Sincwine to the tale of the fisherman fish. Creative short-term project "Goldfish

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by Pushkin - Blue Sea. A happy ending. Blackened blue sea. Fairy tales usually have happy endings. Explain what it means. The blue sea is not calm. Ocean world. yard obsolete words. Journey to Leksikograd. Mastery of A. S. Pushkin. Black peasant. New trough. Svetelka. Check the accent. Put the accent on the homonyms.

"Pushkin's Tales Grade 2" - Anagram. Uncle. The same as the sea bow. Valley, flat, elongated space along a river or between mountains. USD In the old days: warrior, hero. Let's make a syncwine. Lukomorye. Knight. Such a bend of the sea coast, when part of the sea protrudes into the land. The following materials were used in the presentation: In the old days: a servant-educator with a boy in a noble family.

"KVN based on Pushkin's fairy tales" - Well, if you want to return to Lukomorye, Then wonderful moments Can happen again. On a magical journey Time flies very fast! In which educational institution studied A.S. Pushkin? Homework. Stage 1 Where was Alexander Pushkin born? When he was born? The last fairy tale We are closing the page! Warm up.

"Quiz on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin" - New Year. Old imp. 5 times the old man went to the fish with requests. Quiz based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. How many requests of the old man did the fish fulfill. Squirrel. Balda. Order a balda service. Popadya taught. Tale of the priest and his worker Balda. The old woman appeared as a pillar noblewoman. How many years has the old man been fishing? How many times the old man went to the fish with requests.

"A game based on Pushkin's fairy tales" - Learn the fairy tale by words. Arrange in order the plot of "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". Guess the tale. Determine where the assistant is and where the opponents are. What fairy tales are these things from. Who was the faithful watchman of King Dadon. In the world of fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. Lesson-quiz on literature in grade 5. What was the name of the dog that guarded the tower of the seven heroes.

"A quiz game based on Pushkin's fairy tales" - The Tale of the Golden Cockerel. Tales of A.S. Pushkin. Happy question. Choose your question. Illustration. Failure. Arshin. Wind. Run around the sea. Tale of the priest and his worker Balda. Rules of the game. The Tale of Tsar Saltan. The growth of the son of Tsar Saltan. Deacon. Seven heroes. The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.

There are 25 presentations in total in the topic

« gold fish»

Project theme: Folk morality and morality in A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".

Project goals:

Statement and formulationunderstanding of the folk morality of fairy tales and their connection with life;

independentnew creation of algorithmsness when deciding aboutproblems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Conscious andarbitrary construction yousayings in oral and written speech withbuilding normstext.

Development creative thinking; artistic ability;


Develop children's emotional responsiveness, imagination, fantasy;

- to cultivate a feeling of love for the work of A.S. Pushkin, moral qualities of friendship, solidarity, goodwill;

Learn to comprehend artistic images and their connection with life.

Know what cinquain is, the basic rules for compiling;

PROJECT PARTICIPANTS: children 7-8 years old


Studying a fairy tale in the lesson literary reading.

At the drawing lesson, draw and cut out a Goldfish

IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 1 lesson per extracurricular activities


Increasing the activity of students in the classroom to improve learning outcomes;

The use by students of the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and Everyday life;

Enrichment of vocabulary.


1. Exhibition of books with fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin.

2. Handout for group work.

3. Drawings depicting fish.

4. Multimedia presentation of the teacher.

During the classes

I. Motivation for learning activities.

/ Entering the lesson, the children stand, the teacher reads the poem and does the exercises, the children repeat after him.


From a deep well (Hands "O")

The sun is rising slowly (hands raised above the head)

His light will be shed on us (arms outstretched in front of him, palms down)

His beam will smile at us (hands parallel down)

A new day it will begin (hands down wide)

With the advent of a new day!

Smile to me, and I to you, may your new day be as sunny as your smiles.

The girls sat down, the boys sat down.

II. Goal setting.

Guys, in the lesson of literary reading, you finished studying the tale of A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". Therefore, today we will try to summarize our knowledge of this fairy tale, express our attitude towards the heroes and characters of the fairy tale, and we will also create creative project"Gold fish"

III. Knowledge update.

In what genre is the fairy tale written by A.S. Pushkin? (poetic or prose)

Let's retell the chain not in poetry, in prose

Children's answers.

