.
There are year-round preparatory courses, advanced training courses, an art studio for adults.

The solidity of academic education allows our graduates to consciously choose their path. They can continue their education at the institutes of painting. Surikov in Moscow and them. I.E. Repin in St. Petersburg, Architectural Academies, construction faculties of universities or find a job in popular specialties.
Address: Yekaterinburg, Malysheva, 68. Tel. - 371-65-20, 371-58-87

Training courses:

For those who wish, there are preparatory courses in the direction of: Decorative composition. Theatrical composition.

The oldest educational institution in Russia was founded in 1902 in the Urals by decision of the Imperial Academy of Arts.
School graduates studied academic drawing, painting, crafts. The school trained stone cutters, jewelers, cabinet makers, engravers, and enamellers.
We continue the traditions of classical education and invite everyone to the Summer Creative School.
At the end of the summer creative school a certificate of short-term advanced training in the amount of 72 hours is issued
Tel. 371-15-26, 371-58-87, 371-65-20

DESIGN - 070602

Specialization:Design of graphic products; Environment design
Graduate Qualification: Designer
Duration of training - 3 years 10 months.

The department was founded in 1974.
The training of specialists in this profile meets the requirements of the time and meets the needs of the region.
Along with the subjects of general education and humanitarian cycles, students study general professional disciplines: drawing, painting, color science, plastic anatomy, history of fine arts, special disciplines: fonts, graphic works technique, basics of artistic design, design graphics and layout, modern Computer techologies and materials.
Students consolidate their professional skills at industrial and undergraduate practice, which take place at enterprises and firms of the city. In addition, 2nd year students go for summer practice (plein air) to their own educational and creative base of the school in the village of Chusovoye, Shalinsky district, Sverdlovsk region

Students of the department "Design" take an active part in all artistic events of the city, competitions, educational projects. At the request of the administration of the city and the district, students will carry out design - projects for the design of administrative premises and offices.
Diploma projects of graduates often have a real customer and meet the requirements of the time, they are distinguished by novelty of solutions and relevance.
The exhibition presents educational term papers 1st - 3rd year students, diploma projects of graduates of different years.

PAINTING - 070901

« easel painting»
Graduate qualification: artist - painter, teacher.

Duration of training - 4 years 10 months.

One of the oldest departments in the history of the school, founded in 1935, is the leading department. It trains specialists to work in children's art schools, studios, educational institutions of artistic orientation.
The pedagogical policy of the leading teachers of the school is focused on the sequence of teaching the Children's Art School - preparatory courses - the school, strengthening the traditions of the academic school of drawing and painting.
In the curriculum, along with general professional, special disciplines, such as the history of fine arts, drawing, painting, color science, plastic anatomy, painting technique, perspective, composition. The teaching of this subject is given special meaning: starting from the 1st year, the student studies the basic laws of composition, learns to develop creative imagination, figurative thinking, practically masters a variety of visual and technical means, techniques for identifying the main thing in a compositional solution, methods for collecting preparatory material to complete the sketch. The subjects of the general education cycle are included, incl. mathematics, computer science, basics naturally - scientific knowledge world, the foundations of law, enabling the graduate to enter universities.
In the 3rd year, students undergo museum practice in St. Petersburg, where students, according to the curriculum, study monuments of history, architecture and sculpture in the museums of the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the museum complexes of Pavlovsk, Pushkin (Tsarskoye Selo), St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals, Savior - on - blood and other monuments of architecture and culture.
Students of the painting and pedagogical department at the 3rd, 4th, 5th courses are optionally engaged in copying works of academic painting, under the guidance of the director of the school Vladimir Vladimirovich Kislyakovsky, classes are held in the halls of the Yekaterinburg Museum fine arts.
To master the methodology of teaching drawing, painting, easel composition, understanding the features of developmental psychology, students for 3 years undergo pedagogical practice in the art schools of the city and in the preparatory courses of the college.
Plein air practice is carried out at the school's own educational and creative base in the village. Chusovoy, located in the north of the Sverdlovsk region in the Shalinsky district.
The thesis is a confirmation of the final certification of the graduate in one of the most important subjects curriculum- easel composition, in which he must show knowledge of painting techniques, independently convey a figurative and compositional solution.
Topics of diploma works - sketches of genre, historical compositions, portraits. Works on painting, drawing, preparatory sketches are also submitted for defense.
The exposition presents diploma works of different years (2nd floor), educational works of students of 1-5 courses on program assignments (1st floor).

SCULPTURE - 070903

Graduate qualification: artist - sculptor, teacher
Duration of training - 4 years 10 months.

Professional activity:
- creation of works of sculpture,
-teaching of drawing, sculpture, sculptural composition in children's art school, studios, educational institutions artistic direction.
The curriculum includes subjects of the humanitarian direction according to the programs secondary school, incl. mathematics, computer science, life safety, foreign language, right, social Psychology, history and others.
Students master professional skills by studying the following subjects throughout the course of study: drawing, sculpture, sculptural composition, teaching methods, the skill of sculptural processing of materials, where they get acquainted with various techniques and methods of plastic technology for working with wood, stone, metal, etc.
From the 1st year, students improve their practical skills through summer plein-air practice, the program of which includes work with nature. Based on the materials of the 1st year practice (sketches, sketches, drawings of animals in the zoo), a composition is being prepared in the 1st semester of the 2nd year.
Great importance is attached to the study of various sculptural materials, the history of fine arts, architectural monuments, and sculpture. For this purpose, in the 3rd year, students travel to St. Petersburg for a 2-week museum practice.
The practice of teaching special disciplines, as future teachers, takes place in children's art schools, where there is a sculpture department, in studios and art schools.
The result of the training is the graduate's mastering the theoretical foundations of composition, practical knowledge about the plastic and artistic properties of various materials, methods of working out and varieties of sculpture.
Graduates know the patterns of construction art form, traditions of art education in Russia, own professional terminology and methods of analysis of visual means in solving an independent creative task.

PAINTING - 070901

"Theatrical and decorative painting"
Graduate Qualification: Theater Artist
The term of study is 3 years 10 months.

In 1993, a new specialty "Artist - animator" appeared. It was headed by a well-known representative of the Ural School of Animation, multiple winner and diploma winner international festivals S.S. Ainutdinov. The demand for specialists in this specialty is very high. Graduates work in design studios, advertising firms, at the Sverdlovsk film studio, educational institutions, where there is a department of animation design.
The graduate training curriculum, along with subjects of general education and the humanities, includes general professional disciplines: drawing, painting, color science, plastic anatomy, history of fine arts, a special discipline - composition and disciplines of specialization: animation, theater history, history of costume and household items. From the first year, students have the opportunity to reveal their individuality in composition lessons, they master the peculiarities of working with stage material, and study the specifics of the design of the performance.
Students consolidate their professional skills at the production and undergraduate practice, which take place at the Sverdlovsk Film Studio. In addition, 2nd year students go for summer practice (plein air) to their own educational and creative base of the school in the village of Chusovoye, Shalinsky district, Sverdlovsk region.
Students of the 3rd year to get acquainted with the monuments of fine arts and architecture undergo a museum practice in St. Petersburg. The internship program includes visits to the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, museum complexes Pavlovsk, Pushkin (Tsarskoe Selo), St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals, the Savior - on - Blood and other monuments of architecture and culture.
AT thesis the student must show the ability to independently creatively develop artistic task on registration animated film, knowledge of film technology. Be prepared and know the specifics creative work as part of a stopping team.
For the final certification, students submit an explication of the film (storyboard of episodes), sketches of scenery and sketches of costumes, a fragment of the film, episodes, its layout, demonstrating practical mastery of the specialty and independence of artistic thinking.


Graduate qualification: artist - restorer
Duration of training - 4 years 10 months.

object professional activity graduates are monuments of history, culture and art, which have museum and artistic value.
The main field of activity is the rescue, preservation and introduction into scientific circulation of works of art damaged or destroyed by time, harmful living conditions or other reasons.
In accordance with fundamental and special training, a specialist can carry out research and performing activities.
The curriculum includes the teaching of general education subjects and special highly professional disciplines: iconography, microbiology, organic chemistry, restoration, museum storage, where students gain knowledge on the preparation of restoration materials, the rules for maintaining restoration documentation. They study the rules of museum storage, means of protecting exhibits from destruction, the effect of the microclimate on the state of museum values.
Practical classes are held in specially equipped rooms, where students have the opportunity to photograph works necessary for maintaining mandatory restoration documentation.
The importance of the restorer profession in the region artistic activity lies in the real benefit in the preservation and revival of historical and cultural monuments.
The diploma work includes several stages of work with the work - this is restoration, attributes of the monument, analysis of iconography, style, technique, determination of the time of creation. Conservation and restoration work is carried out by a graduate student on genuine works from museum collections.
Graduates can also participate in restoration exhibitions as specialists - restorers.

School history

Yekaterinburg School of Industrial Art, on the basis of which the Sverdlovsk Art School named after I. I.D. Shadra, was opened on December 6 (according to the new style - December 19), 1902. The task of the school was to train master artists of the art crafts of the Urals.
At the origins of the formation of the Ural Art School was its first director Kamensky M.F. - a graduate of the Academy of Arts, then Rupini V.P. - a student of Mate V.V.
During its existence (until 1918), the Yekaterinburg School of Industrial Art trained about 90 artists: sculptors, painters, graphic artists, and teachers. Among them are worldwide famous sculptor I.D. Shadr (Ivanov). In 1987, the school was named after him.

One of the first graduates of the school - Peter Kremlev - headed the stone-cutting workshop of the famous jeweler Faberge.
The products of the school have repeatedly won high awards and diplomas in Russian and international exhibitions applied arts: in 1909 - in Yekaterinoslavl, in Turin; in 1912 - in St. Petersburg; in 1913 - in Kyiv; in 1914 - in Lyon.

The artistic pedagogical traditions of the school took shape under the influence of the St. Petersburg Academic School, which gave great importance the study of the classical heritage of world culture.

Zalkaln T.E. taught at the school. (1876-1972), Erzya S.D. (1876 - 1960), Turzhansky L.V. (1875 - 1945), Paramonov A.N. (1874 - 1949) - a graduate of the Stieglitz School.
Over the years, the teaching staff of the school consisted of famous artists: People's Artist of the Russian Federation I.I. Simonov, Honored Artists of the Russian Federation G.S. Mosin, M.Sh. Brusilovsky, L.A. Guseva, B.V. Volkova, N.V. Sitnikova, A.A. Antonova, N.G. Chesnokova, V.Ya. Bushuev, Honored Workers of Culture of the Russian Federation - Yu.K. Kiseleva, N.N. Moos. They worked a lot and fruitfully at the school of S.D. Bochkarev, B.M. Vitomsky, I.T. Kolodin, V.I. Zyryanov, V.T. Shelest, B.V. Pavlovsky - Corresponding Member of the Academy of Arts, Doctor of Arts.

Loyalty to the traditions of academism throughout the more than 100-year history of the school has been at the heart of the formation of teaching staff - one of the main tasks of the leaders of the school, ardently devoted enthusiasts and the highest professionals of pedagogical work.

Thanks to the dedication of Khozhatelev Pavel Petrovich (1895 - 1987), the former director of the school from 1937 to 1959. it was preserved during the Great Patriotic War.
Since 1961 and is currently working at the school of I.F. Remenets, who headed it for more than 15 years.

For the 100th anniversary of the school, a monograph “The Art School of the Urals” was published, authored by S.P. Yarkov, a graduate of 1952, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, who headed the school for more than 10 years and still provides invaluable methodological assistance to young teachers, being a professor at the Department of Art History at the Ural State University. A.M. Gorky.

The monograph "The Art School of the Urals" was compiled and published with the active assistance of the current director of the Sverdlovsk Art School - Kislyakovsky V.V., who graduated from it in due time.

From 1978 to the present, V.V. Kislyakovsky works at the school. First, a teacher of drawing, painting, from 1988 to 1996 - deputy. director for academic work, and since 1996 - director. He is the author methodological programs on teaching drawing, painting, methods of copying academic painting. Co-author of the program "Teaching the history of world culture in secondary specialized educational institutions", created jointly with the Ural State University and the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1991) V.V. Kislyakovsky, being the director of the school, does not interrupt pedagogical activity: more than 10 years he has been teaching a practical course "Copying from the original as a method of teaching academic painting" according to an individual program, introducing students to the study of monuments of Russian and world culture. Head of the methodological center of secondary specialized educational institutions of the Ural-Siberian region, he is the author of the concept of continuity of art education, actively supporting children's art schools in the region, which are an important link in introducing children to the academic school of painting and drawing. V.V. Kislyakovsky works fruitfully as an artist: he is a participant in international and All-Russian exhibitions. For his activities in 2002 he was awarded by the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation with the badge "For Achievements in Culture". In 2005, he was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.

During the existence of the school, a detailed scheme for the formation of a contingent of students has been developed. Since 1990, preparatory courses have been operating at the school, which since 1997 have been transformed into a preparatory department as an independent subdivision of the school. As a result, almost half of the student body consists of graduates of preparatory forms of education.

result preparatory work is consistently high competition: from 3 to 7 people per place. The geography of admission to the school is extensive: there is not only the Sverdlovsk region, but also the cities of Siberia and the Urals. Career guidance work is constantly carried out in art schools and art schools in Yekaterinburg and the region.

Sverdlovsk Art College. I.D. Shadra being a methodological center for working with children art schools Sverdlovsk region, conducts training for teachers of these schools in advanced training courses, provides methodological advice.

In December 2002, the school celebrated its 100th anniversary, and in connection with this significant event on the basis of the SCU named after. I.D. Shadr, under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Issues of Art Education at the Present Stage” and the All-Russian Exhibition of Academic Painting of Student Works of Art Schools and art departments schools of culture and art, which took place in the Museum of Fine Arts in Yekaterinburg.

At the conference and the exhibition, questions were raised on the methods of teaching special disciplines, the features of the technique and technology of painting, the development of uniform requirements for the quality of training specialists.

Over the past 50 years, the school has graduated about two thousand specialists. Among them - folk artist of the USSR E.N. Shirokov, People's Artists of Russia E.I. Gudin, I.I. Simonov, Honored Artists of Russia V.M. Volovich, G.P. Gaeva, V.S. Zaikov, A.I. Zykov, A.P. Zyryanov, A.F. Kalinin, N.V. Kostina, G.S. Metelev, G.S. Mosin, I.G. Stepanov, L.A. Tokmakov, G.A. Travnikov, P.P. Chusovitin, People's Artist of Kazakhstan N.S. Gaev, Honored Artist of Ukraine V.V. Panfilov, Honored Artists of Tuva L.D. Protasov, G.S. Suzdaltsev, A.N. Sakharovskaya, professor of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts Pen-Verlaine, M.M. Devyatov and others.

Unions of artists of the Ural region for the most part consist of graduates of the college. Many successfully work in schools and art studios.

AT last years there is a clear pattern of improving the quality indicators of graduate training. More than 50% of them enter the higher art educational establishments Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg and other Russian universities.

Being one of the oldest in Russia, the school plays a significant role in the training of specialists in the field of art education, constantly expanding the scope educational activities through the formation of new specialties.

The main department, from the day of its foundation, is the pictorial and pedagogical department. In the 1960s, the Design department was opened. Taking into account the market demand, the school trains young specialists in five educational programs: "Easel painting", "Theatrical and decorative painting" - in two specializations, "Design" - in two specializations, "Sculpture", the department "Restoration, conservation and storage of works of art" - the only one in the Ural-Siberian region and the Volga region.

The school has its own educational and creative base, which is developed and maintained at the expense of funds earned by the school staff.

The school was awarded honorary diplomas of the Russian Academy of Arts, the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

    Yekaterinburg Art College named after I.D.Shadra- opened in 1918 on the basis of art. prom. schools. First dir. A.N. Paramonov. There are departments in the school: painting, industrial graphics, theatrical, sculptural. In 1992, the contingent of students was 140 people, teachers 19. Over the years. existence... ... Ural Historical Encyclopedia

    Main in Dec. 1902. Until 1918 it was called Ekat. arts. prom. school, repeatedly changed its name: 1918 1919 Ekat. higher free arts. workshops; 1920 1923 Ural. state practical int; 1923 1926 Ural. arts. technical College; 1926 1929 Ural. ... ... Yekaterinburg (encyclopedia)

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