Job change stress. New job: how to quickly deal with stress? Uncomfortable team climate

Reason for change of work environment.

Faced with a choice between the concepts of "change jobs" or "stay the same"? First you need to understand and figure out why and whether you really want to change your place.

If the reason for the change of work was the usual resentment against the manager, then, to put it mildly, you show your unprofessionalism. A true master of his craft will normally treat criticism, and will try to correct all his minuses and mistakes. It is clear that emotions, alas, are not always true friends and advisers, and after some certain time you will calm down, cool down, and the consequences after them will not go anywhere, you will have to "disentangle the porridge you have cooked."

The real reasons for leaving work can be listed, resorting to a topic such as psychology:

How to save nerves?

Psychological advice on how to change jobs without stress says that the time to change jobs must be chosen wisely so that it does not coincide with the time of the so-called "dead season". By this time, you can take all the long-lasting holidays and weekends of our calendar (it can be both New Year's days and vacation seasons), naturally, no employer will have much desire to read your resume when he is already marking the long-awaited weekend with his thoughts. And you need to know the fact that each profession has its own "dead seasons", with which you must definitely dock.

In order for your superiors to have a good opinion of you and maybe even give you good recommendations, you should not schedule your departure for the time of emergency and after any expensive courses. And you will definitely need good recommendations in a new workplace for your new bosses.

You should not dedicate absolutely all the staff that you will leave them soon, this will only give rise to unnecessary talk and, perhaps, condemnation against you. It would be better to enlighten everyone right before you leave. And you need to look for a job in any free time from work, so that "extra ears" are not seen or heard. If you are scheduled for an interview, then most likely it would be better to take a day off, or a day at your own expense, while saying a reasonable reason to colleagues. Do not try to criticize the authorities, thereby causing unnecessary intrigues, they will now be completely out of place.

A natural question at the interview will be why you intend to change jobs. Therefore, you need to think over your words in advance, you can even rehearse them the day before at home. Focus on how you will pronounce your words about the reason for leaving, they should not contain emotional attachment and any anger and resentment.

Speaking about the current work, there is no need to use words of criticism, here, excuse me, for perhaps a completely inappropriate statement, as one does not speak badly of the deceased, also in this situation. Just state a fact. For example: "I would like to move higher in my career, where there was no such opportunity in my previous job. And your correct opinion will be taken into account by me."

Don't forget the laws.

It is necessary to be guided by dismissal naturally, resorting to the law. A mandatory action on your part will be to write a letter of resignation when the pending moment comes. It would be better to do this in 2 copies, the first of which must be registered with the secretary, and the second copy should be kept for yourself.

Although there are cases when such a statement is simply thrown away or torn, perhaps because you are such an important and valuable employee for your superiors. In this case, you can act according to the letter of the law by sending an application by registered mail, while keeping the receipt, where the date from which the 2 weeks due to you are counted will be clearly visible.

After all the necessary legal actions, in particular after filing a letter of resignation, 2 weeks must be sustained with dignity, and most importantly, calmly, although they will be very difficult. Some leaders feel that your leaving is equated with betrayal, no matter how hard you try to do everything right and tactfully. Some of them resort to the fact that they begin to piss you off, to put it mildly, while filling up with difficult tasks, or they begin to criticize, find fault, and even worse, even raise their voice at you.

We must try to relate to everything that happens, colloquially speaking, "from a high tower", realizing that there are also such inadequate bosses, nothing can be done about it. Just do not leave any unfinished or forgotten things to be able to leave "with peace of mind." And it is desirable that you give all the recommendations, being replacing you at the job you leave.

Thus, in the memory of former colleagues, you will remain a real ace in your field and save yourself from unexpected calls from an abandoned job, stubbornly interested in any questions about work, at a time when you are trying to understand the essence of a new one with great attention and diligence.

You leave your home in the morning in order to spend the whole day at a job that has not pleased you for a long time. With horror, you imagine the production atmosphere in which you have to plunge again. Maybe it's time to quit and change jobs? "Goodbye, pissed-off boss! Stay further surrounded by obedient uncomplaining humanoid robots! I'm going in search of a better fate!"

We decided to present a list of serious reasons for leaving work and restarting the life cycle.

There is a desire, but no determination

Let's imagine a standard situation. The average citizen goes to the same shop or office for forty years to perform certain ordinary actions. At home, he has one team, but at work - a completely different one. Pendulum swing. A work schedule brought to automatism, followed by a dull rest in an apartment with a TV. Question: How much patience does a citizen have?

The decision to throw everything to hell, to do something more interesting and useful, does not come from nowhere and suddenly. For many people, the decision to quit their job takes many months and even years.

✓On the one hand, many of us want a change of scenery and a festive novelty.

✓ On the other hand, the fear of change does not allow a person to flap his wings and rush into the unknown.

Changing jobs is not a trivial act. This is an important life step that a person has to decide personally. He needs to take full responsibility for a difficult choice. No one is immune from costs. At the same time, the gain may exceed all expected results.

Ten situations that force you to make a decision

1. Work that contributes to a bad mood

How fast the weekend flies! It's already Sunday. After dinner, my mood began to deteriorate thoroughly. It's simple - the hour of reckoning for the provided rest is approaching. In the morning you have to go to work. Even the very thought of it brings me unbearable suffering!”

You can’t even imagine the huge number of sufferers who have to go through something like this. There is nothing worse than a profession that turns back. No monetary reward will compensate you for the loss of peace of mind. Why this is so is the most important question you will have to answer honestly.

If you accumulate negative impressions at work, they will have to look for a way out. Most likely, it will be at home, in the family circle. And this means that a bad mood will accompany you everywhere. The world will turn into hell. Smart people say that a person is created for happiness, but where to get it from?

ADVICE. To avoid such a sad result, isn't it better to just change jobs? Reboot yourself in a positive new way.

2. You are not able to become a mirror of the workforce

As an employee, you are an integral part of the company, representing its interests and values. In any case, this is how it should ideally look. What does it mean?

You will have to constantly check the activity with the general production rate. Woe to the worker who has not grasped this simple truth. But there are also such unpleasant aspects as:

✓low wages;
✓ bullying of colleagues at work;
✓unfair punishments and dismissal for minor offenses;
✓psychological costs of customer feedback;
✓many shortcomings relating to social and industrial relations;
✓ dissatisfaction from the impossibility of creative manifestation of one's outstanding abilities.

This is not a complete list of possible problems. There are many obstacles to standing up for your favorite (unloved) company, protecting it, and not your own interests.

ADVICE. In the long run, all these costs promise a lot of trouble. It's time to carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

3. The company started to have serious problems

Rats are known to be the first to leave a sinking ship. Ahead is an unclear future, but you remain loyal to the management of the company. You don't want to look like a traitor. This, of course, is a manifestation of worldly naivety. You are an ordinary worker. All high-calorie cream is licked without you. Management has long been insured against future hardships. You are not registered in the profit of the company.Solid red lights warning of imminent bankruptcy - is this not a reason to transfer from an unreliable ship to your own small lifeboat?

