Ancient Indian ancestor. Who were the ancestors of the Indians? They did not expect favors from nature

The ancestors of modern Indians moved to North America 800 years earlier than previously thought. Such conclusions are the result of the analysis of a spearhead stuck in the rib of an American mastodon.

The authors of the work, researchers from US and Danish universities led by Michael Waters from Texas A&M University, write that, according to most archaeologists, the ancestors of modern Indians entered North America about 15-14 thousand years ago. back. Then, between Alaska and Chukotka, the crossing still did not melt - the ice "bridge".

The first culture of the United States (Clovis, from the name of the city of Clovis in New Mexico) appeared 13,000-13,500 years ago. Here, in Clovis, in the late 1930s, archaeologists discovered the site of ancient aborigines. Perhaps there were more ancient ancestors of the American Indians. But their remains or parking have not been preserved.

American mastodon

Archaeologists led by Michael Waters have discovered traces of an older culture dating back 13,800 years. True, scientists did not find a parking lot or burials of people, but a bone spearhead stuck in the rib of an American mastodon.

Mastodons ( Mammutidae) are extinct mammals from the proboscis order, relatives of mammoths and elephants. Archaeologists write that the remains of the overseas brother of the mammoth were discovered by farmer Emanuel Manis.

In 1977, Manis, while digging a dry pond with an excavator, came across the tusks of a mastodon. The farmer reported his find to archaeologists from the University of Washington. After a couple of days, the experts started further excavations and found a rib with a stuck bone tip.

The Manis Mastodon is considered the oldest human trace in North America. True, the exact age and cultural affiliation of the archaeological find is constantly disputed.

In a study published in Science, Waters' team refines the age of the mastodon. Archaeologists believe that the mastodon was killed 13,800 years ago. This means that the first people appeared on the territory of North America 300-800 years earlier than previously thought.

Spear in rib

In the course of the study, scientists determined the proportion of the heavy carbon isotope (C 14) in the rib, tusks and other parts of the skeleton of the mastodon. The age of all the samples coincided, from which the scientists concluded that all the bones belong to the same mastodon.

The researchers isolated DNA fragments from a rib and a bone tip. Comparing the DNA of the mastodon with modern and extinct elephants, geneticists came to the conclusion that the ribs and tusks belong to the mastodon. Moreover, it turned out that the tip of the spear was carved from the bone of a mastodon. Previously, scientists assumed that the tip was made from deer antler.

Usually, speaking of ancient America, they first of all remember the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas. But on the American continent, long before these well-known peoples, there were others. In many ways, they made this wild continent quite suitable for life ...

The very first "Americans" hunted mammoths and other large animals. Dangerous fishing often ended tragically.

The remains of one of the unfortunate hunters were discovered by scientists in 1947 in Mexico, in the town of Tepeshpan. He died about 11 thousand years ago. From the sculptural reconstruction, a cave dweller with powerful superciliary arches and a low forehead looks at us. The hunter was, by the standards of antiquity, quite old - over 50 years old!

Influenced by the climate

By the 8th millennium BC, the climate became drier and warmer, the meadows turned into semi-deserts. Some species of large animals became extinct, others moved north. Some of the hunters also migrated with them. Their descendants have preserved the ancient way of life right up to historical times.

Others preferred to stay put and adapt to new conditions. The main importance was the collection of plants, and hunting served only as a help. From gathering - one step to agriculture, but many tribes have not done it.

Areas favorable for agriculture were in Mesoamerica and in the Central Andes - in Peru and Bolivia. It was in these regions that ancient civilizations were formed.

The transition took millennia. The first - about 7 thousand years ago - was "domesticated" gourd. It was followed by zucchini, chili peppers, cotton, beans, avocados. Finally, it was the turn of the maize. The oldest ears discovered by archaeologist Richard McNeish in Mexico are 5,600 years old. Around this time - IV-III millennium BC - they began to cultivate maize in the Andes.

Finally, the culture of farmers was formed in the III-II millennium BC. Permanent settlements arose, weaving, ceramics appeared. People sculpted dishes and terracotta figurines that retained the appearance of their creators.

The appearance of clay figurines testified to the beginnings of beliefs - probably the cult of ancestors. Worshiped farmers and natural forces. There were shamans and leaders who became hereditary nobility.

At the end of the II millennium BC, the first civilizations arose.

Olmec heads

On the banks of the rivers of the Mexican state of Veracruz, a combination of two tillage systems - slash-and-burn and floodplain - made it possible to harvest 3-4 crops per year. River floods, like the Nile in Egypt, gave rise to the Olmec civilization.

Between 1350 and 1250 BC, the inhabitants of one of the settlements created terraces and platforms on one of the plateaus. There is a proto-city of San Lorenzo.

Between 1150 and 900 BC, it became the ceremonial and administrative center in control of the Coatzacoalcos river basin. A system of artificial reservoirs, a water supply system, many monumental stone sculptures and a “visiting card” of civilization were created there.

The most prominent building in San Lorenzo was the so-called "Red Palace" - a long building with walls of rammed earth, limestone and sandstone slabs and a roof of palm leaves. The building was decorated with 4-meter columns, and under the floor there was an aqueduct made of basalt gutters. Probably, the building served as the residence of the leader.

