How to introduce a wife to the topic.

On thematic sites, men often ask this question. Before moving on to action, first ask yourself: are you ready to see your beloved in the arms of another man? Do you want to see how she will squirm and moan under him?

For almost every woman, the offer to diversify her sex life with other partners will first cause a shock. But, as you know, water wears away a stone. I know a couple (virtually) in which the husband persuaded his wife for 10 (!) years. You can envy his patience, but now everyone is happy, and his wife in the first place.

But still, not everyone will agree. Sometimes a wife agrees to swing because she thinks it's easier to control her husband. Like, if she refuses him, then he will cheat secretly, let it be better before her eyes. Such a woman does not need other partners, she simply tolerates them. Experienced swingers calculate such couples at once and do not want to have anything with them, there is no pleasure from this.

Sometimes women have fallen woman syndrome, this is when the wife first participates in group sex, she really likes it, she gets a lot of pleasure and orgasms, and the next day she suffers from the feeling that she was doing something dirty and immoral. And so on until the next orgy.

A husband should be prepared for the fact that a woman has more sexual resources than a man. Therefore, when you are already exhausted, your wife will still be able to continue. Think about what you will do while your wife is having sex with other partners?

It is often advised to offer a wife not a swing, that is, a classic: a couple for a couple, but a threesome with another man. Indeed, for a woman (if she is not bisexual), accepting another man in bed is psychologically easier than seeing her man with another woman. Women have a much more developed sense of ownership than men. Many times I read on the thematic forum that a couple only dates men because the wife is jealous of her husband for other women.

That is why in some families they turn a blind eye to betrayal, because it is psychologically easier: the so-called “intra-family decency” is preserved. And there are more benefits in adultery for a woman - courtship, flirting, gifts, there is practically no such thing in swing. A man from another couple will not give flowers to your wife because he is not sure that you will give flowers to his wife. A single man will not give because he does not know how his husband will react to this.

Naturally, you can not offer on the forehead. If you say, "Darling, I was just thinking we should do some swinging," then your darling may be imagining that you cheated on her and thus trying to cover up the guilt; or that this is such a test of her loyalty; or even that you're about to leave her for another and try to make it look like she's not satisfying you sexually, women's fantasy is wild in that regard. It is important here that the wife can trust you completely. Let her feel how much you love her, that she is the only one for you.

So how do you get your wife to swing? Practical advice is given in their article o_bl .
1. We teach to two members (with the help of a dildo).
2. We teach to fingers in the mouth (Some bloggers in the comments wrote that they did not like it. Consider individuality!)
3. We shift the Overton window in the direction of a lack of a second member in order to give your wife more pleasure with living organs.
4. During sex, a woman agrees that two is better than one (and three is even better than...). Therefore, using the borderline states, when sex has already ended, and the brain has not yet returned to decency (fuck - in bed, the hostess - in the kitchen), we affirm the idea of ​​a lack of toys compared to living organs. Let the woman begin to doubt. Let this become the norm. Two members are better than one.
The first 4 points can take months or years. Where are you in a hurry? :)
5. Trying to make dreams come true. Say that there are many men who love sex with married couples. Or you can try a new (for you) entertainment - soft swing - sex between two couples, in close proximity, without contact with other people's partners. This is live porn.

My husband and I, however, did not have any vibrators and fingers in our mouths (I don’t like fingers in my mouth). It’s different with us: once during sex, my husband whispered: “Imagine that now another man is lying next to you, turn to him and kiss,” and with these words he turned my head towards the imaginary man, and it turned me on .


How to force a wife to confess to cheating? There is no direct evidence of her betrayal, and to questions about where and with whom she was, you often get such subtle answers that “there’s not even anything to complain about.” There are always some reasons for her adventures: either a friend’s birthday, late planning meetings at work, or something else. I want to tell her everything to her face, start sorting things out, and the only thing holding you back is the lack of "evidence". However, you can find a way out of any situation if you put pressure on the right levers. There are several ways to do this →

How can you bring her to clean water

Method number 1. "Double life" Try to make sure that she does not have time for betrayal.