ADVICE. Do you want to stay without severance pay and look for a new job at the most inopportune moment of your life? Do everything on time.

4. The boss decided to make you a "workhorse"

Overtime work for three, performing unusual functions, emergency work, changing the work schedule. Probably many of us have experienced such blatant lawlessness. Sometimes this practice pays off, but most of the time it doesn't. Each employer establishes employment relations in its own way. They are often unfair and have destructive goals. For example, your colleague may sit in the "smoking room" for hours and pretend to work hard. But you do not have time to raise your head from the table.

Problems can be resolved through an open conversation with the manager. If the boss has a bad character, it is desirable to show some flexibility in behavior. You should not quit work without using all available levers of influence on the process.

ADVICE. If the hopelessness of efforts is determined by the already established dictate of injustice and ignorance, feel free to write a letter of resignation. Work should bring joy, not problems.

5. Lack of career growth

This item is important for those people who dream of moving up the career ladder. Perhaps today's work allows you to live comfortably and even often relax in famous resorts. But on it you run the risk of remaining an ordinary extra until old age. Many want dynamics, professional growth and development in the field of management. After all, doing the same thing all your life is just boring.

ADVICE. In any case, a person needs to respond to the requests of the soul. Look for another job.

6. You are bored

This is a serious problem. Suppose you were dissatisfied with your previous job, which was very tired. Too much workload caused you to quit. Having changed your work activity, at first you were delighted - in a new place it is quiet, calm and there are few responsibilities. But over time, you began to feel tired from permanent inactivity. You now want to sleep all the time from boredom. Surprisingly, the new profession caused a stable feeling of pain and depression.

ADVICE. It is absolutely right to replace relaxed activities with work that brings undoubted benefit to the mind, body and soul.

7. Money, money

People go to work primarily to ensure their financial independence. In other words, money plays the most important role in choosing a profession. And at the same time, not by bread alone...

Unfortunately, many workers have to sacrifice their creative needs and true interests for material gain. It should not be forgotten that money is the equivalent of appreciation for your work. A reasonable balance is needed - the choice of a profession should be based on internal priorities. At the same time, decent wages are also not in last place.

Is it worth it to work, for example, as a social worker just because you want to benefit people in this way? It's up to you to decide. But we have the right to doubt, because there are many ways to help humanity.

Learn to demand decent wages from your employer. If you are a professional in your field, then you certainly deserve it. It is possible to force respect for your requests only after you have convinced yourself of this. In any case, only a beginner who is just beginning his life can work for a penny. After you have become a qualified employee and are worth something in your profession, it makes no sense to work for nothing. This is bad from the point of view of the distribution of vital energy. But money is not the most important thing in life.

ADVICE. If you are dissatisfied with your profession, it's time to think about new perspectives for the future.

8. Fatigue from mental overstrain

Leaving work due to scandals, industrial showdowns and the inability to find a common language with the team is not so rare. However, the accumulated stress cannot be an excuse for the fact that you threw a pen or a hammer at a colleague in a fit of anger. You will have to look well for the root of your own and common problems. Why psychological overload has reached such threatening levels?

You can easily burn out at any job. And then there will be the question of filing an application for retirement. Perhaps you need an emergency vacation. Or even a radical change of profession.

ADVICE. Consult with a psychologist. After all, you have no guarantee that in a new workplace you will stop taking out your anger on future colleagues.

9. Collective nightmare

In any closed society, prerequisites are created for the creation of an invisible hierarchy of authorities. , ridicule, pranks - this is just the beginning of a large list of what a newcomer may encounter in a team, especially without work experience. He will have to decide whether to develop defense tactics and continue to perform his labor functions or change his job.

Please note - interspecies struggle sometimes increases self-esteem and a sense of satisfaction. The solution to the problem does not lie in the plane of replacing the team, since the same difficulties may await you at the new place of work.

Strength and confidence are acquired in mortal battles for life. Nevertheless, there are times when the search for a new job is energetically justified by the fact that it makes no sense to fight with the whole team.

ADVICE. It is honorable to be a lone warrior, but only for a short period. Health must be protected with all diligence and preferably from a young age.

10. Work has lost its meaning

If you want to be happy and healthy, look for a job that you like, where you can show yourself as an extraordinary person. The ideal option is a combination of well-paid work and your favorite hobby. This is a guarantee of using all internal reserves to the maximum. A person should rest at work, and work on vacation. This is only possible with creativity. Issues of labor cost and prestige are important, of course, but only secondary.

ADVICE. Pride, satisfaction and motivation are already a fee in themselves. You do not have the above components at a particular workplace? Then think about where to find them.

Conclusion. Work is life itself

If the reader does not catch the main idea, we will gladly formulate it. She is simple. Work is not about earning money for a living. This is life itself. Who has mastered this postulate is already happy. He doesn't need our advice.

Many people experience anxiety before starting a new job. This is normal, as there is a factor of uncertainty. How will a newcomer be perceived by colleagues? What will the boss be like? Will it be possible to quickly master the work in a new environment? Coping with anxiety is very important. Moving forward is necessary, changes will still happen. They don't need to resist.

To cope with the anxiety before starting a new job, there are a number of effective techniques. It can help, for example, physical activity, exercise, walking. Alternatively, you can drink a calming collection for several days. It is better not to abuse strong drugs, since on the first day at work it is important to be adequate and make a good impression of a businesslike and collected person.

In addition to the above measures, it is effective to perform auto-training. To understand that starting a new job is a necessary step, the next step in life, and it still needs to be done. If a person was invited to this job, it means that his personal and professional qualities suited the employer, and, in fact, he has nothing to be afraid of. Adaptation is a temporary process, and discomfort will end, giving way to fruitful work that brings moral and material satisfaction.

In a new team, it is best to be friendly. At first, the position of the observer is best. Study what is accepted in the team, what clothes, form of communication. It is important to understand the new rules and become one of the team members.

The path to a better future or unnecessary stress?

After a while, it will become clear whether you have found your place in a new job. This is usually evident within the first two months. Do not forget that the probationary period is set not only for the employee, but also for the employer. If you absolutely do not like the new place, you can leave by notifying the employer 2 weeks before the proposed dismissal.
Problems, difficulties and obstacles are just lessons that life brings to make you stronger. Think of each barrier as a stepping stone to the top, as a step towards a better future.

However, there is no need to rush to leave. If you're having a hard time, this could be a sign of growth. There is a term called "growing pains". On the way to the top, you have to overcome obstacles and your own limitations, do something new, get out of your comfort zone. Try, dare, try, and perhaps you will move on to a new stage in life. And when it gets really hard, remember that it's darkest just before dawn!

Stress at work is a common morbid condition characterized by various emotional disorders. Stress in the workplace can occur during work, if its intensity is at a high level for a long time, or in connection with a job change.