Representatives of the elite lived in stone-lined houses on the highest part of the plateau, community members lived in huts on terraced slopes. They were engaged in agriculture, pottery, weaving, fishing, hunting. There were also professional artisans who worked on orders from the ruling elite.

After 900 BC, river courses changed, and San Lorenzo gradually lost its importance. The main Olmec center was another archaeological complex La Venta, the heyday of this city fell on the VIII-IV centuries BC.

In La Venta, several stone heads, a pyramid, stone thrones, tombs, steles with images of rulers and jaguar-like deities, and a mosaic in the form of a jaguar head were discovered. The jaguar was a sacred animal for the Laventians: it was carved on figurines, ornaments, and the rulers were given the features of this beast. Reliefs were also found here that convey the myth of the connection of the divine jaguar with an earthly woman or, according to another interpretation, the transformation of a shaman into a jaguar.

The "jaguar style" of the Olmecs spread throughout Mesoamerica, and their hieroglyphic inscriptions and dates were long considered the oldest. Scientists have decided that the Olmecs are the "mother culture", the progenitor of all civilizations in the region. Further research showed that they were one of many. Other peoples began the path to civilization at the same time as them, and in some ways stepped even further.

Zapotec Mystery

During the heyday of San Lorenzo in Oaxaca, they began to honor the Earth and Sky. The formidable forces of the Earth were represented in the form of a snarling jaws of a jaguar. Perhaps the jaguar is an Olmec influence, but otherwise the culture went its own way.

Between 850 and 700 BC, platforms for short-lived hut temples arose, and the people of San José Mogote created the first chiefdom. A couple of centuries later, others were formed. At first they sought to resolve conflicts peacefully, then they began to fight.

Once the enemies burned the temple in San José Mogote. Punishment awaited the wicked, the memory of which has been preserved for centuries.

The carved slab depicts a sacrificed prisoner. Signs between his feet: a dot and a hieroglyph - the first example of Zapotec writing, dating back to ... 600 BC! Probably, the name of "Herostratus" is imprinted.

The writing of the Zapotecs has not yet been deciphered. At one time it was considered the oldest - even older than the Olmec! In our time, the Olmecs again prevail, although it is possible that the two cultures came to this discovery simultaneously.

Along with writing, a calendar, carved bas-reliefs, temples, tombs of leaders and the first figured vessels - the so-called urns - appeared in San José Mogota.

The sacred mountain of Monte Alban - here in the 5th century BC the capital of the Zapotecs was erected

Around 500 BC, the inhabitants of the village moved to the top of the sacred mountain Monte Alban. There, during the heyday of La Venta, the first real city arose - the capital of the Zapotec state.

By the 1st century BC, the kings of Monte Alban subjugated Oaxaca, and then stepped beyond its borders. The next 300 years were a period of expansion of the kingdom, and then five centuries of prosperity. Ugas Monte Alban at the end of the 1st millennium - shortly before the centers of the "classical" Maya.

The first attempt to create a civilization in the Valley of Mexico ended tragically.

The inhabitants of the village of Cuicuilco, shortly before the beginning of our era, learned a lot. They made elegant dishes, built adobe dwellings, and even built a pyramid - a truncated cone of sand and clay, lined with stones and adobe (the same as adobe). But there was an eruption of the volcano Shitle, and the houses of farmers with all the utensils were buried under a layer of lava.

Scientists suggest that not all died. Some fled to Teotihuacan. Perhaps it was they who accelerated its development and inspired the Teotihuacans to create the huge pyramids of the Sun and the Moon.

The heyday of Teotihuacan came in the first centuries of our era and coincided with the heyday of Monte Alban and the formation of the first Mayan kingdoms. With the Zapotecs, the Teotihuacans lived peacefully, dividing spheres of influence. With the Maya it was different. In 378, the commander Siyah-Kak undertook a distant campaign, seized power in the Mayan Tikal and founded a new dynasty subordinate to Teotihuacan. Oddly enough, the conquest benefited the Maya, and Tikal became their largest state in the 5th century.

Teotihuacans soon forgot about the "vassals", and at the end of the 7th century the first "megalopolis" perished.

Predecessors of the Incas

The ancient history of South America is less known. In addition, several archaeological records have been recorded there.

The first is the Ecuadorian “man from Otovalo” and the oldest remains in America are 33 thousand years old!

The second is the Chinchorro mummies on the Chilean coast. The earliest of them date back to… VIII millennium BC! They are the oldest in the world.

This tradition was inherited by the creators of the Paracas culture. They also became famous for experiments on skulls: they changed their shape, performed trepanations ... Their successors, the famous Nazca, stopped making mummies in large numbers, but continued to play with the skull.

The northern coast of the continent offers no less surprises. In Ecuador, another record was set - the oldest ceramics in America, dating back to the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC, were discovered. They found similarities with the Japanese one in it, and since then there has been a version about contacts between these countries.

The tradition of pottery was developed by other coastal cultures. The most striking of these is the Mochica culture that existed in Peru, near modern Trujillo.

Mochika built cities in which pyramids, residential and public buildings were erected; laid irrigation systems, aqueducts. Agriculture was based on irrigation and the use of flood lands. They grew maize, beans, potatoes, yucca, chili, tomatoes, and other plants. The fields were fertilized with guano and small fish. Fishermen in reed boats often went out to fish.

Mochika were skilled jewelers - they knew how to melt, solder, cover copper with gilding. Ornaments and some tools were made from metals.

