We draw a rooster in watercolor. How to draw a rooster with a pencil and paints in stages for beginners and children? How to draw a rooster's head with a pencil and paints? How to draw a rooster with colored pencils

    The rooster itself is a very colorful bird, and when drawing the symbol of 2017, you can turn on your imagination and draw a rooster unprecedented beauty and brightness.

    You can draw a rooster according to this scheme:

    Or this one a little easier:

    It will be quite easy and simple to draw such a symbolic rooster:

    Rooster drawing is not difficult. We start drawing with a pencil, paint with paints.

    It is necessary to make a small circle. In it we draw an eye, we add a beak and a neck.

    With straight lines we sketch the contours of the body with straight lines

    We make the cockerel more streamlined, smooth out the transitions and finish the wing

    We begin to shape the head: draw a comb from above, draw an earring from below, erase all unnecessary lines with an eraser

    Draw the upper parts of the legs to the body. Getting to the feathers and making a color transition

    It remains to draw the legs and sketch out the tail. This will be the middle of the tail feathers

    At the top of the tail we add feathers, at the bottom we simply make the tail lush with curved lines

    When the rooster has taken shape, you just need to imitate feathers with a pencil and apply shadows

    Drawing a rooster is extremely simple if you follow certain proportions. It is desirable that the beginning of the drawing is a small sketch. As you can see, the downloaders pay attention to the outline of the body, and then finer details are worked out.

    The drawing will play if a special role is given to the simple and warlike coloring of the rooster.

    Trying to portray a rooster with photographic accuracy will require some skill, because this bright and conspicuous bird is not the easiest subject for an aspiring artist. Let's try to go a simple way, depicting a somewhat simplified version (source). First, let's draw the bird's body:

    Then add the crest, beak and eye:

    Already now you can understand what kind of bird is in front of us - let's draw a beard and breast:

    Now outline the wings and tail:

    Draw a puffy tail:

    It remains to finish the legs:

    We paint over the eye, we work out the details:

    We decorate the rooster as our imagination, visual experience, or fantasy tells us:

    A few strokes of paint and a beautiful rooster symbol of 2017 is ready. First we draw the head, and then we draw the rest of the rooster step by step according to the scheme. We will then erase the light strokes of the pencil, and on top of the paints we will go over the main drawing. How brighter paint, the more noticeable the cockerel.

    2017 is already, one might say, not for high mountains. Therefore, it is time to slowly think about how to start preparing for it. Slow, unhurried, but systematic. :)

    Suppose we have a sheet of paper, a pencil and red paints. Let's try to draw a Rooster in full sheet, larger. This bird is solid, proud, it is impossible to draw as tiny as a sparrow. At the first stage, let's draw a scallop, head and body contours of the New Year's Rooster:

    Until we get some kind of chicken. But let's not despair. Knowing the saying of livestock specialists that every rooster grows out of a chicken. And now we are growing it. At least on paper. Let's attach some signs of plumage and eye sockets to the chicken:

    All the same, the symbol is still weak. He clearly needs eyes and a tail. What kind of symbol, but without a tail, right? It won't be symbolic. Yes, and he has no legs (would not forget about them):

    It might as well stop. But the pencil itself asks to write the number 2017quot ;. And the red paints that we have want to paint some parts of the Rooster in the appropriate color:

    Now the Symbol is clear, beautiful, and even with a small pedicure of the claws.)

    • Draw an oval.
    • From above, start drawing a sausage - this is the neck and head of the rooster. Behind the same sausage for the tail.
    • Now at the bottom of the abdomen is a semicircle and two sticks - legs.
    • In the second figure, the details are drawn as in the photo

      On the third draw small details.

    • And the fourth picture is how to color the rooster which was drawn in stages.

    The rooster is a beautiful, luxurious, colorful bird with a bushy tail, bright red comb and beard. This is the symbol of the year in 2017, which will be the year of the Fiery Red Rooster. It is important to depict a bird in stages and learn how to draw beautifully. Then you can make postcards, embroider on fabric, or make other crafts depicting the symbol of the year for good luck.

    It is necessary to draw the body, head and neck of the rooster, luxurious tail and paws, beak, comb and beard in stages. You can make a drawing with a pencil, and then color it with pencils, lozenges or paints.

