Death what happens next. What will happen after death? Step-by-step instruction

What happens to a person after death is one of the main questions that we ask ourselves during life. Versions and theories have accumulated a great variety, from theological to esoteric. What are the main approaches to the afterlife created by mankind for existence ...

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What happens to a person after death

The main reason for such curiosity is simple and clear. Everyone has a fear of what awaits beyond the last threshold. We exist under the constant yoke of the realization that life will end. This is aggravated by the fact that no one will give a definite answer. Yes, there are many explanations, but which one is correct ...

Everyone will answer this question for himself. It's a matter of personal choice - what to believe. Most of these theories look plausible. Yes, and there is an opinion that each of them is accurate in its own way. Which belief to turn to, which teaching to choose: the text below will not answer. But he will tell about the main things that humanity has come to in its history.

But the only researchers say for sure is that . Although the very concept "life after death" does not work always and everywhere. Not all religions or teachings speak of rebirth and a new beginning. The predominant part of them tells that another existence will await us beyond the last threshold. Not life in our usual sense, but also rebirth, but spiritual. So decide which interpretation of this phrase to use.

How the researchers found out what happens to the soul of a person after death ... The beginning of these reflections was laid by ordinary logic, nothing disappears. The plant dies, rots, falls into the soil and becomes a part, from which new flowers then appear. But with the soul it cannot be so.

Yes, and science tells us the law of conservation of energy, that if there is such a thing, then it cannot simply dissolve. She moves on to another object, the atom. The soul is not energy, but a spark that helps to become a person. It allows you to create masterpiece works of art, colossal structures. How else to explain those impulses that throw us into strange actions. Not all of them fit the concept of instinct.

So many people have a question - what awaits a person after death, it is impossible to believe that there will be nothing, eternal darkness. It does not fit into the framework of ordinary logic and facts confirmed by science. For example, the fact that after death the human body lightens by tens of grams. This cannot be explained by the usual drying of tissues; there is not even a minute after death.

Another fact - the dead person ceases to look like himself in life. The dead are not like those they were in life. You might think that this is a different person. You can’t explain this by banal muscle sagging, because everyone sees changes. Something is missing. We look at the dead man and cannot find what was in him during his lifetime. So the brain tells us that everything, there is no soul in this body.

Don't forget about those psychics who talk to dead people. Yes, there are charlatans among such practitioners, but as in any activity that has gained popularity. There are unreliable scientists who do what they pass off assumptions as real science. But there are those who speak with the dead, and a caste of people who can do it. When communicating with the relatives of the deceased, they give out such facts from which the hair stands on end. How did he comprehend this, and how did he receive such information that the deceased knew. This is another confirmation that life after death exists. Talented people can communicate directly with the dead.

Many skeptics will exclaim - how to trust in this if we cannot feel it with our hands. How to believe in something so ephemeral. We rely on any achievements of science. Most of them are understandable to professionals, or specialists. The energies operated by them are invisible to the ordinary eye - many adaptations are needed. But we believe, although we do not see and do not understand.

There is no device that could register the movement of the soul. Ancient philosophical assumptions turned out to be true. The atomic structure of substances, gravity and much more that the great philosophers of antiquity thought up was scientifically confirmed in the future. And the reasoning about the soul turns out to be just such an ancient teaching. Modern science has no way to test it. But someday...

What happens to the soul after death in different religions

All the versions that have appeared in mankind for a whole time of being are strangely similar, which leads to reflection. There are similar and identical moments. There is eternal bliss, lifelong torment, sinners and righteous (with a footnote to cultural differences). Such cross-similarity shows that with a high degree of probability there is a particle of truth. And around the grain, as folk wisdom says, pearls appear.

What happens to the soul after death in different beliefs and traditions:

  • Christianity. Paradise concept - Kingdom of heaven. In the view of Christians, this is precisely the kingdom. , there is something in Heaven that resembles an infrastructure, a hierarchy, and a control system. Everything is calm, beautiful and orderly. People, if they are worthy to get here, are in eternal bliss and do not know the need for anything.
  • Judaism. There is no whole concept of the place where a person goes after death. The only thing is that it does not look like the usual existence for us:

In the world of the future there is no food, no drink, no reproduction, no trade, no envy, no enmity, no competition, but the righteous sit with crowns on their heads and enjoy the radiance of the Divine. (Talmud, Berakhot 17a).

