How to draw a face of a hare on the face. How to draw a hare

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If you want to learn how to make a bunny, then take white paper and start making it. Step by step, you will get a beautiful craft. And even if not everything will be perfect, try repeating the steps again. After all, everything comes with experience. Gradually you will be able to make simple figurines of animals, plants or vehicles very cleverly, quickly and with quality. Such skills will give you the opportunity to study and comprehend new schemes for more complex models of origami crafts.

Necessary materials:

Step by step photo lesson:

Our bunny will white color. So a simple xerox sheet of paper will do. Cut out a square. For example, with proportions of 12 x 12 cm. Next, we place it in the form of a rhombus so that it lies at an angle to us.

The lower part of the rhombus should be bent up. We end up with a triangle.

Now you need to bend again to make a vertical fold in the middle of the triangle. We bend to the right side.


Then we raise the base by 1 cm and make a fold.

right side gently bend to the left side and up to the middle of a large triangle.

Let's do the same with the left side. Then we flip the piece. As a result, in several stages we got beautiful long bunny ears.

At the top, slightly bend the corner inward.

It is also necessary to bend the base of the bunny's muzzle back.

This is how it should work for you.

With a black marker, you can apply the necessary small features of the muzzle.

The origami paper bunny is ready.

How easy it is to draw a hare with a pencil in stages - for children and adults. We learn to draw a beautiful hare with a pencil in stages with a child. Learn how to quickly and easily learn how to draw a beautiful bunny.

Many children and adults want to learn how to draw bunnies, squirrels, a variety of animals, for this we suggest that you gradually understand the drawing of a hare.

To learn how to draw a hare, you don’t need a lot of skill, you need to imagine the bunny you want to draw in front of you and start drawing.

To make it easy for you to draw, we will tell you how easy it is to draw a bunny.

Take paper and pencil, look at the drawing of the bunny that you will now draw.

The bunny is located on the entire sheet of paper, the torso of the bunny is located in the middle of the sheet, the head of the bunny is drawn on the left, and its tail is on the right.

Draw the bunny's body in the middle of the sheet, in the form of a large oval, draw the bunny's head on the left, it will be in the form of a small oval, just above the body and intersects with a large oval, that is, with the body of the hare.

On the right, in a large oval, draw a circle - this will then be the hind leg of the hare.

Now draw the ears for the bunny, they are located along the body of the bunny, long, the ends on the ears are pointed.

Draw the bunny's paws in the form of ovals, they are located at the bottom of the picture, under the large oval.

To the right, at the end of the large oval, draw a small circle - this will be the tail of the bunny.

Erase the extra lines on the bunny drawing and draw the front and back paws.

Look what a beautiful bunny you have turned out. Bunny you can paint in any color you like.

Now let's try to draw another bunny and a little differently

Look closely at the picture on which the bunny is drawn. The bunny is located on the entire sheet of paper, most of the sheet is occupied by the body of the bunny. On the left is the head of the bunny, on the right is the tail.

Take a sheet of paper, a pencil and visually arrange the future drawing on a sheet of paper.

You will start drawing a bunny from the head, so look right away where you need to place the head of your future bunny.

Look at the shape of the bunny's head, it looks like an oval, a little uneven. Draw a bunny's head on the left on a piece of paper, in the form of an uneven oval, draw a bunny's nose from below. Look closely at how the bunny's nose is drawn.

Now draw the ears of the bunny, the ears should be drawn up, erect, with rounded ends at the ends. Draw the bunny's eye, in the form of an oval, the top of the eye will be rounded, and the bottom of the eye will be slightly pointed down. Everything that you need to finish drawing in the picture is highlighted in black.

Draw the bunny's ear, color the bunny's eye, the eye should be black, there is a small white circle inside the eye. Everything that needs to be finished is drawn in black in the figure.

Now draw the body of the bunny, it should be drawn on almost the entire sheet, in the center in the form of an oval. In the figure, everything that needs to be finished is highlighted in black.

Now draw the bunny's legs, the front legs are fully visible, and the back legs are partially visible. Draw a small tail for the bunny, it should be drawn on the right side.

Draw the antennae for the bunny, in the form of a small shading, all over the bunny, apply a small shading. Hatching will give nice shape bunny, fluffiness and outlines.

Look what a beautiful bunny you have. Bunny can be painted or left as is.