    First, we will draw a bird on a separate sheet, for example, whatman paper, and then it should be transferred to a watercolor sheet and painted, redrawing or tracing the contours on the glass.

    So, first we present the contours on the drawing paper.

    We make the body a little larger and the neck longer:

    First of all, we introduce the background, first the lighter details, then making it darker and "compacting" to show the light and shadow areas:

    We draw the body of a rooster in watercolor: first, only lighter areas, then painting over, first of all, only with a clean brush wrung out of the water:

    We paint over the neck, we present a bright crest:

    Making the comb brighter and more contrasting:

    The tail feathers and the tail itself are even clearer:

    This is such a beautiful rooster!

    If you wish, you can sign the picture with a New Year's accent:

    The symbol of the 2017 New Year - there will be a Rooster, the question arises - how to draw a beautiful Rooster with your own hands on a postcard, newspaper, drawing paper, poster, calendar, etc. etc. It is very easy to do this for those who can draw well, and for those who do not have this talent, step-by-step drawing schemes in pictures or video lessons have been created. With their help, everyone can make the desired drawing quickly and easily. Consider a couple of options that I liked.

Drawing a cockerel with gouache step by step with a photo for children from 6 years old

Drawing a cockerel with gouache for children from 6 years old. Master class with step by step photos

Yakovleva Natalia Anatolievna
Description: this master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: can be used in drawing classes with children, for interior decoration, as a gift.
Target: perform a drawing of a cockerel in gouache, using a template
Learn how to fill in the background
Learn to draw a rooster in gouache on a sheet using a template.
Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper, on a palette.
To cultivate the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in the drawing.

Materials: gouache, brushes, a sheet of A-3 paper, a simple pencil, a jar of water, a coloring book with a picture of a rooster, scissors

Cockerel pattern:

Dear colleagues! I present to you a master class on drawing a cockerel. This work can be done with children from 6 years of age.
For best results, I recommend that you prepare templates for children before starting the lesson.

To get started, print out the coloring page with the image of a rooster and cut it out along the contour of the torso with the head.

Then you can transfer to cardboard several times (according to the number of children) and cut out

Before starting drawing in the lesson, consider photos of cockerels. Let's pay attention to the size of the head, to its ratio with the body; on the ratio of the body and tail; for coloring

Let's start filling in the background. Yellow thin lines denote the hills and rising Sun. Here I want to note that the number of hills in children can be different.

From the top of the sheet yellow start toning the sky with arched strokes

We continue a little adding red to make light orange

Closer to the outline of the sun, add some more red to make the orange brighter. We do not paint over the sun.

We start painting over the hills. First green, gradually adding yellow to get a transition from dark to light

second hill

This is how it will look after painting all the hills

Let's draw dark green Christmas trees in the background

Attach the template and trace with a pencil. When positioning it, PAY ATTENTION to the fact that there is room on the right for a magnificent tail, and below for a fence

Color the head light brown. Dark brown we draw an eye, a beak.

We outline the scallop in red. It starts at the beak

Finishing the scallop

We draw a beard. She walks along the body

With yellow, with the addition of red, with small strokes, we fill the neck. We try to do this carefully so that the colors do not mix. We outline the wing.

We paint over the wing in blue, with the addition of white

We draw in blue, in the entire width of the brush, the lines are tail feathers

Emerald color paint over the lower part of the body and add a few lines-feathers on the tail

We add light strokes in white to give the cockerel expressiveness

Light brown, with the addition of dark brown, draw a fence

We finish drawing the legs of the rooster

If time permits, you can draw grass and flowers at the bottom of the sheet

Finished work can be framed

Below I bring to your attention the work of children 6 years old

Agree, the rooster is a very beautiful bird? Roosters with multi-colored long tail feathers are in no way inferior in beauty even to a peacock. And what an important and proud look the rooster has ... True, draw a rooster live if you live in the city is quite problematic. But on the Internet you can find many pictures of this bird. And if you need a drawing of a rooster, you can simply copy it from a photo.
As always, we will draw a rooster in stages with a pencil. At the last step, you can color the drawing with colored pencils or paints.

1. Draw a simple outline of a rooster

First, it is important to highlight three areas in which to draw the neck, torso and tail. The contour lines can be of arbitrary shape, the main thing is to accurately draw their sizes, since the proportions of the future drawing of the rooster will depend on this.

