Beach stone with a female name. Secrets of the sea pebble

"How stones are destroyed" - Water gets into the cracks. Gradually, strong stone blocks are destroyed. Stones expand and contract unevenly. Separate pieces of stones break off, fall to the foot of the rocks ... It happens that during a storm the wind carries with it many grains of sand. In nature, on warm sunny days, stones and rocks heat up, and cool down at night.

"Urinary stone" - Cups. Sensor. Expectant observation. Remove the output port cap from the device. Stones. Bladder 10%*. Outlet line. Vshvl. Ultrasonic lithotripters. Stenting. Treatment. The start key will move to the charged position. Work mode. Cavity lithotripsy i. Allows you to increase the number of patients.

"Era of women's costume" - Tarabukin N.M. Essays on the history of costume. - M., "Gitis", 1994. “The dress did not cramp anywhere, the lace berta did not go down anywhere.” The back panel of the skirt turned into a kind of train, called the "tail". Language women's costume as a key to the mysteries of bygone eras. Fugue. Velvet is a pile fabric with a soft, fluffy front surface.

"Water pollution" - Are ancient people - Neanderthals - the ancestors of living people? 1) Yes 2) No. The management is based on the following principles: 3. A sharp reduction, Test No. 2. 4. Increasing use of groundwater for drinking purposes. Pollution of water systems is a greater danger than air pollution.

"Global problems of our time" - Every hour 2000 tons of acid rain falls in the northern hemisphere. What are the main causes of pollution environment in descending order. Choose your forecast for the development of an environmental problem: Global problems of mankind. The ecological problem is the problem of the relationship between society and nature.

"Air pollution" - The main air pollutants are carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen dioxide. Average amount of harmful emissions depending on the fuel used. Assessment of air pollution by motor vehicles. Automobile transport today has become the main source of air pollution in the city. The dynamics of the development of road transport in the city of Togliatti.


Which regular polyhedron has eight peaks?

(At the cube.)

What is the name of a regular polyhedron that has eight triangular edges?


What will a quadrilateral become if all four corners are cut off?

(eight square.)

What mathematical sign do the English call "lazy"? eight»?

(The sign of infinity, which resembles a lying eight.)

What happens if eight split in half?

(If along, then 3, if across, then 0.)

How many times will the value of the number " 8 when it is upside down.

(One time, after all eight so it will remain eight.)

How many natural numbers are there less than 9?

(8 .)

How many months in eight years?

(96 months.)

How many edges does the new hex pencil have?

(6 + 2 ends = 8 )

When elephants have 8 legs?

(When there are two.)

"Octave" is a word from musical theory. Octet is a word for a group of musicians. Octahedron is a polyhedron. Octane is the name of a chemical compound. What do all these different words have in common?

(And all these words are related by the common presence of the Greek numeral eight- "octa".)

Arrange the signs and brackets in the example so that the equality is true: 6 6 6 6 =8

(6 +6): 6 + 6 = 8

How many ends do three and a half sticks have?


Seven brothers have one sister. How many children?


How to prove that half of thirteen is eight?

(If the Roman number XIIIcut in half by a horizontal line, we get VIII, i.e. eight.)

How many times should the edge of the cube be increased in order for the volume of the cube to increase by eight once?


What is the opposite number on the dial of a mechanical watch? eights?


Sichuan Airlines made customers happy by purchasing a phone number from one of the " eights for 28 thousand dollars. What is the reason for such desire?

(In China 8 it's a lucky number.)

What numbers do pilots write in the sky?


Name one of the "mathematical" exercises of the "school" of figure skating.


What is equal in computer science eight bits?

(One byte.)

What is the name of the ensemble eight performers?


Give me a short last name eighth world chess champion?

(Tal Mikhail.)

In what year did Moscow celebrate eight centenary?

(In 1947.)

Light travels from the Sun to the Earth eight seconds, minutes or hours?

(Eight minutes.)

name eighth month of the year.


What month got its name from the Latin numeral eight?

(October. Before the reform of the calendar under Julius Caesar, he was eighth month of the year.)

How to distinguish a real boot of the company by the soleGrinders» from fake?

