What can be molded from plasticine. Do-it-yourself plasticine goldfish.

Go ahead - make funny animals from plasticine and create real ones!

plasticine giraffe

A long neck, a good-natured look and a cheerful orange-yellow color - of course, this is a giraffe! Let's make this shy handsome man out of plasticine. A small giraffe will become a bright decoration of your home collection of plasticine animals.

You will need: plasticine yellow, orange, black and white color and also a toothpick.

1. From yellow plasticine, mold an oval body and four cones (giraffe legs).

2. Now make a long tourniquet (neck) and pierce it along with a toothpick so that its edges are visible. If it didn’t work out exactly, don’t worry - you can always correct the product, it’s plasticine.

3. The head and ears will also be made of yellow plasticine.

4. Gently connect all the details, smoothing the attachment points of the neck to the torso and head.

5. From tiny white and black circles of plasticine, blind the baby's eyes. Make the nostrils with a toothpick.

6. It's time to make the giraffe a thin tail with a brush.

7. Make horns from orange plasticine.

8. And finally - attach small circles-specks to the giraffe's body. Our sunny plasticine giraffe baby is ready!

Now watch a funny cartoon online that will tell you how to mold a giraffe from plasticine.

We sculpt a parrot from plasticine

The ancient Indians liked to say: "Every noble person should teach at least one parrot to speak." Fortunately, you and I will not have to torment this bright exotic bird. To ennoble your room with a colorful figurine, it will be enough just to mold a parrot from plasticine.

You will need: plasticine blue, red, yellow, black and white flowers.

1. Make an oval from yellow plasticine. This is the body of a parrot.

2. Stick a small red circle to the body. This is the head.

3. Now mold two blue droplets from plasticine. These are wings.

4. Attach them to the torso.

5. Make a breast from white plasticine.

6. From yellow - a beak.

7. And now make eyes out of tiny white and black circles, and a bright crest out of yellow cones.

8. Attach a tail to the parrot at the back, and make notches on the wings and breast with a stack that imitate plumage.

9. From a thin yellow flagellum, make paws for a parrot, attach to the body.

Handsome! It seems as if he had just returned from the Brazilian carnival - his plumage is so colorful and colorful!

And if you want to mold a proud parrot with a multi-colored tail, here's a video for you:

How to mold a turtle from plasticine

Such a funny plasticine turtle will make anyone smile. Looking at this funny little thing, you involuntarily get the feeling that someone carefully covered it with M&M's balls. Your plasticine animals will only be happy with such a company.

You will need: plasticine in yellow, green, black and white, as well as small plasticine balls of bright colors.

1. Blind an oval from yellow plasticine and glue it with bright multi-colored plasticine balls. You will get a cheerful shell.

2. From green plasticine, make flat paws and a small tail. Attach to the turtle.

3. Then form the head and also connect to the shell.

4. From white and black plasticine, make eyes for the turtle.

5. It remains only to draw a wide smile for the turtle.


I know, I know what you're waiting for! Of course - video "How to mold a turtle from plasticine." Get it!

Well, do you like this plasticine modeling of animals? Let's go further!

Modeling plasticine insects

Who doesn't love ladybugs? Everyone loves them, especially since they are so reminiscent of summer. Let's imagine that we found ourselves in a flowering meadow, and blind this bright bug.

You will need: plasticine of red, black, green, yellow and white colors; thin wire; toothpick; black beads; stack.

1. From green plasticine, mold a leaf and use a stack to make veins on it.

2. Make an oval from red plasticine and flatten it at the ladybug's head. From black plasticine, roll one large ball (this is the head) and seven small ones (specks). And from white plasticine, make three small balls.

3. Connect the body parts of the ladybug. Attach the head to the body, stick black balls and one white ball on top of the red oval (this is a highlight). Make a slit in the wings with a toothpick. Make eyes out of white circles and beads.

4. Make antennae and paws from pieces of wire.

5. And finally, sit the ladybug on a leaf with a camomile from white and yellow plasticine.

And now let's make the ladybug her biting friend - a plasticine wasp.

Do-it-yourself plasticine goldfish

Have you thought about making an aquarium out of plasticine? starfish and octopuses are easy to make, but how to make a fish out of plasticine? Now I'll tell you.

You will need: plasticine red, yellow and white; beads (for the eyes), a plasticine knife. However, choose the color of plasticine at your discretion.

1. To begin with, mold an oval body to the fish, as well as fins and a tail.

2. Connect the body with the tail and fins, make notches.

3. Stick a few yellow stripes on the back of the fish. Applying a plasticine knife to the body of the fish, as shown in the photo, make scales for it.