2. How to draw a rooster, the second stage

A scallop grows on the cockerel's head, and "earrings" below the beak. I don’t know why he needs them, but he needs to draw them. Draw an oval for the head, and just below the outline for the "earrings". After that, draw two contours for the paws, I think it will not be difficult for you.

3. The general outline of the shape of the body and tail

Look closely at my drawing and try to circle it in the same way general outline rooster. Immediately after that, you can remove the extra lines from the drawing. In addition, at this step, you still need to start drawing two bird legs.

4. Drawing of a rooster in detail

This step is simple, but the most laborious. Start drawing what seems easier to you. I think paws rooster draw the easiest. Then you can zigzag the tail from the body of the rooster and draw the outline of the longest and most extreme feather. The next element of the drawing is the wing, you can draw it arbitrarily. And now you can start drawing the head of the rooster. Draw a beak and correct the outline of the "earrings". Select the area in which you will then draw the eye. And finally, draw the initial outline of the cock's comb.

5. How to draw plumage

At this stage, the drawing of the rooster will be completely completed. Select the tail feathers with curved lines, add another zigzag line on the neck and draw the eye. See what other details I missed and add them as you see fit. For example, I forgot to draw spurs on the paws. But they must have every rooster. If you paint a picture of a rooster with paints, then make barely noticeable outlines for various colors.

6. How to draw a rooster. final step

black and white rooster drawing doesn't "look" at all. It is desirable, of course, to color it. Just keep in mind that if you do not know how to use paints, then it is easy to spoil the picture. It is better to take colored pencils or felt-tip pens and color the drawing with them. If you need to draw with a simple pencil, then make shadows, focusing on my drawing. As always, I advise you to draw at least a simple landscape in the background, such as a wooden rustic fence.

In this lesson, you will be able to draw a beautiful Ara parrot in stages.

It may seem that drawing a sparrow is not difficult, because we see this bird all the time in the yard. In fact, drawing a sparrow is difficult, it is much easier to draw a large bird, such as a rooster.

If the rooster is a very beautiful bird with bright and colorful plumage, then the swan is perhaps the most elegant bird. That is why you need to draw a swan very carefully so that it does not turn into a goose.

The stork and the rooster have become unique and rare birds for city dwellers. But if a rooster can sometimes be found in the city, then the stork can only live outside the city, away from the city noise.

The eagle is such a powerful and predatory bird that it poses a threat even to an adult chicken and rooster, not to mention chickens. However, the proud and beautiful appearance of this bird makes us forget that it is the largest and most dangerous flying predator.

If you managed to draw a rooster correctly, then drawing a crow will not be difficult for you, especially since you can draw a crow from nature, just look out the window.

In addition, we use simple pencil medium hard (HB), drawing paper and tinted pastel drawing paper. The image of a rooster is performed in stages. We start by drawing the diagram on drawing paper, draw the details of the bird. Then we transfer the drawing to tinted paper and work on it. oil pastel, but you can also complete your work on plain paper.


On a sheet of paper for drawing with a simple pencil, draw two ovals. One larger oval - this will be the body, above it a smaller oval - this will be the head of the rooster. We connect the large and small oval with a line - the bend of the neck.

Draw two lines down from the large oval - the legs of the rooster.


We draw a bird's beak with a triangle. From the large oval to the right, we outline the tail of the rooster with a sharply curved arc.

Above the oval of the head we outline the line of the scallop.

Under the beak we place two semicircles of earrings.

Add curve lines for the neck.

Cross-draw the paws of the rooster.


Inside the large oval, we outline the oval of the wing with a slightly pointed end.

We draw with smooth lines the contours of the "panties" and the lower edge of the tail.


We draw the teeth of the scallop. In the oval of the wing, draw the plumage lines.

Add a pattern of feathers in the tail.


We draw the "panties" of the legs and paws with a sharp protrusion of the spurs.

We transfer the drawing to tinted paper. Why shade reverse side paper sheet with a pattern. With the shaded side, we apply it to a sheet of tinted paper and, tracing the outline of the drawing, transfer the image to the tinted sheet.

With light strokes we cover with small light Brown color plumage of the head, upper part of the wing and some tail feathers.


With a red chalk we draw a scallop, earrings and feathers in the tail.

The remaining places are passed in lilac color. We refine the plumage of the tail and wing with black chalk. We pass the head and scallop with red-brown chalk.