(Among other things, according to advertising, on the sole of every real shoe "Grinders" necessarily eight protrusions. The number of protrusions on the sole is equal to the number of letters in the company name.)

In what country did Munchausen shoot a hare that had eight legs?

(In Russia.)

The squid has ten. How many do octopuses have?

(Eight long tentacles, "arms" that used to be called legs.)

Who, having eight legs, not is it called an octopus?



What is the name of the harness eight horses?

(Eight and to.)

What is the wheel formula of the army eight wheeled truck KAMAZ-6350.

(8x8- all eight wheels are driving.)

What word is written in road sign, the only one that has octagonal form?


Through eight years after Yuri Gagarin's flight into space, a man first set foot on ... On what planet?

(To the moon.)

How many pawns of the same color are on the chessboard at the beginning of the game?


A rowing team is... What?


A few years ago, this country turned the G7 into a G7. eight. What country is it?

(Russia is big eight» it is an informal club of presidents eight countries: USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada, Russia.)

How many columns does the Bolshoi Theater have?

(8 )

How many incisors in the mouth must each healthy person have?

(8 )

How many pairs of doors does the subway car have?

(8 )

Guess the riddle:

Digit eight, figureeight

On the nose we always wear.

Number eight plus hooks -

It turns out ...


What is this riddle about?

Eightlegs - how eight hands:

Embroider a circle with silk.


Which horse, according to a Russian proverb eight legs?

(At a well-fed horse eight legs.)


What is the name of the science that studies names?

(Onomastics, a section of lexicology.)

Name, reduced to the limit - is ... What?


What is the name of the father, added to one's own name human?

(Middle name.)

Which Russian poet wrote the poem "What in name you my…”?

(A.S. Pushkin.)

According to what church book with a list of saints in Russia did they choose name newborn?


Which girl is always “nice to people”?


Whom girls Ludy most afraid in fairy tales?

(ludo meals. And girls with other names are not afraid of them at all.)

What name is written Lucy in passport?


Which girl in the first place can claim the throne and crown?

(Regina, translated from Latin - "queen".)

Is it a couple Regina Vasily?

(Yes, since Basil in Greek is also “king”, and Regina in Latin is “queen”.)

By whom swears Elizabeth?

(By God. Elizabeth in Hebrew means “I swear to God.”)

Who will help the firefighters Seraphim or Inna?

(Inna, since Inna is translated from ancient Greek as “strong water”, and Seraphim from Hebrew means “fiery, fiery”.)

How Tamara Should I treat all my friends?

(Dates, since Tamara, translated from Hebrew - "date palm".)

What girl is better not to fight?

(FROM Daria. Daria - from the ancient Persian "victorious".)

What kind of girl is hiding in the folds of a sea shell?

(margarita. Translated from Latin - "pearl".)

Which girl should weigh the least?

(Raisa. Translated from ancient Greek - "the easiest".)

What girl will reconcile everyone?

(Irina. Irina in Greek means "peace, tranquility".)

Remembering the nanny of Alexander Pushkin, tell me how the Russian folk version of the name sounds Irina?


What girl is not afraid of colds and flu?

(Valentine, because her name in Latin means "healthy".)

Which girl has a double celebration at Christmas?

(U Natasha. Natalia translated from Latin - "Christmas".)

What color hair should you have Rufins?

(Redhead. "Rufus" in Latin - "golden yellow", "red".)

Does the storm love Galina?

(No, Galina, translated from Greek, means “smooth surface of the sea, calm”.)

Name a beach rock female name.


Name a bird with a girl's name.


What girl do all athletes want to be friends with?

(FROM Veronica. Translated from the Greek "carrying victory".)

What is the name of the smartest girl?

(Sofia, translated from the ancient Greek "wisdom".)

What is the female name of the capital of Bulgaria?


What female name comes from male Paul?

(Pauline, translated from Latin - "small".)

Agrafenafull name. And how tasty will the diminutive, affectionate sound?

(Pear, Grushenka.)

finish old proverb the name of a dish of Russian cuisine: “What Aksinya, such is ... ".