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Learn to draw, because you can always learn to draw, at any age. Teach your kids to draw. We wish you good luck.

In this master class, I will only show how I make the face of a hare. The muzzle is a very important part of any toy, I would even say that there is no toy without a muzzle. At the end, in a nutshell, I will tell you how I made the little body for this bunny.

For felting the muzzle of our bunny, we need:

  1. 4 types of wool: white and gray carded and white and gray Semenov. I sometimes use our Russian wool for the base, because there are nice shades there, and it saves me a bit of carding.
  2. Felting needles No. 36 or 38 asterisk - for the base, No. 40 - for shaping the muzzle and facial expressions, No. 40 reverse - to create fluffiness for our bunny.
  3. Brush or sponge for felting. I prefer a brush, but it's a matter of taste :)
  4. Some kind of slicker (in my case, this is a comb, kindly presented to me by my cat Romashka)
  5. Eyes, glass or plastic. In my case, there were no glass houses of the required size, so I had to use German plastic ones. Very good quality by the way. Bought from Leonardo.
  6. Dry pastel and brushes for toning the muzzle.

1. For the master class, I chose a two-color bunny - its muzzle is white and the back of its head is gray, so now our task is to correctly combine the wool so that the base for the bunny's head consists of two parts: white and gray. We will make the base from Semenov wool.

For the base of the muzzle, we take a pre-fluffed gray wool skein, twist it into a "sausage" and seal it with coarse needles (No. 36 or 38 asterisk) so that it becomes flat, like a pancake.

As a result, we should get something like this.

2. Now we add white Semenov wool to the resulting half of the gray wool so that we get such a two-color ball:

3. We wrap our woolen ball with gray and white carding, respectively, and roll it to a dense state with needles No. 38 asterisk.

4. Now it's time to do the muzzle of our bunny. To be honest, this is my favorite step in felting. For her sake, I, in general, start the whole long and sometimes laborious process.

First, we mark with a coarse needle the places where we will have eyes:

5. Add fur to the cheeks and forehead like this:

Next, this wool is thoroughly felted so that it is not soft. Add more wool if necessary. In terms of adding volume to the muzzle, I prefer to add a little bit of wool several times to build up the desired volume than to add once, and then not know how to get rid of unnecessary forms.

A photo of the muzzle in profile, so that it is clear what forms we need to strive for:

6. Now with a coarse needle we mark where we will have the nose and mouth of our bunny:

7. We try on the eyes and expand the space under them with a coarse needle, if necessary (as in my case).

8. We make a nose out of pink fur. Subsequently, it seemed to me a little wool, and I added more. At this stage, we are already using needles No. 40.

Photo of a bunny with eyes and a nose (the eyes are already glued into the holes, I use Moment Crystal glue for gluing):

9. So far, our bunny looks like an alien, but the eyelids are designed to fix everything. So eyelids. We make them from two small pieces of wool as shown in the photographs below. First, we fail the middle, then we bend in half and thoroughly fail one edge of the eyelid so that it becomes even, thin and dense. We do all this with a No. 40 needle.

As a result, we get such an eyelid:

10. We attach the eyelids with a needle No. 38 asterisk (this way, in my opinion, is faster and more efficient):

11. Now, once again, we pass needles No. 40 over the entire surface of the bunny and compact it properly (any toy made of wool should be hard, then it will live for a long time), and take reverse needles No. 40. Now we will make the bunny fur.

Here we have such a furry beast.

Now we cut our beast and comb it:

12. Finally, we come to the tinting of the bunny.

To do this, we need crushed dry pastel of different colors (in my case it is black, pink and, it seems, gray), and a brush, our fighting friend:

Where I toned the bunny, I think, can be seen in the photo. There is only one rule - everything is good in moderation. Yes, I also added slightly surprised raised eyebrows to the bunny:

13. We have very little left, just a little bit. We make ears.

For the ears, we take the wool, as shown in the photo, and properly remove it:

The ear should turn out according to the degree of bumpiness as in the photo below:

14. Now we attach the ears to our animal (remember the symmetry!):

The muzzle and head of our bunny are almost finished, it remains only to fluff the rest of the head.

Our handsome man (or rather, a beauty, because the result is a girl), is ready!

Here, the next day, I slightly toned the baby's lips and nose.

Regarding the body of a hare: here I am unlikely to reveal to you any secrets, examples of how to make a felt body, mass, I will only say that the base of the body of this hare is the same as that of the head, that is, it is two-color.