They were engaged in mochika and weaving, but pottery brought fame to the culture - painted and figured vessels. Thanks to mythological plots and "genre scenes" on them, we learn about the life of Mochik. Their culture left no inscriptions or stone sculptures. The chronicle of this people is "clay".

"Lord of Sipan"

Mochika's "visiting card" is the so-called "portrait" vessels, with stunning realism conveying the features of people who once lived: either the kings of an ancient people, or their defeated enemies.

The wealth and power of the ancient kings is evidenced by the untouched burial of the "Lord of Sipan", dating from about 290.

On the chest of the deceased ruler were laid copper discs, several dozen gold, copper and silver nuts - elements that adorned the decayed clothes. The burial veil was embroidered with gilded copper plates and strewn with many shells. There were also nose inserts, chest and ear pendants made of gold, a feather fan with a copper handle. Loosely lay thousands of pearls.

AT right hand the deceased had a golden bar and a scepter-knife, in the left - also a bar and a scepter, only copper. There were two knives at the neck: gold on the right, copper on the left. On top of the head was a large gold diadem in the shape of a crescent.

The king was accompanied to the afterlife by several servants or slaves and, possibly, spouses who were sacrificed and buried right there.

AT historical times on the lands of Mochica is the kingdom of Chimor - the most powerful rival of the Incas. The Chimorians were also skilled jewelers and potters. Who knows, maybe the Mochica are their ancestors?

The most ancient civilization of Peru is the Chavin culture, whose centers are scattered along the Pacific coast. The main one, Chavin de Huantar, is located in the mountains - 100 kilometers from the coast.

This culture flourished from 1500 BC to 400 AD and had a huge impact on all the civilizations of the Andean region. Some consider it a "progenitor culture" like the Mesoamerican Olmecs.

Here there was a theocratic society ruled by kings and priests. Chavin de Huantar was considered the ceremonial capital, and less significant centers were located on a vast subordinate territory, around which community members settled.

The land suitable for cultivation was only in the river valleys, so irrigation developed. Cattle breeding and traditional crafts - hunting and fishing were a good help.

The Chavinians also knew crafts. It was with them that the tradition of sculpting "figured vessels" depicting people and animals began. The vessel was often made in the form of the head of a jaguar or puma. The cult of cats is an Olmec trait. Maybe the two peoples were in contact? They lived at the same time...

Chavin de Huantar is an elongated rectangle, a combination of platforms, temples and squares. Most famous monuments- the Castillo temple complex and two mysterious steles: Lanzon (Spear) made of white granite 4.5 meters high, as well as the Raimondi Stone with a relief of a creature with a cat's face and a wand in each hand-paw. The purpose of both these and other Chavin monuments is still unknown.

Even more questions are raised by the mysterious culture of Tiahuanaco, which existed in the Andes in the II-I millennium BC. Its ceremonial center was located on the shores of the alpine lake Titicaca - more than 3 thousand meters above sea level!

The Huari culture is even less studied. There is an opinion that two civilizations created one state with two capitals: religious - Tiahuanaco and secular - Huari ...

After the fall of Tiahuanaco, Huari culture spread to all areas - everywhere its centers with characteristic buildings.

The architecture of this culture was distinguished by correctness, symmetry, rectangular layout, symbolizing the centralization of power and strength. Streets, squares, houses were surrounded by powerful stone walls. Administrative buildings and "workshops" of hundreds of rooms were erected. Sculptures of deities were placed on the stepped platforms.

One of the cities of Huari culture was located in Cusco. At the end of the 1st millennium, it was abandoned, and a few centuries later the Incas came to the valley...

Tatiana Plihnevich

Our Universe is full of mysteries that do not fit into the established system of knowledge. The Epoch Times section "Beyond Science" presents articles about unusual phenomena that fire our imaginations and testify to previously unseen possibilities.

The hypothesis that the Indians were descendants of the ancient Hebrews, Egyptians, or Greeks has existed for centuries, but was perceived as very ambiguous. James Adair, an 18th-century colonist who traded with the Indians for 40 years, wrote that their language, customs, and social structure were very similar to those of the Jews.

He wrote in his book A History of the American Indians: “It is very difficult to force yourself to overcome yourself, let alone others, to change established views. I expect to be censored for contradicting conventional wisdom or interfering with a debate that has been troubling scholars since the discovery of America."

AT last years Dr. Donald Panter-Yates, who holds similar views, has faced backlash from other scientists.

In science, there is a widely held opinion that the Indians are descended from the Mongols. A 2013 study published in the journal Nature points to some ancient European roots. An analysis was made of 24,000-year-old human remains from Siberia. Scientists have not revealed any similarity with Asian peoples, only with European ones, while a clear connection with the American Indians has surfaced. But the modern scientific community is skeptical about the idea that the Indians could be descendants of the ancient inhabitants of the Near East or the ancient Greeks, as suggested by Yeats and other scientists.

Yeats himself is a Cherokee Indian by birth. He has a doctorate in antiquity research and is the founder of the Institute genetic research DNA consultants. All this allowed him to develop unique theories about the history of the American Indians and their relationship with ancient cultures. DNA analyzes can be a confirmation of these theories.

Genetic similarities

Indians are part of five genetic groups known as haplotypes, each of which is designated by letters of the alphabet: A, B, C, D and X.

