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There were three marriages, he had only two children. Both children are from the last wife of the famous artist Drizina Ninel Mikhailovna. The eldest son was named Andrew. He was born in 1974. In his numerous interviews, Kobzon repeatedly said that he had complicated relationship with children in their young age. Difficulties were associated with the complex and busy tour schedule of the artist. There is a known case when the singer found five diaries of his son at once, full of twos and threes. Unable to stand it, Joseph flared up and told Andrei that he forbade putting his surname on such study books. This led to a protracted conflict.

Iosif Kobzon with his wife Nelly, mother-in-law Polina Moiseevna and children

A well-known fact is that neither the daughter nor the son of the artist wanted to follow in the footsteps of their illustrious parent. Despite the fact that in the past Andrei was fond of music, she never became the business of his life. Rather, it was light hobby. At one time he was a drummer in the Resurrection group, performed together with Andrei Sapunov and Alexei Romanov (musicians of this group). This was followed by a short work in moral code. Despite all this, Andrei graduated from the Musical Institute in Hollywood, in those years his father hoped to arouse in his son a love of music. However, this did not happen, and Andrey was much more attracted to the world of business. He became the head of the Giusto nightclub. He currently owns several restaurants and also works in real estate. The young man has two daughters from his first marriage, and a son from his second. All the time he has from work, he tries to spend with his beloved children.

Andrey Kobzon at the birthday party of Sati Kazanova

Joseph Kobzon's daughter Natasha ( full name Rappoport-Kobzon Natalya Iosifovna, born in 1976) became an organizer, she is fond of working in the field of public relations. Her family life is well known to the press, she is very prosperous. She has a very warm relationship with her husband and already has four children.

Natalia Kobzon

So, at the moment, Joseph Kobzon has two grandchildren (one son, two daughters) and five granddaughters at once. The last grandson was born quite recently (in 2010). And Natalia decided to name him in honor of her grandfather. By English name the child sounds like Joseph, in Russian - Joseph, the full name is Rappoport Alain-Joseph. In addition to the baby, in the family of Natasha Ornella-Maria, Michel, Idel (the first granddaughter, was born in 1999). Andrey's family includes Polina, Anita and Mikhail. This close-knit family always keeps in touch with each other, despite the fact that each member of the family has a busy schedule.

Natalia Rapoport

Whether true, or fiction


To my parents, Sofia Yakovlevna and Yakov Lvovich Rapoport

You swallow books like this one easily, in one sitting, as if not noticing that it is - book. A deceptive game of stories, anecdotes, funny stories, almost gossip - "but one day ...". Then you suddenly discover that behind the tale there is an era, and even with a capital letter - the Epoch. And it doesn't matter that the ease in reading is unusual: it is she who puts the heaviest weights on the scales, she hurts the most. Because it is lightness, almost weightlessness human life. The trace that we leave behind in the souls of people close to us.

First, she was the daughter of her parents. Secondly, she became a friend of so many famous and brilliant people that it seems that it was simply a sin not to write this book: sit down and write.

Thirdly, and this is the main thing, you will never write such a book if you are not a person. And the fact that Natalya Rapoport is a talented, witty person, with a keen eye and a subtle instinct, can be seen from the first page.

From the first page, you enter into a round dance of faces - famous scientists, doctors, writers, artists, dissidents, simply charming people, warmed by the author's smile (and they become as significant as their famous compatriots).

And yet, even in this scenario, a string of stories collected according to the principle “it happened once” could not have become a book if behind all this there was not felt a high note of pain, a generalizing thought, a native country that has become an abandoned archipelago; her story, our story.

Our losses.

One of the main characters of the book is Yakov Lvovich Rapoport, a brilliant man, a famous pathologist and - judging by many pages - a wonderful father. His long life, full of events and people, is in itself a whole era, passed on by his daughter with wise love and subtle humor. It is impossible to read without a spasm in the throat about the meeting at the dacha of the professor, “wrapped in a mantle”, old, weak, with an American billionaire, with whom ninety-five-year-old Yakov Lvovich suddenly begins to speak English: a language he has learned, a bookish one, in which he very rarely communicated with foreign colleagues. He spoke in English, perfectly understanding the specific accent of an American!

