What is reclamation? Directions of reclamation of disturbed lands. The history of the development of disturbed land reclamation: world and Russian experience

Certain types of industrial, mining and construction activities can cause serious damage to the soil cover. Violation of ecological and agrotechnical properties does not allow the use of land for agricultural purposes. In particular, the laying of communication systems, the construction of linear facilities, the development of quarries for the extraction of minerals, etc. can lead to such consequences. Only the reclamation of agricultural land, which is a complex of restoration measures, can correct the situation.

What is reclamation?

As a rule, reclamation involves the restoration of the original properties and characteristics of the soil layer for its subsequent use in agricultural needs. However, these measures can be used for other purposes as well. For example, to restore the recreational and forestry parameters of the cultivated area. In other words, land reclamation is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the necessary environmental and agrotechnical properties of the soil.

At the same time, this process does not mean at all that the cover should be restored to increase the lost fertility. For example, in the work with forestry lands, forest reserves are being formed at the expense of new plantations. But it is mainly agricultural land that is subjected to reclamation. True, there are different directions in this area. For example, land reclamation may include the organization of perennial pastures, the creation of areas for future arable land, as well as soil preparation for gardens and hayfields.

What lands are subject to reclamation?

The most common category of affected areas refers to lands where pipelines have been laid and construction work has been carried out. From the point of view of the complexity of restoration, it is worth noting the areas that were used as landfills for burial and storage of hazardous waste. In such cases, a special reclamation of contaminated lands is carried out, the terms of which can be calculated in years, depending on the nature of the waste and the severity of their impact on environment. The development of deposits in combination with exploration and exploration activities also has a negative impact on the soil layer. One way or another, a special reclamation project is developed for each case.

What is taken into account in the reclamation project?

First of all, experts take into account the primary data on the natural conditions of the area. Climatic, vegetative and hydrological factors are taken into account. Next, the actual state of the land at the time of reclamation is analyzed. At this stage, the area, the intensity of overgrowth, the shape of the relief, the nature of land use, the degree of pollution, as well as the state of the soil cover are determined. In addition to these data, the land reclamation project also contains information on the chemical and granulometric composition of the soil, its agrophysical and agrochemical parameters. Estimated in the documentation and the possible life of the land after the reclamation. At the same time, the risk of a repeated violation of the optimal state of the soil cover is taken into account.

Technical land reclamation

At this stage, planning, the creation of slopes, as well as the removal and renewal of the soil layer are carried out. Depending on the requirements of the project, hydraulic engineering and ameliorative devices can be organized. In general, this is the main part of the activities aimed at preparing the land for further targeted use. Work is being carried out in several areas, including heat engineering, hydraulic engineering and chemical operations. Thermotechnical land reclamation is the heating of the soil due to mulching, which covers the fertile layer. The use of hydrotechnical technologies aims to rid the area of ​​excess moisture, as well as to change the frequency of land flooding. Chemical agents allow you to restore the original properties and characteristics of the soil through the introduction of components such as lime, clay, gypsum, sorbents, etc.

Biological land reclamation

At the stage of biological reclamation, agrotechnical and phytomeliorative procedures are used, which should improve the biochemical, agrochemical, agrophysical and other characteristics of the land. Unlike technical measures, this case expected to work with the most severe violations. In particular, land reclamation of this kind helps to restore areas that have been damaged by hazardous industrial waste. We can also talk about the complete destruction of the natural components of flora and fauna. Modern means of biological restoration show the effectiveness of reclamation, but in terms of time and financial costs, they can also significantly exceed traditional technical means of soil renewal.

The result of the reclamation

The quality of reclamation can be judged by several parameters. First of all, this is the absence of unnecessary objects on the territory, among which there may be fragments of rocks, construction debris and industrial structures. Also, the site must have an integral structure of the landscape without the presence of obvious blockages, pits, drainage channels, mine failures and embankments. In addition, land reclamation must necessarily contribute to the complete or partial renewal of the soil-forming process. Modern technologies allow to significantly increase the ability of the soil to self-cleaning. Against the background of such processes, the biological state of the lands is normalizing.


Even if we do not take into account the expediency of using land for agricultural purposes, the restoration of the fertility capacity has a beneficial effect on the natural components associated with the territory. For this reason, reclamation should be carried out without fail, regardless of its further use. Of course, if the interested person has a plan for the specific exploitation of the territory, then the reclamation project should initially be adjusted to the designated goals. In such cases, restoration activities not only help to eliminate the consequences of harmful effects on the soil, but also, if possible, enrich it with the necessary components that are significant from the point of view of future use.

Land reclamation is a system of measures to address issues of rational use of land resources and environmental problems in general. All lands undergoing changes in relief, soil cover, parent rocks that occur or have already occurred in the process of mining, construction, hydraulic engineering, geological exploration and other types of work are subject to reclamation. Eroded soils should also be recultivated, and, under appropriate conditions, by earthing, rocky places and lands with shallow and low-productive soils.