In "Cherokee DNA Abnormalities," he points out an error that is common in many genetic analyzes. “Genetics say that A, B, C, D and X are Native American haplotypes. Therefore, they are present in all Indians. But this is the same as saying: all people move on two legs. Therefore, if the skeleton of a creature has two legs, then this is a person. But in reality, it could be a kangaroo."

Any discrepancy with haplotypes is usually attributed to the mixing of races after the colonization of the Americas by Europeans, and not to the original genes of the Indians.

But Yeats, who analyzed Cherokee DNA, came to the conclusion that such mixing could not be explained by the admixture of European genes after 1492.

“Where, then, did non-European and non-Indian genes come from? he asks. - The level of haplogroup T in the Cherokee (26.9%) is comparable to the level of the inhabitants of Egypt (25%). Egypt is the only country where T is dominant among other mitochondrial lineages.”

Yeats paid Special attention haplotype X, which is "practically absent in Mongolia and Siberia, but common in Lebanon and Israel."

In 2009, Liran I. Slush of the Israel Institute of Technology published a study in the journal PLOS ONE claiming that the haplotype has spread around the world from the Hills of Galilee in northern Israel and Lebanon. Yeats writes: "The only people on Earth that have a high level of haplotype X, other than the Indians of such tribes as the Ojibwe, are the Druze living in northern Israel and Lebanon."

Cultural and linguistic similarities

Despite the fact that much of Cherokee culture was lost, Yeats, in his book The Cherokee Clans, notes that there are still legends about ancestors who sailed from across the seas and spoke a language similar to ancient Greek. Some parallels can be traced between the languages ​​of the Indians, Egyptians and Hebrew.

The white-skinned demigod Maui of the Cherokee Indians may be based on a Libyan fleet leader killed by Pharaoh Ptolemy III around 230 BC, Yeats said. The word "Maui" is similar to the Egyptian word meaning "navigator" or "guide". According to legend, Maui taught the Indians all the crafts and arts. He gave the Cherokee chiefs the name "amatoihi" or "moytoi," which can be translated as "navigator" or "admiral," says Yeats.

He recalls a legend from one of the Cherokee clans about Maui's father named Tanoa. Yeats believes that Tanoa may have been of Greek origin. "Tanoa was the father of all fair-haired children, he came from a land called Atia," he writes.

Atia may refer to Attica - the historical region that surrounded the Greek capital of Athens. "Athia" was the site of "many tall temples of alabaster", one of which is very spacious, it was created as a meeting place for people and gods. There passed sport competitions, holidays in honor of the gods, meetings of great rulers, it was a source of wars that forced people to move across the ocean.

“It is difficult to come up with a legend that would more accurately reflect Greek culture', writes Yates. In the Hawaiian language there is a word "karyo" - entertainment, recreation. The Greek used practically the same word." He also notes other similarities.

“According to the elders, the Cherokee, like the Hopi, in ancient times spoke a language of non-Indian origin. But then they switched to Mohawk to continue living with the Iroquois. Them old language, seems to have included a lot of borrowings from Greek, Ptolemaic Egypt, and Hebrew,” he says.

Adair noted linguistic similarities between Hebrew and Native American languages.

As in Hebrew, Native American nouns do not have cases or declensions, Adair writes. Another similarity is the absence of comparative and superlatives. “No other language, with the exception of Hebrew and Indian languages, has such a shortage of prepositions. Indians and Jews do not have service units speech to separate words. Therefore, they must attach certain symbols to words in order to overcome this deficit,” he writes.

A look from the past

Adair is able to shed light on the culture of the Indians, which is beyond the power of Yeats. Adair actively communicated with the Indians hundreds of years ago, when their traditions were still alive. Of course, it must be admitted that, being a foreigner, he may have misinterpreted some aspects of their culture.

“From my observations, I concluded that the American Indians are the direct descendants of the Israelites. Perhaps this division occurred when ancient Israel was a sea power, or after they fell into slavery. latest version most likely,” says Adair.

They have a similar tribal structure and priestly organization, as well as the custom of setting up a sacred place, he says.

He gives one example of the similarity of customs: “According to the laws of Moses, a woman after a journey must undergo purification. Indian women also have a custom when they retire for a while from their husbands and any public affairs.

Adair Explains the Absence of Circumcision in the following way: “The Israelites lived in the wilderness for 40 years and might not have returned to this painful custom if Joshua had not introduced it. The first settlers in America, faced with difficult living conditions, could abandon this custom and then completely forget it, especially if they were accompanied by representatives of eastern pagan peoples on their journey.

The Cherokee themselves appear to be ambivalent about Yeats' work. The Cherokee Central website published excerpts from Yeats' research, but anecdotal comments made by its readers indicate that the Cherokee are unwilling to support such theories.

Speaking of the Cherokee clan, Yeats states: "Some of them practiced Judaism, despite the fact that the elders of the United Kituwa (Cherokee organization) vehemently deny it."

Newspaper " AiF» ( in Nos. 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 - 2007, “Mysteries of ancient civilizations. Footsteps of the Gods) printed interesting article about the existing place on Earth - the Altiplano. This is a high-altitude plateau on the border of Peru and Bolivia, where to this day evidence of a great civilization that existed in antiquity, one for the whole planet, has been preserved. This article confirms the idea that the civilization that existed in ancient times on Earth was many times superior in technical capabilities, physical abilities and rationality to the current one. And the ancient Incas, as well as the ancient Egyptians, are just the heirs of a more ancient great culture who died in the crash. The Incas and Egyptians themselves subsequently degraded.

We bring this article to the site. All emphasis in the text is ours.

Mysteries of ancient civilizations. footprints of the gods

A city built in 1 night
There are several places on earth - Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, Greece, Rome, Mexico - getting into which we involuntarily think about the wisdom and skill of the ancients, who built beautiful palaces and majestic temples, calculated the movements of celestial bodies, made the simplest household items such rationally and perfectly, that Darwin's hypothesis of a hairy human ancestor seems particularly dubious.

One such place is the Altiplano, a high plateau on the border of Peru and Bolivia. By inertia, guidebooks still write that the architectural and engineering achievements of this area were created by the Incas. However The Incas were the heirs of greater cultures distant past.

... He has square eyes with rounded corners, a rectangular face with a heavy turban over his forehead, a straight nose with flared nostrils, a bushy beard and a mustache that surrounds his mouth like a donut.

Ancestors of the Incas

Viracocha, as they call God a- teacher I Aymara(indigenous people of Bolivia and descendants of the Incas), differed greatly from them: in appearance - a real European. He taught the Indians to build houses and temples, grow potatoes, write and count, observe the stars and heal.

Not far from the alpine Lake Titicaca, Viracocha left a temple city called Tiahuanaco. At first, the archaeologists who dug it believed that it was one and a half thousand years old, then they extended the age of the ruins to 2500 years. But Arthur Poznansky, the Bolivian scientist who devoted his life to this Athens of South America, specified the angles of incidence of the sun's rays through the Gate of the Sun, taking into account the slowly changing angle of the earth's axis. As a result, he convincingly proved: by this stones from 12 to 17 thousand years.

This is simple…

On the outskirts of Tiahuanaco, there are granite slabs, which many researchers consider to be a pier (it can be seen that once the shore of the lake was located here, and not 20 km away, as it is today). The mass of the largest of them is 440 tons. It was possible to carefully lay it, aligning it with the neighboring ones, only using a port crane. But where did it come from in the Stone Age, and at an altitude of 3800 meters?

Granite, andesite and basalt- namely these the hardest rocks make up the ruins ancient city - cannot be processed with stone and copper tools. No others have been found in Tiwanaku. Then how did they drill perfectly even holes in the thickness of granite? How was the stone processed, achieving superbly even protrusions? How did they manage to hollow out semi-cylindrical gutters for their granite gutters?

Aymara answer these questions simply: they were gods, no wonder they built the city in just one night!

Scientists to such questions do not answer at all. Because then we would have to admit: many thousands of years before us there was a civilization on Earth, the capabilities of which were equal to ours today.

"Leonov" from the village of Huaro

And if you look at the ceramics of the Tiahuanaco culture, no less perfect than ceramics Ancient Greece, the thought may arise: these were creatures by no means from our planet (photo 5). And now the square eyes of Viracocha, his angular limbs, the faces of his comrades-in-arms, with a clear portrait resemblance imprinted on the walls of the underground temple and so similar to the spacesuits of astronauts (photo 6), reinforce in thought: these artifacts are evidence of paleocontact. Especially when in the local museum you see a stele depicting two Tiahuanacotians in a state of weightlessness - they are directed with their heads to each other (photo 7). And in a small museum in the Peruvian village of Huaro, an astronaut working in outer space is engraved on a stone. (photo 8).

Probably the same civilization, that erected the colossal structures of Tiahuanaco, left on the sandy crust of the Nazca desert famous drawings and lines. Length some of them is several kilometers and their strict straightness is not available even modern specialists in geodesy. It is impossible to see these drawings while remaining on the ground. It is necessary, as the discoverers of the Nazca lines, to rise into the sky.

Who painted the desert?

"Candelabra" - the largest of the drawings not far from the Nazca plateau.


The famous drawings of the Nazca plateau can only be seen rising a few hundred meters above the ground. Local residents believe that all the curiosities of the Peruvian desert were painted by their compatriots in the middle of the last century in order to create a tourist boom in Peru. Talk about aliens or the Incas, flying as if in balloons, is perceived by them as stories entertaining rich loafers who flock here from all over the world.

When you look at the same drawing from different angles from an airplane, you notice: the bandwidth is a variable. When the pattern creeps up the slope, the strip becomes wider.

This observation confirmed the remarkable guess of the Moscow scientist, radiophysicist Alla Belokon. For many years, pondering the phenomenon of the lines of the Nazca plateau, Alla Tarasovna concluded: since the lines expand on uneven terrain - mounds and ravines, it is not the width of the line that is constant, but its projection onto the horizontal plane. And that can only mean one thing: all drawings and geometric pictures of the Nazca plateau were scanned, that is performed from a height by a certain energy beam.

Like other researchers, Belokon cannot explain who exactly, when and for what purpose delineated the Peruvian desert. But on the other hand, she was able to refute one of the most “grounded” assumptions - that the drawings and lines were drawn by the ancient Indians, walking on the ground. This could not be, not only because a person does not have enough spatial imagination: staying on the ground, it is impossible to imagine how, say, an eight-kilometer drawing will look from a height of five hundred meters. In addition to this purely logical argument, drawings drawn directly on the ground would have everywhere the same line width (relatively speaking, the width of the bulldozer with which they were made). Scanned same above, they, on everyone laws of stereometry, have a variable width.