Causes and symptoms

A third of people experience stress at work. The main reasons for this phenomenon are considered working conditions, relationships in the team and personal prerequisites of a person.

Factors that cause stress at work:

  • Extended working week;
  • Unhealthy competition;
  • New responsibilities;
  • Lack of additional encouragement;
  • Improperly organized working day, etc.

In addition, a change of work in 90% of cases causes stress. And in the remaining 10%, with a new job, excitement and anxiety always come.

Symptoms of work stress:

  • Irritability,
  • fatigue,
  • Decreased performance;
  • Violation of memory and sleep;
  • Headache;
  • mood swings;
  • Discomfort in the stomach.
  • How to deal with the problem yourself? An individual approach to each individual situation is important here, but the general recommendations of psychologists can be combined into 2 areas: work stress in the old workplace and stress caused by the new job.

    Stress when changing jobs

    In connection with the change of work, all people experience discomfort. It does not matter whether the new job is the ultimate dream, or the change was forced - a new job always provokes anxiety and stress. How to cope with the stress caused by a job change?

    Firstly, the stress level is affected by the mode of the working day. Therefore, it is important not to be late for work. Being late causes dissatisfaction with superiors and colleagues, a late person feels awkward and guilty, which aggravates the stressful state. Therefore, it is better to leave the house earlier than usual and come to work 10 minutes before the start of the working day.

    Secondly, workplace comfort reduces stress levels. Therefore, it is important to equip the workplace so that it is comfortable and cozy. You can decorate your desktop with your favorite souvenirs, photographs of loved ones, hang your favorite landscape on the wall or put a nice fur rug on a chair. Of course, you don’t need to decorate your workplace too brightly, especially in the first days at a new job, but pleasant and beloved little things will not catch the eye of colleagues, but will reduce stress levels.

    Thirdly, you can not work during the time allotted for eating. It is better to combine a lunch break with meeting new colleagues. First you need to find out where employees have lunch and offer them your company. Joint lunches will allow you to quickly join the team, which will reduce the level of anxiety and stress, and also at this time you can unobtrusively clarify the working moments of interest, which will positively affect the development of new duties.

    Fourth, remember that a new job always requires new skills. Even despite previous experience, there are a number of organizational and working issues that a more experienced employee will help to cope with. Stress in the workplace is provoked by those duties, which, due to lack of knowledge, are very difficult to cope with. Therefore, you should not close yourself in or pretend to be a highly qualified worker who does not need advice. It is better to ask a colleague who is more competent in this matter, there is nothing embarrassing or humiliating in this. The faster a person copes with a new task, the faster they stop being mistaken for a beginner, which reduces the level of stress.

    Stress at work

    Before rushing into the fight against stress, you need to decide on the reasons that provoke it. Just stopping the symptoms is not enough, it will only aggravate the disease. Of course, with a headache, you can take painkillers, with fatigue - energy drinks, and with irritability - sedatives. But this will not solve the problem, work stress will again cause symptoms.

    Therefore, initially it is important to analyze the situation and understand what caused the stress. After that, you can use the following tips to reduce your stress levels:

    • Working time planning. If stress is caused by strong mental stress and a large number of work assignments, it will be very good to have a work plan for the day. Be sure, at the same time, you should leave room for force majeure situations. Planning structures the working time, allows you to highlight the primary and secondary tasks, helps to evaluate the work done and identify the reasons for the late execution of orders. In addition to the daily, you need to have a general plan for a week or a month. This simple technique can reduce the level of work stress.
    • If the stress is due to general fatigue, you need to take 10-minute breaks between work tasks. With this approach, the nervous system will recover faster, which will relieve fatigue and stress. In general, compliance with the regime of work and rest is a very important factor for the prevention and reduction of stress. In the time allotted for rest, you need to rest. During the break, you can chat with colleagues, discuss the latest happenings in the world, or you can listen to your favorite music, relax and meditate. At the same time, during a break, you need to leave the workplace, so the rest will become complete.
    • When stress is caused by hostility in the team, you should abandon conflicts and sit down at the “negotiating table”. Squabbles, intrigues and barbs only increase the level of stress, conflict situations should be resolved peacefully, discussing the situation with the enemy.
    • Of course, the option of developing conflicts on the basis of competition in the struggle for a job is not excluded. In this scenario, it will not be possible to resolve the issue peacefully, and the problem requires a different approach. The level of anxiety in such cases can be reduced due to the quality and timely performance of their duties. The situation is improved by the praise of the authorities.

      Office romances only contribute to stressful situations. Better not to mix work and personal life

      An instant reaction to any irritating factor only exacerbates stress, so if such a factor occurs, you should not react immediately. For example, when you hear an offensive word addressed to you by a competitor, you don’t need to immediately respond in kind. It is better to retire for a while and mentally distract from the situation. After such a simple manipulation, thoughts will become clearer, the situation will become obvious and less significant. Stress will not arise.

      You must have a hobby. Firstly, doing what you love after a hard day relaxes, calms your nerves and puts your thoughts in order. It can be applied art or any sport. Secondly, sport always has a positive effect on both the physical and psycho-emotional state.

      Yoga classes are recommended by most experts. The fact is that yoga or ordinary meditation teaches you to relax and not get hung up on situations that provoke stress. The accumulation of fatigue largely depends on the inability to relax and rest, so sometimes it is necessary to take a comfortable position, relax and try not to think about anything, concentrating on breathing. 10 minutes of such training daily will help reduce accumulated work stress.

      Recently changed jobs (worked in the last place for 7 years). It seems that the position in the new place is higher and the salary, but pulls back to the native company where everything is familiar, all friends and this really interferes with work: -(I always considered myself a person who quickly adapts to the situation and quickly converges with people, but then how they replaced me I certainly understand that stress and all that. Share your thoughts, have you had a similar experience and how did you overcome it?

      Evgenia Samkova

      I had the experience of changing jobs after 9 years in one place.
      At first it was hard to get used to a different environment and team, but this is absolutely normal.
      I abstracted, did not forget about what reasons prompted me to change my job, and continued to communicate with my former colleagues in my free time.
      and because there were a lot of pluses at the new place of work, the process of getting used to it was quite quick and painless)

      I have limited communication with former friends-colleagues.
      did not go to the social networks,
      changed the sim on the pipe
      left unanswered letters on soap ..
      avoided passing by the old work.
      Three months later, he "recovered" and resumed communication and did not bathe
      on this account

      1. remember everything bad from employees that was addressed to you
      2. remember to scold the boss for being late in the beauty salon
      3. disassemble the male gender and understand. there were no those with whom it was interesting at the corporate party
      4. pay attention to how uncomfortable the road was, and now it’s lovely and so on 😀
      it's all jokes

      Evgenia, I wish you to quickly get used to it and show results.