Sample text

The old man and his wife live by the sea. The old man earns his living by fishing, and one day an unusual goldfish comes across in his net, capable of speaking human language. The fish begs to be released into the sea, and the old man lets her go without asking for a reward. Returning home, he tells his wife what happened. She scolds him and forces him to return to the sea, call the fish and demand a reward, at least a new trough. The old man calls a fish from the sea, she appears and promises to fulfill his desire, saying: "Do not be sad, go with God." Returning home, he sees his wife's new trough. However, the “appetites” of the old woman are increasing - she makes her husband return to the fish again and again, demanding (for herself) more and more rewards. The sea, to which the old man approaches, each time changes from calm to more and more agitated, and in the end - stormy. At a certain moment, the old woman demonstrates contempt for her husband, who is the source of her success, and demands that the fish make her “the mistress of the sea”, and the fish itself should have served her “on parcels” (that is, in service). Rybka does not respond to the old man's request, and when he returns home, he sees an old woman, deprived of everything bestowed, sitting by the old broken trough.

IV. Generalization of knowledge on the read work.

Name the characters in the story.

/ Answers of students (Fish, old man).

Name the characters in the story.

/ Answers of students (Old woman, sea).

Give a description of the heroes and characters of the fairy tale.

What old woman?

What old man?

Why doesn't the old man reread the old woman? Do you remember what he calls her?

(He calls her “a grumpy woman”, “the old woman is more foolish than ever”, “damned woman”. The distance between the old man and the old woman increases, although not immediately. While the old woman asks for a new trough, we have a domestic scene in front of us. But then the old man seems to forget that he has a wife in front of him.

Why did Rybka stop fulfilling the wishes of the old woman?

Only for greed she is punished.

(The old woman in Pushkin is punished not because she wants to live as a mistress or tsarina, but because, having become a mistress, she beats and "drags" her servants for a chuprun, sends her peasant husband to serve in the stable; having become a tsar, she is surrounded by formidable guards, who almost chopped her old man with axes, she wants to be the mistress of the sea so that the goldfish serves and it was on her parcels. This is not just the reaction of the fish - this is the answer of the goddess, whose place the old woman wanted to take, moreover, turning the goddess into her servant. Becoming the "mistress of the sea", the old woman encroaches on the freedom of the fish. This tale is about the oppression and greed of the old woman, the desire for wealth and power, also about the good nature, humility, downtroddenness, obedience of the old man).

- Connect the wishes of the old woman and the change of the sea

In what order did the old woman express her desires, and the sea changed.

She asked for a hut.

I wanted to be the mistress of the sea.

She asked for a trough.

Wants to be a pillar noblewoman.

Wants to be queen.

The blue sea is clouded.

The sea was a little loose.

Blackened blue sea.

The blue sea is not calm.

Black storm on the sea.

V. Creative project. (divide children into groups)

1 task

Now you will try to create a syncwine for a character or hero of a fairy tale.

2 task

The fairy tale has a happy endinglike in other fairy tales that end in victory and joy?

Thus, in this fairy tale the essence and character of a person is very well shown. Man is selfish by nature. He will always want and strive for something more than he has and can have. Few people know the measure and limit of their capabilities. Alexander Sergeevich wanted to show that people punish themselves for greed and ignorance of this line. On the one hand, the old woman can be understood. The poor woman, she was tired of living in poverty, and then the opportunity presented itself to live well. She completely lost her head from the opportunities and wealth that she had. It is characterized by envy, anger, stinginess. In all fairy tales, good triumphs over evil. In this tale, good teaches and punishes evil. A.S. Pushkin showed how ridiculous people look in pursuit of wealth. "Staying with nothing" - the result of greed, greed, selfishness of the old woman, on the one hand, but also the weakness of character, humility, lack of will of the old man, on the other hand, the outcome of the tale is perceived not only as a triumph of justice in relation to the old woman - "serves you right!", but partly to the old man - he failed to use the miracle, did not serve good deed but the miracle was in his hands, it was given to him.

Guys, imagine that you caught a goldfish. Take it in your hands, make a wish. Write your wish, attach the fish to the magical sea, and may all your wishes come true.

Choose a group leader who will distribute tasks to create a syncwine, decide who will protect your project.

V I . Protecting student projects.

V II . Summary of the lesson.

Choice of the best project.