As soon as they enter the water, it rises in accordance with desires: ankle-deep, knee-deep, waist-deep or throat-deep. If someone wants water to be cold, it will be cold; if someone else wants water to be hot, it will become hot for him; if they want it to be both hot and cold, it will become both hot and cold for them. cold to please them, etc. (Great Sukhavativyuha).

But it is an impermanent place of existence where man cannot develop. It looks like a half-station, a point where you rest before going on your way. And then, having exhausted all good memories, a person is reborn in an earthly body.

This is what awaits the righteous. But how the ancients distinguished one from the other: for this, in every culture there were many different places where a person was judged by deeds or condemned. Court. What he was in different cultures.

Chinvat. Bridge over the abyss

This is a list of mankind's ideas about the afterlife, notable bits of it. It is provided to show the similarities and differences between each of the traditions. Some of them are easier, some are more complex. There are mundane ones who say that after death earthly pleasures await us. But that's not the point.

The point is that they are all similar at certain points. By comparing them, we can build a separate understanding of what happens to the soul after death. All of the above traditions say that judgment awaits after death. It is impossible to say exactly which of them is right - we will rely on general facts. It is impossible to say what it will look like, and what actions will begin to be weighed. It is clear that this will happen.

Each culture invented an afterlife for itself, based on the things that surrounded them in everyday life. Look at the Nordic tradition. And this means that in the imagination we operate with those facts that are familiar to us. As a consequence, the Judgment that awaits will be nothing like what is described above. There will be something for which we simply do not have enough imagination. What exists there does not rely on our world, and therefore will look in its own way.

After the judgment, we will enter another world. Many practitioners say that in another world - in one of the parallel ones. And it is true. But if so, how are psychics able to communicate with the souls of the dead ... There is a theory that says that the souls that such figures talk to are simply a reflection of a person in the real world. A particle of memory, a cast of character, or its imprint on the material world. During life, we imperceptibly change the objects around, distort the information field, which is fed by our actions, actions, or thoughts. This reflection is seen by those who talk with the dead. Not the person himself, but part of the memory that he left here, having moved to another world.

The fate of the human soul after death - can it get stuck in this world

Under certain circumstances, the soul of a person after death can be lost in the many ways that open before him. And don't follow any of them. Why this happens: no one is able to answer this, the topic has not been studied. But one thing is clear for sure - staying here, the soul will begin to suffer.

And it's not so scary when she really stays on the material plane. And what will happen if she gets lost - and it's scary to imagine. Such a lost soul is doomed to eternal suffering on such a scale that not a single priest who tells us about the torments of sinners can imagine it. Moreover, that a person who was an ardent righteous man during his lifetime can test them. But first things first.

When a person dies, what happens to the soul: it separates from the body for a few days and passes to the spiritual plane. Or, in the language of the Church, soars up. The soul is for some time trying to decide what is next, how to be and where to go. And he moves on to the next plane, starting his difficult journey through the ephemeral, invisible world. But what happens to the soul after death, when during life a person was indecisive and sluggish ... It retains all the qualities that a person possesses.

Nobody wants to think what will be beyond a certain "limit", but the problem is that no one else in the world has escaped death. So for general development it is worth knowing what a person feels when he dies and says goodbye to life. Perhaps such knowledge will help facilitate someone's care.

Awareness of mortality

People are aware of their mortality even in childhood, for many this fact becomes a real shock:

  • Each of us is mortal, without any exceptions.
  • The finiteness of the life path equalizes, in a sense, representatives of all social groups.
  • A person has only a not very long period of time to realize his ambitions.
  • Real talents leave behind a memory that lives for centuries, and sometimes for millennia.

But no one can say with 100% certainty what awaits a person after the death of the physical body. Is there an afterlife, is the transmigration of souls possible? There are a lot of beliefs in the world, each of which defends its own point of view. But everyone cannot be right at the same time, someone is definitely wrong.

Awareness of one's own mortality can cause panic attacks at any age. An unstable psyche, combined with a huge psychological load, will not give the most pleasant result.

Fortunately, with the help of therapy, including medication, such disorders have been successfully treated for more than a decade.

What if a person dies at home?