      Evgenia, there is a point of view that in fact a person needs up to six months to fully adapt, so please be patient. As for specific advice - you miss the old team - but what about the new one? What kind of people, how do you like them? As soon as new connections are established and strengthened in a new place, everything will fall into place.

      I quit my job today .. and from Monday I also start a new job.
      I think that we need to tune in to the so-called "new life". And these are new acquaintances, new relationships, with new people (you can build and configure everything from scratch), and so on. You just have to be ready for it. wish it. And, here, if there is no such desire, then this is a minus (and everything becomes more difficult and harder - in this “situation” it is better not to do this).

      Colleagues, thank you for your support.

      The matter is complicated by the fact that the reason for the change of work: "Ceiling" - i.e. I have outgrown my functionality and perhaps the company itself, and at the same time, relations with the owners and with the team are simply wonderful. And it was much more convenient to get to the last place of work, and I can’t remember the bad things. In general, from a psychological point of view - "paradise", from a professional point of view - "not paradise".

      Evgenia, stop feeling sorry for yourself and regret what you have done! and if everything is so bad - go back to square one!
      In the end, you have decided to move to a new job - know how and be responsible for your decisions!
      Good luck and be strong!

      And what's wrong with "pulling"? I worked in my first job for 10 years. It's been 6 since then. And me, imagine, too "pulls". And I don’t resist much - if there is time between meetings and the route allows, I stop by for tea. And I am still welcome there, although there are not so many “veterans” left there.

      Another thing is if, when communicating with (already) former colleagues, you begin to give advice, as if you were still working there. This is bad for you, and unpleasant for the rest. Old work and old projects, no matter how dear they are, must be “let go”. Let them live their own lives, even if you don't personally like this life (“it should have been done differently”, etc.). If your opinion is needed and valuable, the rest will ask.

      But I consider it wrong to “cut the ropes” and cut off all old ties. As the saying goes, "it's good to drink water."

      Evgenia, everything here depends on the reason for which you changed your job. For example, I left when I realized that I had reached the top bar in this company and further movement was not possible (well, at least in the short term). In this case, the new place of work was for me a new competition, a new start, where again there is something to strive for and something to achieve. Apparently because of this, she never regretted changing jobs, no matter how long she devoted herself to one company. Colleagues will not disappear anywhere, on the contrary, it will be even more interesting to meet with them and share new experiences. So no panic and more excitement. Believe me - the new is much more exciting than the painfully memorized old.

      The more a person is attached to the past, the more difficult it is for him to accept the new.
      I thought, here is the question of the difficulty of pouring into a new team, and even as a leader-reformer. 😀
      This is really STRESS! 😉

      Once again you convince in your favorite phrase:
      “When something or someone close leaves our lives. There is always room for the best!”
      You yourself went for it, which means you are already somewhere subconsciously ready for a new one. just listen to your heart. 😉

      In one of the companies where I worked, an employee quit. The boy came to us right after graduation, worked for two years, got an offer with good career prospects. A week after the dismissal, he came to our general manager with a confession of error and a request to take him back. Our general replied: “You work for three months in a new place. You work out how you want - at least cross out the days in the calendar. And exactly three months later I'm taking you back, if you want, of course. As you probably guess, after three months the guy was happy in a new place and did not think about returning. Be patient. A new company is not selling oneself into slavery - it is not a sentence for the rest of one's life. You are a free adult. It will be bad - write a statement and leave. But give yourself time to adapt. Set a deadline for yourself - work for six months, and then decide what to do next. In six months, look at the situation with different eyes.

      Psychology: how to change jobs without stress

      Reason for change of work environment.

      Faced with a choice between the concepts of "change jobs" or "stay the same"? First you need to understand and figure out why and whether you really want to change your place.

      If the reason for the change of work was the usual resentment against the manager, then, to put it mildly, you show your unprofessionalism. A true master of his craft will normally treat criticism, and will try to correct all his minuses and mistakes. It is clear that emotions, alas, are not always true friends and advisers, and after a certain time you will calm down, cool down, and the consequences after them will not go anywhere, you will have to “disentangle the porridge you have cooked”.

      The real reasons for leaving work can be listed, resorting to a topic such as psychology:

      How to save nerves?

      Psychological advice on how to change jobs without stress says that the time to change jobs must be chosen wisely so that it does not coincide with the time of the so-called “dead season”. By this time, you can take all the long-lasting holidays and weekends of our calendar (it can be both New Year's days and vacation seasons), naturally, no employer will have much desire to read your resume when he is already marking the long-awaited weekend with his thoughts. And you need to know the fact that each profession has its own "dead seasons", with which you must definitely dock.

      In order for your superiors to have a good opinion of you and maybe even give you good recommendations, you should not schedule your departure for the time of emergency and after any expensive courses. And you will definitely need good recommendations in a new workplace for your new bosses.

      You should not dedicate absolutely all the staff that you will leave them soon, this will only give rise to unnecessary talk and, perhaps, condemnation against you. It would be better to enlighten everyone right before you leave. And you need to look for a job at any time free from work, so that “extra ears” are not seen or heard. If you are scheduled for an interview, then most likely it would be better to take a day off, or a day at your own expense, while saying a reasonable reason to colleagues. Do not try to criticize the authorities, thereby causing unnecessary intrigues, they will now be completely out of place.

      A natural question at the interview will be why you intend to change jobs. Therefore, you need to think over your words in advance, you can even rehearse them the day before at home. Focus on how you will pronounce your words about the reason for leaving, they should not contain emotional attachment and any anger and resentment.

      Speaking about the current work, there is no need to use words of criticism, here, excuse me, for perhaps a completely inappropriate statement, as one does not speak badly of the deceased, also in this situation. Just state a fact. For example: “I would like to move up in a career where there was no such opportunity in my previous job. And your correct opinion will be taken into account by me.”

      Don't forget the laws.

      It is necessary to be guided by dismissal naturally, resorting to the law. A mandatory action on your part will be to write a letter of resignation when the pending moment comes. It would be better to do this in 2 copies, the first of which must be registered with the secretary, and the second copy should be kept for yourself.

      Although there are cases when such a statement is simply thrown away or torn, perhaps because you are such an important and valuable employee for your superiors. In this case, you can act according to the letter of the law by sending an application by registered mail, while keeping the receipt, where the date from which the 2 weeks due to you are counted will be clearly visible.

      After all the necessary legal actions, in particular after filing a letter of resignation, 2 weeks must be sustained with dignity, and most importantly, calmly, although they will be very difficult. Some leaders feel that your leaving is equated with betrayal, no matter how hard you try to do everything right and tactfully. Some of them resort to the fact that they begin to piss you off, to put it mildly, while filling up with difficult tasks, or they begin to criticize, find fault, and even worse, even raise their voice at you.

      We must try to relate to everything that happens, colloquially speaking, “from a high tower”, realizing that there are also such inadequate bosses, nothing can be done about it. Just do not leave any unfinished or forgotten things to be able to leave "with peace of mind." And it is desirable that you give all the recommendations, being replacing you at the job you leave.