(Botvinya. This is a cold kvass soup with boiled beet tops, onions and fish.)

What does the full name sound like? Nastya?


In the proposed affectionate mother's poem, insert the missing full name of her daughter instead of the ellipsis:

What's bad in the eyes

Are the rains slanting?

Asya, Stasya, Nastenka,

Daughter ... !

Just a fantasy life

She accommodated three matrekhs:

Asya, Stasya, Nastenka.

All - ... ! (I. Snegova)


How is a female name translated from Greek Anastasia?


What is the most "sporty" female name?

(Olympics. Translated from Greek - "daughter of Olympus".)

How does the "leafy" diminutive sound from Olympics?

(Lipa, Lipochka.)

(Tatyanin day.)

What is the female name in the years of the Great Patriotic War became the popular name for a barrelless jet gun?

(Katyusha a, diminutive of Catherine.)

How many empresses by name Catherine ruled in Russia?


What was the name of Peter's daughterI, after which one of the highest awards of the Russian Empire was named?

(Anna. Order of St. Anna.)

What is very pleasant for everyone is hidden in the name Euphrosyne?


What is a Russian female name that does not end in -a or -ya.


On behalf of what Slavic goddess did the words "get along", "okay", "adjust" come from?

(On behalf of frets goddess of beauty, love and marriage.)


  • Improve speaking skills.
  • Develop memory, attention, logic and intelligence in general.
  • To develop the linguistic abilities of students, their cognitive activity, thinking and communicative culture.
  • To develop the language competencies of students, ensuring fluency in the Russian literary language in different situations of communication; raise the level of speech culture.
  • To cultivate love for the Russian language, to develop the speech and creative abilities of students.
  • Cultivate a sense of collectivism, camaraderie.

I. opening speech teachers. Attachment 1 .

The topic of our quiz is “You and your name”.

The section of the science of language that deals with the study of proper names, the history of their origin and transformation, is called onomastics.

ONOMASTICS (from the Greek onomastikós - referring to the name, ónoma - name, name)

Different categories belong to proper names, but today we are interested in the personal NAME of a person.

The section of onomastics that studies anthroponyms- names of people and their individual components (personal names, patronymics, surnames, nicknames, pseudonyms, etc.); their origin, evolution, is called anthroponymy.

ANTHROPONYMICS (Greek ἄνθρωπος - person and ὄνομα - name).

And if we suddenly have any questions related to the origin, meaning, spelling, use of a name, we should refer to special dictionaries of personal names.

A person's name is given only once. It becomes a kind of identity card of a person, his PERSONAL name.

Slides 5-6

All personal names were once common nouns. The Russian people and other peoples in antiquity had a custom: at the birth of a child, assign to him as a name the names of various objects, phenomena, signs. From here came such old Russian names as Dobrynya, Druzhina, Kalina.

Before the adoption of Christianity, the Russians had names that called a person according to an internal or external sign: Big, Pockmarked, Oblique, Buyan, Mal, Zhdan, Molchan, Curly, Nelyub. Others reflected the order in which new family members appeared: First, Pervusha, Second, Tretyak, Malyuta, Menshik, Pozdey.

The names also reflected the social and economic status - Kholop, Bobyl, Goltepa. Others reflected the place of origin: Nesvoy, Inozem, Nenash, Kazanets, Serpukhovitin, there were also names that reflected church relations: Bogomaz, Sin, Bogomol, Igumen, Kelar. Sometimes nicknames (which did not sound very pleasant) turned into names: Berk, Blockhead, Besporoshnik. Our ancestors also used allegorical names: Baran, Wolf, Fox, Flea, Crow, Oladya, Oak.

In the annals of the 15th century, such names as Baran Filippov, Sheep Vladimirov, Spider Ivanov have been preserved.

However, there were other kinds of names - princely ones that arose on common Slavic or Russian soil: Yaroslav, Vsevolod, Vladimir, Budimir, Miroslav.

Sometimes, not real, but desired signs were taken as names: Svetozar - bright as the dawn, Vladislav - owning the world, Dobroslav - having a good reputation, Vsemila - dear to everyone.