At home, the whole range of emergency care cannot be provided to a person, but it is still worth trying. If a person is on the verge of life and death:

  1. Get rid of the threatening factor if present. This should be clear enough, but still - during a fire, you should first remove a person from the affected area, and only then provide medical assistance.
  2. Remove all strangers from the premises, ensure that the room is well ventilated, and remove clothing that may make it difficult to breathe.
  3. try perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Cross your palms and place them on the sternum, perform intense pressure without bending your arms at the elbow joints. After every 3 compressions, inhale air into his lungs through your mouth or nose. First, it is worth clearing the airways and making sure they are passable. It is better to put a pillow under the neck.
  4. If there is bleeding, it should be done as soon as possible. stop. If a limb is damaged, pull it with a tourniquet above the damage. If the wound is on the body - clamp it with your hand, cloth or napkins.

No more than 19% of people who have been on the verge of death come back to life. So don't blame yourself for something that didn't work out for you.

From the point of view of the law, no problems should arise if the death was not violent. The called ambulance team will arrive and record the fact of death, and they will also take the body.

What does a person feel before death?

In many ways, the last sensations depend on what caused death:

  • When drowning in the last seconds, a person feels a bursting pain in the lungs and an irresistible desire to take a breath. This is due to a lack of oxygen and excitation of the respiratory center in the brain. That's just the breath will not bring relief, but only fill the lungs with water and cause agony. However, many drowned people die from shock and cardiac arrest even before they hit the water.
  • In case of fires victims most often die from the effects of carbon monoxide. Gradually, with each breath, consciousness becomes more and more confused and the person simply loses consciousness. Further, breathing slows down, becomes superficial, and then completely disappears.
  • Somewhat similar mechanism with bleeding. The victim quickly loses orientation in space, feels an insurmountable weakness and loses consciousness. Death occurs due to insufficiency of the cardiovascular system.
  • For injuries sensations vary depending on their number, severity and localization. In not the most successful cases, extreme pain leads to the development of shock and cardiac arrest. But most often, the lungs gradually fail, it becomes harder to breathe, the heart slows down its work.

At what temperature does a person die?

The world knows cases when even at extremely low or high body temperatures people survived. But this is a rarity, not all are so hardy lucky ones. More often than not, the story ends a little sadder:

  • High fever is usually associated with poisoning and infections. However, it can also be caused by injuries or burns.
  • The danger to humans lies in the fact that after exceeding a certain temperature threshold, the destruction of proteins in the body occurs. Blood proteins are the first to suffer.
  • If the temperature exceeded 42.5°C, this is a sure sign that without medical care a person may die in the next few hours. Death in this case does not occur instantly and there is still a small margin of time to provide assistance.
  • Low temperatures are no less dangerous for the body. But a sharp drop in temperature is less common. It mainly develops due to hypothermia.
  • At certain temperatures, the cardiovascular system cannot function normally, blood flow slows down, peripheral tissues die, and the brain simply “turns off” due to a lack of blood and oxygen.
  • All this happens when body temperature drops. below 26.5°С.
  • In such a small range of 16 degrees, a person can live and feel relatively comfortable.

What happens to the soul when a person dies?

All religious teachings say that:

  1. Death affects only the physical shell.
  2. The human soul is immortal and is no longer connected with the earthly body.
  3. at the "court" all the deeds of the deceased are weighed, and his future fate is determined.
  4. Paradise is prepared for the righteous, in the Garden of Eden their souls sing in the most beautiful choir and glorify life itself and God.
  5. Hell is the end point of the path for sinners, where they are subjected to eternal torment.
  6. The subsequent incarnation of the soul, according to Buddhists, also depends on the actions committed during life.
  7. According to atheists, death is a “terminus”, there is no soul, and after a person only oblivion awaits.

Whom to believe and whose side to take is everyone's business. In this regard, it is better to come to some answers on your own, without outside help.

How do people die?

In most cases, death occurs due to acute heart or lung failure. The mechanism of dying itself is not very different, despite the many reasons that can lead to the final result.

More often:

  1. The person experiences overwhelming fear. Panic at the realization that the end is near.
  2. There are pains behind the sternum, the chest is constrained by some kind of heaviness.
  3. The heartbeat becomes more frequent, you can already feel it without even putting your hand on it.
  4. Every second it becomes harder to breathe, you need to make an effort to take another breath.
  5. Consciousness becomes confused, the whole world starts to float.
  6. Oblivion comes.

Thanks to reanimated people, we can know exactly how a person feels when they die. But we still do not know what awaits there after death.

Video about the feelings of the dying of hunger

In this video, Dr. Petrenko will tell you what a person feels in the last minutes of his life, dying of hunger:

From the moment the heart stops, the bodies become surprisingly active. And let the dead not be able to tell what decomposition is and how this whole process goes, but biologists can do it.

Life after death

The irony is that in order to rot, our body must be teeming with life.

1. Cardiac arrest

The heart stops and the blood thickens. The very moment that doctors call "the time of death." As soon as this happens, all other parts of the body begin to die at different rates.

2. Two-color coloring

The blood that the “motor” has stopped dispersing through the vessels accumulates in the veins and arteries. Since it no longer flows, the body takes on a complex coloration. Its lower part turns purple-blue, like a juicy black eye after a glorious brawl. The laws of physics are to blame: liquid settles in the lower part of the body due to the effects of gravity. All the rest of the skin above will have a deathly pale color, because the blood has accumulated elsewhere. The circulatory system no longer works, red blood cells lose the hemoglobin that is responsible for the red color, and discoloration gradually occurs, giving a pale color to the tissues.

3. Deadly cold

Algor mortis is the Latin word for "deadly cold". Bodies lose their lifetime 36.6°C and slowly adjust to room temperature. The cooling rate is about 0.8°C per hour.

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4. Rigor mortis

Hardening and stiffness of the muscles of the limbs occurs a few hours after death, when the whole body begins to stiffen due to a decrease in ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Rigor mortis begins with the eyelids and neck muscles. The process of stiffness itself is not endless - it stops later, when the enzymatic decomposition of muscle tissue starts.

5. Chaotic movements

Yes, the blood has drained and congealed, but bodies are still capable of twitching and bending for hours after death. Muscle tissue contracts when a person dies, and depending on how many and which muscles contracted during the agony, it may even appear that the body of the deceased is moving.

6. Youthful face

As the muscles eventually stop contracting, wrinkles disappear. Death is a bit like Botox. The only trouble is that you are already dead and cannot rejoice at this circumstance.

7. The intestines are emptied

Although rigor mortis causes the body to freeze, not all organs do so. Our sphincter at the moment of death finally gains freedom, getting rid of total control. When the brain ceases to regulate involuntary functions, the sphincter begins to do what it wants: it opens, and all the “remnants” leave the body.

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8. Corpses smell famously

Corpses are known to stink. Putrid odors are the result of a surge of enzymes that fungi and bacteria, imprisoned for decomposition processes, perceive as a signal to attack. In the tissues of a corpse there is a mass of everything that allows them to actively multiply. The "feast" of bacteria and fungi is accompanied by the generation of putrefactive gases with corresponding odors.

9 Animal Invasion

Literally on the heels of bacteria and fungi come meat flies. They hasten to lay their eggs in the dead body, which then turn into larvae. The larvae cheerfully bite into dead flesh. Later they are joined by mites, ants, spiders, and then larger scavengers.

10. Farewell sounds

Wild trash of all doctors and nurses! The bodies will emit gases, creak and moan! All this is the result of a combination of rigor mortis and vigorous activity of the intestines, which continue to release gas.

11. The intestines are digested

The intestines are filled with a variety of bacteria, which, after death, do not have to go far - they instantly pounce on the intestines. Having got rid of the control of the immune system, the bacteria arrange a wild feast.

12. Eyes pop out of their sockets

As the organs decompose and the intestines produce gases, these gases cause the eyes to bulge out of their sockets and the tongues to swell and protrude from the mouths.

"Universal Pictures Rus"

13. Puffy skin

Gases tend upward, gradually separating the skin from the bones and muscles.

14. Rotting

Following the "sliding down" blood, all the cells of the body tend to go down under the influence of gravity. The tissues of the body have already lost their density due to decomposed proteins. As soon as putrefaction reaches its apotheosis, the corpses become "sugary" and spongy. In the end, only bones remain.

15. Bones go last

Decades after bacteria, fungi, and other organisms have done away with flesh, the protein in bones breaks down, leaving behind hydroxyapatite, a bone mineral. But over time, it turns to dust.

The dead hear everything

Everything that happens to us beyond the line separating life from death was, is and will remain a mystery for a long time. Hence - a lot of fantasies, sometimes quite scary. Especially if they are somewhat realistic.

The dead woman giving birth is one of such horrors. A number of centuries ago, when mortality in Europe was prohibitively high, the number of women who died pregnant was also high. All the same gases that are described above led to the expulsion of an already non-viable fetus from the body. All this is casuistry, but the few cases that have occurred are documented, writes the Bigpicture portal.


A relative sitting in a coffin is a quite probable phenomenon, but, to put it mildly, exciting. People in past centuries felt about the same as we do today. It was the fear of witnessing something like this, combined with the hope that the dead might suddenly come to life, that led to the appearance of “houses of the dead” at one time. When loved ones doubted that a person had died, they left him in a room of such a house, tying a rope to his finger, says Naked-Science. The other end of the rope led to a bell placed in the next room. If the deceased "came to life", the bell rang, and the guard serving in the chair next to the bell immediately rushed to the deceased. Most often, the alarm was false - the cause of the ringing was the movement of bones caused by gases or the sudden relaxation of muscles. The deceased left the “house of the dead” when there was no longer any doubt about the processes of decay.

The development of medicine, oddly enough, only exacerbates the confusion around the processes of death. So, doctors have found that some parts of the body continue to live after death for a long time, writes InoSMI. These "long-livers" include heart valves: they have connective tissue cells that retain a "good shape" for some time after death. Thus, the heart valves of the deceased can be used for transplantation within 36 hours of cardiac arrest.

The cornea lives twice as long. Its usefulness lasts three days after you die. This is explained by the fact that the cornea is in direct contact with the air and receives oxygen from it.

This can also explain the "long life path" of the auditory nerve. The deceased, according to doctors, loses his hearing as the last of all his five senses. For another three days, the dead hear everything - hence the famous: "About the dead - everything or nothing but the truth."

Throughout human history, everyone has been interested in the question of what happens after death. What awaits us after our heart stops? This is a question that scientists have recently received an answer to.

Of course, there have always been assumptions, but now it has become completely clear that people after death can hear and understand what is happening around them. Of course, this has nothing to do with paranormal phenomena, because a person, in fact, lives for some more time. It has become a medical fact.

Heart and brain

It is important to understand that absolutely any death occurs under one of two or two conditions at once: either the heart stops working, or the brain. If the brain stops working as a result of serious damage, then death occurs immediately after the person’s “central processor” is turned off. If life is interrupted due to some damage, due to which the heart stops, then everything is much more complicated.

At New York University, scientists have determined that a person after death can smell, hear people speak, and even see the world with their own eyes. This largely explains the phenomenon associated with the vision of the world in the course of clinical death. There have been incredibly many cases in the history of medicine when a person talked about his feelings during his stay in this borderline state between life and death. After death, the same happens, scientists say.

The heart and brain are two human organs that work throughout life. They are connected, but sensations are available after death precisely because of the brain, which transmits information from nerve endings to consciousness for some time.

Opinion of psychics

Bioenergy specialists and psychics have long since begun to assume that a person does not die instantly, as soon as his brain or heart stops working. No, everything is much more complicated. This has been confirmed by scientific research.

The other world, according to psychics, depends on the real and visible world. When a person dies, they say that he sees all his past lives, as well as his entire current life at once. He experiences everything anew in an infinitesimal fraction of a second, turning into nothing, and then reborn again. Of course, if people could die and immediately return, then there would be no questions, however, even experts in the field of esotericism cannot be 100 percent sure of their statements.

A person does not feel pain after death, does not feel joy or grief. He simply remains to live in the other world or moves to another level. Nobody knows whether the soul goes to another body, to the body of an animal or a person. Maybe it just evaporates. Maybe she lives forever in a better place. Nobody knows this, that's why there are so many religions in the world. Everyone should listen to his heart, which tells him the right answer. The main thing is not to argue, because no one can know for sure what happens to the soul after death.

Soul as something physical

The soul of a person cannot be touched, but it is possible that scientists, oddly enough, managed to prove its presence. The fact is that at death a person loses for some reason 21 grams of his weight. Always. Under any circumstances.

No one has been able to explain this phenomenon. People believe that this is the weight of our soul. This may indicate that a person sees the world after death, as scientists have proven, only because the brain does not die immediately. It doesn't really matter, because the soul leaves the body, we remain unintelligent. Perhaps this is the reason why we cannot move our eyes or speak after cardiac arrest.