      Thus, in the memory of former colleagues, you will remain a real ace in your field and save yourself from unexpected calls from an abandoned job, stubbornly interested in any questions about work, at a time when you are trying to understand the essence of a new one with great attention and diligence.

      Changing jobs: how to deal with stress

      According to working Russian citizens, there is a steady trend in the desire of almost half to change their place of work. And although everyone is aware of the difficulties that they will have to face, making such a decision is always a strong emotional and physical stress. Changing jobs is always stressful. A new place, people (each with its own, yet unknown features), rules and responsibilities frighten with their obscurity. Plus, changing jobs is risky. The risk of not passing the probationary period, not settling down in a new team, not coping with the assigned responsibility.

      Job changes aren't always stress-free.

      Reason for job change

      The main reasons for changing jobs are as follows:

    • Unjustified financial expectations. Low wages or constant delays in paying them.
    • The complete absence of further career growth or career advancement prospects.
    • The desire to change the field of activity. They succumbed to the persuasion of recruiting or headhunting companies.
    • Difficulties in relationships with colleagues.
    • Lack of motivation and incentive methods. You don't feel cared for by management.
    • Serious deterioration in working conditions.
    • Forced change of job - dismissal.
    • Any of the reasons that led to the desire to make the transition to a new place requires a conscious choice. However, whatever the reason for making such a responsible decision, there is stress when changing jobs. To cope with it, it is necessary to assess the possible difficulties that will definitely arise, and try to follow the recommendations for overcoming such stressful situations.

      Low wages encourage people to look for a new job

      Types of problems associated with changing jobs

      Even if the loss of work occurred recently, and another place was found quickly enough, there are still difficulties that lead to a stressful situation:

    • Transport difficulties. The new place of work may be located at a considerable distance from the place of residence. Sometimes a good offer can come from another city or even a country.
    • Psychological adaptation in a new team.
    • Establishing business relationships with management.
    • Time frame. How quickly you need to prove yourself in a new place and whether to linger at work.
    • Family understanding and support.
    • Ways to Reduce Stress and Increase Stress Resilience

      An analysis of the psychological state of people who have lost their jobs and are trying to get another one shows that almost 85% experience deep and prolonged stress. Not everyone goes through the adaptation phase smoothly. Psychologists explain this by varying degrees of stress resistance, individual personality traits. Any stressful condition, especially if it is prolonged, can provoke the emergence of new diseases or exacerbate existing diseases.

      Psychologists divide the occurrence of a stressful situation into several stages:

    • stress in preparation for dismissal;
    • stress after dismissal;
    • stress at a new job.
    • In the first two cases, there are serious changes in life for the worse: the level of income decreases, relationships in the family change, a feeling of guilt and self-doubt appears. The result can be apathy and general depression.

      Therefore, it is necessary to try to increase your resistance to stress that has arisen at this stage of life:

    • try to perceive problems as a temporary phenomenon;
    • switch more often to more pleasant things, help the family, organize a cultural program;
    • try to move away from unnecessary worries, learn to “turn off” in a timely manner;
    • learn how to prioritize and strictly adhere to them;
    • try to learn how to say “no” correctly and in a timely manner and be distracted as little as possible by secondary tasks;
    • organize your daily routine.
    • These tips will help you survive the stressful situation that arises both when you are fired and when you are hired for another job. To quickly adapt when changing jobs, you can participate in specialized psychological training. To overcome stress after entering a new job, you need to try to calm down, which will allow you to quickly adapt to unusual conditions. You need to understand that the level of stress is greatly influenced by the new mode of the working day. Try to strictly comply with all the requirements of labor discipline. Try to force yourself to leave the house early in the morning for at least ten minutes, and leave a little later than your colleagues. This delay will allow you to evaluate your day in a calm atmosphere. Try to arrange your workplace in such a way that you can feel comfortable and cozy atmosphere. It's nice to have things that evoke fond memories. If the management does not mind, you can post photos of your favorite people or pets in the workplace.

      You cannot continue to work during your lunch break. It is better to find out where employees eat lunch and try to keep them company. A casual conversation during lunch will allow you to quickly get used to the new team. Such joint dinners significantly reduce the level of stress.

      You should show a true interest in your duties: study the instructions, the daily routine, find out from your colleague and immediate supervisor the specifics of the work. Do not be shy to ask your colleagues how to properly complete certain tasks. This will not lower your professional status, but will increase respect for you as a person who shows a true desire to understand the specifics of the new duties. It is important to understand the behavior of colleagues in the workplace, the manner of communication and ways to resolve possible conflict situations. Prove yourself in the performance of assigned tasks. If corporate events are held, you should get involved in organizing, holding and participating in them.

      What definitely should not be done is to endure and do nothing. If you do not like the work, there is no desire to do it well, there is no development. But there are nerves and a lot of negative emotions. And this is not necessary for you or the employer. Value your time.

      It's time to go? 7 good reasons to change jobs

      When to send a resume is the only right decision.

      Do you think it's time to change jobs? Something pushes you to take this step, but at the same time you do not want to take risks? In order not to become a victim of your own impulsiveness and make the right decision, “try on” the following situations. Is it about you? Then feel free to look for a new place!

      1. Uncomfortable climate in the team

      This can be especially acute after returning from vacation. Many unwritten rules "with a fresh mind" may seem to you contrary to your nature, principles, etc. If all year you have calmly put up with undercover intrigues, overwork, someone else's guilt for a failed project that has fallen on you, then now you can more critically assess your compatibility with local orders.

      A new term in the office vocabulary is "trolling". According to a study conducted by the HH portal at the end of 2011, every third employee is engaged in trolling in offices.

      The military situation is not always businesslike, and office wars often require more effort than the work itself. If you feel this, it's time to post a resume without wasting extra time and effort on clarifying relationships and gaining positions. These forces will be useful in the business field. Unless, of course, you are a professional intriguer.

      2. Delayed salary

      No team building will save the team if the authorities regularly miss the deadlines for transferring rewards for the work done - in other words, salaries. Yes, every company in our country sometimes goes through hard times from a financial point of view, and not all contractors are perfectly punctual. But that's not your concern. If delays are repeated regularly, leave without regret: you may well remain friends with colleagues in the office space, and even with your boss, treating everyone to beer on your new salary after hours.

      3. You have become a "procrastinator"

      In other words, a person who delays the execution of a case. You do not want to go to work: get up in the morning and have a strong reluctance to leave the house, pretend to be sick or be late, sitting somewhere for a cup of coffee. Finally, upon entering the office, you “swing” for a long time: chatting with colleagues, surfing the Internet, etc. That is, do anything but work. Psychologists call this a very weighty argument in favor of changing activities.

      Maria Peshkova, psychotherapist:

      Sluggishness from high-priority tasks may be due to general overload, loss of sense of time, dissatisfaction with your own achievements, or the fact that you are simply not interested in doing this work, but you do not want to admit it to yourself. Especially often this happens with perfectionists who are not used to “passing in”. You are simply not interested. So why waste time?