4. Excellent! With the help of a stack, make a mouth for the fish and attach 2 beads to the place of the eyes.

Hooray! gold fish ready to make wishes come true. Give it to your best friend and let it become his talisman.

And here's what it might look like plasticine mascot fish.

How to mold a cute plasticine fish simply and quickly, the following cartoon will tell you:

Congratulations! Now you know how to sculpt animals from plasticine. I hope you liked it.

And now you have a great opportunity to blind plasticine transport and go on a real plasticine journey.

Plasticine games are great for developing fine motor skills child, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the overall development of the child. Therefore, every parent simply must know. Perhaps you do not know how to do it correctly and with maximum benefit for the child, then this article is for you!

How to sculpt from plasticine - general rules for practicing with a child

Now, complete with a set of multi-colored plasticine, additional accessories for modeling are also sold: plastic boards, various molds and toy knives. With their help, you can diversify activities with the baby, inventing new games.

Showing the child how to sculpt correctly. it is necessary to start with elementary basics - rolling balls, triangles, etc., gradually complicating the task. So you can teach your child to sculpt figures of men or animals.

Direct every movement of the child, but do not overdo it - he must make a plasticine figure himself, after which he can be praised for good progress.

In order for your child to fully develop, one lesson a week will not be enough. Sculpt with him every day to improve your child's skills.

Preparing for modeling from plasticine

The right choice for any zealous parent is to conduct classes at the table. The child should be comfortable and comfortable. On the table, put a plastic board or spread an oilcloth.

When buying plasticine, pay attention to its colors - it must be bright and juicy. This is important in terms of instilling in the child the correct idea of ​​beauty from an early age. At the same time, you can learn colors in this way.

If the plasticine is hard, warm up a piece of it in your palms with your child. After a couple of minutes, it will become soft and pliable for sculpting. For this purpose, you can also place a piece of plasticine in a glass of warm water.

Your baby does not know how to mold various figures from plasticine - put in front of him an image of a future animal or little man. So he will be able to recreate the figure with greater accuracy.

Now that everything is prepared, you can go directly to modeling from plasticine.

How to sculpt a cat from plasticine

Before proceeding directly to the lesson, it is worth deciding which animal you will sculpt. As a rule, children choose the pets that they most often see in front of them, for example, a cat.

How to sculpt plasticine from a Gothic machine
How to sculpt a man from plasticine

How to sculpt a snail from plasticine

How to mold a rose from plasticine

How to make animals from plasticine, perhaps, every parent should know. Sculpting animals is both simple and difficult at the same time, as models usually consist of several parts that need to be connected together. Therefore, it is better for parents to help the child and know how to make it better and clearer.

Children can already sculpt 1-1.5 years. This activity encourages the development of fine motor skills.

The child sculpts from plasticine and develops brain centers, as well as aesthetic taste, abstract thinking, and imagination. When modeling together, you can tell the child about the characteristics of animals, their habits and habitats. So the process of creating animals from plasticine can be made interesting and informative.

We sculpt animals

Consider step by step several master classes on how to make different animals living at home and in wild nature.

For modeling, any plasticine or mass for modeling is suitable. You can purchase polymer clay, then the figures will harden and last for a long time, Play-Do or ordinary plasticine for 6 or 12 colors.

Basically, all animal models consist of several elements. For ease of fastening, so as not to deform the toy, you can use toothpicks, matches or dry spaghetti.

First, we blind simple pets - a cat, a dog, a rabbit. From red plasticine we will make a well-fed or fluffy cat.

For this you need:

  • plasticine orange, black, white, red and pink;
  • tools;
  • modeling board.


  1. Let's make blanks for the body. We roll up two sausages - thick and thin - for the body and tail itself. From black plasticine we will make three strips for the back and head.

  1. We make blanks for the muzzle: we roll two balls of different sizes in orange, white, pink, black and red. We form triangular ears from orange balls, glue triangles from pink balls on top. White balls - cheeks, make cones, press a little.

  1. We make paws: four identical orange balls and 12 white balls of different sizes. Collecting paws.

  1. We collect all the details together: we slightly bend the torso and tail, glue strips, ears, cheeks, eyes and nose on top. Attach the legs and tail to the body.

Kitten is ready!

The dog can be molded, guided by the instructions below:

The white rabbit is made a little more difficult and takes more time, but it turns out to be very cute and beautiful.

For modeling, you will need white, orange and green plasticine, tools and toothpicks (thin spaghetti).