Death and life are interconnected, there is no death without life. It is necessary to treat the other world easier. It is better not to try to understand it too much, because none of the scientists will be able to be one hundred percent accurate. The soul gives us character, temperament, the ability to think, love and hate. This is our wealth, which belongs only to us. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.11.2017 15:47

Since ancient times, people have wondered what awaits them after completing their earthly journey. The famous clairvoyant...


The life on Earth of each individual is only a segment of the path in the material incarnation, intended for the evolutionary development of the spiritual level. Where does the deceased end up, how does the soul leave the body after death, and what does a person feel when they pass into another reality? These are some of the exciting and most discussed topics throughout the existence of mankind. Orthodoxy and other religions testify to the afterlife in different ways. In addition to the opinions of representatives of various faiths, there are also testimonies of eyewitnesses who survived the state of clinical death.

What happens to a person when he dies

Death is an irreversible biological process in which the vital activity of the human body ceases. At the stage of dying of the physical shell, all metabolic processes of the brain, heartbeat and respiration stop. Approximately at this moment, the thin astral body, called the soul, leaves the obsolete human shell.

Where does the soul go after death?

How the soul leaves the body after biological death and where it rushes to is a question that interests many people, especially the elderly. Death is the end of being in the material world, but for an immortal spiritual entity, this process is only a change of reality, as Orthodoxy believes. There is a lot of discussion about where the soul of a person goes after death.

Representatives of the Abrahamic religions talk about "heaven" and "hell", into which souls end up forever, according to their earthly deeds. The Slavs, whose religion is called Orthodoxy because they glorify "Right", hold beliefs about the possibility of the rebirth of the soul. The followers of the Buddha also preach the theory of reincarnation. It can only be unequivocally stated that, leaving the material shell, the astral body continues to "live", but in a different dimension.

Where is the soul of the deceased up to 40 days

Our ancestors believed, and the living Slavs to this day believe that when the soul leaves the body after death, it stays for 40 days where it lived in earthly incarnation. The deceased is attracted to places and people with whom he was associated during his lifetime. The spiritual substance that has left the physical body, for the entire forty-day period, “says goodbye” to relatives and home. When the fortieth day comes, it is customary for the Slavs to arrange the farewell of the soul to the “other world”.

Third day after death

For many centuries there has been a tradition to bury the deceased three days after the death of the physical body. There is an opinion that only at the end of the three-day period does the soul separate from the body, all vital energies are completely cut off. After a three-day period, the spiritual component of a person, accompanied by an angel, goes to another world, where her fate will be determined.

On day 9

There are several versions of what the soul does after the death of the physical body on the ninth day. According to the religious figures of the Old Testament cult, the spiritual substance, after a nine-day period after the Dormition, goes through ordeals. Some sources adhere to the theory that on the ninth day the body of the deceased leaves the "flesh" (subconscious). This action takes place after the “spirit” (superconsciousness) and “soul” (consciousness) left the deceased.

What does a person feel after death?

The circumstances of death can be completely different: natural death due to old age, violent death or due to illness. After the soul leaves the body after death, according to eyewitness accounts of coma survivors, the etheric double has to go through certain stages. People who have returned from the "other world" often describe similar visions and sensations.

After a person dies, he does not immediately enter the afterlife. Some souls, having lost their physical shell, at first do not realize what is happening. With special vision, the spiritual entity “sees” its immobilized body and only then understands that life in the material world has ended. After an emotional shock, resigned to his fate, the spiritual substance begins to explore a new space.

Many at the moment of the change of reality, called death, are surprised that they remain in the individual consciousness, to which they are accustomed during earthly life. Surviving witnesses of the afterlife claim that the life of the soul after the death of the body is filled with bliss, so if you have to return to the physical body, this is done reluctantly. However, not everyone feels peace and tranquility on the other side of reality. Some, returning from the "other world", talk about the feeling of a rapid fall, after which they found themselves in a place filled with fear and suffering.

Peace and tranquility

Different eyewitnesses report with some differences, but more than 60% of the resuscitated testify to a meeting with an amazing source that radiates incredible light and perfect bliss. To some this cosmic personality appears to be the Creator, to others as Jesus Christ, and to others as an angel. What distinguishes this unusually bright creature, consisting of pure light, is that in its presence the human soul feels an all-encompassing love and absolute understanding.