Somehow it so happened that from year to year on New Year's parties V kindergarten all girls are snowflakes, and boys are bunnies. Therefore, if you are the mother of a little boy, then he will definitely need a paper hare mask on his head and a suit. As a rule, there is no difficulty in finding a suit, the best-selling budget option is a vest and shorts with a fluffy pompom, a la rabbit. How to understand that before us is a rogue-bunny, and not a cat or a mouse? Main semantic load lies precisely on the muzzle of a bunny, which can be made, without making titanic efforts, from paper and improvised means on your own.

Printable hare mask

Many templates have been developed for transforming into heroes of the New Year's masquerade, which are distinguished by a variety of color schemes, high artistic skill or ease of execution. Choosing from ready-made patterns for cutting is much easier than inventing something yourself, and a positive result is guaranteed.

Bunny for a matinee in 10 minutes

It's easy enough for very busy parents print a bunny head mask choosing the option you like. It is most expedient to display a color image directly on the sheet thick paper or cardboard and cut out the silhouette of an eared muzzle. In order to fix the printed bunny mask on the child's head, it is necessary to glue it to a long wide strip of paper, which will wrap around the baby's forehead with a ring. The ends of the strip can be fixed with a large paper clip, then it will be possible to adjust the diameter of the paper hoop with the mask as needed.

Coloring mask

Not every family will have a printer with the ability to print in color, since refilling cartridges is relatively expensive. It's good that there is an opportunity to choose the option "hare mask on the head print in black and white. Coloring such a mask will bring a lot of positive emotions to your baby. He will have a chance to make a tangible contribution to the creation of his New Year's image. A few minutes with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints, and the child will shine with pride for the work he has done. The adult will only have to slightly correct the children's masterpiece and stick it on thick cardboard.

Cut out a bunny with a child and attach it to a rectangular strip of cardboard. If the template is designed so that the muzzle mask will cover part of the baby's face, carefully make cuts for the eyes and pierce holes for elastic bands or ropes on the sides.

Volumetric muzzle of a hare made of cardboard

For a deep entry into the image of a quick-eared Russian folk tales fit 3D bunny mask for kids. It will take more patience and preparation. The voluminous muzzle will completely transform your baby. For a complete transformation you will need:

  • a template for a volumetric bunny mask printed on paper;
  • glue, ruler, scissors, a simple pencil;
  • a sheet of thick cardboard (the base of the product);
  • decor materials: colored paper, colored cardboard or paints (pencils, wax crayons and so on.).

Cut out the paper template along the contour, not forgetting the eyes and holes for the ties. Attach the pattern to a sheet of thick cardboard and translate the silhouette using simple pencil. Mark the dotted fold lines with a ruler. Cut out the base of the hare's muzzle from thick cardboard and bend along the marked lines. For reliable fixation of a three-dimensional product, glue the structure in the places indicated on the original diagram. Let the mask dry.

It is easiest to brightly decorate a voluminous muzzle with details cut out of colored paper or cardboard. Separately prepare the inner parts of the ears, the edging of the slits for the eyes, the nose and cheeks, draw or glue the antennae on the bunny. A muzzle with leatherette inserts will look very impressive if, for example, you attach a leather nose to a bunny. Ask the baby how he sees the muzzle of a bunny. Maybe it's enough to paint it with gouache? At the end of the work, tie rubber bands or ties (strings, ribbons) to the mask.

DIY paper carnival mask-hat

The main advantage of a homemade paper hat decorated to look like a forest animal is that it is made according to the individual measurements of the baby. Such a New Year's creation will sit perfectly on the child's head. The materials required for the work are simple, available and cheap.

Headpiece with cardboard frame

The model is very simple to perform, and a child of 5-6 years old can make it independently under the supervision of adults. D To create a paper bunny hat based on a cardboard frame, you will need:

  • three rectangular strips of thick cardboard 2.5-3.5 cm wide. The length of the first strip will be equal to the circumference of your child's head, and the other two - ½ the length of the first (semicircle);
  • glue or double-sided tape to secure all elements;
  • white and colored paper, scissors;
  • a lot of children's imagination, which will give the bunny personality.

Make a paper hoop from a long strip, attach two small strips crosswise on top of it. Get the frame of a paper hat. Crumple and knead in your hands a few sheets of A4 white writing paper. Sheathe the frame with pliable sheets, fixing them with adhesive tape. This will be the base of the mask.

