The left-hander has absorbed many inherent qualities. N.S. Leskov "The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea"

HISTORY OF CREATION. The idea of ​​the story "Lefty" (The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and steel flea)” originated with Leskov, probably by 1878. According to his son, A.N. Leskov, his father spent the summer of this year in Sestroretsk, in the house of a gunsmith. Being familiar with the assistant to the head of the local arms factory, Colonel N.E. Bolonin, Leskov discussed with him the question of the origin of the joke about how “the British made a flea out of steel, and our Tula people shoed it, and sent it back to them.” Having never learned anything about the origin of this proverb, Leskov in May 1881 wrote the story “Lefty”, the plot of which is built on the “proverb” that attracted his attention.

Initially, the writer planned to combine three “already finished small essays” under the general title “Historical characters in fabulous tales of a new addition”, which, by definition of the writer himself, would be “pictures folk art about emperors: Nicholas I, Alexander II and Alexander III (economic)” (from a letter to I.S. Aksakov, May 1881).

However, in October 1881, Leskov published one story in the Rus magazine entitled “The Tale of the Tula Oblique Left-hander and the Steel Flea (Shop Legend)”. The story came out the following year. separate edition, in which the writer made some changes. They were aimed at enhancing the satirical sound of the story (for example, in the 7th chapter, the writer added that money for the needs of churches is collected “even where there is nothing to take”). In addition, in the text of the 1882 edition, quotation marks were removed from a number of specific words and expressions characteristic of folk speech.

The appearance of "Lefty" almost immediately caused responses in the press. In October 1881, Leskov, in a letter to Aksakov, emphasized that ""Blokha" was very much noticed here even by writers." However, criticism did not understand the artistic value of the story; Leskov's genre searches turned out to be alien to her. He was accused of “Slavophile chauvinism”, and of striving to ascribe to the people qualities that were not inherent in him, to show how “a Russian person plugs a foreigner in his belt”, and of belittling the Russian people.

GENRE UNIQUENESS. Criticism, being almost unanimous in their belief that Leskov had only artistically processed a legend that was common among the people, called the story “simple shorthand”, “retelling”. Such an assessment was explained by a too literal understanding of the preface, with which Leskov preceded the first editions of the story. Introducing the subtitle “guild legend” into the title, the writer continued to “deceive” the reader in the very preface, claiming that he wrote down this legend in Sestroretsk from the words of “an old gunsmith, a native of Tula”, and it “expresses the pride of Russian gunsmiths”.

Leskov probably did not expect that criticism, based on his own assertion of the existence of a legend, would be so scathing about his literary abilities. As a result, the writer was forced to "expose" himself and in June 1882 in the newspaper "New Time" to publish a note "About the Russian Left-hander (Literary explanation)". In it, Leskov calls this work a story, insists on his authorship, Levsha calls "a person ... fictional." Later, in 1889, when preparing the collected works, the writer removed the preface from the text of the story.

Why does Leskov give “Levsha” the genre definition of “story”? After all, strictly speaking, this work is more like a story. It has a fairly large volume, which is not typical of a story, it is divided into 20 chapters, covers a long period of time (about 10-12 years). In addition, it is characterized by a consistent development of the action with the introduction of new characters, the depiction of the wanderings of heroes and new impressions (all this is also largely characteristic of the story). However, the writer calls “Lefty” a “story” for a reason. Firstly, the word “story” itself is largely associated with the root word “skaz”, which emphasizes the oral nature of the story. Secondly, the main character and the main object of the image is Lefty. The description of the stay of Alexander I in England, the conversation between Nicholas I and Platov, the latter’s trip to Tula, and even the work of the Tula masters only prepares the reader for the story of Levsha’s journey (in a letter to Aksakov in October 1881, Leskov said that “the best part is still at the end - Lefty in England and his tragic death”).

Thus, in the center of the story there is only one stage in the life of the hero - a stay in England, which Lefty sincerely tried to use for the good of the Fatherland. Combining the features of a story and a story in his work, focusing the reader's attention on several episodes from the hero's life and at the same time considering them in the context of Russian life and generally correlating actions common man Lefties and the behavior of the "fathers of the Fatherland", Leskov expresses his attitude to what is happening. The combination of features of different genres helps the author to solve certain creative tasks (associated with the approval of one hero and the debunking of others), becomes one of the forms of identification author's position.

But “Lefty” also combines the features of folklore genres: stories, traditions, legends. Byvalshchina, or true story, is a short oral story about an unusual event that actually took place, while the main character often becomes a simple person. Tradition tells about real persons and events that took place in the past. But the stories of eyewitnesses in the legend are processed and subsequently modified. AT this case we have a combination of the features of the past, telling about the three Tula masters and outlining the story of Lefty (the reality of whose existence only the narrator knows), and the legend that tells about people who really existed: Alexander I, Nicholas I, Ataman Platov, etc.

The narrator strives all the time to emphasize the authenticity of what is happening, citing historical realities and listing the names of historical figures. This creates a feeling of documentary narration, and, consequently, the seriousness of the assessments that the author gives to the deeds of the emperors and their associates. Hyperbole (description of the miracles shown by the British, the image of the extraordinary work of masters, and then a savvy flea) also reminds us of the genre of legend, which is always based on a miracle, and the strength and intelligence of the main characters are often exaggerated. Legendary at its core is the depiction of Lefty's journey and his stay in England. Thus, the synthesis of elements of past and legend allows us to show Lefty not only as a simple person in whose life an unusual event occurred, but also as a hero who is credited with special abilities.

However, none of the three named folklore genres implies the expression of the personal attitude of the narrator to the characters, their actions, to the events themselves. Leskov, on the other hand, consciously seeks to express the author's position, his inherent ironic attitude towards representatives of the authorities. That is why he also uses the opportunities that a fairy tale gives with its condescending attitude towards kings and nobles. To enhance the effect of unreality, fabulousness of what is happening, Leskov deliberately distorts the chronology, hiding errors in the text that the reader must detect. So, for example, it is known that Alexander I was in London in June 1814, while the Congress of Vienna (in the text “Lefty” it is called the “Council”) began in August 1814. After the end of the congress, the emperor did not travel around England.

Even more fantastic seems to be the use of the image of Platov. Making him the interlocutor of Nicholas I, who ascended the throne at the end of 1825, Leskov seems to “forget” that Platov died in 1818. Consequently, all further actions of Platov are nothing more than fantasy.

The effect of fabulousness is enhanced by the very nature of the narrative. For example, describing how Alexander hides a flea, the author notes that he “dipped the flea into a nut... and in order not to lose the nut itself, he put it in his golden snuffbox, and ordered the snuffbox to be put in his travel box.” (Remember the fabulous descriptions of Kashcheev’s hidden death: a needle in an egg, an egg in a duck, a duck in a chest, etc.) It is the fabulous nature of the narrative that makes it possible to explain the appearance in the imperial palace of “a chemist from a nasty pharmacy from Anichkov Bridge”, who behaves easily and in a neighborly way, and Levsha himself. The ironic description of the kings and their entourage, characteristic of a fairy tale, helps Leskov solve a number of artistic problems.

PROBLEM, PLOT AND COMPOSITION. In the story "Lefty" one of the central problems is the creative talent of a Russian person, which has more than once become the subject of artistic comprehension in the works of Leskov (the stories “Dumb Artist”, “The Sealed Angel”). Talent, in the view of the writer, cannot exist if it is not supported by the spiritual strength of a person, his moral core. The left-hander, an unprepossessing little man with his hair torn out during his studies, dressed like a beggar, is not afraid to go to the sovereign, as he is confident in his rightness, in the quality of his work. Once in England, he seeks to understand the military tricks of the British and serve the Fatherland.

The image of Lefty continues the gallery of images of the righteous created by Leskov. Lefty, who goes to England without documents, hastily dressed, hungry, to demonstrate Russian ingenuity and skill, is for the writer the embodiment of the idea of ​​self-denial in the name of the Cause, self-sacrifice for the glory of the Fatherland. It is no coincidence that the narrator conveys his conversations with the British, who are stubbornly trying to persuade Lefty to stay in England. The inflexibility of the hero commands the respect of the British.

The left-hander absorbed many of the qualities inherent in the Leskovsky righteous: patriotism, the presence of clear moral guidelines, fortitude of character, natural talent, a keen interest in the life around him (“enchantment”), the foundations of Christian morality. (Remember what Lefty tells the British about faith and where the Tula craftsmen went before starting work.)

A lot of trials fall to the share of Lefty, but even in the dying hour the hero remembers only one thing - about a military secret, ignorance of which is disastrous for the Russian army. Leskov shows the tragic paradox of Russian life. The simple Tula master Lefty is more concerned with the problem of Russia's military power than the Minister of War, Count Chernyshev, or the emperor himself.

Leskov's critical attitude to the authorities largely determines the problematics of the story. It is in the depiction of Alexander, Nikolai, Platov that Leskov's irony becomes most obvious. Platov’s attempt to convince Alexander of the superiority of Russian weapons “disappointed the emperor,” and the reminder of the special sugar of the Bobrinsky factory upset the sovereign (“Please don’t spoil my politics,” he asks Platov).

