How to survive Monday psychologist's advice. How to get through a tough Monday

the site knows how to get through monday and wait until Friday. Just 5 easy steps- and you will love it!

  • Prepare the sleigh in the summer, and Monday to Friday. As a rule, there is not much workload on the last working day. Therefore, spend your free time not on tea drinking with colleagues and hanging on the Internet, but on preparing for the upcoming work week. Clean up your e-mail, clean up your desk, make a list of tasks for the next week, complete all the things you started, calls, letters, so that the first day starts right away with work, and not with sorting out the rubble on the desk and computer. In addition, psychologists recommend that it is on Friday to go away with friends at parties in order to have time to recuperate and meet the new week lightly, and not with a headache and other consequences of a stormy weekend.
  • Monday morning starts on Sunday evening. We need to get a good night's sleep, for this we go to bed no later than midnight, ideally at ten o'clock, in order to gain strength and look rested and fresh. Also in the evening you need to think over and prepare your outfit, pack your purse, cook dinner if you eat at the office. All this will save you from the hustle and bustle of tomorrow.
  • You need to start Monday like Saturday morning: slowly and positively. O. This is possible provided that you had a good rest on the weekend and prepared everything in advance yesterday. Wake up to your favorite music, take a shower to freshen up and banish drowsiness, have a leisurely breakfast while eating your favorite dishes and treat yourself to a cup of tea or coffee with sweets, put on the most beautiful outfit, do spectacular makeup and hair. All these simple rituals will energize you and help you get through Monday.

  • Proper planning is the foundation of the basics. When making a to-do list on Friday, don't write down too many items on the first day of work. No matter how you set yourself up, it is psychologically difficult to complete many tasks at once after two days off. Your colleagues may not be in the mood for fruitful work, partners may not work or not have time to send you the necessary documents, and then the plan will be violated, disappointment will set in, a breakdown will be replaced by an unwillingness to do anything at all. Therefore, we carry out a feasible list of tasks. Moreover, we start with the most difficult, since in the morning we are full of energy, and therefore we will cope faster. And the realization that the main goal has been achieved will cheer you up and help you cope with the rest of the tasks.
  • Be positive. Everything is in our head: all the fears and complexes. Including painful thoughts, how to survive Monday. You need to set yourself up correctly: Monday is the beginning of a new week, which means interesting acquaintances, meetings, beloved colleagues, adored work. This is the time to count down the days until the weekend in anticipation of how wonderful they will be. It's time to start running, learning English, and then on your list of plans for this year. This is your life, it is short, it will not start later, but it is going on now. And Monday is part of it, so love it, then it will not be a burden for you, but a joy!

Monday, October 28, 2013 10:29 am ()

Monday, Monday, and who only invented you?! All of us on this day. And so week after week, month after month, year after year. the saddest. Perhaps there are people who are friends with Monday and even love him, or at least treat him quite calmly. Well, they can not read everything, but go straight to the last paragraph. For everyone else, and for myself first of all, I found an article on the Internet in the hope that these tips will be useful. Because I decided to stop whining, get rid of this "monday curse" and live on with it in harmony and peace. But since there is no personal experience of a successful struggle yet, you have to take other people's advice. Read it, understand it, and try it out. Of course, you can say that I didn’t quite start it at the right time, because Monday has already begun and is in full swing. When to improve it. It should have been earlier, but on the other hand, who would want to read this on a Friday evening or on Saturday and Sunday, when all weekend happiness is in full swing? And so there will be time to think everything over and come up fully armed by next Monday.

P.S. Dear Friends, PCs and Diary Guests, please share your ways to lighten the burden of Monday. I think it will be useful not only for me, but for everyone who wants to live normally on any day of the week. Best wishes,

How hard it is to part with a carefree weekend and return to office everyday life! How to survive and win this day? .. And is there really a reason to hate Monday so much?

