How is the registration of citizenship of the Russian Federation for a newborn child. What gives citizenship to babies and how to get it.

According to the legislation, there are a number of points that affect the possibility of obtaining the status of a citizen of the Republic of Russia by a minor in 2016.

What determines the possibility of obtaining Russian citizenship for children in 2016:

Baby's place of birth

If a minor was born in Russia, then he has the right to obtain the status of a citizen when one of the parents is a foreigner, and the other has documents on citizenship of the Russian Federation. At the same time, a citizen of another republic should not be against receiving civil status for a newborn in Russia.

If both parents are foreigners, the newborn may acquire Russian citizenship if in another state he is not allowed to do this for any reason.

Interesting! If a newborn is thrown into any institution in Russia, then he can receive a status Russian citizen after 6 months, provided that the parents were not found by that time.

Place of residence of children

If the baby lives in Russia and one of his parents has been granted Russian citizenship, then he also has the right to become a citizen of the Russian Federation, regardless of the sincere desire of the other parent. This is also possible if the parents of the children are people without a certain civil status.

The status of a citizen of which republic his parents have

If the baby's parents are citizens of the Russian Federation or one parent is a Russian citizen, and the other does not have any status, then regardless of the place of birth, it is possible for a newborn to apply for Russian citizenship at any time up to 14 years.

The consent of the child's parents to receive the latter the status of a Russian citizen.

It must be given in writing when submitting documents for the child to obtain the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation, if one of the parents is a Russian citizen.

Important! As of 2015, a baby cannot be deprived of civil status if in this option he becomes a stateless person.

What papers are needed to obtain citizenship if a minor was born in Russia to his parents - in the status of citizens of the Russian Federation?

Very often, at the birth of babies in Russia among Russians, parents do not register the status of a citizen for a newborn, believing that this happens automatically. This is not entirely correct.

To get it for a newborn in 2016, you need to go to the nearest local branch of the FMS with parental passports and a certificate of the birth of a newborn. There, on the same day, they will put a citizenship stamp on the birth document.

If the date of birth of the newborn is before July 1, 2002, then parents still need documents: a certificate of registration for each and a completed in 2 copies. the required statement.

Registration of the status of a citizen in this case is necessary because:

  • without it, the baby will not be able to cross the border of the state, for example, go on vacation in 2016;
  • at the age of 14, a passport is issued only if the children have it on the basis of a stamp or an insert in birth documents;
  • without it, kids are not registered in kindergartens and schools.

Citizenship mechanism for children

In order to obtain the status of a Russian citizen for their child, parents must first of all collect the entire package of documents necessary to obtain it, pay the required fee and apply to the local FMS with an application.

Cases on the acquisition of civil status in the Russian Federation by a child are considered in accordance with the legislation in a simplified version. The processing time for such an application is up to 6 months. In some cases, citizenship marks are affixed immediately on the day of application.

After processing such an application and making a positive decision on the case, the child is issued a document with a mark of Russian citizenship.

What documents are needed for a minor to acquire the status of a Russian citizen in 2016:

  • Statement
  • Birth certificate of children or their passport depending on age;
  • Passports with the citizenship of his parents affixed;
  • Documents that confirm the place of residence of the child;
  • Written approval of the second parent for the child to receive the status of a Russian citizen, if the parent is a citizen of another country;
  • Photo of the baby, size 3x4;
  • Payment document confirming the payment of the duty fee.

Important! If the child at the time of the transfer of documents is 14, but not 18 years old, then his written consent is also required for him to register the status of a Russian citizen.

In most cases, citizenship for a newborn 2017 is automatically assigned upon birth. However, for the legal registration of citizenship of the Russian Federation, you will need to go through a certain procedure. You can’t do without this when receiving maternity capital, or in the case when you plan to travel abroad with your baby.

Until 2007, parents were given a special insert confirming the child's citizenship. Currently, this role is played by a stamp that is affixed to reverse side birth certificates. Nevertheless, the inserts received before 2007 have not lost their legal force and in a number of situations can be taken into account.

Obtaining citizenship by birth

The kid automatically becomes a Russian in the following cases.