Platov himself becomes a patriot only outside the Fatherland. In Russia, he behaves like a typical feudal lord, rude and cruel. He does not trust the Tula craftsmen, he demands that the English work is not spoiled and the diamond is not replaced. It was he who is to blame for the fact that Lefty left the country without a “tugament” (later this played fatal role in his destiny). Nikolai, having given the order to send Lefty to England, soon forgets about him. It is no coincidence that the narrator bitterly remarks that on the road to the hungry Lefty, “at each station, the belts were still tightened by one badge so that the intestines and lungs would not get mixed up.” If Alexander is confident in the superiority of English masters, then Nikolai believes in the possibilities of Russian talents. However, for him this is a matter of personal prestige, and people are only a means of achieving victory in a dispute with another power.

According to critics, the plot of the story is based on the motive of struggle, the competition of representatives of the two peoples, which is characteristic of folk art (it is no coincidence that the Tula masters ask for God's blessing). Antithesis is basic compositional technique in the story. However, it is not so much Russian and English craftsmanship that are opposed, but the masters themselves and the authorities, who despise them. Recall that the English "half-skipper", who tried to "break through" to Count Kleinmichel with reminders of Lefty, was expelled so that he "did not dare to remember the human soul."

The reasons for the cultural and economic backwardness of Russia (this problem is also touched upon by Leskov) should, according to the writer, be sought in the lack of education of the Russian people, in the inattention of the authorities to the fate of national talents, which develop not thanks to, but in spite of its activities. In the story, the episodes of Nikolai's conversation with Lefty, to whom the emperor graciously condescends, and the hero's meeting with the British, for whom he is simply a naturally gifted person, a master, are contrasted compositionally. The culminating episode of the emperor's dialogue with the Lefty and the description of the preparations following it predetermine the denouement. The “sub-skipper” delivered to an English house and left on the floor in a “common people's” hospital, Levsha, is the antithesis that determines the unique attitude towards the individual on the part of the tsarist authorities. Leskov sees this as one of the reasons for the social disorder in Russia.

SPECIFICITY OF NARRATORY. FEATURES OF THE LANGUAGE. When discussing the genre originality of the story, we did not say anything about such a definition of the genre as “skaz”. And this is no coincidence. A tale as a genre of oral prose implies a focus on oral speech, narration on behalf of a participant in an event. In this sense, "Lefty" is not a traditional tale. At the same time, a skaz can also be called such a way of narration, which involves the “separation” of the narration from the participant in the events himself. In Lefty, just such a process takes place, especially since the word “fable” is used in the story (Chapter 20), suggesting the skaz character of the narrative. The narrator, being neither a witness nor a participant in the events, actively expresses his attitude to what is happening in various forms. At the same time, in the tale itself, one can detect the originality of the position of both the narrator and the author.

Throughout the story, the style of the story changes. If at the beginning of the first chapter the narrator outwardly artlessly outlines the circumstances of the emperor’s arrival in England, then successively tells about the events taking place, using vernacular, obsolete and distorted forms of words, various types of neologisms, etc., then already in the sixth chapter (in the story about the Tula masters) the narrative becomes different. It does not completely lose its colloquial character, but it becomes more neutral, distorted forms of words, neologisms are practically not used. By changing the narrative manner, the author wants to show the seriousness of the described situation. It is no coincidence that even high vocabulary is encountered when the narrator characterizes "skillful people, on whom the hope of the nation now rested." The same kind of narration can be found in the last, 20th chapter, which, obviously, summing up, contains the author's point of view, so its style differs from that of most of the chapters.

Expressively colored words are often introduced into the calm and outwardly impassive speech of the narrator (for example, Alexander Pavlovich decided to “ride around Europe”), which becomes one of the forms of expressing the author's position, deeply hidden in the text.

In the narration itself, the intonational features of the speech of the characters are skillfully emphasized (cf., for example, the statements of Alexander I and Platov).

According to I.V. Stolyarova, Leskov “directs the reader’s interest to the events themselves”, which is facilitated by the special logical structure of the text: most of the chapters have an ending, and some have a peculiar beginning, which makes it possible to clearly separate one event from another. This principle creates the effect of a fantastic manner. You can also notice that in a number of chapters, it is in the ending that the narrator expresses the author’s position: “And the courtiers who stand on the steps all turn away from him, they think: “Platov got caught and now they will drive him out of the palace, because they couldn’t stand him for courage” (end of chapter 12).

It is impossible not to note the use of various techniques that characterize the features of not only oral speech, but also folk poetic creativity in general: tautologies (“shod on horseshoes”, etc.), peculiar forms of verbs with a prefix (“admired”, “send”, “slap” etc.), words with diminutive suffixes (“palm”, “tubby”, etc.). It is interesting to pay attention to the sayings introduced into the text (“morning is wiser than night”, “snow on your head”). Sometimes Leskov can modify them.

The nature of neologisms testifies to the mixing of different manners of narration. They can describe in more detail the object and its function (double-seat carriage), the scene of action (busters - combining the words busts and chandeliers, the writer gives in one word more Full description premises), action (whistles - whistles and messengers accompanying Platov), ​​designate foreign curiosities (merblue mantons - camel mantles, etc.), the state of heroes (waiting - waiting and agitation, an annoying couch on which Platov lay for many years characterizing not only the inaction of the hero, but also his wounded pride). The appearance of neologisms in Leskov in many cases is due to literary play.

“Thus, Leskov's tale as a type of narration not only transformed, enriched, but also served to create a new genre variety: a tale of tales. A fairy tale is distinguished by a great depth of coverage of reality, approaching in this sense the novel form. It was Leskov's fairy tale that contributed to the emergence of a new type of truth seeker, who can be put on a par with the heroes of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky ”(Mushchenko E.G., Skobelev V.P., Kroichik L.E. S. 115). The artistic originality of "Lefty" is due to the task of finding special forms of expression of the author's position in order to assert the strength of the national character.

Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HH is written.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

The left-hander has absorbed many of the qualities inherent in the Leskovsky righteous: vile (1) patriotism, the presence of clear moral (2) guidelines, fortitude, natural talent (3) awn, a keen interest in the life around him - "enchanting (4) awn" .

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here is the correct spelling.

The left-hander has absorbed many of the qualities inherent in the Leskovsky righteous: genuine patriotism, the presence of clear moral guidelines, fortitude of character, natural talent, a keen interest in the life around him - “enchantment”.

In this offer:

genuine - a dictionary word;

moral - adjective with the suffix -ENN-;

giftedness and charm are nouns formed from participles GIFTED and CHARMED, and they, in turn, from perfective verbs (GIVE and CHARM).

Answer: 1234.

Answer: 1234

Rule: Task 15. Spelling Н and НН in words of different parts of speech


Traditionally, this is the most difficult topic for students, since a reasonable spelling of Н or НН is possible only with knowledge of morphological and word-formation laws. The material "Reference" summarizes and systematizes all the rules of the topic H and HH from school textbooks and gives Additional information from V.V. Lopatin and D.E. Rosenthal to the extent that is necessary to complete the tasks of the exam.

14.1 Н and НН in denominative adjectives (formed from nouns).

14.1.1 Two NNs in suffixes

The suffixes of adjectives are written HH, if:

1) the adjective is formed from a noun with a base on H using the suffix H: fogH + H → foggy; pocket+n → pocket, carton+n → carton

ancient (from old+N), picturesque (from picture+N), deep (from depth+N), outlandish (from outlandish+N), remarkable (from a dozen+N), true (from truth+N), corvée ( from barshchina + N), communal (from community + N), long (from length + N)

note: the word "strange" from the point of view of the modern language does not have the suffix H in its composition and is not related to the word "country". But it is possible to explain HH historically: a person from a foreign country was considered a dissident, a stranger, an outsider.

The spelling of the word "genuine" can also be explained etymologically: genuine in Ancient Russia called the truth that the defendant spoke "under the longs" - special long sticks or whips.

2) the adjective is formed on behalf of the noun by adding the suffix -ENN-, -ONN: cranberry (cranberry), revolutionary (revolution), solemn (triumph).

Exception: windy (but: windless).


There are adjective words in which H is part of the root. These words must be remembered. They were not formed from nouns:

crimson, green, spicy, drunken, swine, red, ruddy, youthful.

14.1.2. The suffixes of adjectives are written N

The suffixes of adjectives are written N, if:

1) the adjective has the suffix -IN- ( dove, mouse, nightingale, tiger). Words with this suffix often have the meaning of "whose": dove, mouse, nightingale, tiger.

2) the adjective has the suffixes -AN-, -YAN- ( sandy, leathery, oatmeal, earthy). Words with this suffix often mean "made of what": sand, leather, oats, earth.

Exceptions: glass, pewter, wood.

14.2. Н and НН in the suffixes of words formed from verbs. Complete forms.

As you know, both participles and adjectives (= verbal adjectives) can be formed from verbs. The rules for writing H and HH in these words are different.