Depending on the further use, the following areas of reclamation are distinguished: agricultural, forestry, water management, fisheries, recreation, hunting, environmental protection, and construction. When choosing a direction, the population density, soil and climatic conditions, the relief of the territory, etc. are taken into account.

Any construction, mining, geological exploration does not begin until a site reclamation project is developed. Enterprises, organizations and institutions that perform the above work on agricultural land, forest land provided to them for temporary use, are obliged at their own expense to bring these land plots into a condition suitable for their intended use.

An integral part of the land reclamation project is anti-erosion measures: the construction of water-retaining and drainage shafts, spillways, terracing, and the use of soil-protective technologies for growing crops.

Reclamation works include technical and biological stages.

Technical stage of reclamation

The technical stage of reclamation is a set of works carried out by mining enterprises in order to prepare the territory for construction or for biological development. This stage includes the following works:

  • removal and storage of the fertile soil layer and potentially fertile rocks;
  • selective excavation and formation of overburden dumps;
  • formation of dumps of mines, quarries;
  • surface planning, terracing, fixing slopes, quarries;
  • chemical melioration of toxic rocks;
  • covering the planned surface with a layer of fertile soil or potentially fertile rocks;
  • engineering equipment of the territory.

The technical stage of reclamation is the most time-consuming and expensive.

Biological land reclamation

Biological reclamation is a set of measures aimed at restoring the fertility of disturbed lands and ensuring high productivity of crops grown on them.

In the process of mining, selective extraction of rocks is mandatory. The humus layer, potentially fertile and overburden rocks are removed, transported and stored separately.

Unsuitable and toxic rocks are placed in the base of the dump, covered with potentially fertile rocks, and covered with a humus layer of soil on top. The layer of potentially fertile and fertile rocks should be at least 1.2-1.5 m. If there are no areas for coverage or insufficiently prepared, the soil layer is stored in special dumps. The height of such dumps is 10-15 m, they should not be subject to surface or subsoil flooding, they must be protected from erosion, overgrowing with weeds, and maintain microbiological activity by sowing perennial grasses.

The leveling of the surface of the dumps is carried out in two stages: the first is rough, including the alignment of large ridges and elevations. At the same time, areas for use in agriculture should be close to flat, without closed depressions. The general slope of the surface for Polissya can be 1-2 °, for the Forest-Steppe and Steppe - 1 °. Forest areas can be moderately dissected with slopes up to 4°. On slopes greater than 4 °, it is necessary to erect water-retaining shafts and anti-erosion structures. Slopes can be formed in the form of terrace-like ledges.

The second stage (final) - precise planning is carried out after 1-2-year rock shrinkage: dumps are covered with a fertile soil layer and transferred for development.



On approval of the Basic Provisions on Land Reclamation, Removal, Preservation and Rational Use of the Fertile Soil Layer

Not applicable from January 21, 2019 based on
joint order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
dated December 25, 2018 N 683/729

In pursuance of paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 23, 1994 N 140 "On land reclamation, removal, conservation and rational use of the fertile soil layer"

we order:

1. To approve the attached Basic Provisions on land reclamation, removal, conservation and rational use of the fertile soil layer agreed with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia and other interested federal executive bodies.

2. Structural subdivisions of the central office and territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and Roskomzem shall accept these Basic Provisions for guidance and implementation.

3. Control over the implementation of the order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and natural resources of the Russian Federation V.F. Kostin and Deputy Chairman of Roskomzem S.L. Gromov.

Minister for the Environment
environment and natural resources
Russian Federation

Chairman of the Committee
Russian Federation
for land resources
and land management
V.N. Komov

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
July 29, 1996.
Registration N 1136

Basic provisions on land reclamation, removal, conservation and rational use of the fertile soil layer

by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia
and Roskomzem
dated December 22, 1995 N 525/67

I. General provisions

1. These Basic Provisions, developed in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 23, 1994 N 140 "On land reclamation, removal, conservation and rational use of the fertile soil layer", define the general requirements for the Russian Federation when carrying out work related to the violation soil cover and land reclamation, and are mandatory for use by all legal entities, officials and individuals, including foreign legal entities and individuals.

2. The territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and Roskomzem, within their competence, may approve the necessary instructive and methodological documents and provide explanations on the issues of reclamation of disturbed lands, taking into account the peculiarities of legislative and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

3. Reclamation of disturbed lands is carried out to restore them for agricultural, forestry, water management, construction, recreational, environmental and sanitary purposes.

4. Reclamation for agricultural, forestry and other purposes requiring restoration of soil fertility is carried out sequentially in two stages: technical and biological.

The technical stage provides for planning, slope formation, removal and application of a fertile soil layer, installation of hydraulic and reclamation structures, burial of toxic overburden, as well as other work that creates the necessary conditions for the further use of reclaimed lands for their intended purpose or for carrying out measures to restore fertility soils (biological stage).

The biological stage includes a complex of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative measures aimed at improving the agrophysical, agrochemical, biochemical and other properties of the soil.