Very few beautiful ancient female names have survived: Golub, Nesmeyana, Zabava, Swan, Zhdana, Annoyance, Lyubava, Borislav, Svyatoslav.

Slide 10

The semantic meanings of some names were forgotten, and common nouns turned into proper ones. For example, the name Praskovya is recognized as a name only because in everyday life hardly anyone remembers its original meaning - Friday. And in popular consciousness the image of the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeviia was associated with the remains of the cult of the ancient pagan goddess Makoshi. Both Makosh and Paraskeva patronized marriage and childbirth, as well as all women's activities. Friday was considered the day of remembrance of Makosh.

Probably, over time, all the customs of honoring Friday were combined with the image of the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeviia (in which the consonance of names also played a significant role: paraskeon- Friday in Greek).

The name of the child was given according to the "Saints". "Saints or Monthly Words" in the Russian Orthodox Church - special books. In the "Saints" for each day, the names of the saints, whom the church honors on this day, were recorded. The priest offered the parents before the rite of baptism a choice of several names that were listed in the "Saints". Sometimes the priest made concessions and gave a different name, which was not listed in the "Saints". This explains why sometimes a name that is rarely found in the “Saints” was encountered quite often in life. These are Slavic names Faith Hope Love.

After the revolution, different times came. The registration of newborns began to be conducted by the Civil Registry Offices (ZAGS). Parents could choose any name they liked or even come up with their own. So strange ridiculous names appeared: Birch, Lilac, Tractor, Ruby, Iridium, Median, Electron, Algebrina, Hypotenuse, Noyabrina, Freedom and others.

Foreign names have become fashionable: Violetta, Vitalina, Carolina, Milena, Evelina, Isabella, Ariadne, Clementine, Daniella and others.

Now we will get acquainted with the names of the participants in our quiz.

II. Command presentation. (Name, motto - 2 b.)

III. Homework. Participant names. (5 p. + ...)

The students prepared a story about the meaning of their names and created a visiting card of their name.

IV. Quiz questions.

Warm up

1) What bird has a female name? (jackdaw)

2) Whom girls Ludy most of all should be afraid in fairy tales? (cannibal)

3) Remembering the nanny of Alexander Pushkin, tell me how the Russian folk version of the name sounds Irina? (Arina)

4) Name a beach stone with a female name. (Pebble)

5) What is the most "sporty" female name? (Olympics)

6) What female name became most famous during the Great Patriotic War? (Katyusha)

7) On behalf of what Greek god name happened Denis? (Dionysus)

8) Without whom is the rally impossible? (Without Mitya)

9) What fish bears the name of a person? (Carp)

10) What female name consists of 30 letters I? (Zoe)

One point for the correct answer (5 questions for each team). If the team cannot answer, then the question goes to the opponents. If the answer is correct, the team earns additional points.

1. In the name of which literary works names used?

2. What names can be obtained by replacing one letter?

For example, T Anya - AT Anya.

3. Name paired female and male names.

(1 point for each correct example)

4. Who will name more names with a double consonant in the root?

(For example, Anna, Alla, Apollo, Agnes, Agrippina, Bella, Vissarion, Vassa, Henrietta, Gennady, Jeanne, Isabella, Inna, Inessa, John, Innocent, Hippolyte, Cyril, Marianne, Nelly, Nonna, Rimma, Sarah, Savva , Stela, Susanna, Philip, Charlotte, Ella, Emma, ​​Emmanuel, etc.)

(The task is written. Each correct example is 1 point.)

5. Form names from the following word combinations:

own the world Vladimir;

own everything - Vsevolod;

wielding glory - Vladislav;

holy praise - Svyatoslav;

fighting for glory Boris

God-given - Bogdan;

love the world Lubomir;

dear to people Ludmila

One point for the correct answer (4 questions for each team). If the team cannot answer, then the question goes to the opponents. If the answer is correct, the team earns additional points.

6. Remember the names of plants (flowers, herbs, trees) that are consonant with female and male names.

(1 point for each correct example)

(For example, Anisya - anise, Vasily, Vasilisa - cornflower, Liliana, Lily - lily, Rose, Rosalia - rose, Margarita - daisy, Snezhana - snowdrop, Ivan - Ivan-tea, Marya - Ivan-da-Marya. Olympics, Linden - linden, etc.)