14.2.1 HH in suffixes of full participles and verbal adjectives

In the suffixes of full participles and verbal adjectives, HH is written if AT LEAST ONE of the conditions is met:

1) the word is formed from the verb perfect look, WITH OR WITHOUT A PREFACE, for example:

from the verbs to buy, redeem (what to do?, perfect form): bought, redeemed;

from verbs to throw, to throw (what to do?, perfect form): abandoned-abandoned.

The prefix NOT does not change the form of the participle and does not affect the spelling of the suffix. Any other prefix makes the word perfect.

2) the word has suffixes -OVA-, -EVA- even in imperfective words ( pickled, paved, automated).

3) with a word formed from a verb, there is a dependent word, that is, it forms a participle turnover, for example: ice cream in the refrigerator, boiled in broth).

NOTE: In cases where the full participle turns into an adjective in a specific sentence, the spelling does not change. For example: Excited With this message, the father spoke loudly and did not hold back his emotions. The highlighted word is participle in participial turnover, excited how? this message. Change the sentence: His face was excited, and there is no longer communion, there is no turnover, because the person cannot be “excited”, and this is an adjective. In such cases, they talk about the transition of participles into adjectives, but this fact does not affect the spelling of NN.

More examples: The girl was very organized and educated. Both words here are adjectives. The girl was not “educated”, and she has always been brought up, these are constant signs. Let's change the sentences: We were in a hurry to a meeting organized by partners. Mom, brought up in severity, and raised us just as strictly. And now the highlighted words are participles.

In such cases, in the explanation to the task, we write: participle adjective or adjective passed from the participle.

Exceptions: unexpected, unexpected, unseen, unheard of, unexpected, slow, desperate, sacred, desired..

note to the fact that from a number of exceptions the words counted (minutes), done (indifference). These words are written in general rule.

Add more words here:

forged, pecked, chewed eva / ova are part of the root, these are not suffixes to write HH. But when prefixes appear, they are written according to the general rule: chewed, shod, pecked.

the wounded is written one N. Compare: wounded in battle(two N, because the dependent word appeared); Wounded, the view is perfect, there is a prefix).

smart to define the type of word is difficult.

14.2. 2 One H in verbal adjectives

In the suffixes of verbal adjectives, N is written if:

the word is formed from an imperfective verb, that is, answers the question what did you do with the item? and the word in the sentence has no dependent words.

stew(it was stewed) meat,

shorn(their hair was cut)

boiled(it was boiled) potatoes,

brokenNaya(it was broken) line,

stained(it was stained) oak (dark as a result of special processing),

BUT: as soon as these adjective words have a dependent word, they immediately go into the category of participles and are written with two N.

stewed in the oven(it was stewed) meat,

recently cut(their hair was cut)

steamed(it was boiled) potatoes.

DISCOVER: participles (right) and adjectives (left) have different meanings! Stressed vowels are marked with capital letters.

named brother, named sister- a person who is not biologically related to this person, but who agreed to fraternal (sisterly) relations voluntarily. - the address I gave;

planted father (acting the role of the parent of the bride or groom at the wedding ceremony). - planted at the table;

dowry (property given to the bride by her family for life in marriage) - given a chic look;

narrowed (as the groom is called, from the word fate) - narrowed skirt, from the word narrow, make narrow)

Forgiveness Sunday (religious holiday) - forgiven by me;

written beauty(epithet, idiom) - oil painting.

14.2.3. Spelling Н and НН in compound adjectives

As part of a compound word, the spelling of the verbal adjective does not change:

a) the first part is formed from imperfective verbs, so we write N: plain-dyed (paint), hot-rolled, homespun, multi-colored, gold-woven (weave); whole-cut cut), gold-forged (forged), little-traveled (ride), little-walked (walk), little-carried (wear), slightly salted (salt), finely crushed (crush), freshly slaked (quench), freshly frozen (freeze) and others.

b) the second part of the compound word is formed from the prefixed verb of the perfect form, which means we write NN: smooth about dyed ( about paint), fresh per ice cream ( per freeze), etc.).

In the second part of complex formations, H is written, although there is a prefix PER-: ironed-over-ironed, patched-re-patched, worn-carried, washed-washed, shot-re-shot, darned-redarned.

Thus, tasks can be performed according to the algorithm:

14.3. Н and НН in short adjectives and short participles

Both participles and adjectives have not only full, but also short forms.

Rule: In short participles, one N is always written.

Rule: In short adjectives, the same number of N is written as in the full form.

But in order to apply the rules, you need distinguish between adjectives and participles.

DISCOVER short adjectives and participles:

1) on the issue: short adjectives - what? what? what are what is it? what are?, short participles - what is done? what's done? what is done? what are done?

2) by value(a short participle is related to the action, can be replaced by a verb; a short adjective characterizes the word being defined, does not report the action);

3) by the presence of a dependent word(short adjectives do not and cannot have, short participles have).

Brief participlesShort adjectives
written (story) m. what is done? by whom?the boy is educated (what?) - from the full form educated (what?)
written (book) f.rod; what's done? by whom?the girl is educated (what?) -from the full form educated (what?)
written (composition) cf. what is done? by whom?the child is educated (what?) -from the full form educated (what?)
works written, pl. number; what are done? by whom?children are educated (what?) -from the full form educated (what?)

14.4. One or two N can also be written in adverbs.

In adverbs in -O / -E, the same number of N is written as there are in the original word, for example: calmly with one H, since in the adjective calm suffix H; slowly with HH, as in the adjective slow NN; enthusiastically with HH, as in the sacrament HAPPY NN.

With the seeming simplicity of this rule, there is a problem of distinguishing between adverbs, short participles and short adjectives. For example, in the word focus (Н, НН) о it is impossible to choose one or another spelling WITHOUT knowing what this word is in a sentence or phrase.

DISCOVER short adjectives, short participles and adverbs.

1) on the issue: short adjectives - what? what? what are what is it? what are?, short participles - what is done? what's done? what is done? what are done? adverbs: how?

2) by value(a short participle is related to the action, can be replaced by a verb; a short adjective characterizes the word being defined, does not report the action); an adverb expresses an action, how it occurs)

3) by role in the sentence:(short adjectives and short participles are often predicates, while the adverb

refers to the verb and is a circumstance)

14.5. Н and НН in nouns

1.In nouns (as in short adjectives and adverbs), the same number of N is written as in the adjectives (participles) from which they are formed:

prisoner (prisoner)oilman (oil)
education (educated)hotel (living room)
exile (exiled)anemone (windy)
larch (deciduous)confusion (confused)
pupil (educated)spice (spicy)
humanity (humane)sandstone (sandy)
elevation (sublime)smoked (smoked)
poise (balanced)delicious ice cream (ice cream)
devotion (devotee)peat bog (peat)

Words are formed from adjectives

related / ik from related, third-party / ik from third-party, like-minded / ik from like-minded, (malicious / ik, co-intentional / ik), set / ik from set, drowned / ik from drowned, numerical / ik from numerical, compatriot / ik from compatriot) and many others.

2. Nouns can also be formed from verbs and other nouns.

HH is written, one H is included in the root, and the other is in the suffix.H*
moshen / nickname (from moshna, which meant a bag, wallet)worker / enik (from toil)
squad / nickname (from squad)much / enik (from torturing)
raspberry/nick (raspberry)powder / enitsa (from powdering)
name day / nickname (name day)birth / birth (give birth)
cheating / nickname (treason)brother-in-law / e / nit / a
nephewvar/enik (cook)
dowry/niceBUT: dowry (from give)
aspen/nicknamebesrebr / enik
ringing / ringingsilver/nickname

Table note: *Words that are written with H and are not formed from adjectives (participles) in the Russian language are rare. They need to be learned by heart.

HH is written and in words traveler(from traveling) predecessor(preceded)

On some changes in comparison with the Unified State Exam-2012 The time for completing the work has been increased by 30 minutes (from 180 to 210) The format of task A 1 has been changed (the orthoepy task remains, we again work with stresses, but now three words with the correct placement of stress are presented in the distractors and one - with an incorrect one) The range of answers to task A 20 has been expanded (an explanation for the placement of a comma or its absence before the union AND) The criteria for checking and evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer have been clarified (criterion K 1, in which a remark for experts has been added: If the examinee did not formulate or formulated incorrectly (in one form or another in any part of the essay) one of the problems source code, then such work according to the criteria K 1–K 4 is rated 0 points) is rated 0 points

Part A Task A 1 - “Orthoepic norms” In which word is there a mistake in stressing: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is incorrectly highlighted? 1) def. Is 2) cr. Ana 3) village Osug 4) ozl. Upholster

Task A 2 - "Lexical norms (use of the word)" In which answer option is the highlighted word used incorrectly? 1) We had not seen him for a long time, so now there was nothing to even talk about. 2) After visiting the cave, Marat had a COMICAL look. 3) There were ALL multi-colored objects on the table. 4) The trip to Ufa this time was more SUCCESSFUL.