Surprisingly heartfelt memories of Yulia Daniele. Moreover, again, at first it seems that everything is mixed “in a heap” - family, acquaintances, friends, the cat Lazar Moiseevich and the dog Alik ... And again, from this kind of disorderly mess, an image of extraordinary nobility, tragedy and talent appears before us.

And how amusing it is to read about the foolish “skewers” ​​in which Zinovy ​​Gerdt, Bulat Okudzhava, Sergey and Tatyana Nikitin took part in the tourist camp on the Gauja, in which Zinovy ​​Gerdt, Bulat Okudzhava, Sergei and Tatyana Nikitin took part ... it’s funny if you don’t remember that many of these names have also already become the Epoch.

Life passes - this is its main quality.

The reality given to us in sensations, laughter, tears, in the impulses of the soul and momentary affairs, can turn into fiction - and turns if on the way there is no person like Natalya Rapoport, whose memory does not want to come to terms with the prospect of such a loss, whose heart carries a sense of duty and love, and whose giftedness gives readers a smile and tears, and laughter, and understanding precious gift- life.

Dina Rubina


My first book was called "Either a true story, or a fiction." And so is this new one. Why? First, because you can't imagine better. Secondly, because this is the first line of a poem by my friend Julius Daniel, written by him in the camp. Let me quote these verses from memory:

Whether true, or fiction
In the midst of a happy dream:
I have not been in battles
And I didn't drink wine

Was not marked by a bullet
And I didn't write poetry
I didn't look at women
Didn't caress, didn't throw,

Recklessness did not glorify
Losing day after day
And didn't put it on the map
Neither others nor yourself

Didn't dance awkwardly
Didn't shake in the wind
In the Moscow region cold
Didn't run on skis

And in April dampness
Didn't roam the earth
It's all I dreamed
In the barred haze.

This feeling of were-not-been does not at all depend on which pole to look at the past life from - whether from a prison cell to a “big zone”, like Julius, or from free world, in which I have been since 1990, to the same place. From here, from the dense American material reality, all the phantasmagoria of my past life began to quickly lose its clear outlines. For fifty years I loved, made friends, suffered, rejoiced, sometimes I was happy - and suddenly all this began to go somewhere, as if it were not with me. The feeling “was there a boy” did not let me go for a minute, and the expression “lose yourself” was losing its metaphorical content more and more. That's when I started writing. Under the pen (although what kind of pen is there in our computer age), people and events of my past life came to life, overgrown with flesh, and remained so forever.

Thus, I wrote exclusively for myself, and not for the reader. So it would be, if not for Sergei Nikitin, with whom you will meet more than once here and there on these pages. In what I read and told him, Seryozha saw a book. With his light hand she got it.

The book has been praised. They praised him a lot in the official press, in private letters, and in phone calls. They were especially praised for the fact that in memoirs, as a rule, a person writes about himself, but I don’t, I write about friends. And then I thought about it - is it good to be better than other memoirists? Is it modest? And she drew her own conclusions. Therefore, in the new book you will find a lot of autobiographical material, especially if, like any self-respecting Russian reader, you are smart enough to read between the lines. You will also find many new stories that complement the old ones, which are entirely included in this book.

In the first book there were no photographs vital to her. This gap is also fixed, and with a vengeance.

As before, I am grateful to my harsh critics - my husband Volodya, my daughter Vika and my friends Lena Platonova and Natasha Rubinshtein. During the time that has elapsed since the first book, nothing has changed dramatically - neither unwashed dishes, nor night vigils, nor the rare, but all the more valuable, approval of the above-mentioned persons.

In a word, on the road, reader.



He was ninety-seven and a half years old. The age-wolfhound rushed through his life, trying to chop it up, distort it, destroy it. And dad, in spite of everything, lived a happy life, because he was naturally rewarded with wise optimism. A brilliant man, he loved his profession, Jewish anecdotes, delicious food, wine, friends and women. Friends and women paid him in full reciprocity. Dad remarkably saw the funny and with sparkling artistry told his stories. I had the good fortune to spend more than half a century by his side. I wrote down my father's stories and various episodes of our life, as my memory preserved them.