7. In the name of which cities are names used?

(1 point for each correct example)

8. Name the names that are consonant with the names of the months.

(1 point for each correct example)

(For example, October, November, March, Martin, Maya, August, Augusta, Julia, etc.)

Announcement of results. Winner's reward ceremony.


1. Bazhenova A. Slavyan native names. Dictionary of historical root names and nicknames of the Slavs and Russ for two millennia. M.; Ladoga-100, 2006.

2. Kosivtsova L.I. Subject weeks at school. Russian language and literature. Volgograd: Teacher, 2001

2. Superanskaya A.V. Dictionary of personal names. M.; AST-Press Book, 2013.

We have a museum in Sochi, which, in terms of the number of exhibits collected, is far ahead of any of the museums in the world.

In it, without any permission, you can touch the exhibits with your hands, take pictures with them, and even ... trample these exhibits with your feet.

If you want to take some especially vending rarity from the museum with you, no one will say a word of reproach to you: those around you see you off with a sympathetic, approving look.

The reader, of course, guessed that we are talking about our Sochi pebble beach - unique in its content and invariably arousing great interest among resort visitors.

This, of course, is a natural historical and geological museum, in which each exhibit stone is calibrated to the desired size, smoothly turned and polished. sea ​​waves, washed clean before showing to the general public.

The history of the appearance of sea pebbles on our beach is interesting in itself. Numerous mountain rivers and rivulets have been eroding the layers and strata of the Caucasus Mountains for centuries, bringing to the Black Sea, either in a calm, fast current, or in a raging thunderstorm, a mass of rocky breaks, boulders, and slabs of various shapes. The sea, accepting all this material already in a partially crushed form, continued to grind and sort by size, run in and polish the "works" of mountains that fell into its waves. Geologists call these works rocks, and the history of their appearance, numbering many millions of years, is the most ancient and mysterious history of our land, the history of our region, captured so vividly in the exhibited stones of the Sochi beach.

Seventy million years ago, the Caucasus Mountains grew and formed. Their growth was accompanied by a roar and a roar, fiery rivers of erupted lava. Most of the Caucasian peaks of the Central Range are extinct volcanoes. And the pebbles brought to the beach very eloquently tell about the volcanism that raged here. Here pumice - a porous hygienic pebble - is a frozen volcanic magma, which has poured out far, caught air and is therefore very light. Here are tuffs and basalts “frozen” at the exit from the volcano - they are heavier than pumice, but much lighter than granite. The granite on the beach is the eroded roots of the mountains, the magma that solidified inside the volcano.

Heavy granite - pebble stones, usually white, egg-shaped - the most famous representative of volcanic rocks. Thanks to the brilliance of the minerals evenly mixed in it (and we all school years we know that it is quartz, mica and feldspar) due to its hardness and strength, it has become a stone of monuments, obelisks and monuments. However, once on a pebble beach, granite pebbles have lost their monumental perspective, and all its beauty is aimed at creating a good mood for people relaxing by the sea.

Other igneous rocks found under our feet are tuffs of different shades, basalts are also a widely used facing and building material. Among the outflowing rocks there are also semi-precious, decorative stones - porphyrites, syenites, chrysolites. Numerous quartzites can be added to them - transparent and translucent stones, as well as durable flint-chalcedony, about healing properties which famous healers have spoken at once in our time. These minerals, which are not related to rocks, and therefore more ancient in their origin, also came to our beaches from the vents of volcanoes.

Long before the Caucasus Mountains grew, the territory of the whole of Sochi and Krasnodar Territory was seabed. This should by no means be surprising, because long before the appearance of man on earth, the entire territory of the present day was the seabed. Russian Federation. In our places, the land repeatedly rose above the sea, islands appeared, which were covered with tropical vegetation. It has long been proven that dinosaurs and other ancient land animals lived in our area. Then all this was again absorbed by the deep sea, and on the seabed there was a continuous process of accumulation of sedimentary rocks. When the mountains heaved up, the layers at the bottom of the sea also began to move. They also became mountains, lateral Caucasian ranges, and the rocks accumulated in them also began to be destroyed by rivers and roll into the sea.