In addition, Alla Belokon identified more than a dozen nodes in which many lines intersect, and saw at their location prism drawing, symbolically depicting solar system and some other planetary system, perhaps just the one for the needs of which all the drawings of the Nazca plateau were intended.

As for the authorship of the drawings and lines in the Peruvian desert, from my own observations I can only assume one thing: it was done by the same intelligent beings that laid the Tiahuanaco megaliths and left beautiful engraved drawings on stones from the collection of the Javier Cabrera Museum. The spiral tail of the monkey from the famous Nazca pattern is also found on the reliefs that adorn the sculptures of Viracocha in Tiahuanaco, and on the stones of Cabrera.

Stone Age Gallery

Ica stones irrefutably prove: a great civilization lived and created on Earth, the level of which we have not reached even today.

God damn prophet

photo 11. And we thought: more than 60 million years separate people from dinosaurs.

photo 12.

Three of them are riding a dinosaur, and one of them has already cut off his head. Absurd? Or proof that a tiny head is not so necessary for a beast lizard (photo 11)?

The images are made on the surface of rounded stones - such as sea ​​pebbles. There is a single style in hundreds of pictures - a sure sign of masterful work. Among the plots there are those that we would classify as fantastic: brain transplantation (photo 12), craniotomy, observation of celestial bodies through a telescope, sperm sampling - probably for genetic experiments. How old are the stones found in the ground near the city of Ica? Why are they left to us?

Science could provide answers to all these questions. But science is silent. Not modestly, admitting his impotence, but arrogantly calling the collection of Ica stones a collection of fakes.

Eugenia Cabrera, daughter of a collector and director of a modest museum that looks more like a warehouse, is tired of proving anything. Yes, and why? After all, her late father at one time paid for a special examination, which established: the patina - the outer film - covers both the volume of the stone itself and the engraving grooves that make up the image. This means that the opinion of skeptics that the drawings were made in our time is untenable.

Why can't stones be fake? Today there are more than 15 thousand of them in the world, in the Ica Museum alone there are 11 thousand. If they are false, then we must agree: a certain underground stone processing plant with a battalion of first-class stone engravers has been producing products for years, burying them in the ground with the sole purpose of fooling scientists.

Their brains were 3 times bigger

Some ancestral customs South America have been preserved to this day.

In Lima, I stopped in front of a funeral procession. Four men carried a wooden hearse with the dead on their shoulders. But in front of them and behind them something unimaginable was going on: women whirled in dance, waving numerous colored skirts, children frolicked, rejoicing in balloons, flowers and smiles were complemented by cheerful music.
Are they all crazy? I asked my companion.
- Not at all, just like that, my Quechua people escort the deceased to a better world.

Communal for the dead

"Bottle" burial of the Paracas people.

It all started a very long time ago - at least BC, and possibly many, many thousands of years ago. On the desert peninsula of Paracas, archaeologists find bottle-shaped pits dug in the sand. In each such pit, mummies of very good preservation, wrapped in dense burlap, dried in the sun, sit. The fewer of them in each pit, the higher was the status of the deceased during his lifetime.
The dead man, wrapped in bright expensive fabrics and with a golden mask on his face, was probably a ruler during his lifetime. More modest people were forced to divide one "bottle" into four, or even seven. In the pits they find dishes, dried food, in women's burials, sets of cosmetics, jewelry, in men's weapons - everything that a person needed during his lifetime and will certainly be needed in another world.

The ancient mummy sits as if alive.

People of the Paracas culture (so, not knowing the self-name of the ancient people, they are called, according to the toponym) were sure that death - not more than transition from the visible world to the invisible world. And so they learned not to grieve, but to rejoice that another of their tribe is already in the best of the worlds.

Mochica, another named after archaeological culture a tribe of predecessors of the Incas and modern Peruvians, left us shiny ceramics, done in a realistic style. Among the samples displayed in the windows of the private museum of Larco Herrera are those that depict sexual scenes in great detail (the characters are obvious skeletons).

This hole saved his life

Genius with a hole in his head

Although death has always been considered a boon by the Peruvians, no one aspired to it before the time. Moreover, the ancient inhabitants of Peru and Bolivia, as far as they could, delayed its offensive. Including such an amazing method for antiquity as trepanation of the skull. Moreover, the hole on the head was covered with gold foil. Scenes of such operations are depicted on the ceramic vessels and stones of Ica, even surgical instruments are visible. According to modern pathologists, trepanated skulls belonged to people whose lives were extended for many years.

But paracas people Not only brain surgery. They purposefully deformed the skulls, giving them an elongated conical, then expanding top form. Many such skulls have been recovered from the sands of the Nazca and Paracas deserts. Why were such strange manipulations done with people?

From babies with crushed skulls, perhaps, masters who worked miracles grew up.

According to the Peruvian anthropologist Dr. Renato Davila Riquelmi, who reconstructed with his own hands the appearance of an ancient Peruvian princess with an elongated skull he found, her brain volume turned out to be three times larger than ours. For what? Probably so able to stimulate special paranormal abilities(The well-known Russian scientist, researcher of the mysteries of the brain, Leonid Grimak, shares the same opinion). Since the zone of the upper rounding of the skull, which is responsible for logic and the ability to exact sciences, increased most often, Dr. Riquelmi believes: the people of the Paracas, Mochica and Nazca raised geniuses. Perhaps the very ones that the Nazca drawings and the Tiahuanaco megaliths left us.