My grandfather Leib was the director of a real school in Simferopol. Mostly Jewish children studied there. When a Jewish pogrom broke out in Simferopol in 1905, the school became one of its targets. My grandfather was beaten half to death. He was unconscious and almost lifeless. The special service, which picked up the victims of the pogrom, took him for dead and took him to the morgue. He lay there, littered with corpses. When the pogrom was over, grandfather's neighbor went to the morgue with a cart to find and pick up her loved ones from there. There she heard someone moan. She raked up the corpses and found a severely crippled, but still alive grandfather. She brought him home on a cart, and his grandmother came out. Returning to life, the grandfather ran away with a young Tatar aristocrat, two times younger than him. They built a large house in Feodosia and gave birth to two children, a boy and a girl.

However, the boy was born, apparently, even before the pogrom, since in the eighteenth year he was fifteen or sixteen years old. My grandmother was very sad. She and her grandfather had three children: the eldest Vera, my dad and their younger brother Zoya. It was a branch of the Rapoports. And the children of the grandfather and the Tatar princess were Abdaramanchikovs, since the grandfather and the princess were not married. The boy Abdaramanchikov left with the white army and died. After the revolution, the girl somehow moved to America, and I don’t know anything more about her. And grandfather and his Tatar girlfriend in the eighteenth year were found stabbed to death in their Feodosia house. Who did it - bandits or disgraced Tatar relatives, remained unclear. A messenger from Feodosia rode up to the pope in Simferopol, saying that a misfortune had happened to his father. Papa took his pistol (the roads in the Crimea were very turbulent at that time), hired a cart and drove to Feodosia. When he got there, it was too late to find out anything: the corpses were taken to the morgue, the house was ruined and looted, and the ends went into the water. This is how my grandfather Leib died. And my grandmother survived until the Second World War, and she, along with her youngest son Zoya, my father's brother, was shot by the Nazis in Simferopol. I didn't know any of them.

Andrei Kobzon is a worthy successor famous surname. Do you know what the son of the legendary singer does? How is his personal life? All the necessary information about it is contained in the article.

Andrei Kobzon: biography, family

He was born in 1974 in Moscow. His parents don't need much introduction. Andrei's father is the People's Artist of the USSR Iosif Kobzon. His mother, Ninel Mikhailovna, is an honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation.

Andrei has a younger sister, Natalia (b. 1976). She is married to lawyer Rappoport Yuri. The couple live in London and have four children.

Childhood and youth

Our hero grew up as an active and inquisitive boy. At first, his parents did not attach importance to his pranks. But every year the situation only worsened. Andrei turned into a bully and rowdy. He could get into a fight with a neighbor boy, step on a dog's tail, or smash windows in the house with a ball.

Nanny Cook looked after our hero. The woman tried to teach him the rules of etiquette, proper communication with children and adults. But Andryusha did not succumb to such upbringing. Perhaps he simply did not have enough attention from his father. Joseph Davydovich was constantly on tour. And my mother had Andrey's younger sister, Natasha, in her upbringing. He was very jealous of her parent. When the girl grew up, Ninel Mikhailovna began to accompany her husband on his trips. And the children were taken care of by a nanny or their own grandmother.


In high school, Andrei was still able to pull himself together and graduate high school. His parents wanted him to become a diplomat. Therefore, they sent the offspring to study in London. But there the guy stayed only 3 days. And all thanks to him. He convinced Kobzon Sr. and Ninel that their son had a talent for music. Andrei was returned to Moscow. And a couple of months later he went to the USA. Our hero successfully graduated from the Music Institute in Hollywood.

Relationship with father

Joseph Davydovich was never an exemplary parent. He practically did not raise his son when he was small. But when Andrei matured, Kobzon Sr. decided to interfere in his business and personal life. Because of this, conflicts often arose between father and son. Recently, their relationship began to improve. The only thing that the People's Artist of the USSR still cannot come to terms with is Andrey's hairstyle. Or rather, with its absence.