For the ears on the top of your head, make slits in the paper, insert each ear and secure from the inside with tape. Glue the rest of the details to the paper cap. Add some interesting author's touches to the work. For example, a striped fly could sit on a hare's ear or a bright ladybug on its nose.

Christmas mask made of paper strips

Hare hat mask made of paper strips done very quickly, looks original and looks great on the baby's head. From a rectangular sheet of white paper measuring 31 cm in height and 50-54 cm (the volume of the child's head + a couple of centimeters of stock), make the basis of a baby hat:

It is not necessary to decorate the hat with paper stickers, show your imagination. Paste the hat with soft cotton wool, sheathe it with padding polyester or make applications from fabric.

Bunny ears made of paper on the baby's head

The main element by which we recognize the hare remains long protruding ears. If you don’t have time to make a full-fledged mask, then you can only get by with paper ears. The simplest solution is to make a hoop of white cardboard (paper) on the child's head and glue bunny ears cut from the same sheet to it. For a better resemblance, circle the inner parts of the ears with a marker and paint over with pink. If the New Year's party is New Year's, then make the ears and hoop a fringing of silver tinsel.

It is not so important which of the proposed options you use and how much time you spend on creativity. Remember: everything that is done with love with your own hands with the personal participation of the baby is doomed to success.

Attention, only TODAY!

Crochet hare, baby Hrum. Description of Elena Balanenko

Materials: hook No. 1.5, yarn of suitable thickness, carcass wire, leatherette and half beads for the eyes, dry pastel for tinting, filler, chenille wire for the front and hind legs. Taking into account the materials used, the bunny should be 6 - 7 cm (with ears - 12 cm).

Crochet Splyushka hare, translation by Lidia Gureeva

Crochet hare with snood, author Natalya Kiryan

Bunny crochet from Polina Kuts

For knitting you will need:

  • Cotton yarn 50 g / 125 m (with these parameters, the height of the toy is approximately 30-35 cm):
  • beige
  • blue
  • black (a small piece for embroidering a muzzle).
  • Filler sintepuh
  • Hook No. 2-2.25 mm
  • thick needle
  • Scissors

Funny crochet hare

Crochet hare from Natalia Mir

The muzzles of the hares are made of felt.

Crocheted hare from a Thai magazine

The master class was designed by Larisa Glinchak (Rosette).

Any schematic description of a toy is universal. The language in which the explanations for the knitting pattern are made, special significance does not have.
But sometimes it is still difficult to understand from which side to start knitting and assembling parts. I sometimes just wake up a sporting interest, as when solving a rebus.

One such solution I want to bring to your attention.
I came across the knitting pattern for this doll in a scan of a Thai magazine. Let's try to tie it together using verbal description and step by step photos.

Crochet hare from Olesya Solozhenko

Hare - crochet amigurumi

Cute crochet hare

For knitting you will need materials:

  • yarn for knitting;
  • hook of suitable size;
  • sewing needle;
  • filler for toys;
  • felt or fabric for ears and legs;
  • eyes (can be replaced with buttons, half beads or embroidered with threads);
  • threads for embroidery muzzle.

Crochet Bunnies

Crocheted hare

Hare gentleman crochet

Crochet hare according to the description my-crochet-privacy

Crochet hare with big ears

Tied up Chuchkalova Marina

Bunny in a crochet skirt

Attention!!! in order for the toy to meet the parameters of amigurumi, the thread must be thin. The recommended hook size is from 1 to 2mm.

Materials: hook, white, red yarn, eyes, spout. The toy is knitted with single crochet.

Hare - crochet dude

If it’s not sunny at all in your city today, and the weekend does not promise anything sparkling, then be sure to tie the Stilya Hare, he will please you and distract you from gloomy thoughts. :)

Toy height: 10cm.

Thread quality: 100% cotton.

We will need:

  • remnants of beige, white, dark green and light green threads;
  • just a little bit of black thread;
  • a small piece of synthetic winterizer;
  • suitable hook;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

Bunny - crochet boy

Translation for joint knitting - Lydia Uspenskaya.

Yarn - Nymph KAMTEKS (wool 35% / acrylic 65%. 300m / 100g.) . Hook number 2.5.