Monday blamed undeservedly

Monday is considered the hardest day of the week, but is it really so? An interesting study on this topic was conducted by Australian scientists. Specialists from University of Sydney organized a survey among 200 people who were asked to name the most unpleasant day of the week. The vast majority of respondents named without hesitation.

However, the researchers did not stop there. They began to study the well-being of employees throughout the week. Participants were asked each day how they felt. It turned out that the hardest day of the week is not Monday, but Wednesday. It is on Wednesday that employees feel the most depressed. This is due to the fact that the weekend is still far away, but fatigue has already accumulated. In addition, it is the environment that accounts for the largest number of cases at work, and not the accomplice, when everyone is just “swaying”.

So it turns out that Monday is not at all as difficult as it seems. For the most part, the perception of this day is distorted due to existing stereotypes.

10 easy recipes

And yet, while we have not overcome our stereotypes, let's see what can help us get through Monday.

1. You go to bed early - you get up easily. The most offensive thing for Monday is that on Sunday you can’t go to bed at a normal time. As a result, you fall asleep late, do not get enough sleep, hence - drowsiness and bad mood. What to do with it? Get up early on Sunday and never doze off during the day.

2. Do not turn on the radio and TV. I have always dreamed of having a radio music channel at home or wherever there was not a single presenter. And not just because their pointless conversations are annoying. Most of all they depress on Monday. At a time when you want to tune in to the positive, on almost every channel we are reminded that the weekend is over and today is a difficult Monday. Perhaps in this way the hosts are trying to calm us down. But it would be better if they didn't. Therefore, on Monday morning, I fundamentally do not turn on either the TV or the radio. Let the entire media world be silent!

3. From problems to tasks. A new week is always full of plans. We have a large amount of work ahead of us, and therefore we begin to get nervous - will we have time? will it work? Will we be able to make all of our dreams come true? Treat your problems as tasks, as plans that you will definitely implement. Set yourself up for success and think about the results.

4. In tasks, but not in super tasks. However, the plans should not be too zealous. If you set super goals for yourself, which you then don’t complete, the Monday blues and dissatisfaction will only intensify.

5. Learn to love your job. In order to love Monday (as well as the working hours of all other days of the week from Monday to Friday), you just need to love your job. Or at least learn how to do it. Remember (or better - write down) what is good about yours, occupation, specialty. Do not forget to indicate what you have already achieved. Think about plans, their implementation and the results of your work. Then Monday you will meet with joy, not depression.

6. Everything has its time and place. Try to focus on the activity you are doing. When you come home in the evening, think about household chores. Don't think about work on weekends either. But also at work, discard dreams about the weekend. This separation helps a lot.

For example, I am very sorry for my friend Svetka, who has two unloved days of the week - Sunday and Monday. Monday - it's clear why, you say. What was wrong with Sunday?
“Because the next day is Monday,” Svetka admits. “And since Sunday morning, I’ve been haunted by the thought that the weekend is coming to an end.

So it turns out that mine not only does not like Monday, but also does not know how to enjoy the second half of the weekend.

7. Try not to think about the weekend. It is better to drive away thoughts about the weekend - both just past and coming. Such thoughts are only debilitating. Try to focus on work, current responsibilities and affairs. You don't have to constantly think back to Saturday night, endlessly twisting filmstrips in front of you with scenes of fun with friends or a successful date.

8. The main thing is to start. Post-weekend adaptation is not as difficult as we think. Start with a simple job - your daily duties. You yourself will not notice how quickly you enter the working rhythm. Nothing complicated - just do your job!

9. From heavy to light. To overcome the feeling of oppression, some advise to do the hardest work of the day planned as soon as possible. This rule - from heavy to light - applies not only to Monday, but to all working days. Remember, we were taught to do the lessons in this sequence. While the brain is fresh and active in the most invigorating way, the most difficult must be dealt with. Well, after dinner, relax and finish everything else. Don't be surprised if you still have some free time!

10. We will not rewind - we will “look” at everything. When I was at school, I had a dream - to “rewind”, like a tape, all the unpleasant events in life: exams, math and chemistry lessons, queues at stores and at the post office, visits to doctors, moving from city to city. By analogy, I would like to “rewind” Monday, and with it the working hours of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. And as a result, in the full version, “view” only fun weekends. But, think about how much time we will live if we “rewind” all the work, expectations and complex processes in our life? A couple of decades or even years?

One thing is obvious - the one who does not like Monday does not know how to have fun. Monday is an integral part of our life. And we must learn to enjoy it. Therefore, study hard, study this all your life!

Biorhythms, or How to become healthy Valery Anatolyevich Doskin

How to survive Monday

How to survive Monday

When planning things for the week, do not forget that adaptation to work takes place on Monday, so reschedule things, if possible, to Tuesday.

We do not advise you to fill the so-called weekend, that is, Saturday and Sunday, with business. These days should serve for active recreation, for staying in the open air. Remember that the body is less resistant to stress these days, and a good rest on weekends will allow you to work more productively throughout the week.

From the book All About Ordinary Eggs author Ivan Dubrovin

MONDAY Breakfast - 2 hard-boiled eggs, tea with sugar, 1 slice of rye bread. Lunch - 150 g of lean boiled meat, 1 medium-sized stewed beetroot. with vegetables, 1 piece

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MONDAY Breakfast - 2 eggs, 50 g toast, tea with sugar. Lunch - 150 g sausages, 100 g boiled potatoes, 1 glass of tomato juice.

From the book The Healing Power of Thought author Emrica Padus

MONDAY Breakfast - tea with sugar, cottage cheese. Lunch - 150 g stewed cabbage with tomato, 150 g boiled meat, 1 glass of kefir. Snack - two hard boiled eggs, 1 glass of apple juice. Dinner - boiled potatoes with vegetables, 100 g boiled fish, 1 glass

From the book Secrets of our brain by Sandra Amodt

MONDAY Breakfast - coffee with milk, scrambled eggs, a piece of bread. Second breakfast - cheese sandwich, tea with lemon. Lunch - fried potatoes, meatballs, 1 glass of apple juice. , pickled cucumber or tomato, 1

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Monday Breakfast at 8.00 Before getting out of bed, immediately after waking up, drink 500 ml of water. After getting up, squeeze 1 grapefruit and drink the juice. After 15 minutes or later, during the morning, drink cocoa with honey. Before noon, drink 250 ml of water, only 1 liter. Lunch at 12.30 Dairy

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Monday Breakfast at 8.00 1 hard-boiled egg or lean ham - 1 slice, 100 g of yogurt, tea without sugar (200 ml) Lunch at 12.30 200 g of vegetable salad. To prepare it, chop the tomato, cucumber, lettuce, parsley and green onion and season with vegetable oil and

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Monday Breakfast at 8:00 1 glass of apple juice, 4 cookies, 1 apple. Lunch at 12:30 200 g boiled fish, white cabbage salad with lemon juice (200 g), 1 boiled potato, 25 g white wine. Dinner from 19:00 to 21:00 150 g Dutch cheese, 1 toast, 1 glass of milk, 1 large

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How hard it is to part with a carefree weekend and return to office everyday life! How to survive and win this day? .. And is there really a reason to hate Monday so much?

Monday blamed undeservedly

Monday is considered the hardest day of the week, but is it really so? An interesting study on this topic was conducted by Australian scientists. Specialists from the University of Sydney organized a survey among 200 people who were asked to name the most unpleasant day of the week. The vast majority of respondents without hesitation named Monday.

However, the researchers did not stop there. They began to study the well-being of employees throughout the week. Participants were asked each day how they felt. It turned out that the hardest day of the week is not Monday, but Wednesday. It is on Wednesday that employees feel the most depressed. This is due to the fact that the weekend is still far away, but fatigue has already accumulated. In addition, it is the environment that accounts for the largest number of cases at work, and not the accomplice, when everyone is just “swaying”.