AT small museum on the island of the Sun on the high-altitude lake Titicaca, drawings showing the technology of deforming the skull in children are exhibited. It took years, and it is unlikely that the procedure gave the kids pleasure. But then "egghead", Maybe, succeeded in what we now attribute to aliens.

The inhabitants of Tiahuanaco buried their leaders in conical towers - chulpas, built of beautifully processed giant granite stones, several of these towers have been preserved one and a half hundred kilometers north of Tiahuanaco. Next to them are the chulpas of the younger Kolla people - these towers are simpler, made of stones commensurate with ordinary bricks. Finally, the chulpas of the famous Incas are quite primitive - they are built from shapeless fragments seized by mortar. Thus, the example of burials shows the gradual degradation of the afterlife houses of the ancient Peruvians. The farther into the depths of centuries, the more perfect the structures.

Why the great civilization of antiquity, traces of which are so numerous among the rocks of the Altiplano, degraded? One of the popular versions: flowering of culture ancient peruvians was cut short by a terrible catastrophe. Some researchers point out - flood. Thereby Deluge, which is described in the Bible, the Sumerian "Tale of Gilgamesh" and the myths of other ancient peoples.

Their sex had a distant sight

Aymara, descendants of the Incas and the great ancient civilization live on the floating islands of Lake Titicaca. There is evidence that their ancestors interbred with non-humans.

In the private museum of Raul Larco Herrera on the outskirts of Lima, ceramics of the ancient Peruvian Mochica tribe, who lived on the Pacific coast of the north of the country, are exhibited. The name given by archaeologists after the name of a local village is conditional. Having previously examined dozens of Mochik works at the Museum of Archeology, I already knew that the sculptors of this people recognized an exclusively realistic method in art. Therefore, when I saw the image of a man in a state of sexual combat readiness, I was not inclined to consider the section of his head in the form of a rim with holes as the result of fiction.

If the llama sculpted by the Mochica sculptor is like two drops of water to the llama grazing today on the mountain plateau, why couldn't the Mochica man be portrayed with such impeccable accuracy?

For the people of that culture, conception and childbirth were same natural processes, like hunting or worshiping the gods.
Among the plots of the museum there is a scene of mating of an anthropomorphic creature and an animal, a centaur. What's this? Notorious bestiality, for which the ancient prophets branded their contemporaries for addiction? Or conscious breeding of a new breed of creatures?

They did not expect favors from nature

Personally, the second version seems more likely to me. Because the copulation of representatives different types- a constant plot of the ancient artists of the Altiplano. On the engraved stones of Ica, scenes of love of creatures are repeatedly found different nature. And one of the stones depicts two men at the peak of erective self-forgetfulness. A museum employee even labeled these characters as homosexuals. But I noticed one detail that casts doubt on her verdict: the semen of the heroes of the composition flows into a special vessel. What for? I have one guess... the whole point this unaesthetic scene consists of just in the collection of genetic material.

Confirming this version, the Ica stones demonstrated genetic mutants that we do not know even in the heyday of biology. Here strange creature with two crane heads running in opposite directions on long necks. Here is some kind of insectoid, standing on two strong legs with pincer-like hooves.

Obviously, interspecies sex was for the ancient inhabitants of the Cordillera a means of breeding creatures with given properties.

Sex for them was the least of all pleasure.

For nothing with tails

Two long-tailed creatures, most of all similar to the lower apes, carry a log on their shoulder, to which a cradle with a baby is attached. Is it necessary to explain that such reasonable behavior is not observed even in higher apes - such as chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans. When I looked into the faces (precisely into the faces, not the muzzles) of the child-loving parents, I saw such concentration and care, skillfully conveyed by the artist, that I no longer dare to apply the word “monkeys” to these intellectual and spiritual beings.

A quarter of a century ago, UNESCO protected the ancient monuments of Peru and Bolivia from being plundered by the Germans and Americans. But when scientists from developed countries lost practical interest in cultural heritage pre-Inca peoples, its study fell into decay. That's attribute all achievements to the Incas, not noticing that Millenniums ago, this land was inhabited other sentient beings.

Hello from the primitive geniuses

Mustache-bearded faces are not found in Aymara men.

Skillful beings who left monuments of high technology could live not only around the shores of Lake Titicaca. The heritage of the ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, ancient Europeans is in many ways similar with what is left in the Cordillera.

Mustache-bearded faces predominate in the sculptures of ancient builders. This means that the satellites of Viracocha, like the creator god himself, could be aliens from across the Atlantic.

This question was asked many years ago by anthropologist Renato Davila Riquelmi. And he began to look for an answer in the vicinity of his native village of Huaro, especially near sacred lake, near which the Incas made sacrifices to the gods. He brought the found curious stones to the village. A few years ago, the administration of Huaro went to meet the enthusiast and opened a museum. A small exposition, housed in a barn, is more interesting than in metropolitan museums. Renato is especially proud of those of his findings that draw parallels with other world centers of civilization.

Here, for example, stone with pierced intersecting spirals. it characteristic symbolism of the Celts - ancient people, settled in the Bronze Age on the territory Western Europe. But how did the Celtic symbol end up in the volcanic rocks of the Cordillera? It is difficult to assume that this is a mere coincidence, given the whimsical exclusivity of the drawing.

But the “gift” from a completely different part of the world: a serpentine spiral carved in stone is nothing more than uraeus - a rearing cobra, a sign of the power of the Egyptian pharaohs, placed on their crowns.

In many cities and temple complexes in Peru and Bolivia, the masonry of giant boulders is remarkable for its amazing accuracy: the stones, no matter how complex their configuration, are tightly adjacent to one another. The polygonality of some building blocks, according to the researchers, was required to successfully withstand earthquakes. In 1950, a devastating 7-magnitude earthquake turned almost all of Cusco into ruins, only buildings erected before the arrival of the Spaniards survived. Most Peruvians still believe that these are the buildings that the Incas built. But many signs point to builders were distant ancestors of the Incas and had a connection with the builders of the great Egyptian pyramids.

A stone with intersecting spirals - the symbolism of the Celts,
serpentine spiral - a sign of the power of the pharaohs.

One exhibit of the Huaro Museum causes sacred awe among local visitors. It's a sounding stone. It is worth knocking on its plane with another stone - and the boulder responds with a ringing echo of emptiness. The same exactly lies in the Azerbaijani Gobustan reserve, in the rocks of which primitive hunters lived in the Neolithic era. In both cases, a barely noticeable seam connecting two "shells" can be seen on the granite stone. So many thousands of years ago Caspian tribes, like Quechua ancestors knew how to glue blocks of granite?

It looks like the creatures we out of ignorance we call primitive, able to soften hard stones. There is no other way to explain how it was possible to cut, extrude, drill and saw through in a different way. granite, diabase, andesite, basalt are the most high-strength rocks.

An example of "granite plasticine" in the rural museum is a stone with snakes on the edges. One curled up in a ball, the other spread out in a zigzag. Both seem to be molded from dough. But It's hard granite! I personally felt all the irregularities with my fingers and made sure: there are no joints between the parts, the stone is solid. Similar wonders of "sculpting from granite" can be found on northern Urals, on the Kola Peninsula, in the same Egypt- wherever there are traces of a civilization incomprehensible to us.

Science is more and more impatiently trampling on the border of knowledge, numb from its own inability to explain such oddities. When the number of artifacts will overwhelm her so that the former historical concept of the development of mankind will turn out to be In the end unsuitable, have to grudgingly recognize what is already obvious to inquisitive minds today: skillful and thinking beings lived on Earth before us.

Savely Kashnitsky,
Bolivia - Moscow

MOSCOW, March 24 - RIA Novosti. Paleontologists have found the first unequivocal evidence that members of the ancient American Clovis culture actively hunted horses and camels and could have caused their extinction about 13,000 years ago, when the last glaciation ended, according to an article published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Most archaeologists believe that the ancestors of modern Indians entered North America about 15-14 thousand years ago, moving along a narrow strip of ice and land between Alaska and Chukotka. The first culture, whose remains have survived to this day, arose on the territory of the modern United States 13-13.5 thousand years ago. It is called Clovis, from the name of the town of Clovis in the state of New Mexico, where in the late 1930s an ancient aboriginal site was discovered.

A group of archaeologists led by Michael Waters (Michael Waters) from the University of Texas at Houston (USA) has been studying the traces of the Clovis culture and other groups of the first natives of the New World for a long time. For example, in 2013, they managed to find out that the Indians entered America 800 years earlier than thought by examining the tip of a spear stuck in the rib of a mastodon.

In his new job the authors of the article analyzed the remains of ancient horses and camels, which were found a long time ago on the territory of the reservoir of St. Mary in the province of Alberta, not far from the reservation Indian tribe Cain.

Primary dating showed that they, along with several dozen tools, belong to several different generations of the Clovis culture, whose representatives lived in Canada about 13 thousand years ago. The temporal fragmentation of the remains - the spread between the oldest and youngest was more than 500 years - and their relative scarcity led their discoverers to conclude that horses and camels were rarely on the "menu" of the first inhabitants of North America.

Waters and his colleagues questioned the accuracy of these datings and reanalyzed them, in which they calculated the age of the animal remains from protein samples extracted from their bones. When dating bones, scientists were especially careful about cleaning the remains of pollutants and impurities, believing that their predecessors did not do this.

Scientists have confirmed that the ancestors of the Indians came from SiberiaAmerican scientists examined a fragment of the prehistoric skeleton of a teenage girl found in Mexico. DNA analysis confirmed his North Asian origin.

The analysis showed that all the remains of animals were almost the same age - 13,270-13,310 years. This suggests that they were killed and butchered almost simultaneously, within the lifetime of one generation of Indians, or perhaps, Waters and his colleagues suggest, even one hunting season. All of this is the first credible evidence that the early inhabitants of the Americas may have accelerated or even caused the extinction of horses, camels, and many other megafauna.

As scientists note, these natives did not necessarily belong to the Clovis culture, since even the minimum age of the remains of the ancient megafauna is almost 300 years older than the estimated date of its carriers' entry into western Canada. In any case, no matter what culture these Indians belong to, the authors of the article believe that they were directly related to the extinction of the megafauna, although the degree of their "contribution" to this process remains unknown.