    At the time of his birth, both mother and father are citizens Russian Federation.

    At least one of the parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation (has a passport), and the second is a stateless person or missing (also in the case when the location of the second parent is unknown).

    Parents do not have Russian citizenship or are citizens of another state that does not grant citizenship to the child - while the baby was born in Russia.

You can apply for the establishment of citizenship for a child at any time if necessary, the state does not establish any restrictions for this. However, at the time of the initial receipt of a passport at the age of 14, the citizenship of a teenager must already be established (as well as in the case of a child leaving the country).

Thus, nevertheless, not every newborn who was born in the territory of our homeland automatically receives the status of a Russian

First steps

Registration of citizenship of the Russian Federation for a newborn child should begin with obtaining a certificate from a medical institution. Such paper is given to a woman in a maternity hospital after being discharged from it. This certificate must indicate the sex of the baby, the date and time of his birth, the name of the hospital and information about the doctor who delivered the baby. The paper will be valid for 1 month, if lost, you can apply for it again. Help looks like this:

If there was a home birth, the role of the certificate will be performed by a statement drawn up by the persons present in a free form.

With this paper, you should go to the registry office to obtain a birth certificate for the child, and there is no need to make an appointment with a specialist in advance. When a baby is born outside of Russia, then they go to the Russian consulate for a birth certificate with the same package of documents as in their homeland and valid passports.

Package of documents

It is necessary to collect the following documents for the citizenship of the newborn

    Passports of parents with Russian citizenship.

    Marriage certificate. Please note - if the baby was born in an unofficial union, then he will not be able to obtain citizenship. The issue will have to be resolved in court with the provision of a certificate of established paternity.

    Birth certificate, which we described above, or a statement that replaces it.

    Birth statement. You can download the form below.

You will receive a certificate on the same day, after which it will be possible to start obtaining citizenship for a newborn baby.

Please note: the procedure for issuing a document is free, you do not need to pay a fee

Citizenship stamping

Next, parents need to contact the department migration service. If both mom and dad are Russians, the procedure will look as simple as possible. The birth certificate will simply be stamped accordingly. In some cases, other actions are assumed.

    How to apply for citizenship for a newborn child in 2017, if only one of the parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation? In this case, the decision on the citizenship of the baby is made by the parents themselves. Consent is first certified by a notary, and with this document, mother and father already come to the migration service.

    If one of the parents is missing or in hiding, or the parents are divorced and one of them simply refuses to come, then a corresponding free-form statement is provided that the location of the second parent has not been established. In this case, the status will be issued in the presence of only the mother or only the father.

    When both mother and father do not have the citizenship of any country, they are required to provide certificates confirming this fact, as well as attach originals and copies of the residence permit.

    How to obtain citizenship for a newborn child if his parents are foreigners whose states refuse to grant their citizenship to the baby? According to the same scheme, only with the application of paper indicating this situation.

If the baby is left without parental care, the care of registration will fall on the shoulders of the guardians, but it is important that they themselves are also citizens of the Russian Federation.

If the mother and father of a newborn child could not be found, six months after his birth, he will automatically receive the status of a Russian.

Thus, answering the question of what is needed to obtain citizenship for a newborn, you can answer - a small package of documents and a little of your personal time (in the most common case when both mom and dad are Russians). In general, this is not such a complicated legal procedure.

A person receives the right from the moment of birth. States are striving to reduce situations in which no political and legal connection is assigned to a newborn, so often such persons have more than just the opportunity to formalize the status. And even choose from several possible options. Of course, for this you will need to have and provide certain grounds to the competent government agencies. The legislation establishes a list of documents that are needed to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation for a newborn.

Who can apply for a status

To receive it, one must have one of the grounds established by the legislator. Russian legal acts establish that registration of a newborn citizenship of the Russian Federation is possible in the following cases:

  • if by the date of birth of the child both parents had Russian passports, while the place of birth does not matter;
  • if by the day the newborn was born, one of his parents was a citizen of the Russian Federation, and the second was stateless or missing (also the place of birth is not important);
  • parents had different passports by the date of the birth of the newborn and only one had an identity card issued by the Russian Federation at birth in the state territory of Russia or if the person, having not received Russian citizenship, becomes stateless;
  • both parents have foreign passports or are stateless, and the child is born on Russian land, and the countries of which his parents are citizens or residents do not give him the appropriate status;
  • if the parents of a child born in the Russian Federation are unknown, he can be issued citizenship if they have not appeared within six months from the date of his discovery.

If there are no such grounds, the child will be able to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation until the age of 18 only by following the citizenship of the parents or legal representatives who started the procedure for obtaining the corresponding status.

Documents and clearance process

Today, the issue of the need to obtain citizenship for a child should be decided primarily in favor of a positive decision. Status verification is required to:

  • get maternal capital;
  • make documents for a trip abroad (passport);
  • obtain an internal passport of the Russian Federation upon reaching the age of 14.

It is obvious that the first point already indicates the need for registration of status for the vast majority of parents. Therefore, it is better not to postpone, but to do everything at once. There are no deadlines for registration and responsibility for the fact that documents on citizenship for a child under 14 years of age have not been made. This is the right of legal representatives, not an obligation.

How to get confirmation:

  • a certificate from the maternity hospital or a statement from a person who was present at the birth;
  • passports of parents or one of them if there is no other parent;
  • marriage certificate (if any).
  1. After receiving a birth certificate, it is possible to apply for confirmation of citizenship for a child. To do this, the state agency for migration needs to provide:
  • birth certificate;
  • parents' passports;
  • other documents confirming the existence of grounds for the acquisition of Russian citizenship by a minor;
  • documents confirming the powers of legal representatives.

Since 2007, the procedure for issuing confirmation has been simplified as much as possible. The state agency for migration simply puts a stamp on the birth certificate (on the back of the form). The stamp contains information about where and when the mark was made.

Do not laminate the document before the state migration agency makes a mark, otherwise it will be impossible to put it.

As a rule, the applicant can receive the documents already stamped on the day of the application, since no additional production of information carriers is required.

If the child was born abroad and has the right to obtain the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation, parents must apply to diplomatic representation Russia (consulate or consular section of the country's embassy in the respective state). The diplomatic mission is authorized to issue the relevant document.

For those born from 2002 to 2007, a special insert with the appropriate content was issued as proof of Russian citizenship. Now the issuance of such documents has been suspended, however, previously issued documents remain valid and do not require re-issuance.

Thus, since at the birth of a baby, parents are already concerned about the execution of a considerable amount of paperwork, an additional short procedure will not greatly affect the process. It is much more rational to get everything in a row and not return to the problem when the need arises. Moreover, the need may arise suddenly, and the procedure, although simple and short, still requires time and effort.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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In order for a newborn baby to become a full-fledged Russian citizen, parents need to properly draw up his documents. To do this, after the birth of a newborn, you need to register with all the required organizations and receive all the necessary documents: birth certificate, citizenship, registration at the place of residence, compulsory medical insurance policy.

maternity hospital

Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, the mother of a newborn is issued the following documents:

  • Exchange card;

    In the maternity hospital, two parts of the exchange card are issued. The first sheet (“Information of the maternity hospital, the maternity ward of the hospital about the puerperal” is intended for the antenatal clinic, where the mother was observed during pregnancy. The second sheet “Information of the maternity hospital, the maternity ward of the hospital about the newborn” (report on the child's condition) is intended for the children's clinic. The card indicates: the weight, height of the child, vaccinations.After discharge from the maternity hospital, the child must be visited by the local doctor and patronage nurse.

  • Help extract.

This is the main document confirming that the child was born by you. It says when and where the child was born, what gender the newborn is, who delivered the baby. This certificate is valid for 1 month.

You need to take it with you to the registry office to issue a birth certificate for the child.

Note: If the newborn was born outside a medical organization and without the participation of doctors, take the statement of the person who was present at the time of the birth of the child.

Birth certificate

A newborn, in fact, can be registered at any registry office in the city, but most often the child occurs at the registry office at the place of residence of one of the parents. According to the law, it is necessary to submit an application for the birth of a child no later than one month from the date of his birth. After registration, a birth certificate is issued.

Required documents for registration:

  • Parents' passports(if the family is incomplete - only mothers);
  • Marriage certificate(if there is);
  • Help - an extract from the hospital.

When issuing a birth certificate, the surname of the newborn is recorded by the surname of his parents, the name - by agreement of the parents.

Note: Together with the child's birth certificate, the registry office will issue a certificate in form No. 25 for processing benefits for a newborn child, which is valid for 6 months. At the same time, a certificate from the maternity hospital is taken away.

Lump sum for a child

The amount of the one-time allowance for the birth of a child is determined federal law"On state benefits to citizens with children" dated 19.05. 1995 No. 81-FZ (as amended on 05.12.2006)

To receive a lump-sum allowance, the following documents must be submitted at the place of work of one of the parents:

  • A copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • Statement;
  • Help statement;
  • A certificate from the place of work of the second parent that he did not receive lump sum.

Payment is made within ten days from the date of submission of documents.

For non-working parents, the allowance is issued by the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

From January 1, 2010, it is 10,988 rubles 85 kopecks.

When two or more children are born, a one-time allowance is issued for each child.


Usually the child is registered at the place of residence of one of the parents. To do this, you need to provide the following documents to the passport office:

  • Application of the mother (father) on the registration of the child at the place of residence of the mother (father);
  • Extracts from personal accounts and house books from the place of residence of the father and mother(ERTS, passport office);
  • Certificate from the second parent stating that the child is not registered with him at the place of residence(PRUE, passport office);
  • Child's birth certificate + photocopy;
  • Passports of parents + photocopies;
  • Marriage certificate(if it is registered);
  • Statement from the 2nd parent that he does not object to the registration of the child.

Note: The consent of other family members living in the housing where the child is registered is not required.

Registration of a child at the place of residence usually takes several days. As a result, a small stamp will appear on the birth certificate, confirming the place of residence of the newborn. You do not need to pay any transfers and fees for registering a newborn - this is done free of charge.


Citizenship is issued simultaneously with registration. When applying for citizenship, a special insert is issued in the birth certificate. The certificate is stamped.

Medical policy

A medical policy must be obtained within six months after the birth of the child. The policy can be obtained from the insurance company at the place of residence. To receive you will need:

  • Passport of one of the parents of the newborn, in which there is a mark on registration at the place of residence (propiska);
  • Child's birth certificate.

First issued temporary policy. A permanent policy is issued within three months.

Registration of citizenship

Children born after 2002 require registration of the child's citizenship. Without this, you will not only not be able to go abroad with your baby, but you will also not receive a state certificate for maternity capital. IN further confirmation citizenship will be needed by the child to obtain a general civil.

For newborns born after February 2007, the collection of documents for registration of the child's citizenship was simplified as much as possible. To obtain Russian citizenship, it is necessary to hand over the parents' passports and the birth certificate to the regional department of the FMS. The stamp is affixed directly on the day of application on the back of the birth certificate in the upper left part.

Registration of citizenship of the Russian Federation for a newborn child is a procedure that parents do not even think about the mandatory passage of which until a certain point. Moreover, many are sure that the mere fact of the appearance of a baby on the territory of the Russian Federation already determines its legal status as a citizen of the state in which it was born. But in practice, things are somewhat different.

Moreover, in some cases, making a child a citizen of the Russian Federation turns out to be much more difficult than one might think. After all, complications can also arise if the location of one of the parents is not established during registration required documents and one or both parents do not have the status of a Russian citizen.

However, for each such case in the legislation there is a fairly clear algorithm of actions with which you can cope with any emerging circumstances.

And even if the child who needs to obtain citizenship is an orphan or the whereabouts of his parents cannot be established, he will not be left without the legal protection of the state and the citizenship of the newborn will still need to be issued.

How is the preparation for citizenship

Establishing a citizen's affiliation to a particular state is a procedure for which there are no strict time limits.

For example, theoretically, a child can do without the approval of this status until the age of fourteen, when it comes time to issue an internal passport for him.