FROM early years our hero showed his Creative skills. Seeing this, the parents enrolled their son in music school. The boy enjoyed attending classes.

For several years, Andrei Kobzon was a drummer in the Resurrection group. If you think that he got into the team thanks to his last name and good connections, then you are greatly mistaken. Our hero was selected on an equal footing with everyone. Members of the Sunday group noted that he had great talent and perfect hearing. He became friends with Andrei Sapunov and Alexei Romanov. Together, the guys moved to another team - "Moral Code".

In 1990, Kobzon Jr. created the Giusto club. Fans of such musical direction like house. In 1997 Giusto became night club, which could get only representatives of the capital's beau monde.

Andrei Kobzon: personal life

Our hero cannot be called a womanizer and ladies' man. He never recognized fleeting romance and relationships that do not oblige to anything. The young man is used to being responsible for his actions.

Kobzon Andrei Iosifovich twice went to the registry office. He met his first wife, a fashion model, at the age of 19. The young rock and roll player immediately realized that he wanted to marry her. But then he could not offer the girl a comfortable life. To remedy the situation, Andrei went into business. At first, he was a co-owner of clubs and restaurants. And at the age of 21 he opened his own establishments. It's about about the restaurant "Maxim", a jewelry store and the club "Giusto".

Ekaterina and Andrey got married. Friends were present at the celebration. Relatives of the bride and groom, as well as his business colleagues. In 1999, the first-born was born to the son of Kobzon. His wife gave him a charming daughter, who was named Polina. The young father could not stop looking at his blood. He himself swaddled her, bathed her and put her to bed. In 2001, another replenishment took place in the family of Andrei and Ekaterina. Their second daughter Anita was born. The famous grandfather doted on his granddaughters. He spoiled them expensive toys and various goodies.


Katya and Andrei have been married for almost 10 years. Over time, their feelings faded. The only thing that connected the couple was their common daughters. Catherine chose a public life. As a professional model, it was important for her to go out and make new acquaintances. Andrey tried not to appear in crowded places.

The couple parted quietly and peacefully. Katya found herself a new man - Dmitry Bulykin. It was he who has been raising Polina and Anita for several years. The girls rarely see their father. But we are always looking forward to meeting him.

New love

In 2007, at one of the social events, Andrei Kobzon met a Korean Anastasia Tsoi. The girl conquered him with her exotic appearance and rich inner world. During her stay in Moscow, she managed to work as a fashion model, yoga teacher and actress.

Andrei Kobzon did everything to achieve the location of the oriental beauty. And in the end, Nastya agreed to become his soulmate. He was in no hurry to inform the famous father about the affair with a Korean woman. But when the girl became pregnant, Andrei decided to talk. The news that he would have a Korean grandson shocked Iosif Davydovich. Just imagine: the successor Kobzon has an oriental appearance.

Soon Andrei introduced Nastya to his family. The girl produced good impression. She was kind, funny and educated. Iosif Davydovich and Ninel Mikhailovna accepted her as their own.

In January 2008, Anastasia's wife gave Andrei a long-awaited son. The boy was given a Russian name - Mikhail. Despite the presence of a common child, Kobzon was in no hurry to enter into a legal marriage with his beloved. Yes, and the girl considered the stamp in the passport a mere formality.

Bachelor again

Friends were sure that he would live with Anastasia Tsoi for many years. However, fate had its own way. At some point, the couple realized that they had become strangers to each other. Even common child could not save the family from disintegration. In 2011, Andrei Kobzon and his Korean wife finally broke up.

girl saved a good relationship with a famous family. Andrei sees his son as often as he can. He provides the boy with financial and moral assistance. Anastasia is often seen in the company of a young man. Perhaps he will become the new dad for Misha.

As for Andrei, he carefully hides his personal life from prying eyes and ears. While Kobzon Jr. is not going to get married. But soon everything can change.


What spheres the son of Kobzon, Andrei, did not try to master. He was a musician, producer and manager. And in 2011, our hero created the company KG LLC with an authorized capital of 90 million rubles. Thus, our hero opened his way to the real estate business.

This is not the first project launched by Andrey Kobzon. A few years ago, he opened two luxurious establishments - a restaurant " silver Age and beer bar Zhiguli.


We talked about what Andrei Kobzon achieved in his years (see photo above). The biography and personal life of a representative of a famous family were examined in detail by us. We wish him good luck in business and family well-being!

The last time the artist performed in front of an overseas audience was in 1994, and a year later the US State Department suspected Iosif Kobzon of "possible connections with Russian organized criminal groups" and banned not only him, but the whole family from entering the United States. “Joseph and I went together to the American embassy for an interview on March 15, I smiled and laughed to cheer him up,” says the wife of the artist Nelly Kobzon. “Now we are waiting for the verdict.”

- Nelly, for all these years, Joseph Davydovich has repeatedly tried to obtain a visa to the United States. Why is this so important to him?

- Here they accused the husband of a "dangerous" friendship. But, understand, he is an artist, people constantly approach him, take pictures, sit down at a table in a restaurant, he does not check their passports. Joseph cannot be responsible for the whole world. And then, the people who were attributed to him as friends are no longer alive - Otari Kvantrishvili, Yaponchik ... Now for Joseph the most important thing is to restore justice. In addition, we have many friends and relatives in America, they want to see us.

What if the visa is denied?

- I have a phrase for all cases: “In any case, everything will be fine!” I myself live with this and I inspire my husband every day. Let's go - great, if we don't go - we'll cry, but life will not end. I can’t say that I don’t care at all, I also want to go to America myself ... Joseph and I are everywhere together, because we are very hard to endure separation.

I'm always nervous about him

- When was the last time you broke up for a long time?

- At the end of March, he let me go to London for a couple of days to visit my daughter Natasha, she has been living there with her family for the sixth year. Her younger son only one and a half years old. Alain Joseph's day is scheduled by the minute: for example, at 17:15 - an afternoon snack, at 18:20 we bathe him, at 19:25 - dinner. I tell my daughter: “Natasha, your boy is one and a half years old, you are always nervous and look at your watch, and my boy will be 75 soon, and I am just as nervous and look at my watch.” I was exhausted during these two days: now I would cook porridge for Joseph, give a pill, call his doctor. We are constantly in touch with doctors.

- Despite the illness, Kobzon gives concerts all over the country, sits in the State Duma, helps everyone. How is it enough for everything?

- It amazes me! I wake up first, at seven o'clock. I want to drink a cup of coffee slowly, listen to the news. But usually it doesn't work, because every now and then the phone rings: help with a hotel room, arrange a hospital - each with his own problems. I start to rake, my husband gets up at 9 o'clock - and I give him all the information.

- Do you scold your spouse for taking on so many things?

- I have recently dissolved something, sometimes I allow myself criticism: “At least you can not participate in something?” It really doesn't change anything at all. Joseph always did and continues to do what he sees fit. If one of our friends thinks that I influence my husband, then I assure you - in no way. Firstly, he doesn’t listen to me anyway, and secondly, I myself understand that I’m wrong when I get into his affairs, I can publicly apologize to him for this. I have enough topics of my own - home, children, grandchildren, friends, trips. But now my main job, which I do with pleasure, is to feed my husband, dress him up, kiss him on the path, energize him.

She has been "working" as her husband's wife for 40 years. The wife of Joseph Kobzon told StarHit that she is ready to publicly apologize to him.

He doesn't have a head, but a computer!

// Photo: Personal archive of Joseph Kobzon

- What does Kobzon like for breakfast?

- He always eats breakfast very tightly, because he never, ever has lunch - he just feels sorry for the time. In food, he is unpretentious: porridge or scrambled eggs - the main thing for him is that the dish be prepared by my hands. He has breakfast and I retell last news. And in the morning, and then a hundred times a day, I confess my love to him.

- And what about Joseph Davydovich?

- He, like a man, is not so generous with words of love, but every day he proves it with deeds. Recently, I needed to catch three events in a day, Joseph thought out my route in advance by car: “Why do you need to spin extra kilometers around Moscow, you will get tired!” He constantly thinks and cares about me! I advise my friends: do not pay attention to words, men in their hearts can say anything, the main thing is actions.