      4. Nothing changes

      You have been working diligently for a long time, you easily carry out your duties from day to day, things are going on a knurled track, and you almost physically feel how you are immersed in a routine. And there are no prospects for career growth: there is no free position, the best projects are scheduled six months in advance, there is little creativity in your business. And for some reason, the authorities are more willing to invite the “Varangians” to the best projects, believing that it will cost the company more to tear you away from the established process.

      This is exactly the moment when you need to think about career growth, moving to another place where you can apply your knowledge and skills honed to perfection in a new way.

      Leonid Pokrovsky, HR consultant:

      Many leaders follow Peter Lawrence's principle: "In any hierarchy, the cream rises until it turns sour." According to the "Peter principle", at a certain stage, each employee's competence resources are exhausted: he will not jump above his own head. Moreover, they are sure that it makes no sense to promote an employee who has reached the limit of his capabilities. Moreover, some workers reach the level of incompetence already at the lowest rung of the career ladder - they are never promoted. And in general, this is typical for Russia - not to see a "prophet in his own country."

      5. No motivation

      Management in some companies believes that if an employee is just doing his job well, then he does not need to be encouraged. Processing is also not considered a plus - the boss is sure that this is not a manifestation of working zeal, but an inability to cope with one's duties within the allotted time. We generally consider letters of thanks and gifts to be an anachronism, a relic of the Soviet past. In general, you will not wait to be noted for your work merits - in a word or a ruble. Hands go down. The perfect moment to drop them on the keyboard and press "send" resume to another boss.

      6. The company does not care about its employees

      Now there is a lot of talk about the fact that the main capital of the company is its personnel. But where it's not just talk, management takes care of the professional growth of its people, sending them to advanced training and providing more and more significant social packages every year - from health insurance to a fitness club.

      Does your employer have specific goals and plans to achieve them? Do you understand how they fit into your life, how they correspond to your goals and objectives? In other words, do you like living here? If not, feel free to go somewhere else. You won't guess.

      Kirill Kaverin, HR Director:

      A social or, as it is also called, a compensation package is a remuneration for work that an employee of a company receives in addition to salary. The cost of a social package can be from a third to a half of the amount of earnings. But by and large, for the employer, this is a gesture of goodwill, and not a rule enshrined in law. And if this option is not offered to employees, then, most likely, such a boss is not very worried about the “turnover” of personnel.

      7. Office romance

      And one more reason that has nothing to do with all of the above: you had an affair with a colleague (or, moreover, with your boss), and it did not end at the altar. Well, it happens. And again, this is one of the reasons why you need to move into a new life and a new office as soon as possible - most likely, neither you nor he will be able to enter a business atmosphere for a long time. And at work, even though we spend almost half of our lives here, we still need to work. And preferably - happily and successfully.

      Section: Need advice (Change of job, loss of qualification). Six months ago, I left a boring job. I found a new one, worked, realized that I was not pulling.

      Tired violin.

      Or change jobs, or love the one that is. And I don’t think that you need to run away, a job change is a new stress.

      Difficulties of a new life.

      It was at this time that I came across an article about the fact that the change of work on the stress scale of someone there. stands in 3rd place after the loss of a loved one and the loss of a huge amount of money.

      survey! about work.

      changing jobs during a crisis

      Today I have already officially agreed to the Job Offer. 10/29/2008 12:36:54 PM, Job change. under stress from a change of job, still only delving into the subtleties.

      I want to change jobs.

      Section: - gatherings (Change of work of the civil service). survey! about work. and you would have changed the prestigious state position with an irregular working day At work, sheer stress.

      A job change is still stressful for at least a few months. IMHO 05/15/2005 19:30:02, Dyasha.

      I want to radically change my profession

      I really want to change my profession. I work as a Chief Accountant in a reputable company. And then change jobs. Not in the sense of quitting accounting, no!

      job change

      Unfortunately, I can not often enter the conf, t). Job change. Yes, and continuous stress at work, I partially associate the last unsuccessful B with this. I thought I would quit and have a rest, but.

      It is clear that this is a question that torments women (and sometimes their bosses), especially when you are planning a child. Everything generally depends on you. There is simply no concept of "beautiful" or "ugly", there is a concept - life. In my life, my career was once more important for me, I clearly listened to my boss that you had to be patient for another three years (I suffered, only not from protection, but because it wouldn’t work out in any way) and even there were all sorts of thoughts from going to work in a short time to home office, and now I know that the time will come - I will become a mother, as I have been mentally ready for this for a long time. Moreover, it is clear that now much more is tied to me than before, so now to consider that I have lost my conscience (already ridiculous), it’s just that everything has its time. And when the baby comes to his parents - this is the best time for him. The employer is bad who does not understand that a woman can have children, this is normal, a life situation, and it is also normal when a woman helps to look for a replacement for her job. In addition to everything, I’ll say that I started my career just from the arrival of a woman who went on maternity leave for 4 months, and before that, another pregnancy left in this department. Moreover, the woman, in whose place I came at about the moment of conception and got a job, she was about 35 years old, this was her first child from her beloved husband (who was also not 19), so what? In my opinion, in the end, everyone won, and then, of her own free will, she stayed with the baby further (although I also moved to another department of this department). Therefore, one should not be ashamed of what is natural. Children, like work, are life. Good luck in choosing the right solution!

      P.S. And I specifically reviewed the story based on my experience, since the theory “all teenagers” are bad is far from reality :))))

      job change??

      Job change. Work and career. Foreign 7th. At first for me it was a frantic rhythm, stress and tension, then intellectual complexity, then quantity.

    Recently changed jobs (worked in the last place for 7 years). It seems that the position in the new place is higher and the salary, but pulls back to the native company where everything is familiar, all friends and this really interferes with work: -(I always considered myself a person who quickly adapts to the situation and quickly converges with people, but then how they replaced me I certainly understand that stress and all that. Share your thoughts, have you had a similar experience and how did you overcome it?

    I had the experience of changing jobs after 9 years in one place.

    At first it was hard to get used to a different environment and team, but this is absolutely normal.

    I abstracted, did not forget about what reasons prompted me to change my job, and continued to communicate with my former colleagues in my free time.

    and because there were a lot of pluses at the new place of work, the process of getting used to it was quite quick and painless)

    I have limited communication with former friends-colleagues.

    did not go to the social networks,

    changed the sim on the pipe

    left unanswered letters on soap ..

    avoided passing by the old work.

    Three months later, he "recovered" and resumed communication and did not bathe

    1. remember everything bad from employees that was addressed to you

    2. remember to scold the boss for being late in the beauty salon

    3. disassemble the male gender and understand. there were no those with whom it was interesting at the corporate party

    4. pay attention to how uncomfortable the road was, and now it’s lovely and so on 😀

    it's all jokes

    Evgenia, I wish you to quickly get used to it and show results.