Task A 3 - "Morphological norms" Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form. 1) a pair of shoes 2) walking down the street 3) with sixty million 4) the least successful attempt to REPEAT: declension of nouns; declension of nouns that have only the plural form, as well as words denoting objects worn on the legs (stockings, socks, shoes, boots); rules for the formation of the plural form of some nouns (doctors, teachers, professors, etc.) comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs

Task A 4 - “Syntactic norms (building a sentence with a participle)” Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Arriving in Ishimbay, 1) I hope to see my old friends. 2) the city seemed completely different to me. 3) I want to go to the beach of the Tayruk River. 4) the next stop is the city of Salavat.

Task A 5 - “Syntactic norms (norms of coordination and control, construction of sentences with homogeneous members, complex sentences)” Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm). 1) On both sides of the road leading to Ishimbay, willow grows and reeds rise above the marsh water. 2) Upon arrival in Ishimbay, we went in search of a suitable hotel. 3) A passer-by asked me if I knew how to get to the editorial office of the Voskhod newspaper. 4) Each of the young Ishimbay people who do not want to leave their small homeland, chooses to study the local branch of the USATU or the universities of the neighboring Sterlitamak.

Task A 6 - “Grammatical norms (syntactic norms)” In which sentence can the subordinate clause of a complex sentence be replaced by a separate definition expressed by participle turnover? 1) Nikita Marchenko, with whom we studied in the same group at the university, now works as a correspondent for the newspaper "Republic of Bashkortostan" 2) We got acquainted with all the sights that are in the guide about the city of Ishimbay: Victory Park, a monument to the discoverers of Bashkir oil, "tower grandmother" . 3) The young man, whom the teachers predicted a great scientific future, still has not even defended his PhD thesis. 4) Friends for a long time selected a route that would suit all friends.

Task A 7 - A 12 - work with the first text A 7 - Selection of a sentence that should be the first in this text. A 8 - Selection of words or phrases missing in one of the sentences of the text. A 9 - Grammatical (predicative) basis of the sentence, subject and predicate as the main members of the sentence. A 10 - Syntactic analysis of the sentence. A 11 - Morphological analysis of the word. A 12 - The lexical meaning of the word.

Task A 7 - “Text. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text. The sequence of sentences in the text "TEXT: (1) ... (2) It was a means of braking aircraft that land on the deck of an aircraft carrier. (3) ... the deck, even the deck of such a giant as an aircraft carrier, is far from an ideal airfield. (4) Its area is relatively small, and therefore it is difficult to take off from it, and even more difficult to land. (5) In order for the planes not to jump overboard, they had to be braked with rubber cords, parachutes and caught with brake nets. (6) This new installation was supposed to slow down the aircraft running towards the electromagnetic field. Which of the following sentences should come first in this text? 1) After the failure in aviation, the electric motor began to be tested in ground facilities transport. 2) It is difficult to list all areas of possible application of the electric motor. 3) About 30 years ago, a message appeared in the press about testing a new means of braking aircraft. 4) About 30 years ago, they tried to use an electric motor as a means of braking an aircraft carrier.

Task A 8 - “Means of communication of sentences in the text” TEXT: (1) ... (2) It was about a means of braking aircraft that land on the deck of an aircraft carrier. (3) ... the deck, even the deck of such a giant as an aircraft carrier, is far from an ideal airfield. (4) Its area is relatively small, and therefore it is difficult to take off from it, and even more difficult to land. (5) In order for the planes not to jump overboard, they had to be braked with rubber cords, parachutes and caught with brake nets. (6) This new installation was supposed to slow down the aircraft running towards the electromagnetic field. Which of the following words or combinations of words should be in place of the gap in the third sentence of the text? 1) In addition, 2) Thus, 3) On the contrary, 4) Of course,

Task A 9 - “The grammatical basis of the sentence” TEXT: (1) ... (2) It was about a means of braking aircraft that land on the deck of an aircraft carrier. (3) ... the deck, even the deck of such a giant as an aircraft carrier, is far from an ideal airfield. (4) Its area is relatively small, and therefore it is difficult to take off from it, and even more difficult to land. (5) In order for the planes not to jump overboard, they had to be braked with rubber cords, parachutes and caught with brake nets. (6) This new installation was supposed to slow down the aircraft running towards the electromagnetic field. What combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of the complex sentence of the text? 1) it is difficult to take off, land (sentence 4) 2) the planes had to slow down (sentence 5) 3) which land (sentence 2) 4) the installation had to (sentence 6))

Task A 9 – continued The examinees are asked to find either a distractor in which the basis of the sentence is written out, or to find an answer option in which the subject or predicate is correctly represented. REMEMBER: 1. In addition to the simple verbal predicate, there are compound verbal and compound nominal predicates! Most of the problems arise with the second type of predicate. Compare: I am proud of the teacher and I am a teacher 2. The subject can be expressed not only by a noun (in our example it is expressed by a union word)! 3. Non-free phrases are one member of the sentence (two pop stars, a couple from Woland's retinue, a red maiden, etc.)

Task A 10 - “Syntactic analysis of the sentence” TEXT: (1) ... (2) It was about a means of braking aircraft that land on the deck of an aircraft carrier. (3) ... the deck, even the deck of such a giant as an aircraft carrier, is far from an ideal airfield. (4) Its area is relatively small, and therefore it is difficult to take off from it, and even more difficult to land. (5) In order for the planes not to jump overboard, they had to be braked with rubber cords, parachutes and caught with brake nets. (6) This new installation was supposed to slow down the aircraft running towards the electromagnetic field. Indicate the correct description of the fifth (5) sentence of the text. 1) simple complicated 2) compound 3) complex with allied coordinating and unionless bond between parts 4) complex

Task A 10 - continued To complete task A 10, you don’t need to know as much as to complete tasks in syntax in part B. It will be quite enough if we remember the following types of sentences: words, isolated applications and appeals. Complex non-union proposals. Complex sentences. Complex sentences.

Task A 11 - "Morphological analysis of the word" Indicate the sentence in which there is possessive pronoun. 1) (4) Its area is relatively small, and therefore it is difficult to take off from it, and it is even more difficult to land. 2) (5) In order for the planes not to jump overboard, they had to be slowed down with rubber cords, parachutes and caught with brake nets. 3) (3) ... the deck, even the deck of such a giant as an aircraft carrier, is far from an ideal airfield. 4) (6) This new installation was supposed to slow down the planes with an electromagnetic field running towards them.

Task A 11 - continued To complete this task, you must be able to distinguish from each other: passive and real participles, participles, verbal adjectives; comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs; ranks of pronouns; qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives; as well as other parts of speech...

Task A 12 - "The lexical meaning of the word" Indicate in what sense the word IDEAL is used in the third (3) sentence: (3) ... deck, even the deck of such a giant as an aircraft carrier, is far from an ideal airfield. 1) imaginary, invented 2) perfect, without flaws 3) ordinary, typical 4) specialized, designed for specific purposes

Task A 13 - “Spelling -Н- and -НН- in suffixes of various parts of speech” In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which HH is written? The left-hander has absorbed many of the qualities inherent in the Leskovsky righteous: vile (1) patriotism, the presence of clear moral (2) guidelines, fortitude, natural talent (3) awn, a keen interest in the life around him - "enchanting (4) awn" . 1) 1, 3 2) 1, 2, 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 4 4) 2, 3, 4

Task A 14 - “Spelling of the roots” In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words? 1) app. . llational, affairs. . kates, prot. . army 2) accl. . matize, Art. . removed (in funds), calc. . tanie 3) act. . sight, metz. . nat, diff. . small 4) skr. . puffy, created . wat, out. . sit

Task A 15 - “Spelling prefixes” In which row in all three words is the same letter missing? 1) ra. . concentrate, be. . promising, i. . languish 2) etc. . add, etc. smart, etc. succeed 3) by. . stitch, on . kidney, oh . dacha 4) post. . industrial, from. . say, above. . REMEMBER: CHARGE

Task A 16 - “Spelling of personal endings of verbs and suffixes of participles of the present tense” In which row in both words is the letter I written at the gap? 1) remember. . wow, look. . my 2) inhale. . sting, bite. . 3) vert. . shush, unbending. . my 4) lele. . shh, spending. . former

Task A 17 - “Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (except -Н-//-НН-)” In which answer option are all the words where the letter I is omitted? A. usidch. . out B. unfastened. . vat V. goldfinch. . cottony G. listen. . 1) A, B, D 2) A, B, C 3) C, D 4) A, C, D

Task A 18 - “Spelling NOT and NOR” In which sentence is NOT written together with the word? 1) On the fresh snow (not) traces were visible. 2) Pavel Ivanovich's features are (not) devoid of pleasantness. 3) In this (un)thinned forest, young trees grow slowly. 4) A reed rustled nearby with (not) blossoming tassels.