5. Lands disturbed by:

- development of mineral deposits in an open or underground way, as well as peat extraction;

- laying pipelines, carrying out construction, land reclamation, logging, geological exploration, testing, operational, design and survey and other works related to disturbance of the soil cover;

Liquidation of industrial, military, civil and other facilities and structures;

- storage and disposal of industrial, domestic and other wastes;

- construction, operation and conservation of underground facilities and communications (mine workings, storage facilities, underground, sewerage facilities, etc.);

- elimination of the consequences of land pollution, if the conditions for their restoration require the removal of the top fertile soil layer;

- conducting military exercises outside the ranges specially designated for these purposes.

6. The conditions for bringing disturbed lands into a condition suitable for subsequent use, as well as the procedure for removing, storing and further using the fertile soil layer, are established by the bodies that provide land plots for use and give permission to carry out work related to disturbing the soil cover, on the basis of projects reclamation that received a positive conclusion from the state environmental expertise.

The development of reclamation projects is carried out on the basis of existing environmental, sanitary-hygienic, construction, water management, forestry and other norms and standards, taking into account regional natural and climatic conditions and the location of the disturbed area.

7. Costs for land reclamation include costs for:

- implementation of design and survey work, including soil and other field surveys, laboratory analyzes, mapping;

- carrying out the state ecological expertise of the reclamation project;

- work on the removal, transportation and storage (if necessary) of the fertile soil layer;

- works on selective excavation and storage of potentially fertile rocks;

- leveling (levelling) of the surface, flattening, terracing of dump slopes (terrikons) and quarry sides, backfilling and leveling of mine failures, if these works are technologically impracticable in the process of developing mineral deposits and are not provided for by the mining project;

- chemical reclamation of toxic rocks;

Acquisition (if necessary) of a fertile soil layer;

- application of potentially fertile rocks and fertile soil layer to recultivated lands;

- elimination of post-shrink phenomena;

- backfilling of upland and drainage ditches;

- liquidation of industrial sites, transport communications, electrical networks and other facilities, the need for which has passed;

- cleaning the recultivated area from industrial waste, including construction debris, with their subsequent burial or storage in a designated place;

- arrangement in accordance with the project of reclamation of the drainage and drainage network, necessary for the subsequent use of reclaimed lands;

- acquisition and planting of seedlings;

- preparation of the bottom (bed) and arrangement of quarry and other excavations when creating reservoirs in them;

- restoration of the fertility of reclaimed lands transferred to agricultural, forestry and other uses (the cost of seeds, fertilizers and ameliorants, the application of fertilizers and ameliorants, etc.);

- activities of working commissions for the acceptance and transfer of reclaimed lands (transport costs, payment for the work of experts, field surveys, laboratory tests, etc.);

- other works provided for by the reclamation project, depending on the nature of the land disturbance and the further use of the reclaimed sites.

8. The norms for the removal of the fertile soil layer, potentially fertile layers and rocks (loess, loess-like and cover loams, etc.) are established during design, depending on the level of fertility of disturbed soils, taking into account applications and appropriate guarantees from consumers for the use of potentially fertile layers and rocks .

The removed top fertile soil layer is used for reclamation of disturbed lands or improvement of unproductive lands. The use of the fertile soil layer for purposes not related to agriculture and forestry is allowed only in exceptional cases, if it is not economically feasible or if there are no opportunities for its use to improve agricultural land and the forest fund.

For landscaping and landscaping of the territories of settlements and other purposes not related to agriculture and forestry, potentially fertile layers and rocks that meet sanitary, hygienic and environmental requirements, as well as a fertile soil layer removed within the boundaries of settlements during construction and other works.

9. The timing of the technical stage of reclamation is determined by the authorities that provided the land and gave permission to carry out work related to the disturbance of the soil cover, based on the relevant project materials and calendar plans.

When conducting military exercises, geological exploration, prospecting, prospecting and other work not related to the withdrawal of land, the terms of reclamation are determined in agreement with the land owners, landowners, land users, tenants.

10. Legal entities and individuals carrying out work on mining, industrial, civil, water management and other construction should ensure the safety of peat deposits or carry out their development and use in accordance with the established procedure to increase soil fertility, if the work carried out can lead to damage and peat destruction.

II. The procedure for issuing permits for carrying out on-farm work related to violation of the soil cover

11. The issuance of permits for the extraction of common minerals or peat for own needs and the performance of other on-farm work related to the violation of the soil cover is carried out in the manner established by the relevant executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Appendices No. 1 - 3).

12. The list of common minerals (sand, gravel, clay, quartzite, dolomite, marl, limestone, shell, shale, igneous, volcanic, metamorphic rocks, etc.) in relation to individual regions is determined by the Committee of the Russian Federation on Geology and Subsoil Use in conjunction with executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

13. The grounds for refusal to issue a permit may be:

a) a direct prohibition in the legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the development of subsoil and other works with violation of the soil cover;

b) the presence at the time of filing with the application of disputes about the ownership of the territory on which it is planned to carry out work with violation of the soil cover;

c) untimely and poor-quality performance of work on the reclamation of previously disturbed lands;

d) the absence of approvals and other materials, determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, necessary for assessing possible negative environmental and other consequences associated with the extraction of common minerals, peat and other works with violation of the soil cover;

e) other grounds determined by legislative and regulatory legal acts the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as decisions of local governments.

III. The procedure for acceptance and transfer of reclaimed land

14. To organize the acceptance (transfer) of reclaimed lands, as well as to consider other issues related to the restoration of disturbed lands, it is recommended to create a special Permanent Commission on Land Reclamation (hereinafter referred to as the Permanent Commission) by the decision of the local government, unless otherwise provided by regulatory legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation and acts of local governments.

15. The Permanent Commission includes representatives of land management, environmental protection, water management, forestry, agricultural, architectural, construction, sanitary, financial and credit and other interested bodies.

It is recommended to appoint a representative of the local self-government body as the chairman of the Standing Commission, and the chairman of the district (city) committee on land resources and land management as his deputy.

16. Organizational and technical support for the activities of the Permanent Commission is assigned to the district (city) committee on land resources and land management, unless otherwise provided by the decision of the local government.

17. Acceptance and transfer of reclaimed land is carried out in month after receipt by the Permanent Commission of a written notice of the completion of reclamation work, to which the following materials are attached:

a) copies of permits for carrying out work related to disturbance of the soil cover, as well as documents certifying the right to use land and subsoil;

b) copying from the land use plan with the marked boundaries of the reclaimed areas;

c) the reclamation project, the conclusion of the state ecological expertise on it;

d) data of soil, engineering-geological, hydrogeological and other necessary examinations before carrying out works related to the disturbance of the soil cover, and after the reclamation of disturbed lands;

e) the layout of observation wells and other observation posts for the possible transformation of the soil and ground strata of the reclaimed sites (hydrogeological, engineering-geological monitoring) if they are created;

f) project documentation (working drawings) for reclamation, anti-erosion, hydraulic and other facilities, forest reclamation, agrotechnical and other measures provided for by the reclamation project, or certificates of their acceptance (testing);

g) materials of inspections of the implementation of reclamation work carried out by control and inspection bodies or specialists of design organizations in the order of field supervision, as well as information on the measures taken to eliminate the identified violations;

h) information about the removal, storage, use, transfer of the fertile layer, confirmed by relevant documents;

i) reports on the reclamation of disturbed lands in the form N 2-tp (reclamation) for the entire period of work related to the violation of the soil cover on the leased plot (Appendix N 5).

The list of these materials is specified and supplemented by the Permanent Commission, depending on the nature of the land disturbance and the further use of the reclaimed sites.

18. Acceptance of reclaimed plots on site is carried out by a working commission, which is approved by the chairman (deputy) of the Standing Commission within 10 days after receipt of a written notice from legal (individual) persons leasing land.

The Working Commission is formed from members of the Permanent Commission, representatives of interested state and municipal bodies and organizations.

Representatives of legal entities or citizens who lease and accept reclaimed land, as well as, if necessary, specialists from contractors and design organizations, experts and other interested persons, take part in the work of the commission.

In the event that the representatives of the parties handing over and accepting the reclaimed land fail to appear, if there is information about their timely notification and there is no petition to postpone the departure of the working commission to the site, land acceptance can be carried out in their absence.

19. When accepting reclaimed land plots The working committee checks:

a) compliance of the work performed with the approved reclamation project;

b) the quality of planning work;

c) the power and uniformity of the application of the fertile soil layer;

d) the presence and volume of the unused fertile soil layer, as well as the conditions for its storage;

e) the completeness of compliance with the requirements of environmental, agrotechnical, sanitary-hygienic, construction and other regulations, standards and rules, depending on the type of disturbance of the soil cover and the further targeted use of reclaimed lands;

f) the quality of the performed reclamation, anti-erosion and other measures determined by the project or the conditions of land reclamation (agreement);

g) the presence of construction and other waste on the reclaimed site;

h) availability and equipment of monitoring points for reclaimed lands, if their creation was determined by the project or the conditions for reclamation of disturbed lands.

20. Persons included in the working commission are informed through the appropriate means of communication (by telegram, telephone message, fax, etc.) about the start of the work of the working commission no later than 5 days before the acceptance of reclaimed land in kind.

21. The object is considered accepted after the approval by the chairman (deputy) of the Permanent Commission of the act of acceptance and delivery of reclaimed lands (Appendix No. 4).

22. Based on the results of the acceptance of reclaimed land, the Permanent Commission has the right to extend (reduce) the period for restoring soil fertility (biological stage) established by the reclamation project, or to submit proposals to local governments on changing the intended use of the leased area in the manner prescribed by land legislation.

23. If the leased reclaimed land plots require the restoration of soil fertility, the approval of the act is made after the full or partial (in cases of phased financing) transfer of the necessary funds for these purposes to the settlement (current) accounts of land owners, landowners, land users, tenants, to whom the indicated areas.

IV. Accounting for disturbed lands

24. State statistical monitoring of disturbed lands, removal and use of the fertile soil layer is carried out by the bodies of Roskomzem.

Approval or clarification of the relevant forms of state statistical observation is carried out by the State Statistics Committee of Russia on the proposals of Roskomzem and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia.

25. Annual statistical information on land reclamation, removal and use of the fertile soil layer (Appendix No. 5) is compiled as of January 1 by all organizations carrying out work with violation of the soil cover, and after agreement with local (district, interdistrict, city) bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources Russia is sent no later than January 5 to the relevant authorities of Roskomzem and the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

Summary statistical information on administrative territorial entities (city, district, constituent entity of the Russian Federation) is compiled by the authorities of Roskomzem and sent to the relevant authorities of the State Statistics Committee of Russia and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia.

Summary statistical information for the Russian Federation as a whole is submitted by Roskomzem to the State Statistics Committee of Russia and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, highlighting information on individual industries (ministries and departments) and on the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

26. The procedure for the provision by individuals of the necessary information on ongoing work related to the violation of the fertile soil layer is established by the bodies of Roskomzem and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, unless otherwise determined by local governments.

27. To clarify the accounting data, it is recommended to conduct an inventory of disturbed lands at least once every 10 years, which is carried out at the suggestion of the bodies of Roskomzem and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia on the basis of decisions of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local self-government.

V. Control over land reclamation and responsibility for non-fulfillment of obligations for reclamation

28. Control over the quality and timeliness of the implementation of work on the reclamation of disturbed lands and the restoration of their fertility, the removal, preservation and use of the fertile soil layer is carried out:

bodies of Roskomzem, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and other specially authorized bodies in accordance with their competence, determined by the Regulations on their activities;

by the relevant services of organizations that carry out work with violation of the soil cover or carry out field supervision over the implementation of reclamation projects;

freelance public inspectors for the use and protection of land, appointed in accordance with clause 1.4 of the Instruction on the procedure for the work of state land inspectors to bring individuals, officials and legal entities to administrative responsibility for violation of land legislation, approved by order of Roskomzem dated 18.02.94 N 18 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia for N 528 of 03/28/94, as well as public inspectors for nature protection, appointed in the manner established by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia.

29. In order to assess, prevent and timely eliminate the negative impact of disturbed and reclaimed lands on the state of the environment, specially authorized bodies and interested organizations, within their competence, monitor (monitor) the environmental situation in the places of development of mineral deposits, storage and disposal of waste, carrying out other works related to the disturbance of the soil cover, as well as in reclaimed territories and adjacent areas.

30. Compensation for damage caused by work related to disturbance of the soil cover, non-fulfillment or poor-quality fulfillment of land reclamation is made voluntarily or by a court decision or arbitration court at the claims of the victim or bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and Roskomzem.

31. The amount of damage caused is determined according to the methods and standards approved in the prescribed manner, or on the basis of the relevant design documentation for restoration work, and in their absence - according to the actual costs of restoring the disturbed state of the land, taking into account the losses incurred, including lost profits.

32. For damage and destruction of the fertile soil layer, non-fulfillment or poor-quality fulfillment of obligations for the reclamation of disturbed lands, non-compliance with established environmental and other standards, rules and regulations when carrying out work related to violation of the soil cover, legal entities, officials and individuals shall bear administrative and other liability under applicable law.

33. Persons guilty of using land for other purposes or in ways that lead to deterioration environmental situation when carrying out work related to the violation of the soil cover, they may be deprived of the right to use land in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Appendix N 1. The list (recommended) of materials submitted when applying for a permit to carry out on-farm work related to disturbance of the soil cover

Appendix No. 1
to the Basic Provisions on Reclamation
land, removal, conservation and rational
use of the fertile soil layer

1. An application indicating:

a) type of work, method and terms of development, volume of production and for what purposes;

b) the area of ​​disturbed lands by types of land and soil differences, the depth of development;

c) financial and technical capabilities for removing the fertile soil layer (if necessary, underlying potentially fertile rocks) and subsequent land reclamation, data on contractors involved for these purposes;

d) area, thickness and volume of the removed fertile soil layer, place and period of its storage, further use;

e) the end date of the technical stage of reclamation, the period for restoring the fertility of the recultivated lands and their further use, a list of measures to improve the reclaimed lands (the biological stage of reclamation);

f) the presence within the boundaries of land use of previously disturbed lands, as well as territories with special conditions of use (sanitary and protected zones, lands of nature protection, health, recreation, historical and cultural purposes, etc.).

2. A drawing (plan) of land use with marked boundaries of places for the extraction of common minerals or other works, storage of fertile soil and, if necessary, potentially fertile rocks.

3. Scheme (project) for the reclamation of disturbed lands, agreed with the local authorities of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and Roskomzem.

4. A document confirming the payment for consideration of the application.

5. Coordination with interested parties government bodies and organizations, as well as other materials determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government.

Appendix N 2. Permission (recommended) for carrying out on-farm work related to soil disturbance

Appendix No. 2
to the Basic Provisions on
land reclamation,
removing, saving and
rational use
fertile soil layer

(name of the authority that issued the permit)

"___" __________ 19__


(name of the legal entity, full name of the citizen)

in accordance with _____________________________________________________________

(name and date of the normative legal document,


establishing the procedure for issuing a Permit)

the right to carry out work is granted _______________________________________

(extraction of common


minerals and peat for on-farm needs with


indication of the volume of extraction and for what purposes, the construction of ditches,


ditches, dams, on-farm construction, etc.)

on the total area of ​​________________________________ hectares, including by types of land


within the boundaries indicated on the attached drawing (drawn with the application of storage areas for the removed fertile soil layer on reverse side permission or given by the application and certified by signature and seal).

The specified land plot is located in ____________________________________

(property, ownership,


leased for a period with indication of the name of the lessor)

according ______________________________________________________________

(name, N and date of issue of the document for the right


land use)

Special conditions for the performance of work: __________________________________________

(depth of development; removal


fertile soil layer, indicating its volume and type


further use; reclamation, improvement


unproductive lands, sale; timing


land reclamation and for what types of land, etc.)

Validity period of the permit _________________________________________________


(Address, phone number, fax number and current account of a legal entity)



(Citizen's home address and phone number, passport series and number,


by whom and when issued)

Head (Deputy)
authority issuing the permit


Appendix N 3

Appendix No. 3
to the Basic Provisions on
land reclamation,
removing, saving and
rational use
fertile soil layer

Date of receipt of the application

Name of the legal
face and his
citizen and
his passport details

for which
goals and

and date


job title

work on
and a record of their completion (number and date

or extension of the term

Appendix N 4. Acceptance and delivery certificate of reclaimed land (recommended)

Appendix No. 4
to the Basic Provisions on
land reclamation,
removing, saving and
rational use
fertile soil layer

acceptance and delivery of reclaimed land

"____" _____________ 19__


(place of compilation: locality,
land use, etc.)

The working commission appointed by the order of the Chairman (deputy) of the Permanent Commission for Land Reclamation (district, city, subject of the Russian Federation) dated "___" _____________ 19__ N ____________ consisting of:

Chairman _______________________________________________________________

Members of the Commission: ________________________________________________________________

(last name, first and last name, position and place of work)



in the presence of (representatives of a legal entity (citizen) renting (and accepting) land, contractors carrying out the reclamation of disturbed lands, specialists of design organizations, experts, etc.):


(surname I.O., position and place of work


(residence), as whom participates)

1. Reviewed the submitted materials and documents:

(list and indicate when and by whom they were drawn up, approved,



2. Examined in kind the reclaimed area after the


(types of work related to disturbance of the soil cover)

and made the necessary control measurements and measurements:


(area of ​​the recultivated area, the thickness of the applied


fertile soil layer, etc.)

3. Established that in the period from _____________ 19__ to ___________ 19__ the following work was performed: ________________________________________________

(types, volume and cost of works:


planning, reclamation, anti-erosion, removal and application


fertile soil layer and potentially fertile rocks


indicating the area and its thickness, forest plantation, etc.)

All works were performed in accordance with the approved design materials ____________________________________________________________________________

(in case of derogation, indicate for what reasons, with


by whom and when the allowed deviations were agreed)

and a reclaimed site with an area of ​​_______ ha is suitable (not suitable, with reasons indicated) for use __________________________________________________________

(in agriculture - by types of land,


terrain conditions, the possibilities of mechanized processing,


suitability for cultivation of agricultural crops


and indication of the period of restoration of soil fertility;


forestry purposes - by types of forest plantations;


under the reservoir - fishery, water management,


for irrigation, complex use, etc.; under


construction - residential, industrial, etc.; for recreational


environmental, sanitary and recreational purposes)

4. The working commission decided:

a) accept (partially or completely) recultivated lands with an area of ​​______ hectares with their subsequent transfer to ___________________________________________________

(name of the legal entity


surname I.O. citizen)

in ___________________________________________________________________________

(property, rent, etc.)

for further use under ____________________________________________

(special purpose)

b) postpone the acceptance of reclaimed land (in whole or in part) with an indication of the reasons (deficiencies) and the establishment of a deadline for their elimination;

c) postpone the restoration of soil fertility or make a proposal to change the intended purpose of the lands provided for by the reclamation project (with indication of the reasons).

The act of acceptance and transfer of reclaimed lands was drawn up in triplicate and after approval by the chairman (deputy) of the Permanent Commission for Reclamation:

1st copy. remains deposited with the Permanent Commission;

2nd copy. sent to a legal or natural person who leased the reclaimed site;

3rd copy. sent to a legal or natural person to whom the reclaimed site is transferred.

Chairman of the working


(Surname I.O.)

Members of the working


(Surname I.O.)

Appendix N 5. Report on land reclamation, removal and use of the fertile soil layer for 19__

Appendix No. 5
to the Basic Provisions on
land reclamation,
removing, saving and
rational use
fertile soil layer

Form N 2-tp (reclamation)

resolution of the State Statistics Committee
Russia dated 12.07.94 N 103


on land reclamation, removal and use
fertile soil layer for 19__

Section I

The name of indicators


when developing
minerals, their processing and
carrying out geological exploration work



Presence of disturbed lands

as of 01.01.199__ total

including worked out

For the reporting year 199__

Lands disturbed - total

including worked out

Reclaimed land -

including under:
arable land

other agricultural land

forest plantations

reservoirs and other purposes

Presence of disturbed lands
as of 01.01.199__ total

(lines 01 + 03 + 05)

including worked out
(lines 02 + 04 + 05)


The name of indicators

For the reporting year 199__

Removed fertile soil layer:


thousand cubic meters m

Used fertile soil layer thousand cubic meters. m, including:

land reclamation

improvement of unproductive lands

other purposes

Improved unproductive lands with removed fertile soil layer, hectares

The presence of a stored fertile soil layer as of 01.01.199__ thousand cubic meters. m - total
(lines 12 + 14 + 15)

Annex N 6. Terms and definitions used for the purposes of the Basic Provisions on land reclamation, removal, conservation and rational use of the fertile soil layer

Appendix No. 6
to the Basic Provisions on
land reclamation,
removing, saving and
rational use
fertile soil layer

1. Disturbed lands - lands that have lost their economic value or are a source of negative impact on the environment in connection with the violation of the soil cover, hydrological regime and the formation of technogenic relief as a result of production activities.

2. Land reclamation - a set of works aimed at restoring the productivity and economic value of disturbed lands, as well as improving environmental conditions.

3. Inventory of disturbed lands - identification in kind, accounting and mapping of disturbed lands with the determination of their areas and qualitative state.

4. Technogenic relief - a relief created as a result of industrial activity.

5. The direction of reclamation is the restoration of disturbed lands for a specific intended use.

6. Agricultural direction of land reclamation - the creation of agricultural land on disturbed lands.

7. Forestry direction of land reclamation - the creation of forest plantations of various types on disturbed lands.

8. Water management direction of land reclamation - the creation of reservoirs for various purposes in depressions of the technogenic relief.

9. Recreational direction of land reclamation - creation of recreation facilities on disturbed lands.

10. Environmental direction of land reclamation - bringing disturbed lands into a condition suitable for use for environmental purposes.

11. Sanitary and hygienic direction of land reclamation - biological or technical conservation of disturbed lands that have a negative impact on the environment, the reclamation of which for use in the national economy is not economically efficient.

12. Construction direction of land reclamation - bringing disturbed lands into a condition suitable for industrial, civil and other construction.

13. Soiling - a set of works on the removal, transportation and application of a fertile layer of soil and potentially fertile rocks on unproductive lands in order to improve them.

14. Object of land reclamation - a disturbed land plot subject to reclamation.

15. Technical stage of land reclamation (technical land reclamation) - the stage of land reclamation, including their preparation for subsequent intended use in the national economy.

16. Biological stage of land reclamation (biological land reclamation) - the stage of land reclamation, including measures to restore their fertility, carried out after technical reclamation.

17. Overburden rocks (overburden) - rocks covering and enclosing a mineral to be excavated and moved in the process of open-pit mining.

18. Recultivation layer - a layer artificially created during land reclamation with favorable properties for plant growth.

19. Fertile soil layer - the upper humus part of the soil profile, which has chemical, physical and agrochemical properties favorable for plant growth.

20. Potentially fertile soil layer - the lower part of the soil profile, which has physical, chemical and limited agrochemical properties favorable for plant growth.

21. Potentially fertile rocks - rocks that, in terms of properties, coincide with the potentially fertile soil layer.

The text of the document is verified by:
"Bulletin of Regulatory
acts of federal bodies
executive power",
N 4, 1996

Land reclamation- a set of measures aimed at restoring the productivity of disturbed lands in the process of nature management, as well as at improving environmental conditions.

lands infringement- this is a process that occurs during the extraction of minerals, the performance of geological exploration, surveying, construction and other works and leads to a violation of the soil cover, the hydrological regime of the area, the formation of man-made relief and other qualitative changes in the state of the land.

Reclaimed land- these are disturbed lands where productivity, national economic value has been restored and environmental conditions have been improved.

There are two stages in land reclamation:

1. Technical - land preparation for subsequent intended use

2. Biological - restoration of fertility, carried out after the technical stage and including a set of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative measures aimed at the renewal of the historically established combination of flora, fauna and microorganisms.

The reclamation works include the following stages:

  • Design and survey work (soil and other field surveys, laboratory analyzes, mapping)
  • Determination of the characteristics of the cleaned object: engineering and geological indicators, qualitative and quantitative indicators of pollution, microbiological and agrochemical indicators of the cleaned soil
  • Pollution localization
  • Bundling, application of sorbents
  • Cleaning the territory from pollution
  • Mechanical, sorption and microbiological treatment
  • Chemical and microbiological control of the cleaning process
  • Acquisition of a fertile layer of soil (if necessary)
  • Application of potentially fertile rocks and fertile soil layer to recultivated lands
  • Liquidation of industrial sites, transport communications, electrical networks, buildings and structures, other facilities (if necessary)
  • Cleaning the reclaimed area from industrial waste
  • Arrangement of a drainage and drainage network for the subsequent use of reclaimed land (if necessary)
  • Acquisition and planting of seedlings
  • Preparation of the bottom, arrangement of quarry and other excavations when creating reservoirs in them (if necessary)
  • Restoring the fertility of reclaimed lands transferred for agricultural, forestry and other uses (purchase of seeds, fertilizers, ameliorants and their use, etc.).

Causes of disturbed lands and water bodies

Types of human activities, as a result of which there may be a need for reclamation of lands and water bodies:

  • economic activity
    • mining, especially open pit mining;
    • deforestation;
    • the occurrence of landfills;
    • city ​​building;
    • creation of hydraulic structures and similar facilities;
  • conducting military tests, including tests of nuclear weapons.

Two main stages of reclamation

Reclamation works usually have two main stages - technical and biological. At the technical stage, the landscape is corrected (filling ditches, trenches, pits, depressions, soil failures, leveling and terracing industrial waste heaps), hydraulic and reclamation structures are created, toxic waste is buried, and a fertile soil layer is applied. As a result, the formation of the territory is carried out. At the biological stage, agrotechnical work is carried out, the purpose of which is to improve the properties of the soil.

Areas of land reclamation

Depending on the goals that are set during land reclamation, the following areas of land reclamation are distinguished:

  • environmental direction;
  • recreational direction;
  • agricultural direction;
    • crop direction;
    • hay and pasture direction;
  • forestry direction;
  • water management direction.

Plants used in reclamation

Among the plants used to improve land quality, first of all, we can name herbaceous representatives of the legume family, which are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen. For example, in Australia, Clitoria ternatea (Clitoria ternatea) is used for reclamation of coal mine areas. Another plant actively used in land reclamation is black poplar (Populus nigra).

The reclamation period can last 10 years or more. It includes technical and biological stages.

Technical stage of reclamation(technical reclamation, and when restoring lands disturbed by mining - mining and technical reclamation) includes the following types of work: removal and storage of the fertile soil layer, surface leveling, transportation and application of fertile soils to the reclaimed surface, construction of a drainage and water supply network of canals, installation of anti-erosion structures. The technical stage of reclamation is carried out by mining enterprises.

Biological stage of reclamation(biological reclamation) includes measures to restore the fertility of reclaimed lands and restore flora and fauna. Works at this stage are carried out by enterprises of the forestry or agricultural profile, in the permanent use of which, after the technical reclamation, the land comes.

There are directions or types of reclamation, characterized by specific techniques and methods, depending on the intended use of the reclamation area. The following areas of reclamation are most widespread: agricultural, forestry, fishery, water management, recreational, sanitary and construction.

Land reclamation should be comprehensive, i.e., provide for their various subsequent uses.

Reclamation(from lat. re- renewal, cultivo- I cultivate) is a complex of works to restore productivity lands, improvement of environmental conditions. Land disturbance occurs during the development of mineral deposits, the performance of geological exploration, surveying, construction and other works. At the same time, the soil cover is disturbed or destroyed, the hydrological regime changes, a technogenic relief is formed, etc. As a result of land reclamation, agricultural and forest lands, reservoirs for various purposes, recreational zones, and areas for development are created on disturbed soils.

Disturbed lands polluting the environment, the reclamation of which for economic use is not economically effective, are subject to conservation by biological, technical or chemical methods.

Stages of land reclamation

usually carried out in two stages. The first stage is technical - surface planning, covering it with a fertile layer or improving the soil; construction of roads, hydrotechnical and reclamation facilities, etc. The second stage is biological - agrotechnical and phytomeliorative measures to restore, accelerate soil-forming processes, and restore flora and fauna on reclaimed lands.

On the territory of Belarus, the most widespread forestry land reclamation. This is most typical for territories disturbed during the extraction of sand and gravel materials, the carbonate layer. This is due to the relatively complex technogenic relief of such objects, the poverty of the substrates of the disturbed surface with plant nutrients, their light granulometric composition, etc.

Reclamation of disturbed lands

Widespread in the Republic reclamation of disturbed lands by creating arable land and other farmland. For these purposes, deposits of clay raw materials, as well as sands and sand and gravel materials with a relatively uncomplicated technogenic relief and overburden, potentially suitable for agricultural use, are used.

For water management directions land reclamation promising objects, where there are prerequisites for the formation in quarry workings of significant area and volume of water mass, environmentally sustainable artificial subaquatic landscapes for various purposes.