    Evgenia, there is a point of view that in fact a person needs up to six months to fully adapt, so please be patient. As for specific advice - you miss the old team - but what about the new one? What kind of people, how do you like them? As soon as new connections are established and strengthened in a new place, everything will fall into place.

    I quit my job today .. and from Monday I also start a new job.

    I think that we need to tune in to the so-called "new life". And these are new acquaintances, new relationships, with new people (you can build and configure everything from scratch), and so on. You just have to be ready for it. wish it. And, here, if there is no such desire, then this is a minus (and everything becomes more difficult and harder - in this “situation” it is better not to do this).

    Colleagues, thank you for your support.

    The matter is complicated by the fact that the reason for the change of work: "Ceiling" - i.e. I have outgrown my functionality and perhaps the company itself, and at the same time, relations with the owners and with the team are simply wonderful. And it was much more convenient to get to the last place of work, and I can’t remember the bad things. In general, from a psychological point of view - "paradise", from a professional point of view - "not paradise".

    Evgenia, stop feeling sorry for yourself and regret what you have done! and if everything is so bad - go back to square one!

    In the end, you have decided to move to a new job - know how and be responsible for your decisions!

    Good luck and be strong!

    And what's wrong with "pulling"? I worked in my first job for 10 years. It's been 6 since then. And me, imagine, too "pulls". And I don’t resist much - if there is time between meetings and the route allows, I stop by for tea. And I am still welcome there, although there are not so many “veterans” left there.

    Another thing is if, when communicating with (already) former colleagues, you begin to give advice, as if you were still working there. This is bad for you, and unpleasant for the rest. Old work and old projects, no matter how dear they are, must be “let go”. Let them live their own lives, even if you don't personally like this life (“it should have been done differently”, etc.). If your opinion is needed and valuable, the rest will ask.

    But I consider it wrong to “cut the ropes” and cut off all old ties. As the saying goes, "it's good to drink water."

    Evgenia, everything here depends on the reason for which you changed your job. For example, I left when I realized that I had reached the top bar in this company and further movement was not possible (well, at least in the short term). In this case, the new place of work was for me a new competition, a new start, where again there is something to strive for and something to achieve. Apparently because of this, she never regretted changing jobs, no matter how long she devoted herself to one company. Colleagues will not disappear anywhere, on the contrary, it will be even more interesting to meet with them and share new experiences. So no panic and more excitement. Believe me - the new is much more exciting than the painfully memorized old.

    The more a person is attached to the past, the more difficult it is for him to accept the new.

    I thought, here is the question of the difficulty of pouring into a new team, and even as a leader-reformer. 😀

    This is really STRESS! 😉

    Once again you convince in your favorite phrase:

    “When something or someone close leaves our lives. There is always room for the best!”

    You yourself went for it, which means you are already somewhere subconsciously ready for a new one. just listen to your heart. 😉

    In one of the companies where I worked, an employee quit. The boy came to us right after graduation, worked for two years, got an offer with good career prospects. A week after the dismissal, he came to our general manager with a confession of error and a request to take him back. Our general replied: “You work for three months in a new place. You work out how you want - at least cross out the days in the calendar. And exactly three months later I'm taking you back, if you want, of course. As you probably guess, after three months the guy was happy in a new place and did not think about returning. Be patient. A new company is not selling oneself into slavery - it is not a sentence for the rest of one's life. You are a free adult. It will be bad - write a statement and leave. But give yourself time to adapt. Set a deadline for yourself - work for six months, and then decide what to do next. In six months, look at the situation with different eyes.

    How to deal with stress in the workplace

    Stress at work is a common morbid condition characterized by various emotional disorders. Stress in the workplace can occur during work, if its intensity is at a high level for a long time, or in connection with a job change.

    A third of people experience stress at work. The main reasons for this phenomenon are considered working conditions, relationships in the team and personal prerequisites of a person.

    Factors that cause stress at work:

    • Extended working week;
    • Unhealthy competition;
    • New responsibilities;
    • Lack of additional encouragement;
    • Improperly organized working day, etc.
    • In addition, a change of work in 90% of cases causes stress. And in the remaining 10%, with a new job, excitement and anxiety always come.

      Symptoms of work stress:

    • Irritability,
    • fatigue,
    • Decreased performance;
    • Violation of memory and sleep;
    • Headache;
    • mood swings;
    • Discomfort in the stomach.
    • How to deal with the problem yourself? An individual approach to each individual situation is important here, but the general recommendations of psychologists can be combined into 2 areas: work stress in the old workplace and stress caused by the new job.

      Stress when changing jobs

      In connection with the change of work, all people experience discomfort. It does not matter whether the new job is the ultimate dream, or the change was forced - a new job always provokes anxiety and stress. How to cope with the stress caused by a job change?

      Firstly, the stress level is affected by the mode of the working day. Therefore, it is important not to be late for work. Being late causes dissatisfaction with superiors and colleagues, a late person feels awkward and guilty, which aggravates the stressful state. Therefore, it is better to leave the house earlier than usual and come to work 10 minutes before the start of the working day.

      Secondly, workplace comfort reduces stress levels. Therefore, it is important to equip the workplace so that it is comfortable and cozy. You can decorate your desktop with your favorite souvenirs, photographs of loved ones, hang your favorite landscape on the wall or put a nice fur rug on a chair. Of course, you don’t need to decorate your workplace too brightly, especially in the first days at a new job, but pleasant and beloved little things will not catch the eye of colleagues, but will reduce stress levels.

      Thirdly, you can not work during the time allotted for eating. It is better to combine a lunch break with meeting new colleagues. First you need to find out where employees have lunch and offer them your company. Joint lunches will allow you to quickly join the team, which will reduce the level of anxiety and stress, and also at this time you can unobtrusively clarify the working moments of interest, which will positively affect the development of new duties.

      Fourth, remember that a new job always requires new skills. Even despite previous experience, there are a number of organizational and working issues that a more experienced employee will help to cope with. Stress in the workplace is provoked by those duties, which, due to lack of knowledge, are very difficult to cope with. Therefore, you should not close yourself in or pretend to be a highly qualified worker who does not need advice. It is better to ask a colleague who is more competent in this matter, there is nothing embarrassing or humiliating in this. The faster a person copes with a new task, the faster they stop being mistaken for a beginner, which reduces the level of stress.

      Stress at work

      Before rushing into the fight against stress, you need to decide on the reasons that provoke it. Just stopping the symptoms is not enough, it will only aggravate the disease. Of course, with a headache, you can take painkillers, with fatigue - energy drinks, and with irritability - sedatives. But this will not solve the problem, work stress will again cause symptoms.