Task A 19 - “Continuous, hyphenated, separate spelling” In which sentence are both highlighted words written together? 1) The new concept of Oblomov, hatched by I. A. Goncharov (B) FOR several years, was (FINALLY) implemented in July - August 1857, when the writer quickly created the second and third parts of the novel. 2) Ivan's face (AS) AS if turned to stone in its strict expression and (FROM) IT seemed to be carved from marble. 3) Pavel Petrovich was considered proud, but respected for his aristocratic manners, for the fact that he (ON) EVERYWHERE carried with him a real silver toilet bag and a camping bath; he was respected SO (SAME) for impeccable honesty. 4) Onegin, AS (SAME) as the hero of B. Constant, is smart, but emphatically indifferent to the people around him and (IN) THAT does not see anything in life worthy of his spiritual efforts. .

Task A 20 - “Punctuation in simple and complex sentences” Indicate the correct explanation for the placement of a comma or its absence in the sentence: Symbolists and their followers - acmeists - saw their forerunner () in Tyutchev and continued Tyutchev's poetic traditions. 1) A simple sentence with homogeneous members and a repeated union, a comma is needed before the union And. 2) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And no comma is needed. 3) A compound sentence, before the union And a comma is not needed. 4) A compound sentence, before the union And a comma is needed.

Task A 21 - “Punctuation marks in sentences with separate members of the sentence (definitions, circumstances)” In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which commas should be in the sentences? The first exhibition of the Wanderers (1), which opened in 1871 (2), convincingly demonstrated the existence in painting (3) of a new direction (5) in terms of worldview and means of representation that had been developing over the 60s (4) (5). 1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2) 1, 2, 3, 4 3) 1, 2 4) 1, 2, 5

Task A 22 - "Punctuation marks in sentences with words and structures that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence" In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which commas should be in the sentences? Both to the right and to the left, and (1) it seems (2) lightning flashed just above the house. On this sunny day, everything around (3) seemed (4) joyful. 1) 1, 2, 3, 4 2) 1, 3 3) 3, 4 4) 1, 2

Task A 23 - “Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence (homogeneous members of a sentence)” Indicate the sentence in which one comma must be put. (Punctuation marks are not placed) 1) Grandmother smeared the rooster's comb and beard and poured millet on the floor. 2) We have already seen the distant factory chimney and the roofs of the houses. 3) Now measured and unhurried, now feverishly fast, now interrupting a friend, the sounds of a drum came from the other side. 4) Everything was already quiet, or seemed so.

Task A 24 - “Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence” How to explain the use of a colon in this sentence? The steppe is cheerfully full of flowers: the gorse turns bright yellow, bluebells modestly turn blue, wild carnation burns with crimson spots. 1) The generalizing word stands before the homogeneous members of the sentence. 2) The second part of the complex sentence is opposed to what is said in the first part. 3) The first part of the complex sentence indicates the time of doing what is said in the second part. 4) The second part of the complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part. MOST COMMON CORRECT ANSWERS - see example + "The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part"

Task A 25 - “Punctuation marks in a complex sentence” In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which commas should be in the sentence? One of the largest aircraft (1) is the Airbus A-380 (2) whose engines (3) (4) have a unique power. 1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 1, 4 CORRECT ANSWER FORMULA: k - 1 or k - 1 and k + 1, where k is a number next to (often before) with the allied word "WHICH"

Task A 26 - “Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with an allied and non-union connection; complex sentence with different types of connection ”In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence? The last meters of the path seemed to Konstantin especially difficult (1) but (2) when they were passed (3) and the mountain peak appeared (4) it became very good for the soul. 1) 1, 2, 3, 4 2) 1, 2, 4 3) 1, 2, 3 4) 2, 3, 4

Task A 26 - continued Most often in exams we will deal with such sentences in which commas should be in place of all the numbers. . . However, MOST and ALWAYS are not the same thing... To cope with this task, you need to learn how to find grammatical basis(then we will not put a comma before the union AND connecting homogeneous members of the sentence). But even in complex sentences, a comma is not always placed before the union AND: for example, it was not in the previous example. In second place in terms of prevalence in KIMs are sentences in which commas are placed everywhere except for the position after the coordinative union (in these cases, without distorting the meaning and (and) violating the syntax, it is impossible to omit part of the sentence from the number after the coordinative union to the next number). For example, In the imagination of the writer, a variety of ideas (1) and (2) were crowded; if he forced himself to stop at one thing (3), then again he did not know (4) what the beginning should be. (Answer: 1, 3, 4)

Task A 27 - “Information processing of written texts of various styles and genres” Read the text In calm weather, the water surface is smooth enough to give a mirror image, so when we stand on the river bank in such weather, we see trees on the other side twice: first, the trees themselves, as they are, and, secondly, their reflections in the water. But as soon as the wind rises, the surface of the water ceases to be smooth, ripples appear. A large number of small waves send light in all directions, as a result, the reflection of trees blurs and disappears. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) When we stand on the bank of the river in calm weather, we see the trees on the other bank twice: 2) 3) 4) the trees themselves and their reflections in the water, and the quality of their reflection improves in windy weather. As soon as the wind picks up, a large number of small waves appear, sending light in all directions, so the reflection of the trees in the river is more distinct in dry weather than in bad weather. In calm weather, the surface of the water is smooth as a mirror, but as soon as the wind picks up, ripples appear on its surface. The mirror reflection of the trees in the river can only be seen in calm weather on smooth surface water, because the ripples created by the wind send light in all directions, and the reflection disappears.

Task A 28 - “Text as a speech work; semantic and compositional integrity of the text” Which sentence of the text contains the answer to the question posed in the first sentence? FIRST SENTENCE: What is the category of beauty in literature? 1) (9) This depth of truth seen by the artist is the aesthetic beauty in art. 2) (8) Still, literature is a second life, concentrated in time. 3) (13) The main tool of the artist is vision and hearing, realized in the word, in thought. 4) (17) But the word itself cannot carry all the beauty or ugliness, it cannot be beautiful or bad, worn out or not worn out just because it expresses this or that concept.

Task A 28 - continuation Task A 28 - the first of three types A, the execution of which is based on the main source text (all tasks of type B are also performed on it and an essay is written). In tasks of type A 28, examinees are asked to find a sentence in which the author expresses his attitude to something, explains any actions, etc., and also lists statements and thoughts that correspond to the content of the text or contradict it. Almost everyone who is not in a hurry and carefully reads the text copes with this task.

Task A 29 - "Styles and functional-semantic types of speech" Which of the following statements is erroneous? 1) 2) 3) 4) Sentences 8–10 contain reasoning ((8) Still, literature is a second life concentrated in time. (9) This depth of truth seen by the artist is aesthetic beauty in art. (10) The beauty that makes us feel both a sense of delight and a feeling of hatred.). Sentence 18 explains the statement made in sentence 17 ((17) But the word itself cannot carry all the beauty or ugliness, cannot be beautiful or bad, worn out or not worn out just because it expresses one or another concept. (18) Real the artist uses words, combinations of words as a necessity, as a tool without which it is impossible to accomplish the miracle of knowledge.). In sentences 25–26, a description is presented ((25) The word is the artist’s own “I”, the realization of his perception. (26) But all people operate with words as the primary element of human communication, regardless of how endowed they are with a sense of harmony, depth and beauty .). Sentence 21 contains a justification for the statement made in sentence 20 ((20) Serious prose cannot set itself the goal of being exemplary, rationally constructed, so that there is nothing for the eye to catch on. (21) This is false classical perfection (in the name of falsely understood beauty ) causes gray boredom in us, our eyes gliding indifferently over phrases, not dwelling on anything - we do not experience excitement.).

Task A 29 - continued Narration - dynamics unfold in time) events (actions Description - statics, picture (actions are not performed, but you can imagine the objects themselves in question: portrait, landscape, etc.) Reasoning - the author's conclusions, with which not everyone can agree (characteristic features - the presence introductory words, beliefs, doubts)

Task A 30 - "The lexical meaning of the word" Indicate the sentence in which the phraseological unit is used. 1) (18) He was right, depressingly right ... 2) (7) When they left, I turned to the foreman and praised his guys. 3) (6) They sat in front of me in their filthy overalls, but their fashionable haircuts were visible, they used words at the level of the highest education, it was difficult and interesting to talk to them. 4) (5) They were aware of the latest films and premieres, which I had not yet seen, and book novelties, which I had no idea about yet. You need to know what phraseological units, antonyms and synonyms (direct and contextual) are. In a small number of options there are tasks similar to A 12.