Crochet amigurumi bunny. Description of Marina Chuchkalova

Colored Crochet Bunny or Easter Bunny

It is quite possible to tie such a hare for Easter.
You will need leftover yarn for knitting in different colors, a crochet hook, some filler (sintepuh, holofiber), eyes for toys or a pair of black beads, a needle.

Pot-bellied hare crochet


  • amigurumi ring
  • sc single crochet
  • an increase from one loop of the bottom row, knit two columns without a crochet
  • decrease to knit two adjacent columns together under one top

Bunny in crochet shorts

For knitting, you will need Yarn Art Jeans threads, hook No. 2-2.5.

Although he can be not only in shorts, but also in a skirt:

Crochet hare from Vera Terekbaeva

For rabbit breeding we need:

  • 300 grams of thick yarn.
  • Hook No. 3.5-4.0. Here, choose for whom it is convenient to knit. The main thing is that no gaps are visible!
  • Filler
  • Two black beads for the eyes. diameter 0.6-0.8mm
  • The remains of black yarn for embroidery muzzle
  • A little pink floss yarn or any other cotton yarn for embroidering the nose.
  • Plus, I used a small piece of pink felt. So the embroidery looks much neater, and the nose turns out to be convex.

For clothes:

  • 50 grams of olive-colored yarn or any other color. I took Jeans from YanArt.
  • Spokes No. 3-3.5
  • Some blue yarn
  • 2 meters of string
  • 6 wooden beads, 1.5 cm in diameter

Knitted bunny based on S. Lutterotti

For lovers of cute and squeezing knitted toys, we present a description of a bunny that will be remembered by everyone for its unusual face. Knitted bunny amigurumi will become great gift for any occasion and will bring a lot of joy and warmth.
The knitting pattern of the toy is designed based on Samantha Lutterotti.
Knit with pleasure!!!

To knit a bunny, we need:

  • yarn (50 gr. = 80 m.);
  • hook number 3;
  • filler (for example, synthetic winterizer);
  • some cardboard for the base of the legs;
  • beads and a button to decorate the muzzle.


Increase = 2 tbsp. b / n in one loop of the previous row;
Decrease = skip 1 tbsp. b / n of the previous row, knit 1 tbsp. b/n.

Sunny hare crochet. Description of Anarik

Rabbit rattle crochet. Author Tatyana Stepkina

Bunny thin crochet. Author Angela Feklina

To create a toy you need:

  1. Yarn Jeans in three colors
  2. Hook (I have number 2)
  3. Filler
  4. Needle for sewing details
  5. Beads, thin needle, fishing line or thread in the color of clothes for sewing on beads
  6. Nose embroidery threads
  7. Two large beads for the eyes and a black thread for embroidering eyelashes

From the tips of the ears to the heels 27 cm (with my materials), without a frame, does not sit or stand on its own. Light and soft toy.

Crochet hare, work from our site

Initially, there was an idea to knit an amigurumi bunny, but since amigurumi are more modest in size (my hare ended up being 15 cm tall), the toy can be classified as ordinary crocheted. I have always loved the idea of ​​combining yarn and
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Hello! My name is Belyak Elena, I live in the Orenburg region in the village. Kotubanovskiy. I want to show my work, bunny. The toy is 15 cm wide and 11 cm high (without ears). The toy is made in mixed media,

Hello, my name is Anna. I would like to participate in the White Rabbit 2011 knitting competition in the White Rabbit nomination. For my hare I used angora yarn, a 1.5 mm hook, a spout, eyes, 10 buttons (for attaching arms, legs, head). Bunny sizes: 15
Hello, my name is Alice, I'm from Kaluga. I started crocheting about a year ago and now I can't stop. For me, the debut is not only participation in a knitting competition, but also writing a description for

Knitted bag - bunny. Torso, head, handles and flap work in white according to the main description, see part 1. Front paws (2 parts) Knit in white according to the main description for the paws, see part 1. Hind legs (2 parts) 1-10 rows: knit

Crochet hare, video tutorials

Amigurumi toy "Long-legged hare" crochet

The hare is crocheted according to the description of Polina Kuts from YarnArt Jeans threads, crochet No. 2.5.
Video master class, part 1

Video master class, part 2
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Video master class, part 3
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Plush Bunny crochet with long ears amigurumi

For knitting: hook No. 5, yarn 1 skein 100% polyester Dolphin BABY Himalaya 100% polyester, 120m / 100g (or DOLCE YarnArt yarn), padding for stuffing.

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