The predominant sedimentary rock in marine pebbles is sandstone. There are gray, tobacco-colored, brown, yellow sandstone pebbles - depending on the composition of the sand that settled at the bottom of the sea. Often the sandstone is indented with white veins running in different directions. These are hieroglyphs. According to the theory of the Dutch scientist F. Künen, calcite and other veinlets in sandstone are the result of the deposition of turbidity flows in the sea, carrying particles of rocks destroyed after earthquakes along submarine canyons.

Many rocks in the composition of sea pebbles, they are able to tell about the marine inhabitants that lived in our places millions of years ago. Such is the shell rock - mollusks of the ancient ocean are easily visible in its structure. But limestone and marl are also of organic origin, but we will not see the remains of marine organisms of the Jurassic period of the Cenozoic era with the naked eye. To detect them, a microscope is needed, since these rocks were composed of settled microorganisms - plankton - mixed with chemical precipitation. Flattened limestones and marls are common stones on our pebbly beaches. No wonder the North-Western Caucasus is called the kingdom of limestones and marls.

Slate is also reminiscent of the era of dinosaurs and pterodactyls - a soft sedimentary stone consisting of petrified silt of the Jurassic swamps. Getting into the sea, slate does not remain in a state of pebbles for long - harder brothers, driven by waves, quickly process it into sand. But on land it is easier to find it. Our Sochi slate is often called roofing slate - the highlanders used this layered stone as a material for the roof of their dwellings.

Very interesting is the third group of rocks that, after igneous and sedimentary ones, are part of marine pebbles - these are metamorphic or transformed rocks. Among them, semi-precious stones are often found, which, after jewelry processing, acquire an attractive brilliance and beauty. Nature-alchemist is able to transform one substance into another, changing their crystal structure. True, this process takes millions of years. During this time, under high pressure and exposure to high temperatures, limestone turns into marble, sandstone into jasper, etc. Pebbles with traces of metamorphism are not uncommon on our coast: half of the stone is a typical gray sandstone, and the other half is a jasperoid with a reddish tinge.

Of course, using only this article, it is impossible to learn to distinguish between minerals and rocks, to determine the time of their appearance and the natural processes accompanying it. But read the stones like open book everyone can learn. To do this, you need to work a little with special literature, reference guides. The task of our publication is to increase the interest of each reader in those treasures that are under our feet. A pearl in a broad sense is outlandish, beautiful work nature. There are a myriad of such pearls on our beaches.

Finishing this short review, I would like to talk about stones with holes, often through and of a rather large diameter. As a rule, this is the work of a sea dweller, a stone-boring mollusk or a folas. Rotating with the help of a jet apparatus given to it by nature, treating the surface of the stone with acid, this bivalve, mussel-like mollusk drills minks in soft rocks, most often in sandstone, and hides in them from predators. They say that a pebble with a through hole found on the beach brings happiness ...

What is the name of the science that studies names?

(Onomastics, a section of lexicology.)

Name, reduced to the limit - is ... What?


What is the name of the father, added to one's own name human?

(Middle name.)

Which Russian poet wrote the poem "What in name you my…”?

(A.S. Pushkin.)

According to what church book with a list of saints in Russia did they choose name newborn?


Which girl is always “nice to people”?


Whom girls Ludy most afraid in fairy tales?

(ludo meals. And girls with other names are not afraid of them at all.)

What name is written Lucy in passport?


Which girl in the first place can claim the throne and crown?

(Regina, translated from Latin - "queen".)

Is it a couple Regina Vasily?

(Yes, since Basil, translated from Greek, is also “king”, and Regina, translated from Latin, is “queen”.)

By whom swears Elizabeth?

(By God. Elizabeth in Hebrew means “I swear to God.”)

Who will help the firefighters Seraphim or Inna?

(Inna, since Inna is translated from ancient Greek - “strong water”, and Seraphim - from Hebrew - “fiery, fiery”.)