Task B 1 - “The main ways of word formation” From sentences 19–21, write out the word formed by the prefix-suffix method. (19) For years, a non-decreasing line has been standing in the Hermitage. (20) From morning to evening, its halls are full of citizens and visitors from afar. (21) Some of those who come here will really get something for themselves, somehow get excited by the works of the great masters, but how many will come here to check in, to say that they were in the Hermitage, for prestige, how many of them glide indifferently -calm look, remembering to know! Answer: ALONG

Task B 2 - “Morphological analysis of the word” Write a short participle from sentences 12–18. (12) So it is, and the foreman shook his head in agreement. (13) However, for your information, Yermakov is a golden man, one of the most honest and conscientious workers. (14) The one you can rely on in any situation, a warm-hearted, sympathetic person, whose work, by the way, you can never check. (15) Not like these fellows, tyaplyap, somehow, if only sooner. (16) The foreman spoke of these three with accentuated disdain, he was offended by Ermakov, and my assessments offended him with injustice. (17) Later I had the opportunity to check his words. (18) He was right, depressingly right ... Answer: OFFENDED

Task B 3 - “Phrase” From sentences 9–11, write out the subordinate phrase with the AGREEMENT connection. (9) Ermakov was a carpenter with whom I spoke before, and Ermakov really "did not produce". (10) He did not read anything, did not see anything, did not strive for anything. (11) He was obviously one of those “goat” slaughterers who knock for hours in the yards or cut into cards. Answer: THOSE MINERS

Task B 4 - “Offer. The grammatical (predicative) basis of the sentence, the subject and the predicate as the main members of the sentence. Two-part and one-part sentences ”Among sentences 7–14, find a complex one that includes one-part impersonal sentences. Write the number of this compound sentence. (7) When they left, I turned to the foreman and praised his guys. (8) “You liked it ... but Ermakov, therefore, did not produce it? ' he said in an unpleasantly mocking tone. (9) Ermakov was a carpenter with whom I spoke before, and Ermakov really "did not produce". (10) He did not read anything, did not see anything, did not strive for anything. (11) He was obviously one of those “goat” slaughterers who knock for hours in the yards or cut into cards. (12) So it is, and the foreman shook his head in agreement. (13) However, for your information, Yermakov is a golden man, one of the most honest and conscientious workers. (14) The one you can rely on in any situation, a warm-hearted, sympathetic person, whose work, by the way, you can never check. Answer: 14

Task B 5 - “Complicated simple sentence” Among sentences 1–8, find a sentence with a separate agreed application. Write the number of this offer. (1) These three were lively, funny, sharp-tongued. (2) The conversation was about new books. (3) It was nice to hear how these guys, young builders, showed their taste, independence of judgment. (4) They knew the poems of Bulat Okudzhava, they had already read new novel Gabriel Garcia Marquez. (5) They were aware of the latest films and premieres that I had not yet seen, and book novelties that I had no idea about yet. (6) They sat in front of me in their filthy overalls, but their fashionable haircuts were visible, they used words at the level of the highest education, it was difficult and interesting to talk with them. (7) When they left, I turned to the foreman and praised his guys. (8) “You liked it ... but Ermakov, therefore, did not produce it? ' he said in an unpleasantly mocking tone. Answer: 3

Task B 6 - “Complex sentence” Among sentences 1–8, find a complex sentence with an explanatory clause. Write the number of this offer. (1) These three were lively, funny, sharp-tongued. (2) The conversation was about new books. (3) It was nice to hear how these guys, young builders, showed their taste, independence of judgment. (4) They knew the poems of Bulat Okudzhava, they had already read the new novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. (5) They were aware of the latest films and premieres that I had not yet seen, and book novelties that I had no idea about yet. (6) They sat in front of me in their filthy overalls, but their fashionable haircuts were visible, they used words at the level of the highest education, it was difficult and interesting to talk with them. (7) When they left, I turned to the foreman and praised his guys. (8) “You liked it ... but Ermakov, therefore, did not produce it? ' he said in an unpleasantly mocking tone. Answer: 3

Task B 7 - “Means of communication of sentences in the text” Among sentences 21–25, find one that is connected with the previous ones using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer. (21) Some of those who come here will really get something for themselves, somehow get excited by the works of the great masters, but how many will come here to check in, to say that they were in the Hermitage, for prestige, how many of them glide indifferently calm glance, remembering to know! (22) Ermakov, he was not at the Hermitage at all, and he was not in Pavlovsk, and in Pushkin. (23) I was in Peterhof, I watched fountains. (24) The huge cultural and artistic life of a city like Petersburg passes by him. (25) But, perhaps, this frank lack of interest is more honest than a formal introduction to culture. Answer: 24

Task B 8 - “Speech, analysis of means of expression” Read a fragment of a review compiled on the basis of the text that you analyzed while doing tasks A 28-A 30, B 1-B 7. This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. If you do not know which number from the list should be in the place of the gap, write the number 0. The sequence of numbers in the order in which they are written by you in the text of the review in the place of the gaps, write down in the answer sheet No. 1 to the right of the task number B 8, starting with the first cell. Write each number in a separate cell in accordance with the samples given in the form. Separate numbers with commas. Put each comma in a separate box. Spaces are not used when writing answers.

Task B 8 - continuation “There is no direct answer to the question that worries D. Granin in the text. However, the attitude of the author to the characters is clearly traced. So, techniques: _____ (“highest education” in sentence 6) and _____ (“did not produce” in sentences 8–9 ((8) “You liked it ... but Ermakov, then, did not produce it?” - he said somehow unpleasantly mockingly. (9) Yermakov was a carpenter with whom I spoke before, and Yermakov really “did not produce”), “rights” in sentence 18 ((18) He was right, depressingly right ...)) - help the author to evaluate young builders and carpenter Ermakov. A capacious characterization of Ermakov is helped by such a syntactic means as _____ (for example, in sentence 10 ((10) He didn’t read anything, didn’t see anything, didn’t aspire to anything.)), and the trope - _____ (a warm-hearted person) ". List of terms: 1) lexical repetition 6) epithet 2) vernacular 7) irony 3) dialectism 8) rhetorical appeal 4) litote 9) opposition 5) homogeneous members of the sentence Answer: 7, 1, 5, 6

Krotov Denis, 7th grade

The left-hander absorbed many of the qualities inherent in the Leskovsky righteous: patriotism, the presence of clear moral guidelines, fortitude of character, natural talent, a keen interest in the life around him, the foundations of Christian morality. But the state does not value such people, so Lefty dies, useless to anyone.



Municipal state educational institution of the Kurtamysh district "Kostylevskaya basic comprehensive school"



"The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea", 1881).

Completed by a 7th grade student: Krotov Denis


Project passport

1 . Project name- N.S. Leskov "The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea"

Subject area:Russian literature

2. Full name curriculum developers:

7th grade student:

Krotov Denis

Coordinator : teacher of Russian language and literature Korobey Natalya Anatolyevna

3. Name of educational institutionMKOU Kurtamyshsky district "Kostylevskaya basic comprehensive school"

4. Year of development of the educational project: 2017

5. Experience of use (degree of distribution):was held twice in grades 6.7, performance in front of classmates.

6. Problem situation- Each the reader in our country thinks about the Russian national character. There is one classic that is usually forgotten - Nikolai Semenovich Leskov. His writings are saturated with the "Russian spirit", and they reveal not only the features of the domestic national character, but also the specifics of all Russian life. In this sense, Leskov's story "Lefty" stands apart. It reproduces with extraordinary accuracy and depth all the flaws in the arrangement of domestic life and all the heroism of the Russian people.

7. Project problem -study of the work of N.S. Leskov “The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea”

8. Age of students for which the project is designed: 11-13 years old

9. Type of project by dominant activity: informational

By subject areainterdisciplinary project (history, literature, fine arts)

By the nature of coordinationproject with open, explicit coordination

By number of participantspersonal (individual) - one participant

By execution timelong-term (December 2016-January 2017)

By design object- existential - designing the personal development of the human "I" in the process of building one's destiny.

Objective of the project

The study of the work of N.S. Leskov "Lefty". (According to N.S. Leskov, “the tale of a steel flea is a special gunsmithing legend, and it expresses the pride of Russian gunsmiths.

Project objectives

  • Get to know the work.
  • To involve the young reader in reading "The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea."
  • To instill a sense of pride in the Russian talented hardworking people.

Annotation of the work LEVSHA - Leskov Nikolay Semyonovich

Title: LEFT
Leskov Nikolai Semyonovich
Year: 1881
Genre: tale
Russian language

About the book:

The theme of love for Russia and pain for it runs through all the work of N.S. Leskov. But it is most clearly manifested in his tale "Lefty". The Russian working man is a master and craftsman, talented and savvy, with golden hands and a bright head. The writer is proud of him, but he is also offended by him, hurt and bitter.
“Lefty” is a tale in which sadness and pain are hidden behind irony and a smile. Tula gunsmiths have shod the English miracle flea, which can only be seen in the "fine scope". But they studied according to the Psalter and the Half-Dream Book, worked without any "small scopes", by eye.
The British, seeing the work of the Tula masters, were in amazement. They want to lure Lefty, seduce him with money, a bride. But Lefty loves Russia, he rushes home, all the more, he needs to be told a very important "secret" of the British: guns do not need to be cleaned with bricks. How does his homeland meet him? A quarter, because he does not have a "tugament", and death. So his secret did not reach the sovereign.
The irony and sarcasm of Leskov reach the limit. He does not understand why Russia, which gives birth to craftsmen, geniuses, poets, deals with them with its own hands. And as for the guns - this is a non-fictional fact. The guns were cleaned with crushed bricks, and the authorities demanded that the barrels sparkle from the inside. And inside, there is a carving ... So the soldiers destroyed it from an excess of zeal.
It hurts Leskov from the fact that we are diligently destroying what can save us in a difficult time..

About the writer

(from Wikipedia)

Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov(February 4 ( February 16 ), village Gorokhovo Orlovsky district Oryol province , - February 21 ( the 5th of March ) , St. Petersburg ) - Russian writer.

“Russian people recognize Leskov as the most Russian of Russian writers and who knew the Russian people more deeply and broadly as they are,” wroteD. P. Svyatopolk-Mirsky (1926) .

Literary career

Leskov began to publish relatively late - at the twenty-sixth year of his life, placing several notes in the newspaper "Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti "(1859-1860), several articles in the Kyiv editions of "Modern Medicine", which publishedA. P. Walter (article "On the working class", a few notes about doctors) and "Index economic". Leskov's articles, which denounced the corruption of police doctors, led to a conflict with his colleagues: as a result of a provocation organized by them, Leskov, who conducted the official investigation, was accused of bribery and was forced to leave the service.

At the beginning of his literary career, N. S. Leskov collaborated with many St. Petersburg newspapers and magazines, most of all published in “Domestic notes "(where he was patronized by a familiar Oryol publicistS. S. Gromeko ), in "Russian speech" and "Northern bee".In the "Notes of the Fatherland" were printed "Essays on the distillery industry (Penza province) », which Leskov himself called his first work,))) considered his first major publication.In the summer of that year, he briefly moved to Moscow, returning to St. Petersburg in December.


One of the most striking images in the gallery of Leskov's "righteous" was Lefty ("The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea", 1881).

Summary of the tale "Lefty"

When Emperor Alexander I arrived in England, they showed him a small steel flea that could dance. The emperor bought a flea and brought it to the palace. After the death of Alexander I, Nicholas I ascended the throne. Nicholas found this flea among Alexander's old things. Nicholas I was confident in the superiority of the Russians and ordered Platov, a Don Cossack who accompanied Alexander I on a trip to Europe, to find a master who would come up with something that could surpass this flea in design. In Tula, Platov found a craftsman nicknamed "Lefty". Lefty came up with the idea of ​​shoeing this flea with tiny horseshoes. For this, Lefty received an order in St. Petersburg from Nicholas I personally and was sent to England to demonstrate this invention. Lefty was offered to stay in Europe, but he decided to return to Russia. On the way home, he made a bet with the half-skipper that he would outdrink him. Lefty died of alcohol poisoning in a common hospital. The last words of Lefty were: “Tell the sovereign that the British don’t clean their guns with bricks: let them not clean ours either, otherwise, God forbid, they are not good for shooting.” Unfortunately, the words of Lefty could not be conveyed to Nicholas I.

Historical figures in the "Tale ..."

Tsar Alexander I: biography, politics, reforms

Born in December 1777, eldest son Paul I, named Alexander , even in infancy he was given up for the upbringing of his own grandmother - the Empress Catherine II : the relationship between the empress and father Alexander was tense, and Catherine did not want to leave preparations for the role of heir to the throne to his parents. The goal of the Empress was to raise from her adored grandson a ruler perfect in all respects for the Russian state, Alexander Pavlovich received an excellent education of the Western type ..

Palace coup on the night of March 11-12, during which he was killed Pavel I , not only led to the ascension of Alexander to the throne, but also deeply hurt the feelings of the young ruler: the bitterness of responsibility for the death of his father and the severity of this loss haunted him throughout his life ..

Domestic politics Emperor Alexander I was more focused on the interests of the nobility, however, the importance and complexity of the issue of the position of the peasant strata of the population, the emperor was clearly aware. Against the backdrop of a series of decrees granting the nobles more and more privileges, Alexander made a lot of efforts to make life easier for the peasants, giving them rights and ensuring the protection of these rights. Thus, a decree of 1801 was approved, which destroyed the monopoly right to own land only by nobles and regulated the permission for merchants and townspeople to purchase free plots of land in order to conduct economic activities using hired labor. The “Decree on Free Ploughmen”, adopted in 1803, was the first official document that provided for the possibility of redeeming freedom for a serf from the landowner - subject to an agreement on this by both parties - and provided free peasants with the right to property. Throughout the stay Alexander I in power, the administrative apparatus paid considerable attention to the problem of the quality of life peasant people However, many progressive bills were never implemented.

One of the global reforms Alexander I was a reform in the field of education: due to the need to educate highly qualified personnel in the Empire .. Universities provided personnel and developed educational programs for schools and high schools. Alexander I initiated and supported the development educational institutions: five universities, a number of gymnasiums and other educational institutions were founded under him.

In the field foreign policy Alexander I The most significant event was the Russian-French war. crushing defeat Russian army in a battle with the French in 1805 led to the signing of a settlement agreement in 1806. Despite the martial law between the countries, Napoleon Bonaparte sincerely considered Russia the only worthy ally, and high-level discussions took place between the emperors of the two countries on options for an alliance of military operations directed against India and Turkey. As part of the conclusion of the alliance, France was ready to recognize the rights of Russia to Finland, and Russia - the rights of France to Spain. However, this alliance was never concluded due to the irreconcilable clash of interests of the states in the Balkans and in relations with the Duchy of Warsaw, which prevented the organization of profitable trade relations for the Russian Empire. Napoleon got married in 1810 to the sister of Alexander I Anna, but in response he was refused.

The Napoleonic War opened up to the world a galaxy of outstanding military strategists whose names have remained for centuries: among them are Kutuzov, Yermolok, Bagration, Barclay de Tolly, Davydov, and other bright personalities who manifested themselves in the Patriotic War that erupted after the expulsion of Napoleon.

Death from typhoid fever overtook Alexander I in the city of Taganrog and was so sudden that many refused to believe in it: there were many rumors that the ruler did not die, but set off on wanderings around the fatherland, and having reached Siberia, he settled there under the guise of an old hermit.

In general, the regime of Alexander I was progressive: among the most important results of his reign, they note the reconstruction of the organization of the mechanism of state power - the introduction of the Constitution and the Council. Alexander I became one of the first monarchs to recognize the importance of solving the problem of imperfection and limitations of the sole form of power. The emperor made a significant contribution to solving the problem of the quality of life of the peasantry. And, most importantly, led by Alexander I , Russian empire was able to resist the onslaught of France, which captured almost all of Europe, and hold its own positions.Patriotic War, which began in 1812, highlighted the extraordinary ability of the Russian people to unite into a single invincible force under threat external enemy. Keeping all its territories in power in Russia, successfully repulsing attempts to capture, is one of the main achievements of the emperor. Alexandra

M. I. Platov, ataman.

One of the most interesting figures of the Patriotic War of 1812 is Matvey Platov, the ataman of the Don Cossacks. He was a rather unusual and interesting person. In addition to the Patriotic War, ataman Platov participated in many other battles. The future ataman Matvey Ivanovich Platov was born in August 1751 in Cherkassk, which at that time was the capital of the Don Army. The future chieftain Matvey Platov took part in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. A year later, he was already entrusted with commanding a regiment of the Don Cossacks. In 1774, Matvey Ivanovich went to the Caucasian front, where he participated in the suppression of the uprising of the highlanders in the Kuban, in 1775 M. Platov took part in the suppression of the Pugachev rebellion. In the next Russian-Turkish war (1787-1791), Platov also took on the most active work. With his participation, there were assaults on such fortresses as Ochakov (1788), Akkerman (1789), Bendery (1789), Izmail (1790). and in 1793 he received the rank of major general. In 1796 MI Platov knew not only joys. Ataman was suspected by Emperor Paul of plotting against him and exiled to Kostroma. Platov's disgrace lasted until 1801, when from 1801 Platov was the ataman of the Don Cossacks. This meant that from that moment on he became the leader of the entire Don Cossacks. In addition, Matvey Ivanovich received the rank of lieutenant general. In 1805, Platov founded the new capital of the Don Cossacks - Novocherkassk. 1812 - war against Napoleon. The greatest mark in Platov's biography was left by the Patriotic War of 1812 with Napoleon.

Matvey Platov died in January 1818, in a village near Taganrog, in his native Don land, at the age of 66. So did not become one of the most active personalities in the history of the Don Cossacks. Platov was buried initially in Novocherkassk, but then a series of reburials followed. The ataman's grave was desecrated by the Bolsheviks. In the end, in 1993, the remains of Matvey Platov were buried in the same place.

Personality of Nicholas 1

Nikolay 1 Pavlovich was born in 1796. He ascended the Russian throne after Emperor Konstantin abdicated the crown in the early twenties of the nineteenth century. Note that on the same day an unsuccessful attempt at a coup d'état was made, which was later called the Decembrist uprising. Much is said about the personality of Nicholas 1 by the fact that later in his letters to Konstantin he regretted that he was "an emperor who became such at the cost of the blood of his subjects."

During the reign of Nicholas 1, an absolute military-bureaucratic monarchy flourished in the country. In other words, in all the most important government posts and in all ministries, only military ranks dominated. Literally all financial resources from the state treasury also went to their maintenance.

The year 1830 was marked by the fact that Nicholas 1 issued a law aimed at making life easier for the common people. In a couple of years, several thousand educational institutions were built in villages and settlements. Twelve years later, a decree was adopted stating that the landowners could give freedom to their peasants, after fulfilling those certain conditions. Note that this tsar considered serfdom to be the greatest misfortune of Russia, however, he considered it a big mistake to abolish it immediately.

During the reign of Nicholas 1, great attention was paid to the construction of highways - in total, about ten thousand miles were laid. The secret political police at this time strengthened their positions. The literary activities and personal lives of many talented writers, journalists and historians were limited. Government and best representatives public thought have become alienated from each other.

After the accession of Emperor Nicholas 1 to the throne of Russia, the country declares war on Persia, thanks to the victory over which the Nakhichevan and Erivan regions were obtained. This was followed by the conquest of the Caucasus, the war with Turkey, the siege of Sevastopol. As you know, Russia lost the Crimean War, in connection with which it was deprived of the right to keep its fleet here. Nicholas 1, who was distinguished by a stubborn disposition and intolerance, could not admit his mistakes. It was they who led the country to the failure of the war and to the collapse of the entire system of state power, which until that moment was considered perfectly established. In February 1855, Nicholas 1 died suddenly. According to historians, he deliberately took the poison that caused his death. Despite everything, this emperor went down in history as one of the greatest rulers of our country.

These same personalities in the tale "Lefty"

Alexander Pavlovich - Russian emperor; Alexander Pavlovich is presented in a caricatured role of an admirer and admirer of Western (English) civilization and its technical inventions.

Arriving in England with Ataman Platov, Alexander Pavlovich admires the rare, skillfully made things that the British proudly show him, he does not dare to show them the products and achievements of Russian masters. A.P. is a politician, he is afraid of spoiling relations with the British, he does not have the proper patriotism. Alexander Pavlovich is opposed to his brother - the "patriot" Nikolai Pavlovich and the straightforward Platov, who is painfully experiencing the humiliation of the Russians.
The identity of Alexander Pavlovich with the real Emperor Alexander I is conditional.

Cossack Ataman Matvey Platov.

It is he who accompanies Emperor Alexander Pavlovich during his trip to England. Unlike the emperor, P. is shown to us as a patriot of his country. He is sure that Russian masters will be able to make something more amazing than a dancing flea. It is he who exposes the British when he unscrews the lock of an English pistol and sees an inscription with the name of the Russian master there. Because of his straightforwardness, P. loses the good disposition of Nikolai Pavlovich. It is noteworthy that P. does not recognize the personal dignity of people who depend on him. He considers beatings and threats the best way to influence people. P. turned out to be the only person who tried to help the sick Lefty to return to Russia.

Nikolai Pavlovich- Russian emperor; instructs Ataman Platov to find Russian craftsmen who could create a thing worthy of more astonishment than an English steel flea. He sends Lefty, along with a flea he has savvy, to England to show the art of the Russians. In contrast to his brother Alexander Pavlovich, Nikolai Pavlovich acts as a "patriot".
The identity of Nikolai Pavlovich with Emperor Nicholas I is conditional.

The image of Lefty in "TALE..."

In the story "Lefty" one of the central is the problem of the creative talent of a Russian person. The left-hander, an unprepossessing little man with his hair torn out during his studies, dressed like a beggar, is not afraid to go to the sovereign, as he is confident in his rightness, in the quality of his work. Once in England, he seeks to understand the military tricks of the British and serve the Fatherland.
The image of Lefty continues the gallery of images of the righteous created by Leskov. A left-hander who travels to England without documents, hastily dressed, hungry, to demonstrate Russian ingenuity and skill.
The left-hander absorbed many of the qualities inherent in the Leskovsky righteous: patriotism, the presence of clear moral guidelines, fortitude of character, natural talent, a keen interest in the life around him, the foundations of Christian morality.

Tragic and comic in N. S. Leskov's tale "Lefty"

The most serious problem posed by Leskov in Levsha is the problem of the lack of demand for Russian talents. In the final, twentieth, chapter, the author notes: "The left-hander's own name, like the names of many of the greatest geniuses, is forever lost to posterity."
A lot of people with quite a lot of power (Platov, Sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich and others), “were very confident in their ... people and did not like to yield to any foreigner,” but things did not go beyond words and pride in their people.
The left-hander - an unsightly little man, with his hair torn out "during his studies", dressed like a beggar - is not afraid to go to the sovereign, as he is sure that he is right, as his work. Once in England, he seeks to understand the military tricks of the British and serve the Fatherland. The inflexibility of the hero commands the respect of the British.

In his work, N. S. Leskov successfully synthesized many tragic and comic features, vividly and accurately expressing in them grief and joy, disadvantages and advantages, character traits and originality of the Russian people.

The very image of Lefty is both comical and tragic at the same time: we laugh at his downtroddenness, but in fact it is not funny at all. Perhaps this is a feature of the national character - to laugh at yourself. In my opinion, someone, but Russians, has always been saved by the ability to evaluate all their troubles from a ridiculous side.
A lot of trials fall to the share of Lefty, but even in the dying hour the hero remembers only one thing - about a military secret, ignorance of which is disastrous for the Russian army. Leskov shows the tragic paradox of Russian life. The simple Tula master Lefty is more concerned with the problem of Russia's military power than the Minister of War, Count Chernyshev, or the emperor himself.
As for the design, in "Lefty" it is extremely excellent and organically combined with the content and the main character. The comedy is achieved through a play on words, a peculiar speech of the characters. Leskov used a lot of distorted words in the speech of the heroes, for example, “merbluzy” (camel), “studding” (from pudding and jelly), Abolon polvedersky, Count Kiselvrod.
The British, who live near the "Hardland Sea", are also comical, dressed "in lace waistcoats" and shod "in thick anklets with iron knobs." Their fun is unnatural and dreary: “A holiday will come, they will gather in pairs, take a stick in their hands and go for a walk decorously and nobly.”
N. S. Leskov, showing the talent of Levsha and his comrades, bitterly asserts that the Russian government is not able to appreciate him.

Leskov agrees that Lefty is a symbol of the Russian people. Later, Leskov again repeats that his hero is "the spokesman for the Russian people."

Language features

The syntactic constructions used in the tale are typical for the colloquial style: many incomplete sentences, particles, references, interjections, introductory words, lexical repetitions, inversions. All this creates the illusion of the absence of preliminary consideration of the statement, which is characteristic of oral speech.
Means of artistic depiction: epithets (annoying couch), comparisons (laying still, like a numb one), metaphors, hyperbole - artistic exaggeration (left-handed vision; the time that ataman Platov is on the annoying couch, etc.); litote - understatement (flea); the size of horseshoes and carnations made by the hands of Tula craftsmen, etc.; antithesis (opinions of two Russian tsars, Alexander and Nikolai Pavlovich, about the talents of their subjects, gradation - the arrangement of words and expressions in increasing or decreasing importance (flea - diamond nut - snuffbox - box);
(but there are few such examples in the tale, since the narration is similar to oral speech).
The author widely uses in the tale words created according to the principle of folk etymology. The essence of this principle is the "revoicing" of incomprehensible words, which is spontaneously carried out among the people, in the spoken language. A simple, uneducated person, as it were, interprets a word that is incomprehensible to him (mainly foreign) in a new way through the sound similarity of this word with words that are understandable and accessible to him. For example, not a microscope, but a small scope; not a barometer, but a burometer, a “multiplication dowel”, ceramides, a water eye.
There are also in "Lefty" such means of artistic representation that are used in folklore, for example, in fairy tales.
The author's style of Leskov is manifested in excellent knowledge characteristic features living spoken language and the wide inclusion of words created on the principle of folk etymology, as one of the means of artistic expression.

Museum of N.S. Leskov

AT The high bank of the Orlik River, in memory of fellow countrymen writers Turgenev and Leskov, is called by the inhabitants of Orel “ Noble nest” and “Berezhkom of the non-lethal Golovan”. Not far from here, in house nine along Oktyabrskaya Street (in the old days - Third Dvoryanskaya), on July 2, 1974, the only literary and memorial museum of Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov was opened in the country, and throughout the world. The son and biographer of the writer Andrei Nikolaevich Leskov helped to determine the location of the house of his grandfather and father.

Illustrations by different artists for the tale "Lefty"

Kuzmin Nikolai Vasilyevich (1890 - 1987) Russian graphic artist, folk artist RSFSR.
In 1929-31, he was one of the leaders of the Thirteen group, which cultivated "tempo drawing", seeking to express the dynamics modern life.
The mastery of a free, elegant stylized drawing (sometimes tinted with watercolors), a subtle, witty interpretation of the style of the era and the emotional structure of the work, inventive humor and sharpness of satire - all this is typical for illustrations for N. S. Leskov's "Lefty" (ed. 1955, 1961) and to other works of Russian classics.


M. I. Platov, chieftain: biography.

Nicholas 1

House-Museum of N.S. Leskova in Orel