- When Kobzon decided to leave the stage 15 years ago, you were upset: they say, there will be fewer flowers in the house. And the husband promised you every day to buy a bouquet. Does he keep his word?

- Iosif Davydovich never deceived me - I am always with flowers! In fact, he doesn't forget anything. Calls, for example, our friend: “Mamuka, did you buy flowers for your wife? Why should buy? Because it's your wedding anniversary! He doesn't have a head, but a computer! By the way, my husband is now learning to work on a computer. Every day, as a schoolboy, he studies with a teacher for two hours. And I'm with him. Grandchildren easily use both Skype and ICQ, and Joseph and I, although people from another century, do not want to lag behind them.

We stuck like Siamese twins

- If you have a free evening, how do you spend it?

- The day before yesterday we watched Giselle in the Bolshoi. There, on new stage, danced for the first time by Evgenia Obraztsova, who used to perform at the Mariinsky Theater for 10 years. All so quivering, airy ... I look after the first act - mine is sitting, wiping tears with a handkerchief, it emotionally struck him so much. We were at Sovremennik, at the conservatory for the anniversary of the Minin choir, went to listen to Anna Netrebko. Joseph, due to the fact that he used to tour for 8-10 months a year, missed so many films and performances! For so long a person has been deprived of simple joys, now he fills in the gaps and receives great pleasure. When I was in the hospital after the operation, I brought him a bunch of CDs, he watched “Love and Pigeons” for the first time - he cried and laughed, saying: “What an amazing picture!” I re-watch films with him that I have known by heart for a long time. Sometimes I think: it would be better to take care of things. But Joseph likes me to sit next to him.

- You have been happy together for 40 years. What is the secret of your marriage?

- Over the years, we have stuck to each other like Siamese twins ... This is such an important moment: I try to get around sharp corners, I don’t pay attention to stupid little things, because of which my husband can grumble or shout: “Why did the children call you, but me No? Why didn't you come on time?" I laugh it off: “Iosenka, dear, it seems to me that you need to eat something, your blood sugar has increased.” I realized long ago that family life For the most part, everything should be treated with humor.

Kobzon during last performance at the Donetsk Opera and Ballet Theatre.

Kobzon's daughter Natalya, being married to an Australian citizen Yuri Rappoport (at the age of seven he emigrated from Minsk with his parents), lives in London with his children. The children have typically Russian names Idel, Michel, Ornella-Maria and Alain-Joseph, and they love the Russian language, but do not know it.
Iosif Kobzon complained with undisguised resentment about the impossibility of visiting these particular children when on February 16 he was included in the sanctions list of persons prohibited from entering the EU.

Natalya Kobzon has been suffering from scoundrels and American puppets all her life. adult life- in the 90s she went to study in America, and since then she has been visiting Russia, preferring to live alternately in the States, Belgium, France and England.
No, I understand that the calls of the “servants of the people” for revenge on the accursed West, where they sent their children to suffer, pour oil on the souls of Russian patriots who cannot float their children over the hill. But I do not understand sincere bewilderment and resentment People's Artist USSR Iosif Kobzon, to the fact that the countries that he verbally despises and hates, suddenly forbade him to enter.
Did he live to old age and did not understand that his public statements inciting hatred for "scoundrels and American puppets" are listened to not only by the people for whom they are intended, but also by these same "scoundrels"?

Matchmakers Kobzons-Rappoports with suffering children and grandchildren

When the first personal sanctions were introduced a year ago, Russian top officials had fun, and even laughingly asked to be included in the black lists - they did not believe that this was serious and for a long time. When it turned out that the accursed imperialists were not joking, they quickly fell silent, leaving the right to incite hatred for the West to lower-ranking individuals who were only rushing to the trough.
And Kobzon has nothing to lose - his statements "Europe, America, let them go to hell!" on the one hand, it is explained by sincere resentment from the impossibility of touring, treatment, rest, and visits to grandchildren. And also a deep confidence that these are legal countries in which the son is not responsible for the father, and which will not answer Kobzon and his colleagues in inciting hatred with the words: “Your children suffer with us, right? Well, they won’t suffer anymore - a suitcase, a train station, Russia.