It is necessary to confirm belonging to a particular state in cases where the child is planned to be taken abroad, as well as when registering a mother’s family capital. But in general, there are no other circumstances obliging to apply for citizenship immediately after the birth of a baby at the legislative level.

If you decide at all costs to comply with all the necessary legal formalities in the first months of a baby's life, it is worth remembering that today confirmation of citizenship is a special stamp that is placed on the back of the main document in your child's life - a birth certificate .

However, in any case, the first important confirmation of the birth of a future citizen of Russia into the world is a certificate of his birth, which is issued by a doctor who took birth in a maternity hospital. This document must contain:

  • information about the gender of the baby;
  • the time of his birth;
  • information about the institution that issued the document;
  • information about the person who provided obstetric care;
  • seal of the institution that issued the certificate.

Without any of these items, the document is not considered valid. Moreover, its validity period is 30 days from the date of issue, after which the certificate becomes invalid. If the birth took place at home, the document must be written out by a specialist present who has the right to conduct obstetric activities, or an ambulance team that arrived at the woman in labor on call. It is with this certificate that parents can apply to the registry office for a birth certificate of the child, in which the newborn will be given the last name, first name and patronymic.

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How Russian citizenship is issued for children

Having received a document in their hands, which will be the main justification for obtaining citizenship, parents can apply directly to the migration registration authorities to conduct necessary procedure. In this case, you will need:

  1. Identity documents (passports or their equivalents) of both parents (or one, if the second is not established or it is not possible to establish its location).
  2. For children born before July 2002 and who have not yet received Russian citizenship, a special application may also be required and confirmation that the parents at the time the child was born had the status of citizens of the Russian Federation.
  3. For children born after July 1, 2002, a written application from the parents is not required. An oral appeal is enough, the whole procedure takes a minimum of time and is carried out during just one visit to the FMS authorities.
  4. If a child has the status of an orphan or guardianship has been established over him, but citizenship was not properly formalized during the life of his parents, the guardian has the right to apply for the appropriate status for his ward by submitting a written application to the FMS.

When drawing up documents with a written application, the required form can be obtained not only by visiting the Migration Service Department on a personal visit, but also by downloading the required form on the website of the department.

In this case, the procedure for establishing the status of a citizen in any case will take more time.

The law establishes a period of up to 10 working days, and in addition to the birth certificate, you will need to provide documents confirming that one or both parents have Russian citizenship at the time the change in legislation comes into force.

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What is the basis for obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation for a newborn

In order for your baby to be able to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation immediately after his birth, you need to know that he may have such a right both upon birth and due to other circumstances. For example, if both parents of a child are citizens of the Russian Federation at the time of his birth, no complications are guaranteed to arise during the execution of documents. It will be enough to present the documents indicated in the list to the Federal Migration Service to obtain the appropriate stamp in the birth certificate.

If only one of the parents has citizenship at the time of the birth of the baby, and the second one does not have it for any other country or is completely unknown and it is not possible to establish his whereabouts, there will be no difficulties in obtaining citizenship either. It will be enough to provide the relevant documents. For example, in the event of the death or deprivation of parental rights of one of the parents, you will need to provide documents confirming this fact.

If the child's parents foreign citizens or stateless persons on the territory of the Russian Federation - there is only permanent registration, they can also obtain Russian citizenship for a newborn, but with some reservations. In particular, the baby must be born on the territory of the Russian Federation, and the country whose citizenship (if any) his parents have refuses to grant the status of a citizen to the born child. It is important to note that automatically receive citizenship of the Russian Federation after six months and children found on the territory of the Russian Federation, whose parents have not been identified.

And how to apply for citizenship to a newborn born to parents, of which only one has the status of a citizen of Russia? In this case, the legislation requires that, before applying for the status of a citizen of one of the countries for their child, the parents draw up and notarize an agreement that will secure the consent of both legal representatives of the infant to receive citizenship. It is far from always that a woman’s childbirth begins exactly at the time interval in which she plans them. And no one is immune from the fact that it is possible to resolve the burden on the territory of another state. How to be in this case with obtaining citizenship? Practice shows that there is nothing complicated here either: you just need to file a waiver of citizenship at the place of birth in the country where your child was born.