So it turns out that Monday is not at all as difficult as it seems. For the most part, the perception of this day is distorted due to existing stereotypes.

10 easy recipes

And yet, while we have not overcome our stereotypes, let's see what can help us get through Monday.

1. You go to bed early - you get up easily. The most offensive thing for Monday is that on Sunday you can’t go to bed at a normal time. As a result, you fall asleep late, do not get enough sleep, hence - drowsiness and bad mood. What to do with it? Get up early on Sunday and never doze off during the day.

2. Do not turn on the radio and TV. I have always dreamed of having a radio or television music channel at home, where there would not be a single presenter. And not just because their pointless conversations are annoying. Most of all they depress on Monday. At a time when you want to tune in to the positive, on almost every channel we are reminded that the weekend is over and today is a difficult Monday. Perhaps in this way the hosts are trying to calm us down. But it would be better if they didn't. Therefore, on Monday morning, I fundamentally do not turn on either the TV or the radio. Let the entire media world be silent!

3. From problems to tasks. A new week is always full of plans. We have a large amount of work ahead of us, and therefore we begin to get nervous - will we have time? will it work? Will we be able to make all of our dreams come true? Treat your problems as tasks, as plans that you will definitely implement. Set yourself up for success and think about the results.

4. In tasks, but not in super tasks. However, the plans should not be too zealous. If you set super goals for yourself, which you then don’t complete, the Monday blues and dissatisfaction will only intensify.

5. Learn to love your job. In order to love Monday (as well as the working hours of all other days of the week from Monday to Friday), you just need to love your job. Or at least learn how to do it. Remember (or better - write down) what makes your profession, occupation, specialty good. Do not forget to indicate what you have already achieved. Think about plans, their implementation and the results of your work. Then Monday you will meet with joy, not depression.

6. Everything has its time and place. Try to focus on the activity you are doing. When you come home in the evening, think about household chores. Don't think about work on weekends either. But also at work, discard dreams about the weekend. This separation helps a lot.

For example, I am very sorry for my friend Svetka, who has two unloved days of the week - Sunday and Monday. Monday - it's clear why, you say. What was wrong with Sunday?
“Because the next day is Monday,” Svetka admits. “And since Sunday morning, I’ve been haunted by the thought that the weekend is coming to an end.

So it turns out that my friend not only doesn't like Monday, but also doesn't know how to enjoy the second half of the weekend.

7. Try not to think about the weekend. It is better to drive away thoughts about the weekend - both just past and coming. Such thoughts are only debilitating. Try to focus on work, current responsibilities and affairs. You don't have to constantly think back to Saturday night, endlessly twisting filmstrips in front of you with scenes of fun with friends or a successful date.

8. The main thing is to start. Post-weekend adaptation is not as difficult as we think. Start with a simple job - your daily duties. You yourself will not notice how quickly you enter the working rhythm. Nothing complicated - just do your job!

9. From heavy to light. To overcome the feeling of oppression, some advise to do the hardest work of the day planned as soon as possible. This rule - from heavy to light - applies not only to Monday, but to all working days. Remember, we were taught to do the lessons in this sequence. While the brain is fresh, and coffee acts in the most invigorating way, you need to cope with the most difficult. Well, after dinner, relax and finish everything else. Don't be surprised if you still have some free time!

10. We will not rewind - we will “look” at everything. When I was at school, I had a dream - to “rewind”, like a tape, all the unpleasant events in life: exams, math and chemistry lessons, queues at stores and at the post office, visits to doctors, moving from city to city. By analogy, I would like to “rewind” Monday, and with it the working hours of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. And as a result, in the full version, “view” only fun weekends. But, think about how much time we will live if we “rewind” all the work, expectations and complex processes in our life? A couple of decades or even years?

One thing is obvious - the one who does not like Monday does not know how to have fun. Monday is an integral part of our life. And we must learn to enjoy it. Therefore, study hard, study this all your life!