Subject: Generalization lessonA.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

Lesson Objectives: to form the ability to navigate the content of the text read; transform information, draw conclusions;develop skills inexpress your attitude to the characters, events, evaluate their actions; develop the ability to argue your point of view based on the text of the work;expressively read the work through understanding of its intention and empathy.

Formation of UUD:


be able to conduct self-assessment of the success of educational activities.


be able to determine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of a teacher; work according to a collectively drawn up plan in pairs and groups; plan your actions in accordance with the task; learns to express his assumption (version) on the basis of working with a textbook illustration;


learn to formulate a coherent answer to the question; listen and understand the speech of others; learn the ability to jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication in a pair, in a group and follow them.


Be able to find answers to questions in the text and illustrations; draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the class and the teacher;

During the classes.

I . Organizing time

We got into groups. Why do you think? (there will be a game, a quiz)

II . Setting the goal of the lesson

I will ask the team questions about the fairy tale. The team is in charge. If the answer is wrong, the question goes to the next team. For a correct answer, the team gets 1 point.

(1 slide)

1. Quiz

(2-3 slide)

1. What is the name of the work we are studying?("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

(4-5 slide)

2. And who wrote this fairy tale? (A.S. Pushkin)

(6-7 slide)

3. An old man lived with his old woman. ..(near the blue seain a dilapidated dugout)

(8-9 slide)

4. What did the old man do .. (caught fish with a net)

(10-11 slide)

5. What did the old woman do ..... (spun her yarn)

(12 slide)

6. How many years did the old man fish?(30 years and 3 years).

(13-14 slide)

7. How many times did the old man cast a net? (three)

8. With what did the net come for the first time? (with slime)

(15-16 slide)

9. With what did the seine come the second time? (with sea grass)

10. With what did the net come for the third time? (with golden fish)

(17 slide)

11. What ransom did the goldfish promise to give? (I'll pay off whatever you want)

(18 slide)

12. He fished for thirty years and three years and did not hear .... (for the fish to speak)

2. Arrange in order

(19 slide)

How did the sea change?

    The sea was a little loose.

    The blue sea is clouded.

    The blue sea is not calm.

    Blackened blue sea.

    Black storm on the sea.

(20 slide)

In what order did the old woman express her desires?

    She asked for a trough.

    She asked for a hut.

    Wants to be a pillar noblewoman.

    Wants to be queen.

    I wanted to be the mistress of the sea.

Children tell episodes from fairy tales

3. Feature

(21 slides)

The character of the old man: soft, kind, supple, unrequited, weak-willed, humble.
The character of the old woman: domineering, vicious, greedy, rude, quarrelsome, demanding, ungrateful.

The nature of the fish: kind, noble, fair.


(22 slide)

I suggest you makeSINKWINE

(The word "cinquain" comes from French word"five". This little poem, just five lines:

1. The first line contains one word - hero; interrogative word - WHO?

2. The second line consists of two words - signs of a hero; question word - WHAT? WHICH?

3. The third line - from 3 words; The question is WHAT IS IT DOING?

4. Fourth line - 4 words; they show the AUTHOR'S ATTITUDE towards this character.

5. Fifth line - one word-OUTPUT (WORD-synonym) for the first line.

(23 slide)






(24 slide)






(25 slide)



Swearing, commanding, angry




(26-29 slide)

Cast a seine - pulled out a seine

Caught a fish - released a fish

Old trough - new trough


(30 slide)

scolding - scolding

click - call

Sad - sad

speaks - speaks

argue - argue


(31 slides)

Each team is given cards with words from proverbs. Collect the proverb. Explain the meaning of the proverb. Why do they say so?

If you want a lot, you will lose the last.

Much to wish - no good to be seen.

Greed is the beginning of every grief.

The insatiable is not enough.

He who is not satisfied with little is not worthy of more.

8. What does it mean to "stay with nothing"?

(32 slide)

What phrase has now become a phraseological unit, thanks to A. S. Pushkin's "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"?

Demanding the best, she was left with nothing, lost everything and returned to her plight.


(33 slide)

If you caught a goldfish, what wish would you make?

In front of you are goldfish.

Everyone will take a fish, paint it and write down their desire. I will collect, put, your fish with desires in a large envelope, and when you finish school, I will distribute them to you and see if your wish comes true?

12. Summing up

Summarize. Which team got the most points? Scoring.

Today in the lesson we systematized and summarized knowledge on the tale of A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

You were explorers, readers, connoisseurs. You are great!