How to do:

  1. Form two balls for the body and head (large and smaller);

  1. Use tools to make a muzzle - nose, cheeks, mouth - and attach to the body;

  1. Make ears: roll sausages, make hollows with a tool and attach to the head;

  1. Make hind legs from balls: large and round;

  1. From sausages make front paws: smaller and elongated;

  1. Make an orange from an orange ball and a leaf (you can make a carrot);

  1. Attach paws and an orange to the body;

  1. Make eyes from black plasticine dots or draw them with a marker.

With a child, you can try to mold those animals that he saw at the zoo. For example, make a polar bear, a giraffe and a lion.

A simple white bear can be molded in the following way:

The giraffe is easy to make.

To do this, you need to prepare orange, white, yellow and black plasticine, toothpicks, tools and a board.

How to do:

  1. Roll up blanks from yellow plasticine: an oval-shaped torso, conical legs (4 pcs.) And a head, ears (rhombuses);
  1. Make a neck: roll up a sausage and pierce along with a toothpick;

  1. Connect all the details;
  1. From white and black balls to make eyes, from a yellow sausage and an orange droplet - a tail;
  1. Make horns and spots from orange plasticine.

The giraffe can be placed among trees and plants, such as palm trees, also made of plasticine. To do this, you need brown and green plasticine. The trunk is made up of checkers made from balls of different sizes, and the leaves are made from green circles or rolled plasticine.

A cute lion cub can be made from balls of yellow, orange, brown and white plasticine.

Sea animals should not be overlooked either, besides, sculpting them is quite simple. We blind a killer whale - an inhabitant of the cold seas.

It will take plasticine only two colors - black and white.

How to do:

  1. Knead the plasticine and roll the ball;

  1. Pull the ball into a large drop and slightly crush down;

  1. Coat the “abdomen” with white plasticine in an even layer;

  1. Make a white whale coloring;

  1. Blind the fins and tail from the droplets, bend as in the photo below;

  1. Attach two halves of the tail to the narrow edge of the body, a large fin to the back, two small fins to the sides, slightly bending;

  1. Make eyes out of gray balls by mixing white and black plasticine.

How to sculpt different animals, you can see the instructions below:

Video on the topic of the article

not only boys, but also girls love to sculpt transport, because it's so fun and interesting. Let's make sure?

How to make a car out of plasticine

If collecting exclusive toy cars is too expensive for you, I suggest collecting plasticine ones. None of your friends will have such ones, because you will make unique high-speed figures from plasticine with your own hands.

We sculpt a racing car from plasticine

1. Blind from plasticine blue color bar with rounded corners. Let the front of the car be a little narrower.

2. Roll out blue, white and black plasticine into thin pancakes and cut out machine parts.

3. Download a small ball from black plasticine, attach a white rectangle to it. This is a racing helmet.

4. Connect all the parts as shown in the picture.

Voila! The sports car is ready.

We make a truck from plasticine

Everything is very simple here:

1. Take two pieces of plasticine of different colors and mold the cab and body. Roll up small balls from gray plasticine and flatten them a little. These are truck wheels.

2. Connect all the details together.

The truck is ready.

Learning to sculpt a pickup truck from plasticine

1. Make the car parts that are shown in the photo.

2. Put the parts of the pickup truck together. With the help of the stack, make notches-windows.

Pickup ready!

We make a fire truck from plasticine

Blinding this red plasticine beauty is not at all difficult. A diagram will help you:

No desire to understand the schemes? No problem! Here's a bright video which will show how to make a car out of plasticine:

We sculpt a submarine from plasticine

If you and your friends play war games, except for tanks and planes, you will certainly need a submarine - to quietly sneak up on the enemy fleet "under water" and take him by surprise.

Let's make a plasticine submarine. It is very easy.

1. First, mold the details of the submarine.

2. Using the sharp end of a pen (no paste), or sushi chopsticks, make porthole windows.

3. Connect the submarine hull tightly to the window and roof.

4. From a small thick flagellum and two thin ones, make a periscope. Decorate the submarine with small details of your choice.

Hooray! The military submarine is ready.

Another interesting variant of modeling a submarine from plasticine will show colorful video:

How to make an airplane out of plasticine

Do your eyes also widen in delight when a plane flies in the sky very close by? Or maybe you have long dreamed of becoming a pilot? Let's make a bright plasticine plane for imaginary trips around the world, and maybe make your dream one step closer.