How Tamara Should I treat all my friends?

(Dates, since Tamara, translated from Hebrew - "date palm".)

What girl is better not to fight?

(FROM Daria. Daria - from the ancient Persian "victorious".)

What kind of girl is hiding in the folds of a sea shell?

(margarita. Translated from Latin - "pearl".)

Which girl should weigh the least?

(Raisa. Translated from ancient Greek - "the easiest".)

What girl will reconcile everyone?

(Irina. Irina in Greek means "peace, tranquility".)

Remembering the nanny of Alexander Pushkin, tell me how the Russian folk version of the name sounds Irina?


What girl is not afraid of colds and flu?

(Valentine, because her name in Latin means "healthy".)

Which girl has a double celebration at Christmas?

(U Natasha. Natalia translated from Latin - "Christmas".)

What color hair should you have Rufins?

(Redhead. "Rufus" in Latin - "golden yellow", "red".)

Does the storm love Galina?

(No, Galina is translated from Greek - “smooth surface of the sea, calm”.)

Name a beach stone with a female name.


Name a bird with a girl's name.


What girl do all athletes want to be friends with?

(FROM Veronica. Translated from the Greek "carrying victory".)

What is the name of the smartest girl?

(Sofia, translated from the ancient Greek "wisdom".)

What is the female name of the capital of Bulgaria?


What female name comes from male Paul?

(Pauline, translated from Latin - "small".)

Agrafena- full name. And how tasty will the diminutive, affectionate sound?

(Pear, Grushenka.)

Finish the old proverb with the name of the dish of Russian cuisine: “What Aksinya, such is ... ".

(Botvinya. This is a cold kvass soup with boiled beet tops, onions and fish.)

What does the full name sound like? Nastya?


In the proposed affectionate mother's poem, insert the missing full name of her daughter instead of the ellipsis:

What's bad in the eyes

Are the rains slanting?

Asya, Stasya, Nastenka,

Daughter ... !

Just a fantasy life

She accommodated three matrekhs:

Asya, Stasya, Nastenka.

All - ... ! (I. Snegova)


How is a female name translated from Greek Anastasia?


What is the most "sporty" female name?

(Olympics. Translated from Greek - "daughter of Olympus".)

How does the "leafy" diminutive sound from Olympics?

(Lipa, Lipochka.)

(Tatyanin day.)

What female name during the Great Patriotic War became popular name jetless gun?

(Katyusha a, diminutive of Catherine.)

How many empresses by name Catherine ruled in Russia?


What was the name of the daughter of Peter I, after whom one of the highest awards of the Russian Empire was named?

(Anna. Order of St. Anna.)

What is very pleasant for everyone is hidden in the name Euphrosyne?


What is a Russian female name that does not end in -a or -ya.


On behalf of what Slavic goddess did the words "get along", "okay", "adjust" come from?

(On behalf of frets goddess of beauty, love and marriage.

What does a beautiful “ice” female name sound like?

(Isolde- Iso- ice.)

What girl is contraindicated to bask in the sun?


Name the well-known fairy-tale heroine named after units of length(in the English system of measures).

(Inch sheep.)

What name did the elf king give Thumbelina?


From what French female name did the name of apple pie come from?

(Charlotte a - charlotte.)

What female name is a dark grape variety with a peculiar smell called?


What was the name of Miss Poppins in Pamela Travers' fairy tale?


Name six works of Pushkin in which the name main character Maria.

("Dubrovsky" - Masha Troekurova, " Captain's daughter"- Masha Mironova, the poem "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai" - Maria, the poem "Poltava" - Maria, daughter of Kochubey, the story "Shot" - Masha, the story "Snowstorm" - Marya Gavrilovna.)

What is the maiden name of a river in Eastern Siberia?


What female names have become car brands?

("Lada", "Mercedes".)

What female names are read the same way both from left to right and from right to left?

(Ada- "decoration", Alla- "other" Anna- "mercy")

Which of the female names in Latin means "violet": Valeria, Valentina or Violet?


Name a flower with a female name.

(Rose, Lily, Victoria, Daisy.)