      Therefore, initially it is important to analyze the situation and understand what caused the stress. After that, you can use the following tips to reduce your stress levels:

    • Working time planning. If stress is caused by strong mental stress and a large number of work assignments, it will be very good to have a work plan for the day. Be sure, at the same time, you should leave room for force majeure situations. Planning structures the working time, allows you to highlight the primary and secondary tasks, helps to evaluate the work done and identify the reasons for the late execution of orders. In addition to the daily, you need to have a general plan for a week or a month. This simple technique can reduce the level of work stress.
    • If the stress is due to general fatigue, you need to take 10-minute breaks between work tasks. With this approach, the nervous system will recover faster, which will relieve fatigue and stress. In general, compliance with the regime of work and rest is a very important factor for the prevention and reduction of stress. In the time allotted for rest, you need to rest. During the break, you can chat with colleagues, discuss the latest happenings in the world, or you can listen to your favorite music, relax and meditate. At the same time, during a break, you need to leave the workplace, so the rest will become complete.
    • When stress is caused by hostility in the team, you should abandon conflicts and sit down at the “negotiating table”. Squabbles, intrigues and barbs only increase the level of stress, conflict situations should be resolved peacefully, discussing the situation with the enemy.
    • Of course, the option of developing conflicts on the basis of competition in the struggle for a job is not excluded. In this scenario, it will not be possible to resolve the issue peacefully, and the problem requires a different approach. The level of anxiety in such cases can be reduced due to the quality and timely performance of their duties. The situation is improved by the praise of the authorities.

      Office romances only contribute to stressful situations. Better not to mix work and personal life

      An instant reaction to any irritating factor only exacerbates stress, so if such a factor occurs, you should not react immediately. For example, when you hear an offensive word addressed to you by a competitor, you don’t need to immediately respond in kind. It is better to retire for a while and mentally distract from the situation. After such a simple manipulation, thoughts will become clearer, the situation will become obvious and less significant. Stress will not arise.

      You must have a hobby. Firstly, doing what you love after a hard day relaxes, calms your nerves and puts your thoughts in order. It can be applied art or any sport. Secondly, sport always has a positive effect on both the physical and psycho-emotional state.

      Yoga classes are recommended by most experts. The fact is that yoga or ordinary meditation teaches you to relax and not get hung up on situations that provoke stress. The accumulation of fatigue largely depends on the inability to relax and rest, so sometimes it is necessary to take a comfortable position, relax and try not to think about anything, concentrating on breathing. 10 minutes of such training daily will help reduce accumulated work stress.

      Changing jobs: how to deal with stress

      According to working Russian citizens, there is a steady trend in the desire of almost half to change their place of work. And although everyone is aware of the difficulties that they will have to face, making such a decision is always a strong emotional and physical stress. Changing jobs is always stressful. A new place, people (each with its own, yet unknown features), rules and responsibilities frighten with their obscurity. Plus, changing jobs is risky. The risk of not passing the probationary period, not settling down in a new team, not coping with the assigned responsibility.

      Job changes aren't always stress-free.

      Reason for job change

      The main reasons for changing jobs are as follows:

    • Unjustified financial expectations. Low wages or constant delays in paying them.
    • The complete absence of further career growth or career advancement prospects.
    • The desire to change the field of activity. They succumbed to the persuasion of recruiting or headhunting companies.
    • Difficulties in relationships with colleagues.
    • Lack of motivation and incentive methods. You don't feel cared for by management.
    • Serious deterioration in working conditions.
    • Forced change of job - dismissal.
    • Any of the reasons that led to the desire to make the transition to a new place requires a conscious choice. However, whatever the reason for making such a responsible decision, there is stress when changing jobs. To cope with it, it is necessary to assess the possible difficulties that will definitely arise, and try to follow the recommendations for overcoming such stressful situations.

      Low wages encourage people to look for a new job

      Types of problems associated with changing jobs

      Even if the loss of work occurred recently, and another place was found quickly enough, there are still difficulties that lead to a stressful situation:

    • Transport difficulties. The new place of work may be located at a considerable distance from the place of residence. Sometimes a good offer can come from another city or even a country.
    • Psychological adaptation in a new team.
    • Establishing business relationships with management.
    • Time frame. How quickly you need to prove yourself in a new place and whether to linger at work.
    • Family understanding and support.
    • Ways to Reduce Stress and Increase Stress Resilience

      An analysis of the psychological state of people who have lost their jobs and are trying to get another one shows that almost 85% experience deep and prolonged stress. Not everyone goes through the adaptation phase smoothly. Psychologists explain this by varying degrees of stress resistance, individual personality traits. Any stressful condition, especially if it is prolonged, can provoke the emergence of new diseases or exacerbate existing diseases.

      Psychologists divide the occurrence of a stressful situation into several stages:

    • stress in preparation for dismissal;
    • stress after dismissal;
    • stress at a new job.
    • In the first two cases, there are serious changes in life for the worse: the level of income decreases, relationships in the family change, a feeling of guilt and self-doubt appears. The result can be apathy and general depression.

      Therefore, it is necessary to try to increase your resistance to stress that has arisen at this stage of life:

    • try to perceive problems as a temporary phenomenon;
    • switch more often to more pleasant things, help the family, organize a cultural program;
    • try to move away from unnecessary worries, learn to “turn off” in a timely manner;
    • learn how to prioritize and strictly adhere to them;
    • try to learn how to say “no” correctly and in a timely manner and be distracted as little as possible by secondary tasks;
    • organize your daily routine.
    • These tips will help you survive the stressful situation that arises both when you are fired and when you are hired for another job. To quickly adapt when changing jobs, you can participate in specialized psychological training. To overcome stress after entering a new job, you need to try to calm down, which will allow you to quickly adapt to unusual conditions. You need to understand that the level of stress is greatly influenced by the new mode of the working day. Try to strictly comply with all the requirements of labor discipline. Try to force yourself to leave the house early in the morning for at least ten minutes, and leave a little later than your colleagues. This delay will allow you to evaluate your day in a calm atmosphere. Try to arrange your workplace in such a way that you can feel comfortable and cozy atmosphere. It's nice to have things that evoke fond memories. If the management does not mind, you can post photos of your favorite people or pets in the workplace.

      You cannot continue to work during your lunch break. It is better to find out where employees eat lunch and try to keep them company. A casual conversation during lunch will allow you to quickly get used to the new team. Such joint dinners significantly reduce the level of stress.

      You should show a true interest in your duties: study the instructions, the daily routine, find out from your colleague and immediate supervisor the specifics of the work. Do not be shy to ask your colleagues how to properly complete certain tasks. This will not lower your professional status, but will increase respect for you as a person who shows a true desire to understand the specifics of the new duties. It is important to understand the behavior of colleagues in the workplace, the manner of communication and ways to resolve possible conflict situations. Prove yourself in the performance of assigned tasks. If corporate events are held, you should get involved in organizing, holding and participating in them.

      What definitely should not be done is to endure and do nothing. If you do not like the work, there is no desire to do it well, there is no development. But there are nerves and a lot of negative emotions. And this is not necessary for you or the employer. Value your time.