1. From multi-colored plasticine, mold the blanks of aircraft parts.

2. Wrap a yellow flagellum around thick blanks.

3. Flatten the yellow strip of plasticine and securely connect to the wings and body of the aircraft, rubbing the borders of the parts. You will get a kind of camouflage.

Make a screw from green plasticine. Flatten the red balls and cut out the stars. Instead of them from blue and yellow flowers you can make another identification mark for the aircraft - the flag of Ukraine.

Don't forget the cockpit. It will be made of white plasticine.

4. Connect the parts of the plane together.

A little secret from the Pustunchik: if some part of the plasticine figurine does not want to stay in place and constantly falls off, connect it to the base with a toothpick.

Here is such a wonderful, and maybe even better, airplane you should get.

Autumn is a great time to create crafts from natural materials. How about combining it with plasticine? Look how cool planes can be made from acorns and plasticine.

And for little fans of video instructions - funny cartoon which will quickly and easily explain to viewers how to mold a plane from plasticine:

We sculpt a bus from plasticine

Dear friend, have you ever been on a crowded bus? The situation is not pleasant, is it? But if you make a plasticine bus to play with your friends, then you can easily become its only passenger.

Do you want to have a spacious bus in the arsenal of plasticine cars? Then get to work!

1. Sculpt the main parts of the bus from yellow plasticine. From blue - windows and doors. And the red flagellum will serve as a coloring element.

2. Connect the parts together as shown in the picture.

3. Make wheels out of large black and small red balls. The black balls need to be flattened, and the red ones will help attach the wheels to the bus blank.

4. Stick yellow discs on top of the wheels.

The bus is ready!

Hold one more photo instructions for sculpting a bus from plasticine:

And, traditionally, video on how to mold a plasticine bus.


For babies preschool age you can come up with a lot of entertaining activities, a special place among them is plasticine modeling. Thanks to this type of creativity, parents will be able to instill in their own child a love of creativity, develop fantasy, imagination, as well as fine motor skills. In addition, by making figures from plasticine, the baby learns to be independent.

What to blind

Before the start of the lesson, each parent thinks about what can be made from plasticine. Dream up a little, imagine yourself as a child, think about what will interest your son or daughter the most. Children's crafts may involve the use of many additional materials, which include: flowers, leaves, acorns, cones, and chestnuts.

Take note of what can be molded from plasticine:

  1. and birds. Interesting and funny hedgehogs, bunnies, turtles will delight the little one. In addition, such plasticine crafts for children are made very quickly and simply.
  2. Thematic figurines. Undoubtedly, for every kid it is a special, long-awaited event, because it is associated with toys and various gifts. Simple crafts from plasticine in the form Christmas toys, a snowman and, in fact, the Christmas tree itself will cheer you up on the eve of the holiday.
  3. Flowers. Fascinating compositions made with a child will look like they are alive. Depending on the age of the crumbs, you can make flowers with a minimum number of details, as well as more complex three-dimensional compositions.
  4. Trees. Having mastered easy plasticine crafts, you can move on to more complex figures. Of course, the kid will not be able to blind the tree on his own, the help of an adult will be required. But after taking a few steps in creating crafts, the child will be able to easily complete the work he has begun.
  5. Vegetables fruits, sweets. Even novice craftsmen will be able to master the process of creating miniatures of their favorite delicacies. Choose the necessary colors of plasticine, then you can safely proceed to creativity.
Isn't it fun and interesting to make plasticine crafts with your own hands? Let's start this exciting activity right now. Prepare plasticine, a stack, cardboard and some improvised materials and you can start working. We will teach you how to mold a wide variety of crafts from colored plasticine, such an activity for kids will be entertaining and will cause a lot of positive emotions. Well, to the point?


A small forest animal with thorns will find itself right on your table. Even can make a cute rodent Small child. Plasticine modeling for children is incredibly exciting fun.

How to make:

Kitten with a heart

On St. Valentine's Day, you can give not only valentines, but also original crafts. We recommend that you make a kitten out of plasticine step by step according to the presented photo instructions.

Sculpting technique:


Make a small plasticine craft with your child, with step by step instructions you will quickly master the entire manufacturing process. A funny turtle will complement your collection of crafts.

How to sculpt:

Birds "Angry Birds"

"Angry" birds are known to almost all children. Learn how to make such a plasticine craft from our photo tutorial.

Sculpting process:

rowan tree

Craft beautiful tree very simple. This does not require spending too much time, the characteristic fruits will decorate the lush green foliage.

Creation features:


Blind lollipops from plasticine, finished products cannot be distinguished from real ones. The kids will love this for sure.

How to do: