Russian folk theme. The flavor of Slavic music and features of traditional instruments

Many people think that organizing a party in the Russian national style is much easier than in any other style. After all, no matter how, every person knows the history of his country and imagines what national costumes and treats look like. But, this is far from the case. To organize this party, you need to make every effort and knowledge, so as not to fall into the mud face. If in organizing any other theme party, whether it be from a movie or a national, but different culture, you can miss something or not know, then you should not miss anything in your native national style.

First of all, you need to think about where this celebration will take place. Suitable for almost any party. premises: from the sauna to the office. But, a country house or a room at home is best suited. Here, the most important thing will be to create a festive atmosphere and decorate the room in the appropriate style. Basic paraphernalia could be something like the following:

- decorating the walls with straw and hay;
- various fragrant herbs in bags (lavender, lemon balm, mint). They can be hung somewhere in the corner of the room.
- embroidered towels;
- items of old Slavic life (poker, large shovel for the stove, brooms made of birch branches);
- bundles of onion and garlic;
- earthenware on the tables;
- samovar.


An important aspect of the party is the selection of costumes for guests. For the right choice, you should turn to the history of your country. After all, each country has its own national style, which in the era of modernity has become forgotten. And, as for the Russian, then here it is very rich and diverse. Already starting with the clothes, one can notice the breadth of the Russian soul.

So, you need to start preparing costumes. First, count the number of guests: how many women and how many men. It is not necessary to sew such clothes. It's worth taking rental. It’s good if you manage to come to an agreement with some kind of theater, because it is there that the most correct costumes of the national style are collected. The basis for a women's suit will be a long-sleeved shirt, red or white color. The shirt can be decorated with an old ornament in the form of a fringe or embroidery. A long or short sundress is worn over the top of such a shirt. You can wear a kokoshnik or tie a ribbon on your head. The hair may be braided. Also, don't forget about shoes. Fits well here sandals- These are low shoes, it was woven from a tree face or a vine. In order to hold the shoes, they tied them to the legs with laces, also made of lik. You can use shoes or boots. For men, a shirt with wide and long sleeves and trousers are also taken. Here the men's costume is less varied than the women's. To give it a more elegant look, you can wear a caftan. Should be worn on the head tafya. This is a small round hat. There are also murmolkas and three-piece hats.


When the costumes are finished, you need to write invitations. To do this, use parchment paper to give the invitation a more antique look. It should be written in ink. Try to make curls in letters as much as possible. Invitations can be made as follows:

“I, (indicate your name and patronymic) decide to you (name and patronymic of each guest), will appear at the celebrations (on what occasion) in my chambers (indicate the address and date of the party). Be so kind as to come and taste the treats from my steel, take with you a good mood and the breadth of the Russian soul.


The next step will be a festive feast. It's worth taking a walk here. All holidays in Russia were famous for very plentiful treats. Russian kitchen absorbed elements of peasant, Old Slavonic cuisine, as well as dishes of different peoples that inhabited the Russian land. At a themed celebration, dishes such as roasted pig or goose are indispensable. Dishes from wild animals or birds will also fit well. Pancakes with various fillings are also considered a special dish. Do not forget about pies with fish and meat fillings. Also, pies can be served with sweet fillings: with cottage cheese, with berries and fruits. Pickles will be a special snack: cucumbers, tomatoes, canned mushrooms, sauerkraut. For a side dish, basically, fried or baked potatoes are suitable. But, you can also serve porridge. The most popular is considered barley porridge. Also, do not forget about mead, moonshine and kvass. For dessert, serve sweet gingerbread, yeast dough pastries, pancakes with honey. Serve these desserts with tea. A good addition to the paraphernalia holiday table will become samovar. It's good if it fulfills its main purpose, and not just complements beautiful interior. It's not hard to learn how to use it. Use wooden and earthenware dishes.

Party script in Russian folk style

It does not matter in what sequence your party will take place, but entertainment should be another important stage of this evening. The Russian people love not only to eat delicious food, but also to have a good time. stock up on good songs and ditties . They can be performed without leaving the table. And if you really want to, then you can dance.

Could be a very good game quiz for knowledge folk songs. You, as the organizer of the party, take on the role of host and explain the song with words, talk about the main characters and their actions, and the guests guess. After that, they must perform a verse or two from a guessed song. A CD with folk songs or ditties. You can also arrange a competition for the knowledge of characters from folk tales. Guests are divided into two teams. Each team takes turns naming characters. The team with the last answer wins.

We all come from childhood and remember well the amusing game " Brook". All participants in the game are divided into pairs, better heterosexual. Divided into two columns, you need to join hands and raise them to the top, thus forming a tunnel. The number of players must not be even. The driver enters the corridor and chooses a pair for himself, breaking the old one. A new pair melts on the opposite side of the tunnel, and the freed person becomes the leader and everything repeats again. There are no winners in this game. It's just that the "stream" flows faster, the more fun. They play until they get bored.

Another fun entertainment will be a team competition Victory over the Serpent Gorynych ". For this entertainment, you will need a lot of fake chain mail, swords and toy wooden horses on sticks. Balloons must be painted under the heads of the Serpent Gorynych. These heads should be placed on two chairs, approximately 10 meters from the participants. Participants are divided into teams of five people. The first participant from one team and the first from the other team puts on fake chain mail, takes a sword and "mounts" on a horse. They must jump to the chairs for the races and cut off the head of the Serpent, then return and pass the baton to the second player. The team that finishes the fastest wins.

Such entertainment can be a competition " Bath". For this competition, you need to take several basins, bath hats, brooms and sheets. Several participants to the music go to the middle of the room. At the same time, they must dance and slap themselves on the back with brooms. As soon as the music stops, the participants quickly put on a bath hat, wrap a sheet around themselves and stand in the basin. Whoever does it faster wins.

If the party takes place in the winter, somewhere in country house, then for thrills it is worth a ride on sleigh. This will good entertainment outdoors. If there are two pairs of sledges, these skating can be held as competitions. Whoever goes down the hill faster is the winner. Below you can organize a small table with drinks, such as mead or moonshine. Warm wine is good for girls. You can add cinnamon, cloves and vanilla sugar there. Everyone who descends first is “rewarded” with some kind of drink. This will give a fighting mood and help keep warm.

A photo

Clothing in folk style or as it is also mistakenly called folk style.

Today there are such concepts as “folklore style”, folk style, ethno-folk, etc. But we want to draw your attention to the fact that the word “folklore” is more related to oral, verbal and musical creativity people. Folklore literally means “folk wisdom”, and the concept of “folk” style in clothes has developed as an erroneous understanding of Russian folk costume the basis of which was the stage costume of folklore ensembles, and not the traditional Russian folk costume!

The very concept of "folklore" has an indirect relation to clothing.

This difference must be well understood. Because the folk style is not what the modern Russian costume is in essence, but how they want to see us from the outside in modern world. Many researchers, ethnographers or reenactors contemptuously refer to folk-style costumes as "cranberries". Especially cynical and bilious people call folklore costumes or costumes of folklore ensembles "Martian" costumes. But we do not consider the style of folklore ensembles to be something unacceptable or offensive. Because the modern Russian folklore costume was created for the stage, and when it is created without a hint of vulgarity or does not expose the body, it can be a bright and beautiful example of a stage costume.

Often, it is folk style connoisseurs who use patterns of household utensils or dishes such as “Gzhel” and “Khokhloma” to create prints on fabric for tailoring. Of course, it looks like "kitsch" and is inappropriate when creating a decent and full image Russian style, but for the style of "folk" is suitable. Because, unfortunately, many people know only Khokhloma and Gzhel patterns, and do not even suspect that this is not embroidery, but painting.

Dishes with painting in the style of "Gzhel"

Folk style implies only a shallow study of Russian costume and traditions, and the desire to shock or attract the public in the first place. Folk style implies the presence of an audience.

Folk style and folk style. Features and differences.

Clothing in folk style is always out of time and circumstances.

Folk style combines elements of national costumes of different peoples. There is a folk style in India, China, Japan, Mexico ... Russia ... But you can’t combine elements of costumes different cultures in one outfit: you can’t dress up in a sari, kokoshnik and cowboy boots within the framework of the folk style, it will be ridiculous, unless, of course, you are a hippie.
The folk style differs from the Russian style in its nationality and brightness. The fashion designer of Russian costume and Russian style today is Valentina Averyanova. The Russian style includes both folk and boyar costumes, and the folk costume is the clothes of the simple Russian people. An excellent example of Russian folk style is Valentino spring 2015:

We will talk not only about how to properly wear folk-style clothes, but what the modern concept means: clothes in folklore style.
It is customary to sew outfits in folk style from natural fabrics in natural colors. Very handy will be embroidery, all kinds of patterned fabrics, lace, braid.

Folk style requires following traditions, folk style is a modern interpretation and reflection on the topic of folk costume.

In the folk style, you can easily make an appliqué on clothes or a patchwork pattern, in the style of a patchwork. Yes, this is typical for patchwork quilts, but we remind you that folk style implies such confusion and mixing of different techniques, patterns and attributes. Geometric patterns are perfectly combined within the folk style with the structure of the fabric. Beads, sequins, beads or floral motifs will also be moderately appropriate, especially in the folk style - patterns with drawings of roses from Zhostovo trays.

If you want to emphasize the waist, a wide laced or leather belt will do. Folklore style will allow you to collect all the elements of Russian outfits in one image: sundresses, wide skirts, short fur coats. And in addition to them - large Pavlo-Pasad shawls with tassels, accessories with Russian painting and wooden jewelry.

Russian style national costume accentuate a straight or trapezoidal silhouette. It will hide the flaws of the figure and will not hinder movement. Unfortunately, the folk style does not mean following the traditional cut of the Russian costume. To match the folk style, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the folk image, but it is not necessary to follow the cut. But if this is difficult for you, then you can simply supplement the modern costume with the details of the Russian costume, the main thing is their natural combination. All kinds of shoes are suitable: in summer - ballet flats or shoes, in winter - boots or boots. In everyday life, folk style is ideal for relaxing.

Each country has its own folk traditions, but designers boldly use folk images to create original costumes. It's also a chance to keep folk culture, memory of ancestors. A variety of natural jewelry, wooden beads, bracelets, various earrings are suitable for clothes of this style. Original outfits will help to attract attention, stand out from the crowd and emphasize the origin.
Many things you can just do yourself and save a little. The main rule of folklore style is not to mix clothes different nationalities. There are holidays on which the folk style of clothing is simply mandatory, but it is better to make a wedding with a dress code in the Russian style and take into account the origin of the bride and groom, if the ancestors are from a peasant environment, then you can make a bright and cheerful wedding with clothes in folk / folk style , if the ancestors were noble, then the Russian style and boyar costumes for the bride and groom will do.

It is categorically not necessary to mix different directions in one image, even such a similar concept as ethno-style. Do not combine a boyar costume with kitsch, and a Russian headdress with a miniskirt - it looks vulgar, vulgar and inappropriate.

Any clothes should be worn with pleasure, because a sincere smile and a good mood will attract no less attention than a bright suit and a defiant look. Comfortable clothes will give confidence in one's own irresistibility, and a folk costume will emphasize the love for the Motherland.

The table is bursting with delicious treats, groovy music and endless Slavic fun dizzy. Fun, noisy and so cordial! Glorious fellows and red girls, a party in Russian folk style is in no way inferior to any newfangled theme. And what bright and colorful photos will remain as a memory of a birthday, a bachelorette party or just a party in a friendly company!


There are no special difficulties, but there are a lot of details. Ask your friends to sort out the mezzanines and country supplies - for sure there is something suitable for decorating in Russian folk style.

If not, arm yourself with cardboard and paints, print and glue the images. Buy wallpapers, paper, napkins and fabrics with national patterns. Suitable for decor:

  • wild flowers, sunflowers, poppies, straw, bouquets of ears;
  • bundles of bagels, onions and garlic, rowan beads, aromatic herbs in bouquets or bags;
  • wicker, earthenware and wooden utensils, barrels and tubs, pots and, of course, a painted samovar;
  • to hide unsuitable wallpapers, Pavlovo-Posad shawls and Zhostovo trays are ideal;
  • Bast shoes can be hung on the walls or used together with felt boots as vases for compositions;

  • nesting dolls, wood carvings (toys, dishes, paintings), real Khokhloma and Gzhel will not only add Russian folk flavor to the room. But they will certainly attract the attention of party guests, so you can arrange a mini-exhibition;
  • cardboard "claws", eyes from the old soft toys, a few cheap long pile rugs. Cut, sew from the inside - bear skins are ready;
  • weave a decorative fence from twigs. Miniature, as part of the compositions;
  • ask your friends for "grandmother's" striped rugs. They will fit perfectly, and they will divert attention from modern parquet;
  • balalaikas, psaltery, spoons, bells, bayan, etc. Of course, finding real tools is difficult, but making cardboard and coloring is easy. Useful for photos and artistic scenarios - they will add entourage.

The stove is a chic photo zone for a themed party in Russian folk style! For example, cardboard, painted or photo wallpaper. But we recommend a partially functional option:

  • Rectangular table, the most common. Cover the perimeter to the floor with thick cardboard or plywood on all sides;
  • Cut out from the "facade", near the floor, a semicircle-furnace. Attach a paper "fire", put a few logs, put a cast iron;
  • Make a pipe out of the box, glue it to the table top with tape;
  • Paste everything with white wallpaper under stone, plaster;

On such a stove, you can pose for a photo (lying straight or sitting, like Emelya!) Or put treats on it. It will turn out well, very atmospheric!


Of course, in the Russian folk style - an imitation of the ancient Slavic font and the appeal of the prince-princess or the boyar-boyar, the synonyms are party - festivities, contests - fun, dancing - dancing to ditties.

And it's possible like this:

We sincerely ask you to visit us,
Come, honest people!
We will sing and dance until the night
Al until morning, how will it go! (time, place and dress code on the back).

There are a lot of options for designing invitations. For example, you can print the basis for a postcard under Gzhel, Khokhloma, or another type of Russian folk painting. Make a cardboard balalaika, oven, bast shoes. Or button accordion: two rectangles with an accordion of paper inside. Just write the text of the invitation first, and then fold the leaf.

Funny postcard-matryoshka, consisting of several pages(opens like a book, usually). The text is divided into parts: to read it, you need to scroll through the "matryoshka" to the end.


Perhaps this is the most time-consuming part, if you want not just styling, but Russian folk "historicism" in clothes. You will have to prepare for the party ahead of time, sew something, look for something in the shops. You can use the rental of costumes - contact the agency or local recreation center.

Do not forget to pick up shoes - closed shoes, short boots. Let the guys wear simple shoes. It is difficult to get bast shoes, and it is not convenient for everyone to walk in them. “Kirzachis” are also suitable, but it will be hot for your feet in them, especially if the party is held indoors (you can take a few photos and change shoes).

We offer the least labor-intensive options:

  • Modern clothes with patterns or ornaments in Russian folk style. Dresses, tunics, sundresses and even jumpsuits with a recognizable pattern;
  • Long plain sundresses of a free cut. Color to choose from - blue, red, green, yellow;
  • The same sundress, but with wide straps, ethnic ornament (can be sewn over the purchased clothes edging). Underneath is a tunic with wide sleeves gathered at the wrists with an elastic band.

Russian folk style is emphasized by large earrings and beads, a long braid(own or artificial), headband. It is easy to make kokoshniks from the base cardboard and bright fabric (decorate with embroidery, ornaments, beads).

Clothing for guys - light summer or regular dark / striped trousers, a shirt for release, a belt or sash, a cap. Suitable linen or cotton men's tunics. At the end of the article, we will tell you how to easily sew a real blouse for a Russian folk party.

We sew a men's shirt-kosovorotka

  • linen or cotton, fairly dense;
  • buttons or lace on the collar;
  • braid with ethnic pattern. If you are sewing several shirts, for all men, then buy a different braid, you can match the color of the dresses of their companions. Belt - a strip of fabric (the same that goes on a shirt) or braid.

The shirt is loose, but you need to imagine the approximate size. The main thing is not to miscalculate with the length of the sleeves. You can sew without a machine, with a reverse seam (if there is no machine).

Pattern elementary:

Detail 1- rectangle, "body". Shirt length x 2. Width in dimensions (waist in the most “pot-bellied” place and an allowance so that the shirt sits freely). Fold the part in half, mark the neck, cut it out.

Details 2- sleeves, rectangles. Desired sleeve width, multiplied by two.

Line 3- a slit so that you can put on a shirt over your head. It must be on the side (that's why the shirt is called a kosovorotka).

  • Sew sleeves to part 1;
  • Fold the shirt along the line, as in the picture;
  • Sew on the sides of the "body", then the sleeves;
  • Decorate all sections (bottom, cuffs, neck) with colored braid;
  • Lace up or sew on buttons along the neckline (line 3). But first, decorate all sections (throat, sleeves and bottom) with colored braid. All! Your men will surely be glad that you have saved them from having to search for a costume for a Russian folk party!


Treats are hearty, plentiful and for every taste! The table should literally burst with variety in the menu of fish, meat and vegetable dishes - a traditional feast.

Several options for keeping the style (original Russian folk treats):

  • game, porridge with mushrooms or meat, roasted pig, okroshka, casserole, goose in apples, roast;
  • jellied or baked fish, caviar;
  • a variety of pickles and marinades (cabbage with cranberries, vegetables and mushrooms, pickled apples);
  • berries, jam and jam, pancakes and bagels, cheesecakes and pies, kalachi and kulebyaki.

If you are celebrating a birthday, order a cake in the Russian folk style - a chic surprise for the party guests and the birthday boy!

Enough and a couple of themed "crown" dishes. Or you can generally arrange a buffet table by spreading cereals, game and roasts in miniature baskets / tartlets. It will turn out interesting and very tasty! And on the "sing-dance" forces will remain.

Do not forget about table decoration - a samovar, painted or simple rustic dishes, national patterns on tablecloths, napkins. But the main decoration should be the dishes themselves.

Consider drinks too. to keep the theme. Of course, mead(easy to make yourself, but it will take 5 days to ferment), vodka (change labels or pour into decanters) and kvass(in pot-bellied clay jugs). If you can find an oak barrel and a traditional ladle, use it to pour beer at least at the beginning, for the atmosphere. From non-alcoholic herbal teas, compotes and juices.


Noisy festivities until you drop - that's the whole scenario of a party in Russian folk style, and you don't need to invent any plots. Just alternate active contests and quizzes so that guests can take a breath. We offer several activities.

Turnip(you just need something to grab on to).

This is a test of strength, traditionally for men. But, as they say, there are women in Russian villages. So optional.

"Turnip" grabs a pole (or something else that definitely can't be moved). One person grabs him by the waist and pulls the turnip from the garden. Everyone counts to five. Survived? Another clings to the waist of the first. The winner is the one who can withstand the longest line of "pullers" for five seconds.

Pan(on the floor or ground you need to designate a circle with half a meter in diameter).

Two teams (for example, peasants and boyars). Give guests a minute to remember which team is on which, or tie two-color ribbons on the sleeves. Everyone stands around the “frying pan” so that the participants are distributed through one, friend-foreign-own player.

Everyone is dancing in a circle. The music stops. You need to quickly push the player of the other team to the "frying pan". Whoever gets in first is out. The team that has the numerical superiority of those remaining in the round dance wins.

Include Russian folk dances in the party script: Kamarinskaya, Trepak, Cossack, Kalinka, etc., there are more than two dozen of them, only the most popular ones! Don't forget to download the right music and watch the basic moves to show them to your guests.

Svayka(nail or dart, metal ring or styling)

This is a competition for accuracy, competition in teams or one at a time. Place a ring the size of a large apple on the foam (if you're indoors) or on the ground. Three attempts, the goal is to throw the "spear" so that it sticks in the area indicated by the ring. First, they throw from two steps, then from three, etc., until the winner is revealed.

Swan, crayfish and pike(ropes or strong ropes)

According to the scenario, the party guests are divided into threes, and then - as you like. You can identify the winners in each trio. Or continue the game until the end until there is only one winner.

Make "folds" out of three ropes. Loose ends must be tied around the waist of each of the three participants. Now all three are "pulling the cart" in their direction. The winner will be the one who "dragged" two, i.e. dragged them along for a bit.

Three quizzes

  • Guess the fairy tale fairy tale character by description:
    • an elderly cannibal with a prosthesis (Baba Yaga);
    • a person of blue blood, together with an accomplice, a talking ancestor best friend a person violate article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the fairy tale Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf);
    • the hero of many fabulous "quests". He wins thanks to non-standard solutions, although by nature he is slightly deprived of intelligence (Ivan the Fool).
  • Guess the Russian folk instrument from the photo(musical, handicraft) and kitchen, household utensils. Print it out, title on the back. If the party guests find it difficult to answer, let them try to guess the purpose of the tool / household item;
  • Guess the meaning of the old Russian word. Use the online dictionary for selection. Examples: scolding - war, conversation - shop, admiration - kidnapping or theft. Choose with meaning, unexpected meanings (in general, not just furious something).

Do not forget about gifts / awards for all guests of the party. It can be any little things in the Russian folk style - amulets (herbal capsules, horseshoes, houses), painted dishes (cups, spoons), caskets or beads, etc.

Ethnic clothing style includes a rich list of national trends. In the multi-colored list, the Russian style stands out with its bright appeal and original execution. In the clothes of the current trend, an organic compound is considered a characteristic feature. folk motives with the latest world fashion trends. Almost all modern couturiers, when creating regular collections, do not ignore the expressive and colorful style.

Historical foundations of the current trend

Russian fashion began its victorious march around the world almost a hundred years ago. The impetus for this was the revolutionary events of 1917. As a result of great transformations, a lot of people were forced to leave their historical homeland and go to a distant, unknown emigration. In addition to family jewels, wealthy people also took out wardrobes filled with rich outfits in the traditional Russian style.

The variety of bright colors, unusual styles of dresses, amazing headdresses and other spectacular elements of the folk costume attracted the attention of Europeans and caused genuine admiration and delight. Russian style has gradually migrated to all spheres of life. The use of original color in hotels, restaurants, on the stage was considered good form.

Straight clothes, decorated with folklore patterns, entered the European fashion. Men's blouses, colorful shawls, high kokoshniks were chosen even by the most famous people. Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo used beaded jewelery and embroidery in the spirit of Russian motifs in their outfits.

The final approval of the style in the 20s of the last century was due to the appearance of fashion houses in Europe by Russian designers. An exclusively national spirit hovered here, supported by noble immigrants from Russia.

Russian style in women's clothing - beauty and practicality

The harsh climate required people to wear a wide variety of things.

  • The undershirt is an indispensable element of the suit for women and men. Linen products were sewn free, not constraining movements. The shirt was supposed to be tied with a belt.

  • Poneva - the lower pleated skirt, tightly wrapping around the waist. Created additional volume and warmed.
  • Sundress or dress is the main outerwear for women. The free cut line, expanding from the chest down, hid the outlines of the silhouette. Clothing was made from cotton, linen or wool.

From above they put on soul warmers, sweaters, threw shawls over their shoulders. Layered clothing provided comfort and warmed the body well.

In rainy weather, they chose epancha - a cloth raincoat without sleeves. Fur coats, which were worn by representatives of all segments of the population, were reliably protected from frost. Common people sewed clothes from sheepskin or hare. The nobility put on sable, silver fox, marten. Fur coats were long and heavy with a wide round collar. They were worn with fur inside, covered with dense cloth, velvet or brocade on top.

Hands were covered from the cold with knitted or fur mittens. At home, women wore kokoshniks on their heads. Going out into the street, they tied scarves on top or put on round fur hats.

Modern clothes with elements of Russian style (Photo)

Matryoshka dolls, Khokhloma painting, Posad woolen shawls, Orenburg downy shawls are considered typical symbols of the national direction. They provide the basis for the embodiment of design ideas in modern clothing.

Stylistic outfits include many traditional russian style elements:

  • Styles. The cut of Russian clothing is aimed at creating maximum convenience and comfort. It is characterized by straight or bell-like skirts, long sundresses with wide straps, dresses with a high waistline. All fabrics are only of natural origin: cotton, linen, silk, wool.
  • Costume details. Collars use mainly rounded turn-down. The sleeves are narrow straight or short puffy in the form of lanterns. Often they use a peplum, lacing belts, ribbons in the form of fasteners.

  • Colors. The combination of white with red and all its shades looks most impressive. Green, black, yellow, golden colors are also relevant.
  • Drawings. Folklore themes provide unlimited scope for design imagination. Clothes in the Russian national style, painted floral patterns, ancient Slavic ornaments, fabulous animals and birds, invariably attracts the eyes of others and causes delight. Beautiful images embroidered with colored threads, beads, small stones, woven with thin ribbons, golden laces look especially impressive.

  • Lace, braid, hemstitch. Preferably use trim self made. An intricate and complex pattern noticeably distinguishes the Russian style from other ethnic trends, making it unique and original.

  • patchwork clothes(patchwork) - a typical example of russian style. Thrifty Russian housewives never threw away pieces of fabric left after cutting. They were used to create pillowcases for pillows, multi-colored blankets, and rugs. Today, on the basis of Pavloposad shawls, you can create unique models of things. The technical complexity of the execution is justified by the amazing result.

  • Accessories. Floral wreaths, colorful ribbons, beads, bracelets made of leather and wood are an excellent decoration of the style. Stylized earrings, a kokoshnik embroidered with beads and stones give a great effect to the image. You can not do without the use of colorful shawls, scarves, capes.

How to build a fashionable image?

Modern clothing in the Russian folk style is the layering of motifs of traditional patterns and ornaments on actual items of clothing.

When creating a new look, it is not at all necessary to use only stylistic elements. It is enough to diversify your everyday look with one or two characteristic objects. For example, decorate a long summer sundress with patterned braid and wear floral print shoes with it. You can also add a few strands of pearl beads to the ensemble and choose a handbag to match the main color of the dress.

Building the next fashionable image, do not forget that main principle Russian style is femininity and chastity. Therefore, it is better to refuse trousers, open and tight-fitting clothes. The beauty of a woman should be presented with dignity and modesty.

And finally

Designer clothes in the Russian style are relevant all over the world and still are. Under the influence national characteristics many new models of clothing are created, decorated with peculiar details, drawings and ornaments. Many famous couturiers of our time do not get tired of drawing their inspiration from folk traditions donated by the ageless Russian style.