  • Don't go for walks if possible.
  • Keep asking where she's been and why it's taking so long
  • Ask her to help you with something, actively involving in household chores

If she has been living a double life up until now, but didn't understand it as well, using these tips will make her realize it quite vividly. Over time, her tension will grow. She will understand that she does not have enough time to meet her lover, and she will begin to miss him even more. Soon it will become so unbearable that she herself will tell you everything. Or break up with him - everything will depend on how serious their relationship is. Method number 2. Excessive politeness and care Do you know how to make your wife confess to cheating? Make a tricky move with your horse, starting to behave with her extremely politely and caringly. When she sees this, she will be very ashamed in front of you. Finally, when the feeling of shame becomes unbearable, she herself confesses everything to you with tears in her eyes. The method almost always works. But sometimes it happens that she does not have the strength to admit to treason. But you will notice that she became even more depressed, began to go into another room and quietly roar. Once you see these signs, you no longer need any proof. It will be enough just to use à Method number 3. just talk about it A way that takes place to exist. True, there is one small subtlety that needs to be taken into account. Directly asking a person about whether he is bad or not, most likely, a negative answer will sound. Therefore, instead of asking your missus questions: “Do you have someone?” or "Are you cheating on me?" need to start bluffing right away. Put her before the fact by saying the following:

“We need to talk to you. I know that you have another man. The news, of course, was not very pleasant for me. Tell me why?".

It is important not to let her find room for maneuver so that she refutes your words. She may start asking how you knew, and instead of making up legends, it's important to say, " It doesn't matter now!", as well as "extinguish" other attempts to justify themselves in the style of " No, it has!". The disadvantage of the method is that if she did not cheat on you, then such a bluff will greatly ruin your relationship.

Should I try to bring her to clean water

Of course, you can try to get your wife to confess to cheating using one of 3 ways. But before you make the right decision, come on let's try to look at the situation from a different point of view. If she has a man, then you made mistakes. Your attraction to her is zero. In addition, it is important to consider that she respects and loves him more than you. Well, since she can't tell you about it directly, she prefers to meet him in secret. On the one hand, she does not consider you as her man, and all that holds you together is a stamp in your passport. On the other hand, there is a man she wants to be with.

What happens if the fact of treason is revealed?

Realizing that she has nothing more to hide from you, she will have a reason to leave. Of course, one can hope that a joint child will stop her. But as practice shows, this does not stop some women.

How to respond to her betrayal

You need to understand what mistakes you made, and change your behavior to a more attractive one. By showing her new facets of your personality, you are already halfway there. When she begins to see new attractive qualities in you, the image of her lover will begin to fade next to you. It is at this moment that she will think that she went to the left in vain, and this will push her to the right decision. In addition, you need to perform one more of the most important actions - remove emotional hurt to your faithful.

Why is this needed?

You will always remember that she did bad things to you. And even if you manage to restore the relationship and bring her back to the family, you will feel resentment. This resentment will eat you from the inside and constantly provoke new conflicts. Accordingly, you will no longer feel any harmony in the relationship. And every day to live with the feeling that you love her, but you can not forgive - is unbearable. Often there is only one way to remove resentment against your wife - to find a mistress and yourself, thereby psychologically taking revenge on her. Moreover, you can afford such revenge.

And how exactly to do this, I told in the free course for men "Right to Left".

Immediately I ask you to excuse the members of the forum (but not the author) for my harshness and rudeness.

But who told you, Werewolf, that this is called swing?! Yes, you do not want a new experience for your family, my dear, but a banal fuck with these two girls! Moreover, so that it does not look like the most common and vile betrayal, but a lofty idea of ​​​​expanding the family sexual horizon!
Why don't you offer your wife another option: she herself finds at least one more man who she really likes, and you have sex in this composition. Why don't you want something? “I am the owner and I won’t let anyone fuck my wife!” And she, therefore, with a squeal of delight must accept the idea of ​​watching you fuck two women completely alien to her in front of her?! Busy-I-it turns out ...
Just don't tell me that you are going to satisfy the entire ladies' company, including your wife! It seems to me that you yourself are not yet ready for such experiments. Or do you think that beautiful ladies will wind around you, trying in every possible way to please you sexually and satisfy you, and when you fall off, all so contented and peaceful, they will satisfy themselves on their own, and even say: “Honey, how happy we are, how you were great!" - and your wife will look the happiest of all, brushing away tears of joy and tenderness with such a caring husband?
Dearest! Everything will be completely different! (The question that your wife will remain in second or even third roles is simply not discussed - this follows too clearly from your mood. The question of HOW badly she will feel, yielding to you and agreeing to do what she it doesn’t pull at all - we also don’t make out.) So. Your idea is for you and to satisfy the audience. Would you like to make friends (mandatory!!! which in itself is tantamount to a feat!), excite (and even so that none of them lose this excitement during the games!) Two women and satisfy them in the way that THEY themselves wish to do it? ! Why don't you seem so altruistic!..
And who told you that your wife will be enthusiastic about the fact that your new mistresses (let's call a spade a spade), with whom she will have to “admire”, “very pretty” at your coitus? You have zero knowledge of female psychology, but everything is there ...
If you want to have mistresses - start. But let it be only your choice and your dirt. No need to dirty your own wife - she did not deserve it.
And there is no need to discredit the very meaning and idea of ​​swing with such, so to speak, undertakings. Acting Plevin said correctly: swing is not from the word “swinishness”.